INDEX accidents, home, 17 Aerojet-General Report, 18 administrative aspects, regional approach, 139, 149 aesthetics, 6, 35, 41, 51 air pollution, 35, 186 interstate, 35 motor vehicle, 168 studies at University of California, 168 tax incentives, 170 ten years ago, activities, 9 Air Quality Act, 70, 168 alternative disposal methods, 29 American irtcinerator’ art, 102 American Public Health Association, 106 American Public Works Association, 16, 74, 106, 136 anaerobic decomposition, 105 architects, 11 landscape, 136 auto wreckers, 53 automobile abandonment, 128 penalties, 56 automobile bodies, 51, 71 smokeless burning of, 127 grinding of, 128 average household, key to politics, 23 barging, 32, 84 bulky. metal wastes, 78, 88 shredding, 29 Bureau of Mines Survey, 51, 56, 174 C & O Canal National Monument, 42 California State Water Pollution Control Board, 17 Carson, Rachel, 20 chemical wastes, 5, 19 collection truck size, 74 communicable disease, 5 composition of refuse, 93, 105 compost, 43, 105 production, marketing, 116 composting, 66, 74, 105, 121 commercial method, 66 competition with incineration, 118 Fairfield System, 109 International Disposal System (IDC), 109 Metrowaste System, 111 U.S. systems, 106 windrow systems, 109 composting plants area required, 119 energy and manpower requirements, 115 financing, 117 manpower required, 113 container industry, 125 containers, 7, 11, 23, 42, 125, 128 Council of Governments, 13, 24, 25, 36, 61, 69, 137, 152, 165, 174, 182 costs, haul, 32, 75 incineration, 29 sanitary landfill, 29, 88 demolition debris, 11, 70 density. patterns, Washington, D.C., 79 Detroit Regional Planning Commission, 131, 182 disease, Dutch Elm, 42 disease, vectors, 5, 15, 16 education, 19 191 engineering, schools, 7 England, 123 environmental health engineers, 138 European incinerator art, 101 Expo in Montreal, 139 Federal Aid Highway Act, 132 Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), 78 fuel, 126 General Services Administration, 45 governmental waste products,24, 41, 45 grinding wastes, 79, 105 ground water, 16, 17, 91 hauling, 22, 32, 74, 84 cost of, 32, 75 health aspects, solid wastes management, 5, 15 health, threats to, 3, 6, 36 healthful environment, higher definition, 6 Housing and Home Finance Agency, 25, 133 imagination, need for, 7, 149, 161 incineration control of nitrogen oxides, 122 costs, 29 slag-tap process, 124 incinerator residue, 43, 97, 100 sites, 32, 67 technology, 39 incinerator heat for generating electricity, 43, 126 conversion, 67 Incinerator No. 5, District of Columbia, 5, 39, 157, 184 incinerators air pollution controls, 100 District of Columbia, 26, 42 dust emission, 100 GSA, 47 high-rise buildings, 38, 69 home, 17, 79 municipal, 17, 26, 39, 98 products of, 98 tepee, 121 injury rate, sanitation workers, 17 interstate compact agency, 151 Israel, 123 jurisdictional cooperation, illegal, 22 Kenilworth Dump, 186 Kingman Lake, 43 land requirements, all disposal methods, 29, 76 landfill (See also, reclamation, land, and sanitary landfill), 193 to prevent landslides, 91 legislative authority, existing, District of Columbia, 61 legislative needs, metropolitan disposal system, 61 Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts’ landfills, 88 marshlands, 31 Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, 25, 61 Metropolitan Toronto Act, 1966, 142, 146 Metropolitan Washington solid waste disposal study, 25 Model Cities Act, 84 National Academy of Sciences Report, 152 National League of Cities Conference, 136 Natural Beauty Message, President Johnson, 20, 41 National Capital Parks, 41 New York City, Department of Sanitation, 17 Northern Virginia Regional Planning Commission, 25, 61 ‘one time’ disposal problems, 48 Ontario Municipal Board, 140 paper classified and film, 47 in compost, 124 IBM cards, 67 nonsaleable, 46 saleable, 45, 66 political implications, solid wastes management, 9, 21 polyethylene, 129 polyvinyl chloride, 129 potential disposal sites Metropolitan Washington, 30 production, solid wastes, 15 per capita, 10 D.C. business groups, 79 public awareness, solid wastes problems, 9, 42, 161 Public Health Act, 144 sanitary landfill operations, 144, 165 public health officials, 138 radioactive materials, 16, 48 rail haul, 32, 81, 84 reclamation, 105 solid wastes from mining activities, 58 steel scrap, 41 reclamation, land, 87, 90, 136, 186 Kenilworth Dump, 186 golf course, 43, 161 wastelands, 31, 43 reduction of refuse, 93 by incineration, 99, 102 “in-place” burning, 122 controlled burning, 122 refuse carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, 105 collection, 135 composition of, 93, 106 compression devices, 74 _ distillation and gasification, 103 separation, 67, 106 refuse production per capita Metropolitan Washington, 27 projected, 28 refuse quantities, annual District of Columbia, 28 regional management of solid wastes, need for planning, 131 Metropolitan Washington, 187 research, for development of standards, 19, 168 restoring quality of environment, 150 safety, 5 salvaging, 105, 115 metal, 29, 99, 124 paper, 45, 115 sanitary landfill Anacostia, 27 costs, 29 equipment, 86 air conditioned helmets, 89 _ gas probes, 91 Kenilworth, 186 Los Angeles, costs, 88 noise, 22 operated as private enterprise, 87 space requirements, 29, 33, 66, 76 sanitary landfill sites, 22 Metropolitan Detroit, 133 Metropolitan Los Angeles, 90 Metropolitan Toronto, 142 Metropolitan Washington, 30 sanitation workers, 17 193 scrap brokers, 55 processors, 55 solid waste/disease relationships, 18 Solid Waste Disposal Act, 8, 20, 39, 57, 59, 86, 156, 183 Solid Waste Disposal Bill, 170 solid wastes definition of, 15 demonstrations, grants, 156, 183 solid wastes management in Federal installations, 41, 45 Solid Wastes Program, 157 State initiative, 171 ‘survey and planning projects, 158 Water Quality Control Board, 91 systems approach, 23 Task Force Report to Secretary of HEW, 150, 160 temperature, during composting, 105 Toronto, 139 training, 159 transportation, waste, 74 ‘bulky objects, 78 conveyors, 76 costs, 75 network, 77 pipelines, 76 rail, 32, 81 transfer stations, 77, 85, 135 transportation, waste, systems, 73 elements and factors, 81 helicopters, 84, 86 piping, 82 pneumatic, Sweden, 83 subway, 80 truck-trailer, 85 trees, disposal of, 42, 70, 88 university and society, 7 urban areas, related to various economic factors, 52 complexes, 38, 170 planners, 138 vehicles for waste systems, 76 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Compact (WMATA), 68 Washington Metropolitan Regional Development Act, 68 Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 27 water pollution, 15, 17, 91 weather data, Toronto, 146 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1867 0283-399 194