INDEX ADVERTISING low tar cigarettes, 371-372 AGE FACTORS arterial disease prevalence, 183-184 atherosclerosis and smoking rela- tionship, 32 atherosclerosis, aortic aneurysm, and smoking relationship, 194 cardiovascular disease mortality trends, 331 cerebrovascular disease risk, 5, 8 cessation attempts, 10-11, 370, 373 CHD mortality, 7, 113, 128, 339, 352, 354 CHD relationship, 75-76, 91, 92, 101-102, 133-134 daily cigarette consumption, 10, 367, 373 intermittent claudication preva- lence, 184 Prevalence of smoking, 10, 259, 365-366, 373 stroke incidence, 165-166, 171 stroke mortality trends, 341 ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION CHD mortality relationship, 111- 112 CHD relationship, 68, 91 coronary calcification relationship, 32 lipoprotein level relationship, 96 stroke risk factor, 162 sudden cardiac death relationship, 104-105 ALLERGY tobacco allergy and cardiovascular effects, 55-56, 188-189 AMISH mortality, 126-127 AMPUTATION healing failure and smoking, 192 ANGINA PECTORIS carbon monoxide exposure and ex- ercise tolerance, 186, 223 ANGINA PECTORIS—Contd. carboxyhemoglobin level, 223 CHD manifestation, 67, 70-71 incidence in Belfast, 84 incidence in smokers with CHD, 213 risk in female smokers, 102 smoking relationship, 70, 77, 86-87 AORTA . aneurysm diagnosis, 192 aneurysm prevalence in smokers and nonsmokers, 45 atherosclerosis and nicotine expo- sure, 50 atherosclerosis and smoking, 22, 34, 46-48, 56 atherosclerosis as cause, 16 atherosclerosis development, 5, 18 epidemiologic data, 194-195 mortality trends, 341 tobacco smoke effects in rats, 53 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (See also ATHEROSCLEROSIS) angina pectoris relationship, 70 carbon disulfide exposure relation- ship, 226 cardiovascular disease causation, 5 definition, 15 mortality trends, 341 percent attributable to smoking, 65 underlying process of stroke, 340 ATHEROMA definition, 15 small arteries of myocardium, 34 ATHEROSCLEROSIS (See also ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) age and smoking relationship, 194 aortic aneurysm relationship, 192 atherogenesis, 19-21 cadmium exposure relationship, 227 carbon monoxide exposure relation- ship, 223 cardiac arrest, 69 cardiovascular disease causation, 5 a75_ INDEX ATHEROSCLEROSIS—Contd. clinical significance, 16-17 definition, 15-16 dietary cholesterol effect, 190 epidemiologic studies, 21-48 incidence in smokers and nonsmok- ers, 67 literature reviews, 17 mortality and smoking, 229 natural history, 17-19 nicotine effects, 216 pathophysiologic mechanisms of to- bacco smoke, 48, 50-54 plasma triglyceride correlation, 181 risk factors, 205-206 severity trends, 343-344 smoking cessation effects, 5 smoking effects, 5-6 topographic distribution, 18 BLOOD FLOW nicotine and tobacco smoke effects, 189 nicotine effects, 215 smoking relationship, 187-188 BLOOD PRESSURE (See also HYPERTENSION) CHD risk factor, 97-98, 108, 130, 134 coronary atherosclerosis relation- ship, 33 intermittent claudication relation- ship, 184 intervention trial effects, 315, 317 intervention trial for single risk factor, 300 nicotine effects, 3, 215 race factors, 77 smoking cessation relationship, 96- 97 smoking relationship, 55, 96-97, 187-188 BODY FAT CHD risk factors, 132 BODY WEIGHT (See also OBESITY) smokers versus nonsmokers, 55 smoking effect in baboons, 190 stroke incidence relationship, 163 sudden cardiac death risk factor, 104 CADMIUM physiological effects, 226-227 tobacco smoke constituent, 226 378 Cancer See NEOPLASMS CARBON DISULFIDE arteriosclerotic diseases, as risk fac- tor, 226 CARBON MONOXIDE atherogenic effects, 5, 51-52 blood levels in smoking baboons, 190 cardiovascular disease relationship, 220, 222-224 cardiovascular effects, 230 chemistry, 219-220 exercise tolerance relationship, 186 fibrinolysis relationship, 187 myocardial infarction risk, 229 platelet adhesiveness relationship, 189-190 steelworkers’ exposure and CHD mortality, 111 toxicologic effects, 9 validation of self-reported smoking cessation, 245, 261 CARBONYL SULFIDE atherosclerotic effects, 225 Catecholamines See EPINEPH- RINE; NOREPINEPHRINE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM nicotine effects, 213 CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE (See also STROKE) atherosclerosis of cerebral vascula- ture, 48 cerebral thrombosis incidence, 344 cessation of smoking relationship, 168 incidence trends, 344 morbidity and mortality, 159-160 mortality trends, 329, 340 oral contraceptives relationship, 168-171 prevention, 170 risk factors, 160-162, 168-171 smoking as risk factor, 5, 8, 162- 166 subarachnoid hemorrhage, 5, 8, 167 transient ischemic attacks, 166-167 CESSATION OF SMOKING (See also EX-SMOKERS; REDUC- TION OF SMOKING; SMOK- ING INTERVENTION TRI- ALS) attempts to quit, 10-11, 369-370, 373 blood pressure correlation, 96-97 INDEX CESSATION OF SMOKING—Contd. CHD epidemiology, 243-283, 300- 321 CHD mortality rates, 8-10, 122- 126, 128, 293-321 definition in intervention trials, 246-247 following cardiovascular events, 213, 215 intervention trial effects, 9, 252, 257-258, 261, 264-271, 275, 278- 279, 282-283 peripheral vascular disease treat- ment, 5, 8, 179, 190, 192, 194 peripheral vascular effects, 187-188 stroke mortality risk, 168 stroke prevention, 170 sudden cardiac death risk, 7, 105 validation of self-reports, 244-246, 258, 261, 265, 279-280, 305, 312 CHEROOT SMOKERS myocardial infarction risk, 88 CHEWING TOBACCO intermittent claudication relation- ship, 186 CHOLESTEROL (See also DIET; LIPIDS; LIPO- PROTEINS) aortic tissue levels following smoke exposure, 219 atherogenesis relationship, 19-20, 50-54, 216-217 atherosclerosis and diet in rabbits, 189-191 carbon monoxide, diet, and athero- sclerosis, 223 cardiovascular disease risk and blood levels, 205 CHD risk, 5, 7, 89, 91-93, 96-100, 127, 129-130, 136, 344 coronary atherosclerosis and serum levels, 53 hypercholesterolemia prevalence, 346 intermittent claudication and se- rum levels, 184 intervention trial effects, 312-313, 315, 317 intervention trials for single risk factor, 300 myocardial infarction and serum levels, 165 peripheral vascular disease rela- tionship, 180-182, 184 CHOLESTEROL—Contd. smoking and blood levels, 188, 224 smoking and serum levels, 6, 56, 182 stroke risk predictor, 161 sudden cardiac death and serum levels, 104 CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PUL- MONARY DISEASE (See also EMPHYSEMA) mortality trends, 333, 338-340 smoking correlation, 228 CIGAR SMOKERS aortic lesions, 194 CHD mortality, 8, 122 CHD risk, 86, 128 coronary event risk, 76-77 former cigarette smokers, 252 inhalation avoidance, 212 myocardial infarction risk, 88 peripheral vascular disease risk, 191 stroke mortality, 163 thiocyanate elevation, 244 COFFEE CONSUMPTION biood lipid effects, 182 CHD risk factor, 91, 97 stroke risk factor, 162 CORONARY ARTERIES atherosclerosis in, 18 atherosclerotic lesions after nico- tine exposure, 50 carbon monoxide effect on lipid metabolism in, 52 smoking and atherosclerosis in, 22- 34, 56 CORONARY HEART DISEASE (See also MYOCARDIAL IN- FARCTION) age factors in smoking effect, 112- 113, 116-117, 128 atherosclerosis as underlying cause, 16 cessation of smoking and epidemiol- ogy, 5-6, 10, 122-126, 128, 293— 321 clinical manifestations, 67-71 death certificate ascertainment, 69- 70 incidence studies, 342-343 intervention trial effects on inci- dence, 9 low risk populations, 126-127 low yield cigarettes, 120-122, 128 377 INDEX CORONARY HEART DISEASE—Contd. DIET—Contd. mortality trends, 329, 334, 336, 338-340, 348-352 pipe and cigar smokers, 122, 128 prevalence trends, 3 prospective cohort studies, 105-113 risk assessment, 129-136 : risk factor reduction and mortality trends, 344, 346-348 risk factors, 91-93, 96-97 smoking relationship, 4-8, 65-67, 113-119, 127-128 synergism among risk factors, 97- 100 treatment improvements, 348 COTININE cigar smokers’ serum, 212 nicotine metabolite, 212-213 serum levels and uptake of particu- lates, 228 urine concentration in smoking ba- boons, 190 validation of self-reported cessation, 245 . CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES atherosclerosis topographic distribu- tion, 18 CHD incidence and mortality, 79- 91 Demographic Factors See AGE FACTORS; EDUCATIONAL AT- TAINMENT; RACE FACTORS; SEX FACTORS; SOCIOECO- NOMIC STATUS DIABETES MELLITUS atherogenesis relationship, 20 cardiovascular disease risk factor, 205 , CHD incidence relationship, 89 ' CHD risk factor, 91-92 mortality trends, 334 peripheral vascular disease rela- tionship, 179, 183, 185, 191 prevalence, 346 stroke risk factor, 162, 165 DIET ; (See also CHOLESTEROL; SATU- RATED FATS) _ atherogenesis correlation, 19-20 CHD mortality relationship, 112 high cholesterol diet, nicotine, and arterial damage, 50 nutritional status and smoking role in atherosclerosis, 33 treatment of peripheral vascular disease, 179 Dose-Response Relationship See SMOKING PATTERNS DRUG INTERACTIONS atenolol physiologic effects in smokers, 186 diazepam reactivity in smokers, 222 methacholine effects on norepineph- rine, 216 norepinephrine effects of dimethyl- phenylpiperazinium, 216 oxytremorine effects on norepineph- rine, 216 - Phenacetin reactivity in smokers, 222 propranolol physiologic effects in smokers, 186 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT cessation attempt frequency rela- tionship, 369 cigarette consumption relationship, 367 ELECTROCARDIOGRAM abnormalities as stroke risk factor, 162-163, 165 CHD risk prediction, 134 intervention effect, 282 nitrogen dioxide exposure and car- diac function, 226 . EMPHYSEMA (See also CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE) cadmium exposure as risk factor, 226 nitrogen oxides exposure as risk factor, 226 smoking relationship, 228 ENZYMES carbon monoxide affinity, 222-223 EPINEPHRINE : nicotine effects, 213, 215-216 plasma levels and smoking, 186 ERYTHROCYTES (See also HEMATOCRIT) counts in smokers, 55 nicotine effects in rabbits, 190 INDEX EX-SMOKERS (See also CESSATION OF SMOK- ING) aortic lesions, 47, 194 atherosclerosis mortality, 229 CHD incidence, 82 CHD mortality, 5-6, 8 death risk after myocardial infarc- tion or angina, 105 differences from smokers, 297 peripheral arterial disease in wom- en, 185 stroke mortality, 163, 168 FAMILY wives’ participation in intervention trials, 257, 260 FETUS (See also MATERNAL SMOKING) maternal cadmium administration effects on fetal brain in rats, 227 maternal smoking effects, 189 FIBRINOGEN smoking effects, 55, 187 FIBRINOLYSIS nicotine effects, 218 smoking effects, 55, 187 FILTER CIGARETTES (See also LOW YIELD CIGAR- ETTES) carbon monoxide yields, 220 cardiovascular disease incidence, 228 CHD mortality effects, 8 CHD risk, 120 hydrogen cyanide removal, 224-225 nicotine delivery, 210 nitrogen oxide reduction, 225 GLUCOSE atherogenesis and blood levels, 218 intermittent claudication and blood levels, 184 intolerance and peripheral vascular disease, 182 smoking and blood levels in baboons, 55, 190 HEART RATE atherogenesis correlation, 218 nicotine effects, 3, 215-216 smoking effects, 187 HEIGHT CHD risk factor, 107 stroke risk factor, 163 HEMATOCRIT (See also ERYTHROCYTES) nicotine effects in rabbits, 190 smoking effects, 55, 187 HEMOGLOBIN carbon monoxide binding, 222 nicotine effects in rabbits, 190 smoking effects, 55, 186-187 HEREDITY cadmium-induced hypertension, 227 CHD risk factor, 91-92, 108 coronary disease history and platel- et activation, 55 stroke risk factor, 166 HORMONES estrogen and myocardial infarction, 103 - nicotine effects on antidiuretic hor- mone secretion, 213 HYDROGEN CYANIDE coronary arteries and aorta effects, 52 serum thiocyanate as metabolite, 244 tobacco smoke constituent, 224 HYPERTENSION (See also BLOOD PRESSURE) atherogenesis relationship, 20 cadmium level relationship, 226- 227 cardiovascular disease risk factor, 205 CHD risk factor, 5, 7, 89, 91-93, 127, 344 educational campaign effects, 348 mortality trends, 329, 341 peripheral vascular disease rela- tionship, 179, 181 prevalence trends, 346 renal artery stenosis, hypertension, and smoking relationship, 185 stroke risk factor, 161-163, 165- 166, 170, 340 sudden cardiac death risk factor, 104 IMMUNE SYSTEM alterations in smokers, 55-56 hypersensitivity and tar exposure, 228 INFLUENZA mortality trends, 334 INDEX INVOLUNTARY SMOKING atherosclerotic cardiovascular dis- ease etiology, 186 cotinine in urine of nonsmokers, 212-213 KIDNEYS cadmium localization, 226 nicotine metabolism, 212 renal artery stenosis, hypertension, and smoking interrelationship, 185 LEAD atherosclerosis and lead in drink- ing water, 227 LEGISLATION smoking restrictions in Finland, 279-280, 316 LEUKOCYTES elevation in smokers, 55-56 nicotine effects, 190 LINOLENIC ACID CHD incidence and consumption, 86 LIPIDS (See also CHOLESTEROL) atherogenesis relationship, 19-21, 52-54, 217-218 carbon monoxide and blood levels, 223-224 dietary cholesterol and serum level, 190 - nicotine administration and serum level, 190 race factors and plasma levels, 77 smoking and serum levels, 219 smoking serum levels in baboons, 190 LIPOPROTEINS atherogenic role, 21 cadmium exposure relationship in pigeons, 227 CHD incidence, 92 hyperlipoproteinemia and athero- genesis, 20 hyperlipoproteinemia and peripher- al vascular disease, 180-181 oral contraceptives and smoking ef- fects, 104 race factors, 77 smoking effects, 6, 53, 54, 56, 93, 96, 188, 219 stroke relationship, 161-163 3) LIVER cadmium accumulation, 226 cirrhosis mortality trends, 334 lipoprotein metabolism impairment and peripheral vascular disease, 182 nicotine metabolism, 212 protein synthesis and carbon mon- oxide exposure, 222 LOW YIELD CIGARETTES (See also FILTER CIGARETTES) cardiovascular disease relationship, 229-230 CHD mortality effects, 8, 120-122, 128 smoking pattern effects, 9, 210, 218, 230, 272 stroke mortality relationship, 164— 165 LUNG CANCER (See also NEOPLASMS) deaths in smoking intervention tri- als, 306, 309 excess deaths attributable to smok- ing, 65 mortality trends, 333, 338-339 LUNGS nicotine metabolism, 212 LYMPHOCYTES smoking effects in baboons, 190 LYSOSOMES nicotine effects, 219 MASS MEDIA in smoking intervention trials, 263- 264, 270, 272, 278-279, 281-283, 316 MATERNAL SMOKING (See also FETUS) fetal cardiovascular effects, 189 umbilical artery changes, 219 MENOPAUSE CHD risk, 7, 101-104, 127 MORMONS CHD mortality, 126 MORTALITY calculations, 333, 356 cardiovascular disease mortality trends, 329-344 cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction effects, 344-348 cessation of smoking effects, 8-9, 194, 293-321 INDEX MORTALITY—Contd. CHD mortality and smoking rela- tionship, 4, 7, 65-66, 113-128, 348-353 CHD mortality trends, 339-341 coronary care improvement effects, 348 prospective studies of CHD mortali- ty, 105-113 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (See also CORONARY HEART DISEASE) carbon monoxide exposure correla- tion, 51 carboxyhemoglobin level relation- ship, 223 cardiac arrest etiology, 69 case-fatality trends, 344 CHD manifestation, 67 clinical manifestations, 67-68 discharge rate trends, 344 free fatty acid elevation in smokers following myocardial infarction, 219 hyperlipoproteinemia in survivors, 181 incidence, 342-343 mortality trends, 339-340 nicotine and carbon monoxide de- livery relationship, 229 oral contraceptive use as risk fac- tor, 7, 128 smoking as risk factor, 72-75, 77- 79, 84-89, 91, 101-102, 105, 108, 121, 165 zinc deficiency correlation, 227 MYOCARDIUM atherosclerosis of small arteries, 34 MYOGLOBIN carbon monoxide binding, 222 NEOPLASMS (See also LUNG CANCER) cancer deaths in smoking interven- tion trial, 306, 310 cancer mortality in Seventh Day Adventists, 126 cerebral neoplasms and stroke, 166 death rates and smoking patterns, 81 respiratory tract cancer mortality and smoking, 81 NICOTINE atherosclerosis pathogenesis, 5, 48, 50-51 blood flow effects, 189 biood pressure and heart rate ef- fects, 3 cardiovascular effects, 213, 215-219, 230 chemistry, 209-212 fibrinolysis relationship, 187 hematologic effects, 190 metabolism, 212-213 myocardial infarction risk, 229 particulate uptake and serum lev- els, 228 peripheral vascular effects, 187-188 serum lipid effects, 190 toxicologic effects, 9 validation of self-reported smoking cessation, 245 yields in U.S. cigarettes, 210 NICOTINE CHEWING GUM smoking intervention, 270 NITROGEN OXIDES coronary artery and aorta effects of nitric oxide, 52 nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, and atherosclerotic changes, 225 tobacco smoke constituents, 225— 226 NOREPINEPHRINE nicotine effects, 213, 215-216 smoking and plasma levels, 186 OBESITY (See also BODY WEIGHT) atherosclerosis and smoking in- terrelationships, 31, 46 cardiovascular disease risk factor, 205 CHD risk factor, 91, 92 lipoprotein level relationship, 96 stroke risk factor, 162 OCCUPATIONS farm laborers, 133-134 grade of employment and CHD mortality, 110-111 industrial workers, 275-278, 280- 282, 303, 314-315 nurses, 102 physicians, 65, 110, 112, 123-124, 164, 297 steelworkers, 111 381 INDEX ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES CHD risk factor with smoking, 101-104, 128 myocardial infarction and smoking interrelationships, 7 stroke risk factor with smoking, 166-171 subarachnoid hemorrhage and smoking interrelationshipe, 5, 8 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DIS- EASE animal studies, 189-190 atherosclerosis as underlying cause, 16 cessation of smoking effects, 190- 192, 194 clinical investigations, 186-189 diagnosis, 179 epidemiologic studies, 182-186 reactivity of patients to tobacco glycoprotein, 56 risk factors, 180-182, 194 smoking effects, 8 treatment, 179-180 PERSONALITY cardiovascular disease risk factor, 205 CHD risk factor, 91-93 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY cardiovascular disease risk, 205 CHD risk, 91-92, 132 exercise tolerance and carbon mon- oxide exposure, 186 stroke incidence, 162 treatment of peripheral vascular disease, 179 PIPE SMOKERS aortic lesions, 47, 194 CHD mortality effects, 8, 122. CHD risk, 86, 128 coronary event risk, 76-77 former cigarette smokers, 252 myocardial infarction risk, 88 peripheral vascular disease risk, 191 stroke mortality, 163 thiocyanate elevation, 244 PLATELETS adhesiveness and carbon monoxide effects, 189-190 atherogenesis role, 217-219 nicotine effect in rabbits, 190 smoking effects, 6, 55-56, 187 SRP PLATELETS—Contd. smoking effects in baboons, 190 thrombocytopenia as stroke risk factor, 166 PNEUMONIA mortality trends, 334 PROSTAGLANDINS nicotine effects and atherogenesis, 218-219 RACE FACTORS aortic aneurysms and atherosclero- sis, 194 atherosclerosis in aorta, 46 atherosclerosis in coronary arteries, 22, 31 atherosclerosis severity trends, 343- 344 cardiovascular disease mortality trends, 331 cerebrovascular disease incidence, 170 CHD incidence, 77-79, 132-134 CHD mortality, 339 hypertensive disease mortality trends, 341 lipoprotein levels, 93 prevalence of smoking, 364-365 smoking patterns, 77 stroke mortality, 159, 165, 341 RECIDIVISM rate following intervention trials, 261-263, 265 REDUCTION OF SMOKING criteria for successful intervention, 245-247 intervention trial effects, 9, 256, 258, 262, 264, 275, 279-280, 309, 311-313, 315 peripheral vascular disease pa- tients, 191 REFLEXES nicotine effects, 213 REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS mortality rates, 126 SATURATED FATS (See also DIET) consumption trends, 348 diet and atherogenesis, 19 lipoprotein composition relation- ship, 53 INDEX SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS CHD and cancer mortality, 126 SEX FACTORS (See also WOMEN) aortic aneurysm mortality, 194 brain infarction and myocardial in- farction, 159 cessation attempts, 11, 373 CHD mortality, 110-113, 339 CHD mortality and smoking cessa- tion trends, 348-352 CHD rates, 7 cigarette consumption trends, 10, 366-367, 373 lipoprotein levels, 93 peripheral vascular disease preva- lence, 184-185 smoking patterns, 7 smoking prevalence, 7, 364, 373 stroke incidence, 165, 344 stroke mortality, 164 sudden cardiac death incidence, 68 SMOKING HABIT prevalence trends, 336, 344, 346- 350, 364-366, 373 Sweden, 111 SMOKING INTERVENTION TRI- ALS cessation outcome, 9, 267-271, 281- 283 community-based trials, 271-282, 314-318 individual clinical investigations, 249-271, 303-313, 318, 320 methodological problems, 244-249, 264-267, 280-281, 300-302 SMOKING PATTERNS cessation rate effects, 261 CHD incidence, 81-83, 128 CHD mortality rates, 113, 115-119, 127 coronary event risk, 75-76 daily consumption trends, 373 intervention trial effects, 9 low yield cigarettes, 9 myocardial infarction incidence, 87- 88 peripheral vascular disease rela- tionship, 185 race factors, 77 reduction of smoking effects, 262 stroke mortality rates, 163-164, 171 sudden cardiac death risk, 7, 104 trends, 352 SMOKING PATTERNS — Contd. women, 101-102, 104 SNUFF intermittent claudication relation- ship, 186 SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS CHD mortality rates, 111-112, 339, 350-352 CHD risk factor, 91 coronary atherosclerosis and smok- ing interrelationships, 33 STRESS CHD risk factor, 91 STROKE (See also CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) atherosclerosis as underlying cause, 16 discharge rate trends, 344 incidence study, 344 mortality trends, 334, 340-341 SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH clinical manifestations, 68-69 risk factors, 104-105 smoking as risk factor in women, 102 smoking pattern relationship, 7, 128 TARS, TOBACCO smoking behavior relationship, 371- 372 tobacco smoke constituent, 227-228 yields in US. cigarettes, 228 THIOCYANATE blood levels in smoking baboons, 190 serum levels and lipoproteins, 182 validation of self-reported smoking cessation, 244-246, 258, 261-265, 279-280, 305, 312 TOBACCO SMOKE atherosclerosis pathogenesis, 48, 50-56 constituents, 8-9 physical and chemical characteris- tics, 206-209 TRIGLYCERIDES atherosclerosis and plasma concen- tration, 181 CHD development and plasma lev- els, 84 CHD incidence, 92 INDEX TRIGLYCERIDES—Contd. WOMEN elevation in peripheral vascular (See also MENOPAUSE; ORAL disease, 180 CONTRACEPTIVES; SEX nicotine effects, 219 FACTORS) stroke risk factor, 161, 165 brain infarction and LDL cholester- ol, 162 VITAMIN D cardiovascular disease mortality arterial lesions in monkeys caused trends, 331 by dietary excess, 50-51 CHD incidence, mortality, and smoking interrelationships, 101- WEIGHT GAIN 104, 127-128 cessation of smoking correlation, subarachnoid hemorrhage risk and 96-97, 301 smoking, 5, 167, 170 ZINC tobacco smoke constituent, 227 wes