THE HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF SMOKING FOR WOMEN a report of the Surgeon General u ne DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES as Health Service One of the Assistant Secretary for Health ‘ce On Smoking and Health ree THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EODUCATION, AND WELFARE WASHINGTON. D.C.20201 The Honorable Thomas P. O'Neill,Jr. Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Mr. Speaker: I hereby submit the 12th annual report that the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (DHEW) has prepared for Congress as required by the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969, Public Law 91-222, and its predecessor, the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. This report is one of the most alarming in the series. It clearly establishes that women smokers face the same risks as men smokers of lung cancer, heart disease, lung disease and other consequences. Perhaps more disheartening is the harm which mothers' smoking causes to their unborn babies and infants. The report is not all bad news. It presents recent data showing that women are turning away from smoking in response to the warnings of government, voluntary agencies and physicians, The precipitate rise in women's deaths from lung cancer and chronic lung disease demand that this trend away from cigarettes be accelerated. Our scientists expect that by 1983, the lung cancer death rate will exceed that of any other type of cancer among women, Citizens of our free society may decide for themselves whether to smoke cigarettes. The health consequences of this decision make it imperative for their government to assure that the decision is an informed one. This series Of reports is one way in which DHEW is striving to meet this critical responsibility. Neer Patricia Roberts Harris PREFACE This report is more than a factual review of the health conse- quences of smoking for women. It is a document which chal- lenges our society and, in particular, our medical and public health communities. This report points out that the first signs of an epidemic of smoking-related disease among women are now appearing. Be- cause women’s cigarette use did not become widespread until the onset of World War II, those women with the greatest inten- sity of smoking are now only in their thirties, forties, and fifties. As these women grow older, and continue to smoke, their bur- den of smoking-related disease will grow larger. Cigarette smok- ing now contributes to one-fifth of the newly diagnosed cases of cancer and one-quarter of all cancer deaths among women— more cancer and more cancer deaths among women than can be attributed to any other known agent. Within three years, the lung cancer death rate is expected to surpass that for breast cancer. A similar epidemic of chronic obstructive lung disease among women has also begun. Four main themes emerge from this report to guide future public health efforts. First, women are not immune to the damaging effects of smoking already documented for men. The apparently lower susceptibility to smoking-related diseases among women smok- ers is an illusion reflecting the fact that women lagged one- quarter century behind men in their widespread use of cigar- ettes. Second, cigarette smoking is a major threat to the outcome of pregnancy and well-being of the newborn baby. Third, women may not start smoking, continue to smoke, quit smoking, or fail to quit smoking for precisely the same reasons as men. Unless future research clarifies these differences, we will find it difficult to prevent initiation or to promote cessation of cigarette smoking among women. Fourth, the reduction of cigarette smoking is the keystone in our nation’s long term strategy to promote a healthy lifestyle for women and men of all races and ethnic groups. The Fallacy of Women’s Immunity All of the major prospective studies of smoking and mortality have reached consistent conclusions. Death rates from coronary heart disease, chronic lung disease, lung cancer, and overall mortality rates are significantly increased among both women and men smokers. These risks increase with the amount smoked, duration of smoking, depth of inhalation, and the “tar” Vv and nicotine delivery of the cigarette smoked. In these studies, conducted during the past three decades, relative mortality risks among female smokers appeared to be less than those of male smokers. It is now clear, however, that these studies were comparing the death rates of a generation of established, lifelong male smokers with a generation of women who had not yet taken up smoking with full intensity. Even those older women who reported smoking a large number of cigarettes per day had not smoked cigarettes in the same way as their male counterparts. Now that the cigarette smoking char- acteristics of women and men are becoming increasingly simi- lar, their relative risks of smoking-related illness will become increasingly similar. This fallacy of women’s apparent immunity is clearly illus- trated by differences in the timing of the growth in lung cancer among men and women in this century. Lung cancer deaths among males began to increase during the 1930s, as those men who had converted from other forms of tobacco to cigarette smoking before the turn of the century gradually accumulated decades of inhaled tobacco exposure. By the time of the first retrospective studies of smoking and lung cancer in 1950, two entire generations of men had already become lifelong cigarette smokers. Relatively few women from these generations smoked cigarettes, and even fewer had smoked cigarettes since their adolescence. Those young women who had taken up smoking intensively during World War II were only in their twenties and thirties. In 1950, women accounted for less than one in twelve deaths from lung cancer. Thereafter, the age adjusted lung cancer death rate among women accelerated, and the male predominance in lung cancer declined. Lung cancer surpassed uterine cervical cancer as a cause of death in women. By 1968, as the findings of many large population prospective studies were being published, women accounted for one-sixth of all lung cancer deaths. These studies found that women cigarette smokers had 2.5 to 5 times greater death rates from lung cancer than women nonsmokers. By 1979, women accounted for fully one-fourth of all lung cancer deaths. Over the next few years, women cigarette smokers’ risk of lung cancer death will approach 8 to 12 times that of women nonsmokers, the same relative risk as that of men. Lung cancer has four main histological types: epidermoid, small cell, adenocarcinoma, and large cell carcinoma, As several studies have shown, the incidence of each of these types of lung cancer displays a clear relationship to cigarette smoking among both men and women. Epidermoid and small cell lung cancer appear to be more prominent among men, while adenocar- vl cinoma of the lung now appears to be more prominent among women. The recent acceleration of lung cancer incidence among women has in fact been more rapid than the corresponding growth of lung cancer among men in the 1930s. Again, this dif- ference in the initial rate of acceleration of lung cancer inci- dence does not refute the demonstrated causal relation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer among both sexes. Instead, differences in the rate of increase of lung cancer incidence may reflect changes in the carcinogenic properties of cigarette smoke, the style of cigarette smoking, or the interaction of cigarette smoking with other environmental hazards. It is noteworthy that those men who died of lung cancer in the 1930s came from a generation that had gradually converted to cigarettes from other, non-inhaled forms of tobacco. By con- trast, the first regular tobacco users among women were almost exclusively cigarette smokers. The 1979 Report on Smoking and Health documented numer- ous instances where cigarette smoking adds to the hazards of the workplace environment among men. Among women, this report reveals two such occupational exposures— asbestos and cotton dust— which have been clearly demonstrated to interact with cigarette smoking. The fact that evidence is limited among women does not imply that women are protected from the dangerous interactions of smoking and occupational exposures. Pregnancy, Infant Health, and Reproduction Scientific studies encompassing various races and ethnic groups, cultures and countries, involving hundreds of thousands of pregnancies, have shown that cigarette smoking during pregnancy significantly affects the unborn fetus and the newborn baby. These damaging effects have been repeatedly shown to operate independently of all other factors that influ- ence the outcome of pregnancy. The effects are increased by heavier smoking and are reduced if a woman stops smoking during pregnancy. Numerous toxic substances in cigarette smoke, such as nicotine and hydrogen cyanide, cross the placenta to affect the fetus directly. The carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke is transported into the fetal blood and deprives the growing baby of oxygen. Fetal growth is directly retarded. The resulting re- duction in fetal weight and size has many unfortunate conse- quences. Women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy have more spontaneous abortions, and a greater incidence of bleed- ing during pregnancy, premature and prolonged rupture of am- vil niotic membranes, abruptio placentae and placenta previa. Women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy have more fetal and neonatal deaths than nonsmoking pregnant women. A rela- tion between maternal smoking and Sudden Infant Death Syn- drome has now been established. The direct harmful effects of smoking on the fetus have long term consequences. Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy lag measurably in physical growth; there may also be effects on behavior and cognitive development. The extent of these deficiencies increases with the number of cigaret- tes smoked. The damaging effects of maternal smoking on infants are not restricted to pregnancy. Nicotine, a known poison, is found in the breast milk of smoking mothers. Children whose parents smoke cigarettes have more respiratory infections and more hospitalizations in the first year of life. Women who smoke cigarettes have more than three times the risk of dying of stroke due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, and as much as two times the risk of dying of heart attack in compari- son to nonsmoking women. The use of oral contraceptives in addition to smoking, however, causes a markedly increased risk, including a 22-fold increase in the risk of subarachnoid hemor- rhagic stroke and a 20-fold increase in heart attack in heavy smokers. Why Do Women Smoke? Cigarette consumption in this country is now declining. An- nual per capita consumption has decreased from 4,258 in 1965 to an estimated 3,900 in 1979. From 1965 to 1979, the proportion of adult male cigarette smokers declined from 51 to 37 percent. Not only have millions of men quit smoking, but the rate of initia- tion of smoking among adolescent males has now slowed. From 1965 to 1976, the proportion of adult women cigarette smokers remained virtually unchanged at 32 to 33 percent. Since 1976, however, the proportion of adult women cigarette smokers appears to have declined to 28 percent. Although adult women are now beginning to quit smoking at rates comparable to adult men, the rate of initiation of smoking among younger women has not declined. This report documents numerous differences by sex in the perceived role of cigarette smoking, in attitudes toward health and lifestyle, and in methods of coping with stress, anger, and boredom. Yet the significance of these differences, and their relation to differences in smoking patterns, remains poorly un- derstood. vill Although it is frequently observed that women in organized smoking cessation programs have more severe withdrawal symptoms and lower rates of successful quitting than men, these observations have not been systematically confirmed for the general population. In the past, women may have attempted to quit or succeeded in quitting smoking less frequently than men. The recent decline in the proportion of women smokers, however, suggests that women’s attempted and successful quit- ting rates have now increased. Although weight gain is a frequently cited consequence of quitting smoking, the association of weight gain with cessation of smoking has not been the subject of sufficient scrutiny. Con- trolled studies with careful measurement on representative populations of women do not exist. The impact of the fear of weight gain after quitting has not been adequately examined. If weight gain does result from cessation of smoking, its exact mechanism must be determined. Even more problematic are marked differences by sex in the distribution of smoking prevalence by occupation. Men with ad- vanced education and professional occupations have taken the lead in quitting smoking, but women in administrative and managerial positions have relatively high smoking prevalence rates. Although 20 percent or fewer male physicians smoke, the proportions of cigarette smokers among women health profes- sionals, especially nurses and psychologists, remain disturb- ingly high. Recent changes in smoking prevalence among black women and men have paralleled those of the general population. From 1965 to 1979, the proportion of black women cigarette smokers declined from 34 to 29 percent, while the proportion of black men smokers declined from 61 to 42 percent. However, differences by race in the onset, maintenance, and cessation of smoking have not been adequately explored. Little is known about cigarette smoking among other ethnic and minority groups. Adolescent Smoking The health consequences of smoking evolve over a lifetime. Evidence continues to accumulate, for example, that cigarette smoking produces measurable lung changes in adolescence and young adulthood. Young cigarette smokers of both sexes show more evidence of small airway dysfunction, and a higher preva- lence of cough, wheezing, phlegm production, and other respira- tory symptoms. The health damage due to cigarette smoking increases when an individual begins regular smoking earlier in life. Yet, as this report documents, the average age of onset of ix regular smoking among women has continuously declined dur- ing the last 50 years, and continues to decline. According to a recent survey by the National Institute of Education, cigarette smoking among adolescent girls now ex- ceeds that among adolescent boys. In the 17-19 year age group, there are almost 5 female cigarette smokers for every 4 male cigarette smokers. The causes of this inversion are far from clear. We do not yet understand the signal events in the initia- tion of smoking among young women. It is possible that parents set examples concerning lifestyle, health attitude, and risk- taking much earlier in childhood. The beginning of junior high school or entrance into the work force may be equally critical events. We do not know enough about an adolescent’s sense of competence and self-mastery, and how these roles differ among women and men. Although smoking patterns among girls corre- late with parental, peer and sibling smoking habits, educational level, type of school curriculum, academic performance, socioeconomic status, and other forms of substance abuse, the practical significance of these empirical correlations is unclear. Women and the Changing Cigarette As this report documents, the proportion of men and women smokers using brands with lowered “tar” and nicotine con- tinues to grow. Adolescents of both sexes have followed this trend, to the point where nonfilter cigarettes are relatively rare among young adults. Although the preponderance of scientific evidence continues to suggest that cigarettes with lower “tar” and nicotine are less hazardous, four serious warnings are in order. First, the reported “tar” and nicotine deliveries of cigarettes are standardized machine measurements. They do not neces- sarily represent the smoker’s actual intake of these substances. Evidence is now mounting that individuals who switch to cigarettes with lowered “tar” and nicotine inhale more deeply, smoke a greater proportion of their cigarettes, and in some cases smoke more cigarettes. Second, “tar” and nicotine are not the only dangerous chemi- cal components of cigarette smoke. Many conventional filter cigarettes, in fact, may deliver more carbon monoxide than non- filter cigarettes. Third, it has not been established that lower ‘tar’ and nicotine cigarettes have less harmful effects on the unborn fetus and baby; on women and men at high risk for developing coronary heart disease, such as those with elevated cholesterol or high blood pressure; or on workers with adverse occupational x exposures. It has not been established that switching to a lower “tar” and nicotine cigarette has any salutary effect on indi- viduals who already have smoking-related illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Fourth, even the lowest yield cigarettes present health hazards for both women and men that are very much higher than smoking no cigarettes at all. The single most effective way for both women and men smok- ers to reduce the hazards associated with cigarettes is to quit smoking. As this report demonstrates, little is known about the effects of these product changes on the initiation, maintenance and cessation of smoking, particularly among women. It has not been determined whether the availability of cigarettes with lowered “tar” and nicotine has made it easier for young women to experiment with and become addicted to cigarettes. It is not known whether smokers of the lowest yield cigarettes are more or less likely to attempt to quit, or to succeed in quitting, than smokers of conventional filtertip or nonfilter cigarettes. The extent to which the act of switching to a lower “tar” cigarette serves as a substitute for quitting may differ among women and men. Public Health Responsibilities This report, which includes data compiled by individuals from both inside and outside the Government, has confirmed in every way the judgement of the World Health Organization that there ean no longer be any doubt among informed people that cigarette smoking is a major and removable cause of ill health and premature death. Each individual woman must make her own decision about this significant health issue. Secretary Harris has noted that the role of the Government, and all responsible health profes- sionals, is to assure that this decision is an informed one. In issuing this report, we hope to help the public heaith community accomplish this purpose. Julius B. Richmond, M.D. Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General xi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by agencies of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under the general editorship of the Office on Smoking and Health, John M. Pinney, Director. Consulting scientific editors were David M. Burns, M.D., As- sistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Division, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California, and John H. Holbrook, M.D., Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, Utan. Contributing scientific editors were Joanne Luoto, M.D., M.P.H., Medical Officer, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland, and Kelley L. Phillips, M.D., M.P.H., Ex- pert Consultant, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Introduction and Summary Office on Smoking and Health Patterns of Cigarette Smoking Office on Smoking and Health Jeffrey E. Harris, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Depart- ment of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Clinical Associate, Medical Serv- ices, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Mas- sachusetts. Mortality National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Eugene Rogot, M.A., Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Insti- tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Thomas J. Thom, Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases, National Heart, Lung. and Blood Institute, National Insti- tutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Morbidity National Center for Health Statistics Ronald W. Wilson, M.A., Chief, Health Status and Demo- graphic Analysis Branch, Division of Analysis, National Cen- ter for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland. Cardiovascular Diseases National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute G. C. McMillan, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Director for Etiology of Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension, Division of Heart and Vascular Diseases, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- tute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. xill Cancer National Cancer Institute Jesse L. Steinfeld, M.D., Dean, School of Medicine, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia. Non-Neoplastic Bronchopulmonary Diseases National] Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Richard A. Bordow, M.D., Associate Director of Respiratory Medicine, Brookside Hospital, San Pablo, California. Claude J. M. Lenfant, M.D., Director, Division of Lung Dis- eases, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Barbara Marzetta Liu, S.M., Division of Lung Diseases, Na- tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Eric R. Jurrus, Ph.D., Division of Lung Diseases, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Interaction Between Smoking and Occupational Exposures National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Jeanne M. Stellman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Columbia University, School of Public Health, New York, New York. Steven D. Stellman, Ph.D., Assistant Vice-President for Epidemiology, American Cancer Society, New York, New York. Pregnancy and Infant Health National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Eileen G. Hasselmeyer, Ph.D., R.N., Associate Director for Scientific Review, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Mary B. Meyer, Sc.M., Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Lawrence D. Longo, M.D., Professor of Physiology and of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, California. Donald R. Mattison, M.D., Medical Officer, Pregnancy Re- search Branch, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Peptic Ulcer Disease National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases Travis E. Solomon, M.D., Ph.D., Center for Uleer Research X1V and Education, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Medical Center, and University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. Janet D. Elashoff, Ph.D., Center for Uleer Research and Edu- cation, Veterans Administration Wadsworth Medical Center and University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California. Interactions of Smoking with Drugs, Food Constituents, and Responses to Diagnostic Tests Food and Drug Administration Cheryl Fossum Graham, M.D., Division of Drug Experience, Office of Biometrics and Epidemiology, Bureau of Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland. Psychosocial and Behavioral Aspects of Smoking in Women National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Initiation Ellen R. Gritz, Ph.D., Research Psychologist, Veterans Ad- ministration Medical Center, Brentwood, and Associate Re- search Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California. Ann F. Brunswick, Ph.D., Senior Research Associate (Public Health, Sociomedical Sciences), Center for Sociocultural Re- search on Drug Use, Columbia University, New York, New York. Maintenance and Cessation Karen L. Bierman, M.A., Department of Psychology, Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, California. Ellen R. Gritz, Ph.D., Research Psychologist, Veterans Ad- ministration Medical Center, Brentwood, and Associate Re- search Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California. The editors acknowledge with gratitude the many distin- guished scientists, physicians, and others who assisted in the preparation of this report by coordinating manuscript prepara- tion, contributing critical reviews of the manuscripts or helping in other ways. Elvin E. Adams, M.D., M.P.H., Chairman, Texas Interagency Council on Smoking and Health, Practicing Internal Medicine, Fort Worth, Texas. Josephine D. Arasteh, Ph.D., Health Scientist Administrator, Xv Human Learning and Behavior Branch, Center for Research for Mothers and Children, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Lester Breslow, M.D., M.P.H., Dean, School of Public Health, University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Califor- nia. A. Sonia Buist, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine and Physiology, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, Portland, Oregon. David M. Burns, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Pulmonary Division, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California. Thomas C. Chalmers, M.D., President and Dean, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York. Florence L. Denmark, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Hunter College of the City University of New York, and President of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York. Robert M. Donaldson, Jr., M.D., Chief, Medical Services, Westhaven Veterans Hospital, and Vice-Chairman, Depart- ment of Internal Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. Joseph T. Doyle, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Head, Divi- sion of Cardiology of the Department of Medicine, Albany Medical College of Union University, Albany, New York. Elizabeth M. Earley, Ph.D., Chief, Section of Cytogenetics, Division of Pathology, Bureau of Biologics, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland. Bernard H. Ellis, Jr., Program Director for Smoking and Oc- cupational Activities, Office of Cancer Communications, Na- tional Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Diane Fink, M.D., Associate Director, National Cancer Insti- tute, and Coordinator, Smoking, Cancer, and Health Program, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Harold E. Fox, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, and Medical Director, Western and Upper Manhattan Perinatal Network, New York, New York. Joseph H. Gainer, D.V.M., Veterinary Medical Officer, Divi- sion of Veterinary Medical Research, Bureau of Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration, Beltsville, Mary- land. Stanley N. Gershoff, Ph.D., Director, Nutrition Institute and XVI Chairman, Graduate Department of Nutrition, Tufts Univer- sity, Medford, Massachusetts. Mary E. Guinan, M.D., Clinical Research Investigator, Clini- cal Studies Section, Venereal Disease Control Division, Cen- ter for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. Sharon M. Hall, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Residence, Uni- versity of California at San Francisco, Langley Porter Psy- chiatric Institute, San Francisco, California. Jane Halpern, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Policy Evalua- tion and Research, Office of Health and Disability, United States Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. Beatrix A. Hamburg, M.D., Senior Research Psychiatrist, Laboratory of Developmental Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Virginia G. Harris, M.D., Director, Maternal and Child Health, Onondaga County Health Department, Syracuse, New York. John H. Holbrook, M.D., Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, Utah. L. Stanley James, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, and of Obstet- rics and Gynecology, and Director, Division of Perinatal Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni- versity, New York, New York. Hershel Jick, M.D., Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, Boston University Medical Center, Waltham, Mas- sachusetts. Reese T. Jones, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of California at San Francisco, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, San Francisco, California. Philip Kimbel, M.D., Chairman, Department of Medicine, Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jan W. Kuzma, Ph.D., Chairman and Professor of Biostatis- tics, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California. Abraham Lilienfeld, M.D., M.P.H., D.Se., University Distin- guished Service Professor, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Harold A. Menkes, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine and Environmental Health Sciences, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Kenneth Moser, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Director, Pulmonary Division, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, California. Mariquita Mullan, B.S.N., M.P.H., Special Assistant to the Di- XV11 rector, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Center for Disease Control, Rockville, Maryland. Janyce E. Notopoulos, Program Analyst, Office of Planning and Evaluation, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Albert Oberman, M.D., Director, Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama in Birmingham Medical Center, Birmingham, Alabama. Ralph S. Paffenbarger, M.D., D.R.P.H., Professor of Epidemiology, Stanford University, School of Medicine, Stan- ford, California, and Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology at the University of California, School of Public Health, Berkeley, California. Richard Peto, M.D., Radcliff Clinic, Oxford University, Ox- ford, England. Malcolm C. Pike, Ph.D., Professor, Community and Family Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Southern Califor- nia at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Ovide F. Pomerleau, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Psy- chiatry, University of Connecticut, School of Medicine, Far- mington, Connecticut. Phill H. Price, M.D., Medical Officer, Metabolic Products Branch, Division of Metabolism and Endocrine Drugs, Bureau of Drugs, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland. Dorothy P. Rice, Director, National Center for Health Statis- tics, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Hyattsville, Maryland. Anthony Robbins, M.D., Director, National Institute of Occu- pational Safety and Health, Center for Disease Control, Rockville, Maryland. Judith B. Rooks, C.N.M., M.P.H., M.S., Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Washington, D.C. Harold P. Roth, M.D., Associate Director for Digestive Dis- eases and Nutrition, National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Philip Sapir, Special Assistant to the Director for Behavioral and Social Sciences and Chief, Human Learning and Behavior Branch, Center for Research for Mothers and Children, Na- tional Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Marvin A. Schniederman, Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci- ence Policy, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. xvii Irving J. Selikoff, M.D., Professor of Community Medicine and Professor of Medicine, and Director of Environmental Sci- ences Laboratory, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York. S. I. Shibko, Ph.D., Chief, Contaminants and Natural Toxic- ants Branch, Division of Toxicology, Bureau of Foods, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Jeremiah Stamler, M.D., Chairman, Department of Commu- nity Health and Preventive Medicine, Northwestern Univer- sity Medical School, Chicago, Tllinois. John E. Vanderveen, Ph.D., Director, Division of Nutrition, Bureau of Foods, Food and Drug Administration, Washington, D.C. Eve Weinblatt, Assistant Director for Research, Department of Research and Statistics, Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York, New York, New York. Samuel S. C. Yen, M.D., Professor and Chairman, Department of Reproductive Medicine, University of California, San Di- ego, LaJolla, California. The editors also acknowledge the help of the following staff who among others assisted in the preparation of the report. John L. Bagrosky, Associate Director for Program Opera- tions, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Jacqueline O. Blandford, Clerk-Typist, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Betty Budd, Secretary, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. John F. Hardesty, Jr., Public Information Officer, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Patricia E. Healy, Technical Information Clerk, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Robert S. Hutchings, Associate Director for Information and Program Development, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Margaret E. Ketterman, Secretary, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Richard A. Lasco, Ph.D., Bureau of Health Education, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. Joanne Luoto, M.D., M.P.H., Medical Officer, Office on Smok- ing and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Judith L,. Mullaney, M.L.S., Technical Information Specialist, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Marjorie L. Olson, Secretary, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. xix Kelley L. Phillips, M.D., M.P.H., Expert Consultant, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. David L. Pitts, Public Health Advisor, Operations Branch, Nutrition Division, Bureau of Smallpox Eradication, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. Donald R. Shopland, Technical Information Officer, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Linda R. Spiegelman, Administrative Assistant, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Carol M. Sussman, Technical Publication Writer/Editor, Of- fice on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Ronald G. Thomas, Public Health Analyst, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Selwyn M. Waingrow, Public Health Analyst, Office on Smok- ing and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Ann E. Wessel, Public Health Analyst, Office on Smoking and Health, Rockville, Maryland. Carole L. Winn, Assistant Chief, Clinical Chemistry Stand- ardization Section, Clinical Chemistry Division, Metabolic Biochemistry Branch, Bureau of Laboratories, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. xx TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ..........5 se eeeeeee 1 PARTI PATTERNS OF CIGARETTE SMOKING ................ 15 Introduction .... 0. ccc ccc ec eee eee eee en tenes 17 The Rise of Cigarette Smoking: 1900-1950 ........... 17 The Emergence of Filtertip Cigarettes: 1951-1963 .. 21 Increasing Public Health Awareness: 1964-1979 ..... 21 Exposure to Cigarette Smoking Among Successive Birth Cohorts ......... ccc eee eee ees 28 Cigarette Smoking Among Young Women ........... 33 SuUMMary ... cee cee ccc eee eee eee eee ee tee tenes 36 References oo. cc cece ccc cece eee ee eee en een eens 39 PART II BIOMEDICAL ASPECTS OF SMOKING MORTALITY ...... 0... ccc ccc ence een eee eee nneaes 44 Introduction and Background ............. 000. eecaee 45 Mortality TrendS .......... cece cece eee ee ence nee 45 Epidemiological Studies ........ cece eee ee ees 46 The American Cancer Society 25-State Study ......... cc cece ee eee cece e eens 47 The Swedish Study ......... ccc eee ee ee eee eens 51 The Canadian Veterans Study ................06. 51 Japanese Study of 29 Health Districts ........... 51 The British Doctors Study ............... eee eens 51 The Framingham Heart Study ..............0065 52 The British-Norwegian Migrant Study ....... ccc ccc e ec eee eee eee ences 52 Overall Mortality for Females—Cigarette Smokers Versus Nonsmokers.......--- ee eee eee ere eens 53 Mortality Ratios .......... ccc cece ee ccc eee eens 53 Amount Smoked and Age ........ cece eee eee eee ees 54 Duration of Smoking ........... ccc eee eee ees 57 Age Began Smoking ......... 0... ec eee eee ee re eees 58 Inhalation ......... 00. c ccc cee ee teeter tenes 59 “Tar” and Nicotine Content of Cigarettes ooo ccc ccc ccc ccc cece ee eee ene eee eee 59 XXi CommentS ..ccccceccecec eter reece reese een e eases eee ees 61 Summary ..ceee cece cece e cece eee e eee esse ce cere e es 61 References ...ceeeeee rere renee ene rene erase reser ees 62 MORBIDITY ....-e eee e sere reer eee rete ere eee ees 65 Days Lost from Work .....---s+ eee srer settee 67 Limitation of Activity ......e cere ere reer eretteeeeres 68 Cigarette Smoking and Occupation ....-.++.seeeeeeee 69 Summary ..cce eee eee e rere eee e ects seen see esses sees 70 ReferenceS .cccecec cece ener rene nese ener rere cere ees 715 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES .....-- eee ee errr teers V7 Introduction .....ceee eee e reer ee eee teen tena n neers es 79 Mortality Rates ......e eee ee cree erent eens reeset es 79 Atherosclerosis ......eeecce tree reer reeneee rer eereees 84 Risk FactorS ...ccee cece cece eee tenn renee een reeeers 86 The Effect of Smoking .....--.eeeee ener errr ee eer tenes 86 Atherosclerosis ...cceeeee reece tenner neers eneaes 86 Coronary Heart Disease ....-.--e seer eee e recente 88 Cessation of Smoking and “Tar” and Nicotine Content of Cigarettes ...... cece eee eee ene e reer eee n ees 92 Angina PectoriS ......ssseee errr reer eer erer snes? 93 Cerebrovascular Disease .......eeeeeerrereerccces 93 Arteriosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease... ee cece cence eee ener eenees 95 Aortic AN@ULySM .. se eee eee enter teen terete 96 Hypertension .....-.eseeee cree reser erence ecetees 96 Venous Thrombosis ......ccereeee eect cenreeness 97 High-Density Lipoprotein .....-.+++sesereerereees 98 Oral Contraceptive Use, Smoking, and Cardiovascular Disease ....-..eeee errr er eeeertres 98 Carbon Monoxide ........eeee ener e eee eter rene erences 101 Comment ..cceec cece eee etree tenner eens enee nes aes 101 Summary ..cccecece cece eee eet eee eres seen sees sees 102 References ...cccccese cece cece nese ener eres sees enes ees 103 CANCER vce ccc eee eee e teen e renee een eeeeeer ener nesses 107 Introduction ...... cece eee e eee eee renee ete eee ents 109 LUNG cece eee cee eee eee een enn eter n teen eres eee e es 111 Geographic Differences .......++-+erereereseteces 116 Smoking Patterns Among Women ...-.+--++--++++ 117 Cessation of Smoking .....----.eeeee ec eeee eer eee 120 Experimental Carcinogensi§S ...-..eeeeee ee ee renee 121 LarynX oo. eee eee e ener ee eees ence eee eeeenaeeeenee 121 (0 7) 122 Esophagus .......eeeceee sree cree ee er eee r eer eeese reese 123 XXli Urinary Bladder ........... eee e eee e eee rece e ence enees 125 Kidney ccc cece eee ener eee eee ee nee ence eees 125 PAncreaS i.e ee ccc cece ete cee ce ee eee eee eee ee eens 126 SUMMALY 2... cece eee eee e een enna tees 126 References ... cece ccc c cece eee e eee eee eee eee eee enenes 127 Non-neoplastic Bronchopulmonary DiSCaASCS co cece ccc cece ce eee ee ee eee ene teeta en ean 133 Introduction ..... cece cece eee eee eee nee eee eees 135 DefinitionS . oo. c ccc cece eee ee cee tenner en eens 1385 Smoking and Respiratory Mortality ............+.5+- 137 Smoking and the Epidemiology and Pathology of Cold 21... . cc cece erence rene ee eee eees 141 Smoking and Respiratory Morbidity ..........-..-+.- 146 Smoking and Pulmonary Function ..........+...0ee 156 Smoking and “Early” Functional Abnormalities ....... cece cece eee ene 157 Smoking and Ventilatory Function ............-- 160 Summary ........ cece cece e eee een eet e eee e anaes 163 ReferenceS 2... cc cc cec ccc s cece cence nent een eee renee eees 1638 Interaction Between Smoking and Occupational Exposures .........e reece teen eee 169 Smoking Patterns in Women ...........:seeee ere eeeee 172 Patterns of Employment .........ce eee ee cece eens 175 The Reproductive Role .......--- esse eee rece ee eeeeee 177 Specific Interactions Between Occupational Exposure and Smoking .......-- ee see eee e ener eens 179 ASDOEStOS 2. cece cece cece rece eee e er een eee ene eens 179 Cotton Dust ..... ccc eee cee ence teen eens 181 Summary ..... ccc eee eee cece renee eee ee nnnenenes 186 ReferenceS oo. cece ccc cece ete e ee tee eee eee nent e ee enes 187 PREGNANCY AND INFANT HEALTH ...........-000e- 189 Introduction ...... ccc cee cee eee eee eee e nee eee e eens 191 Smoking, Birth Weight, and Fetal Growth ........... 191 Placental Ratios .......:cee cee cece tener e erence 194 Gestation and Fetal Growth ............ ee eeeeee 195 Long-Term Growth and Development ............ 196 Role of Maternal Weight Gain ..........-.. 5 eee 202 Smoking, Fetal and Infant Mortality, and Morbidity ......... cece eee e eee cree ne eee enee 206 Spontaneous Abortion ........cee reece ee ete eens 206 Congential Malformations ..........-sesee eee ees 207 Perinatal Mortality ........ 0... cece cece e nee e nee 211 Cause of Death oo... ccc cece eee eens 214 Complications of Pregnancy and Labor .............. 214 Preeclampsia ..... cece eee cere eee nee teen e eee zie Preterm Delivery, Pregnancy Complications, and Perinatal Mortality by Gestation eee e eee ener 217 Long-Term Morbidity and Mortality .....-..--.+++++: 221 Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ...........++.+-- 225 Mechanisms ......cce cece c eee e ee ete eee eee een e eens 226 Experimental Studies eee eee reenter ees 229 Tobacco Smoke ........ once e ee cee cece ence neres 229 Nicotine ... cc cece cee cee eee cee eee ene e en enenaes 229 Carbon Monoxide ....... see c cee eee cece ee eneeees 231 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ...........+-+-- 233 Other Components ......-.. eee cece eee eeeee 234 Fertility 0.0... cee cece cee eee eee nen een eeees 235 Smoking and Reproduction in Women ........-.- 235 Smoking and Age of Menopause .....-...+++++-+- 236 Smoking and Reproduction in Men ..........-.+- 236 Fertilization and Conceptus Transport .... cece cece ee eee ene een eee eenens 237 SUMMALY ... ee cece eee e erect eee eens een eee 238 ReferenceS 1... cece cee cee cee eee ee tenner eeeeneeees 239 PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE _ ..... cee cece cece ee eee eees 251 Summary 2... cee eee ce eee eee eee tenes 254 ReferenceS oe ccevccccecc crete ccc en een ee eee eeeeenenes 254 INTERACTIONS OF SMOKING WITH DRUGS, FOOD CONSTITUENTS, AND RESPONSES TO DIAGNOSTIC TESTS 2... ce eee cnet e eee 259 Women Smokers and Nonsmokers and Drug Consumption Patterns .........+.e sees eee ees 259 Altered Clinical Response to Drug Therapy by Smokers as Compared to Nonsmokers .........: 261 Oral Contraceptives and Smoking .....+--..-+++eeees 262 Alterations in Normal Clinical Laboratory Values in Women Smokers ......... 0c cece eeeeeeeecs 263 The Influence of Smoking on the Nutritional Needs of Women .........0.. cece ee eeeee 264 Summary ....--. sec ce cece eee erect ence eee eee eeneee 265 ReferenCeS .cecceccccccecccee cece cee eeeeeeeeeeeerens 265 PART III PSYCHOSOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF SMOKING IN WOMEN ........--. cee cee eee eee ceees 269 Introduction oo... ccc cece cece eee eee rere eens 271 XXIV Initiation of Smoking in Adolescent Girls ............ 271 Concepts of Adolescent Behavior ...............6. 272 Prevalence and Patterns of Adolescent Cigarette Use ......... 0. eee eee eee 278 Prevalence ..... cc ec ccc eee eee e ees 273 Age at Initiation of Smoking ................ 275 Number of Cigarettes Smoked ............... 277 Type of Cigarette Smoked ..................-. 278 Smoking Cessation ........... ccc eee eee eee 278 Smoking Prevalence and Ethnicity .......... 280 Alcohol and Marihuana Use ................. 280 Demographic and Psychosocial Correlates of Smoking in Adolescence oo... ccc cece ccc c eee e eee enes 281 Socioeconomic Influences ..............-0005- 281 Family Patterns ........... cece eee eee eee eens 282 Smoking Among Parents and Siblings ....... 282 Peer Group Influence ............. 0.00 cee eee 284 Scholastic Achievement and Aspirations ..... 285 Dynamic/Personality Factors ................ 286 Prediction of Future Smoking Behavior ..... 288 Prevention of Smoking and Considerations for Future Research .... eee ccc cece eee eee eee eens 290 Prevention of the Initiation of Smoking ......... eee eee ee eee eee ees 290 Research Goals ........ cee cee cee ee eee ences 291 Maintenance of Smoking Behavior ..............505 293 Patterns of Cigarette Smoking ...............0005 293 Smoking Prevalence and Ethnicity .......... 296 Pharmacological Effects of Smoking ...... cece cece ee eee eee ence seen 297 Nicotine 1... cece cee eee cee ee ee eee enone 297 Peripheral Effects ............ cece eee ences 297 Central Effects ...... 0... cc cece eee cee eens 298 A Possible Role for Nicotine in Smoking Maintenance .............seeeeee 298 Differences in Nicotine Metabolism .......... 300 Smoking and Stimulation Effects ................ 300 Smoking Cessation ....... 2. ee cece cece eet ee cee e ees 302 Demographics ......... cece eee ence ee een e ees 303 AGO Lice c eee cece eee cence ene nee enes 303 Education ..... cece ccc c ccc eee eee teen eens 303 INCOME 2. eee ect cere tee tee e ee eee 304 Occupation ..... eee eee ee ee eens 304 Psychology of Changing Smoking Habits......... 305 Treatment StudieS cece cece eee cette ences 306 The Smoking Withdrawal Syndrome ...........-. 315 Smoking and Weight Control .........+-e+eeeeees 315 Treatment Recommendations .........s-e eee eees 319 Conclusions ...cccc cece cece eect eect e eee eeeeeeees 321 Dissemination of Information About Smoking ....... 321 Health Attitudes and Behaviors .........++++.++- 321 Sources of Information ........cce eee eee e eee eeee 322 Health Care ProviderS ........cceeeeeeeeeeees 322 EducatorS ccc c cece cece ee ere eee ee eee eeeees 324 Peer Group... sce ccc eee eee eet e ee eneens 324 Family ...c cece cece ee eee cece een e ener eneeee 325 Media: Television, Radio, Film, Newspapers, MagazineS ..-...seeeeeeeeeeee 325 Advertising cece eee eter cern eennees 325 The Failure to Disseminate Information ....c cece cece eee ee eee reece eeenes 327 Stress at Work ..... ccc cece cece erect entree eee eeeness 327 Smoking Habits of Health Professionals ............. 329 Physicians ...... cece cece een ee eee recent ennnees 329 Psychologists .......cseceee eee renee ee eeeene eens 332 NurseS c.ccccccccc ccc cc cece eee ee renee ene eeeneens 333 The Pregnant Smoker—A Special Target ...........- 336 Sources of Information .......c cece cece eee eres 336 Physician Advice «6... cece ee eee eee eee e ne eeee 337 Prevalence of Smoking and Quitting During Pregnancy ........- ss eee eee ener eee e cies 340 Psychosocial Factors in Quitting ............+-+- 344 Recommendations ........ceccee cece eee ene ceees 845 SuUMMAry oo cece cece cee eee eee nee e nent eee n ees 346 References ..ccscccc cece ence ec ee terete eee ee eee ennees 347