0403. IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Lucas State Office Buliding, Fourth Floor, Des Molnes, lowa 50319-0075. Program Title: Health Department Activities For iowa. Contact: Ms. Monica H. Eischen, Chief, Bureau of Health Promotion (515)281-6779. Description: The Department of Public Health provides technical assis- tance to business industry and State agencies in developing and establishing worksite smoking policies, sponsors smok- ing-related conferences, facilitates smoking withdrawal clas- ses for State employees, and serves as a clearinghouse for smoking-related information and resource material including smokeless tobacco. Requests from management about new legislation and from employees who believe the law is not being enforced receive responses. The Bureau of Health Promotion provides smoking withdrawal classes for State employees based on the American Cancer Society's FreshStart program. The classes are conducted by anurse consultant. For more information, see the description in Part 1. The bureau also has information about smoking withdrawal methods, local resources that offer classes, statistics about the numbers of smokers, passive smoke issues, etiology of smoking, and smokeless tobacco. This information is provided upon request. A smokeless tobacco package, developed for distribution to schools throughout lowa, includes resource materials, a teaching packet, and slides. The package was produced by the Department of Public Health, Voluntary Health Organiza- tion, University of lowa, lowa Coalition for Comprehensive School Health Education, and others. 0404. MERCY HOSPITAL, HEALTH PROMOTION, West Central Park at Marquette, Davenport, lowa 52804. Program Title: Smoke Stoppers. Contact: Ms. Claudia Cox, Program Coordinator (319)383-1000. Description: Smoke Stoppers, developed by the National Center for Health Promotion, is a three-phase smoking cessation program. Phase | prepares the individual for quitting; Phase II provides the techniques, guidance, support, and structure for 238 cessation; and Phase Ill provides an ongoing support and maintenance system. 0405. MERCY HOSPITAL WELLNESS PROGRAM, 701 10th Street S.E., Cedar Rapids, lowa 52403. Program Title: Smoke Stoppers. Contact: Ms. Lee Anne Houtz, Health Promotion Coordinator (319)398-6591 Description: Smoke Stoppers, developed by the National Center for Health Promotion, is a three-phase smoking cessation program. Phase I prepares the individual for quitting; Phase II provides the techniques, guidance, support, and structure for cessa- tion; and Phase lil provides an ongoing support and maintenance system. 0406. ST. JOSEPH MERCY HOSPITAL, 84 Beaumont Drive, Mason Clty, lowa 50401. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Jean Torgerson, Consumer Health Education (515)424-7393. Description: The self-help smoking cessation and maintenance materials developed by the American Lung Association are offered to inpatients, outpatients, and hospital employees. Individual counseling is available. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0407. ST. JOSEPH MERCY HOSPITAL, 84 Beaumont Drive, Mason City, lowa 50401. Program Title: Smoke Stoppers. Contact: Robert Mason, Director, Health Consultation Services (515)424-7889. Description: Smoke Stoppers, developed by the National Center for Health Promotion, is a three-phase smoking cessation program. Phase | prepares the individual for quitting; Phase II provides the techniques, guidance, support, and structure for cessa- tion; and Phase Ill provides an ongoing support and maintenance system. KANSAS 0408. THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, KANSAS DIVISION, INC., 3003 Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas 66611. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Stacy Hoogstraten, Vice President for Public Education (913)267-0131. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart program is of- fered. A variety of pamphlets, poster, and films about smok- ing are also available from the society. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0409. THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, ‘KANSAS DIVISION, INC., 3003 Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas 66611. Program Title: Smokeless Squares. Contact: Ms. Stacy Hoogstraten, Vice President for Public Education (913)267-0131. Description: : Smokeless Squares is a smokeless tobacco kit developed by medical professionals, teachers, and the American Cancer Society for students in kindergarten through grade 6 to show the dangers of all tobacco products. It-contains a video presentation designed and performed by children and suggests lesson plans for the teachers. 0410. THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, KANSAS DIVISION, INC., 3003 Van Buren, Topeka, Kansas 66611. Program Title: Trouble in A Pinch. Contact: Ms. Stacy Hoogstraten, Vice President for Public Education (913)267-0131 Description: Trouble in A Pinch is a smokeless tobacco kit developed by medical professionals, teachers, and the American Cancer Society for students in grades 7 through 12 to show the dangers of all tobacco products. It is a five-part series featur- ing video presentations by WDAF-TV of Kansas City. This is a straightforward factual program including interviews with the Surgeon General, Kansas City Royal George Brett, and the mother of a young man who died from cancer after using smokeless tobacco. Lesson plans and discussion questions accompany the video. 0411. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Program Title: : Hugh McCabe: The Coach's Final Lesson. Contact: Ms. Mavis Glenn, Program Secretary (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. | Description: 239 As part of the Smoke-Free Family Program, this video is avail- able on a free loan basis to schools, organizations, medical facilities, and individuals. A variety of pamphlets in the area of smoking education are also available; the catalog will be sent upon request. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0412. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Facilitators’ Training Session. Contact: Ms. Roberta Kunkle, Smoking Education Consultant (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: This program is for persons interested in becoming stop smok- ing clinic leaders. During the training, prospective instructors explore the concepts, philosophy, materials, and techniques that are incorporated into Freedom From Smoking clinics. Audiovisual materials are shown and group dynamic skills are practiced. In order to be certified, instructors agree to main- tain the integrity of the program, conduct at least one clinic a year, and schedule all clinics through the American Lung Association of Kansas. Cost of the training is $30. 0413. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby, Clinics For Pregnant Women. Contact: Ms. Roberta Kunkle, Smoking Education Consultant (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: This is a group program for pregnant smokers based on the self-help book, Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby. The clinics are scheduled on request, usually through schools or health departments. For more information on the self-help manual, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0414. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Public Clinics. Contact: Ms. Roberta Kunkle, Smoking Education Consultant (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: Clinics are held four times a year in Topeka-Kansas City metropolitan area and in Wichita. They are also offered in various areas of the State. The cost is $50 for each par- ticilpant. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. 0415. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Workplace Clinics. Contact: Ms. Roberta Kunkle, Smoking Education Consultant (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: This program is provided at the request of employers. tt is delivered at the worksite, during working hours or at the close of the workday. Groups are open to employees and members of their families. The cost is $50 a person, with a minimum of 12 participants. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. 0416. Program Title: Self-Help Smoking Cessation Manuals. Contact: Ms. Mavis Glenn, Program Secretary (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: The following manuals are available upon request: Freedom From Smoking In 20 Days, A Lifetime of Freedom From Smok- ing, Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby, and Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Family. The prices vary from $5 to $7. For more information, see the detailed program descriptions in Part 1. 240 0417. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604, Program Title: Smoke-Free Class Of 2000 Project. Contact: Ms. Jan Michel, Director of Communications (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: A coalition of the American Lung Association, the American Cancer Society, and the American Heart Association has been formed to work together on the Smoke-Free Class Of 2000 Project. Planning is now underway to involve a number of first-grade students. This is an ongoing program that will follow these students as they progress through elementary and secondary school. The goal of the coalition is to make this the first class to graduate without any students who are smokers. Through this program, the coalition is helping the Surgeon General reach the goal of a Smoke-Free Society by the year 2000. 0418. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KANSAS, 4300 Drury Lane, Post Office Box 4426, Topeka, Kansas 66604. Program Title: Smoking Education. Contact: Ms. Roberta Kunkle, Smoking Education Consultant (913)272-9290 or (800)432-3957. Description: A variety of special programs include: Business Consult- ations On Smoking Policy; Employee Education And Aware- ness Programs; School Education Programs; and Educational Programs For Organizations. These programs can be designed to meet a variety of needs. JOHNSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 6000 Lamar, Room 140, Mission, Kansas 66202. 0419. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Anita Sauerwein, R.N., Health Promotion Coordinator (913)791-5660. Description: The American Cancer Society's smoking cessation program is offered to adult smokers in the community. For more infor- mation on this American Cancer Society program, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0420. JOHNSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 6000 Lamar, Room 140, Mission, Kansas 66202. Program Title: Personal Wellness. Contact: Anita Sauverwein, R.N., Health Promotion Coordinator (913)791-5660. Description: As part of an adult health and fitness program, counseling and referral is offered to smokers. One-hour individual sessions, which include physical assessment and counseling, are of- fered at the worksite or by appointment at county health clinics. The program offers the opportunity to assess lifestyle and health risks with focus on reducing risks of heart attack, can- cer, and stroke. A computerized health risk appraisal is per- formed for each participant. For those who report a smoking history, appraisal results will include relevant facts on smok- ing and health with referral to local programs and resources to help them quit. A pamphlet library carrying a wide variety of information from Federal and State health agencies, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, American Heart Association, and others is available to all par- ticipants. An evaluation of health goals determined during a private counseling session is offered at 1 month and again at 6 months. 0421. KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND EN- VIRONMENT, Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas 66620-0001. Program Title: Task Force On Hazards Of Tobacco Consumption. Contact: Jenny Ransom, M.A., Adult Health Promotion Administrator (913)296-1226. Description: Atask force chaired by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and representatives from State and community health agencies meets monthly to network resources and publicize the hazards of tobacco consumption to Kansans. This task force provides free consultation and materials on the hazards of tobacco consumption. The following agencies are represented on the task force: The Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Social Rehabilitation Services, American Cancer Society, American Lung Association, Department of Human Resources, American Heart Associa- tion, Topeka/Shawnee County Health Department, Kansas Department of Education, Wichita/Sedgwick County Health Department, Kansans For Non-Smokers Rights, and Kansas Department on Aging. RENO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND HOME HEALTH AGENCY, 209 West Second, Hutchinson, Kansas 67501. 0422. 241 Program Title: School Age Smoking Education. Contact: Virginia Garst, R.N., PATCH Smoking Cessation Task Force Chair (316)663-6721. Description: An annual school education program of one to two hours is presented to students in grades 7 and 8. Through videos, films, and speakers, this program provides insight into the health impact of smoking and awareness of advertising promotions and peer pressures regarding smoking. Pre- and posttest evaluation surveys are completed to measure impact of information. 0423. RENO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT AND HOME HEALTH AGENCY, 209 West Second, Hutchinson, Kansas 67501. Program Title: Smoking Cessation Clinics. Contact: Carolyn Carter, R.N., Public Health Nurse Supervisor (316)663-6721. Description: . Smoking Cessation Clinics are available to the employees of area businesses on an as requested basis. There are four or five day or evening sessions over a 2- to 3-week period. Clients develop and conduct their own smoking cessation plans by utilizing methods of both the American Cancer Society's FreshStart Program and the American Lung Association’s programs encouraging lifestyle behavior chan- ges based on knowledge and information about self and smoking. ST. JOHN'S HOSPITAL, Post Office Box 5201, Sallna, Kansas 67402-5201. 0424. Program Title: Stop Smoking Clinics. Contact: Ms. Peg Romine, Program Coordinator (913)827-5591. Description: Stop Smoking Clinics are based on the American Cancer Society's FreshStart program. The clinic utilizes education, mutual support, and behavior modification principles to deal with addiction and withdrawal, litestyle changes, and relapse prevention. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. TOPEKA-SHAWNEE COUNTY HEALTH AGENCY, 1615 West 8th Street, Topeka, Kansas 66606. 0425. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Linda Bonnel, R.N., Health Promotion Supervisor (913)233-8961. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion program is offered quarterly through the City-County Health Agency. Although the fee is $20, services are not denied to those unable to pay. The class is offered to the com- munity as well as in conjunction with a corporate wellness program. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. KENTUCKY 0426. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, KENTUCKY DIVISION, INC., Medical Arts Bullding, 1169 East- ern Parkway, Loulsville, Kentucky 40217. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Joyce Compton, Public Education Director (502)459-1867. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered. Also four sessions to train instructors are scheduled each year. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0427. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Offlce Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking At Work. Contact: Ms. Joan Stafford, Health Educator (502)363-2652. Description: This program provides smoking education, policy develop- ment, and smoking cessation for the workplace, combining all the smoking related services provided by the American Lung Association of Kentucky in a complete package. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0428. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Mr. Mike Staufacker, Health Education Director (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking 242 clinics are offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0429. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby. Contact: Ms. Joan Stafford, Health Educator (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking self-help program for pregnant women is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0430. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Ken- tucky 40201. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Self-Help Manuals. Contact: Mr. Mike Staufacker, Health Education Director (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking Self-Help Manuals are offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. 0431. Program Title: Growing Healthy. Contact: Mr. Mike Staufacker, Health Education Director (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association's Growing Healthy educa- tional program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. 0432. Program Title: In Control. Contact: Mr. Mike Staufacker, Health Education Director (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association’s In Control smoking cessa- tion program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0433. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. Program Title: Lungs Are For Lite Modules. Contact: Mr. Mike Staufacker, Health Education Director (502)363-2652. Description: These classroom teaching modules, introducing health ac- tivities, are available to area schools. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0434. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF KEN- TUCKY, Post Office Box 969, Louisville, Kentucky 40201. Program Title: Smoking And Pregnancy Kit. Contact: Ms. Joan Stafford, Health Educator (502)363-2652. Description: The American Lung Association's Smoking And Pregnancy program is offered to area health care personnel. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0435. COOPER/CLAYTON, Department of Community Dentistry, Chandler Medical Center, M-129, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0027. Program Title: The Cooper/Clayton Method To Stop Smoking. 243 Contact: Thomas M. Cooper, D.D.S., Professor, Department of Com- munity Dentistry and Richard R. Clayton, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Sociology (606)233-5281 or (606)257-4420. Description: The Cooper/Clayton method is taught in 1-hour support group sessions offered weekly to a maximum of 20 persons. The program operates on a rolling admissions basis. The par- ticipant is required to attend 24 weekly group sessions, the equivalent of 1 full day or 3 working days. The target audience is heavy smokers, those smoking from 30 to 80 cigarettes a day. The program is based on the assumption that virtually all heavy smokers are addicted to nicotine. During the first 2 weeks of the program the smokers record their daily consump- tion of cigarettes. Beginning with week 3, the participants use nicotine polacrilex on a fixed-dose regimen and do so for a total of 6 weeks. Beginning with week 9, the participants begin a phased backdown off the nicotine polacrilex so that at week 24 they have not smoked for 22 weeks and they are complete- ly free of nicotine. During the weekly group sessions, various topics are covered including factors related to relapse, weight gain and how to avoid it, the role of nicotine in the brain and body, and how to cope with stress as an adult nonsmoker. The sessions are completely positive in tone and do not emphasize the negative consequences of smoking. 0436. KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR HEALTH SER- VICES, HEALTH PROMOTION BRANCH, 275 East Main Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40621. Program Title: Great American Smokeout. Contact: Ms. Edie Crews, Program Coordinator (502)564-71 12. Description: The Great American Smokeout is conducted in State agen- cies in Frankfort as well as in local health departments throughout the State. It is conducted annually in November and activities last for a week. Activities include voluntary sign- ups for participation, cessation information, and followup evaluation. Through the followup evaluation, it has been determined that for those employees who do not smoke during the 24-hour period of the Smokeout, there is a high success rate of quitting permanently. 0437. KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR HEALTH SER- VICES, HEALTH PROMOTION BRANCH, 275 East Main Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40621. Program Title: Smoking Cessation Program For State Employees. Contact: Ms. Edie Crews, Program Coordinator (502)564-7112. Description: The Health Promotion Branch serves as a resource in guiding employees to smoking cessation programs when requested. Self-help programs are also available upon request. 0438. LEXINGTON-FAYETTE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 650 Newton Pike, Lexington, Kentucky 40508. Program Title: Stop-Smoking Clinics. Contact: Carol Vaughn, R.N., Director, Special Services (606)252-2371. Description: The program consists of six weekly 1-hour sessions offered to employees free of charge. Participants are taught interven- tion techniques and provided with information on the health effects of smoking. Positive reinforcement through group in- teraction plays a major role in the program's implementation. 0439. MAXICARE KENTUCKY, INC., 870 Corporate Drive, Suite 402, Lexington, Kentucky, 40503. Program Title: Smoking Cessation Clinics. Contact: Ms. Susan Paavola, Health Education Director (606)223-4554. Description: This organization conducts smoking cessation clinics using the materials and guidelines provided by the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association. 0440. THE NORTON LIFESTYLE CENTER, 226 East Broadway, Louisville, Kentucky 40202. Program Title: Smoke Stoppers. Contact: The Norton Careline (502)562-7018. Description: Smoke Stoppers, developed by the National Center for Health Promotion, is a three-phase smoking cessation program. Phase | prepares the individual for quitting; Phase Il provides the techniques, guidance, support, and structure for cessa- tion; and Phase [Il provides an ongoing support and maintenance system. 0441. THREE RIVERS DISTRICT HEALTH DEPART- MENT, Route 5, Box 16A, Owenton, Kentucky 40359. Program Title: Tobacco Education. Contact: Ms. Carol L. Donnelly, Health Educator (502)484-3412. Description: The program is offered twice monthly, for 3 months each semester. Each session is 45 minutes in length. Students in grade 4 are tested before and after participation in the program on their knowledge of the effects of tobacco on the body. Films, pamphiets, models, games, and other audiovisual aids are used. 0442. WEDCODISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Post Office Box 226, Highway 36, Carlisle, Kentucky 40311. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Lee Rose, R.N., Program Director (606)289-2188. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart program is offered to all prenatal, hypertension, and diabetic patients, free of . charge. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. LOUISIANA 0443. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, LOUISIANA DIVISION, INC., Masonic Temple Building, Suite 700, 333 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3118. Program Title: Education Programs. Contact: Mr. Garrett G. Stearns, Executive Vice President (504)523-2029. Description: The American Cancer Society’s educational programs are offered. For more information, see the detailed program “descriptions in Part 1. 0444. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, LOUISIANA DIVISION, INC., Masonic Temple Building, Suite 700, 333 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3118. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Mr. Garrett G. Stearns, Executive Vice President (504)523-2029. Description: The FreshStart program is offered free of charge throughout the State. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, LOUISIANA, INC., 105 Campus Drive East, Post Office Box 159, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047-0159. 0445. Program Title: Calling It Quits. Contact: Mr. Paul A. Baricos, Program Director (504)764-8711. Description: The American Heart Association's self-help smoking cessation brochure, Calling tt Quits, is available upon request. 0446. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, LOUISIANA, INC., 105 Campus Drive East, Post Office Box 159, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047-0159. Program Title: in Control. Contact: Mr. Paul A. Baricos, Program Director (504)764-8711. Description: The home video smoking cessation program, in Control, is available through the American Heart Association's Heart At Work worksite health promotion program. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, LOUISIANA, INC., 105 Campus Drive East, Post Office Box 159, Destrehan, Louisiana 70047-0159. 0447. Program Title: Save A Sweet Heart. Contact: Mr. Paul A. Baricos, Program Director (504)764-8711. Description: The American Heart Association's Save A Sweet Heart 245 program is conducted in schools by students. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0448. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF LOUISIANA, 333 St. Charles Avenue, Suite 500, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3180. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking In 20 Days. Contact: Mr. Ben Fontaine, Director of Community Programs (504)523-5864. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking self-help manuals are offered for the cost of $10. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF LOUISIANA, 333 St. Charles Avenue, Suite 500, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-3180. 0449. Program Title: Group Hypnosis. Contact: Mr. Ben Fontaine, Director of Community Programs (504)523-5864. Description: Group hypnosis is conducted by a certified group hyp- notherapist at sites throughout the State. It is a 90-minute clinic given five times a year at a cost of $35 a person. This program is available to the general public and as an individual- ized program for businesses and corporations. The group is hypnotized three times during the clinic, and all receive support literature and a followup tape cassette. LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND 0450. HUMAN RESOURCES, OFFICE OF PREVENTIVE AND PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES, 325 Loyola Avenue, Post Office Box 60630, New Orleans, Louisiana 70160. Program Title: Patient And Community Education. Contact: Mr. Joseph D. Kimbrell, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Programs (504)568-5050. Description: The Chronic Disease Section promotes patient and com- munity information on the health hazards of smoking through counseling individual clients in the hypertension control and prenatal clinics and through community presentations to groups. 0451. OUACHITA PARISH HEALTH UNIT, 2913 Desiard Street, Post Office Box 4460, Monroe, Louisiana 71211. Program Title: Louisiana High Blood Pressure Control. Contact: Nursing Supervisor of the Ouachita Parish Health Unit and Assistant Nursing Supervisor of the West Monroe Health Unit (318)362-3400 and (318)322-3554. Description: This program, which targets black male adolescents, seeks to control and prevent chronic cardiovascular disease by control- ling important risk factors, such as cigarette smoking, hyper- tension, exercise accordance, and imbalanced diet. The program also serves as a referral source for private- and public-sector physicians who can use the program's patient education and counseling resources to enhance patient compliance with the physician's treatment plans. 0452. THE WELLNESS INSTITUTE, 2901 General de Gaulle Drive, Sulte 106 B, New Orleans, Louisiana 70114. Program Title: Smokefree. Contact: Harold H. Dawley, Jr., Ph.D., Program Director (504)361-1845. Description: Smokefree is a comprehensive worksite smoking control, dis- couragement, and cessation program developed over a 14- year period. Smoking control consists of consultation on restricting smoking at the worksite along with providing no smoking signs. Smoking discouragement involves the place- ment of 12 different posters using humor to emphasize quit- ting throughout the worksite. The Smokefree smoking cessation program is offered in conjunction with smoking con- trol and discouragemeht and is available in three different for- mats. The first smoking cessation format is a self-help program consisting of the book Smokefree — How to Stop Smoking in Nine Easy Steps and the audiotape HypnoQuit — How to Stop Smoking through Self-Hypnosis, and three packs of Quit-Stiks, smoking substitutes made from natural cin- namon sticks. The second format involves the use of the self- help program in conjunction with a workshop. The third format involves the use of the self-help program in conjunction with a group program of eight 1-hour sessions over a 3-week period. Followup is available for all three cessation formats. Smokefree is research based and has been used in several funded research studies with over 15 articles published in various professional journals relating to its effectiveness. MAINE 0453. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. Program Title: An Early Start To Good Health. Contact: Ms. Connie Reed, Assistant Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-0113. Description: The American Cancer Society’s primary grades smoking education program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0454. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Vicki Johnson Purgavie, Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-0113. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0455. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. Program Title: Health Myself. Contact: Ms. Connie Reed, Assistant Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-0113. Description: This three-unit teaching kit is designed for students in grades 7 through 9. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0456. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. 246 Program Title: Health Network. Contact: Ms. Connie Reed, Assistant Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-0113. Description: This program, designed for students in grades 4 through 6, is a followup to An Early Start to Good Health. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0457. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. Program Title: Healthy Decisions. Contact: Ms. Connie Reed, Assistant Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-01 13. Description: This computer software program is designed for students in grades 4 through 6. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0458. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAINE DIVISION, INC., 52 Federal Street, Brunswick, Maine 04011. Program Tithe: Smoke-Free Young America. Contact: Ms. Connie Reed, Assistant Public Education Director (207)729-3339 or (800)482-0113. Description: This program is aimed at five target groups: vocational and technical high school students, preschool children, early adolescents, health care professionals, and expectant parents. Currently this program package consists of the Breaking Free program for vocational and technical students and the Starting Free program for preschool children. For more information on these programs, see the detailed program descriptions in Part 1. 0459. AMERICANLUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAINE, 128 Sewall Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. Program Title: Because You Love Your Baby. Contact: Ms. Sharon Gleason, Program Assistant (207)622-6394. Description: This kit, designed to help health care providers counsel mothers-to-be on the dangers of smoking cigarettes, includes: 1) handbook for health care providers; 2) packet for mothers- to-be; 3) no smoking signs and posters; 4) flip chart illustrat- ing the reaction of the body to nicotine; 5) fact sheets on cigarette smoking and secondhand smoke; and 6) amagazine reprint of "It Might Have Been a Beautiful Baby." 0460. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAINE, 1 28 Sewall Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Facilitators’ Training. Contact: Mr. Peter King, Assistant Executive Director (207)622-6394. Description: A two-day training program is offered biannually to health professionals and other interested persons who want to or- ganize and conduct stop smoking clinics in their community, hospital, or workplace. During the training, the concepts, philosophy, materials, and techniques incorporated into the Freedom From Smoking clinics are explored. Participants are given the chance to view audiovisuals that have been developed for the clinics and practice group dynamic skills necessary to conduct a program effectively. 0461. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAINE, 128 Sewall Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Self-Help Manuals. Contact: Mr. Peter King, Assistant Executive Director (207)622-6394. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking self-help manuals are offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0462. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAINE, 128 Sewall Street, Augusta, Malne 04330. Program Title: In Control. Contact: Ms. Sharon Gleason, Program Assistant (207)622-6394. Description: The American Lung Association's In Control smoking cessa- tion program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0463. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAINE, 1 28 Sewall Street, Augusta, Maine 04330. Program Title: School Resources. Contact: Ms. Karen Waldman, Program Associate (207)622-6394. Description: Avariety of smoking prevention education programs are avail- able to schools, communities, and other special interest groups. Informational resources include pamphlets, puzzles, fact sheets, and buttons. Specitic school programs offered are Octopuff in Kumquat, Lungs Are For Life, audiovisual resources for students in grades 5 through 12, “Death in the West," "Feminine Mistake,” “Hugh McCabe: The Coach’s Final Lesson,” and Biofeedback Smoking Education Project. For more information on these programs, see the descriptions in Part 1. 0464. THE BADVERTISING INSTITUTE, Post Office Box 644, Deer Isle, Maine 04627. Program Title: The Joy Of Smoking — A Brand New Look At The Same Old Hype. Contact: Ms. Bonnie Vierthaler, Artist and Director (207)348-9978. Description: The Joy Of Smoking is a spoof by artist Bonnie Vierthaler on glamorous cigarette advertisements. This witty series of col- lages tries to tell the truth behind cigarette advertising by jux- taposing cigarette advertisements with images from medical journals. The work has traveled to schools around the country so that children might learn to associate the health hazards of smoking with misleading cigarette advertising. The series is available for public exhibit. 0465. MAINE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DIVISION OF HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION, BUREAU OF HEALTH, State House Station 11, Augusta, Maine 04333. Program Title: Coalition On Smoke-Free Society. Contact: Mr. Randy Schwartz, Acting Director (207)289-5180. Description: The Bureau of Health provides staff support to the Coalition on Smoking or Health, which is composed of over 20 organiza- tions in the State of Maine. The goal of the coalition is a smoke-free society by the year 2000. The coalition sponsors legislation and educational activities related to that goal. 0466. MAINE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DIVISION OF HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION, BUREAU OF HEALTH, State House Station 11, Augusta, Maine 04333. Program Title: Planned Approach To Community Health. Contact: Mr. Randy Schwartz, Acting Director (207)289-5180. Description: The Community Health Promotion program is currently work- ing with the Centers for Disease Control's Division of Health Education to implement the Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH) program in four communities in Maine. In several of the PATCH sites, smoking prevention and cessation programs are being developed. MARYLAND ALLEGANY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Willowbrook Road, Cumberland, Maryland 21502. 0467. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Jane R. Miller, R.N., Health Educator (301)777-5600. Description: This is a smoking cessation incentive program that gives smokers an incentive to set a quit date and remain smoke-free for 1 month. Successful participants have a chance to win a variety of prizes. The program was designed and evaluated 248 by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In a 1-year followup, 10 percent of contest participants in worksite programs and 6 percent of contest participants in community programs remained smoke-free. This program has been implemented by 16 local health departments since it was designed in 1984. 0468. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., ALLEGANY/GARRETT COUN- TIES UNIT OFFICE, 111 South George Street, Cumberland, Maryland 21502. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Helen Stallings, Program Coordinator (301)722-2145. Description: The American Cancer Society’s FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0469. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., CHESAPEAKE/POTOMAC AREA OFFICE, Bullding A, 1401 Route 3 North, Gambrills, Maryland 21054. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Pat Nolan, Program Coordinator (301)721-4304. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge in Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince Georges, and St. Mary’s Counties. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0470. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., EASTERN SHORE AREA OFFICE, 104 West Chestnut Street, Post Office Box 163, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Laura Brittingham, Program Coordinator (301)749-1624. Description: The American Cancer Society’s FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge in Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Annes, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., FREDERICK COUNTY OFFICE, 11 West South Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701. 0471. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Mary Ann Ford, Program Coordinator (301)622-2357. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 249 0472. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., MONTGOMERY COUNTY OFFICE, 11323 Amherst Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland 20902. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Christine Yankus-Eng, Program Coordinator (301)933-9350. Description: The American Cancer Society’s FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0473. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., NORTH CENTRAL MARYLAND AREA OFFICE, 200 East Joppa Road, Suite 300, Baltimore, Maryland 21204. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Mr. Christopher Heidelberg, Program Coordinator (301)821-7200. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge in Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard Counties. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MARYLAND DIVISION, INC., WASHINGTON COUNTY UNIT OFFICE, 1037 Haven Road, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740. 0474. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Mary Ann Ford, Program Coordinator (301)733-8272. Description: The American Cancer Society’s FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered to the public free of charge. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0475. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, MARYLAND AFFILIATE, 415 North Charles Street, Post Office Box 17025, Baltimore, Maryland 21203. Program Title: Save A Sweet Heart. Contact: Ms. Sandra L. Joy, Program Associate (301)685-7074. Description: The American Heart Association's Save A Sweet Heart program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0476. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Sulte 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0477. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby. Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1 100 or (800)492-7527. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0478. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Sulte 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Family. Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Family program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0479. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Self-Help Manuals. 250 Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1 100 or (800)492-7527. Description: Freedom From Smoking In 20 Days and A Lifetime Of Freedom From Smoking are available for $7. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0480. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Growing Healthy. Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301)494-1 100 or (800)492-7527. Description: This comprehensive health education curriculum for students in kindergarten through grade 7 is offered to area schools. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0481. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Sulte 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: I'll Never Smoke Campaign. Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301)494-1 100 or (800)492-7527. Description: During the campaign, held once a year for 2 weeks, students between the ages of 9 and 13 make a commitment not to start smoking by signing a pledge form. Parents are asked to rein- force their child’s decision not to smoke by signing the reverse side of the pledge form. Signed forms are collected and returned to the American Lung Association of Maryland and entered in prize drawings. Individual winners are randomly selected and awarded prizes. Grand prize winning schools are also selected. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. 0482. Program Title: In Control. Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: The American Lung Association’s In Control smoking cessation program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0483. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Sulte 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Lungs Are For Life. Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301}494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: These self-contained lessons for students in kindergarten through grade 4 are easily integrated into existing curriculum. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0484. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Marijuana: A Second Look. Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: This is an educational program, designed for children aged 9 through 11, that emphasizes skills children can use to resist peer pressure to experiment with marijuana. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0485. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Sulte 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Smoking And Pregnancy. Contact: Ms. Linda Frisch, Associate Director, Program Development (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: The American Lung Association’s Smoking And Pregnancy program is offered. Fees for each package are as follows: Kit for Pregnant Women, free; Kit for Health Care Providers, $5; slideAape presentation, $30. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0486. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Smoking Deserves A Smart Answer. 251 Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301}494-1100 or (800)492-7527. Description: This smoking prevention program, designed for educators of students in grades 5 through 7, teaches adolescents to under- Stand and resist pressures to smoke and use smokeless tobacco. Designed as a seven-session program, this can be modified to fit into existing curricula. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0487. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MARYLAND, 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville, Maryland 21093. Program Title: Smoking Deserves A Smart Answer Videotape. Contact: Ms. Anne V. Eder, Associate Program Director (301)494-1100 or (800)492-7527, Description: An 11-minute videotape is available to reinforce the basic con- cepts of the Smoking Deserves A Smart Answer curriculum. The tape depicts adolescents in different situations in which they are offered cigarettes and successfully resist the pres- sures to smoke. Videotapes are available in VHS and Beta formats. BALTIMORE CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION, 303 East Fayette Street, Second Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. 0488. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Mr. Robert B. Mancke, Director (301)396-5637. Description: This is a smoking cessation incentive program that gives smokers an incentive to set a quit date and remain smoke-free for 1 month. Successful participants have a chance to win a variety of prizes. The program was designed and evaluated by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In a 1-year fol- lowup, 10 percent of contest participants in worksite programs and 6 percent of contest participants in community programs remained smoke-free. This program has been implemented by 16 local health departments since it was designed in 1984. BALTIMORE CITY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, BUREAU OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND PROMOTION, 303 East Fayette Street, Eighth Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. 0489. Program Title: Smoking Cessation Initiative. Contact: Ms. Lee Truelove, Program Administrator (301)396-5095. Description: This program is offered on request to residents of Baltimore, to employee trainers at worksites, and to Baltimore City Government employees. The program uses educational materials supplied by the American Lung Association, and it emphasizes behavior modification. _Instructor training to worksite representatives is provided. The program objective is to assist adults in their decision to stop smoking and to maintain a 33 percent quit rate after 1 year. BALTIMORE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISION OF HEALTH EDUCATION AND INFORMATION, 401 Bosley Avenue, Towson, Maryland 21204. 0490. Program Title: Community Education. Contact: Mr. William L. Follett, Director (301)494-3078. Description: Literature on the health effects of smoking is provided to civic groups, school children, individual citizens, and county employees. The division has also produced two 30-minute television programs dealing with smoking for transmission over the county cable television facilities and has promoted the transmission of other programs on the subject. The health department has been a consultant to other county agencies and some private agencies in establishing smoking policies for that agency. The department also acts as a clearing-house in referring individuals to voluntary health agencies that offer smoking cessation programs. 0491. CARROLL COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Post Office Box 854, Westminster, Maryland 21157. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Ms. Barbara Rogers, Health Educator (301)876-2152. Description: This is a smoking cessation incentive program that gives smokers an incentive to set a quit date and remain smoke-free for 1 month. Successful participants have a chance to win a variety of prizes. The program was designed and evaluated by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In a 1-year followup, 10 percent of contest participants in worksite programs and 6 percent of contest participants in community programs remained smoke-free. This program 252 has been implemented by 16 local health departments since it was designed in 1984. 0492. CHARLES COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Post Office Box 640, La Plata, Maryland 20646. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Linda Leuthauser, Health Educator (301)934-9577. Description: The Charles County Health Department, working in conjunc- tion with the American Lung Association, offers the Freedom From Smoking program to smokers in the community. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0493. FREDERICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street, Frederick, Maryland 21701. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Ms. Suzanne Markowitz, Health Educator (301)694-1808. Description: This is a smoking cessation incentive program that gives smokers an incentive to set a quit date and remain smoke-free for 1 month. Successful participants have a chance to win a variety of prizes. The program was designed and evaluated by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. In a 1-year followup, 10 percent of contest participants in worksite programs and 6 percent of contest participants in community programs remained smoke-free. This program has been implemented by 16 local health departments since it was designed in 1984. 0494. HARFORD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 119 South Hays Street, Post Office Box 191, Bel Air, Maryland 21014-0191. Program Title: Smoking Cessation. Contact: Dr. Beverly Stump, Deputy Health Officer (301)879-8322 ext.259. Description: The program helps individuals prepare to quit smoking, then helps them identify, avoid, and break smoking triggers with a support network. This is followed by the most important phase of quitting and remaining a nonsmoker. The service is provided at health department clinics and selected worksite locations. HEALTH PROMOTION SERVICES, Franklin Square at White Marsh, 8114 Sandpiper Circle, Baltimore, Maryland 21236. 0495. Program Title: How To Quit Smoking. Contact: Ms. Monica Gennerella, Program Coordinator (301)529-3600. Description: This program consists of eight 1-hour sessions. During the first four sessions, the habit of smoking, the physical factors, and the steps to quitting are explored. Stress and other trig- gers related to smoking are discussed, along with hints for coping with the triggers when quitting. Weight control hints are also included. The last half of the course provides sup- port for the new ex-smokers. The focus is placed on remain- ing smokefree and living a healthier litestyle. This program is made available at the health center or in the workplace. HEALTH PROMOTION SERVICES, Frankiin Square at White Marsh, 8114 Sandpiper Circle, Baltimore, Maryland 21236. 0496. Program Title: Stop Smoking. Contact: Ms. Patricia G. Ford, Manager of Health Promotion (301)529-3600. Description: A service for developing a worksite smoking policy is offered. HOWARD COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, Post Office Box 476, Ellicott City, Maryland 21043. 0497. Program Title: Smoking And Pregnancy. Contact: Ms. Andrea Port, Health Educator (801)992-2333. Description: This is an ongoing program in prenatal clinics. The health department uses Pregnant Woman's Self Help Guide: Quit Smoking, developed by Richard Windsor, Ph.D., M.P.H. 0498. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Program Title: Project Smart and Training On Smoking. Contact: Ms. Joan Stine, Chief, Health Education Center (301)225-1362. 253 Description: The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene sponsors two smoking education programs. Project Smart is a program used in the middle school curriculum focusing on the prevention of alcohol, drug, and tobacco use. The second program, Training On Smoking, trains local health department nurses in advising patients to quit smoking. 0499. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Ms. Joan Stine, Chief, Health Education Center (310)225-1362. Description: Quit And Win is a smoking cessation program for those want- ing to quit smoking. ft offers both opportunity to, and incen- tive for, quitting. Based on the Minnesota Heart Health Program, Quit And Win asks smokers to quit for 1 month in order to be eligible to participate in arandom drawing of prizes. Prizes are awarded after the smoke-free status of those people whose names are drawn is verified. A telephone sur- vey at 6 months is utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. 0500. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Program Title: Smoke-Free And Healthy. Contact: Ms. Joan Stine, Chief, Health Education Center (301)225-1362. Description: The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene enacted a stringent new smoking policy on October 1, 1987. Smoke-Free And Healthy is the umbrella title for an array of services being offered to department smokers who wish to use the new policy as an opportunity to quit smoking. These ser- vices include clinics, self-help materials, a videocassette rogram, and self-help tip sheets. While these services will ongoing, the results of the initial implementation will be evaluated at 6 months. MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE, 201 West Preston Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. 0501. Program Title: Smoking Cessation In Pregnancy. Contact: Ms, Joan Stine, Chief, Health Education Center or Annelies Zachary, M.D., M.P.H. (301)225-1362 or 225-6721. Description: Maryland is one of three States participating in a Centers for Disease Control funded study designed to test the effects of an intervention with pregnant smokers. The interventions will be carefully targeted through the use of extensive State- specific information collected in focus groups. These inter- ventions will be designed to be effective and intensive while utilizing a minimum of resources. One of the goals of the study is to demonstrate that smoking cessation activities can be in- tegrated into the normal routine services of regular prenatal clinics and Women, Infants, and Children programs with ex- isting resources. Eval will be extensive. A large number of data items will be monitored. Behavioral change will be followed by self-report validated by urinary cotinine levels. 0502. SACRED HEART HOSPITAL, COMMUNITY WELLNESS PROGRAMS, CENTER FOR WELL- NESS, 915 Bishop Walsh Drive, Cumberland, Maryland 21502. Program Title: Smoke Stoppers. Contact: Sandi Geiger, Ed.D., Manager of Wellness (301)759-5020. Description: Smoke Stoppers, developed by the National Center for Health Promotion, is a three-phase smoking cessation program. Phase | prepares the individual for quitting; Phase II provides the techniques, guidance, support, and structure for cessa- tion; and Phase Iil provides an ongoing support and maintenance system. 0503. WICOMICO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 300 West Carroll Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Program Title: Quit And Win. Contact: Peggy Bagley, C.H.N., Program Coordinator (301)749-1244,. Description: This is a program developed by the Health Education Center of the Maryland Departrnent of Health and Mental Hygiene for seeking smokers willing to quit for a given time, usually a month, to be eligible to win prizes. The prizes are solicited from local businesses. In 1985 the Quit And Win program was sponsored and run by the Health Education Center in Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, and Dorchester Counties. In 1987 when grant money was available Wicomico County secured funds to run their own Quit And Win programs. 0504. WICOMICO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 300 West Carroll Street, Salisbury, Maryland 21801. Program Title: Smoking And Pregnancy. Contact: Jeanette Brown, C.H.N., Program Coordinator (301)543-6961. Description: The Health Department Prenatal Clinic counsels pregnant women, using a package called Smoking And Pregnancy, developed by the American Lung Association. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. MASSACHUSETTS 0505. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAS- SACHUSETTS DIVISION, INC., 247 Common- wealth Avenue, Carhart Memorial Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Program Title: Breaking Free. Contact: Ms. Kathy O’Connor, Director of Public Education (617)267-2650. Description: Breaking Free, a new smoking cessation program for high school students, is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0506. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAS- SACHUSETTS DIVISION, INC., 247 Common- wealth Avenue, Carhart Memorial Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Program Title: Early Start To Good Health. Contact: Ms. Kathy O'Connor, Director of Public Education (617)267-2650. Description: The American Cancer Society’s Early Start To Good Health program is offered to students in kindergarten through grade 3. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0507. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAS- SACHUSETTS DIVISION, INC., 247 Common- wealth Avenue, Carhart Memorial Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Karen Allen, Tobacco Education Coordinator (617)267-2650. Description: The American Cancer Society’s FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0508. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAS- SACHUSETTS DIVISION, INC., 247 Common- wealth Avenue, Carhart Memorial Buliding, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Program Title: Health Myself. Contact: Ms. Kathy O’Connor, Director of Public Education (617)267-2650. Description: The American Cancer Society's Health Myself program is of- fered to students in grades 7 through 9. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0509. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MAS- SACHUSETTS DIVISION, INC., 247 Common- wealth Avenue, Carhart Memorial Bullding, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. Program Title: Health Network. Contact: Ms. Kathy O’Connor, Director of Public Education (617)267-2650. Description: The American Cancer Society's Health Network program is offered to students in grades 4 through 6. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0510. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, MAS- SACHUSETTS AFFILIATE, 33 Fourth Avenue, Needham Heights, Massachusetts 02194. Program Title: Calling It Quits. Contact: information Services Coordinator (617)449-5931 ext.17. 255 Description: The American Heart Association's self-help smoking cessa- tion kit is available. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0511. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, MAS- SACHUSETTS AFFILIATE, 33 Fourth Avenue, Needham Heights, Massachusetts 02194. Program Title: Coalition For A Smoke-Free Massachusetts By The Year 2000. Contact: Ms. Wendy Breen, Assistant Program Director (617)449-5931. Description: In collaboration with the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association, the American Heart Association of Massachusetts is focusing prevention efforts on health care providers for this fiscal year. Program goals for providers in- clude making a personal commitment for smoking cessation; serving as a role model by advocating a smoke-free environment in health-care settings; and counseling patients. 0512. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, MAS- SACHUSETTS AFFILIATE, 33 Fourth Avenue, Needham Heights, Massachusetts 02194. Program Title: Let’s Talk About Smoking. Contact: Information Services Coordinator (617)449-5931 ext.17. Description: The American Heart Association's Let's Talk About Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, MAS- SACHUSETTS AFFILIATE, 33 Fourth Avenue, Needham Helghts, Massachusetts 02194 0513. Program Title: Save A Sweet Heart. Contact: Mr. Keven McEllin, Program Director (617)449-5931 ext.25. Description: The American Heart Association's Save A Sweet Heart program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS, 35 Harvard Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. 0514. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Ms. Emily B. Johnson, Program Director (617)756-5749. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0515. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS, 35 Harvard Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby. Contact: Ms. Emily B. Johnson, Program Director (617)756-5749. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby program, for pregnant, pre- and postnatal women, is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0516. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS, 35 Harvard Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Manuals. Contact: Ms. Emily B. Johnson, Program Director (617)756-5749. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking self-help manuals, Freedom From Smoking In 20 Days, and A Lifetime Of Freedom From Smoking are available. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0517. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL MASSACHUSETTS, 35 Harvard Street, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. Program Title: Smoking Education For Students. Contact: Ms. Roberta Seidman, Program Associate (617)756-5749. Description: This informal smoking education program is conducted upon request. The group is shown the hazards of smoking and the underlying psychological reasons why people begin smoking. Factors involved in making that initial decision and the 256 difficulty in stopping are discussed as well as the rights of non- smokers. Brochures, pamphlets, and buttons are distributed; films and samples of lung tissue are shown. Although designed for students, the program can be adapted for any organization. 0518. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF ESSEX COUNTY, 239 Newburyport Turnpike, Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Janet Sannella, Program Associate (617)887-6055. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0519. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF ESSEX COUNTY, 239 Newburyport Turnpike, Topsfield, Massachusetts 01983. Program Title: School Education. Contact: Ms. Susan Fallon, Program Coordinator (617)887-6055. Description: Various school health resources are available to ad- ministrators, curriculum specialists, health coordinators, and school nurses. Assistance is provided through an extensive audiovisual loan program, teacher training workshops, and background information on key health issues. Elementary and middle school resources include the Growing Healthy cur- riculum and the Lungs Are For Life mini-curriculum (both described in detail in Part 1), and various units on smoking ~ prevention. High school resources include 10 new audiovisuals related to smoking education with accompanying teaching guides. 0520. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAS- SACHUSETTS, 803 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. Program Title: Biofeedback Smoking Education Project. Contact: Ms. Penny Richmond, Community Health Educator (617)269-9720. Description: The American Lung Association’s Biofeedback Smoking Education Project is offered to all area high schools. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0521. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAS- SACHUSETTS, 803 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking At Work. Contact: Ms. Cynthia Ferguson, Program Manager (617)269-9720. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking At Work program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0522, AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAS- SACHUSETTS, 803 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Ms. Cynthia Ferguson, Program Manager (617)269-9720. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking clinics are offered 25 times each year to the general public. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0523. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAS- SACHUSETTS, 803 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Facilitators Training. Contact: Ms. Cynthia Ferguson, Program Manager (617)269-9720. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking Facilitators Training program is offered four times each year. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0524. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MAS- SACHUSETTS, 803 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02127. Program Title: Marijuana: A Second Look. Contact: Ms. Penny Richmond, Community Health Educator (617)269-9720. 257 Description: The American Lung Association’s program, Marijuana: A Second Look, is offered to students in grades 4 to 6 in all area schools. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, 393 Maple Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01105. 0525. Program Title: Biofeedback Smoking Education Project. Contact: Ms. Gail Gramarossa, Program Coordinator (413)737-3506. Description: The American Lung Association’s Biofeedback Smoking Education Project is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0526. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, 393 Maple Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01105. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Gail Gramarossa, Program Coordinator (413)737-3506. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0527. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS, 393 Maple Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01105. Program Title: School Education. Contact: Ms. Gail Gramarossa, Program Coordinator (413)737-3506. Description: A variety of school health education programs are offered to individual classes, to large groups, or to special interest groups such as the Key Club. Inservice education is also of- fered to teachers and school nurses. Objectives are to deliver accurate health information, to help students develop positive body images, to advocate positive health behavior, and to develop an awareness of health issues by helping students to develop their beliefs, values, and attitudes. The smoking-re- lated programs include Octopuff in Kumquat and Lungs Are For Life, described in detail in Part 1. Books, pamphlets, posters, films, teaching models of lungs showing the effects of smoking, and lung sections are avail- able for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Films and models are lent for a minimum of 3 weeks. THE CAMBRIDGE HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY, 1493 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. 0528. Program Title: Smoking Cessation — Behavioral Techniques. Contact: Deborah Hulihan, Psy.D., Program (617)498-1183. Director, Behavioral Medicine Description: This eight-session behavior modification group is geared toward reducing nicotine intake and addiction and reinforcing behaviors incompatible with smoking. The eight sessions in- clude a nicotine fading program, relaxation training, stress management, and relapse prevention, all enhanced by group support. The cost is $150; $50 may be paid at each of the first three sessions. All participants are evaluated individually. This initial screening is covered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield or other health insurance. Under individual circumstances, treat- ment may also be covered by health insurance. Individuals without a medically-based referral will be asked to pay in ad- vance. Financial investment enhances motivation. In addi- tion, the money normally spent on smoking will more than offset the costs. 0529. THE CAMBRIDGE HOSPITAL, DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY, 1493 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. Program Title: Smoking Cessation ~ Hypnosis. Contact: Deborah Hulihan, Psy.D., Director, Behavioral Medicine Program (617)498-1183. Description: The one-session hypnosis group is geared toward helping in- dividuals to quit smoking by increasing their personal motiva- tions for stopping. Addition focus is placed on enhancement of health consciousness and of one’s self-image as a non- smoker. Coping skills for relapse prevention are also taught. The cost is $45. Booster sessions will be available at a com- parable cost. All participants are evaluated individually. This initial screening is covered by Blue Cross/Blue Shield or other health insurance. Under some circumstances, treatment may also be covered by health insurance. Individuals without a medically-based referral will be asked to pay in advance. Financial investment enhances motivation. In addition, the money normally spent on smoking will more than offset the costs. 258 0530. FAULKNER HOSPITAL, 1153 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Coordinator of Health Promotion Services (617)522-5800 ext. 1450. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description th Part 1. 0531. MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, OFFICE OF NONSMOKING AND HEALTH, 150 Tremont Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02111. Program Title: Activities To Promote Nonsmoking. Contact: Gregory N. Connolly, D.M.D., M.P.H., Director (617)727-0732. Description: Working through the Women, Infants, and Children program and the State Office of Family Health Services, the Office of Nonsmoking and Health is distributing specially developed materials for pregnant smokers. This activity reaches 3,000 women through 250 physicians. The office is also working with the Massachusetts Lung Association to get other materials aimed at pregnant smokers into 1,000 obstetricians’ offices serving middle- and high-income women. In addition, the office supports public education programs, physician and dental counseling, and worksite counseling in the Neighbor- hood Health Centers in communities with high lung cancer rates. 0532. TOWN OF BROOKLINE HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 411 Plerce Street, Brookline, Massachusetts 02146. Program Title: Stop Smoking. Contact: Ms. Bettie Hirshom, Coordinator of Community Health Services (617)730-2336. Description: The department sponsors two monthly smoking cessation classes using hypnotherapy. The program targets all people who want to quit smoking. TOWN OF NORWOOD BOARD OF HEALTH, Norwood, Massachusetts 02062. 0533. Program Title: Multiple Risk Factor Reduction. Contact: Ms. Phyllis M. Boucher, Superintendent/Director (617)762-1240. Description: The Norwood Board of Health has adapted this program from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The program has been presented to town employees and to elementary and secondary school employees. Through an initial questionnaire, risk factors are identified and smokers are referred to the American Cancer Society and the Norfolk County-Newton Lung Association for smoking cessation programs. A followup questionnaire and testing are provided after 6 months. The objectives of the program are to promote decision making on a daily basis that will mitigate lifestyle risk factors, such as smoking. Evaluation has shown that while large numbers of people will not stop smoking, the number of cigarettes smoked each day often decreases. MICHIGAN 0534. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MICHIGAN DIVISION, INC., 1205 East Saginaw Street, Lansing, Michigan 48906. Program Title: The Dangers Of Smoking — The Benefits Of Quitting. Contact: Ms. Dorothy W. Cobb, Director of Public Education (517)371-2920. — Description: The program provides facts on the health consequences of smoking, describes and illustrates the immediate and tong- term benefits of quitting and provides helpful tips on smoking cessation methods. The program is presented free of charge and includes a trained speaker, a film, and audience participa- tion. Programs can be tailored to meet time allotments from 20 to 50 minutes. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MICHIGAN DIVISION, INC., 1205 East Saginaw Street, Lansing, Michigan 48906. 0535. Program Title: FreshStart. Contact: Ms. Dorothy W. Cobb, Director of Public Education (517)371-2920. Description: The American Cancer Society's FreshStart smoking cessa- tion clinic is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0536. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, MICHIGAN DIVISION, INC., 1205 East Saginaw Street, Lansing, Michigan 48906. Program Title: Smoking Prevention Programs For Youth. 259 Contact: Ms. Dorothy W. Cobb, Director of Public Education (517)371-2920. Description: Programs begin in preschool and continue through high school. The most widely used smoking prevention programs of the Michigan American Cancer Society are An Early Start To Good Health, Health Network, Health Decisions, Health Myself, Starting Free: Good Air for Me, and Breaking Free. For more information about these programs, see the detailed program descriptions in Part 1. AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, 19111 West 10 Mile Road, Suite 101, Southfield, Michigan 48075. 0537. Program Title: Smokeless. Contact: Mr. Don R. Powell, Executive Director (313)352-7666. Description: The Smokeless system, developed by the American institute for Preventive Medicine, is a highly structured, multifaceted smoking cessation program. Parti learn systematic techni- ques to prevent the urge to smoke and to eliminate cravings that may develop. Cessation booklets and followup services are provided. 0538. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF GENESEE VALLEY, Post Office Box 529, Flint, Michigan 48501. Program Title: Antismoking Education. Contact: Ms. Sheryl Bennett, Program Manager (313)232-3177. Description: Education that promotes nonsmoking is provided for any school grade level or community group. Presentations are en- hanced with films, literature, and prepackaged educational materials for specific age groups. Presentations differ according to the group’s area of interest. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF GENESEE VALLEY, Post Office Box 529, Flint, Michigan 48501. 0539. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Self-Help Booklets. Contact: Ms. Sheryl Bennett, Program Manager (313)232-3177. Description: : The American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking self- help manuals, Freedom From Smoking !n 20 Days, and A Lifetime Of Freedom From Smoking, are available. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN, 403 Seymour Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48833- 1179. 0540. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Ms. Karen Krzanowski, Program Director (517)484-4541,. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking clinics are offered. Corpo are encouraged to sponsor on-site cessation clinics for employees. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN, 403 Seymour Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933- 1179. 0541. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby. Contact: Ms. Karen Krzanowski, Program Director (517)484-4541. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Baby self-help program is offered. For more intormation, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN, 403 Seymour Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933- 1179. 0542. 260 Program Title: Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Family. Contact: Ms. Karen Krzanowski, Program Director (517)484-4541. Description: The American Lung Association's Freedom From Smoking For You And Your Family self-help program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in ‘art 1. 0543. AMERICANLUNG ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN, 403 Seymour Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933- 1179. Program Title: in Control. Contact: Ms. Karen Krzanowski, Program Director (517)484-4541. Description: The American Lung Association's In Control smoking cessa- tion program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0544. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, 18860 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075. Program Title: Antismoking Education. Contact: Ms. Michelle Wegienek, Program Coordinator (313)559-5100. Description: Education that promotes nonsmoking is provided for any school grade level or community group. Presentations are en- hanced with films and literature, biofeedback equipment for demonstration purposes, and prepackaged educational materials for specific age groups. Presentations differ according to the group's area of interest. 0545. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, 18860 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075. Program Title: Cigarette Send Off. Contact: Ms. Michelle Wegienek, Program Coordinator (313)559-5100. Description: Held four or five times a year, the Send-Off is a comprehen- sive smoking withdrawal clinic combining hypnosis, behavior modification, presentations of the health effects of smoking, tips on how to quit, and dramatic film highlights of cigarettes’ immediate effects on the body. Participants receive a cas- sette tape for followup self-hypnosis, a variety of behavior modification materials, and A Lifetime Of Freedom From Smoking maintenance manual. 0546. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, 18860 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Michelle Wegienek, Program Coordinator (313)559-5100. Description: The American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking program is offered. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, 18860 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075. 0547. Program Title: The Smoking Phone (559-5111). Contact: Ms. Michelle Wegienek, Program Coordinator (313)559-5100 or (313)559-5111. Description: The Smoking Phone provides information on smoking cessa- tion, nonsmokers’ rights, clinics, the general health effects of smoking, and other smoking-related topics. After business hours, callers are greeted with a taped message urging par- ticipation in withdrawal techniques and upcoming programs. 0548. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN, 18860 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, Michigan 48075. Program Title: Tips And Truths On Tobacco. Contact: Ms. Michelle Wegienek, Program Coordinator (313)559-5100. Description: The distribution of a free information packet entitled Tips And Truths On Tobacco targets individuals who wish te quit on their own initiative. The packets contain information on the health effects of smoking, tips on how to quit, and notices of programs available in various areas. BLUE CARE NETWORK, 3624 South Westnedge, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008. 0549. 261 Program Title: Smokeless. Contact: Ms. Sandy Donaldson, Program Coordinator (616)388-9515. Description: The Smokeless system, developed by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, is a highly structured, multifaceted smoking cessation program. Parti learn systematic techni- ques to prevent the urge to smoke and to eliminate cravings that may develop. Cessation booklets and followup services are provided. BOTSFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL, HEALTH DEVELOPMENT NETWORK, 28050 Grand River Avenue, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48024. 0550. Program Title: Personalized Smoking Cessation. Contact: Ms. Margo Gorchow, Executive Director (313)471-8090. Description: Personalized Smoking Cessation is a comprehensive stop smoking program that incorporates various behavior modifica- tion techniques and the use of Nicorette gum to help the in- dividual stop smoking. Recognizing that people prefer to learn in a variety of ways and settings, the personalized stop smok- ing program was developed to reach individuals who prefer to learn in small groups or in an individual, one-to-one counsel- ing atmosphere. The program is designed to allow for more interactions between the learner and instructor. This ap- proach involves participants more actively, while addressing the individual’s particular needs, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful behavior change. The program is scheduled over 4 to 5 weeks. It includes three personal con- tacts and four telephone contacts. The first week includes a small group orientation session in which introductory materials are distributed and explained. Participants also are informed they need to obtain a prescription from their physician for Nicorette gum. Later sessions include instruction in the use of Nicorette gum and the various behavior modification tech- niques found in the program. Participants are followed up at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year to offer support for maintain- ing their ex-smoker status, or to refer them back into the program if they have begun smoking again. BOTSFORD GENERAL HOSPITAL, HEALTH DEVELOPMENT NETWORK, 28050 Grand River Avenue, Farmington Hills, Michigan 48024. 0551. Program Title: Smokeless. Contact: Ms. Margo Gorchow, Executive Director (313)471-8090. Description: The Smokeless system, developed by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, is a highly structured, multifaceted smoking cessation program. Parti learn systematic techni- ques to prevent the urge to smoke and to eliminate cravings that may develop. Cessation booklets and followup services are provided. 0552. CHELSEA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, 775 South Maln Street, Chelsea, Michigan 48118. Program Title: Smokeless. Contact: Ms. Jean DuRussel-Weston, Program Coordinator (313)475-1311 ext.3945. Description: The Smokeless system, developed by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, is a highly structured, multifaceted smoking cessation program. Parti learn systematic techni- ques to prevent the urge to smoke and to eliminate cravings that may develop. Cessation booklets and followup services are provided. 0553. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Herman Klefer Health Complex, 1151 Taylor, Detroit, Michigan 48202. Program Title: Smoking Cessation. Contact: Dr. Stephen Blount, Program Contact (313)833-0710 ext.289. Description: As part of the Metropolitan Detroit Program To Reduce Avoidable Mortality From Cancer In The Black Population, a smoking cessation intervention has been established within a community service agency, the Franklin Wright Settlements, Inc. A self-care smoking cessation method has been chosen. All participants will receive a 21-day manual, the Step-by-Step Quit Kit of the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Also available to participants, upon request, will be an audiocassette of the manual recorded in either a male or a female voice. Total monetary cost of the program will be $1.75. Participants using the manual may elect to attend three group sessions during the 21 -day program. 0554. DICKINSON-IRON DISTRICT HEALTH DEPART- MENT, 601 Washington Avenue, Post Office Box 516, Stambaugh, Michigan 49964. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Naomi Haycock, R.N., Program Coordinator (906)265-9913. Description: The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking clinics are offered to the general public on a quarterly basis. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0555. EMMA L. BIXBY HOSPITAL, 818 Riverside Avenue, Adrian, Michigan 49221. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking Clinics. Contact: Ms. Barbara Litto, Director of Education (517)263-0711. Description: The American Lung Association’s smoking cessation clinic is held three times a year at Bixby Hospital, in January, May, and September. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0556. GRATIOT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, 300 Warwick Drive, Alma, Michigan 48801. Program Title: Smokeless. Contact: Ms. Virginia White-Linn, Program Coordinator (517)473-1101. Description: The Smokeless system, developed by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine, is a highly structured, multifaceted smoking cessation program. Parti learn systematic techni- ques to prevent the urge to smoke and to eliminate cravings that may develop. Cessation booklets and followup services are provided. 0557. JACKSON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 410 Erie Street, Jackson, Michigan 49202. Program Title: Freedom From Smoking. Contact: Ms. Robyn Grinzinger, Health Educator (517)788-4420. Description: The American Lung Association's cessation program is made available to department employees and their spouses. The sessions are held during work hours to attract more interest and desire to attend the program. For more information, see the detailed program description in Part 1. 0558. LIVINGSTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 204 South Highlander Way, Howell, Michigan 48843. 262