Cigarette paper increase of cigarette burning rate 68:91 Cigarettes definition and processing 73:175 and development of esophageal neo- plasms 71:12, 293 flavor, terpenoids as source of 64:52 low nicotine, and respiratory symptoms 64:289 low nicotine, ciliastatic effect of 64:268 modified, effect on respiratory symp- toms and ventilatory capacity 73:37, 38 portion smoked, dosage score as func- tion of 67:15 similarities with little cigars 73:224, 225 tar and nicotine content 72:142, 143 tar levels of, relationship to lung neo- plasm development 71:275, 276 taxation 69:4,57 see also Cigarettes, filter; Cigarettes, low- Nicotine; Cigarettes, non-nicotine; Cigarettes, non-tobacco Cigarettes, daily consumption aortic aneurysm mortality by 69:16 and atypical nuclei in larynx 69:59 average, dosage score as function of 67:15 bladder neoplasms mortality rates by 67:155 bronchitis mortality ratios by 67:90 coronary disease incidence rates 67:58; 69:15; 21-24 coronary disease mortality rates by 67:51; 69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios by 67:49 coronary disease mortality ratios for male smokers by 67:48 digestive tract neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 effect on lung neoplasm mortality in Poland 72:61, 62 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:150 increase in, by women 64:363 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 liver cirrhosis mortality rates by 67:184 liver cirrhosis mortality ratios by 67:184 lung neoplasm morbidity rates by 67:33-34 lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:135-137 lung neoplasm mortality ratios 67:34, 135-140 mouth neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 mouth neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:146 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates in men by 67:159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality ratios in men by 67:159 peptic ulcer mortality rates in male smokers by 67:182 per capita 64:26, 45, 46, 185 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:146 prevalence of 64:361-374 respiratory tract neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 stomach neoplasm mortality rates by 67:157 stomach neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:157 tracheal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 in tuberculars 64:277 urogenital neoplasm mortality ratios for male smokers by 67:154 Cigarettes, filter decrease in tar yields 68:91 effect on respiratory symptoms 73:55 increase in 64:46 and polonium-210 content in tobacco smoke 68:92 production of, in U.S., by year 64:46 and risk of lung neoplasms 69:57; 73:44 summary of previous findings 75:4 vs. nonfilter, and risk of tung neoplasms 74:40, 41 vs. nonfilter, comparison of safety 69:57 vs. nonfilter, effect on sputum produc- tion 73:37, 38 Cigarettes, low-nicotine respiratory symptoms trom 64:268 Cigarette smoke see Smoke, cigarette Cigarette smokers see Smokers, cigarette Cigarette smoking see Smoking Cigarettes, non-nicotine effect on apexcardiogram 72:21 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels 73:17, 18 Cigarettes, non-tobacco 64:59 Cigars definition and processing 73:175, 176 per capita consumption 64:26, 45 Cigars, little chemical composition of 73:224, 225, 228 evaluation of potential public health impact 73:222-228 shipment for domestic consumption (1970-1972) 73:222-224, 227 similarity to cigarettes 73:224, 225 sugar and pH differences with large cigar and cigarettes 73:222-224 tar and nicotine content 73:224-226, 228 Cigar smoke see Smoke, cigar Cigar smokers see Smokers, cigar; Smokers, cigar and pipe Ciliary activity 64:61 clearance mechanism by 64:267, 268 effect of cigarette smoke in animals 68:71, 72 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats 74:103 effect of pipe/cigar smoke vs. cigarette smoke in cats 73:217, 218 effect of smoke on 64:27, 34, 35, 61, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 267; 67:107-108; 69:42 effect of smoking on 74:101, 102 loss of, in smokers 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 173 morphological changes in cilia 64:267, 268, 271 transport 64:61, 267, 268 Ciliary depressants 64:27, 33, 34, 61, 267, 268 acrolein as 64:267, 268 ammonia as 64:268 144 cigarette smoke as 64:33, 35, 370 formaldehyde gas as 64:268 gas phase as 64:34 hydrogen cyanide as 64:268 nicotine as 64:268 nitrogen dioxide as 64:268 ozone as 64:268 sulfur dioxide as 64:268, 295 Ciliatoxic agents acetic acid 67:108 acrolein 67:107 in cigarette smoke 67:107 crotonaldehyde 67:108 cyanides 67:107 effect on adenosine triphosphatase 67:108 effect on oxidative enzymes 67:108 formaldehyde 67:107 formic acid 67:108 phenols 67:108 propionic acid 67:108 Circulatory diseases 64:113 Circumcision 64:224 Clofibrate and reduction in risk of sudden death in cigarette smokers 75:32 Closing volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease, in smokers vs, nonsmokers 74:84-87; 75:71, 72 Coal dust effect on pulmonary function in smokers vs. nonsmoker 73:4143 effect on respiratory symptoms in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers : 73:4143 Coal gas workers 64:232 lung neoplasms in 64:193 Coal miners pneumoconiosis and 72:42-44 respiratory function tests in 64:289, 293, 294 respiratory symptoms in 64:298, 299 Coal tar benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:148 neoplasm induction by 64:33, 147, 167, 229 Cocaine | 64:349 Coca leaves 64:349 Cocarcinogens 64:33, 58, 142, 144, 145 benz(a)anthracene as 64:58 carboxylic acids as 67:131 croton oil as 64:58 fatty acids as 64:58, 59 nickel carbonyl] as 69:62 phenols as 64:54, 58, 59; 67:31 in tobacco smoke - 64:33; 69:61 in tobacco tars 67:131 Cocoa 64:349 Coffee drinking - 64:349 angina pectoris, smoking, and 74:8 myocardial infarction, smoking and, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:8; 75:19, 20 Cognition and smoking habit 67:189-191 Cologne, autopsy records in 64:150 Colonic polyposis 64:191 Combustion temperature effect on tumorigenic activity of pipe and cigarette tobacco 73:210, 211 Common colds 64:276 Compensatory behavior, smoking as 64:372 Congenital malformations maternal smoking and 72:87; 73:136, 137 Congestive heart failure 64:320 Connecticut Cancer Registry 64:127, 128 data from 64:135 figures on age-adjusted larynx neoplasm incidence 71:277 figures on incidence of oral neopiasms 71:284 Constitutional hypothesis 64:190, 191, 192, 193 refutation of 64:192 relationship to CHD and smoking 71:48-49, 105-106 Contraceptives, oral incidence of stroke and, in women smok- érs vs. nonsmokers | 74:16, 17 smoking and 72:26 thrombophlebitis and 72:26 Control populations bias in selection of 64:181, 217, 231 Copenhagen neoplasm study in 64:220, 222, 224 Tuberculosis Station 64:141 Copper 64:193 nitrate 64:60 sulfate 64:354 Coppersmiths 64:134 Cornfield method 64:155, 159, 160 Cornsilk smoking, lack of arterial epinephrine level increase 71:57 Coronary circulation 64:318; 68:41-43 Coronary diseases 64:8, 29, 36, 38 103, 106, 108, 317, 320-327, 384, 385 age-adjusted rates in smokers 71:23 by amount smoked 69:12-13, 18 arteriosclerotic, mortality rates in U.S. 74:21 associated risk factors and smoking 74:17 atherosclerosis 64:320 atherosclerosis, effects of smoking on 71:4, 63 autopsy studies 72:19, 20; 74:4 and behavior 67:57 blood pressure of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:43, 47 carbon dioxide effects on oxygen uptake in 71:62 carbon monoxide and 74:4 145 carboxyhemoglobin levels and 72:27 cross-sectional study in Bergen, Norway 72:16 death ratios of paired combinations of high risk 71:25 effect of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking 75:20 effect of norepinephrine levels 68:38 effect of smoking on blood circulation in 67:26, 61-62 effect on blood circulation 67:62-63 effect on blood pressure 67:54 epidemiological studies 64:320, 321, 322; 69:25; 72:14-16; 73:4-11; 75:14, 15 etiology of 64:320, 321, 322 excess deaths in 64:113 experimental studies 73:13-19 heredity as a factor 72:18 high blood pressure in 64:38 high serum cholestero} in 64:38 incidence and education level 68:24 incidence and mortality rates in former smokers 71:46, 4748 incidence in European vs. American men 73:9 incidence in farmers vs. nonfarmers by smoking habit 73:7 incidence in Hawaiian men of Japanese ancestry 73:10 incidence in Japanese male smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:17 incidence in lawyers 68:25 incidence in male bank employees in Brussels, Belgium 73:10 incidence in males by smoking habits or physical activity 68:20, 25 incidence in male smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 68:17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 37 incidence in men in Yugoslavia 73:9 incidence in men under 60, in New South Wales 74:6 incidence in men with and without ventricular premature beats 74:44 146 incidence in middle-aged men from var- ious countries 74:6 incidence in miners in Sardinia 73:10 incidence in Minnesota men by age and smoking habit 72:14-16 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215, 216 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, Peoples Gas Co. Study 74:6,7 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, Stockholm Prospective Study 74:6 incidence in tribal population area, New Guinea 74:9 incidence in twins 68:29 incidence in white males by body weight and smoking habit 73:5 incidence in whites vs. blacks in Evans County, Georgia 73:4,5 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:9,10 incidence of, relation to angina pectoris 67:53 incidence of, relation to blood cholester- ol levels 67:58 incidence of, relation to blood pressure 67:58 incidence of, relation to body weight 67:58 incidence of, relation to electrocardio- graphic abnormalities 67:58 incidence of, relation to hemoglobin levels 67:58 incidence of, relation to myocardial in- farct 67:53 incidence of, relation to socioenviron- mental stress 67:56 incidence rates, by age 67:54, 57-58; 68:21; 69:21-22, 24 incidence rates, by amount smoked 67:54, 57-58 incidence rates, by behavior type 69:20, 24 incidence rates, by smoking and other risk factors 69:23 incidence rates, by smoking history 69:21-24 incidence rates in men 67:65; 69:21-22 incidence rates in twins, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:59 incidence rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:18, 20-22 in India 73:11 infarction in NYC pipe and cigar smok- ers 71:32, 38-39 infarction, relationship to physical act- ivity, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:44 interaction of smoking and other risk factors 72:16-18; 73:4-11 in Irish smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:18 morbidity ratios 67:59; 69:19 morbidity ratios, and blood pressure 67:55 morbidity ratios, and Jung function 67:56 morbidity ratios, by age 67:54 morbidity ratios, by blood cholesterol levels 67:55 morbidity ratios, by personality charac- teristics 67:57 morbidity ratios, by sociocultural mobil- ity status 67:57 morbidity ratios, in New Delhi, India 72:16 morbidity, relationship of smoking to 71:32-35, 37, 39, 93-97 mortality and morbidity retrospective studies 71:40, 93-97 mortality rates 64:25, 29, 32, 38, 39, 184, 320, 321, 324; 67:8, 25-26 mortality rates among former college students 69:16, 18 mortality rates and per capita cigarette consumption in several countries 72:16 mortality rates, by age 67:25, 28, 47, 49-51; 69:13-14 mortality rates by blood pressure 69:14 mortality rates by relative weight 69:14 mortality rates, by sex 67:25, 27, 28, 47, 49-50; 69:13-14 mortality rates, by smoking 67:25, 28, 49-51; 69:13-14 mortality rates, effect of associated dis- eases on 67:51-52 mortality rates, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:25, 27-28, 50 mortality rates, ex-smokers by smoking history 67:51 mortality rates in heavy smokers 64:322 mortality rates in hypertensives vs. non- hypertensives 71:42 mortality rates in industrial workers 64:323 mortality rates in Japanese men and women by cigarette consumption and age started smoking 73:7, 8 mortality rates in longshoremen 72:14 mortality rates in obese vs, nonobese 71:45 mortality rates in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71::21-22, 24, 26-29 mortality rates in smoking men in Fin- land 73:9 mortality rates in United States 67:47, 68:16 mortality rates in, with increased carbon monoxide 71:62 mortality rates of cigarette smokers from, AHA pooling project 71:28, 30, 39 mortality rates of paired combinations of high risk 71:25 mortality rates of U.S. veterans 71:26, 38 mortality rates, relationship to electro- cardiographic findings 71:42 mortality ratios, by age 67:25, 26, 28, 49-50, 52; 69:13 mortality ratios, by age and blood pres- sure 67:53 mortality ratios, by age and smoking history 67:51-52 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:48-49; 69:13 mortality ratios, by sex 67:25, 28; 69:13-14 mortality ratios, by smoking history 67:25, 28 mortality ratios, effect of associated diseases 67:51-52 mortality ratios in pipe and cigar smok- ers 73:215, 216 and multiple risk factors 68:28-30 in Nepal 73:11 in New Zealand 73311 nicotine and 74:13 nicotine effect on coronary blood flow in 71:58 147 obesity in 64:38 occlusion in 64:320 occupational risks in 64:321, 322 pathophysiology of, effect of carbon monoxide exposure 74:10 and personality characteristics 64:321, 326; 67:57 predisposing characteristics 67:58 prevalence of 64:320, 321 relationship of blood pressure and smok- ing 71:45, 47 relationship of heart rate and smoking 71:45, 47 relationship of physical activity and smoking 71:41, 43, 44 relationship of triglycerides to 71:65 relationship to constitutional makeup and smoking 71:48-49, 105-106 relationship to ECG abnormalities and smoking 71:45, 47 relationship to obesity and smoking 71:43-45 retrospective studies in Goteborg, Swe- den 72:16 retrospective studies in Prague, Czech- oslovakia 72:16 risk factors 71:23-24, 4041 risk factors and personal characteristics 68:26 role of glucose metabolism 68:40, 41 in Seventh Day Adventists 64:322 smokers’ age effects on development 71:27, 39 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:26, 42, 43 in smokers with predisposing factors 71:24 smoking and 67:26, 54, 64-65; 69:3-5, 11, 20; 71:5 smoking and, in individuals under 40 years 73:10 smoking and, in myocardial ischemic patients in Italy 73:10 smoking as cause of death 67:25-27 smoking as etiologic agent in 67:26, 54, 62, 65, 66; 69:11; 72:1, 2,13, 14 148 smoking in thrombus formation 67:26, 64-65 smoking risk factor 71:8 sudden death, and smoking 67:53; 71:52 summary of previous findings 68:16; 75:4, 7 summary of relationship to smoking 74:3,4,19 symptoms of 64:320 twin studies 72:18 in women 64:321 see also Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular diseases Coronary Drug Project Research Group epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:46 Coronary heart disease see Coronary diseases Coronary vessels effect of cigarette smoking on 67:65 Coronene 64:147 Cor pulmonale and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease 74:76 Cotinine 64:71 desmethyl- 64:72 effect on rats and mice 69:61-62 in experimental induction of bladder adenomas 69:64 methonium ion, structure of 64:72 Cough 64:280, 281, 282, 283 chronic 64:27, 280, 281, 282, 283, 299, 302 chronic, and cigarette smoking in males 68:69 chronic, in women 64:282, 285 effect of air pollution and smoking 64:297; 74:90, 91 effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 effect of coal dust exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41, 42 effect of filtered cigarettes 73:55 effect of modified cigarettes 73:38 epidemiology of 67:97 ex-smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:98 of parental smokers, and respiratory symptoms in children 75:103, 105 prevalence in cement and rubber indus- try workers, smokers vs, nonsmokers 74:95, 96 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking women in Bordeaux, France 73:36 prevalence of 64:38, 280, 283, 284, 289, 291, 301, 302 prevalence of among smokers 67:103 prevalence of, in smoking-discordant twin pairs 67:103 respiratory function in presence of 64:291, 292 in school-age smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:62 smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:29; 72:40 and smoking 64:297; 67:97 and smoking, by sex 67:98 and sputum 64:283-286 traumatic injury from 64:279 Coumarin 64:145 Creosote oil carcinogenic activity of 64:147 Cresols in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:177 as probable contributors to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 . suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke 71:266 Crotonaldehyde ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Croton oil 64:58 Crotononitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Cuba laryngeal neoplasms in 64:205, 207 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:356 oral neoplasms in, by type of smoking 64:200, 201 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use 71:364 Current Population Survey of 1955 64:177, 180, 186 Curschmann’s spirals in sputum of smokers 69:39-40 Customs and Excise Act of 1952, Great Britain 64:62 Cyanides detoxification, in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:119 in tobacco amblyopia etiology 67:40; 71:14, 435-436; 72:6 in tobacco smoke 67:40 in tobacco smoke, and optic atrophy 67:183 toxicity, potentiation by vitamin B12 in tobacco amblyopia 67:183 and vitamin B deficiency in tobacco amblyopia 67:40 Cysteine inhibition of smoke cytotoxic action on macrophages 69:42 Cystitis 64:224 Cytochrome oxidase 64:266 Cytologic studies exfoliative, and lung neoplasm diagnosis 75:47 macrophage function and smoking 74:104, 105 Czechoslovakia 64:205 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:354, 357 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective study of 64:206 serum lipid difference in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:101 Danish Cancer Registry 64:141, 186, 220 Danish Morbidity Study 64:224 Data collection methods in retrospective studies 64:206, 214, 215, 226 DDT 64:145 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:65, 145 Death certification limitations of, in health statistics 64:101, 127 neoplasm diagnosis in 64:128 149 Death Registration Act 64:127 Deaths, accidental 64:39, 344, 345 Deaths, sudden from cardiovascular disease 68:36, 42 incidence in men with and without ventricular premature beats 74:5 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:9, 19 rate by smoking, cholesterol, and blood pressure, 69:17 reduction of risk of, in cigarette smok- ers, using clofibrate 75:32 smoking as a risk factor 74:4-6, 19 Defense mechanisms 64:264 Demographic factors in smoking 64:361-365 enmark advertising curtailment in 64:8 atherogenic effect of carbon monoxide and hypoxia 71:64 bladder neoplasms in 64:219, 220, 221 bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and 71:381, 383 carbon monoxide effects on human blood lipids in 71:129 carbon monoxide effects on rabbit blood lipids in 71:129 coronary mortality in 64:320 cough prevalence in 64:281 Danish Cancer Registry 64:141, 186, 220 Danish Morbidity Study 64:224 lung neoplasm mortality in 64:176 respiratory function tests in 64:291 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:102 . twins in, angina pectoris in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:51 Deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA Dermatitis among tobacco workers 72:111 150 Dermatologists coronary disease incidence in 64:322 Dextroamphetamine 64:352 Diabetes mellitus 64:326 effect on CHD in smokers 71:24 relationship with cigarette smoking in peripheral vascular disease 71:72 risk in mortality from CVD 71:67 Diarrhea smoking and 64:71 Dibenz(a,h)acridine 64:56 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 structural formula of 64:59 Dibenz(a,j)acridine carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 structural formula of 64:56 in tobacco smoke 67:127 Dibenzanthracene tumor induction by 64:143, 167 Dibenz(a,c)anthracene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke 72:66 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinoma induction by 64:229 structural formula of 64:56 7H-Dibenzo(c,g) carbazole carcinogenic effect in laboratory animals 73:79 carcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in hamsters 72:66, 67 carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- trette smoke 67:127; 71:265; 72:66, 67 structural formula of 64:56 Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene 64:33, 57 carcinogenicity 67:127 structural formula of 64:26 Dicarbony! compounds 64:53 Dieldrin 64:62 Diet influence of, in coronary disease 64:322 intervention and cholestero! levels in postinfarction patients 68:23 and peptic ulcer 67:182 and smoking 67:66 and smoking, effect on blood lipids 73:12 as test constant 64:224 tobacco amblyopia 72:6 Diethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Digestive tract neoplasms mortality, and smoking 67:10, 147 Digital blood flow effect of smoking 64:318 Digital temperatures effect of smoking 64:318 Dihydric alcohols 64:52 Dimethylamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 9-10-Dimethyl-1, 2-benzanthracene 64:203 7, 12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene effect on oral mucosa in hamsters 72:70 Dimethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Dipalmityl ketone 64:53 Dipentene 64:52 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate effects of carbon monoxide on 71:60-61 Disability of emphysema patients 68:66 higher rates of smokers 68:7 DNA alteration, and oral neoplasm carcino- genesis 68:101 binding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to 73:86, 87 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on 69:61 effect of cigarette smoke on synthesis 69:62-63 increases in smokers’ oral epithelial cells 71:288 levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Dogs atherogenic effects of nicotine in 71:120 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl amine 71:296 bradycardia and tachycardia in, follow- ing nicotine injection 71:57-58 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in, from cigarette smoke inhalation 71:269, 270 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:268, 347 death in, causes from cigarette smoke inhalation 71:271 effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in 71:164, 170 epinephrine release in 64:318, 319 experimental neoplasm induction in 64:146, 165, 189 fetal bronchial tubes of, effect of ciga- rette smoke on 71:345 lung neoplasms following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:239, 277 lung neoplasms in, types and lobes where found 71:269, 272-273 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on surfactant activity 71:172, 225 myocardium, nicotine effects on 71:58 neoplasm development in smoking, per- centages of 71:274 nicotine effect on 64:71, 318, 319 ozone effect on 64:295, 296 pulmonary histological changes in ciga- tette smoke inhaling 71:158, 159-160 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on 71:268, 352, 353 smoke deposition in 64:265 smoke-induced bronchoconstriction in, atropine effects 71:163 151 smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipids in 71:127-128 smoking and nicotine effects on cardio- vascular function in 71:107-112 smoking and nicotine effects on cate- cholamine levels in TL:119 Doll & Hill study 64:324 Donkeys effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in 71:164, 171 Dorn study 64:324 Dosage measure of, in light and heavy smokers 67:14-15 measure of, in men and women 67:14-15 and mortality among women smokers 67:25 nicotine and tar content of cigarette smoke as measurement of 67:15 score, for smoking 67:14-15 smoking exposure 67:25 Driving habits and coronary disease 64:322 Drug addiction 64:350, 351, 352 definition of 64:351 distinction from drug habituation 64:351 psychology of 64:353 Dry mouth 64:354 Dublin lung neoplasm mortality in 64:195 Ducks cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:346 clearance products in 64:269 Duodenal ulcers 64:8, 337, 340 mortality rates in 64:37 mortality ratios in 64:103, 337 mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers 73:222 nicotine induced, in cats 73:158, 159 post-operative complications in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73157 152 potentiating action of nicotine, in ani- mal 73:161-163 prevalence in smokers, mechanism of action 73:160 smoking and 72:6, 97, 98 Dust exposure 64:298, 299 bronchitis and 73:44 COPD development from 71:153, 218 as occupational hazard 73:43, 44 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 smoking and 73:44 smoking and, as risk factors in bronchitis development 74:93, 94 smoking and, as risk factors in byssinosis development 74:94-96; 75:68 Dysphoria 64:350 Dyspnea 64:286 prevalence in cigar and pipe smokers 73:220, 221 Ear neoplasm 64:147 Edentulism smoking and 69:87; 72:6 Educational level 64:100, 101 and incidence of CHD, in males 68:24 smoking prevalence by 64:363 Egypt relationship of human pulmonary his- tology and smoking in 74:163 Electrocardiograms abnormalities, and CHD 67:58; 68:29; 71:42, 45, 47 effect of smoking 64:319; 74:45, 47; 73:13 effect of smoking, in middle-aged Dutch men 73:12 effect of smoking, in young military recruits in Poland 73:12 Electroencephalograms nicotine effect on 64:70 placebo effect on 64:70 smoking effect on 64:70 Electrophoresis use in determining serum level of alpha- l-antitrypsin 73:151 Emotional stress 64:373, 374 Emphysema 64:35, 38, 277-294, 302 air pollution in 64:297 alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency and 71:150, 151; 72:44; 74:87-90 alveolar destruction in 64:294 asthmatic form of 64:294 autopsy studies, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:74-16 bronchitic form of 64:294 and bronchitis mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67:93 and bronchitis mortality ratios, by age, amount smoked, and sex 67:94 and bronchitis mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67:93 bronchitis relation to 64:278, 279, 280 cadmium exposure in etiology of, in animals 74:104 cigarette smoking effects on 71:9 definition of 64:278; 67:89; 71:139 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:271 . development of, relation of cadmium in smoke to 71:154 diagnosis of 64:278, 279, 280; 67:90 disability payments in U.S. 68:66 dyspneic form of 64:297 epidemiology of 64:280-294 excess mortality from 64:25, 277 experimentally induced in smoking dogs 72:46 grade II or III, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:162 in horses 69:40 hypersensitivity in development of 67:111 incidence in cigar/pipe smoking coal miners vs. cigarette smokers and non- smokers 73:217 morbidity, and cigar smoking 67:99 morbidity, and pipe smoking 67:99 morbidity, and smoking 67:3, 22, 29-30, 96-98 morbidity, body constitution as a factor in :30 morbidity, heredity as a factor in 67:30 mortality, and cigar smoking 67:30 mortality, and pipe smoking 67:30 mortality, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:29 mortality, effect of cigarette smoking on 71:175 mortality rates 64:25, 29, 301; 67:29, 90-93; 68:66; 71:139 mortality ratios 64:103, 293; 67:8, 90 mortality ratios, and smoking 67:3, 91 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:90-93 mortality ratios, by sex in United States 67:91 mortality ratios, in cigar smokers 67:94 mortality ratios, in male pipe and cigar smokers 73:217, 219 mortality ratios, in pipe smokers 67:94 nonsmoker prevalence of 64:297 occupational exposure in 64:298, 299, 300, 302 pathogenesis of 69:38-40 phases of 64:294 pigment deposition in 64:272, 273 premature development and smoking, autopsy studies 74:97 prevalence in males by smoking cate- gory, at autopsy 73:48 prevalence in pipe/cigar and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies 73:45, 46 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:55 prevalence rates in U.S. 74:75 prospective studies on 64:293 pulmonary function studies and 74:80 respiratory symptoms, body constitution as a factor in 67:30, 102-103, 108-109 153 respiratory symptoms, by smoking classi- fication 67:99 Tespiratory symptoms, heredity as a fac- tor in 67:30, 102-103, 108, 111 respiratory symptoms, in pipe smokers 67:99 respiratory symptoms, in smokers 64:27; 67:99; 68:74 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies 73:45-47 smoking and etiology of 64:38, 294, 303; 67:30-31, 96, 104-107, 110-111; 69:37-38; 72:37; 74 :87-90 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 74:75-78; 75:5, 7, 61, 62 Emphysema Registry 64:294 Endrin 64:145 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Enzymes activity, effect of smoking 71:165 adenosine triphosphatase, effect of cilia- toxic agents on 47:108 aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in placentas at childbirth 71:410 aryl hydroxylase, effect of nickel in cigarette smoke on induction 71:257 benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase, activity in placentas of smoking mothers 71:410 carbonic anhydrase, carbon monoxide inhibition in fetal cord blood of smoking mothers 71:407 carbonic anhydrase, decrease in activity in fetal cord blood in smoking moth- ers 71:409 effect of cigarette smoke, in rabbit lungs 74:104, 105 and macrophage function, in rabbit lungs, . 74:104, 105 oxidative enzymes, effect of ciliatoxic agents on 67:108 Epidemiological studies bladder neoplasms and smoking 72:72-74 bronchopulmonary diseases and smoking 72:38-41; 73:36-45 cerebrovascular disease and smoking 75:29, 30 COPD and smoking 74:78-80 154 coronary diseases and smoking 69:12-25; 72:14-16; 73:4-13, 23; 75:14, 15 esophageal neoplasms and smoking 72:70, 71 laryngeal neoplasms and smoking 69:58-60; 72:68 lung neoplasms and smoking 69:55-56; 72:60-65; 73:68-72; 74:37; 75:44 lung neoplasms, by age and sex 68:94-99 lung neoplasms, in Iceland 68:94, 95 lung neoplasms, in Japan 68:95, 96 lung neoplasms, in Switzerland 68:95 maternal smoking and outcome of preg- nancy 69:77-80; 72:83-87 oral neoplasms and smoking 69:58; 72:68-70; 74:53 pancreatic neoplasms and smoking 69:60-61; 72:74; 74:57 peptic ulcer and smoking 73:155-157 urinary tract neoplasms and smoking 69:60 Epiglottis laryngeal neoplasms 64:212 Epinephrine 64:318 effect in thrombus formation 67:64-65 effect of nicotine 75:29 levels in arteries, cigarette smoking ef- fects on 71:57 Epithelial lesions in smokers 64:168, 170, 172, 173, 213 Epithelial tissues age effects on 64:34 changes in female smokers 64:34 changes in male smokers 64:34 cigarette smoking and 64:34, 165, 167-173, 189, 213, 263-275 ciliary loss in 64:34 in ex-smokers 64:34 histopathologic changes in 64:167-173, 231, 263-275 hyperplasia in 64:34, 203 hypertrophy caused by nitrogen dioxide 69:41 in nonsmokers 64:189 pipe and cigar effects on 64:34 premalignant lesions in 64:34; 75:44 see also Bronchial epithelium; Esopha- geal epithelium Epithelial tumors classification of 64:174 in man 64:146 Epitheliomas of lip, relationship of tobacco use with 71:361 Epoxides suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke 71:265 Ergonovine effect on blood circulation in laboratory animals with coronary disease 67:62 Esophageal balloon technique 64:292 Esophageal epithelium atypical nuclei in basal cells, male smok- ers 71:292, 379-380 effect of smoking on 67:36, 150-153 pathological changes by age and smoking history 67:150-162 pathological changes by amount smoked 67:152 pathological changes by smoking classi- fication 67:150-151 pathological changes for male smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:150-153 Esophageal neoplasms 64:37, 212-218, 234 alcohol consumption and smoking in 67:152-153; 72:4, 5, 71; 73:76, 200 frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:12, 238 geographical factors in 64:133 incidence of, by tobacco use 64:216 incidence of, in Jewish women 64:135 incidence of, in U.S. 64:127 income class gradients in 64:134 induction in animals by nitrosamine 71:292 inhalation patterns and 64:218; 73:197 methods and results of retrospective studies of tobacco use in 71:289, 375-378 mortality rates 64:37, 133; 71:289 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:147, 150 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147, 150 mortality rates in females 64:131, 132 mortality rates in Japanese males by smoking and drinking characteristics 72:71 mortality rates in males 64:130, 132 mortality rates in migrants 64:134 mortality rates in pipe/cigar and ciga- rette smokers 68:102 mortality ratios, by age 67:150 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:150 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:150 mortality ratios for cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:197, 200 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149, 217; 71:289-291 mortality ratios in cigarette smokers 64:149 mortality ratios in Japanese male smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:76 mortality ratios in nonwhites 64:218 prospective studies of 64:217 relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:197, 200-202 retrospective studies of 64:212-217 risk gradients in, by amount smoked 64:217, 218 tisk ratios in 64:213 smoking in etiology of 64:37, 188; 67:33, 150, 151; 71:293; 72:4, 70, 71 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 74:55 summary of retrospective studies 73:201, 202 tobacco tars in 64:218 tobacco use and 64:32, 217, 218 trend in mortality 64:137 urban-rural differences in 64:133 Esophagus effect of benzo(a)pyrene in laboratory animals 67:152-153 histological changes in cigar, pipe, ciga- rette sinokers vs. nonsmokers 73:200 Esters in cigarette smoke 64:52 155 Ethane 64:60 Ethnic groups neoplasm risks in 64:134, 135 neoplasm sites by 64:134, 135 Ethy! alcohol carcinogenic promoter activity of 64:217 Ethylene 64:60 glycol 64:52 Euphoria 64:350 Executive Office of the President 64:15 Exercise on bicycle ergometer, effect of smoking 73:242, 243 cardiac index, effect of smoking 73:242, 243 effect of carbon monoxide exposure 74:11, 12 effect of smoking and smoking absti- nence 73:241, 242, 246, 247 effects of CO exposure and increased carbo xyhemoglobin levels 75:95, 97 influencing factors 73:241, 246, 247 and pulmonary function, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:99 relationship to mortality rates 64:101 summary of findings and mechanism of action 73:246, 247 on treadmill, effect of smoking 73:243, 245 Ex-smokers atypical nuclei in esophageal epithelium, in male 71:379-380 chronic cough 67:98 decrease of lung neoplasm risk 69:57; 75:43 effects of cessation on body weight, blood pressure and hypertension de- velopment 75:16-19 effects of cessation on closing volume abnormalities 75:71 effects of cessation on pathologic changes 75:74 histological changes in bronchial epi- thelium at autopsy 73:74 low birth weight infants of 73:112-114 lung neoplasms in, lowered rates Wh 156 lung neoplasms in, prevalence 64:192, 193 mortality rates in 64:36; 64:105 mortality rates in, by smoking history 67:8-11 mortality rates in, COPD TL:175 mortality rates in, coronary disease 64:322, 323, 325; 71:46-48 mortality rates in, coronary disease, by smoking history 67:51 mortality rates in, coronary disease, ciga- rette vs. pipe/cigar smokers 73:172, 173 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men by amount smoked 69:15 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men, by years stopped smoking 69:15 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 mortality rates in, gastric ulcer 64:104 mortality rates in, laryngeal neoplasms 64:104 mortality rates in, lung neoplasms 64:104; 71:276; 72:5; 73:71-72 mortality rates in, oral neoplasms 64:104 mortality rates in, stroke, for men, com- pared to nonsmokers 69:15 mortality ratios in 64:36, 92,93, 103, 104, 105 mortality ratios in, circulatory disease 64:104 mortality ratios in, ex-cigar smokers 64:94 . mortality ratios in, lung neoplasms 71::241-242 mortality ratios in, respiratory disease 64:104 pneumoconiosis incidence in, in miners 64:298 prevalence of respiratory symptoms 73:39 psychosomatic disorders in 64:367 pulmonary fibrosis in 64:274 pulmonary function in 73:39 relative risk in lung neoplasms develop- ment 73:71-72 risk ratios in, from neoplasms 64:155, 158, 188 summary of previous findings on health consequences of cessation 75:6 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to COPD 75:61 survival after treatment for pharyngeal, laryngeal, or oral neoplasms 73:75 thickness of vocal cords in 69:60 Extroversion 64:365, 366 Eye irritation effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers 75:99, 100 Face skin neoplasms of 64:147 Factory workers, mean expiratory flow rates in :290 False vocal cords epithelial hyperplasia in 64:271 hyperkeratosis in 64:271 Farmers coronary disease incidence in 64:321 decreased smoking by 64 :323 myocardial infarction in 64:323 smoking incidence in 64:187 Fats, saturated 64:322 Fatty acid levels effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs 73:216 effect of smoking 73:12 rise in, after smoking 71:36, 65 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:102 see also Fatty acids; Free fatty acids Fatty acids 64:53 Suspected carcinogenic agents of Ciga- Tette smoke 71:266 see also Fatty acid levels; Free fatty acids Federal insecticide regulations 64:61 Federal Trade Commission 64:8, 15 Fertility and smoking 69:79-80 Fetal death effect of maternal smoking 64:39, 343; 67:185; 69:77-78; 73:123-135 epidemiological studies, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:126-132 Fetus effect of maternal smoking 64:39, 343;72:5, 83-89 heart beats in, increase in smoking moth- ers 71:408 morbidity, effect of maternal smoking on 67:186 tissues of, effects of elevated carboxy- hemoglobin on 71:407 Fibrosis see Pulmonary fibrosis Filters advantages in reduction of particulates 71:269, 275 cellulose acetate 64:59 charcoal, and effect of cigarette smoke on cell cultures 69:62 as a factor in reducing tung neoplasm risk 74:40-41 reduction of lung neoplasms from, blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:103 COPD morbidity in smokers in 71:200 coronary death rate in 64:320 lung neoplasm mortality in, relationship to tobacco use 64:176; 71:245-246 lung neoplasms in, retrospective study of, methods 71:325, 327 peptic ulcer in, methods and results for retrospective and cross section stud- ies of smoking 71:426, 428 risk ratio in 64:127 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:98, 99 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids 71:124 Fires smoking as cause of 64:344, 345; 67:187-188 Fitness tests smokers vs. nonsmokers antismoking measures using 64:354 Flax mill workers chronic respiratory diseases in 64:289, 299 Fluoranthene alcoholic solution of, penetrability of esophageal epithelium 71:292 157 in caffeine solution, effect on esophageal tissue in laboratory animals 67:152-153 in carbon black 64:147 in ethanol, effect on esophageal tissue in laboratory animals 67:152-153 Forced expiratory flow rates 64:288-293 Forced expiratory volume 64:288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 298 decline in smokers, by race 75:72 Formaldehyde 64:60, 61, 268 ciliastatic action of 64:61, 268 ciliatoxic agent 67:107 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 in tobacco smoke 67:107 toxic action of 64:295 tracheobronchial irritation from 64:266 Formic acid ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Formosa acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function in 71:169 Framingham Study 64:291, 323 angina pectoris in 64:325 duration of smoking habit and incidence of CHD 68:17 effect of coffee drinking on mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:20 epidemiologic study of CHD, CDV, in- termittent claudication, and smoking 74:14-16 interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:8 morbidity ratios for CHD, by smoking habit 68:18; 71:24 mortality rates in 64:324 France bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing 71::381-383 bladder neoplasms in, retrospective studies 64:219, 220, 221 158 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:94, 97 cigarette smoke effects on animal tissue in 71:343, 344, 349 COPD mortality of smokers in 71:201 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use 64:214; 71:378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 64:205, 207; 71:355, 357 lung neoplasms in, methods of retro- spective study of smoking in 71:326 oral neoplasms in, by type of smoking 64:199, 201 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use and 71:363 Free fatty acids 64:52 plasma, effect of nicotine, in rats 74:13 plasma, effect of smoking on 69:27 see also Fatty acid levels; Fatty acids Fried foods 64:100 Fume exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 Fungi carcinogenic contamination of tobacco 68:92, 93 Fungicides concentration in cigarette smoke 71:265, 266 Furfural as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Ganglia, parasympathetic 64:69, 71, 317, 318 Ganglion cells nicotine effect on 64:69, 70 paralysis of 64:69, 70 Gas adsorbents carbon granules as 64:61 Gas phase, cigarette smoke 69:63 effect on mucus flow rates in cats 72:47 harmful constituents in 72:143 Gas phase, tobacco smoke 64:60 acetaldehyde in 64:60 acetone in 64:60 acetylene in 64:60 acrolein in 64:60 ammonia in 64:60 argon in 64:60 butane in 64:60 carbon dioxide in 64:60 carbon monoxide in 64:60 ethane in 64:60 ethylene in 64:60 formaldehyde in 64:60 hydrogen cyanide in 64:60 hydrogen in 64:60 hydrogen sulfide in 64:60 methane in 64:60 methanol in 64:60 methy! chloride in 64:60 methyl ethyl ketone in 64:60 methyl nitrate in 64:60 nitric oxide in 64:266 nitrogen dioxide in 64:60 nitrogen in 64:60 oxygen in 64:60 phenol in 64:267 propane in 64:60 propylene in 64:60 Gastric acidity effect of smoking on 67:182 Gastric motility 64:340 Gastric neoplasms 64:37, 38, 225-229, 235 decline in mortality from 64:133 geographic factors in 64:133 income class gradients in 64:134 migrant mortality in 64:134 mortality rates in 64:130, 133 mortality rates in, in smokers 64:149 mortality rates in, Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:56, 57 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149, 228 prospective studies of 64:227 retrospective studies of 64:225, 226, 227, 228 retrospective studies of, by smoking pat- tern 64:226, 227 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:90; 74:55 tea drinking and smoking in etiology of 74:56, 57 tobacco tars in 64:228 trends in prevalence of 64:135 U.S. incidence of 64:127 Gastric secretion effect of nicotine 72:97 effect of nicotine in laboratory animals 73:158, 159 effect of smoking 64:340 effect of smoking in ulcer patients 73:157, 158 Gastric ulcers 64:8, 37, 337, 340 healing of, after cessation of smoking 64:337 mortality ratios in 64:37, 113, 337 Gastrointestinal disorders prevalence in cigarette and pipe/cigar smokers 73:222 smoking and 72:5, 6, 97, 98 General practitioners coronary disease incidence in 64:321, 322 Genetic factors 64:321, 385 alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency 72:44 alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency and smok- ing in COPD development 74 :87-90; 75:72-74 in bronchitis development 67: 102-104, 108-109 cessation of smoking and 64:191 COPD pathogenesis and 71:148, 150-152, 205 coronary disease and 72:18 in cough development 67:102, 111 159 in emphysema development 67:30, 102-103, 108-109, 111 and heart disease 67:53-54, 57 lung neoplasms and 64:167, 232 in respiratory tract disease development 67:30, 108 short run changes in, in humans 64:191 smoking and 64:190, 319; 71:5; 72:18, 44 smoking and, in lung neoplasm develop- ment 74:37 susceptibility in neoplasm epidemiology 64:190, 191, 192, 193 twin studies, effects of smoking 71:49-52, 99 Genitourinary diseases see Urogenital diseases Genitourinary neoplasms see Urogenital neoplasms Geographic factors neoplasm incidence by 64:133 neoplasm mortality by 64:133 Germany CHD morbidity and mortality in 71:95-96, 97 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on animal respiratory tract in 71:350 laryngeal neoplasms in 64:205 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:355 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective study of 64:206 lung neoplasms in, methods of retro- spective study of smoking in 71:323, 325, 326 polonium-210 levels in tungs of smokers in 71:336 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids 71:125 Gestational age effect on perinatal mortality rates in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:126-132 and low-birth-weight infants, effect of maternal smoking 73:103-106 Gingival neoplasms 64:197, 202 cigar smoking in 64:202 pipe smoking in 64:202 retrospective study of, by type of smok- ing 64:201 160 tobacco chewing in 64:202 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Gingivitis incidence among Danish Royal Marines 69:86 incidence among Dutch Navy recruits 69:86 incidence among U.S. Naval trainees 69:86 smoking and 69:85-86; 72:6 Gingivitis, Vincent’s relationship to smoking 69:86 Ginseng root 64:355 Glossary terms used in smoking and ventilatory function 71:215 Glucose intolerance as a risk factor in CHD 73:8 Glucose metabolism cardiovascular effects of 68:40, 41 and insulin response, alteration effects on myocardial response 71:66 Glutamic acid 64:54 Glutamine 64:54 Glutathione inhibition of smoke cytotoxic action on macrophages 69:42 Glycerol 64:52, 62 Glycogen levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Glyoxal 64:53 Goblet cells morphological changes in 64:35, 268, 271 Graphite respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to 71:256 Grief, drug use in 64:353 Grip strength effect of smoking 73:241, 242 Group psychotherapy cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 Growth inhibitors and carcinogenesis 68:92 Guanethidine blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 Guinea pigs 64:296 induced pulmonary damage in 64:266 lung neoplasm development following chronic nickel carbonyl or dust in- halation 71:256 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on surfactant activity 71:255 respiratory changes in, exposed to ciga- rette smoke 71:162 sulfur dioxide effect on 64:266 Habituation 64:350, 352, 354 definition of 64:351 Hamsters benzo(a)pyrene inhalation by, effect of asbestos dust on carcinoma induction 71:162 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl- amine 71:296 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:268, 346-348 induced carcinogenesis in 64:166 induced oral neoplasms in 64:202, 203, 204, 232 laryngeal neoplasms following smoke in- halation 71:12 larynx of, effect of cigarette smoke inhalation on 71:281, 284 lung and embryos, effects of cigarette smoke tars on 71:343-344 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation 71:220 respiratory tract of, C-14 labeled particu- lates deposition in 71:281-282 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on 71:268, 351 Harvard College alumni study 64:385, 386 student study 64:383 Health Insurance Plan 68:19, 20 myocardial infarction in pipe and cigar smokers under 71:32, 38-39 Heart effect of CO exposure 74:10-12 effect of nicotine 64:318; 67:60; 71:36; 74:13 effect of smoking 64:318; 67:60-62 see also Myocardium Heart disease 64:320 description of 64:320 U.S. mortality rate from 64:25, 317, 320 see also Coronary diseases Heart rate 64:318, 326 effect of catecholamines on, 67:60 effect of CO exposure 74:11, 12 effect of exercise and smoking 73:242-246 effect of nicotine on 67:60; 74:13 effect of smoking and -coronary disease 67:61; 71:45, 47 effect of smoking on 67:60 fetal, effect of maternal smoking 71:408 Hematite 64:193 dust, respiratory tract neoplasms in ham- sters exposed to 71:348 Hematocrit 64:319 infant, smoking mother effects on 71:407, 409 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow 71:66 Hemoglobin 64:319 affinity for oxygen, CO effects on 2,3-di- phosphoglycerate control of 71:60-41 effect of smoking on oxygen affinity 69:29 levels, relation to incidence of coronary disease 67:58 tisk factor in CHD 68:29 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow 71:66 Hepatomas 64:145, 321 Heptachlor 64:62, 145 Heredity see Genetic factors 161 Heterocyclic compounds 64:54 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke 71:264, 265 Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 Hexamethonium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 High school students smoking in 64:370 Hippocampus nicotine effect on 64:71 Histiocytes 64:269 Histological studies in laboratory animals 73:49, 50 lung neoplasms and smoking 74:38; 75:4446 lung neoplasms in U.S. veterans 73:73 macrophage function and 74:104, 105 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:8, 49 Holland lung neoplasm mortality rate in 64:176 smoking habits in 64:177 Honolulu Heart Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:8,9 Hookahs smokers of, laryngeal neoplasm induc- tion in 71:355 Humectants 64:52 Humidity and pathologic effects of exposure to cigarette smoke 75:99 Hungary methods used for retrospective studies of lung neoplasms in 71:328 Hunger 64:355 Hydrocyanic acid as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 Hydrogen in gas phase, cigarette smoke 64:60 Hydrogen cyanide 64:60 162 in cigarette smoke, effects on body oxidative metabolism 71:62 ciliastatic action of 64:61, 268 as respiratory enzyme poison 64:60 toxicity of 64:265, 266 Hydrogen sulfide 64:60 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Hydrolases reduction of in smokers’ alveolar macro- phages 69:42-43 Hydroperoxides 64:52, 72 Hydroquinone 64:54 bladder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid biadder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 urinary excretion, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 67:156 Hydroxy-cotinine structure of 64:72 Hydro y-coumarin 64:145 3-Hydroxyk ynurenine bladder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 excretion of, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:156 excretion of, smoking effects on 71:296 Hydroxy proline level in mice lang exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Hypercapnia and chronic obstructive bronchopul- monary disease 68:75, 76 Hy percholesterolemia and hypoxia, in arteriosclerosis 69:26 incidence in Belgian military men 74:17, 18 incidence in male British business execu- tives, by smoking habit and clinical parameters 73:11 as a risk factor for coronary heart disease 72:16, 17; 73:8, 9, Lh Hyperchromatic nuclei in epithelial cells of smokers 64:168, 173 Hyperinsulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests after smoking 68:41 Hyperplasia 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 203, 231 basal cell 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 231 basal cell, and smoking 67:36 betel nut chewing and 64:203 bronchial mucosa, by smoking history in men 67:105 nonspecificity of 64:172 precancerous aspects of 64:166 reversibility of 64:172 Hy perpnea from nicotine 64:70 Hypersensitivity effect in emphysema development 67:111 Hypertension incidence in male Israeli civil servants 74:18 interaction with smoking as risk factor in cerebrovascular disease 73:9 pulmonary, and chronic obstructive pul- monary disease 68:74-76 as arisk factor for coronary heart disease 64:32, 321; 72:16, 17; 73:8, 9 risk of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:22, 44 smoker mortality rates in 64:325 smoking effects in 64:325; 75:15-19 summary of recent findings 75:33 in women smokers with CHD 68:22 Hypnotism cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 Hypothalamus nicotine stimulation 64:71 Hypoxemia carbon dioxide effects on 71:61, 75 and chronic obstructive bronchopul- monary disease 68:75, 76 smoking and 72:22 Hypo xia aortic atheromatosis development in rab- bits exposed to 71:64 and arteriosclerosis 69:26 carbon monoxide-induced 73:18, 23 effect of nicotine 72:21 experimentally induced in rats 72:21 postoperative, in smokers 71:174, 230 postural, mechanism in asymptomatic smokers vs. nonsmokers 71147 tissue, carbon monoxide effects on 71:61 Iceland lung neoplasm mortality rate in 64:176 lung neoplasms in, relationship to to- bacco smoking 74:244 Immune system response to benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung neoplasms 74:48, 49 suppression of immunoglobulin _ re- sponse, by nicotine or water soluble fraction of cigarettes 75:77 Income class lung neoplasm mortality by 64:133, 134 smoking prevalence by 64:362 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in smoke 67:127; 71:265 India 64:205 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:214, 215; 71:378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:355, 356 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of 64:205 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use 71:362, 366 oral neoplasms in, retrospective studies of, by type of smoking 64:199, 201 relationship of smoking to thrombosis in 71:131 relationship of smoking to tuberculosis in 74:227 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system T1117 163 Indole, 1-methyl- possible initiator in tobacco carcino- genesis 71:265 Industrial carcinogens 64:166 Industrial hazards effect of dust on COPD development 71:175 effect on COPD development in smokers 71:153, 154, 218, 219 Industrial pollution in etiology of bronchitis 67:108 110 in etiology of emphysema 67:108,110 Infant mortality black vs. white smoking mothers 73:129, 132 comparison of stillbirth and abortions in smoking and nonsmoking mothers 71:395, 405,406 differences of birth weight and, in smok- ing and nonsmoking mothers 71:404 effect of genetic differences and smoking 73:132 effect of maternal smoking 67:185; 69:77,78; 71:415; 72:83, 87; 73:123,135 effect of previous obstetrical experience and smoking 73:132 effect of socioeconomic background and smoking 73:131, 132 epidemiological studies in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:126, 132 factors other than smoking 73:131, 132 low birth weight and 72:86 risk of low-birth-weight infants of smok- ing vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:126, 132 sudden death, relation of smoking and nonsmoking mothers 71:407 Infants development of bronchitis and pneu- monia, and maternal smoking 75:103 growth rate, effect of maternal smoking on 69:78 Infectious diseases 64:38, 276, 277, 302 Influenza 64:195, 277, 302 incidence from antibody deficit in smok- ing 72:109 mortality ratios in 64:276 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 164 Influenza viruses effect of cigarette smoke on, in mice 68:70, 71 effect on dogs inhaling cigarette smoke 71:351 enhancing effect in vitro on oxidized nicotine 69:42 lung neoplasm induction by 64:172 neoplasm induction by 64: 166 resistance of mice following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:173 Inhalation 64:91, 187, 188 amount smoked and 64:163 bladder neoplasm prevalence and 64:219, 223, 225 carbon monoxide, effect on blood circu- lation in coronary disease patients 67:63 as carcinogen application method 64:166 cigarette smoke, and chronic cough 67:97 cigarette smoke, and coronary disease 67:54 cigarette smoke, and mortality 67:7,9 cigarette smoke, effect on blood pressure 67:54 coronary mortality and 64:324 effect of previous smoking habits on patterns of 73:186, 189 effect on blood circulation in dogs 67:63 esophageal neoplasms and 64:213, 218 frequency-per-puff in cigar and cigarette smokers 73:186, 189 laryngeal neoplasms and 64:209, 212 and lung neoplasms in animals 68:93 lung neoplasms prevalence by 64:159, 230 by male smokers, and mortality rate 67:11 as measures of exposure to cigarette smoke 67:15 mortality rate from 64:36, 91, 92, 99, 111 mortality rate, inhalers vs. noninhalers 67:7; 68:5 mortality ratios 64:91, 111 particulate retention in 64:264, 350; 69:62 personality factors in 64:367 pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers 73:184, 189 possible determining factors in patterns of . 73:183, 184 of radon 64:145 risk in, in lung neoplasms 64:188 stimulatory effect from 64:350 of thoron 64:145 . tobacco smoke, and bronchogenic carci- noma 67:129 tobacco smoke, and epidermoid carci- noma 67:129 tobacco smoke, and papilloma formation 67:129 summary of previous findings on 75:4 Inorganic compounds 64:141 Insecticides 64:61, 145 aldrin as 64:62 arsenic as 64:61 chlordane as 64:62, 145 DDT as 64:62, 145 Diazinon as 64:62 dieldrin as 64:62 Dylox as 64:62 Endosulfan as 64:62 endrin as 64:62 Guthion as 64:62 heptachlor as 64:62, 145 lead arsenate as 64:61 malathion as 64:62, 145 parathion as 64:62, 145 paris green as 64:61 Sevin as 64:62 TDE as 64:62, 145 Insoluble particles clearance mechanisms 64:267 Insufflation application of carcinogens by 64:166 Insurance policyholders breathlessness in 64:287 Intelligence quotient 64:370 Intermittent claudication decrease in exercise time after exposure to CO 75:28 effects of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking 75:20 smokers vs. nonsmokers ~ 72:22, 26 ~ smoking and 73:21 smoking as a major risk factor 74:14-16 International Cooperative Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:9 . International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death 64:10) Intestinal neoplasms 64:103 Intestinal tone, tobacco effect on 64:355 Intratracheal injections application of carcinogens by 64:166 Involuntary smoking see Passive smoking Ionized radiation neoplasm induction by 64:142, 143 threshold levels in 64:143. Ireland acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function in 74:168 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:96 CHD mortality and morbidity in, smok- ers and nonsmokers in 71:94 lung neoplasms in, methods of retrospec- tive study of smoking in 71:328 maternal smoking and infant weight in 71:399 . methods used in study of smoking and human pregnancy 71:394, 396 Northern, mortality rates from COPD 71:144 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in 71:218 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution and residence in 71:218 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:99 165 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system 71:133 smoking relationship to thrombosis in 71:130 Iron oxide 64:166 Irritants tissue tolerance to 64:353 Ischemia 64:319 Ischemic heart disease see Coronary disease Isomethy!nicotinium ion structure of 64:72 Isoparaffins 64:51 Isoprene 64:52 Isoprenoids 64:49, 51 structural formula of 64:49 Isopropyl oil lung neoplasm risk from 64:193 Israel cigarette smoke effects on animal em- bryos in 71:343 mortality rates from COPD in 71:140 Isuprel aerosol 64:292, 293 italy human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy 71:409 prohibition of advertising in 64:8 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:100 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:263 Japan bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing 71:382, 384 CHD mortality 64:320 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:96 cigarette smoke effects on human fetal lung tissue in 71:343 esophageal neoplasms in retrospective studies of tobacco use in 71:378 166 kidney and bladder neoplasms of smok- ers in 71:295 lung neoplasms, mortality of smokers and nonsmokers in 71:243 lung neoplasms, retrospective smoking study, methods of 71:326, 328 mortality ratios, esophageal neoplasms in 71:291 mortality ratios, kidney neoplasms, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:77 mortality ratios, pancreatic neoplasms in cigarette smokers 71:298 neoplasm risk in 64:127 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in 71:255 “Tokyo-Yokohama asthma” 64:276 Jena autopsy records in 64:150 Jews esophageal neoplasms in, in women 64:135 gastric neoplasms in 64:135 increased smoking among, in women 64:363 Job changing smoker prevelance of 64:363 Johns Hopkins student study 64:384 Joint Tuberculosis Society of Great Britain 64:6 Keratin oversecretion of, in stomatitis nicotina 64:271 Keratosis, senile 64:203 Keto-acids 64:53 Ketoamide structure of 64:72 Ketones 64:52 Khat 64:349 Kidney neoplasms epidermoid, associated with cigarette smoking 69:60 mortality rates in U.S. 71:296 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149 mortality ratios, Japanese men and wo- men, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:77 mortality trends in 64:137, 149 relationship of tobacco use and 71:13, 299 in smokers and nonsmokers 71:238, 294-295 smoking and 69:60, 64; 73:77, 78 see also Urogenital neoplasms Korea relation of human pulmonary histology and smoking in 71:255 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers of 71:259 Kreyberg classification comparison with World Health Oxganiza- tion classification 64:174 in lang neoplasms 64:35, 159, 173 Kreyberg study lung neoplasms and smoking 69:55-56 Labeling of tobacco products 64:8 Laboratory techniques for induction of experimental neoplasms 69:63-64 Laborers coronary incidence in 64:321 Lactate metabolism effect of smoking, in patients with an- gina pectoris 73:13 Lactation effect of maternal smoking 73:138-141 effect of maternal smoking, summary of findings 73:141 epidemiological studies 73:138 experimental studies 73:138, 139 Lactones carcinogenicity of 64:145 suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke 71:265 Laparotomy postoperative pulmonary complications following, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:174 Laryngeal neoplasms 64:37, 205-212, 233, 234; 71:12, 237-239, 281 alcohol consumption in 64:210 development in hamsters following ciga- rette smoke inhalation 71:239 development in smokers 71:12, 281 dose effect in 64:210, 234 effect of cessation of smoking on 67:149 epidemiological studies 72:68 extrinsic origin of 64:211, 212 incidence in males and females, by age 68:101, 102 incidence of secondary primary, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:50 income class gradients in 64:134 inhalation effects in 64:209 inhalation patterns and, 73:193 intrinsic origin of 64:211, 212 mortality rates 64:37, 133, 135, 210; 71:277 mortality rates, by age 67:149 mortality rates, by age for men 67:148 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:149 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147, 149 mortality rates, for women 64:134; 67:153 mortality rates, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:237-238 mortality rates, in United States by age 67:148 mortality rates, in United States by sex 67:148 mortality ratios 64:113, 148, 149; 71:277-279 mortality ratios, and smoking 67:33-35, 148-149 mortality ratios, by age 67:149 mortality ratios, by age for men 67:148 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:149 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:149 mortality ratios, cigar smokers vs. non- smokers 67:35 mortality ratios for pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:193, 196, 197 mortality ratios in, in females 64:132 167