TABLE 7.—Estimated relative risks for current and former cigarette smokers, females aged 35 years or more, 4-year (1982-86) followup of American Cancer Society 50-State study (CPS-II) Underlying cause Current Former of death smokers" smokers" All causes 1.90 b 1,32 b (1.82-1.98) (1.27-1.37) CHD, age 235 (410-414)° 1.78 1,31 (1.62-1.97) (1.19-1.44) CHD, age 35-649 (410-414) 3.00 1.43 (2.50-3.59) (1.15-1.77) CHD, age 265 (410-414) 1.60 1.29 (1.42-1.80) (1.16-1.43) Other Heart Disease* (390-398, 1.69 1.16 401-405, 415-417, 420-429) (1.44-1.99) (1.00-1.34) Cerebrosvascular Lesions, age 235 1.84 1.06 (430-438) (1.56-2.16) (0.88-1.27) Cerebrovascular Lesions, age 35-64 4.80 1.41 (430-438) (3.52-6.54) (0.94—2.13) Cerebrovascular Lesions, age 265 1.47 1.01 (430-438) (1.19-1.81) (0.83-1.24) Other Circulatory Disease’ (440-448) 3.00 1,34 (2.20-4.08) (0.95-1.90) COPD (490-492,496) 10.47 7.04 (7.78-14.09) (5.33-9.30) Other Respiratory Disease® 2.18 1.38 (010-012,480-489 493) (1.60-2.97) (1.04-1.84) Cancer, Lip, Oral Cavity, Pharynx 5.59 2.88 (140-149) (3.15~9.91) (1.57-5.26) Cancer, Esophagus (150) 10.25 3.16 (4.94-21.27) (1.45-6.85) Cancer, Pancreas (157) 2.33 1.78 (1.77-3.08) (1.37-2.30) Cancer, Larynx (161) 17.78 11.88 (3.45-91.74) (2.46-57.34) Cancer, Lung (162) 11,94 4.69 (9.99-14.26) (3.86-5.70) Cancer, Cervix Uteri (180) 2.14 1.94 (1.06-4.30) (0.97-3.87) Cancer, Kidney (189) 1.41 1.16 (0.86—2.30) (0.72-1.87) Cancer, Bladder, Other Urinary Organs (188) 2.58 1,85 (1.31-5.08) (1.00-3.42) NOTE: Preliminary estimates, based upon 2,418,909 woman-years of exposure among female subjects who never smoked regularly, or who smoked only cigarettes, present or past. Relative risks, estimated with respect to women who never smoked regularly, have been directly standardized to the age distribution of all woman-years of exposure. sRefers to cigarette smoking status at enrollment (September 1982). ‘Numbers in parentheses are 95-percent confidence intervals, computed on the assumption that the logarithm of relative risk was normally distributed. All disease codes refer to International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision. When an age range is given, it refers to the age at enrollment in 1982. includes Hypertensive Heart Disease (401-404). Includes Aortic Aneurysm, Non-Syphilitic, and General Arteriosclerosis (440-441). "Includes Influenza and Pneumonia (480-487). SOURCE: Unpublished tabulations, American Cancer Society. 151 tween Cigarette use and risk of stroke. They also noted a slight increase in risk among former cigarette smokers, especially for the first 2 years after cessation. The prelimi- nary results from CPS-II, reported in Tables 6 and 7, further support a causal role for cigarette smoking in stroke. The preliminary results of CPS-II also show significantly higher relative risks for cancers of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and lung, as compared with CPS- I. The computed relative risk for lung cancer death has increased to 22 in men and 12 in women. While the relative risks for COPD death have not changed significantly among men, there is a trend toward increasing risk among women. The available data from CPS-II do not permit identification of specific mortality risks for hypertensive heart disease, aortic aneurysm, and influenza and pneumonia, as in CPS-I. However, among broader categories of cardiovascular and nonneoplastic respiratory disease, in- creased risks are likewise found in CPS-II. Endocrine and Sex-Related Cancers in Women A protective effect of smoking on cancer of the endometrium has been suggested in a recent case-control study (Lesko et al. 1985). For CPS-I, the relative risk for cancers of the uterine corpus (ICD-7 Codes 172-174) among current smokers was 0.94 (95-per- cent confidence interval, 0.57 to 1.53). Preliminary results for CPS-II suggest a reduced relative risk for endometrial cancer (ICD-9 Code 182). Recent data on a possible protective effect of smoking for breast cancer have been contradictory (See Chapter 2; Rosenberg et al. 1984). For CPS-I, the relative risk for breast cancer (ICD-7 Code 170) among current smokers was 0.88 (95-percent con- fidence interval, 0.77 to 1.01), while the relative risk among former smokers was 1.20 (95-percent confidence interval, 1.15 to 1.35). Preliminary data from CPS-II have likewise been contradictory. An increased risk of cervical cancer among cigarette smokers has been reported in case-control studies (LaVecchia et al. 1986; Nischan, Ebeling, Schindler 1988). For CPS-I, the relative risk for cervical cancer (ICD-7 Code 171) was 1.10 (95-percent con- fidence interval, 0.83 to 1.47). Data from CPS-II show a twofold increase in cervical cancer mortality among current smokers (relative risk 2.14, 95-percent confidence in- terval 1.06 to 4.30). Summary The relative risks for current smokers for selected comparable disease categories causally related to smoking in CPS-I and CPS-II are summarized and listed side by side in Table 8. These comparisons show substantial increases in the risk of death due to smoking for most of the disease categories listed between the years 1959 and 1965 and 1982 and 1986. Statistically significant increases in relative risks occurred in those dis- ease categories for which 95-percent confidence limits around the estimated relative risks do not overlap between CPS-I and CPS-II. Compared with men during this period, women experienced greater increases in the relative risks of cerebrovascular lesions (ages 35 to 64 years), COPD, laryngeal cancer, and lung cancer. 152 TABLE 8.—Summary of estimated relative risks for current cigarette smokers, major disease categories causally related to cigarettes, males and females aged 35 years and older, CPS-I (1959-65) and CPS-II (1982-86) Underlying cause : Males Females of death” CPS-I CPS-II CPS-I CPS-II CHD, age 235 1.83 1.94 1.40 1.78° CHD, age 35-64 2.25 2.81° 1.81 3.00° Cerebrovascular Lesions, 1.37 2.24° 1.19 1.84° age 235 Cerebrovascular Lesions, 1.79 - 3.67° 1.92 430° age 35-64 COPD 8.81 9.65 5.89 10.47 Cancer, Lip, Oral Cavity, 6.33 27.48 1.96 5.59 and Pharynx Cancer, Esophagus 3.62 7.60 1.94 10.25° Cancer, Pancreas 2.34 2.14 , 1.39 2.33 Cancer, Larynx 10.00 _ 10.48 3.81 17.78 Cancer, Lung 11.35 22.36 2.69 11.94? "See Tables 4-7 for International Classification of Disease codes. *95-percent confidence intervals do not overlap between CPS-I and CPS-IL SOURCE: Tables 4-7. Smoking-Attributable Mortality in the United States, 1965 and 1985 Table 9 reports the attributable risks a from cigarette smoking during the year 1965. Ten causes of death are considered: CHD, COPD, cerebrovascular disease, and can- cers of seven sites. The computations are based upon the age-adjusted relative risks reported in CPS-I and the prevalence rates reported in the 1965 NHIS. For men, the age-adjusted relative risks among present and past cigarette smokers with a history of pipe or cigar use were slightly lower than those for present and past smokers of ciga- rettes exclusively. While the latter are reported for comparison in Table 4, the former were used in the attributable risk computations. In 1965, as shown in Figure 2, about two-thirds of men with a history of regular cigarette smoking were also exposed to pipe or cigar smoke. (As noted in Note b of Table 10 below, the use of relative risks derived from the death rates of men who smoked cigarettes exclusively resulted in about a 5- percent increase in attributable deaths for 1965.) For women, the computation of at- tributable risks in 1965 did not distinguish between current and former smokers. 153 TABLE 9.—Estimated attributable risks for 10 selected causes of death from cigarette smoking, males and females, United States, 1965 Males" b Cause of death (Se) ar CHD, age 35-64 42 26 (40-45)° (23-30) CHD, age 265 ll 3.3 (9-14) (2.1-5.1) COPD 84 67 (79-88) (57-76) Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 74 27 (59-85) (12-51) Cancer of larynx 84 47 (61-94) (8-90) Cancer of esophagus 57 14 (36-76) (6-29) Cancer of lung 86 40 (82-88) (31-50) Cancer of pancreas 41 14 (30-53) (6-30) Cancer of bladder 53 36 (39-66) (20-56) Cancer of kidney 36 17 (19-56) (5-42) Cerebrovascular disease, age 35-64 28 28 (21-36) (22-33) Cerebrovascular disease, age 265 2.0 1.3 (0.6-6.6) (0.2-6.5) “For males, computations based on prevalence rates in Table 2 and relative risks for male current and former cigarette smokers, with or without a history of pipe and cigar smoking, derived from CPS-1. "For females, attributable risks computed from prevalence rates in Table 2 and relative risks for all female smokers, past and present, in Table 5, “Numbers in parentheses are 95-percent confidence intervals. In 1965, as Table 9 reveals, cigarette smoking was responsible for 42 percent of CHD deaths among younger men and 26 percent of deaths among younger women. For COPD deaths at all ages, the smoking-attributable risks were 84 percent for men and 67 percent for women. For lung cancer, the respective attributable risks were 86 per- cent and 40 percent for men and women. With the exception of deaths from stroke among younger persons, attributable risks were markedly higher for men. Table 10 reports the corresponding smoking-attributable deaths, A, during the year 1965. Attributable deaths were computed by multiplying the attributable risk percent- ages in Table 9 by the corresponding cause-specific death rates among persons aged 20 154 TABLE 10.—Estimated deaths (in thousands) attributable to cigarette smoking, 10 selected causes, males and females, United States, 1965 Cause of death Males Females CHD, age <65 51 9.5 (48-54)? (8.2-10.8) CHD, age 265 25 6.0 (20-30) (3.9-9.4) COPD 16 2.3 (15-17) (2.0-2.7) Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 3.6 0.4 (2.9-4.2) (0.2-0.8) Cancer of larynx 1.9 O14 (1.42.2) (0.02-0.3) Cancer of esophagus 2.4 0.1 (1.5-3.2) (0.2-0.8) Cancer of lung 35 3.1 (34-36) (2.4-3.8) Cancer of pancreas 3.8 0.9 (2.8-4.9) (0.4—2.0) Cancer of bladder 3.0 1.0 (2.2-3.7) (0.5-1.5) Cancer of kidney 1.2 0.3 (0.7-1.9) (0.1-1.8) Cerebrovascular disease, age <65 5.5 AT (4.2-7.2) (3.8-5.6) Cerebrovascular disease, age 265 1.5 1.0 (0.4-4.8) (0.2-5.9) Ten causes 150° 30 (143-157) (26-34) NOTE: Computed from Table 9 and tabulations of deaths at ages 20 years or more by cause for 1965 (NCHS 1967). Sums may not equal totals because of rounding. *Numbers in parentheses are 95-percent confidence intervals. >When the attributable risk estimates given in Note a of Table 9 were used, the total attributable deaths for males were 158,000 (95-percent confidence interval, 151,000 to 166,000). Approximately two-thirds of the 8,000 additional deaths were from CHD. years or more. For the 10 causes combined, cigarette smoking was responsible for 150,000 deaths among men and 30,000 deaths among women in 1965. Among men, CHD deaths made up 51 percent of smoking-attributable mortality for the 10 causes combined. This proportion is consistent with the estimate of 45 percent reported by the 1964 Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General for excess mortality from all causes (US PHS 1964). Similarly, lung cancer accounted for 23 percent of the smoking-attributable mortality for the 10 causes combined—again consistent with the 155 1964 Report’s estimate of 16 percent of deaths from all causes. Among women, CHD deaths made up 52 percent and lung cancer 10 percent of the smoking-attributable mor- tality from the 10 causes combined. Table 11 shows the estimated attributable risks a from cigarette smoking for the year 1985. For comparability with the 1965 calculations, the same 10 causes of death are considered. The computations are based upon the relative risks reported in CPS-II and the prevalence rates reported in the 1985 NHIS. For men, the computations employed the relative risks for past and present smokers of cigarettes exclusively, as shown in Table 6. As Figure 2 indicates, the proportion of male smokers who used other forms TABLE 11.—Estimated attributable risks for 10 selected causes of death from cigarette smoking, males and females, United States, 1985 Males Females Cause of death (%) (%) CHD, age <65 45 ; 4) (40-50) (34-48) CHD, age 265 21 12 (17-26) (9-15) COPD 84 79 (78-88) © (73-83) Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 92 61 (79-97) (45-76) Cancer of larynx 81 87 (57-93) (56-97) Cancer of esophagus 78 75 (62-89) (57-87) Cancer of lung 90 79 (88-92) (75-82) Cancer of pancreas 29 34 (18-43) (25-44) Cancer of bladder 47 37 (31-63) (18-61) Cancer of kidney 48 12 (32-64) (3-43) Cerebrovascular disease, age <65 51 Rp) (36-65) (45-65) Cerebrovascular disease, age 265 24 6 (16-35) (2-14) NOTE: Computed from Tables 2, 6, and 7. For adult men under 65, the proportions of current and former cigarette smokers in 1985 were, respectively, 34.7 and 25.8 percent. For men 65 or older, the prevalences of current and former cigarette smoking were, respectively, 19.4 and 51.1 percent. For adult women under 65, the corresponding proportions were 30.1 and 16.5 percent; for adult women 65 or older, 12.6 and 19.6 percent. “Numbers in parentheses are 95-percent confidence intervals. 156 of tobacco was too small to affect significantly the results for 1985. For women, rela- tive risks for current and former cigarette smokers were employed (Table 7). Comparison of Tables 9 and 11 reveals significant increases in attributable risk from 1965-85. In 1985, smoking accounted for 21 percent of CHD deaths in older men, compared with 11 percent in 1965. The attributable risks for cancers of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx, esophagus, and lung increased significantly. Changes in the attributable risk estimates for women are even more striking. Among younger women, smoking now accounts for an estimated 41 percent of CHD deaths and an estimated 55 percent of lethal strokes, compared with 26 and 28 percent, respec- tively, in 1965. Among women of all ages, 79 percent of lung cancers are attributable to cigarette use (see Table 11). Overall, smoking accounted for 86.7 percent of all lung cancer deaths (95-percent confidence interval 84.9 to 88.4), 81.8 percent of all COPD deaths (95-percent con- fidence interval 78.3 to 85.3), and 21.5 percent of all CHD deaths (95-percent con- fidence interval 19.4 to 23.4). In addition, smoking accounted for 18.0 percent of all stroke deaths (95-percent confidence interval 14.2 to 22.9). Table 12 reports estimated smoking-attributable deaths for the 10 causes during 1985. Total deaths have increased to 231,000 for men and 106,000 for women. As op- posed to 1965, CHD in men now accounts for only one-third of the smoking-attributable mortality from the 10 causes combined. The proportion of these attributable deaths due to lung cancer has increased to one-third. Likewise, among women, smoking-at- tributable CHD fatalities now account for one-third of the 10-cause total; the relative importance of smoking-induced cancer fatalities has also increased. The total 10-cause smoking-attributable mortality for 1985 was 337,000 deaths, com- pared with 183,000 in 1965. A portion of the observed 1965-85 increase, however, was the result of population growth. In addition, there were increases in the proportion of elderly persons who would be more at risk for smoking-induced death. For men and women, respectively, Figures 10 and 11 show the results of a correction for population increase and population aging. In each figure, three quantities are shown for each of four categories of smoking-attributable mortality: CHD deaths under age 65; CHD deaths age 65 years or more: COPD deaths; and lung cancer deaths. The first quan- lity is the estimated smoking-attributable deaths for 1965. The second bar shows smok- ing-attributable deaths for 1985. The third bar shows the estimated 1985 smoking-at- tributable deaths if the U.S. populations at each age had remained at 1965 levels. The latter quantities were computed as aD, where a is the attributable risk given in Table li and D’ isa population-corrected estimate of 1985 U.S. deaths. The latter quantity was computed by multiplying 1985 age-specific death rates by the populations at risk in 1965. Figures 10 and 11 show that population growth and aging cannot explain the chan- ges in smoking-attributable mortality between 1965 and 1985. In particular, the marked increases in smoking-attributable deaths from lung cancer and COPD in women are systematic consequences of the American woman's adoption of lifelong cigarette smoking, from teenage years onward. For men, population-corrected deaths due to smoking in 1985 were 165,000, com- pared with 150,000 in 1965. For women, population-corrected deaths due to smoking 157 TABLE 12.—Estimated deaths (in thousands) attributable to cigarette smoking, 10 selected causes, males and females, United States, 1985 Cause of death Males Females CHD, age <65 34 11 (30-38)" (9-12) CHD, age 265 44 26 (36-54) (20-34) COPD , 37 20 (35-39) (18-21) Cancer of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx S.1 1.6 ( (1.2-2.0) Cancer of larynx 2.3 0.6 (1.6-2.7) (0.4-0.7) Cancer of esophagus 5.0 1.6 (4.0-5.7) (1.3-1.9) Cancer of lung 76 30 (74-77) (29-32) Cancer of pancreas 3.3 3.4 (2.1-5.0) (2.8-5.1) Cancer of bladder : 3410 Ld (2.1-4.2) (0.6-1.9) Cancer of kidney 2.6 0.4 (1.8-3.5) (0.1-1.5) Cerebrovascular disease, age <65 5.5 5.2 (3.9-7.0) (4.3-6.2) Cerebrovascular disease, age 265 12 48 . (8-17) (1.9-11.4) Ten causes 231 106 (220-242) (98-115) NOTE: Computed from Table 11 and unpublished tabulations of deaths at ages 20 years or more by cause from NCHS, 1985. Sum of individual causes may not equal totals because of rounding. “Numbers in parentheses are 95-percent confidence intervals. in 1985 were 67,000, compared with 30,000 in 1965. Even if the population had remained entirely stable during 1965 through 1985, the lethality of cigarette use in American women would have doubled. Among men, the total of 231,000 smoking-induced deaths in 1985 represented 41 percent of total deaths from the 10 causes combined and 22 percent of all deaths among persons aged 20 years or more. Among women, the total of 106,000 smoking-induced deaths represented 25 percent of deaths from the 10 causes combined and 11 percent of deaths from all deaths among persons aged 20 years or more. The computations in Tables 10 and 12 have omitted other causes of death that are likely to be attributable to cigarette use. If the relative risks given in Tables 6 and 7 for 158 8s 8 6 8 8 38 8 SMOKING ATTRIBUTABLE DEATHS (1000s) 0 CHO 85+ COLD Ca Lung FIGURE 10.—Estimated cigarette-smoking-attributable deaths from CHD, COPD, and lung cancer, males aged 20 years or more, United States, 1965 and 1985 NOTE: For the bars marked 1985", the estimated smoking-attributable deaths in 1985 have been corrected for population increases during 1965-85. FEMALES SRRBBSRE 4 T3 SMOKING ATTRIBUTABLE DEATHS ¢ 1000s) @ CHO <85 CHD 65+ COLD Ca Lung FIGURE 11.—Estimated cigarette-smoking-attributable deaths from CHD, COPD, and lung cancer, females aged 20 years or more, United States, 1965 and 1985 NOTE: For the bars marked 1985”, the estimated smoking-attributable deaths in 1985 have been corrected for population increases during 1965-85. 159 the broader categories of cardiovascular and nonneoplastic respiratory disease are ap- plied to deaths from hypertensive heart disease, arteriosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, and influenza and pneumonia, then smoking-attributable deaths would increase to 256,000 among men and 126,000 among women. Inclusion of deaths among newborns and in- fants due to smoking during pregnancy would add an additional 2,500 to the total (CDC 1987b; McIntosh 1984; Kleinman et al. 1988); this does not include fetal loss due to smoking (Stein et al. 1981). Inclusion of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers due to environmental tobacco smoke (NRC 1986) would add 3,800 and inclusion of deaths from cigarette-caused fires (Hall 1987) would add 1,700 to total attributable deaths. In- clusion of deaths due to cervical cancer caused by smoking would add 1,500. Includ- ing these additional causes of death, the smoking-attributable mortality in 1985 is then estimated to be approximately 390,000. Recent studies have also noted increased risks among smokers for hepatic cancer (Trichopoulos et al. 1987), penile cancer (Hellberg et al. 1987), leukemia (Kinlen and Rogot 1988), and anal cancer (Daling et al. 1987), Among all persons at risk during 1985, an estimated 52 million were also cigarette smokers in 1965. The remaining 42 million were new cigarette smokers. In 1985, only about 4,400 deaths occurred among the latter group, which consists of persons in their teens, twenties, and thirties. Thus, 99 percent of deaths attributable to cigarette use in 1985 occurred among people who started smoking in 1965 or earlier. The vast majority of these people started smoking before the release of the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report TABLE 13.—Estimated risks of various activities Annual fatalities per | million Activity or cause exposed persons Active smoking 7,000" Alcohol 541 Accident 275 Disease 266 Motor vehicles 187 Alcohol-involved 95 Non-alcohol-involved 92 Work 113 Swimming 22 Passive smoking? 19 All other air pollutants? 6 Football 6 Electrocution 2 Lightning 0.5 DES in cattlefeed 0.3 Bee sting 0:2 Basketball 0.02 NOTE: Activities are not mutually exclusive: there are overlaps between categories. Differences in fatalities do not imply proportionate differences in years of life lost. “Number of deaths per million smokers who began smoking before 1965. °Cancer deaths only. SOURCE: Active smoking, CPS-II; NHISs 1965, 1985: U.S. Bureau of the Census (1974, 1986). Other activities or causes, U.S. President (1987). 160 and before the 1965 Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. For this group, the annual smoking-attributable fatality rate is about 7 deaths per 1,000 at risk, or about 7,000 deaths per 1 million persons. As shown in the Economic Report of the President (U.S. President 1987), this rate far exceeds the rates for other risks of death (Table 13). 10. Conclusions Lung cancer death rates increased two- to fourfold among older male smokers over the two decades between the American Cancer Society’s two Cancer Preven- tion Studies (CPS-I, 1959-65, and CPS-II, 1982-86). Lung cancer death rates for younger male smokers fell about 30 to 40 percent during this period. Lung cancer death rates increased four- to sevenfold among female smokers aged 45 years or older in CPS-II compared with CPS-I, while lung cancer death rates among younger women declined 35 to 55 percent. The two-decade interval witnessed a two- to threefold increase in death rates from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in female smokers aged 55 years or older. There was no change in the age-adjusted death rates for lung cancer and COPD between CPS-I and CPS-II among men and women who never smoked regularly. Overall death rates from coronary heart disease (CHD) declined substantially be- tween CPS-I and CPS-II. The decline in CHD mortality among nonsmokers, however, was notably greater than among current cigarette smokers. In CPS-II, the relative risks of death from cerebrovascular lesions were 3.7 and 4.8 for men and women smokers under age 65. Increased risks of stroke were also observed among older smokers and former smokers. Along with the recently reported results of other studies, these findings strongly support a causal role for cigarette smoking in thromboembolic and hemorrhagic stroke. In 1985, smoking accounted for 87 percent of lung cancer deaths, 82 percent of COPD deaths, 21 percent of CHD deaths, and 18 percent of stroke deaths. Among men and women less than 65 years of age, smoking accounted for more than 40 percent of CHD deaths. The large increase in smoking-attributable mortality among American women be- tween 1965 and 1985 was a direct consequence of their adoption of lifelong cigarette smoking, especially from their teenage years onward. In 1985, 99 percent of smoking-attributable deaths occurred among people who started smoking before the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report. For this group, the annual smoking-attributable fatality rate is about 7,000 deaths per | million per- sons at risk. For 10 causes of death, a total of 337,000 deaths were attributable to smoking in 1985. These represented 22 percent of al] deaths among men and 11 percent among women. If other cardiovascular, neoplastic, and respiratory causes of death were included—as well as deaths among newborns and infants resulting from maternal smoking, deaths from cigarette-caused residential fires, and lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers due to environmental tobacco smoke—the total smoking-attributable mortality was about 390,000 in 1985. 161 References ABBOTT, R.D., YIN, Y., REED, D.M., YANO, K. Risk of stroke in male cigarette smokers, New England Journal of Medicine 315(12):717-720, September 18, 1986. ALDERSON, M.R., LEE, P.N., WANG, R. Risks of lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, ischaemic heart disease, and stroke in relation to type of cigarette smoked. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 39(4):286-293, December 1985. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. Unpublished tabulations. ANDERSON, S., AUQUIER, A., HAUCK, W.W., OAKES, D., VANDAELE, W., WEIS- BERG, HI. Statistical Methods for Comparative Studies. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1980. BLACK, B., LILIENFELD, D.E. 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Other Cancers? 20... cc ccc ee ee eee e ene 195 What Are the Special Health Risks for Women? .......---++-+++5+5 195 Effects of Smoking on Pregnancy Outcome .........- toes 197 Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Among Smokers Who Use Oral Contraceptives ©. ..-- 6 eee e eee cere nee 197 Other Health Risks Related to Tobacco Use ........--+ see eee veees 200 Involuntary (Passive) Smoking «2... 06... 0+ eee e ete e eens 200 Is Smoking an Addiction? ...:.. cece tence nee eee eeeeee 200 Interaction Between Smoking and Other Exposures ......-....-- 202 Smokeless Tobacco .........-+-+-0055 Lecce eet ee teens 202 Personal Health Risks for Smokers .........0 0200 e ee tee tee eee tees 202 How Harmful Is Smoking? 2.0.0... 6 60 eee eee eet eter e eens 204 Absolute Risk 0c cece eee cee ee teen tenn nenes 206 Relative Risk ... 0.00.0 ccc eee cee tent e enn nneees 206 Attributable Risk and Smoking- Attributable Mortality ...........+-- 206 Comparative Risk ....... 0000s cece terete ene tent en nes 207 Knowledge Among Adolescents About the Health Risks of Smoking .......- 212 General Health Effects ......... 002 cee cece e eee ene een e renee 212 Personalized Risk 22.0... 00. c ee cece tee tee eet ee enn ee eens 215 Comparative Risk 22.02... 6-000 e cece ete eee teeter ents 215 Addiction .... cece cece cece eee tenet eee nent nee 216 Smokeless Tobacco Use ....... 00 ce eee eee teen teen eres 217 Constituents of Tobacco Smoke... 0.0... 0 eee eee ete tenets 217 Health Benefits of Smoking Cessation .......--.-. see e eee e eee e eens 219 DiscusSiON .... ccc ccc tee eeeee ee ee ee eee eee ee eee ene rena 219 Current Gaps in Public Beliefs About the Health Effects of Smoking .. 219 Factors Interfering With Changes in Knowledge ......---+--+-+++: 222 The 1990 Health Objectives for the Nation .......... +--+ sees reese 223 173 Trends in Public Attitudes About Smoking and Smokers ................... 224 Involuntary Smoking as an Ammoyance ....... 00... cece eee cee eee. 224 Nonsmokers’ Rights... 0... eee eeeeeeeee cece 224 Actions When Smokers Light UP occ cece e cece eee. 227 Opinions of Teenagers 2.0.2... eee eee eee! 227 Trends in Public Opinion About Smoking Policies ........................ 230 Overview ooo eee cee etter entree! 230 Background ...... 2.00... e cece cece cece. 230 Limitations of the Surveys in Assessing Public Opinion About Smoking Policies ©... 0.2... cece eee ee. 230 Restrictions on Smoking ...... 20.00... o kee e ce ceee cece 230 General... cece cee eee! 230 Public Places... 02. ceee eee. 232 Workplace... 6.6 ee cece cence. 232 Airplanes cece eee ee cece 232 Restaurants... eee cece eee! 235 Other Places 62. cece cece. 235 Restrictions on the Sale and Distribution of Cigarettes 2......0.00.0....., 235 Complete Ban on Sales... 000.0... ce cece cece. 235 Limiting Sales to Minors 235 Banning Free Samples ....... 0.00.00... cece eee eee 239 Policies Pertaining to Information and Education........................ 239 Restricting or Prohibiting Tobacco Advertising ................0.. 239 Waming Labels for Cigarettes... ooo cece cee. 241 Economic Policies... 2... cece cee eee cee el 241 Taxation 0c ccc ce cece cece 241 Hiring 2... cece cece cece 241 Conclusions ..... 6... eiceeeer se pre eeT 244 Appendix 2... ii eeeeessssre ers re enn 246 References... 0. esses eres serene 254 174 Introduction This Chapter analyzes trends in public beliefs, attitudes, and opinions about smok- ing. It is divided into three sections. The first describes trends in public beliefs regard- ing the health effects of smoking, the second describes trends in public attitudes about smokers and smoking, and the third describes trends in public opinion about smoking policies. At the outset, it is important to define and clarify the important terms used in this Chapter. Terms such as knowledge, awareness, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes have commonsense meanings to the lay person, but more complex meanings to the social scientist. For example, Allport (1935) reviewed many definitions of attitude and con- structed his own comprehensive definition: “An attitude is a mental or neural state of readiness, organized through experience, exerting a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual’s response to all objects and situations with which it is related.” Entire books have been devoted to the science of defining and measuring public at- titudes, opinions, and beliefs (e.g., Oskamp 1977). For sections two and three of this Chapter, which deal with attitudes and opinions, the commonplace understanding of these terms will suffice. For the first section, however, which covers beliefs about health effects, a more careful approach is war- ranted. This Section generally follows the construct described by Fishbein (1977), which embraces three levels of belief: 1. Level 1 (awareness): A person may believe that “the Surgeon General has deter- mined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to health.” 2. Level 2 (general acceptance): A person may believe that “cigarette smoking is dangerous to health.” 3. Level 3 (personalized acceptance): A person may believe that “my cigarette smoking is dangerous to my health.” Most of the survey data presented in the first section address Level 2 beliefs. At times, the term public knowledge is used to refer to public beliefs (Level 2 beliefs at the population level). There are few data regarding Level 1 beliefs; consequently, use of the terms awareness and public awareness is generally avoided. Data pertinent to Level 3 beliefs are available from a few surveys in three forms: (1) questions asking whether smoking “is harmful to your health”; (2) questions asking whether respondents are “concerned” about the effects of smoking on their health; and (3) questions asking whether respondents believe that they are less likely, as likely, or more likely than other people to be adversely affected by smoking. These levels of beliefs are discussed in more depth later in this Chapter. Data Sources The information presented in this Chapter is derived from three principal sources: 1. Nationally representative surveys conducted by the U.S. Public Health Service from 1964-87, including the Adult Use of Tobacco Surveys (AUTSs) (1964, 1966, 1970, 1975, 1986) and the National Health Interview Surveys (NHISs) (1985, 1987). The NHIS questions were part of the Health Promotion and Dis- 175