The Health Consequences of SMOKING 1975 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Center for Disease Control Atlanta, Georgia 30333 July 23, 1975 Honorable Carl Albert Speaker of the House of Representatives Washington, D.C, 20515 Dear Mr. Speaker: As required by Section 8(a) of the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969, enclosed is the 1975 report on the health consequences of smoking. The recent scientific information reviewed in the report reaffirms the previous evidence that cigarette smoking is a serious public health problem. It is a major contributor to the development of cardiovascular disease, various types of cancer, and respiratory disease. Its toll in illness and premature death is needless and preventable. The recent literature further refines our understanding of the mechanisms by which smoking influences these disease states. Under this Act, I am also required to submit to you such recommendations for legislation as I deem appropriate. This Department has previously taken a position in support of legislation which would authorize the regulation of cigarettes through the power to ban the manufacture and sale of cigarettes exceeding what are considered excessively hazardous levels of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide, and other ingredients shown to be injurious to health. The extent to which the cigarette smoking public has over the years spontaneously moved towards this kind of self protection suggests that it would welcome the additional protection such legislation would bring. This Department, therefore, recommends to the Congress that it consider legislation providing this Department or some other appropriate agency with the authority to set maximum permissible levels of hazardous ingredients in cigarettes. With kindest regards. Sincerely, Caspar W. Weinberger Secretary Enclosure For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 - PREFACE Each year the Public Health Service reviews the scientific data related to the health consequences of smoking and submits its review to the Congress. This report, the ninth in the series, summarizes recent research in four major areas: cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, and the effects of smoking on the nonsmoker who shares the environment of those who smoke. As has been the case with each of the previous reports in the series, the research summarized herein further confirms the relation- ships between cigarette smoking and disease and premature death and refines our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these relationships. Cigarette smoking remains the largest single unnecessary and preventable cause of illness and early death. In the eleven years since the report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General in 1964, there has been progress toward reducing this toll. Millions of Americans have stopped smoking cigarettes, and millions more have not taken up smoking. Even for those who continue to smoke, there has been a striking reduction in the “‘tar” and nicotine content of cigarettes used by the vast majority. At the same time, however. counter-balancing these gains, there has been an increase in cigarette smoking by women and young people, especially teen-age girls. To eliminate the needless death and disability attributable to cigarette smoking, the Public Health Service remains committed today, as in the past, to increasing the knowledge about the health consequences of smoking and to educating the American people as to the nature and extent of the hazards of smoking. This is a task, not for government alone, but for the great institutions of society as a whole — the family, the schools, the health care system. Through concerted effort, a climate of respect for our own health and that of others can be created. Such a climate must certainly be conducive to reducing and eventually eliminating the needless burden of disease and premature death imposed by cigarette smoking. ‘ i ? host / rte. __ heodore abe Assistant Secretary for Health June 1975 iil TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface 2.0... ee iii Table of Contents .......02000 0000000000 ee ee v Preparation of the Report and Acknowledgments ................ vii INTRODUCTION: Overview — The Health Consequences of Smoking «2.2.0... 2.2 eee 1 CHAPTER 1. Cardiovascular Diseases 5.2.2... eee 9 CHAPTER 2. Cancer 2... ee 39 CHAPTER 3. Non-Neoplastic Bronchopulmonary Diseases ...... 57 CHAPTER 4. Involuntary Smoking ..................-04. 83 Index 1975 0... ee eee 113 Index (Cumulative 1964-1975) 2.002. ee ee 118 PREPARATION OF THE REPORT AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Previous Reports Reviews of the scientific evidence linking smoking to health effects began in 1964 with Smoking and Health, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service or as subsequently referred to “the Surgeon General’s Report.” After this report, Public Law 89-92 was passed requiring supplemental reports to Congress on this subject. In compliance, three reports were submitted: |. The Health Consequences of Smoking, A Public Health Service Review: 1967. bh _ The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1968 Supplement to the 1967 PHS Review. ioe) . The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1969 Supplement to the 1967 PHS Review. In April 1970, Public Law 91-222 amended the previous law and called for an updated report on the health effects of smoking no later than January 1, 1971, with annual reports thereafter. The Health Consequences of Smoking, A Report of the Surgeon General: /97], a comprehensive review of all the scientific literature available to the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health and with emphasis on the most recent additions to the literature. was that updated report. Since then, the following annual reports on the health consequences of smoking have been submitted: 1. The Health Consequences of Smoking, A Report of the Surgeon General, 1972. bo . The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1973. 3. The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1974. Each report since the original “Surgeon General's Report” has reviewed the scientific literature relevant to the association between Vil smoking and cardiovascular diseases, non-neoplastic broncho- pulmonary diseases, and cancer. Smoking as related to the following diseases and conditons has been reviewed periodically in the reports: Pregnancy (1967, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973) Peptic Ulcer Disease (1967, 1971, 1972, 1973) Noncancerous Oral Disease (1969) Tobacco Amblyopia (1971) Allergy (1972) Public Exposure to Air Pollution From Tobacco Smoke (1972) Harmful Constituents of Cigarette Smoke (1972) Pipe and Cigar Smoking (1973) Exercise Tolerance (1973) The 1975 Report The present document, The Health Consequences of Smoking, 1975, begins with an overview of the health consequences of smoking and contains the current data on relationships between smoking and cardiovascular diseases, non-neoplastic broncho- pulmonary diseases, and cancer. A fourth chapter, “Involuntary Smoking,” reviews the effects to nonsmokers of exposure to smoke-filled environments. Although emphasis is on the latest additions to the literature, where necessary to provide the back- ground or framework, research from earlier years is included. This report was prepared by the staff of the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health in the following way: 1. The Technical Information Center of the Clearinghouse continually monitors and collects the scientific literature on the health consequences of smoking through several estab- lished mechanisms: a. An information science corporation is on contract to extract articles on smoking and health from the scientific literature of the world. b. The National Library of Medicine, through the MEDLARS system, provides a monthly listing of articles on smoking and health. Articles not provided by the information science corporation are ordered. Viil c. Staff members review current medical literature and identify pertinent articles. ) The literature was reviewed by the Medical Staff Director who wrote first drafts for this report. These drafts were sent to reviewers for criticism and comment regarding the format. the appropriateness of the articles selected for discussion, and the conclusions. The final drafts of the total report were reviewed by the Director of the National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health, the Director of the National Cancer Institute. the Director of the National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences, the Director of the National Heart and Lung Institute, and by additional experts both inside and outside the Public Health Service. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health, Daniel Horn. Ph.D., Director, and Charles A. Althafer, Acting Director, are responsible for the preparation of this report. Medical Staff Director for the report was David M. Burns. M.D. Consulting editors were Elvin E. Adams, M.D., Daniel P. Asnes, M.D., John il. Holbrook, M.D., Paul Schneiderman, M.D.. and H. Stephen Williams, M.D. Technical Editor was Priscilla B. Holman, and Technical Information Officer responsible for the literature collection was Donald R. Shopland. The professional staff has had the assistance and advice of the following experts in the scientific and technical fields whose contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Reviewers ANDERSON, Wilham H.. M.D. - Chief. Section of Respiratory and Environmental Medicine, University of Louisville. Louisville. Ky. AUERBACH, Oscar. M.D. — Senior Medical Investigator, Veterans Administration Hospital, East Orange, N.J. BOCK. Fred G., Ph.D. - Director, Orchard Park Laboratories. Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Orchard Park, N.Y. BOREN, Hollis G.. M.D. Assistant Director of the Medical Center and Associate Dean of the College of Medicine, University of South Florida. Tampa. Fla. FALK, Hans L., Ph.D. - Associate Director for Program, National Institute of Environ- mental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, N.C. FERRIS, Benjamin G., Jr., M.D. — Professor of Environmental Health and Safety, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Mass. GOLDSMITH, John R., M.D. — Medical Epidemiologist, Epidemiological Studies Labora- tory, California State Department of Health, Berkeley, Calif. GORI, Gio B., Ph.D. — Deputy Director, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. HARKE, H.-P., Ph.D., — Forschunginstitut der Cigarettenindustrie, e.V., Hamburg, Germany. HIGGINS, Ian T. T., M.D. — Professor of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. HOFFMANN, Dietrich, Ph.D. — Member, and Chief, Division of Environmental Carcino- genesis, Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention, American Health Foundation, Valhalla, N.Y. KELLER, Andrew Z., D.M.D. — Chiet, Research in Geographic Epidemiology Medical Research Service, Veterans Administration Central Office, Washington, D.C. KRUMHOLZ, Richard A.. M.D. — Medical Director, Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Kettering Medical Center, Kettering, Ohio. LENFANT, Claude J. M.. M.D. — Associate Director for Lung Programs, National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. MacMAHON, Brian, M.D. — Professor, Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, Mass. McMILLAN, Gardner, C., M.D. — Associate Director for Etiology of Arteriosclerosis and Hypertension, National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. NETTESHEIM, Paul, M.D. — Group Leader, Respiratory Carcinogenesis Group, Biology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. PAFFENBARGER, Ralph S., Jr.. M.D. — Epidemiologist, Resource for Cancer Epidemi- ology, California State Department of Health, Berkeley, Calif. PETTY, Thomas L., M.D. — Professor of Medicine and Head, Division of Pulmonary Diseases, University of Colorado Medical Center, Denver, Colo. RALL, David P., M.D. — Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, N.C. RAUSCHER, Frank J., M.D. -- Director, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. RENZETTI, Attilio D., Jr.. M.D. -— Professor of Medicine and Head, Pulmonary Disease Division, University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. RINGLER, Robert L., Ph.D. — Acting Director, National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. SAFFIOTTI, Umberto, M.D. - Associate Director for Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. SCHMELTZ, Irwin, Ph.D. — Associate Member and Head, Section of Bio-organic Chemistry, Division of Environmental Carcinogenesis, Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention, American Health Foundation, Valhalla, N.Y. SCHUMAN, Leonard M., M.D. — Professor and Director, Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. SHIMKIN, Michael B., M.D. — Professor of Community Medicine and Oncology, School of Medicine, University of California, La Jolla, Calif. WYNDER, Ernst L., M.D. — President and Medical Director, American Health Foundation, Valhalla, N.Y. Special assistance for the Cardiovascular Chapter was provided by: JENNINGS, Michael, M.D. — Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, CDC, located at Ohio Department of Health, Columbus, Ohio, and MANNING, Kathleen, M., R.N. — Department of Staff Development, Boston City Hospital, Boston, Mass. The following staff members of the Center for Disease Control also contributed to the preparation of this report: Bureau of Training — Julia M. Fuller, Winthrop N. Davey, M.D., and Seth N. Leibler, Ed.D.; National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health — Nancy M. Johnston and Sanda Lager. x} INTRODUCTION Overview — The Health Consequences of Smoking_ OVERVIEW — HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF SMOKING The statement, ‘Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health,’ has been required by law on cigarette packaging since 1970 as a part of the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1969. This Act was a response by the U.S. Congress to the scientific information on the health consequences of cigarette smoking summarized in reports then available (the Surgeon General’s Report of 1964 and the subsequent 1967, 1968, and 1969 PHS Health Consequences of Smoking). This Act was passed because a series of important questions concerning cigarette smoking and health had been answered. The following discussion summarizes the basic questions, the methodology used to determine the answers, and the answers themselves. The initial question to be answered concerning the health consequences of smoking was ‘“‘Are there any harmful health effects of smoking cigarettes?’’ The answer to this question was provided in two ways. First, it was demonstrated that some diseases occurred more frequently in smokers than in nonsmokers. Second, a causal relationship was established between smoking and these diseases. Concern about the possible health effects of smoking started When scientists began looking for an explanation to account for the Tapidly increasing death rate from lung cancer. The early retrospec- tive studies showed a link between fung cancer and smoking. The first Prospective studies, however, found that only one-eighth of the €xcess overall mortality found among smokers could be accounted for by lung cancer; the rest was largely due to coronary heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, and other forms of cancer. They also found that the effect on overall mortality was largely confined to “igarette smokers rather than the users of other forms of tobacco. _ However, demonstrating an association by statistical probability 's not enough to establish the causal nature of a relationship. Determining that the association between smoking and excess death Tates is cause and effect was a judgment made after a number of ‘teria had been met, no one of which by itself is sufficient to make this judgment. These criteria as listed in the Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee Report (1964) were the consistency, strength, - specificity, temporal relationship, and coherence of the association. In addition, convincing theories about the mechanisms whereby smoking contributes to the various diseases responsible for the excess - mortality among cigarette smokers were developed from the evidence on the biochemical, cytologic, pathologic, and pathophysiologic effects of cigarette smoking, thereby providing the necessary support for the decision that the relationship was causal. The most important specific health consequence of cigarette smoking in terms of the number of people affected is the development of premature coronary heart disease (CHD). Both - prospective and retrospective studies clearly established that cigarette smokers have a greater risk of death due to CHD and have a higher prevalence of CHD than nonsmokers. Long-term followup of healthy populations has confirmed that a cigarette smoker is more likely to have a myocardial infarction and to die from CHD than a nonsmoker. Cigarette smoking has been shown to be one of the major independent CHD risk factors and to act in combination with other major alterable CHD risk factors (high blood pressure and elevated serum cholesterol). Autopsy studies have shown that persons who smoked cigarettes have more severe coronary athero- sclerosis than persons who did not smoke. Physiologic studies and animal experiments have indicated several mechanisms whereby these effects can take place. A second major health consequence of smoking is the develop- ment of cancer in smokers. Cigarette smoking was firmly established as the major risk factor in lung cancer. The risk of developing lung cancer was found to be 10 times greater for cigarette smokers than for nonsmokers. The risk of developing lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and is greater in cigarette smokers who report inhaling, who started smoking at an early age, or who have smoked for a greater number of years. Smokers of filter cigarettes have been shown to have a lower risk of developing lung cancer than smokers of nonfilter cigarettes, but the risk remains well above that for nonsmokers. The risk of developing cancer of the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus, pancreas, and urinary bladder was also found to be significantly higher in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers. Pipe and cigar smokers were found to have elevated risks for the development of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus when compared to nonsmokers. Fewer pipe and cigar smokers than cigarette smokers report that they inhale. As a result lungs of pipe and cigar smokers receive much less 4 exposure to smoke than the lungs of cigarette smokers. This is probably the primary reason for the lower incidence of cancer of the lung for pipe and cigar smokers compared to cigarette smokers. Women have had far lower rates of lung cancer than men. This has been attributed to the fact that fewer women than men smoke and the fact that women smokers generally select filter and low tar and nicotine cigarettes. However, the percentage of women smokers in the United States has increased steadily in the last 30 years, and since 1955 the death rates from lung cancer in women have increased proportionately more rapidly than the rates for men, reflecting this increased proportion of women smokers. The tar from cigarette smoke has been found to induce malignant changes in the skin and respiratory tract of experimental animals, and a number of specific chemical compounds contained in cigarette smoke were established as potent carcinogens or co-carcino- gens. Malignant changes including carcinoma in situ were found in the larynx and in the sputum exfoliative cytology of experimental animals exposed to cigarette smoke. Nonmalignant respiratory disease is a third area of smoking- induced morbidity and mortality. Cigarette smokers have been shown to have more frequent minor respiratory infections, miss more days from work due to respiratory illness, and report symptoms of cough and sputum production more frequently than nonsmokers. Retrospective and prospective studies with long-term followup have found that cigarette smoking is the primary factor in the develop- ment of chronic bronchitis and emphysema in the United States. Cigarette smokers have also been found to be more likely to have abnormalities of pulmonary function and have higher death rates from respiratory diseases than nonsmokers. Data from autopsy studies have shown that cigarette smokers were more likely to have the macroscopic changes of emphysema, and that these changes are closely related to the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Mucous cell hyperplasia has been found more often in cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoke also inhibits the ciliary motion responsible for cleansing the respiratory tract. An additional area of health concern has been the effect of cigarette smoking during pregnancy. Mothers who smoke cigarettes during the last two trimesters of their pregnancy have been found to have babies with a lower average birth weight than nonsmoking mothers. In addition cigarette smoking mothers had a higher risk of having a stillborn child, and their infants had higher late fetal and neonatal death rates. There are some data to show that these risks due to cigarette smoking are even greater in women who have a high risk pregnancy for other reasons. These effects may occur because carbon monoxide passes freely across the placenta and is readily bound by fetal hemoglobin, thereby decreasing the oxygen carrying capacity of fetal blood. Having established that cigarette smoking is a significant causal factor in a number of serious disease processes, two additional questions became important. They are “Can the health consequences to the individual be averted by stopping smoking or by changing the cigarette,’’ and “What are the overall public health consequences of cessation and of the changes made in cigarettes?” The first question is the simpler of the two to answer. In the individual, cessation of cigarette smoking results in a rapid decline of the carbon monoxide level in the blood over the first 12 hours. Symptoms of cough, sputum production, and shortness of breath usually improve over the next few weeks. A woman who stops smoking by the fourth month of her pregnancy has no increased risk of stillbirth or perinatal death in her infant related to smoking. The deterioration in pulmonary function tests that occurs in some smokers becomes less rapid than that of continuing smokers. The death rates from ischemic heart disease, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema also become less than those of the continuing smoker. The risk of developing cancer of the lung, larynx, and oral cavity declines relative to the continuing smoker in the first few years after cessation and 10 to 15 years after stopping smoking approximates that of nonsmokers. A smoker who switches to filter cigarettes and has smoked them for 10 years or longer has a lower risk of developing lung cancer than a smoker who continues to smoke nonfilter cigarettes. The risk to a filter cigarette smoker, however, still remains well above that of a nonsmoker. The public health benefits of cessation are more difficult to determine than the effects of cessation on the individual. Just as cause-specific death rates have reflected the effect of cigarette smoking on certain diseases, they should also reflect any substantial benefits to be gained by cessation or reduction in cigarette smoking. Several factors combined to produce a reduction in per capita dosage of tobacco exposure in the United States for the years 1966-1970. First, per capita consumption of cigarettes declined from 4,287 cigarettes per person in 1966 to 3,985 in 1970. Second, during this period there was a slow but significant decrease in the average tar and nicotine content of cigarettes as well as a decrease in the amount of 6 tobacco contained in the average cigarette. The decline in per capita consumption during those years occurred in the face of a substantial increase in the proportion of young women becoming smokers as compared to women of previous generations and so reflected predominantly a decrease in cigarette consumption by men. Since 1970, although the per capita consumption of cigarettes has increased, the average levels of tar and nicotine have continued to decline, making it more difficult to predict what has happened to per capita dosage. Examination of cause-specific death rates for the period of this declining per capita consumption reveals that there was a downturn in the male death rate from ischemic heart disease beginning in 1966 which reversed the upward trend that had occurred over the previous two decades. This decline in the death rate from ischemic heart disease has not occurred in women. The male death rate from chronic bronchitis has also been declining since 1967, and the male death rate for emphysema has declined since 1968 when it was first recorded as a separate category. Female death rates for these two diseases have not shown these trends. Despite the impressive coincidences of the decline in death rates among males occurring at the same time that there was a decline in per capita cigarette consumption, it is impossible to be certain of the exact cause of the decline in the death rates. These diseases are influenced by a variety of factors in addition to cigarette smoking such as blood pressure and air pollution. Some of these factors have also been subject to major control efforts which may have contributed to the decline in the death rates. In addition, there have been therapeutic advances in the treatment of these problems which may also have helped lower the death rates. A decline in male death rates from lung cancer should also follow the decline in per capita consumption. This rate would not be influenced as much by changes in other etiologic factors or changes in therapy because cigarette smoking causes from 85 to 90 percent of all lung cancer and there have been no major improvments in survival due to changes in therapy. With lung cancer, however, two additional considerations must be kept in mind. A decline in death fates from lung cancer would be expected to lag several years behind a decline in per capita consumption. In addition, the decline in Consumption and switch to low tar and nicotine cigarettes occurred predominantly in the younger age groups where death rates from lung cancer are low. For these reasons, it is necessary to look at lung cancer death rates by age group rather than total lung cancer death rates. The lung cancer rates by age groups for 1971 suggest a decline in the lung cancer rates for the younger males (under 45), but the confidence limits on these trends at present remain wide enough that it is impossible to say whether this is a real decline or merely a leveling off. The national health statistics broken down by 5-year age groups are currently available only through 1971. The data by age group from a few more years will be necessary to determine whether the changes in smoking behavior which have taken place have reversed the trend of the preceding 40 years of continually increasing lung cancer rates in men. In 1971, the last year for which detailed mortality statistics are available, the accumulated exposure to cigarettes reached its peak among men born between 1915 and 1919, a group then in their early 50’s. Cumulative exposure has continued to decline with each successive 5-year birth cohort born since then. The trends of the last few years offer some hope that the peak of the “lung cancer epidemic,” as some have termed this phenomenon, may have been reached with this group and that future years will show a slow but consistent decline. CHAPTER 1 Cardiovascular Diseases CHAPTER 1 Cardiovascular Diseases CONTENTS Page Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) ............0... 0.0. cece ueeeuee 13 Introduction... 2.2... ee eee 13 Cigarette Smoking as a Major Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease... 0... .00.0000 000000. e eee 14 Cigarette Smoking in Relation to Other Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease ................... 15 Hypertension ...........0..... 0s eee 15 Coffee Drinking ..............0.0.0...0.00000. 19 Ventricular Premature Beats .................... 20 Carbon Monoxide ........0.000 000000 cece cece cent eas 20 Introduction... 2... ce eee 20 Sources of Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Human Absorption ............. 000000 c eee 21 Effects on Healthy Individuals ...................... 26 Effects on Persons With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. ........20.0..0.0.0...00- 27 Studies on the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease... ee ene 28 Nicotine 2... ee eee nena 29 Acrolein 2.0... eee een ne eas 29 Cerebrovascular Disease... 2... 20 eee eee 29 Effects of Smoking on the Coagulation System ................... 32 Summary of Recent Cardiovascular Findings ..................... 33 Bibliography . 2.2... cee ee een nee 34 List of Tables Table 1. — Age-standardized blood pressure changes (mm Hg) at followup for continuing cigarette smokers and quitters according to weight changes ...............04. Table 2. — Number of subjects who had developed hypertension at followup for continuing cigarette smokers and quitters Table 3. — Mean percent of carboxyhemoglobin saturation in smokers and nonsmokers by sex and race Table 4. — Mean percent of carboxyhemoglobin saturation in smokers and nonsmokers by employment status Table 5. — Median percent carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation and 90 percent range for smokers and nonsmokers by location Table 6. — Mean percent carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation in cigarette smokers 1 hour after last cigarette Table 7. — Age-standardized death rates and mortality ratios for cerebral vascular lesions for men and women by type of smoking (lifetime history) and age at start of study Page CORONARY HEART DISEASE (CHD) Introduction Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the most frequent cause of death in the United States and is the most important single cause of excess mortality among cigarette smokers. The evidence relating smoking to CHD has been reviewed in previous reports on the health consequences of smoking (6/, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68). The following is a brief summary of the relationships between smoking and CHD presented in these reports. Cigarette smoking, hypertension, and elevated serum cholesterol are the major alterable risk factors for myocardial infarction and death from CHD. Cigarette smoking acts both independently as a risk factor and synergistically with the other CHD risk factors. The magnitude of the risk increases directly with the amount smoked. The excess risk of CHD among smokers has been demonstrated in some Asian, Black, and Caucasian populations and is proportionately greater for younger men, especially those below age 50. Cessation of cigarette smoking results in a reduced mortality rate from CHD compared with the mortality rate for those who continue to smoke. Pipe and cigar smokers have a slightly higher risk of death from CHD than nonsmokers, but they incur a much lower risk than ciga- rette smokers. This has been attributed to the lower levels of inhala- tion that characterize most pipe and cigar smoking. Data from autopsy studies have shown coronary atherosclerosis to be more frequent and more extensive in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers, and experimental work in humans and animals has Suggested several mechanisms by which smoking may influence the development of atherosclerosis and CHD. The formation of carboxy- hemoglobin, release of catecholamines, creation of an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand, and increased platelet adhesiveness leading to thrombus formation have all been demonstrated in smokers and proposed as explanations for the excess CHD mortality and morbidity among smokers. 13 Cigarette Smoking as a Major Risk Factor for Coronary Heart Disease The evidence establishing smoking as a major risk factor in CHD has been reviewed in previous reports (6/, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68). During the last year new epidemiologic data have been published on the relationship between coronary artery disease and smoking. Bengtsson (9, /0) studied the smoking habits of women with myocardial infarction (MI) in Goteborg, Sweden. He found that smoking was significantly more common in a group of 46 women (80 percent smokers), ages 50-54, who had a myocardial infarction than in a control group of 578 healthy nonhospitalized women (37.2 percent smokers). Other investigators examined the effect of cigarette smoking on survival of people with acute myocardial infarction. In a study of 400 patients with documented myocardial infarction who survived to be admitted to a coronary care unit, Helmers (26, 27, 28) found no significant difference between the percentages of smokers and nonsmokers among survivors studied after the first 24 hours, from 2 days until discharge, and from discharge to 3 years. Reynertson and Tzagournis (52), in a 5-year prospective study of 137 patients with documented CHD at age 50 or less, were also unable to find any relationship between CHD mortality rates and smoking habits. Smoking habits after entrance into the study were also considered and again no difference in mortality rates was found. The Coronary Drug Project (/7) found an effect of cigarette smoking on mortality after myocardial infarction. This group studied 2,789 men ages 30-64 years for 3 years after myocardial infarction and found a statistically significant correlation between cigarette smoking determined 3 months after a myocardial infarction and mortality (t-value of 2.94). None of these studies (17, 26, 27, 28, 52) were able to examine the smoking habits of the group of people who die suddenly as a first manifestation of CHD, and therefore may have excluded that group in which there is the highest excess mortality due to cigarette smoking (3/). Additional data from the Swedish twin study of Friberg, et al. (23) have been reported. They found an excess CHD mortality among smokers in dizygotic twins with different degrees of smoking, but no similar excess in monozygotic twins. Although the numbers were too small to be significant, the authors suggest that this tends to support the theory that both smoking and CHD are constitutionally 14 determined. These data must be viewed with caution, however, since the difference was demonstrable only in the older age group (born 1901 - 1910). When the younger age group (born 1911 - 1925) was considered, no excess CHD mortality was seen in the dizygotic group but a small excess was noted in the monozygotic group (three CHD deaths in the high smoking group and one in the low smoking group). Also the difference in cigarette consumption between the high and low smoking groups was relatively small (seven cigarettes per day). Consequently, data from this study are not sufficient to warrant the conclusion that both smoking and excess CHD mortality are constitutionally determined rather than smoking being a cause of the excess CHD mortality. Cigarette Smoking in Relation to Other Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease Cigarette smoking, elevated serum cholesterol, and elevated blood pressure are generally accepted as the three major modifiable risk factors for CHD. However, there is less agreement concerning other CHD risk factors — obesity, physical inactivity, diabetes mellitus, elevated resting heart rate, psychologic type A behavior, etc. The following studies present recent evidence on the relation- ships between smoking and hypertension, coffee drinking, and ventricular premature beats. Hypertension Results from several studies have shown that smokers on the average have slightly lower blood pressure than nonsmokers. Some investigators have attributed this finding to the fact that smokers on the average weigh slightly less than nonsmokers. Three current studies (24, 36, 55) discuss this relationship. Gyntelberg and Meyer (24), based on their evaluation of 5,249 men ages 40-59, were of the opinion that lower blood pressure in smokers could not be accounted for by differences in weight, age, or physical fitness. Kesteloot and Van Houte (36), in a study of 42,804 men, performed a multiple regression analysis on age, weight, and height and found that cigarette smokers had lower blood pressure than nonsmokers; however, when they included serum cholesterol values in the analysis, the difference in blood pressure was reduced to approxi- mately | mm Hg. Although this difference was statistically signifi- cant based on the large population, the actual difference in blood pressure was too small to be of clinical importance. 15 Seltzer (55) studied 794 men selected for their initial good health and normal blood pressure (below 140 systolic and 90 diastolic) and followed them for changes in cigarette smoking habits, weight, and blood pressure. During the 5-year period of the study 104 men gave up smoking. For every age group except those over 55, there was a significantly greater weight gain (8 lb) among the “quitters” than among the continuing smokers (3.5 Ib). Blood pressure increased 4 mm Hg systolic and 2.5 mm Hg diastolic in the quitters with no change in systolic and a slight reduction in diastolic (-1.1 mm Hg) in persons who continued to smoke. In order to examine blood pressure changes in relation to weight change, both continuing smokers and quitters were grouped according to their weight changes during the period of study (Table 1). The most significant finding was an increase in the systolic blood pressure (+1.77 mm Hg) among the quitters even in that group with significant weight loss. In contrast, the continuing smokers with significant weight loss had a decline in systolic blood pressure (-3.28 mm Hg). Diastolic blood pressure in quitters showed an increase with weight gain and no change with weight loss, while continuing smokers showed a decrease in diastolic pressure with weight loss and no change with weight gain. The data on subjects whose blood pressure had increased to hypertensive levels (systolic > 150 and diastolic > 95) were evaluated, and it was found that quitters had a much higher frequency of becoming hypertensive than continuing smokers (Table 2). Seltzer, in interpreting these data, suggested that cigarette smoking tends to inhibit blood pressure increases, with only minimal pressure rises occurring even in instances of substantial weight gain. When this inhibiting effect of cigarette smoking is removed as in the case of the quitters, sharp rises in blood pressure become evident. He cautioned, however, that the development of hypertension in some quitters may have been responsible for decisions to lose weight and that his data do not allow an evaluation of the degree of blood pressure changes according to how recently cigarettes were given up. The results of the ischemic heart disease study by Kahn, et al. (34) raise additional questions about Seltzer’s data. Kahn followed 10,000 Israeli male civil service employees for 5 years to determine what factors were associated with an increased incidence of hypertension. He presented no data concerning persons who stopped smoking, but he did show that the incidence of hypertension increased with age and that the age-adjusted incidence of hyper- tension in smokers was over twice that of nonsmokers (76.9/ 1000 for smokers versus 35.4/1000 for nonsmokers). Seltzer reported no 16 Li TABLE 1. — Age-standardized blood pressure changes (mm Hg)! at followup for continuing cigarette smokers and quitters according to weight changes Weight Change (LB) Significant No Significant Moderate Significant Smoking Class Wt Loss Wt Change Wt Gain Wt Gain Ib lb Ib Ib No. -25 to -5 No. -4to+4 No. +5 to +12 No. +13 to +30 Mean systolic BP changes: Continuing smokers 32 —4,00 84 —1.52 71 2.85 24 1.50 Quitters 13 1.77 27 2.22 27 4.04 32 3.69 Mean diastolic BP changes: Continuing smokers 32 —3.28 84 ~2.04 71 0.73 24 --0.04 Quitters 13 —0.31 27 —1.96 27 4.30 32 3.94 ' Standardized on basis of age distribution of current cigarette smokers. Source: Seltzer, C.C. (55). sl TABLE 2. — Number of subjects who had developed hypertension at followup for continuing cigarette smokers and quitters Blood pressure Continuing cigarette smokers Quitters levels Number Percent Number Percent Systolic blood pressure 150+ 6 2.8 9 8.7 Systolic blood pressure 160+ 2 0.9 5 4.8 Diastolic blood pressure 95+ 3 1.4 5 4.8 Source: Seltzer, C.C. (55). data on the incidence of hypertension in nonsmokers, and the age distribution for his group of smokers (the original source of the quitters) is heavily weighted toward younger age groups (with only 33 of 214 men age 50 years or over). According to Kahn’s data, this age group would be expected to have a lower incidence of hypertension, and, in fact, Seltzer found only small numbers of men who developed hypertension (eight with diastolic hypertension) (Table 2). Making interpretations based on such small numbers is hazardous; for example, the difference between current smokers and quitters in the incidence of diastolic hypertension could have been produced by only three men quitting smoking because they developed hypertension. Coffee Drinking The Boston Collaborative Drug Study (/ 2) recently reported a correlation between coffee drinking (> 6 cups per day) and myocardial infarction that persisted after controlling for the effect of cigarette smoking. This was a retrospective study of 276 patients with a hospital discharge diagnosis of myocardial infarction and 1,104 age, sex, and hospital-matched controls discharged with other diagnoses. In addition to the usual limitations of retrospective studies, this study has several characteristics that make interpretation difficult. In controlling for the effect of cigarette smoking, the investigators divided the smokers into those who smoked one pack or less per day and those who smoked more than one pack per day. Because cigarette consumption is highly correlated with coffee consumption (29, 39), it can be expected that within such broad smoking categories those who were heavy coffee drinkers tended to be heavier smokers than those who consumed smaller amounts of coffee. It is also possible that the hospitalized controls represented persons who drank less coffee than the general population because of serious chronic illnesses. These characteristics of the study design do not allow firm conclusions to be made concerning the extent to which the relationship between coffee drinking and myocardial infarction is independent of the relationship of both variables to cigarette smoking. The question of the independent nature of this relationship is also dealt with in a prospective study by Klatsky, et al. (39) of 464 Patients with myocardial infarction who previously had had multi- phasic health checkups. Both ordinary controls and CHD risk factor-matched controls were drawn from 250,000 people who had undergone the same multiphasic health checkups. The investigators did not find an independent correlation between coffee drinking and myocardial infarction when risk-matched controls were used. 19 The Framingham Study (/8) recently published data on coffee drinking based on a 12-year followup of 5,209 men and women ages 30-62. An increased risk of death from all causes was demonstrated in coffee drinkers, but this relationship was accounted for by the associ- ation between coffee consumption and cigarette smoking. No association between coffee drinking and myocardial infarction or between coffee drinking and the development of CHD, stroke, or intermittent claudication was demonstrated. Heyden, et al. (29) also found no relationship between excessive coffee consumption (> 5 cups per day) and atherosclerotic vascular disease. Ventricular Premature Beats Ventricular premature beats have been shown to be a risk factor for sudden death from CHD. Vedin, et al. (69), in a study of 793 men in Goteborg, Sweden, examined the frequency of rhythm and conduction disturbances at rest and during exercise. They found no statistically significant correlation between cigarette smoking habits and the presence of supraventricular or ventricular premature beats at rest or during exercise. CARBON MONOXIDE Introduction Carbon monoxide has long been recognized as a dangerous gas, but until recently concentrations which produced carboxyhemo- globin levels below 15 to 20 percent were thought to have little effect on humans. Currently there is considerable interest in determining the effect of chronic exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide (65, 66, 67, 68). Carbon monoxide is present in concentrations of 1 to 5 percent of the gaseous phase of cigarette smoke (//, 45). The concentration varies with temperature of combustion as well as with factors which control the oxygen supply such as the porosity of the paper and packing of the tobacco. The amount of carbon monoxide produced increases as the cigarette burns down. Carboxyhemoglobin levels in smokers vary from 2 to 15 percent depending on the amount smoked, degree of inhalation, and the time elapsed since smoking the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide, which has 230 times the affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin, impairs oxygen transportation in at least two ways: 20 First, it competes with oxygen for hemoglobin binding sites. Second, it increases the affinity of the remaining hemoglobin for oxygen, thereby requiring a larger gradient in Poz between the blood and tissue to deliver a given amount of oxygen; this increased gradient is usually produced by a lowering of the tissue Poo. Carbon monoxide also binds to other heme-containing pig- ments, most notably myoglobin, for which it has even a greater affinity than for hemoglobin under conditions of low Pox. The significance of this binding is unclear, but may be important in tissues, such as the heart muscle, which have both high oxygen requirements and large amounts of myoglobin. Sources of Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Human Absorption Several researchers (13, 32, 35, 57, 60, 70) have estimated the relative contribution of cigarette smoking and air pollution to the human carbon monoxide burden as measured by carboxyhemoglobin levels (COHb). Kahn, et al. (35), in a study of 16,649 biood donors, determined that smoking was the most important contributing factor, followed by industrial work exposure. Nonsmoking industrial workers had COHb levels of 1.38 percent, and nonsmokers without industrial exposure had levels of .78 percent. Cigarette smokers, on the other hand, had very high levels. Smokers with industrial exposure had levels of 5.01 percent, while smokers without industrial exposure had levels of 4.44 percent (Tables 3 and 4). Stewart, et al. (57) found similar results in a nationwide survey of blood donors and noted marked variation in mean COHb levels in residents of different cities measured at different times of the year (Table 5). However, in all areas, smokers still had COHb levels two to three times higher than nonsmokers and had increasing COHb levels with increasing level of cigarette consumption (Table 6). Similar findings were reported by Torbati, et al (60) in a study of 500 male Israeli blood donors. Nonsmoking workers exposed to automobile exhaust — London taxi drivers (32) and garage and service station operators (/3) — have higher baseline levels of carboxyhemoglobin than nonsmokers of the general population. But even in these high exposure occupations smokers have markedly higher COHb levels (8.1 and 10.8 percent) than nonsmokers (6.3 and 5.5 percent). An extreme is represented by New York City tunnel workers who are exposed to an average of 63 ppm CO with peak exposure levels as high as 217 ppm CO; cigarette smokers still maintained much higher COHb levels (5.01 percent) than nonsmokers (2.93 percent) (8). 2] cc TABLE 3. — Mean percent of carboxyhemoglobin saturation in smokers and nonsmokers by sex and race Total Sample Nonsmokers Smokers! No. X+Sz No. X+$5 No. X£Sz Total Sample 16,649 2.30 £ 0.02 10,157 0.85 +0.01 6,492 4.58 £0.03 Male 10,542 2.66 + 0.03 §,888 1.00 + 0.01 4,654 4.76 £0.04 Female 6,107 1.68 + 0.03 4,269 0.64 +0.01 1,838 4.10 + 0.06 White 15,167 2.28 + 0.02 9,474 0.85 + 0.01 5,693 4.66 + 0.04 Male 9,669 2.65 + 0.03 5,508 1.00 + 0.01 4,161 4.83 + 0.04 Female 5,498 1.63 £0.03 3,966 0.64 + 0.01 1,532 4.19 + 0.06 Black 1,429 2.59 + 0.06 641 0.86 + 0.03 788 4.00 + 0.08 Male 829 2.91 £0.10 347 1.07 + 0.05 482 4.24+0.10 Female 600 2.15 + 0.09 294 0.62 + 0.04 306 3.63 + 0.12 Ismokers are defined as those who smoked on the day of giving blood. NOTE. — X = mean percent; sy= standard error of mean percent. Source: Kahn, A., et al. (35). €C TABLE 4. — Mean percent of carboxyhemoglobin saturation in smokers and nonsmokers by employment status Nonsmokers Smokers! No. X +S; No. X tS; Persons employed 8,478 0.89 + 0.01 $,962 4.61 £0.03 Classed as industrial workers! 1,523 1.38 + 0.04 1,738 5.01 + 0.06 Classed as workers other than industrial 6,955 0.78 £0.01 4,224 4.44 + 0.04 Persons not employed 1,678 0.63 + 0.02 $31 4.2440.11 ladustrial workers are employed in either durable or nondurable goods manufacturing (craftsmen, operatives, or laborers). Smokers are defined as those who smoked on the day of giving blood. NOTE. — X = mean percent; Sx = standard error of mean percent. Source: Kahn, A., et al. (35). TABLE 5. — Median percent carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation and 90 percent range for smokers and nonsmokers by location Cigarette Smokers Nonsmokers Location Median Range Median Range Anchorage 47 0.9 - 9.5 1.5 0.6 — 3.2 Chicago 5.8 2.0 — 9.9 1.7 1.0 ~ 3.2 Denver 5.5 2.0 - 9.8 2.0 0.9 - 3.7 Detroit 5.6 1.6 — 10.4 1.6 0.7 — 2.7 Honolulu 4.9 1.6 - 9.0 1.4 0.7 — 2.5 Houston 3.2 1.0 — 7.8 1,2 0.6 — 3.5 Los Angeles 6.2 2.0 — 10.3 1.8 1.0 - 3.0 Miami 5.0 1.2 - 9.7 1.2 0.4 — 3.0 Milwaukee 4.2 1.0 — 8.9 1.2 0.5 — 2.5 New Orleans 5.5 2.0 — 9.6 1.6 1.0 — 3.0 New York 4.8 12-91 1.2 0.6 — 2.5 Phoenix 4.1 0.9 ~ 8.7 1.2 0.5 — 2.5 St. Louis 5.1 1.7 - 9,2 1.4 0.9 - 2.1 Salt Lake City §.1 1.5 — 9.5 1.2 0.6 — 2.5 San Francisco 5.4 1.6 — 9.8 1.5 0.8 — 2.7 Seattle 5.7 17-96 1.5 0.8 — 2.7 Vermont, New Hampshire 4.8 1.4 ~—9.0 1.2 0.8 — 2.1 Washington, DC 4.9 1.2 - 8.4 1.2 0.6 - 2.5 Source: Stewart, R.D., et al . (57). Sc TABLE 6. — Mean percent carboxyhemoglobin (COH}) saturation in cigarette smokers I hour after last cigarette Packs of Cigarettes Smoked Per day Location Nonsmoker <% YVri 1 1% 2 Milwaukee 1.3 3.0 4.2 5.3 6.2 4.7 New Hampshire, Vermont 1.4 3.3 4.4 5.7 6.7 5.3 New York City 1.4 3.1 4,3 4.7 5.8 6.3 Washington, DC 1.4 3.8 4.6 5.2 5.8 6.6 Los Angeles 2.0 4.0 5.2 6.0 7.4 7.5 Chicago 2.0 4.8 5.4 6.3 7A 77 Source: Stewart, R.D., et al. (57). Studies on the CO burden of each cigarette have determined the body burden of CO per cigarette to be 7.10-8.66 ml (40), and the increase in COHb level produced by smoking one cigarette to be .94 to 1.6 percent after 12 hours of abstinence (40, 53). The half-life for the washout of CO in healthy college smokers (40) was calculated to be from 3 to 5 hours. Effects on Healthy Individuals Several studies have been published on the effects of carbon monoxide on healthy individuals. Small doses of CO (COHb levels 2.4-5.4 percent) were found to have no effect on heart rate (56). Raven, et al. (5/7), in a study of young men exposed during exercise on a treadmill to 50 ppm CO (COHb levels 2.5 percent in nonsmokers and 4.1 in smokers), found no decrease in maximum aerobic capacity when the subjects were tested at 25°C. In a similar experiment conducted at 35°C by the same researchers (20), there was a decrease in maximum aerobic capacity in nonsmokers exposed to 50 ppm CO, but not in smokers despite an increase in the carboxyhemoglobin levels of 1.5 percent in both groups. They postulated a possible physiologic adaptation of smokers to carbon monoxide. Ekblom and Huot (22) studied five young men who inhaled CO to reach given COHb levels. They reported that as COHb levels increased, there was a decrease in maximal oxygen uptake and lower heart rates at maximal treadmill exercise. Sagone, et al. (54), in a study of 9 cigarette smokers and 18 nonsmokers ages 20-32, showed significantly higher values for COHb, red cell mass, hemoglobin, and hematocrit in the smokers. Levels of 2,3 DPG were unaltered while oxyhemoglobin affinity P50 and ATP levels were significantly lower in the smokers. The three smokers with highest red cell mass had normal arterial blood gases and one smoker had very high values of red cell mass which returned to normal after he stopped smoking. The authors interpret these data as evidence of tissue hypoxia. Millar and Gregory (43), in a study of both fresh heparinized blood and ACD-stored blood from a blood bank, showed a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of up to 10 percent in the blood of cigarette smokers; this reduction persisted for the full 21-day storage life of blood bank blood. Cole, et al. (76), in a study of pregnant women, found COHb levels in the fetus to be 1.8 times as great as those in the 26 simultaneously measured blood of the mother. Fetal blood was exposed to carbon monoxide in vitro, and fetal hemoglobin was found to have a shift of the oxyhemoglobin disassociation curve to the left as occurs with adult hemoglobin. The higher fetal COHb levels were attributed to the lower fetal Poy and a resultant decrease in the ability of oxygen to compete for the fetal hemoglobin. It was felt by the authors that the high COHb levels may be responsible for the lower birth weight of infants born to mothers who smoke. Effects on Persons with Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Aronow and Isbell (5) and Anderson, et al. (7) have shown a decrease in the mean duration of exercise before the onset of pain in patients with angina pectoris exposed to low levels of carbon monoxide (50 and 100 ppm). Carboxyhemoglobin levels were significantly elevated (2.9 percent after 50 ppm; 4.5 percent after 100 ppm) and the systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and product of systolic blood pressure times heart rate (a measure of cardiac work) were all significantly lower at onset of angina pectoris. In a continuation of this work, Aronow, et al. (2, 3) studied eight patients during two separate cardiac catheterizations, one during which each patient smoked three cigarettes and one during which each patient inhaled carbon monoxide until the maximal coronary sinus COHb level equalled that produced by smoking during the first catheterization. All eight had angiographically demonstrated CHD (> 75 percent obstruction of at least one coronary artery). Smoking increased the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), and coronary sinus, arterial, and venous CO levels. No changes were noted in left ventricular contractility (dp/dt), aortic systolic ejection period, or cardiac index, and decreases were found in stroke index and coronary sinus, arterial, and venous Poz. When carbon monoxide was inhaled, increased LVEDP and coronary sinus, arterial, and venous CO levels were noted; there were no changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, or systolic ejection period; and decreases in left ventricular dp/dt, stroke index, cardiac index and coronary sinus, arterial, and venous Poz were found. These data suggest that carbon monoxide has a negative inotropic effect on myocardial tissue resulting in the decrease in contractility (dp/dt) and stroke index. When the positive effect of nicotine on contrac- tility and heart rate is added by cigarette smoking, the net effect is increased cardiac work for the same cardiac output. In the heart with 27 coronary artery disease there is a greatly restricted capacity to increase blood flow in response to this increase in cardiac work. The result is early cardiac decompensation manifested by elevation in LVEDP and angina pectoris. Aronow, et al. have also shown decreased exercise time prior to onset of angina pectoris in persons exercised after riding for 90 minutes on the Los Angeles Freeway (4). In a related study, they demonstrated a decrease in exercise time before claudication in a group of patients with intermittent claudication who were exposed to 50 ppm CO (6). Studies on the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular Disease In a review of some of their work on carbon monoxide, Astrup and Kjeldsen (7) noted that in cholesterol-fed rabbits exposed to 170 ppm carbon monoxide for 7 weeks (COHb 16 percent) and then to 340 ppm for 2 weeks, the cholesterol content of the aorta was 2.5 times higher than that of cholesterol-fed, air breathing controls. Groups of cholesterol-fed rabbits intermittently exposed to carbon monoxide for 12 or 4 hours per day produced three- to fivefold increases in the cholesterol content of their aortas. Cholesterol-fed rabbits made hypoxic at 10 and 16 percent oxygen had 3 to 3.5 times the aortic cholesterol content, while those exposed to 26 and 28 percent oxygen had a considerable decrease in cholesterol accumulation. Theodore, et al. (58) studied the aortas of monkeys, baboons, dogs, rats, and mice fed a normal diet but exposed to very high levels of CO (COHb levels 33 percent) and found no atheromatous changes in their aortas. Further work by Astrup and Kieldsen (38) revealed that in rab- bits fed normal diets but exposed to 180 ppm carbon monoxide for 2 weeks, there were local areas in their hearts of partial or total necrosis of myofibrils; in the arteries there was endothelial swelling, formation of subendothelial edema, and degeneration of the myocytes. When the aortas of these rabbits were examined (37), the luminal coats showed pronounced changes characterized by severe edematous reaction with extensive swelling and formation of subendothelial blisters and plaques. The authors postulate that carbon monoxide increases endothelial permeability to albumin which results in formation of edema leading to changes indistinguishable from early atherosclerosis. Evidence that this mechanism may occur in humans is provided by the findings of Parving (50) who showed an increased trans- capillary escape rate for 13! J- labeled albumin in humans exposed to .43 percent CO (COHb 20 percent) for 3 to 5 hours, but not in those made hypoxic to an altitude of 4300 meters (hemoglobin 75 percent saturated). By exposing rabbits to different concentrations of carbon monoxide (50, 100, and 180 ppm) for varying periods (.5, 2, 4, 8, 24, and 48 hours), Thomsen and Kjeldsen (59) were able to show a threshold of 100 ppm of CO for myocardial damage. The demonstra- tion of damage at this level of CO (COHb 8-10 percent) is possibly explained by the ratio of carboxymyoglobin to carboxyhemoglobin which is about 3 to 1 in myocardium at ambient Po2. Thus, a COHb level of 10 percent would be accompanied by a carboxymyo- globin level of 30 percent in heart muscle. This ratio is even greater under hypoxic conditions with a ratio of 6 to | when the arterial Po is below 40 mm Hg (/5). Nicotine In a study of the effects of smoking cigarettes with low and high nicotine content, Hill and Wynder (30) noted increasing serum epinephrine levels with increasing nicotine content of the smoke, but serum norepinephrine levels were unchanged. However, increasing serum epinephrine levels with increasing number of low nicotine content cigarettes smoked were also noted. Acrolein Egle and Hudgins (2/) did inhalation studies with acrolein on rats. Inhalation of this aldehyde at concentrations below those encountered in cigarette smoke resulted in a significant increase in blood pressure and heart rate in rats. CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE There has been conflicting evidence on whether there is an increased risk of cerebrovascular disease due to smoking (6/, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68). A prospective study by Paffenbarger, et al. (48) of 3,991 longshoremen followed for 18 years showed no correlation between fatal strokes and smoking. However, both the Dorn study of 29 U.S. veterans (33) and Hammond’s study of one million men and women (25) showed a small but significant increase in the death rates from cerebrovascular disease among cigarette smokers. The Framing- ham 18-year followup of men ages 45 to 54 (42) and Paffenbarger’s study of men who entered Harvard between 1916 and 1940 (49) also showed an excess risk of cerebrovascular disease associated with cigarette smoking. Two recent studies provided more data on this topic. Ostfeld, et al. (46, 47), in a study of 2,748 people ages 65-74 receiving old age assistance in Cook County, Illinois, were unable to find any relation between cigarette smoking habits at the start of the study and incidence of new strokes or prevalence of transient ischemic attacks. Nomura, et al. (44), in a study of the population of Washington County,. Maryland, ages 25 and older, were unable to find any relation between cigarette smoking and either mortality or morbidity from stroke. Nomura noted that “in atherosclerotic strokes the Framingham study and Paffenbarger’s investigation of former college students included a great percentage of stroke cases under the age of 55. Because these two studies found an association between cigarette smoking and atherosclerotic strokes and the present study did not, it may be that the association is age-dependent.” Hammond (25) provides some data which may clarify this relationship. Analysis of his data shows that the difference between cerebrovascular death rates in cigarette smokers and nonsmokers increases as persons get older except in males ages 75-84 (Table 7), indicating that the excess death rates associated with cigarette smoking increase with advancing age. The ratio of the death rates for smokers and nonsmokers (mortality ratio), however, decreases with age, reflecting the fact that cerebrovascular disease death rates attributable to other causes increase with age more rapidly than death rates attributable to smoking. Cigarette smoking may well be a risk factor for stroke at all ages, but other causes of strokes become proportionally so important in older age groups that in studies not based on very large populations the risk due to cigarette smoking is masked by the large total number of strokes due to other causes. 30 le TABLE 7. — Age-standardized deaths rates and mortality ratios for cerebral vascular lesions for men and women by type of smoking (lifetime history) and age at start of study Age Groups Type of Smoking 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 CVL Death Rates per 100,000 Person-Years Men Never smoked regularly 28 92 349 1,358 Pipe, cigar 25 100 369 1,371 Cigarette and other 28 129 361 990 Cigarette only 42 130 477 1,168 Total 35 116 391 1,272 Women Never smoked regularly 18 57 228 1,082 Cigarette 38 88 315 1,277 Total 25 64 238 1,091 CVL Mortality Ratios Men Never smoked regularly 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pipe, cigar 0.89 1.09 1.06 1.01 Cigarette and other 1.00 1.40 1.03 0.73 Cigarette only 1.50 1.41 1.37 0.86 Women Never smoked regularly 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Cigarette 2.11 1.54 1.38 1,18 NOTE. — CVL = Cerebral vascular lesions. Source: Hammond, E.C, (25). EFFECTS OF SMOKING ON THE COAGULATION SYSTEM Several studies have contributed to an understanding of the role of smoking in thrombogenesis. Levine (4/), in a controlled double blind study, showed that smoking a single cigarette increased the platelet’s response to a standard aggregating stimulus (ADP). This phenomenon did not occur when lettuce leaf cigarettes were smoked and was independent of a rise in free fatty acids in the plasma. The author postulates that this may be due to increasing epinephrine levels. These data may have relevance for two other studies. In the clinical trial of the possible prevention of heart attack by hyperlipidemic drugs in Newcastle, England, (/9) it was found that cigarette smokers were at increased risk of sudden death. This increased risk was not present in smokers treated with clofibrate. However, the researchers were unable to relate this reduction in risk to any effect of clofibrate on serum lipids. Recently Carvalho, et al. (7/4) evaluated 29 patients with familial hyperbetalipoproteinemia and noted that their platelets had an increased sensitivity to aggregating stimuli (ADP). Treatment with clofibrate returned the ADP sensitivity to normal without significantly altering serum lipids. This demonstrated effect of clofibrate may provide some insight into the Newcastle study. The reduction in the excess risk of sudden death could be due to a clofibrate induced reversal of increased sensitivity to aggregating stimuli produced by smoking. SUMMARY OF RECENT CARDIOVASCULAR FINDINGS 1. Data from one recent incidence study suggest that cigarette smokers are more likely to develop hypertension than are nonsmokers. There is some evidence that suggests that stopping smoking may be accompanied by a rise in blood pressure. 2. Cigarette smoking has been shown to be the major source of elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels, with occupational exposure and air pollution being far less important in most circumstances. Carboxyhemoglobin levels in cigarette smokers are two to three times the levels in nonsmokers and increase with the amounts smoked. 3. Elevated carboxyhemoglobin levels have been shown to decrease maximal oxygen uptake in healthy people as well as to decrease the exercise tolerance of persons with angina pectoris and intermittent claudication. The carboxyhemoglobin levels at which these effects take place are well within the range produced by cigarette smoking. 4. Carbon monoxide at levels of exposure commonly reached by cigarette smokers has been shown to decrease cardiac contractility in persons with coronary heart disease. 5. 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CHAPTER 2 Cancer CHAPTER 2 Cancer CONTENTS Page Introduction ..... 2.0.2... 00 eee ee ee eee 43 Lung Cancer 0c et tenes 44 Epidemiologic Studies ...- 2... 20-0 44 Smoking and Air Pollution... 2.2... 2-26-02 bee ee eee 44 Exfoliative Cytology... 0.2.06 e ee ees 47 Experimental Carcinogenicity .... 2.2... 6-662 e eee ees 48 Carcinogens in Cigarette Smoke ....-------- 6220s 48 Asbestos ... 2.000. ee eee eee 49 Infection and Carcinogenicity ... 2... 6-2... eee ee ee eee 49 Other Cancers ..........-.- ee eee ee eee eee 50 Oral and Laryngeal Cancer... 0... eee es 50 Genitourinary Cancer 2.22.6... e eee ees 50 Nasopharyngeal Cancer ... 0-00-00 ee ee eee eee ees 50 Aryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase (AHH) .......-----+-+ eee cere 50 Summary of Recent Cancer Findings ........-.--- 6-22-22 eee eee? 54 Bibliography ... 2... tee 55 List of Figures Page Figure 1.—Production of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) in macrophages from one person in response to cigarette smoking .. 0... 6. ee ee ee 52 List of Tables Page Table 1.—Distribution by type of lung cancers in a composite series of nonsmokers and a representative hospital series 22... ee eee 45 Table 2.—Distribution by type of lung cancer in populations with specific occupational EXPOSULES 2... ee ee eee ee 46 Table 3.—Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) inducibility in patients with lung cancer, with other tumors, and in healthy controls INTRODUCTION The major relationships between smoking and various cancers have been documented in previous reports on the health consequences of smoking (/8, 19, 20, 2], 22, 23, 24, 25). Based on evaluations of detailed epidemiologic, clinical, autopsy, and experimental data accumulated over the last 30 years, cigarette smoking has been clearly identified as a causative factor for lung cancer. The risk of developing lung cancer increases directly with increasing cigarette smoke exposure as measured by number of cigarettes smoked per day, total lifetime number of cigarettes smoked, number of years of smoking, age at initiation of smoking, and depth of inhalation. Lung cancer death rates for women are lower than for men but have increased dramatically over the last 15 years coincident with the increasing number of women smokers. This increase has occurred in spite of the fact that women smokers use fewer cigarettes per day, more frequently choose cigarettes with filter tips and low tar and nicotine delivery, and tend to inhale less than men. A person who stops smoking has a decreased risk of developing lung cancer compared to the continuing smoker, but the risk remains greater than the nonsmoker’s for as long as 10 to 15 years after the person stops smoking. Cigarette smoking is a significant etiologic factor in the development of cancer of the larynx, oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, and urinary bladder and is associated with cancer of the pancreas. Certain occupational exposures have been found to be associated with an increased risk of dying from lung cancer. Cigarette smoking interacts with these exposures to produce a greater risk of developing lung cancer than from occupational exposure alone. Uranium mining and the asbestos industries are occupations which have only slightly increased lung cancer rates for nonsmokers but dramatically elevated rates for cigarette smokers. Pipe and cigar smokers experience mortality rates from cancer of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus approximately equal to those of cigarette smokers. Their risk of developing cancer of the lung is lower than the risk of cigarette smokers, but it is significantly above that of nonsmokers. This is probably due to the 43 fact that pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers experience similar smoke exposure of the upper respiratory tract, while cigarette smokers (due to their greater tendency to inhale) have a greater exposure of their lungs to smoke than pipe or cigar smokers. The bronchial epithelium of smokers often shows premalignant changes such as squamous metaplasia, atypical squamous metaplasia, and carcinoma in situ. The pathogenesis of these changes is related to the various carcinogenic and co-carcinogenic substances in cigarette smoke; the exact mechanism of these carcinogens remains under investigation. LUNG CANCER Epidemiologic Studies Harris (3) has reviewed the reports of lung cancer in nonsmokers and compared them to a representative hospital series and has shown marked differences in the pathological types between the two groups (Table 1). When only nonsmokers are examined, the excess of squamous and oat cell carcinoma in men compared to women is not observed. Adenocarcinoma is by far the most common type of lung cancer in nonsmokers while squamous cell is by far the most common when smokers are included. The strength of the relationship between smoking and the development of lung cancer differs markedly with the type of lung tumor. Squamous and oat cell carcinoma are very closely related to smoking behavior while, according to this study, bronchiolar carcinoma shows no excess risk attributable to smoking. Harris also presented the percentages of different histologic types of cancer found in several industrial exposures (Table 2); these percent distribution patterns resembled those found in smokers far more closely than those found in nonsmokers. Wynder, et al. (26), in a retrospective study of 350 lung cancer patients and hospitalized controls, noted that the relative risk of developing lung cancer was far less in those smokers who had smoked filter cigarettes for more than 10 years than in smokers of plain cigarettes (26.8 and 46.2, respectively). Even with smokers of filter cigarettes, the risk increased with increasing number of cigarettes smoked and was significantly greater than the risk of nonsmokers. Smoking and Air Pollution Because of the magnitude of the association between smoking and the development of epidermoid lung cancer, it is difficult to 44 SP TABLE 1. — Distribution by type of lung cancers in a composite series of nonsmokers and a representative hospital series Distribution (Percent) Type of Nonsmokers All Patients cancer Men Women Men Women Squamous cell carcinoma 14 12 47 22 Oat cell carcinoma 4 4 17 11 Bronchiolar carcinoma - 5 8 23 Adenocarcinoma $7 54 10 20 Large cell anaplastic carcinoma 8 8 17 19 Carcinoid 14 16 0.6 4 Other specific types _ 77 Summary of Recent Bronchopulmonary Findings ........--.--.-+-- 78 Bibliography .... 2.022 ee eens 79 List of Figures Figure 1.—Respiratory bronchiolitis in smokers and control groups .... 00. eee eee eee nee List of Tables Table 1.—Levels of sulfur dioxide (SO, ) and total suspended particulates (TSP) in four Utah communities, 1971, and in five Rocky Mountain communities, 1970 ........0..00 000... cc eee eee Table 2.-Mean annual levels of sulfur dioxide (SO.) and total suspended particulates (TSP) in four C7: Sr Table 3.—Age-adjusted percentage of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers in each race-sex group responding positively to exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays, and dusts 2... 2.0... cee eee ee eee eee Table 4.—The a, -antitrypsin levels and frequency of protease inhibitor (Pi) phenotypes in healthy populations... 2.0... ee ee eee Table 5.—Means of the numerical values given lung sections at autopsy of male current smokers and non- smokers, standardized forage ..................4.. Table 6.—Means of the numerical values given lung sections . at autopsy of female current smokers and nonsmokers, standardized for age .....................000000. Table 7.—Means of the numerical values given lung sections at autopsy of male former cigarette smokers, standardized forage ...0................0. Page INTRODUCTION Chronic non-neoplastic lung diseases are major causes of permanent and temporary disability in the United States. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the largest subgroup of these diseases and in this report refers to chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema. Relationships between smoking and non-neoplastic lung diseases have been reviewed in previous reports on the health consequences of smoking (36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43). Cigarette smoking is the most important cause of COPD. Cigarette smokers have higher death rates from chronic bronchitis and emphysema, more frequently report symptoms of pulmonary disease, and have poorer performance on pulmonary function tests than do nonsmokers. These differences become even more marked as the number of cigarettes smoked increases. The relationship between cigarette smoking and COPD has been demonstrated in many different national and ethnic groups and is more striking in men than in women. Pipe and cigar smokers have higher morbidity and mortality rates from COPD than do nonsmokers but are at lower risk than cigarette smokers. Cessation of cigarette smoking often results in improved pulmonary function tests, decreased pulmonary symp- toms, and reduced COPD mortality rates. In addition to an increased risk of COPD, cigarette smokers are more frequently subject to and require longer convalescence from other respiratory infections than nonsmokers. Also, if they require surgery, they are more likely to develop postoperative respiratory complications. The relative importance of air pollution in the development of COPD remains controversial, but it is clearly less significant under most circumstances than cigarette smoking. The combination of cigarette smoking and polluted air, however, may produce higher rates of COPD than either factor alone. Several occupational exposure groups incur an increased risk of COPD, and cigarette smoking adds significantly to this risk. In particular, exposure to cotton fiber and coal dust appears to act in concert with cigarette smoking to promote the development of pulmonary disease. 61 Autopsy studies have demonstrated a dose-related effect of cigarette smoking on the severity of macroscopic emphysema. Increased goblet cell density, alveolar septal rupture, bronchial epithelial thickening, and mucous gland hypertrophy are more commonly found in the lungs of smokers than in those of nonsmokers. Many pathophysiologic mechanisms by which smoking may cause COPD have been proposed. Decreased overall pulmonary clearance, reduced ciliary motion, and impaired alveolar macrophage functions have all been related to cigarette smoking and probably play a role in the development of COPD. The exact mechanisms whereby cigarette smoking contributes to the development of COPD, however, remain only partially understood. SMOKING AND RESPIRATORY MORBIDITY An increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms in smokers from early teens to those past the age of 80 has been well established. Bewley, et al. (5), in a study in Derbyshire County, England, extended these findings to include younger children. In a questionnaire study of 7,115 schoolchildren ages 10 to 11% years, he found that 6.9 percent of the boys and 2.6 percent of the girls smoked more than one cigarette per day. The boys who smoked reported more morning cough (21.5% to 6.1%), cough during the day or night (48.0% to 20%), and cough of 3-months duration (18.0% to 4.1%) than their nonsmoking schoolmates. The percentages for the girls were similar although based on smaller numbers of smokers. As in many studies of this type, it was impossible to control for air pollution, social class, or smoking habits of the parents; nevertheless, the results suggest that cigarette smoking even in this young age group produces respiratory symptoms. Fridy, et al. (/2), in a somewhat older population (average age 25 years), examined the effect of smoking on airway function during mild viral illness. They measured closing volumes for 22 subjects (9 cigarette smokers — average age 29.1, and 13 nonsmokers — average age 25.7) before onset and at weekly intervals from the beginning of a mild respiratory illness until all symptoms had subsided. The closing volumes for smokers prior to illness were higher than those for nonsmokers, but the difference was not statistically significant. In the tests done during the illness, the smokers had a statistically significant increase in the closing volumes (from 37.0 to 45.8 percent of their total lung capacity, while nonsmokers had no change, 32.7 62 and 31.7 percent). Smokers remained symptomatic more than twice as long as nonsmokers (35.7 and 16.5 days, respectively), and the mean duration. of pulmonary function abnormalities in smokers was 29.7 days. Nonsmokers had no change in pulmonary function tests during illness. SMOKING AND AIR POLLUTION The relationships among air pollution, smoking, and COPD remain controversial. Reasons for this controversy include difficulties in controlling such variables as socioeconomic class, degree of crowding, ethnic differences, and age distribution as well as determining the exact type and amount of individual pollution exposure. Measuring individual pollution exposure even within a small area is difficult since both amount and type can vary dramatically from street to street (e.g., proximity of a street to a heavily traveled expressway). In an effort to control as many of these variables as possible, two basic approaches in study design have been tried. The first approach is to find areas where pollution levels have been well measured and then to select study populations that are as similar as possible in areas with different pollution levels. Thus, effects on a population in a low pollution area can be compared to those on a similar population in a high pollution area. The second approach is to select a population that is as uniform as possible, for example, twins, and then measure individual responses to different pollution expo- sures. Both approaches have drawbacks as will be evident from the following studies. Using the first approach, the Community Health and Environ- mental Surveillance System of the Environmental Protection Agency (6, 11), has conducted surveys in areas with different types and levels of pollution in four different parts of the United States (Chicago, New York City, the Salt Lake Basin, and the Rocky Mountain area). Within each part of the country, the researchers identified communi- ties of similar socioeconomic status but different pollution levels. They then administered a questionnaire through the school systems to determine the frequency of lower respiratory tract infection in the children and their families. They reported an increased incidence of lower respiratory tract illness in children in high pollution communi- ties compared to children in low pollution communities. This difference was demonstrable only in children whose families had lived in the high pollution communities for more than 3 years. They also reported an increased prevalence of chronic bronchitis in parents 63 who lived in high pollution communities compared to parents from low pollution communities. They calculated the excess risk of chronic bronchitis produced by air pollution to be one-third of that produced by smoking but to be additive with smoking. Several major problems in these surveys make it difficult to evaluate the results. The authors describe the areas as having different kinds of pollution. The Salt Lake Basin and Rocky Mountain areas were felt to be high in sulfur dioxide (SO) and low in total suspended particles (TSP), while New York and Chicago were high in both these pollutants. As a result, in the Salt Lake Basin and Rocky Mountain areas, communities were separated into low and high pollution communities only on the basis of their SO, levels. Many communities classified as low pollution communities on the basis of their SO, levels had higher levels of total suspended particles than the communities classified as high pollution communities by SO, level (Table 1). In fact, the average total suspended particles level for the low pollution communities in the Salt Lake Basin was higher than that for the high pollution communities (Table 2) in the Salt Lake Basin. These differences exemplify the difficulties of using only one pollutant as a marker of total pollution exposure. Additional problems with these studies were the differences in socioeconomic class measurements between low and high pollution communities in some of the regions. In the Rocky Mountain area, the percentage of fathers who completed high school varied from 91 percent in one of the low communities to 58 percent in one of the high pollution communities. There were also major differences between high and low pollution communities in the percentage of families with more than one person per room in the Salt Lake Basin (59.6% to 51.2%), Rocky Mountain area (87.0% to 68.0%), and New York (85.0% to 72.0%). Residential stability (percentage of families living in the community for more than 3 years) was different in the high and low pollution communities in New York (58.0% to 36.0%) and Chicago (56.0% to 46.0%). The percentage of parents who currently smoke also differed for high and low pollution communi- ties in New York (53% to 45% for the fathers and 47% to 37% for the mothers). These differences raise questions as to whether the high and low pollution communities were really similar enough populations to justify the claim that differences in incidence of respiratory tract illness could be attributable to differences in air pollution. 64 $9 TABLE 1. — Levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and total suspended particulates (TSP) in four Utah communities, 1971, and in five Rocky Mountain communities, 1970 Community Pollution levels Area Pollution in pg/m3 Classification S03 TSP Utah (Salt Lake Basin) Low 8 78 Intermediate 1 15 81 Intermediate 2 22 45 High 62 66 Rocky Mountain Area Low 1 10 50 Low 2 26 68 Low 3 46 110 High 1 109 43 High 2 186 102 Source: Chapman. R.S., et al. (6). 99 TABLE 2. — Mean annual levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and total suspended particulates (TSP) in four areas Pollution tevels in ug/m3 Area SO? TSP Decade Decade During Study Preceding Study During Study Preceding Study Low High Low High Low High Low High Five Rocky Mountain Areas 10 275 10 263 45 110 50 101 Salt Lake Basin 9 65 < 20 144 78 66 82 62 New York 23 63 < 30 431 34 104 40 201 Chicago 57 106 109 250 111 151 121 165 NOTE. — Area includes highest- and lowest-polluted communities, Source: French, J.G., et al. (17). Increased prevalence of COPD has also been demonstrated in areas of high pollution in the Netherlands (44), Yokkaichi, Japan (25), and Cracow, Poland (30). Again, however, these studies were poorly controlled for socioeconomic status. Several recently published studies have used the second major method of investigating the relationship between smoking, air pollution, and COPD, i.e., to select a uniform population and then to measure individual differences to pollution exposure. Comstock, et al. (8), in an attempt to control for occupational exposure and socioeconomic class, studied three separate, uniform populations of telephone workers and used as a measure of pollution the location of the place of work and residence. The populations studied were telephone installers and repairmen in Baltimore, New York City, Washington, D.C., and rural Westchester County in 1962 (survey 1) and in 1967 (survey 2); and telephone installers and repairmen in Tokyo in 1967 (survey 3). They were unable to find any relation between pulmonary symptoms and degree of urbanization of place of work or place of residence (either current or past). They were, however, able to establish a strong correlation between smoking habits and pulmonary symptoms. Given the crude estimation of pollution exposure used in this study (all workers in each city were treated as though they received the same exposure), a small difference in symptoms due to air pollution could have been missed, whereas the difference due to smoking could be detected both because it was larger and because it was possible to determine individual exposure more exactly. Hrubec, et al. (75), in a study of twins from the U.S. Veterans Registry, were unable to show a difference in respiratory symptoms either between individuals with different exposure to air pollution or between members of twin pairs with different air pollution ex po- sures. However, they too used a crude measure of air pollution exposure (by each zip code area), and so could have missed a small difference due to air pollution despite being able to relate respiratory symptoms to smoking, socioeconomic status, and alcohol intake. Colley, et al. (7), in a study of 3,899 persons (20-year-olds born during the last week of March 1946 in the United Kingdom), were also unable to show a relation between COPD and air pollution. They used as their estimates of air pollution exposure the domestic coal consumption in the towns where the subjects lived. This method of estimating air pollution exposure is subject to the same limitation cited for the previous two studies — limited sensitivity to small risks due to air pollution. 67 In summary, if an increased risk of COPD due to air pollution exists, it is small compared to that due to cigarette smoking under conditions of air pollution to which the average person is exposed. The possibility remains that the two different kinds of exposure may interact to increase the total effect beyond that contributed by each exposure. SMOKING AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASE Friedman, et al. (/3), in a study of 70,289 men and women who had had Kaiser-Permanente multiphasic health checkups, noted that smokers were more likely to report occupational exposure on a questionnaire (Table 3) than nonsmokers. The differences are small but statistically significant and need to be considered when investi- gating the relationship of smoking to occupational diseases. They were not able to determine whether smokers’ responses reflect actual differences in exposure or an increased awareness of and sensitivity to occupational exposure. Exposure to coal and granite dust and cotton fiber carries an increased risk of COPD. This risk is further increased by cigarette smoking. Other new data have been published which clarify the risk in certain occupational groups. Mill Workers — Byssinosis Berry, et al. (4), in a study of 595 workers in the Lancashire cotton mills over a 3-year period, found that the decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV) was 19 ml/year greater in smokers than in nonsmokers (59 ml/year compared to 40 ml/year, P > .02) but they could not demonstrate a dose-response relationship. Firemen Sidor and Peters (32, 33), in a cross-sectional study of 1,768 Boston firemen, were unable to show a significant relationship between severity of fire exposure and impairment of pulmonary function tests or prevalence of COPD; there was a clear harmful effect of cigarette smoking on both. They postulate that they were unable to show an increased prevalence of COPD in this cross-sec- tional study because firemen who developed COPD were no longer capable of meeting the physical demands of the job and had retired, thus removing them from the study population. They were able, however, to show a higher incidence of COPD in men under the age of 35 years who had been on the force more than 6 months when compared to persons of the same age who had just been hired. 68 69 TABLE 3. — Age-adjusted percentage of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers in each race-sex group responding positively to exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays, and dusts Whites Blacks Yellows Exposure Time period! Smoking status % % % % % % Men Women Men Women | Men Women Chemicals, cleaning Before | year ago Smokers 24.0 6.4 26.0 11.8 16.7 4.1 fluids or solvents (or Nonsmokers 18.9 5.1 19.2 6.7 12.9 5.1 chemical sprays)2 In the past year Smokers 12.1 3.0 14.2 5.1 13.1 3.5 Nonsmokers 9.7 2.6 11.6 4.5 9.4 3.8 Insect or plant sprays Before | year ago Smokers 4.0 1.0 6.6 2.1 3.8 0.3 Nonsmokers 3.5 0.9 5.1 19 2.5 1.0 In the past year Smokers 2.9 . 4.8 2.9 3.0 1.3 Nonsmokers 2.9 1.8 4.8 3.0 3.6 1.8 Ammonia, chlorine, Before 1 year ago Smokers 79 2.3 10.3 48 6.2 0.9 ozone or nitrous gases Nonsmokers 6.2 1.9 7.0 3.2 4.5 1.7 (nitrous oxides or other irritating gases)2 In the past year Smokers 5.4 1.9 76 3.9 8.0 0.5 Nonsmokers 3.7 1.5 5.8 3.1 3.5 1.7 Engine or exhaust fumes Before | vear ago Smokers 11.8 1.0 17.6 1.9 4.0 0.0 (more than 2 hours a Nonsmokers 6.9 0.5 13.1 0.6 3.6 0.1 day)2 In the past year Smokers 8.7 0.7 17.6 1.0 4.3 0.5 Nonsmokers $.2 0.5 13.3 1.2 3.9 0.2 OL TABLE 3. — Age-adjusted percentage of cigarette smokers and nonsmokers in each race-sex group responding positively to exposure to chemical, fumes, sprays, and dusts — Continued Whites Blacks Yellows Exposure Time period! Smoking Status % % % % % % Men Women Men Women| Men Women Plastic or resin fumes Before | year ago Smokers 5.1 1.1 3.3 1.2 3.1 0.1 Nonsmokers 3.5 0.8 3.0 0.6 2.2 0.3 In the past year Smokers 3.3 0.8 3.9 0.9 3.0 0.1 Nonsmokers 2.5 0.6 4.3 0.6 1.3 0.3 Lead fumes or metal Before 1 year ago Smokers 8.2 0.9 9.1 1.5 4.1 0.1 fumes (leaded sprays Nonsmokers 4.3 0.5 5.8 0.6 2.6 0.1 or paint sprays) 2 In the past year Smokers 5.5 0.7 V7 1.3 3.3 0.5 Nonsmokers 3.1 0.5 6.8 0.8 2.4 0.4 Asbestos, cement or Before 1 year ago Smokers 7 0.6 11.5 1.2 2.7 0.0 grain (or flour) dusts2 Nonsmokers 4.4 0.3 8.8 0.8 1.6 0.1 In the past year Smokers 2.8 0.4 75 1.0 2.7 0.1 Nonsmokers 1.8 0.3 6.2 0.8 0.3 0.8 Silica, sandblasting, Before 1 year ago Smokers 6.9 0.6 10.5 1.3 3.5 0.3 grinding or rock drill- Nonsmokers 4.0 0.5 6.8 0.7 2.9 0.0 ing dust (sand or coal)2 In the past year Smokers 3.9 0.5 8.0 1.0 3.3 0.4 Nonsmokers 2.3 0.4 6.6 0.9 3.5 0.4 Total number of subjects Smokers 14,485 16,059 2,609 2.869 654 446 Nonsmokers 8,282 18,526 1,116 3,218 712 1,313 lwith a few slight variations, the questions were worded as follows: Before 1 year ago: ‘“‘Before 1 year ago have you ever worked ina place where you were often or daily around In the past year: ‘‘In the past year have you worked in a place where you were often or daily around 2rA4ateriol in OMrentheses appears in Cast year’) uwntiae tue mes io tafore ¢ war mages” spurmatderc- ge SMOKING AND PULMONARY FUNCTION TESTS It is recognized that smokers as a group have poorer pulmonary function tests than nonsmokers. The standard pulmonary function tests generally only become abnormal late in the pathologic process of COPD and usually only after irreversible changes in the lungs have occurred. As a result, tests are needed that will identify persons at risk of developing COPD before they have irreversible loss of lung function. Standard tests of pulmonary resistance are inadequate for this purpose because they measure predominately resistance in the large airways while the first changes of COPD occur in bronchioles that are 2 mm and smaller. Small airway resistance may be measured through evaluating frequency dependent compliance, but this is often cumbersome to perform. Closing volume and maximum ex piratory flow rates at 25 and 50 percent of vital capacity have the advantage of being relatively easy to perform, yet are still able to measure changes in the small airways. Closing volume is the lung volume at which the alveoli in the dependent portions of the lung begin to close, and it is usually expressed as a percent of vital capacity. Elevated closing volume is considered evidence of small airway dysfunction. Maximum expiratory flow rates at 25 and 50 percent of vital capacity measure air flow at low lung volumes where the resistance of the small airways makes up a much larger proportion of the measured resistance. Several recently published studies contain data on small airway dysfunction in smokers. Lim (20) studied 50 smoking and 50 nonsmoking high school students and found in smokers a statistically significant reduction in the forced expiratory volume in one second when the test was started at normal end expiration (i.e., low lung volumes). Stanescu, et al. (34) noted elevated closing volumes in 16 healthy asymptomatic smokers when compared to 16 nonsmokers, but were unable to show any difference in maximum expiratory flow rates at 25 and 50 percent vital capacity. Ruff, et al. (28) studied 50 subjects ages 18 to 82 and showed increasing closing volumes with age and smoking. Martin, et al. (2/), in a study of 50 subjects ages 12 to 68, found that 25 percent of the smokers had abnormal closing volumes, and Oxhoj, et al. (26) noted elevated closing volumes for 50-year-old smokers compared to nonsmokers. Dirksen, et al. (0) reported higher closing volumes in smokers and noted no change with cessation of smoking. Hoeppner, et al. (/4) also showed elevated closing volumes in healthy smokers ages 16 to 6 1, but found these to be closely related to decreases in the static transpulmonary pressure. They postulate that the elevated closing volumes may be related to decreased elastic recoil rather than changes in small airway resistance. 71 The data have established the fact that a greater percentage of smokers than nonsmokers have elevated closing volumes, but the number of smokers with elevated closing volumes who will develop COPD remains to be determined. Stebbings (35), in a further analysis of Densen’s data (9) on the changes in pulmonary function test values in male postal workers and transit workers in New York City, noted significantly less decline in FEV; among Black smokers when compared to White smokers. This difference persisted even when corrections were made for differences in amount smoked, age at which smoking began, inhalation patterns, and smaller initial lung volumes in Blacks. Black and White nonsmokers did not differ in the rate of decline in FEV. By age 60 years, Blacks who smoked one pack per day had a .34 liter smaller cumulative decrease in FEV, than Whites who smoked the same amount. a ,-ANTITRYPSIN It would be useful to identify the populations at excessive risk of developing COPD from smoking. They then might be made aware of the hazard before they develop symptomatic lung disease. Persons with a, -antitrypsin deficiency may be such a population. a,-antitrypsin deficiency is a rare homozygous recessive genetic defect which occurs in approximately one out of every 3,600 people and results in an increased susceptibility to and premature develop- ment of COPD. There is some evidence that smoking hastens the development of COPD in these people. The heterozygous state (producing intermediate levels of the a, -antitrypsin in serum) is far more common than the homozygous state and is found in approxi- mately 10 percent of the population. It is uncertain whether the heterozygous deficiency state predisposes to COPD. a,-antitrypsin inheritance patterns suggest multiple codominant alleles at one gene locus, some of which (most notably the S and Z alleles) produce lower serum protease levels than the normal M-allele (Table 4). The pathophysiologic mechanism of the deficiency state is felt to be the inability to inhibit the proteases found in the granulocytes and pulmonary macrophages which go on to damage essential constituents of lung tissue. Several recent reviews of the enzyme and the clinical syndrome produced by its deficiency have been published (76, 77, 78). 72 TABLE 4.— The 4 ,-antitrypsin levels and frequency of protease inhibitor (Pi) phenotypes in healthy populations Healthy popuiations Protease Expected inhibitor ay-antitrypsin frequency of concentration Pi types (Pi) type (% normal) (per 1,000 people) MM 100 898 (FM,FF,IM,MV,MX) 100 28 MW 80 -a MP 80 I MS 80 41 (FS,IS) 80 i MZ 60 29 (FZ) 60 i SS 55 1 SZ 40 1 ZZ 15 <1 4 Seen rarely in Spanish populations. Source: Mittman, C., Lieberman, J. (22). In most studies of patients with COPD, investigators have found an increased prevalence of the partially deficient heterozygote phenotypes when compared to healthy control populations. In the few studies not finding this relationship, only a ,-antitrypsin levels were measured. Because a,-antitrypsin is an acute phase protein and increases with infection, it is difficult to separate out the partially deficient heterozygote phenotypes by measuring only a,-antitrypsin levels. It is necessary to identify the products of each allele electrophoretically in order to identify the deficient phenotypes. Two recent studies using this technique showed an increased prevalence of deficient phenotypes in patients with COPD but not among control populations. Mittman, et al. (23) studied 240 patients with COPD admitted to LaVina Hospital in Altadena, California, and found that 19.1 percent had deficient phenotypes compared to only 7.1 percent of a control Scandinavian population. Keuppers and Donhardt (79) found prevalence rates for deficient phenotypes of 3.5 percent in healthy controls, 12.9 percent in persons retired from work because of COPD, and 15.7 percent in patients hospitalized for COPD. 73 Additional population studies have been done to determine the effect of the heterozygous state on the development of COPD. Webb, et al. (47) studied 500 persons visiting a multiphasic screening clinic in Monroe County, New York, and found that 11.6 percent had deficient phenotypes. He was unable to show differences in symptoms or in pulmonary function test values between persons with normal and deficient phenotypes. In a study of 451 randomly selected adults from the same county (3/), pulmonary function studies were done on 40 deficient heterozygote phenotypes (20 MS and 20 MZ) and on normal phenotype (MM) controls matched for age, sex, and smoking habits. When total pulmonary resistance was measured by a forced oscillometric technique, the nonsmoking MZ subjects had significant impairment compared to their normal phenotype controls. All cigarette smokers, regardless of phenotype, had abnormal values. Although the data are still inconclusive, it may well be that heterozygous deficient persons are a group at excessive risk of developing COPD especially if they smoke. AUTOPSY AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC STUDIES Autopsy Studies Auerbach, et al. (3) have previously shown dose-related macro- scopic emphysematous changes in the lungs of smokers. Now in an autopsy study (2) of 1,582 men and 388 women, they have examined microscopic lung parenchymal changes in relation to cigarette smoking. They were able to show that rupture of alveolar septa (emphysema) and fibrosis and thickening of the small arteries and arterioles are far greater in smokers than nonsmokers and increase with increasing amount smoked (Tables 5 and 6). When these researchers examined former cigarette smokers, they found that those who had stopped more than 10 years prior to death had fewer pathologic changes than those who had stopped less than 10 years before death. But even in those who had stopped for more than 10 years, there was a greater degree of pathologic change in those who had been smoking more than one pack per day than in those who had been smoking less than one pack per day (Table 7). Niewoehner, et al. (24), in an autopsy study of 39 men who died suddenly from various causes and who were below 40 years of age (20 nonsmokers and 19 smokers), observed a respiratory 74 SL LABLE 5, — Means of the numerical values given Ming sections at autopsy of male current smokers and nonsmokers, standardized for age Subjects Who Current Pipe Current Cigarette Smokers Never Smoked or Cigar Regularly Smokers <5 5-1 1-2 >2 Pk. Pk. Pk. Pk. Number of Subjects 175 141 66 115 440 216 Emphysema 0.09 0.90 1.43 1.92 2.17 2.27 Fibrosis 0.40 1.88 2.78 3.73 4.06 4.28 Thickening of arterioles 0.10 ai 1.35 1.66 1.82 1.89 Thickening of arteries 0.02 0.23 0.42 0.68 0.83 0.90 NOTE. — Numerical values were determined by rating each tung section on scales of 0—4 for emphysema and thickening of arterioles, O—7 for fibrosis, and 0—3 for thickening of the arteries. Source: Auerbach, O,, et al. (2). TABLE 6. — Means of the numerical values given lung sections at autopsy of female current smokers and nonsmokers, standardized for age Subjects Who Current Cigarette Never Smoked Smokers Regularly <1 Pk. 21°Pk. Number of Subjects 252 33 64 Emphysema 0.05 1.37 1.70 Fibrosis 0.37 2.89 3.46 Thickening of arterioles 0.06 1.26 1.57 Thickening of arteries 0.01 0.40 0.64 NOTE. — Numerical values were determined by rating each lung section on scales of O0—4 for emphysema and thickening of the arterioles, O—7 for fibrosis, and 0-3 for thickening of the arteries. Source: Auerbach, O., et al. (2). TABLE 7. — Means of the numerical values given lung sections at autopsy of male former cigarette smokers, standardized for age Stopped = 10 yr. Stopped <10 yr. Formerly Smoked <1 Pk Pk. <1 Pk. Pk. Number of Subjects 35 66 51 131 Emphysema 0.24 0.70 1.08 1.69 Fibrosis 1.14 1.74 2.44 3.30 Thickening or arterioles 0.57 0.93 1.25 1.59 Thickening of arteries 0.04 0.16 0.36 0.61 NOTE. — Numerical values for each finding were determined by rating each lung section on scales of O—4 for emphysema and thickening of the arterioles, O—7 for fibrosis, and 0—3 for thickening of the arteries. Source: Auerbach, O., et al. (2). bronchiolitis associated with clusters of pigmented alveolar macro- phages in the lungs of smokers. They found these changes only rarely in the lungs of nonsmokers (Fig. 1). The smokers were young (average age 25.7 years), were a heavy smoking population (average 20.1 pack years), but did not differ significantly from the non- smokers in age, social class, or pollution exposure. However, 12 of the 19 smokers had had productive cough or frequent cold compared to only 3 of the 20 nonsmokers. These authors postulated that bronchiolitis may be responsible for the abnormalities in the tests of small airway function of smokers. Pathophysiologic Studies in Humans Yeager, et al. (48) showed decreased pinocytosis in human alveolar macrophages obtained from asymptomatic cigarette smoking volunteers when compared to those obtained from nonsmoking controls. Warr and Martin (46) studied alveolar macrophages lavaged from four healthy smokers and four healthy nonsmokers. Only two members of each group were reactive to delayed hypersensitivity skin tests for Candida albicans. Macrophages from nonsmokers responded to Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) by a depression in migration of at least 30 percent, whereas macrophages from smokers did not respond to MIF. The cells from smokers were noted to migrate three times faster than those from nonsmokers. When Candida antigen was added to the medium, cells from the nonreactive subjects (both 76 FIGURE 1.—Respiratory bronchiolitis in smokers and control group T 5. eo | sesecoee \ eeocesee | 7 I 2 4E ° ! ee 3 | E I o I w I 7. 1 ¥ 3 ° I e FE i B ! 9 i “ 2 ! ° I oc ’ w i @ = i 5 1 e t é 1 ' OL ocveesece | NONSMOKERS SMOKERS NOTE .—The position of each symbai represents the number of sections per case in which bronchiolitis was identified. Source: Niewoehner, D.E., et al. (24). smokers and nonsmokers) were not inhibited, the cells from the reactive nonsmokers were inhibited, but the cells from reactive smokers were not inhibited. Thus, macrophages from smokers did not respond normally to either MIF or antigenic challenge. Pathophysiologic Studies in Animals Roszman and Rogers (27) noted that either the nicotine or the water soluble fraction of whole cigarettes smoked suppressed the immunoglobulin response of lymphoid cell cultures. When concentra- tions of over 200 micrograms per milliliter of nicotine of the water soluble fraction were added, they were able to completely suppress the immunoglobulin response and to observe this suppression even in cells exposed for 2 hours prior to the antigenic challenge. Guinea pigs (29) exposed to the smoke of five cigarettes and then lavaged 2 hours later had fewer pulmonary macrophages and leukocytes in the lavage fluid than did controls not exposed to smoke. The decrease in the number of macrophages was highly correlated with acetaldehyde, tar, nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, and 77 acrolein concentrations in the cigarette smoke. The decrease in the number of leukocytes was more closely correlated with pH of the particulate phase and concentrations of acetaldehyde and tar. Tracheal mucous velocity has been shown to be decreased in purebred beagle dogs (45) exposed to 100 cigarettes per week for 13.5 months. In donkeys (/) low level exposure to whole cigarette smoke accelerated tracheobronchial clearance, whereas at inter- mediate and high levels of exposure, clearance was decreased. At high exposure levels whole cigarette smoke had twice the effect of filtered smoke in decreasing clearance. SUMMARY OF RECENT BRONCHOPULMONARY FINDINGS 1. Cigarette smokers with mild viral respiratory illnesses have been shown to develop abnormal but reversible changes in certain pulmonary function tests while nonsmokers show no changes in these tests. Cigarette smokers have also been shown to have a significantly longer duration of respiratory symptoms following mild viral illness than nonsmokers. 2. Cigarette smoking is more closely related to COPD than is air pollution under the conditions of air pollution encountered by the average person. The possibility remains that the two kinds of exposure may interact to increase the total effect beyond that contributed by each exposure. 3. Cigarette smokers without respiratory symptoms have evi- dence of small airway dysfunction (elevated closing volumes) more frequently than do nonsmokers without respiratory symptoms. 4. Autopsy studies have shown a dose-response relationship between cigarette smoking and the microscopic changes of COPD. Data from one study indicate that bronchiolitis may be a far more common finding in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers. 5. Pulmonary macrophages from cigarette smokers’ lungs have a decreased ability to respond to in vitro antigenic stimuli as compared to macrophages from smokers. 78 10 11 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY ALLBERT, R.E., BERGER, J., SANBORN, K., LIPPMANN, M. Effects of cigarette smoke components on bronchial clearance in the donkey. Archives of Environ- mental Health 29 (2): 96-101, August 1974. AUERBACH, O., GARFINKEL, L., HAMMOND, E. C. Relation of smoking and age to findings in lung parenchyma: A microscopic study. Chest 65(1): 29-35, January 1974, AUERBACH, O., HAMMOND, E. C., GARFINKEL, L., BENANTE, C. Relation of smoking and age to emphysema: Whole-lung section study. New England Journal of Medicine 286(16): 853-857, April 20, 1972. BERRY, G., McKERROW, C.B., MOLYNEUX, M.K.B., ROSSITER, C. E. TOMBLESON, J.B. L. A study of the acute and chronic changes in ventilatory capacity of workers in Lancashire cotton mills. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 30 (1): 25-36, January 1973. 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WEBB, D.R., HYDE, R.W., SCHWARTZ, R.H., HALL, W. J., CONDEMI, J. J., TOWNES, P.L., Serum @,-antitrypsin variants. Prevalence and clinical spirometry. American Review of Respiratory Disease 108(4): 918-925, October 1973. YEAGER, H.., JR., ZIMMET, S. M., SCHWARTZ, S. L. Pinocytosis by human alveolar macrophages. Comparison of smokers and nonsmokers. Journal of Clinical Investigation 54(2): 247-251, August 1974. CHAPTER 4. Involuntary Smoking CHAPTER 4 Involuntary Smoking Contents Page Introduction 2... 2... tees 87 Constituents of Tobacco Smoke ............0.00 00.00 cee eee ee 88 Carbon Monoxide ...............0 0.0.02 cee eee eens 90 Nicotine... 0.022. ee ee ee eee 97 Other Substances .. 2... 2. ke ee 98 Effects of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke ..............0200000000e 98 Cardiovascular Effects of Involuntary Smoking ............... 98 Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Psychomotor Tests ............ 99 Pathologic Effects of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke ............. 99 Summary of Involuntary Smoking Findings..................... 108 Bibliography . 2.0... teens 109 List of Tables Table 1.—Comparison of mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke 2... 2. ee Table 2.—-Measurements of constituents released by the combustion of tobacco products in various Situations 2... 0... ee eee ee eee Table 3.—Median percent carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation and 90 percent range for nonsmoker by location... 2... . ee ees Table 4.-Effects of carbon monoxide on psychomotor functions ....... 00 ce eee eee eee Table 5._Admission rates (per 100 infants) by diagnosis, birth weight, and maternal smoking . 0... Lee ee Table 6.—Pneumonia and bronchitis in the first 5 years of life by parents’ smoking habit and morning phlegm ..... 2.0... 0.0.00. 000 cece INTRODUCTION The effects of smoking on the smoker have been extensively studied, but the effects of tobacco smoke on nonsmokers have received much less attention. The 1972 Health Consequences of Smoking (49) reviewed the effects of public exposure to the air pollution resulting from tobacco smoke. This exposure has been called ‘‘passive smoking” by many authors, but will be referred to in this report as “Involuntary Smoking.” The term involuntary smoking will be used to mean the inhalation of tobacco combustion products from smoke-filled atmospheres by the nonsmoker. This type of exposure is, in a sense, “smoking” because it provides exposure to many of the same constituents of tobacco smoke that voluntary smokers experience. It is also “involuntary” because the exposure occurs as an unavoidable consequence of breathing in a smoke-filled environment. The chemical constituents found in an atmosphere filled with tobacco smoke are derived from two sources — mainstream and sidestream smoke. Mainstream smoke emerges from the tobacco product after being drawn through the tobacco during puffing. Sidestream smoke rises from the burning cone of tobacco. Main- stream and sidestream smoke contribute different concentrations of many substances to the atmosphere for several reasons: Different amounts of tobacco are consumed in the production of mainstream and sidestream smoke; the temperature of combustion differs for tobacco during puffing or while smouldering; and certain substances are partially absorbed from the mainstream smoke by the smoker. The amount of a substance absorbed by the smoker depends on the characteristics of the substance and the depth of inhalation by the smoker. As discussed in the 1972 Report, when the smoker does not inhale the smoke into his lungs, the smoke he exhales contains less than half its original amount of water-soluble volatile compounds, four-fifths of the original nonwater-soluble compounds and particulate matter, and almost all of the carbon monoxide (/5). When the smoker inhales the mainstream smoke, he exhales into the atmosphere less than one-seventh of the amount of volatile and particulate substances that were originally present in the smoke and also reduces the exhaled CO to less than half its original concentra- tion (/6). As a result, different concentrations of substances are found in exhaled mainstream smoke depending on the tobacco product, composition of the tobacco, and degree of inhalation by the smoker. 87 Several minor symptoms (conjunctival irritation, dry throat, etc.) are caused by levels of cigarette smoke encountered in everyday life, and serious allergic-like reactions to cigarette smoke may occur in some sensitive individuals. A major concern, however, about atmospheric contamination by cigarette smoke has been due to the production of significant levels of carbon monoxide. Cigarette smoking in poorly ventilated enclosed spaces may generate carbon monoxide levels above the acceptable 8-hour industrial exposure limits (50 ppm) — set by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (/). Exposure to this level of carbon monoxide even for short periods of time has been shown to reduce significantly the exercise tolerance of some persons with symptomatic cardio- vascular disease. There is also some evidence that prolonged exposure to this level of carbon monoxide in combination with a high cholesterol diet can enhance experimental atherosclerosis in animals (Chapter |, Cardiovascular Diseases). In the present chapter, the effects of cigarette smoke on the environment and on the nonsmoker in that environment will be examined by reviewing data on (1) the constituents of cigarette smoke measured under various conditions, and (2) the physiologic effects of this ‘involuntary smoking” on individuals. CONSTITUENTS OF TOBACCO SMOKE In a recent workshop on the effects of environmental tobacco smoke on the nonsmoker (4/), Corn (/4) presented a compilation adapted from Hoegg (32) of some of the substances in mainstream cigarette smoke and the ratio of sidestream to mainstream levels for some of these substances (Table 1). The actual numerical value of the sidestream to mainstream concentration ratio will vary with different types of tobacco tested, but Table | gives values generally consistent with those found by others (34, 42). Many of these substances including nicotine and carbon monoxide are found in much higher concentrations in sidestream smoke than in mainstream smoke, establishing that the smoke exposure received by both the smoker and nonsmoker due to breathing in a smoke-filled environment differs qualitatively as well as quantitatively from the smoke exposure received by the smoker who inhales through a lighted cigarette. A more comprehensive recent review of the constituents of mainstream and sidestream smoke has also been provided by Schmeltz, et al. (42) and Johnson, et al. (34). 88 68 TABLE 1. — Comparison of mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke '-? Ratio Compound Mainstream Sidestream Sidestream/ Comment (mg/cig) (mg/cig) Mainstream A General characteristics Duration of smoke production 20 sec 550 sec 27 Tobacco burnt 347 411 1.2 Particulates, no. per cigarette 1.05 x 101? 3.5 x 101? 3.3 B Particulate phase 2Tar (chloroform extract) 20.8 44.1 2.1 10.2 34.5 3.4 Filter cigarette Nicotine 0.92 1.69 1.8 0.46 1.27 2.8 Filter cigarette Benzo(a)pyrene 3.5 x 105 13.5 10° 3.7 Pyrene 13x 105 39x 10° 3.0 Total phenols 0.228 0.603 2.6 Cadmium 12.5 x 105 45 x 10°5 3.6 Cc Gases and vapors Water 7.5 + 298 39.7 3.5 mg of Mainstream and 5.5 mg of Sidestream in particulate phase, rest in vapor phase Ammonia 0.16 7.4 46 Carbon monoxide 31.4 148 4.7 Carbon dioxide 63.5 79.5 1.3 Oxides of Nitrogen 0.014 0.051 3.6 ' Adapted from Hoegg, U.R. (31, 32). 2 For 35 ml puff volume, 2 sec puff duration, one puff per minute and 23 or 30 mm butt length and 10 percent tobacco moisture. Source: Corn, M. (14). A number of other researchers have attempted to measure the levels of some of the substances in cigarette smoke encountered in everyday situations (Table 2). They have also tried to determine the factors controlling the atmospheric concentrations of these substances as well as the amount absorbed by nonsmokers under these conditions. Carbon monoxide, nicotine, benzo(a)pyrene, acrolein, and acetaldehyde have been of particular concern. Carbon Monoxide Levels of carbon monoxide (CO), a major product of tobacco combustion, have been studied in a variety of situations, and concentrations ranging from 2 to 110 ppm have been measured (Table 2). The major determinants of the CO levels in these situations are size of the space in which the smoking occurs (dilution of CO), the number and type of tobacco products smoked (CO production), and the amount and effectiveness of ventilation (CO removal). The type of tobacco product smoked is important as a determinant of CO exposure because it has been found that mainstream smoke from regular and small cigars contains more CO pre puff and per gram of tobacco burned than filtered or unfiltered cigarettes (8). This greater production of CO by cigars was confirmed by Harke (23). He measured the CO produced by 42 cigarettes, 9 cigars, and 9 pipefuls of tobacco, each product evaluated separately but under the same room conditions. The cigars produced the highest CO level (60 ppm). In addition to the effect of type of tobacco product on CO levels, data on the effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation are included in Table 2. Only under conditions of unusually heavy smoking and poor ventilation did CO levels exceed the maximum permissible, 8-hour industrial exposure limit of 50 ppm CO (/); however, even in cases where the ventilation was adequate, the measured CO levels did exceed the maximum acceptable ambient level of 9 ppm (/8). Harke (27) also showed that in small enclosed ventilated spaces (an automobile) the CO level is determined more by the number of cigarettes being smoked at one given time than by the cumulative number of cigarettes that have been smoked; also the CO level decreases rapidly once the smoking stops. 90 16 TABLE 2. — Measurements of constituents released by the combustion of tobacco products in various situations [Cig = cigarettes; — = unknown; TPM = total particulate matter | Reference, Location, and Amount of Dimensions If Known Ventilation Tobacco Burned Constituents Harke, H.-P., et al. (27) Mid-size European car, None 9 cig 30 ppm CO engine off, in wind tunnel at 50 km/hr Air jets open & 6 cig 20 ppm CO wind speed blower off Air jets open & 6 cig 10 ppm CO blower on Mid-size European car, None 9 cig 110 ppm CO engine off, in wind tunnel at zero km/hr None 6 cig 80 ppm CO wind speed Air jets open & 6 cig 8-10 ppm CO blower on Harke, H.-P., Peters, H. (28) Car in traffic None 4 cig 21.4 ppm CO Srch, M. (45) Car, engine off— None 10 cig in 1 hr 90 ppm CO, Smokers 10% COHb 2.09 m Nonsmokers 5% COHb Seiff, H-E. (44) Intercity buses 15 air changes per hr 23 cig 33 ppm CO (at driver’s seat) (burning continuously) 3 cig 18 ppm CO (at driver’s seat) (burning continuously) iS TABLE 2. — Measurements of constituents released by the combustion of tobacco products in various situations — Continued [ Cig = cigarettes; — = unknown; TPM = total particulate matter] Reference, Location, and Dimensions If Known U.S. Dept. Transportation, et al. (48) Airplane flights: Overseas—100% filled Domestic—66% filled Cano, LP., et al. (//) Submarines—66 m2 Godin, G., et al. (21) Ferry boat compartments: Smoking Nonsmoking Theater: Foyer Auditorium Bridge, D.P., Corn, M. (7) Party rooms: 145 m3 101 m3 Ventilation 15-20 air changes per hr do. 7 ait changes per hr 10.6 air changes per hr Amount of Tobacco Burned 157 cig per day 94-103 cig per day 30 cig & 17 cigars in 1.5 hr 63 cig & 10 cigars in 1.5 hr Constituents 2-5 ppm CO, <.120 mg/m? TPM <2 ppm CO, <.120 mg/m> TPM <40 ppm CO, 32 ug/m3 Nicotine <40 ppm CO, 15-35 g/m? Nicotine 18.4 +8.7 ppm CO 3.0+2.4 ppm CO 3.4+0.8 ppm CO 1.4+0.8 ppm CO 7 ppm CO 9 ppm CO £6 TABLE 2. -- Measurements of constituents released by the combustion of tobacco products in various situations — Continued [ Cig = cigarettes; — = unknown; TPM = total particulate matter] Reference, Location, and Dimensions If Known Ventilation Amount of Tobacco Burned Constituents Harke, H.-P., et al. (25) Room—38.2 m3 None 30 cig per 13 min (by machine) 5 cig per 13 min (by machine) 64 ppm CO, 510 ug/m?3 Nicotine .46 mg/m? Acrolein 6.5 me/m3 Acetaldehyde 11.5 ppm CO, 60 pe/m3 Nicotine, -07 mg/m? Acrolein, 1.3 mg/m?> Acetaldehy de Harke, H.-P. (24) Office Bldg Office Bldg Room ~78.3 m3 Air conditioned Not air conditioned 3 smokers <5 ppm CO <5 ppm CO 15.6 ppm CO Harke, H.-P., (23) Room-§7 m3 None 7.2 air changes per hr 8.4 air changes per hr None 7.2 air changes per hr None 7.2 air changes per hr 42 cig (by machine) 42 cig do. 42 cig do. 9 cigars do. 9 cigars do. 9 pipes do. 9 pipes do. 50 ppm CO, 530 ug/m> Nicotine 10 ppm CO, 120 ug/m3 Nicotine <10 ppm CO, <100 ug/m3 Nicotine 60 ppm CO, 1040 ug/m3 Nicotine 20 ppm CO, 420 ug/m3 Nicotine 10 ppm CO, 520 ug/m> Nicotine <10 ppm CO, <100 ug/m?> Nicotine v6 TABLE 2. — Measurements of constituents released by the combustion of tobacco products in various situartions — Continued [Cig = cigarettes; — = unknown; TPM = total particulate matter ] Reference, Location, and Amount of Dimensions If Known Ventilation Tobacco Burned Constituents Harke, H.-P. (23) None 105 cig 30 ppm CO, Smokers 7.5% COHb Room-—170 m3 Nonsmokers 2.1% COHb 1.2 air changes per hr ~ 107 cig SppmCO, Smokers 5,8% COHb . Nonsmokers 1.3% COHb 2.3 air changes per hr 101 cig 75 ppm CO, Smokers 5.0% COHb Anderson, G., Dalhamn, T. (3) Room—80 m Russell, M.A.H., et al. (40) Room-—43 m Harmsen, H., Effenberger, E. (30) Room—93 m3 Hoegg, U.R. (31, 32) Sealed test chamber—25 m3 6.4 air changes per hr None None None 46 cig & 3 pipefuls 80 cig & 2 cigars per hr 62 cig in 2 hrs 4 cig 8 cig 16 cig 24 cig Nonsmokers 1.6% COHb 4.5 ppm CO, 377 ug/m? Nicotine, 3.0 mg/m? TPM 38 ppm CO, Smokers 9.6% COHb Nonsmokers 2.6% COHb 80 ppm CO, 5200 ug/m> Nicotine 12.2 ppm CO, 2,28 mg/m3 TPM 25.6 ppm CO, 5,39 mg/m3 TPM 47.0 ppm CO, 11.41 mg/m3 TPM 69.8 ppm CO, 16.65 mg/m? TPM One must be careful when using the levels recorded in Table 2 as measures of individual exposure because the CO levels were usually measured at points several feet from the nearest smoker and probably would have been higher if measured at points correspond- ing to the position of a person sitting next to someone actively smoking (17, 35). In addition, it is the CO absorbed by the body that causes the harmful effects and not that which is measured in the atmosphere. This absorption can vary from individual to individual, depending on factors such as duration of exposure, volume of air breathed per minute, and cardio-respiratory function. Several investigators have tried to determine the amount of carbon monoxide absorbed in involuntary smoking situations by measuring changes in carboxyhemoglobin levels in nonsmokers exposed to cigarette smoke-filled environments. Anderson and Dalhamn (3) were unable to find any change in the COHb levels of nonsmokers in a well ventilated room where the CO level was 4.5 ppm. When Harke (23) studied nonsmokers under similar conditions (good ventilation and less than 5 ppm CO), he was able to show an increase in COHb level from 1.1 to 1.6 percent; without ventilation the CO levels rose to 30 ppm and the COHb level increased from .9 to 2.1 percent in 2 hours. Russell, et al. (40) also found that COHb levels increased from 1.6 to 2.6 percent in nonsmokers exposed toa smoke-filled room where the CO level was measured at 38 ppm; however, he cautioned that nearly all persons in the room felt that the conditions were worse than those experienced in most social situations. Stewart, et al. (46) measured COHb levels in a group of nonsmoking blood donors from several cities and found that 45 percent exceeded the Clean Air Act’s Quality Standard of 1.5 percent with the 90 percent range as high as 3.7 percent for individual cities (Table 3). These levels represent the total CO exposure from all sources, involuntary smoking, and other sources of pollution as well as establishing the levels which would be added to any new involuntary smoking exposure. Increases in the COHb levels of this magnitude are probably functionally insignificant in the healthy adult, but in persons with angina pectoris, any reduction of oxygen-carrying capacity is of great importance. In this disease, the volume of blood able to be pumped through the diseased coronary artery is already unable to meet the demands of the heart muscle under exercise stress. Aronow, et al. (4) examined the effect of exposure to carbon monoxide on persons with angina pectoris. They exercised persons with angina 95 96 TABLE 3. — Median percent carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) saturation and 90 percent range for nonsmokers by location Percent of ovation Nonsmokers No. of Nonsmokers J Nonsmokers With COHb Median Range > 1.5% Anchorage 1.5 0.6 -— 3.2 152 56 Chicago 1.7 1.0 - 3.2 401 74 Denver 2.0 0.9 — 3.7 744 16 Detroit 1.6 0.7 — 2.7 1,172 42 Honolulu 1.4 0.7 — 2.5 503 39 Houston 1.2 0.6 — 3.5 240 30 Los Angeles 1.8 1.0 - 3.0 2,886 716 Miami 1.2 0.4 — 3.0 398 33 Milwaukee 1,2 0.5 - 2.5 2,720 26 New Orleans 1.6 1.0 - 3.0 159 59 New York 1.2 0.6 — 2.5 2,291 35 Phoenix 1,2 0.5 — 2.5 147 24 St. Louis 1.4 0.9 — 2.1 671 35 Salt Lake City 1.2 0.6 — 2.5 544 27 San Francisco 1.5 0.8 — 2.7 660 61 Seattle 1.5 0.8 — 2.7 535 55 Vermont, New Hampshire 1,2 0.8 — 2.1 959 18 Washington, D.C. 1.2 0.6 — 2.5 850 35 Source: Stewart, R.D., et al. (46). pectoris before and after exposure to carbon monoxide. The average amount of excercise that was able to be performed before a person developed chest pain was significantly shortened from 226.7 seconds before exposure to 187.6 seconds after CO exposure. This change occurred after a 2-hour exposure to 50 ppm CO and with an increase in COHb level from 1.03 percent to 2.68 percent; these COHb levels are within the range produced by involuntary smoking. These data indicate that exposure to CO at levels found in some involuntary smoking situations may well have a significant impact on the functional capacity of persons with angina pectoris. Carbon monoxide has also been shown to decrease cardiac contractility in persons with coronary heart disease at COHb levels similar to those produced due to involuntary smoking situations (5). It is reasonable to assume that any significant CO exposure to the diseased heart reduces its functional reserve. Nicotine Nicotine in the atmosphere differs from CO in that it tends to settle out of the air with or without ventilation (thereby decreasing its atmospheric concentration), whereas the CO level will remain constant until the CO is removed. The concentrations of both substances are decreased substantially by ventilation. As can be seen from data in Table 2, under conditions of adequate ventilation neither exceeds the maximum threshold limit values for industrial exposure (nicotine, 500 yg/m3; CO, 50 ppm, /): whereas in conditions without ventilation, smoking produces very high con- centrations of both (nicotine, up to 1,040 ng/m3: CO, 110 ppm). Nicotine in the environment is of concern because nicotine absorbed by cigarette smokers is felt to be one factor contributing to the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Several researchers have attempted to measure the amount of. nicotine absorbed by nonsmokers in involuntary smoking situations. Cano, et al. (J7) studied urinary excretion of nicotine by persons on a submarine. Despite very low levels measured in the air (15 to 32 ug/m3), nonsmokers did show a small rise in nicotine excretion; however, the amount excreted was still less than | percent of the amount excreted by smokers. Harke (23) measured nicotine and its metabolite cotinine in the urine of smokers and nonsmokers exposed to a smoke-filled environment and reported that nonsmokers 2xcreted less than 1 percent of the amount of nicotine and cotinine 2xcreted by smokers. He feels that at this low level of absorption licotine is unlikely to be a hazard to the nonsmoker. 97 Other Substances In two studies environmental levels of the experimental carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene were measured. Galuskinova (20) found levels of benzo(a)pyrene from 2.82 to 14.4 mg/m? in smoky restaurants, but it is not clear how much of this was due to cooking and how much was due to smoking. In a study of the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in the atmosphere of airplanes (48), only a fraction of a microgram per cubic meter was detected. The effect of chronic exposure to very low levels of this carcinogen has not been established for humans. Acrolein and acetaldehyde have also been measured in smoke- filled rooms (25, Table 2) and may contribute to the eye irritation commonly experienced in these situations. EFFECTS OF EXPOSURE TO CIGARETTE SMOKE Cardiovascular Effects of Involuntary Smoking The effects of cigarette smoking on the cardiovascular system of the smoker are well established, but very little is known about the cardiovascular response of the nonsmoker to cigarette smoke. Harke and Bleichert (26) studied 18 adults (11 smokers and 7 nonsmokers) in a room 170 m3 large in which 150 cigarettes were smoked or allowed to burn in ashtrays for 30 minutes. They noted that the subjects who smoked during the experiment had a significant lowering of skin temperature and a rise in blood pressure. Non- smokers who were exposed to the same smoke-contaminated environment showed no change in either of these parameters. Luquette, et al. (36) performed a similar experiment with 40 children exposed alternately to smoke-contaminated and clean atmospheres, but otherwise under identical experimental conditions. They found that exposure to the smoke caused increases in heart rate (5 beats per minute) and in systolic (4 mm Hg) and diastolic (5 mm Hg) blood pressure. The differences in results between these studies may be due, in part, to the age of the subjects — i.e., children may be more sensitive to the cardiovascular effects of involuntary smoking than adults, or the increase in heart rate and blood pressure may be due to a difference between children and adults in the psychologic response to being in a smoke-filled atmosphere. 98 Effects of Carbon Monoxide on Psychomotor Tests Carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke, automobile exhaust, and industrial pollution is an important component of air pollution. There has been some concern over the effect of relatively low levels of carbon monoxide on psychomotor functions (the ability to perceive and react to stimuli), especially those functions related to driving an automobile (Table 4). Carbon monoxide levels occasionally reached in some involun- tary smoking situations result in measurable cognitive and motor effects, but these effects generally are measurable only at the threshold of stimuli perception. One study (Wright, et al., (50)) found that the safe driving habits measured on a driving simulator did not improve as much with practice in a group exposed to CO as did the habits of a control group. Another study (37) with a different experimental design but at the same levels of CO did not find any effect on complex psychomotor activity such as driving a car. Thus, the role of CO alone in motor vehicle accidents remains unclear. The effect on judgement and reactions of CO in combina- tion with factors such as fatigue and alcohol, conditions known to influence judgement and reaction time, has not been determined. Pathologic Effects of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke The effect of involuntary smoking on an individual is deter- mined not only by the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the smoke-filled environment, but also largely by the characteristics of the individual. Reactions may vary with age as well as with the sensitivity of an individual to the components of tobacco smoke. The severity of possible effects range ffom minor eye and throat irritations experienced by most people in smoke-filled rooms, to the anginal attacks of some persons with cardiovascular disease. The minor symptomatic irritation experienced by nonsmokers in a smoke-filled environment is influenced by the humidity of the air as well as the concentration of irritating substances found in the atmosphere. Johansson and Ronge (33) have shown that irritation due to cigarette smoke is maximal in warm, dry air and decreases with a small rise in relative humidity. A change from acceptable to unpleasant was reported at 4.7 mg/m? of particulate matter for nonsmokers and eye irritation was noted at 9 mg/m? for both smokers and nonsmokers. The authors concluded that a ventilation rate of 12 m3/hr/cig was necessary to avoid eye irritation and 50 m3 /hr/cig was necessary to avoid unpleasant odors. 99 00! TABLE 4. -— Effects of carbon monoxide on psychomotor functions co COHb Test or level level Reference ererenc Measurement (ppm) (Percent) Effect McFarland, R.A. Ability of drivers to stay 6 None (37) between two-lane markers 11 None while being permitted only 17 None brief glimpses of the road Ray, A.M., Reaction time to 10 Prolonged Rockwell, T.H. car taillights (39) McFarland, R.A. Performance of two tasks at 700 17 None (38) same time Dark adaptation and glare 700 17 None recovery Peripheral vision at 10° 700 17 None and 30° Peripheral vision at 20° 700 17 Decreased Depth perception 700 17 None Stewart, R.D., et al. Time perception $00 20 None (47) 10! TABLE 4. — Effects of carbon monoxide on psychomotor junctions — Continued co COHb Test or level level Reference Measurement ppm (Percent) Effect Fodor, G.G., Attentiveness to 50x 5 hrs. 2-5 Decreased Winneke, G. auditory stimuli a9) Flicker fusion $0 x 5 hrs. 2-5 No change Speed of motor performance $0 x 5 hrs. 2-5 No change Perception of complex $0 x 5 hrs. 2-5 Improved visual patterns Schulte, J.H. Cognitive function 100 5 Decreased (43) Reaction time 20 No change Bender, W., et al. Threshold for temporal 100 7.25 Raised (6) resolution of visual stimuli Manual dexterity 100 7.25 Decreased Learning meaningless syllables 100 7.25 Decreased Retention of 10 syllables 100 7.25 No change for 1 hr Groll-Knapp, E., et al. Attentiveness to auditory 50 Deterioration at (22) stimuli 100 50 ppm, worse at 100 ppm, worst 150 at 150 ppm Wright, G., et al. Reaction time 6.3 Prolonged 50 (90) Glare recovery 6.3 Prolonged Careful driving habits 6.3 Failure to improve with practice Two government sponsored studies have attempted to evaluate the degree of minor irritation due to cigarette smoke experienced by bus and plane passengers. The U.S. Department of Transportation (44) studied the environment on two ventilated buses — one with simulated unrestricted smoking and another with simulated smoking limited to the rear 20 percent of the seats. In one bus, lighted cigarettes were placed at every other seat (23 cigarettes) to simulate a bus filled with smokers. In the other bus, cigarettes were placed only in the rear 20 percent of the bus (five cigarettes) to simulate a bus where smoking was limited to the rear 20 percent of the seats. When smoking was limited, the CO level at the driver’s seat was only 18 ppm (ambient air 13 ppm) compared to the level of 33 ppm (ambient air 7 ppm) measured in the unrestricted smoking situation. Four of the six subjects seated in the bus reported eye irritation during the unrestricted smoking simulation. None of the six subjects reported any eye irritation in the restricted smoking situation (not even those seated in the rear 20 percent of the bus). Several Federal agencies (48) cooperated to survey the symp- toms experienced by travelers on both military and commercial aircraft. They distributed a questionnaire to passengers on 20 military and 8 commercial flights; 57 percent of the passengers on the military flights and 45 percent of the passengers on the commercial flights were smokers. The planes were well ventilated and CO levels were always below 5 ppm with low levels of other pollutants as well. In spite of the low level of measurable pollution, over 60 percent of the nonsmoking passengers and 15 to 22 percent of the smokers reported being annoyed by the other passengers’ smoking. Seventy-three percent of the nonsmoking passengers on the commercial flights and 62 percent of the nonsmoking passengers on the military flights suggested that some remedial action be taken; 84 percent of those suggesting remedial action felt that segregating the smokers from nonsmokers would be a satisfactory solution. These feelings were even more prevalent among those nonsmokers who had a history of respiratory disease. Children have been found to have a higher incidence of respiratory infections than adults and are thought to be more sensitive to the effects of air pollution due to their greater minute ventilation per body weight than adults. Several researchers have investigated the effects of parental smoking on the health of children. Cameron, et al. conducted two telephone surveys of Detroit families to determine the relationship between children’s respiratory illness and parental smoking habits. In the first survey (9) they found a statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of 102 children’s respiratory infection and parental smoking habits only when all children under 16 were considered (not when only those under 9 or under 5 were considered). In a larger survey of the same city (10) they found a relationship between parental smoking and prevalence of respiratory illness in the 10- to 16-year age group and in the birth to 5-year age group. Neither study controlled for smoking by the children which might be a factor in the 10- to 16-year age group or for socioeconomic status which has an effect on both smoking habits and illness. However, the data were consistent with a higher prevalence of respiratory disease in families where there are smokers than in nonsmoking families. Colley (/2) also found a relationship between parental smoking habits and the prevalence of respiratory illness in the children. He found an even stronger relationship between parental cough and phlegm production and respiratory infections in children. He postulates this latter relationship to result from the greater infec- tivity of these parents due to their cough and phlegm production. The relationship between parental cigarette smoking and respiratory infection in their children would then occur because cigarette smoking caused the parents to cough and produce phlegm and would not be indicative of a direct effect of cigarette smoke-filled air on the children. Harlap and Davies (29) studied infant admissions to Hadassah Hospital in West Jerusalem and found a relationship between admissions for bronchitis and pneumonia in the first year of life and maternal smoking habits during pregnancy. Data on maternal smoking habits after the birth of the child were not obtained, but it can be assumed that most of the mothers who smoked during pregnancy continued to smoke during the first year of the infant’s life. A relationship between infant admission and maternal smoking habits was demonstrable only between the sixth and ninth months of infant life and was more pronounced during the winter months (when the effect of cigarette smoke on the indoor environment would be greatest). Mothers who smoke during pregnancy are known to have infants with a lower average birth weight than the infants of nonsmoking mothers. The relationship between maternal smoking and their infants’ admission to the hospital found in this study was greater for low birth weight infants, but was also found for normal birth weight infants (Table 5) (29). Harlap and Davies (29) demonstrated a dose-response relationship for maternal smoking and infant admission for bronchitis and pneumonia; however, they also found a relationship between maternal smoking and infant admis- sions for poisoning and injuries. This may indicate a bias in the study 103 701 TABLE 5.- Admission rates (per 100 infants) by diagnosis, birth weight, and maternal smoking Birth weight (g) Total Diagnosis <2,999 3,000 - 3,499 3,500+ (including unknown) s NS S NS S NS Ss NS (297) (2,326) (415) (4,098) (264) (3,195) (986) (9,686) Bronchitis and pneumonia 19.2 12.3 9.6 8.2 12.1 9.0 13.1 9.5 All other 22.6 19.9 14.5 14.6 15.2 13.3 16.9 15.5 Total 41.8 32.2 24.1 22.8 27.3 22.3 30.0 24.9 NOTE. — S=Smokers; NS=Nonsmokers. Source: Harlap, S., Davies, A.M. (29). due to relationships which may exist between smoking and factors such as parental neglect or socioeconomic class. In addition, hospital admission rates may not be an accurate index of infant morbidity. Colley, et al. (73) studied the incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in 2,205 children over the first 5 years of life in relation to the smoking habits of both parents. They found that a relationship between parental smoking habits and respiratory infection in children occurred only during the first years of life (Table 6). They also showed a relationship between parental cough and phlegm production and infant infection (Table 6) which was found to be independent of the effect of parental smoking habits. The relation- ship between parental smoking and infant infection was greater when both parents smoked and increased with increasing number of cigarettes smoked per day. The relationship persisted after social class and birth weight had been controlled for. Thus, respiratory infections during the first year of life are closely related to smoking habits independent of parental symptoms, social class, and birth weight. Because of the dose-response relation- ship between parental smoking and infant respiratory infection established by Colley, et al. (/3), it is reasonable to suspect that cigarette smoke in the atmosphere of the home may be the cause of these infections; however, other factors such as parental neglect may also play a role. The above studies examined the effects of involuntary smoking on relatively healthy people. A substantial proportion of the U.S. population suffers from chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, however, and they represent the segment of the population most seriously jeopardized by conditions found in involuntary smoking situations. In Chapter 1 of this report (Cardiovascular Diseases) evidence was presented which showed that levels of CO sometimes experienced in smoke-filled environments (50 ppm) are capable of significantly decreasing the exercise tolerance of persons with angina pectoris and intermittent claudication. In addition, these levels of CO have been shown to decrease cardiac contractility and to raise left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (an indication of heart failure) in persons with cardiovascular disease. Persons with chronic bronchitis and emphysema have consider- able excess mortality under conditions of severe air pollution. In smoke-filled environments levels of CO and several other pollutants may be as high or higher than occur during air pollution emergencies. The effects of short-term exposure of persons with chronic obstruc- 105 901 TABLE 6. — Pneumonia and bronchitis in the first 5 years of life by parents’ smoking habit and morning phlegm Year of Annual incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis per 100 children (Absolute numbers in parentheses) Both ex-smokers of one ex-smoker Followup Both nonsmokers One smoker Both smokers or smoking habit All changed N O/B N O/B N O/B N O/B N O/B 1 1.6 10.3 10.4 14.8 15.3 23.0 8.2 13.2 10.1 16.7 (343) (29) (424) (128) (339) (139) (546) (129) (1,652) (425) 2 8.1 8.3 71 15.5 8.7 9.2 6.5 10.7 74 11.3 (322) (36) (365) (129) (286) (152) (599) (159) (1,572) (476) 3 6.9 8.1 10.5 9.4 79 11.0 8.2 11.6 8.4 10.6 (305) (37) (353) (107) (242) (154) (661) (173) (1,561) (471) 4 8.0 11.1 7.5 10.8 716 11.6 8.2 9.1 7.9 10.3 (287) (36) (306) (102) (236) (121) (695) (187) (1,524) (446) 5 6.7 14.7 5.6 9.4 3.9 10.6 6.4 7.3 5.9 9.1 (285) (34) (267) (107) (208) (132) (737) (219) (1,497) (492) NOTE. — N=neither with winter morning phlegm. O/B=one or both with winter morning phlegm. Source: Colley, J.R.T., et al. (13). tive bronchopulmonary disease (COPD) to these conditions have not been evaluated. Persons with COPD are also possibly at increased risk to CO exposure because of their low alveolar Po2. Due to the reduced amount of oxygen available to compete with the CO for ~ hemoglobin binding sites, these persons might experience a carboxy- hemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin ratio higher than those in healthy subjects under the same conditions of CO exposure. The retention of CO may also be prolonged due to both this increased binding of CO to hemoglobin under low alveolar Po, and decreased ventilatory capacity to excrete CO. In summary, the effects of cigarette smoke on healthy nonsmokers consists mainly of minor eye and _ throat irritation. However, people with certain heart and lung diseases (angina pectoris, COPD, allergic asthma) may suffer exacerbations of their symptoms as a result of exposure to tobacco smoke-filled environ- ments. These effects are dependent on the degree of individual exposure to cigarette smoke which is determined by proximity to the source of the tobacco smoke, the type and amount of tobacco product smoked, conditions of room size and ventilation as well as the amount of time the individual spends in the smoke-filled environment, and his physiologic condition at the time of exposure. 107 SUMMARY 1. Tobacco smoke can be a significant source of atmospheric pollution in enclosed areas. Occasionally under conditions of heavy smoking and poor ventilation, the maximum limit for an 8-hour work exposure to carbon monoxide (50 ppm) may be exceeded. The upper limit for CO in ambient air (9 ppm) may be exceeded even in cases where ventilation is adequate. For an individual located close to a cigarette that is being smoked by someone else, the pollution exposure may be greater than would be expected from atmospheric measurements. 2. Carbon monoxide, at levels occasionally found in cigarette smoke-filled environments, has been shown to produce slight deterioration in some tests of psychomotor performance, especially attentiveness and cognitive function. It is unclear whether these levels impair complex psychomotor activities such as driving a car. The effects produced by CO may become important when added to factors such as fatigue and alcohol which are known to have an effect on the ability to operate a motor vehicle. 3. Unrestricted smoking on buses and planes is reported to be annoying to the majority of nonsmoking passengers, even under conditions of adequate ventilation. 4. Children of parents who smoke are more likely to have bronchitis and pneumonia during the first year of life, and this is probably at least partly due to their being exposed to cigarette smoke in the atmosphere. 5. Levels of carbon monoxide commonly found in cigarette smoke-filled environments have been shown to decrease the exercise tolerance of patients with angina pectoris. , 108 10 11 BIBLIOGRAPHY AMERICAN CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENT INDUSTRIAL HYGENISTS. TLVs® threshold limit values for chemical substances in workroom air adopted by the American conference of government industrial hygienists for 1973. Journal of Occupational Medicine 16(1): 39-49, January 1974. ANDERSON, E. W., ANDELMAN, R. J., STRAUCH, J. M., FORTUIN, N. J., KNEL- SON, J. H. Effect of low-level carbon monoxide exposure on onset and duration of angina pectoris. A study of ten patients with ischemic heart disease. Annals of Internal Medicine 79(1): 46-50, July 1973. ANDERSON, G., DALHAMN, T. 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Archives of Environmental Health 27(6): 349-354, December 1973. 112 INDEX 1975 Acetaldehyde levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation, 90, 93, 98 Acrolein effects of inhalation of, in rats, 29 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation, 90, 93, 98 AHH activity see Ary] hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity Air pollution effects of exposure levels on respitatory symptoms in twins, 67 exposure levels and coal consumption, 67 and human CO burden, 20 levels, exposure of telephone workers and pulmonary symptoms, 67 and smoking, in COPD development, 6368 and smoking, in lung cancer development, 44,47 summary of recent findings, 108 survey data for four U.S. locations, 63-66 Airways dysfunction of, in smokers, 71 function during viral illness, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 62, 63 Alveolar macrophages decrease in pinocytosis, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76 response to migration inhibition factor or antigens, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76, 77 Angina pectoris effects of increased carboxyhemoglobin levels, in passive smokers, 95, 97 Antigens effect on alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76, 77 Antitrypsin deficiency and smoking, in COPD etiology, 72-74 Arteries thickening of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 74-76 Arterioles thickening of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 74-16 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity role in lung cancer development, 50-53 Asbestos chrysotile, effects on lungs, 49 Atherosclerosis, coronary see Coronary heart disease Autopsy findings and smoking, 74-76 Benzo(a)pyrene levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation, 91-94, 98 Birth weight effects of maternal smoking, 27 Bladder cancer see Genitourinary cancer Blood pressure levels, in smokers, nonsmokers, and ex-smokers, 15-17 Body weight and hypertension, in smokers, non- smokers, and ex-smokers, 15-17 Bronchiolitis autopsy studies, in male smokers vs. nonsmokers, 74, 76, 77 Bronchitis - chronic, incidence of, in high pollution areas, 63, 64 chronic, and lung cancer development, 49 chronic, summary of previous findings, 5, 7,61, 62 development in infants of maternal smokers, 103 incidence in children of smokers, 105, 106 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings, 108 Bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic ob- structive see also Emphysema, Bronchitis air pollution and smoking in etiology of, 6368 : effects of antitrypsin deficiency in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 72-74 effects of partially deficient heterozygote phenotypes, 73,74 incidence in firemen, 68 summary of previous findings, 61, 62 summary of recent findings, 78 Byssinosis development in cotton mill workers, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 68 Cancer see also specific site, e.g., Lung cancer summary of previous findings, 3-8 summary of recent findings, 43, 54 Carbon monoxide cholesterol levels in aorta of rabbits, after exposure to, 28 and decrease in exercise time before claudication, 18 effects on aortas in animals, 28 effects on healthy smokers vs. non- smokers, 26 exposure to, and human absorption, 21-28 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation, 90-95 Jevels, effects on exercise performance, 97 levels, from smokers in buses and planes, 102 113 myocardial effects on rabbits, 29 summary of previous findings on relationship to passive smoking, 87, 88, 108 summary of recent findings, 33 from tobacco smoke, effects of psycho- motor performance, including attentive- ness and cognition function, 99-101 Carboxyhemoglobin levels in cigarette smokers, one hour after last cigarette, 25-26 and CO burden in smokers vs. non- smokers, 21, 26-29 effects on CO absorption, in passive smoking, 95, 96 effects on exercise performance, 97 in fetuses, 26, 27 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by sex, race, employment status, or urban location, 22-24 summary of recent findings, 33 in workers exposed to exhaust gases, 21 Carcinogenesis aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity, and susceptibility to carcinogens, 50-53 experimental, 48-50 summary of previous findings, 43 Carcinogens benzo(a)pyrene, and exfoliative cytology of hamster lungs, 47 benzo(a)pyrene and chrysotile asbestos, in animals, 49 in cigarette smoke, 49, 50 Cardiovascular diseases see also Coronary heart disease, Cerebro- vascular disease atherosclerotic, effects of CO, 27, 28 pathogenesis of, 28, 29 Cerebrovascular disease epidemiological studies, 29, 30 mortality by age, sex, and smoking habit, 31 CHD see Coronary heart disease Chemicals exposure to, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex, 69, 70 Children of smokers, incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis, 105, 106 of smokers, prevalence of respiratory symptoms, 102, 103 Cholesterol levels after CO exposure, in rabbits, 28 and hypertension, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 15 Chronic bronchitis see Bronchitis Chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary disease see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Cigar smoking autopsy studies, in smokers with emphy- sema, fibrosis, or thickening of arterioles or arteries, 75 CO levels in mainstream smoke, 90 relationship to cancer, 43, 44 114 summary of previous findings on effects on smokers, 4, 13 Cigarette smoke see Smoke, cigarette Cigarettes, filter decrease in lung cancer risk, 44 summary of previous findings, 4 Clofibrate and reduction in risk of sudden death in cigarette smokers, 32 Closing volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 71, 72 co see Carbon monoxide Coffee drinking and myocardial infarction in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 19, 20 COPD see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Coronary heart disease see also Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction effects of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking, 20 epidemiological studies, 14, 15 summary of previous findings, 4, 7 Cough of parental smokers, and respiratory symptoms in children, 103, 105 in school-age smokers vs. nonsmokers, 62 Cytologic studies exfoliative, and lung cancer diagnosis, 47 Dust exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex, 69, 70 and smoking as risk factors in byssinosis development, among mill workers, 68 Emphysema autopsy studies, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 74-76 summary of previous findings, 5, 7, 61, 62 Epidemiological studies cerebrovascular disease and smoking, 29, 30 CHD and smoking, 14, 15 lung cancer and smoking, 44 Epinephrine levels effects of nicotine, 29 Epithelium bronchial, and premalignancy in smokers, 44 Exercise performance effects of CO exposure and increased carboxyhemoglobin levels, 95, 97 Ex-smokers decrease in risk of developing lung cancer, 43 effects of cessation on body weight, blood pressure, and hypertension, develop- ment, 16-19 effects of cessation on closing voluine abnormalities, 71 effects of cessation on pathologic changes, 74 summary of previous findings on health consequences of cessation, 6 summary of previous findings on relationship to COPD, 61 Eye irritation effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers, 99, 100 Fibrosis autopsy studies, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 74-76 Forced expiratory volume decline in smokers, by race, 72 Framingham Study effect of coffee drinking on mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 20 Fume exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex, 69, 70 Genetics role of antitrypsin deficiency and smoking in COPD development, 72-74 Genitourinary cancer smoking as risk factor, 50 Histological studies lung cancer and smoking, 44-46 Humidity and pathologic effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, 99 Hypertension effects of smoking, 15-19 summary of recent findings, 33 Infants maternal smoking, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia, 103 Inhalation patterns summary of previous findings, 4 Immune sy stem suppression of immunoglobulin response, by nicotine or water-soluble fraction of cigarettes, 77 Intermittent claudication decrease in exercise time after exposure to CO, 28 effects of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking, 20 Involuntary smoking see Passive smoking Laryngeal cancer incidence of second primary, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 50 Leukocytes effects of cigarette smoke, in guinea pigs, 77, 78 Lung cancer decreased risk of, in ex-smokers, 43 and development of chronic bronchitis, 49 effects of air pollution and smoking, 44, 47 effects of asbestos exposure and smoking, 49 epidemiological studies, 44 histological types, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 44-46 increase in mortality of, in female smokers, 47 summary of previous findings, 3, 5-8 summary of recent findings, 43 Mainstream smoke see Smoke streams Migration inhibition factor effects of alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76, 77 Morbidity from respiratory symptoms, 62, 63 Mortality from cerebrovascular disease by age, sex, and smoking habit, 31 from CHD, 14 from lung cancer, of female smokers, 47 from myocardial infarction, 14 summary of previous findings, 3-8, 13 Myocardial infarction damage to rabbits after exposure to carbon monoxide, 29 effects of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking, 19, 20 mortality, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 14 summary of previous findings, 4, 13 in Swedish women, smokers vs. non- smokers, 14 Nasopharyngeal cancer in smokers vs. nonsmokers, in Taiwan, 50 Nicotine effects on epinephrine and norepinephrine levels, 29 excretion, by passive smokers, 97 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned, and ventilation, 91-94, 97 suppression of immunoglobulin response, in cell cultures, 77 N-Nitrosamines N'-nitrosonornicotine, in tobacco, 48, 49 N-Nitrosoheptamethyleneimine incidence of lung neoplasms, in rats, 49 Norepinephrine effects of nicotine, 29 Occupational diseases byssinosis in cotton mill workers, 68 COPD, in firemen, 68 effects of asbestos exposure and smoking on lung cancer development, 49 lung cancer, in uranium miners, 47 and risk of cancer, 43 smoking and, 68-70 Occupational hazards carboxyhemoglobin levels in workers exposed to exhaust gases, 21 115 exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays, and dusts, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex, 69, 70 higher reporting of exposure to, by smokers vs, nonsmokers, 68 Oral cancer incidence of second primary, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 50 Parents cough and phlegm production, and respiratory symptoms in children, 103 incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children of smokers, 105, 106 prevalence of respiratory symptoms in children of smokers, 102, 103 Particulate matter pollution levels in four U.S. locations, 65, 66 Passive smoking CO, nicotine, benzo(a)pyrene, acrolein, and acetaldehyde levels, 90-95 effects on bus and plane passengers, 102 effects of carboxyhemoglobin levels, in persons with angina pectoris, 95, 97 effects of carboxyhemoglobin levels on CO absorption, 95, 96 effects of CO in tobacco smoke on psychomotor performance, 99-101 effects of tobacco smoke constituents, 88-98 excretion of nicotine, 97 exposure to cigarette smoke, and development of eye and throat irita- tions, 99, 100 incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children of parental smokers, 105, 106 maternal smoking, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants, 103, 104 parental cough and phlegm production, and respiratory symptoms in children, 103 pathological studies, 99 prevalence of respiratory symptoms in children of smokers, 102, 103 summary of previous findings, 87, 88 summary of recent findings, 107, 108 Pathological studies effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers, 99 Pathophysiological studies alveolar macrophages and smoking, 76, 77 effects of cigarette smoke on leukocytes, in guinea pigs, 77, 78 effects of cigarette smoke on pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs, 77, 78 effects of smoking on tracheal mucous velocity, in dogs, 78 suppression of immunoglobulin response by nicotine or water-soluble fraction of cigarettes, 77 Pharyngeal cancer incidence of second primary, in smokers vs. nonsinokers, 50 116 Phenotypes partially deficient heterozygote, in COPD etiology, 73, 74 Phiegm production by parental smokers, and development of respiratory symptoms in children, 103 production by parental smokers, and incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children, 105, 106 Pinocy tosis decrease in alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76 Pipe smoking autopsy studies, in smokers with emphy- sema, fibrosis, or thickening of arterioles or arteries, 75 summary of previous findings on effects, 4,13 relationship to cancer, 43, 44 Pneumonia incidence in children of smokers, 105, 106 maternal smoking, and development in infants, 103 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings, 108 Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons tumor initiators in tobacco, 48 Pregnancy carboxyhemoglobin levels in fetuses, 26, 27 maternal smoking, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants, 103, 104 summary of previous findings, 5, 6 Psychomotor performance effects of CO in tobacco smoke, 99-101 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings, 108 Public transportation effects of passive smoking on bus and plane passengers, 102 Pulmonary function abnormalities, during viral illness, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 63 closing volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease, 71, 72 decline in forced expiratory volume, in smokers by race, 72 prevalence of deficient heterozygote phenotypes, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 74 small airways disease, smoking and, 71, 72 summary of recent findings, 78 Pulmonary macrophages effects of cigarette smoke, in guinea pigs, 77, 78 summary of recent findings, 78 Pulmonary symptoms effects of air pollution exposure levels on telephone workers, 67 Respiratory symptoms see also Cough, Phlegm in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 62, 63 summary of previous findings, 5 summary of previous findings on relationship to passive smoking, 88 summary of recent findings, 78 Sidestream smoke see Smoke streams Smoke streams CO levels in mainstream cigar smoke, 90 constituents of tobacco smoke, 88-98 summary of previous findings, 87, 88 Smoke, cigarette carcinogenic content of, 48 and decrease in pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs, 77, 78 effects on tracheobronchial clearance, in donkeys, 78 . suppression of immunoglobulin response in cell cultures, 77 Smoke, tobacco effects of constituents on passive smokers, 88-98 summary of recent findings, 108 summary of previous findings on relationship to passive smoking, 87, 88° Smoking, maternal during pregnancy, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants, 103, 104 Sudden death reduction of risk of, in cigarette smokers, using clofibrate, 32 Sulfur dioxide pollution levels in four U.S. locations, 65, 66 Tars, cigarette summary of previous findings on effects on smokers, 5 Throat irritation effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers, 99 Thrombogenesis effects of smoking, 32 Tracheal mucous velocity effects of smoking, in dogs, 78 Tracheobronchial clearance effects of cigarette smoke, in donkeys, 78 Tumorigenic activity in experimental animals, 48 of polynuclear hydrocarbons and tumor accelerators, 48 Twins air pollution exposure levels and respira- tory symptoms, 67 mortality from CHD, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 14, 15 Ventilation effects on constituents of tobacco smoke, 90-95 Ventricular premature beats effect of cigarette smoking, 20 Water soluble fraction of cigarettes, suppression of immunoglobulin response, 77 Women autopsy studies, in smokers vs. non- smokers with emphysema, fibrosis, or thickening of arterioles or arteries, 75 exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays, and dusts, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 69, 70 incidence of lung cancer in, 43 increase in mortality from lung cancer, 47 myocardial infarction, in Swedish smokers vs. nonsmokers, 14 summary of previous findings on effects of smoking, 5-7 117 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1964—1975 Since the original report on the health consequences of smoking in 1964 entitled Smoking and Health, Report of the Advisory Com- mittee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, eight additional reports on the topic have been prepared for the U.S. Con- gress. The nine reports are for the years 1964, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, and 1975. To facilitate use of this accumulated scientific evidence on the health consequences of smoking, the following cumulative index of the nine reports was prepared. It should be noted that before this cumulative index, the 1964 and 1968 Reports had not been indexed; thus, this compilation provides the only indexes for these two re- ports. The concept headings in this index are essentially the same as those used in the individual report indexes. However, an effort was made to use only one term per concept and to select the most com- monly used terminology in the scientific literature for the concept. The user of this index is referred to information in the different reports by the report year followed by the page numbers in that re- port. The year of the report is set in boldface type to stand out from the page numbers. The following excerpt from the index exemplifies this: Abortion comparison of stillbirth and neonatal death with, in smoking and nonsmok- ing mothers YCAT nt :[390,405-406 -— pages effect of maternal smoking 74:13; 72:5, 84, 85; 73:123,124 71:390,405-406 (This entry refers the user to the 1971 Report, pages 390, 405, and 406.) 71:13; 72:5,84.85; 73:123-124 (This entry refers the user to the 1971 Report, page 13; to the 1972 Report, pages 5, 84, and 85; and to the 1973 Report, pages 123 and 124.) 118 INDEX (Cumulative 1964-1975) Abortion comparison of stillbirth and neonatal death with, in smoking and nonsmok- ing mothers 71:390, 405406 effect of maternal smoking 71:13; 72:5, 84, 85; 73:123, 124 frequency, and cigarette consumption 72:85 Absenteeism smoking and 67:19 Abstinence syndrome 64:352 Academic underachievement 64:372, 373 Acenaphthylene in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:178 Acenapthene 64:55 Acetaldehyde 64:52, 60, 61 as ciliatoxic agent in cigarette smoke 73:51 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned and ventilation 75:91-94, 98 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Acetic acid as ciliatoxic agent 67:107-108 in tobacco smoke 67:107-108 Acetone 64:52, 60 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Acetonitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Acetylcholine effect on nicotine pharmacology 67:60 sensitivity to 64:69 Acetylene 64:60 Acidosis metabolic, maternal smoking effect on infant 71:407 Acinus smoke clearance from 64:267, 269 Acrolein 64:60, 61, 266, 268 ciliastatic effect from 64:266, 267, 268 as ciliatoxic agent 67:107-108 effect on Dunaliella bioculata 69:42 effect on respiratory tract 64:266, 267 effect on respiratory tract, in rats 74:104 effects of inhalation of, in rats 75:29 as irritant in tobacco smoke 72:101 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned and ventilation 75:91-94, 98 as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 Acrylonitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Additives, tobacco see Tobacco additives Adenocarcinoma beryllium induced 64:166 classification of 64:173 hydrocarbon induced 64:228 increased frequency of 64:35, 174,175, 231 kidney, smoking and 69:60 nonsmokers incidence of 64:160 prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers 71:250 relationship of cigarette smoking to 71:246-249, 296 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 smoking and 64:159;67:107-108 smoking and, for men 69:57 Adenoma papillary, induction in rats by exposure to cigarette tars 71:348 pulmonary 64:34, 165 pulmonary, genetic factors in 64:34, 167 pulmonary, induction in mice by ciga- rette smoke inhalation 71:349 pulmonary, induction of 64:143 renal, relationship of smoking to 71:296 Adipose tissue effect of nicotine, in rats 74:13 Adrenalectomy effect on nicotine pharmacology 67:60 Adrenat glands catecholamine release from, nicotine ef- fects on 71:36 epinephrine discharge from 64:318 nicotine effect on 64:69 Advertising curtailment of 64:8 Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health 64:13, 14,173 establishment and conclusions of study by 71:3 evaluation of studies by 64:8,9, 14, 15,19 formation of 64:7,8,9 members of 64:9, 10 report on cigarette smoke and conden- sates effects on oral cavity of animals 71:288 Aerobic capacity effect of cessation of smoking 73:243 effect of exercise and smoking 73:243, 244 Aerosol irritation by 64:295 tobacco smoke as 64:263 Aflatoxins 64:145 Age atypical nuclei in esophageal epithelium arranged by smoking and 71:379-380 bed days by, and smoking history 67:20-21 bladder neoplasm mortality rates by 67:154 bronchitis mortality rates by 67:29, 92 bronchitis mortality ratios by 67:94 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios by 67 :66-68 coronary disease excess morbidity rates by 67:54 120 coronary disease incidence rates and smoking history by 69:13-14, 17 coronary disease incidence rates by 67:54, 58 coronary disease morbidity ratios by 67:54 coronary disease mortality rates by 67:25-26, 50 coronary disease mortality ratios by 67:26, 47, 49, 51-52; 69:13, 18 coronary thrombosis mortality by 67:26 current cigarette smokers by sex and 71:6 effects on CHD 74:27-39 emphysema mortality rates by 67:29, 92 emphysema mortality ratios by 67:94 esophageal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:150 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:150 expiratory flow rate by 64:291 forced expiratory volume by 64:291 increased smoking by 64:361, 362 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:148-149 larnygeal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:148-149 liver cirrhosis mortality rates by 67.184 liver cirrhosis mortality ratios by 67:184 lung functions for smokers vs. non- smokers by 67:100 lung neoplasm mortality rates by 67:134-138, 140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:134-136, 138, 140 mortality ratios by 64:36, 87 mouth neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 mouth neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:145-146 nonsmokers by 64:117 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates by 67:158-159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:158-159 peptic ulcer mortality rates by 67:181 peptic ulcer mortality ratios by 67:181 peptic ulcer mortality ratios for smokers vs. ex-smokers by 67:181 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:146 pulmonary fibrosis by 64:274 respiratory symptoms in smokers vs. nonsmokers by 67:96-98, 100 restricted activity days by, and smoking history 67:20-21 smokers by 64:117 smoking and, effect on clinical labora- tory tests in healthy male veterans 73:11 statistics, errors in 64:117, 118 stomach neoplasm mortality rates by 67:157 stomach neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:157 stroke mortality rates by 69:13, 17 stroke mortality ratios by 69:13 urinary tract neoplasm mortality rates by 67:154 urinary tract neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:154 urogenital neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:154 work-loss days by, and smoking history 67:20, 21 Age-adjusted death rates 64:31, 36, 82, 84, 100, 101 by country 64:127 in heavy smokers 64:100 in males 64:95, 101,127 in nonrespondents 64:114 sex ratios in 64:133 in survey respondents 64:114 in United States 64:127 variables affecting 64:100 weighting of 64:114 in white males 64:95 Aged prevalence of COPD in, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:78 Age started smoking 64:89, 111, 361, 362, 368, 371-374, 376 lung neoplasm association with 64:158, 230 mortality rates and 64:29, 158 mortality rates in Japanese by 73:7, 8 socioeconomic factors in 64:368 Agricultural workers 64.290 Air pollution 64:150, 177, 186, 195, 232, 295, 296, 297, 298 arsenic in 64:61 and bronchitis, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:36, 37 bronchopulmonary effects on smokers vs, nonsmokers 68:69 carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke 72:7, 121-123, 125 as cause of chronic bronchopulmonary disease 67:29, 108-110 as cause of COPD 71:152, 175, 216-217 in chronic bronchitis 64:297, 298 ciliastasis from 64:268 effect of exposure levels on respiratory symptoms in twins 75:67 effect on mortality rates from lung cancer 73:73 effect on nonsmokers 72:121-125 effect on smokers 67:108-110 and emphysema 64:297 in etiology of bronchitis 67:108-110 in etiology of emphysema 67:108-110 in etiology of lung neoplasms 64:172; 67:140; 68:98, 99; 71:11, 276; 73:72, 73 exposure levels and coal consumption 75:67 exposure magnitude in 64:296, 297, 298 and human CO burden 75:20 levels, exposure of telephone workers and pulmonary symptoms 75:67 lung damage from 64:301 in Osaka, Japan 73:44 prevalence of respiratory diseases and 73:44 relationship of lung neoplasms, smoking and place of residence 71:252-255 respiratory diseases in 64:295-298 smoking and, in COPD development 74:82, 83; 75:63-68 smoking and, in lung neoplasms develop- ment 74:45, 46; 75:44,47 smoking and, in military and civilian aircraft 73:45 sulfur dioxide in 64:295 summary of recent findings 75:108 survey data for four U.S. locations 75:63-66 tobacco smoke as a factor 72:7, 121-124 “Tokyo-Yokohoma asthma” from 64:276 urban-rural effects of 64 :298 Air quality standards for carbon monoxide 72:128 Airway conductance 64:292 Airway obstruction emphysema in 64:297 measurement of 64:292 ozone induction of 64:296 smoking effect on 64.292, 293, 297, 300 sulfur dioxide effect on 64:295 Airway resistance to smoke inhalation in guinea pigs 68:72 Airways, large effect of smoking one nonfilter cigarette 74:99 Airways, small abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, autopsy studies 74:97, 98 dysfunction of, in smokers 75:71 effect of smoking one nonfilter cigarette 74:99 function during viral illness, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:62, 63 Albany prospective studies 64:323, 325 Alcohol ethanol, penetrability of dissolved benzo(a)pyrene in mice esophageal epithelium 71:293 Alcohol consumption 64:91, 101, 224, 302, 385 effect on esophageal neoplasms in smok- ers 71:289, 293 effect on laryngeal neoplasms in tobacco users 71:280 effect on mortality rates from esoph- 122 ageal neoplasms in Japanese males 72:71 effect on tobacco amblyopia 71:435-436 in esophageal neoplasms 64:213, 217, 218 in heavy smokers 64:342 and heavy smoking, effect on oral neo- plasms 71:288 interaction with smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:10 in laryngeal neoplasms 64:210, 211 in liver cirrhosis 64:342 in oral neoplasms 64 :204 smoking and, in esophageal neoplasm etiology 67:152; 71:3, 68, 70, 71; 73:76, 200 smoking and, in laryngeal neoplasm eti- ology 73:197 smoking and, in neoplasm development 73:76, 200 smoking and, in oral neoplasm etiology 68:100, 101; 73:193; 74:53-55 smoking and, in relation to cirrhosis of liver 67:40, 185 in tuberculosis 64:277; 71:172 see also Alcoholism Alcoholic beverage workers, neoplasm risk ratios in 64:134 Alcoholics Anonymous 64:354 Alcoholism mortality in, relation to smoking 67:10, 184 patients, smoking and ventilatory func- tion in 74:213 Alcohols, aliphatic 64:51 Aldehydes 64:52, 296 Aldrin 64:62, 145 Alkaline dusts 64:298 Alkaloids 64:54 Alkaloids, tabacco and experimental bladder neoplasms 69:64 N-Alkanes 64:51 Alkylbenzenes 64:55 Alkylphenols 64:54 Allergy effect on cardiovascular abnormalities 72:411 tests of 64:276 tobacco and 72:7, 103-11 tobacco-induced 64:276, 301, 319 tobacco smoke irritants and 72:110 Alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency COPD predisposition from 71:150 determination using immunoelectro- phoresis 71:151 in emphysema etiology 71:10-11; 72:110 smoking and 72:110 smoking and, in COPD etiology 74:87-90; 75:72-74 Altitude effect on arterial oxygen tension 72:22 Aluminum in main stream smoke 64:55 Alveolar bone loss smoking and 69:85-87 Alveolar macrophages see Macrophages, alveolar Alveoli see Pulmonary alveoli Amblyopia, tobacco 64:39, 73, 341, 342 alcohol consumption effect on 71:435-436 characterization of 71:435 and cigar smoking 67:39 developmen: from cyanide component of tobacco smoke 71:14; 72:6 diet and 72:6 effect on optic pathways 67:183 incidence of 71:435 pathogenesis 67:183 and pipe smoking 67:39 potentiation of cyanide toxicity by vita- min B-12 deficiency in 67:183 smoking and 72:6 vitamin B deficiency and tobacco smoke in 67:40, 183 American Cancer Society 64:6, 7, 81,93, 96, 101, 363 American College of Chest Physicians 64:8 American Heart Association 64:6,7 pooling project on CHD 71:23, 28, 30, 39 American Medical Association 64:8 American Thoracic Society 64:275, 278, 279 Amino acids 64:54 Aminoazo dyes activity in placenta of smoking mothers 71:410 o-Aminophenols concentration in urine of cancer patients and smokers 69:64 experimental bladder neoplasm induc- tion 67:156 Ammonia 64:60, 61 ciliastatic effect of 64:268 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Amphetamine 64:71 Anabasine 64:49 Analytic methods arsenic determination 64:61, 62 fluorescence properties 64:51 mass spectrometry 64:51 paper chromatography 64:51 ultraviolet absorption 64:51 Anger personality traits, smokers 64-326 Angina pectoris 64:275, 319, 320, 323, 325 carbon monoxide exposure and 74:14, 12 carbon monoxide inhalation and 73:17, 18 coffee drinking, smoking, and 74:8 and coronary disease incidence 67:53 effects of increased carboxyhemoglobin levels, in passive smokers 75:95,97 Health Insurance Plan Study and inci- dence in males 68:19, 20 and heavy cigarette smoking, findings of Framingham Heart Study 68:19 incidence in Norwegian men 68:19 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215 incidence rates and smoking history 69:21-22 123 morbidity ratios 67:59 morbidity ratios among persons 30-59 years old 68:20 smoking and 69:18; 74:8 smoking and, in twins 67:59; 69:25; 72:18 Aniline dyes 64:222 Animals esophageal neoplasms in, induction by nitrosamines 71:292 experiments, as evidence 64:26 respiratory tract of, neoplastic changes following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:238-239 skin of, carcinogenicity of tobacco tars 71:238, 267 tests of, with smoke carcinogens 74:12 ventilatory function change from smok- ing 71:10 Annandale study 64:286 Anoxia 64:70, 344 cerebral 64:70 effect on myocardial tissue function 68:38-40, 43 relation to smoking 67:183 Anthanthrene 64:147 Anthracene in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:178 oil, carcinogenic activity of 64:147 Anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxy- urinary excretion of, smoking effects on 71:296 Anticarcinogens 64:143, 144 Antidiuretic hormone 64:69, 320 Antigen-antibody reactions allergy and 72:103-107 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:7, 105, 111 tobacco and 72:7, 104-107 Antigenic properties of tobacco 64:319 Antigens effect on alveolar macrophages, in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 75:76, 77 Antioch College study 64:370 124 Antismoking campaigns 64:354 Aortic aneurysm mortality, for men by amount smoked 69:16 mortality rates 64:103, 325; 67:69 mortality ratios 67:69 nonsyphilitic, mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:2 smoking and 67:27; 71:9, 67, 71, 75 Aortic arch reflexes 64:70 Aortic bodies, nicotine induced stimulation of 64:317 Appetite reduction 64:71, 355 Areca nut see Betel nut Arecoline 64:351 Argon in gas phase, in smoke 64:60 Aromatic alcohols 64:51 Aromatic compounds carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:264, 265 detection in urine using chemilumines- cence technique 71:297 polycyclic, carcinogenicity of 64:142, 146, 165, 166, 189, 229, 230 polycyclic, pyrolytic formation of 64:59 polycyclic, structure of 64:54, 56 stimulation of placental BP-hydroxylase activity in pregnant rats by 71:414 Aromatic hydrocarbons 64:55 carcinogenicity 67:129;69:61 role in lung neoplasm development 74:49-52 in tobacco smoke 64:55; 67:127 Aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic binding to DNA and RNA 73:86, 87 effect during pregnancy in laboratory animals 73:117, 118 effect on tobacco carcinogenicity 72:66 maternal-fetal exchange and 73119 tumor initiators in tobacco 75:48 Arousal effects nicotine induction of 64:70, 350 Arrhythmias formation in nicotine stimulated dam- aged myocardium 71:58 nicotine toxicity in 64:73 smoke induction of 64:319 smoking and 69:4 Arsenic 64:55, 61, 62 carcinogenicity of 64:167 determination of 64:61, 62 lung neoplasm mortality in smelter workers exposed to 71:257 lung neoplasm risk from 64:193, 194 respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to 71:256, 257 Arterial diseases carboxyhemoglobin levels and 72:26 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:26 smoking and 72:25, 26 see also Arteriosclerosis; Atherosclerosis Arteries 64:274 aneurysm in aortic, cigarette smoking effects on 71:9, 67, 71, 75 atherosclerotic, increased by cigarette smoking 71:8, 63 flow of carotid, cigarette smoking effects on 71:67 hypoxemia, development from cigarette smoking 71:9 occlusions of, cigarette smoking effects on 71:73 thickening of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:74-76 walls of, mechanism of lipoprotein infil- tration 71:63 walls of, nicotine-induced necrosis 71:63 Arterioles effect of smoking 73:22, 23 thickening of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:74-16 Arteriosclerosis 64:32, 320-325 in aorta and coronary arteries, cigarette smoking effects on 71:45, 52-56 aortic 69:26 autopsy studies and 72:19, 20 cigarette smoking effects on 71:8 cigar smoking and 72:19 coronary 69:26 coronary, mortality rate in 64:317, 320, 321 development by increased carboxyhemo- globin formation 71:9 development of, carbon monoxide ef- fects on 74:63 development of, effects of nicotine on 71:38 and effect of smoking on blood circula- tion 67:62 experimentally induced in dogs 72:19, 20 experimental studies 69:26-27 hypoxia and, hypercholesterolemia in 69:26 tesion development in, smoking enhance- ment 74:36 mortality rates 64:25; 67:26 obliterans 64:326 obliterans, smoking as a cause 73:19, 20 pathogenesis of, relating to smoking 67:65-66 peripheral, cigarette smoking effects on 71:72-73; 73:21 pipe smoking and 72:19 severity of, and smoking 69:26 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:19, 22, 23, 27 smoking and 67:28; 69:4-5 smoking classification and 72:19 see also Atherosclerosis Arthritis, rheumatoid pulmonary function abnormalities, smoking, and 74:92, 93 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase effect of benzo(a)pyrene in pregnant rats 73:119 role in lung neoplasm development 74:49-52:75:50-53 125 role in metabolism of chemical carcin- ogens 73:82, 83 Asbestos chrysotile, effects on lungs 75:49 effect on pulmonary function in smokers vs, nonsmokers 73:41 effect on radiological findings in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 effect on respiratory symptoms in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 pulmonary fibrosis and 72:44 smoking and, effect on mortality rates from lung neoplasms 73:73 synergistic effect with smoking in lung neoplasm development 74:4143 Asbestosis 64:167 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, asbestos workers in Singapore 74:95 Asbestos workers 64:193, 232; 74:95 Asia Central and Southeast, relationship of tobacco use and neoplasms of oral cavity 71:366 Asthma bronchial, cigarette smoking effects on 71:10, 175 cigarette smoking in 64:38, 302 definition of 64:27 smoking and 67:29; 72:37 tobacco allergy in 64:276 “TFokyo-Yokohama” 64:276 Atelectasis 64:272 Atherosclerosis 64:318, 319, 320 aortic, long term smoking effects 71:52-56 coronary blood flow in, in rabbits 64:318 experimental induction of, in rats 64:319 see also Arteriosclerosis Athletic performance running, effect of smoking 73:243, 244 smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:243, 244 swimming, effect of smoking 73:244 Atropine 64:354 126 effects on bronchoconstriction in dogs 71:163 mucus secretion blockage by 64 :269 Atypical cells 64:231 hyperchromatic nuclei in 64:34 smoke-induced, in epithelium 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 173 Australia COPD morbidity in smokers in 71:203 coronary death rate in 64:320 laryngeal neoplasms in; relationship to tobacco use 71:357 lung neoplasms death rate in 64:176 lung neoplasms in, retrospective studies of 71:327 peptic ulcer in, methods for retrospec- tive and cross-section studies of smoking and 71:426, 428 Automobile driving 64:322 Autonomic nervous system effect of nicotine on 67:60 Autopsy studies 64:150 arteriosclerosis and 72:19, 20 bronchiolitis development and smoking 75:74, 76 COPD and smoking 73:4548 coronary heart disease and 72:19, 20 emphysema development and smoking 74:97; 75:74-76 fibrosis development and smoking 75:74-76 lung neoplasms in U.S. veterans 73:73, 74 mucous gland abnormalities and smoking 74:97 small airway abnormalities and smoking 74:97, 98 thickening of arteries, arterioles and smoking 7§:74-76 Aviators prevalence of CHD 68:19 smoking effect on blood pressure 68:22 Bacteria effect of cigarette smoke on action of macrophages 71:165 pneumonia, mice resistance following cigarette inhalation 71:173 Bacterial flora in smokers vs. nonsmokers with COPD 73:54 Ballistocardiography 64:319 findings in cardiac disease after cigarette smoking 68:37 Bank employees chronic cough in 64:281 Barbiturates 64:352 Bartenders esophageal neoplasms in 64:134 oral neoplasms in 64:134 Bauhinia 64:21] Bed days by age, sex and smoking history 67:19-21 definition of 67:19 Behavior and coronary disease 67:56; 69:20, 24 of heavy smokers 64:372 patterns, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:26-28 Behavioral research smoking habit 67:38, 188-192 Belfast lung neoplasm mortality in 64:195 Benz(e)acephenanthrylene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:264, 265 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzanthracene (9-10 dimethyl-1!, 2-) 64:203 Benz(a)anthracene alcoholic solution of, penetrability of mice esophageal epithelium 71:292 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke 72:66 in tobacco smoke 67:127 Benz(a)anthracene, 7, 12-dimethyl carcinoma induction in hamsters follow- ing instillation of 71:346 skin painting with, papilloma and carci- noma induction in mice by 71:341 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzene 64:55, 59 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Benzocaine lozenges 64:354 Benzo(b)fluoranthene carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(j)fluoranthene 64:57 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71::265 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(k)fluoranthene carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(rst)pentaphene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 64:147 carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(c)phenanthrene 64:56 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 in tobacco smoke 67:127 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(a)pyrene 64:147, 148, 233 ability of smoking mothers to hydroxy- late 71:407 as air pollutant from cigarette smoke 72:123 and air pollution, in lung neoplasm development 74:45, 46 alcoholic solution of, penetration of mice esophageal epithelium 71:292 carcinogenic effect in laboratory animals 73:78-80 carcinogenicity of 64:33, 144, 145, 146,67:127 127 carcinogenicity of, in relation to asbestos in hamsters 71:257 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:264, 265 carcinoma induction by 64:166 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:177, 178 cocarcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in rabbits 72:67 determination of 64:57 detoxification by lung aryl hydroxylase 71:257 effect on DNA and RNA 73:86, 87 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals 72:89; 73:117, 118 effects of instillation or implantation in animal tracheobronchial tree 71:346-347 effects on animal tissue and organ cul- tures in 71:343-345 effects with influenza virus on cigarette inhalation by mice 71:352 in ethanol, effect on esophageal tissue 67:153-154 hydroxylation by pulmonary benzo- pyrene hydroxylase 69:62 hydroxylation by the placenta 69:80; 72:89 isolation of 64:55 levels, effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned and ventilation 75:91-94, 98 in olive oil, effect on esophageal tissue 67:152-153 oral neoplasm induction by 64:203, 204 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 reduction of, by copper nitrate 64:60 role in respiratory tract carcinogenesis, in animals 74:46, 47 sarcoma induction in rats following in- stillation of 71:346 skin painting with, papilloma induction in mice by 71:337-338 in smoke streams 72:123 in soot 64:148 squamous cell carcinoma from 64:166 structural formula of 64:56 128 threshold levels of 64:143 in tobacco smoke 67:127 from vegetable fibers 64:59 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzo(e)pyrene 64:147 carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 see also Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzopyrene hydroxylase inhibition of nickel carbony! in cigarette smoke 69:62 Beryllium 64:55 carcinoma induction by 64:166 epidermoid neoplasms from 64:166 lung neoplasm risk from 64:193 oxide 64:166 sulfate aerosol 64:166 Betanaphthylamine content of cigarettes 69:64 Betel nut 64:203, 349, 351 Betel nut chewing 64:211, 351 in Bombay, India 72:69 in head and neck neoplasm etiology 72:69 laryngeal neoplasms from 64:211 oral neoplasms from 64:197; 71:366, 369-370 smoking and 72:69 smoking and oral leukoplakia 69:58 and tobacco chewing 64.203 Biased measurements 64:36, 98 Bicarbonate in pancreatic secretions, effect of smok- ing 73:159, 160 Bicycle ergometer performance cardiovascular parameters in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:242-244 Bioassay methods in carcinogenesis 64:59, 143, 147 Biometry Branch, National Cancer Institute 64:137, 138, 139 Biri 64:211 Birth weight effect of maternal smoking 64:39, 343; 67:39, 185-186; 69:5, 77-80; 71:389, 397-399; 72:5, 83-87; 73:103-114, 119-122: 75:27 effect of maternal smoking before and during current pregnancy by cigarette consumption 73:107-109 effect of maternal smoking during pre- vious pregnancies 73:112-114 effect of paternal smoking 73:110,111 effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, or carbon monoxide in laboratory ani- mals 73:114-118 gestation duration in smokers vs. non- smokers 73:103-106 mortality risk of low birth weight infants of smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:126-132 timing of influence of smoking 73:120, 121 Bitters 64:354 Blacks maternal smoking and infant weight 71:397 maternal smoking and prematurity 69:78; 71:400-401 Bladder neoplasms 64:37, 218-235 aniline dyes in 64:222 blood groups in 64:224 carcinogenesis, tobacco smoke constit- uents and tars 67:156 cotinine and 69:64 dose effect in 64:223 experimental aspects of 69:64 experimental induction by hydro- quinone 67:156 experimental induction by 3-hydroxy- anthranilic acid 67:156 experimental induction by 3-hydroxy- kynurenine 67:156 experimental induction by ortho-amino- phenols 67:156 experimental induction by tars 64:219, 223 experimental induction in mice 64:223 frequency in smokers vs, nonsmokers 71:238, 293-295; 73-77, 78 in heavy smokers 64:219, 224 in men, relation to smoking 67:153 morbidity, effect of smoking on 67:155 mortality rates 64:133, 148, 149; 71:293, 294 mortality rates, female 64:132, 137, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225; 67:154 mortality rates, foreign-born 64:134 mortality rates, male 64:130, 132, 137;67:154 mortality ratios 64:148, 149, 222; 67:33 mortality ratios, male smokers by age 67:154 mortality trends, by sex 64.137 occupational risk 64.134, 222,224 relationship of cigarette smoking to 71:13, 299 relative risk in females by amount smok- ed 72:73 relative risk in males by amount smoked 72:72, 73 relative risk ratios from, in smokers 64:223 retrospective studies of, and smoking 64:218-222; 71:293, 381-384 sarcoma 64:223 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:293-295, 381-384 smoking and 64:32; 67:33; 69:60, 64; 72:68, 72-74 smoking in etiology of 72:5; 73:77, 78 and tobacco alkaloids 69:64 and tryptophan metabolites in urine 67:36, 156; 71:296-297 urban-rural prevalence of 64:225 U.S. incidence of 64:127 in women 64:132, 219, 220, 221, 224, 225 see also Urogenital neoplasms Bladder stones 64:224 Blood gas exchange in 64:292 groups, in bladder neoplasms 64:224 plasma, and thrombus formation 69:27-28 Blood chemical analysis comparison for smoking and nonsmok- ing mothers and their infants 69:80 Blood cholesterot levels and coronary disease 64:321; 67:58; 71:21-22, 23-24, 43 129 and coronary disease mortality 69:17 effect of carbon monoxide in rabbits 73:18; 75:28 effect of diet 64:322 effect of smoking 67:66; 71:8,41,43; 74:17, 18 effect of smoking and body weight 73:11 effect of smoking and clinical parameters in British business executives 73:11 effect of smoking in peripheral vascular disease 71:72 and hypertension, in smokers vs. non- smokers 75:15 increase in smokers 64:326 and lung neoplasms in male smokers 69:57 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios in males from Framingham study 68:24 in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215, 216 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:22, 23, 29, 43; 71:41, 98-102 see also Cholesterol Blood circulation effect of cigarette smoke inhalation 67:26, 63; 71:58 effect of cigarette smoke inhalation, in dogs 67:62 effect of nicotine on 67:60-64 effect of smoking on 67:60-64; 69:11, 27-28: 73:19, 22, 23 effect of variations in hemoglobin and hematocrit 71:66 peripheral 64:318 Blood coagulation clotting time 64:319 effect of smoking 67:64; 71:9, 36; 74:18, 19 Blood lipids effect of nicotine in rabbits 68:31 effect of smoking 74:65-66, 123-128; 73-11, 12; 74-17 effect of smoking and nicotine 68:30, 31 effect of smoking and relative weight, in male Parisian civil servants 73:51 effect of smoking in middic-aged pa- tients with angina pectoris 73:12 effect of smoking in young Norwegian military recruits 73:11 130 elevated, as risk factor in CHD 73:11 elevated, as risk factor in CHD 73:11 free fatty acids, effect of smoking 64:319; 67:64-65 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:41, 98-102 and thrombogenesis 68:32, 33 Blood platelets adhesiveness, effect of cigarette smoking on TE:9, 36 counts 64:319 effect of smoking 67:64; 69:27-28: 71:66, 75 survival 64:319 Blood pressure coronary disease 67:54-55, 58; 68:22 coronary disease and smoking 69:14; 71:43, 47 coronary disease mortality and 69:14, 17 diastolic, cigarette smoking effects 71:8, 23 diastolic, in smokers with CHD 71:21-22, 24, 42 effect of catecholamines on 67:60 effect of cigarette smoke inhalation on 67:54 effect of CO exposure 74:11, 12 effect of exercise and smoking 73:242, 244-246 effect of nicotine 64:318; 67:60; 71:36; 74:13 effect of pipe and cigar smoking 73:216 effect of smoking 67:54-55, 60; 74:17 effect of smoking in middle-aged pa- tients with angina pectoris 73:12 high risk in mortality from CVD 71:67 hypertensive vs. nonhypertensive, mor- tality rates of CHD in 71:42 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios in males 68:24 risk factors in arteriosclerosis obliterans F372 in smokers, nonsmokers, and ex-smokers 75:15-17 smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:22, 29:71:41, 42, 103-104 smoking and, effects on pregnancy out- come 69:77-78 systolic, mortality from elevated, with CHD 71:42 Blood sugar elevation, by tobacco 64:355 Blood vessels effect of nicotine on 67:62 effect of smoking on pulmonary arterial capillaries 67:111 Blood viscosity and arteriosclerosis 69:27 Body constitution 64:321 and bronchitis 67:30, 102-103, 108 and cough development 67:102-103, 111 and emphysema 67:30, 111 and respiratory tract diseases 67:30 smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:54, 99 Body height effect of maternal smoking 74:407,; 72:88 interaction with smoking as factor in cerebrovascular disease 73:19 in respiratory function tests 64:290 Body size in male smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:28 Body weight 64 :384, 385 and coronary disease 67:58 and hypertension, in smokers, nonsmok- ers, and ex-smokers 75:15-17 increase in, on cessation of smoking 64:326 interaction with smoking as factor in cerebrovascular disease 73:19 relationship to coronary disease mortal- ity rates and smoking 69:14 tisk factor in CHD 68:29, 43 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:21 and smoking, as factors in CHD inci- dence 73:44 and smoking, effect on blood lipids 73:11 Boilermakers neoplasm risk in 64:134 Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Pro- gram role of coffee drinking and smoking in myocardial infarction 74:8 Bowel habits tobacco effects on 64:355 Bradycardia development in dogs given nicotine 74:57 Breast feeding duration of 64:368 Breathlessness 64:27, 38, 301 prevalence of 64:285, 286, 287 Britain chronic bronchitis studies in 64:271, 280 coronary death rates in 64:320 curtailment of advertising in 64:8 lung neoplasm death rate in 64:176 mortality rates, in laryngeal neoplasms 64:205 risk ratios in 64:127 urban-rural mortality ratios in 64:186 British agricultural workers forced expiratory flow rates in 64:290 British air pollution disease factors in 64:194, 195, 298 British doctors study 64:97, 102, 114, 162, 180, 230, 322 expected deaths in 64:109 mortality ratios in 64:109, 149 nonresponse rates in 64:113 observed death rates in 64:109 British General Post Office 64:281, 286 British Medical Research Organization 64:6 British miners forced expiratory flow rate in 64:290 British Perinatal Mortality Survey results of 71:390 British smokers age distribution of 64:177 cough prevalence in 64:281 inhalation practices among 64:177 Bronchi abnormalities in smokers vs, nonsmokers 72:45 histopathologic change in 64:170 hyperplasia in 64:271 13] morphology 64:271 mucus secretion in, nicotine-induced 64:268 physiology, in animals and humans 68:71-74 Bronchial epithelium changes after nitrogen dioxide exposure, in animals 74:102, 103 changes in, in smokers 64:171,172 disintegrating nuclei in 64:170 effect of cigarette smoke on 67-107, 140, 144; 69:40 effect of filtered gas-phase cigarette smoke, in rabbits 74:104, 105 effect of nitrogen dioxide on, in rats 69:41 effect of smoking on 67:104, 106 effect of tobacco smoke on 67:129 histological changes at autopsy and smoking habit 73:74 histological changes in cigar, pipe, ciga- rette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:203, 204, 209 premalignant changes in smokers 73:67; 75:44 Bronchial glands 64:168 Bronchial mucosa effect of cigarette smoke on 67:30, 104-107, 144 effect of tobacco smoke constitutents on 67:30 Bronchial neoplasms experimentally induced by cigarette smoke 67:144 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 Bronchiectasis 64:277-294 induction of, in mice 64:272 Bronchiolar dilations 64:272 Bronchiolar neoplasms 64:159 Bronchiolitis autopsy studies, in male smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:74, 76,77 ozone induction 64:295 purulent, in mice 64:272 Bronchiolo-alveolar neoplasms smoking and 73:71 Bronchitis 64:277-294 132 definition of 64:289; 67:89 development in infants of maternal smokers 75:103 diagnosis 67:90 and disability, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:43 dust exposure as a factor 73:44 and emphysema 64:113, 280 etiology of 64:8 fibrotic, induction by sulfur dioxide 64:295 incidence in British males by cigarette consumption 72:62 incidence in children of parental smokers 75:105, 106 incidence of among smokers 69:37 morbidity, and cigar smoking 67:29-30, 94 morbidity, and pipe smoking 67:29-30, 94 morbidity, and smoking 67:3, 22, 96 morbidity, in smoking-discordant twin pairs 67:103 mortality, and smoking 67:3, 30, 90-96 mortality, in United States 67:9,90 mortality rates 67:8, 29 mortality rates, by sex and smoking classification 67:95 mortality rates, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:2, 29,94, 96 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:90-92 mortality ratios, cigar smokers 67:94 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers 73:217, 219 mortality ratios, male smokers by a- mount smoked 67:93 mortality ratios, pipe smokers 67:94 occupational diseases and 72:42 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings 75:108 post-operative, incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:92 prevalence in cement and rubber indus- try workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:95, 96 prevalence in Duisburg, Germany, by age and cigarette consumption 73:39 prevalence in ex-coal miners and non- miners by smoking habit 73:42 prevalence in heavy smokers 64:298 prevalence in male smokers by smoking patterns 74:79 prevalence in miners and farmers in Hungary, by smoking habit 73:42 prevalence in moderate smokers 64:298 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 prevalence in rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:96 prevalence in smokers in Glenwood Springs, Colorado 72:39 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Bordeaux, France 73:36 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in mountainous and low-lying areas 73:36, 37 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Osaka, Japan 73:44 prevalence in smokers vs, nonsmokers in Yugoslavia 72:40 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking yarn mill workers 73:40 prevalence in the elderly, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:78, 79 prevalence in urban vs. rural population in Mongolia 74:80 prevalence in U.S., statistics 74:75 prevalence in wool and cotton textile workers in North Carolina 74:93 prevalence of 64:25, 288 prevalence of, by sex 64:289 prevalence rates by sex and smoking history 67:96, 99 and respiratory symptoms 68:74 and respiratory symptoms by smoking classification 67:97-98 role of constitutional factors in patho- genesis of 67:30, 102-103, 108-109 role of hereditary factors in pathogenesis of 67:30, 101-104, 108 and small airway abnormatities, in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 74:97, 98 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:69, 70 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies 73:45, 46 smoking and 69:4 smoking and, effect on pulmonary func- tion 74:80 smoking in etiology of 67:29, 31, 96, 103, 104-106; 69:4; 72:37 smoking vs. coal mining in etiology of 73:42 smoking vs. dust inhalation in etiology of 73:42 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 74:75-78 see also Bronchitis, chronic Bronchitis, chronic 64:31, 38, 271, 272, 277-302 air pollution in 64:297, 298 British incidence of 64:280, 297, 298 cigarette smoking cause and effect rela- tionship 71:3,9 cigarette smoking in 64:31, 277-302 definition of 64:278; 71.139 diagnosis of 64:278, 280 emphysema relation to 64:279, 280, 297, 298 epidemiology of 64:280-294, 301 etiology of 64 64:38, 280-294, 298, 299, 302 histopathologic change in 64:271, 272, 300 incidence of, in high pollution areas 75:63, 64 lung neoplasms related to 64:195; 75:49 mortality in cigarette smokers TL175 mortality rates 64:25; 68:66, 67; 71:139 mortality ratios in 64:29, 277, 293, 301 mucus production in 64:272 occupational exposure in 64:298, 299, 300, 302 ozone induction of 64:295 pathology of 64:271, 272, 274, 275 prospective studies in 64:293, 294 risk ratios in 64:31 smokers vs, nonsmokers 71:195-205 symptoms of 64:27, 278-294 Bronchoconstriction from cigarette smoke in animals 68:72 Bronchogenic carcinoma see Carcinoma, bronchogenic Bronchopneumonia development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:271 Bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic ob- structive 64:272, 277-297, 298 air pollution relationship in 64:38; 71:152, 216-217 alpha-1-antitry psin deficiency and autopsy studies 73.4548 as cause listed on death certificates vs. findings at autopsy 73:47 characterization of 71:139 cigarette smoking effects on develop- ment 71:4,9-11,175 definition 67:89-90 disabilities from 64:277 effect of smoking cessation on develop- ment 71:10 epidemiology 64:280-294, 297, 298; 73:3645 epidemiology in Tecumseh, Michigan 72:39, 40 genetic factors in pathogenesis of 71:148, 150-152, 205 increased prevalence of heterozygotes in 71:151-152 morbidity, smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire 72:39 mortality 64:277 mortality and morbidity studies 73:36-39 mortality rates 71:139-145 mortality rates for ex-smokers, and smokers vs, nonsmokers 72:3 mortality rates for pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smokers 72:3 134 mortality rates in British citizens by migration patterns 73:36 mortality rates in pipe, cigar, and ciga- rette smokers 71:175 mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:38, 39 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers 73:216, 217, 219 occupational hazards and 72:4244 prevalence of 69:38 relation to pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale 68:74-76 smoking effect on 64:31, 277-302 smoking effects on ventilation-perfusion measurments in 71:163 smoking in etiology of 72:3, 37 summary of previous findings 73:35, 36 summary of recent findings 73:55 see also Bronchopulmonary diseases, non-neoplastic Bronchopulmonary diseases, non-neoplastic air pollution and smoking in etiology of 74:82, 83; 75:63-68 alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and smok- ing in etiology of 74:87-90 closing volume abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:84-87 effects of alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:72-74 effects of partially deficient hetero- zygote phenotypes 75:73, 74 history of respiratory diseases and smok- ing in etiology of 74:90 incidence in autoworkers 74:80 incidence in firemen 75:68 mortality and morbidity 68:66-7! occupational exposure and smoking 74:80 prevalence in Boston policemen, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:82, 83 prevalence in the elderly, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:78 prevalence in urban vs. rural population, in Mongolia 74:80 reference listings 74:107-118 small airways disease, pulmonary func- tion, and 74:84, 87 small airways disease, smoking, and 74:84-87 summary of previous findings 68:65; 75:61, 62 summary of recent findings 74:106, 107; 75:78 Bronchospasm 64:296 Buechley, Drake, and Breslow study 64:324 Buerger’s disease smoke toxicity in 64:73, 326 Bullous disease incidence in men by age, race, and smoking habit 74:90-92 Bureau of State Services, USPHS 64:13 Burma methods used in study of smoking and human pregnancy 71:393 Burns neoplasm initiation by 64:142 2, 3-Butadione as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Butane 64:60 Butytamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Butylamine, N-methy!-nitroso suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Butylmethylnitrosamine in cigarette smoke 67:29, 31, 96, 103 Byssinosis development in smoking vs. nonsmoking cotton mill workers 75:68 dust exposure and smoking in etiology of 74:94-96 prevalence in men by index of severity and smoking habits 73:40, 41 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking cotton mill workers 73:39, 55 smoking and 73:39-41 Cachexia 64:73 Cadmium in cigarette smoke, relation to patho- genesis of emphysema 71:154 in emphysema etiology, in animals 74:104 Caffeine 64:349, 351, 352 California cancer registries 64:127 California Legion Study expected deaths in 64:110 mortality ratios in 64:110, 149 nonresponse rates in 64:113 California Occupational Study 64:95, 106, 217, 342 bladder neoplasm prevalence in 64:222 expected deaths in 64:109 mortality ratios in 64:109, 149 nonresponse rates in 64:113 observed deaths in 64:109, 110 Canada COPD morbidity of smokers in 71:204 coronary death rate in 64:320 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy 71:409 infectious respiratory disease in, relation- ship to smoking 71:228 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smok- ers in 71:294 jung neoplasm death rate in 64:176 mortality rates from COPD 71:139-141, 145 mortality ratios from COPD 71:143 mortality ratios in smokers and non- smokers from pancreatic neoplasms 71:298 National Department of Health and Wel- fare 64:6 neoplasm risk in 64:127 prospective study, bladder neoplasm prevalence in 64:222 thrombosis in, smoking relationship 71:132 Canadian veterans study 64:91, 94, 342 expected deaths in 64:110 lung neoplasm mortality ratios in, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 71:241 mortality ratios in 64:110, 149 nonresponse rates in 64:113 observed deaths in 64:110 Cancer see Neoplasms and specific neoplasm terms, e.g., Lung neoplasms Cancer registries 64:128, 135 in California 64:127 completeness of 64:128 in Connecticut 64:128 in Denmark 64:220 mortality rates, by site, in 64:132 in New York 64:129 Cannibinols 64:349 Capillaries effect of smoking 73:22 Carbazole, 9-methyl- possible importance in tobacco carcino- genesis 71:266 Carbon-14 labeled smoke particulate deposition in hamster respiratory tract 71:281-282 Carbon black neoplasm risk from 64:147 Carbon dioxide in gas phase, in smoke 64:60 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 723145 Carbon monoxide 64:70, 296, 297 as air pollutant from cigarette smoke 72:7, 121-123, 125 and carboxyhemoglobin levels 69:28-29; 72:21-23, 127 and carboxyhemoglobin levels in smok- ers vs, nonsmokers 67:63 cardiovascular effects, experimental studies TBAT-19 cholesterol levels in rabbits, after ex- posure to 75:28 in cigarette smoke 67:63, 183 in cigarette smoke, formation of carboxyhemoglobin 71::8-9 136 coronary heart disease and 74:10-12 and decrease in exercise time before claudication 75:28 effect during pregnancy in laboratory animals 73:116, 117, 132, 133 effect on aortas in animals 75:28 effect on birth weight and neonatal mortality in animals 73:133 effect on blood circulation in human beings 67:63 effect on cardiovascular system 72:22; 74:10-12 effect on cholesterol biosynthesis, in vitro 73:18 effect on cholesterol-fed rabbits 71:65-66 effect on cholesterol level in aorta in rabbits 73:18 effect on coronary hemodynamics and ventricular function in dogs 73:18 effect on exercise performance in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:18 effect on healthy smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:26 effect on human physiology 71:60-62 effect on myocardium 68:3840, 43-44; 69:28; 75:29 effect on nonsmokers 72:126 effect on platelet stickiness in rabbits 73:18 effect on psychomotor performance 72:126 effect on reflex vasoconstrictor re- sponses 73:18, 23 effect on vascular resistance 73:22, 23 effect on vision 72:126 exposure to, and human absorption 75 :21-28 from freeway traffic, effect on myocar- dial work capacity and angina 74:11 inhalation of, and effect on blood circu- lation in dogs 67:63 as most likely contributor to health hazards of smoking 72:8, 143 neonatal mortality effect from 64:343 psychological and physiological effects 72:125-128 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to passive smoking 75:87, 88, 108 summary of recent findings 75:33 from tobacco smoke, effects on psycho- motor performance, including atten- tiveness and cognition function 75:99-101 see also Carbon monoxide levels Carbon monoxide levels in cigarette smoke 71:59 effect of room size, amount of tobacco burned and ventilation 75:90-95 effect on exercise performance 75:97 in fetal blood of smoking mothers 71:407-410 from smokers in buses and planes 75:102 Carboxyhemoglobin effect on fetal tissues 71:407 formation from CO in cigarette smoke 71:8-9 formation in blood of smokers 71:60, 75 see also Carboxyhemoglobin levels Carboxyhemoglobin levels 69:26, 28 blood cholesterol and 72:23 blood circulation and 67:63 in cigarette smokers, one hour after last cigarette 75:25, 26 and CO burden in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 78:25, 26 coronary heart disease and 74:10-12, 19 during and following exposure to carbon monoxide 72:124,125 effect on CO absorption, in passive smokers 75:95, 96 effect on exercise performance 73:246, 247; 75:97 in fetuses 75:26, 27 following smoking of non-nicotine ciga- rettes 73:17, 18 in neonates of smoking mothers 73:118,119 in nonsmokers exposed to cigarette smoke 72:125 occlusive peripheral vascular disease and 72:26 in smokers 69:28-29, 80 in smokers, and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke 67:183 smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:63, 100; 72:21-23 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by sex, race, employment status or urban location 75 :22-24 summary of recent findings 75:33 in workers exposed to exhaust gases 7§:21 Carboxylic acids as Cocarcinogens 67:131 Carcinogenesis aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity, and susceptibility to carcinogens 75:50-53 bladder neoplasms, and tobacco smoke constituents 67:156 bladder neoplasms, and tobacco tars 67:156 bladder neoplasms, by o-aminophenols in laboratory animals 67:156 bladder neoplasms, by hydroquinone in laboratory animals 67:156 bladder neoplasms, by 3-hydroxyan- thranilic acid in laboratory animals 67:156 bladder neoplasms, by 3-hydroxy- kynurenine in laboratory animals 67:156 cell and tissue culture studies 73:84-86 effect of tobacco curing methods 73:212 epidermoid carcinoma, experiments in laboratory animals 67:35 experimental 68:90-93; 69:62-64, 72:65-67; 73:78-87; 74:46, 47; 75:48, 49,50 initiating and promoting agents in ciga- rette smoke 73:68 initiating agents 64:142 initiating agents in cigarette smoke 72:66 lung neoplasms by cigarette smoke in laboratory animals 67:144 mechanism of action 73:78, 80-87 mechanism of action, in lung neoplasm induction, in animals 74:46, 47 and occupational asbestos exposure of smokers 67:35 and occupational uranium exposure of smokers 67:35 137 possible role of tobacco alkaloids in 69:61 promoters 64:142 of respiratory tract in laboratory animals 73:78-80 role of cigarette smoke condensate 73:80-84 skin neoplasms by cigarette smoke 67:144 summary of recent findings 75:43 by tobacco smoke constituents in labora- tory animals 67:35, 144 Carcinogens 64:172 action on oral cavity, effect of saliva 71:288 anthracene oil as 64:172 aromatic hydrocarbons, unspecified 69:61 benz(a)anthracene 67:127 benzo(b)fluoranthene 67:127 benzo(j)fluoranthene 67:127 benzo(g,h,i)perylene 67:127 benzo(c)phenanthrene 67:127 benzo(a)pyrene, and chrysotile asbestos, in animals 75:49 benzo(a)pyrene, and exfoliative cytology of hamster lungs 75:47 benzo(a)pyrene as 64:55 bladder, in tobacco smoke 69:64 in cigarette smoke 67:15, 34; 75:49, 50 in cigarette smoke condensate 74:47 cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke conden- sate, in skin painting experiments in animals 73:210-214 creosote oil as 64:147 dibenz({a,h)acridine 67:127 dibenz(a,j)acridine 67:127 dibenz(a,h)anthracene 67:127 dibenzanthracene as 64:143 dibenzo(a,h)acridine as 64:59 dibenzo(a,j)acridine as 64:59 dibenzo(a,h)anthracene as 64:55, 229 138 7H-dibenzo-(c,g)carbazole 67:127 dibenzo(a,i)pyrene 67:127 effect on cell transformations 73:84-86 effect on oral mucosa in taboratory animals 72:70 effect on respiratory tract in laboratory animals 73:78-80 heterocyclics as 64:54 hydrocarbons, extraction of 64:147 hydrocarbons, polynuclear, and tumor accelerators 75:48 hydrocarbons, reduction of 64:60 implantation 69:64 indeno(1 ,2,3-c,d)pyrene 67:127 listing of, in cigarette smoke 71:265-266 metals as 64:166, 167, 189, 193, 194, 232 N-nitrosamines 67:127, 128 oral administration of, in mice 64:228 polycyclic aromatic compounds as 64:26 polycyclic, order of potency 64:56 polycyclic, structure of 64:56 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 role in tumor induction in animals 74:46, 47 in smoke, effect on oral cavity 71:12 sterol hydroperoxides as 64:52 tobacco smoke constituents as 64:26, 33, 34, 51-60, 141-148; 68:90, 91; 73:210-214 use in experimental bronchogenic carci- noma 69 63-64 see also Carcinogenesis, and specific compound listings Carcinoid tumor prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers 71:250 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 Carcinoma 64:165, 166 benzo(a)pyrene induction of 64:166 beryllium induction of 64:166 chromium induction of 64:167 classification of, in smokers vs. non- smokers 67:140 formation following animal skin painting with smoke condensates 71:337-342 induction in rats exposed to cigarette tars 71:348 induction in rhesus monkeys 64:166 in situ 64:172, 203 tobacco tar induction of 64:143 undifferentiated, and pipe smoking 64:143 undifferentiated, and smoking 64:140-143 undifferentiated, relationship to ciga- rette smoking 71:248-249 see also Specific histologic types Carcinoma, alveolar cell 64:159 induction in mice by cigarette smoke inhalation 71:349 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 and smoking 64:143 Carcinoma, anaplastic 64:231 classification of 64:173 prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers 71:250 Carcinoma, bronchogenic 64:229 animal models for 69:63-64 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:269, 272-273 experimental induction of 64:33, 165, 189; 69:63-64 in dogs 64:33 mortality from, relationships to smoking, air pollution and residence 71:253 mortality in smoking vs. nonsmoking asbestos workers 71:257 mortality trends in 64:141 multiple primary 67:142-143 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 Carcinoma, epidermoid 64:165, 231 experimental induction of 69:63-64 mortality from, relationship to smoking, air pollution and residence 71:254 pipe smoking and 67:143 prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers 71:250 relationship of cigarette smoking to 71:246-249 risk ratio of smokers 69:56 smoking and 67:35, 140-143 in women 64:159 Carcinoma, epithelial induction in mice by cigarette smoke inhalation 71:350 Carcinoma, oat cell 64:159, 231 relationship of cigarette smoking to 71:247 smoking and 67:140-141 Carcinoma, oval cell 64:175 Carcinoma, smali cell tisk ratio of smokers 69:56 Carcinoma, squamous cell 64:166, 231 development in mice drinking alcoholic benzo(a)pyrene 71:292 increase in 64:175 induction of 64:189, 228 in oral cavity, relationship to tobacco use 71:366-367 smoking in etiology of 72:69 Carcinoma, tracheobronchial! induction in hamsters by cigarette smoke instillation 71:346-347 Cardiac index effect of exercise and smoking 73:242-244 Cardiovascular diseases 64:38, 317-327 atherosclerotic, cigarette smoking rela- tionship 71:4 atherosclerotic, effects of CO 75:27, 28 glucose metabolism 68:40,41 mortality rates 64:25, 317; 69:17 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers 73:215, 216 pathogenesis of 75:28, 29 139 pyschosocial factors in 64:327 response to smoking and nicotine 68:3442 in smokers vs, nonsmokers 68:37 smoking and 64:32, 38, 317-327; 67:3, 25-28, 47-69; 69:3-5; 73:3-23; 74:3-19 smoking effects in 64:38, 317-327 and sudden death 68:36 summary of previous findings 73:3; 74:3,4 summary of prospective epidemiological studies for cigar and pipe smokers 73:216 summary of recent findings 73:23; 74:19 see also Arteriosclerosis; Atherosclerosis; Coronary diseases Cardiovascular system effect of carbon monoxide exposure 74:10-13 effect of catecholamines on 67:60 effect of cigarette smoke on 71:56-58, 107-118 effect of nicotine on 67:60; 71:56-58, 107-118; 74:13 effect of smoking on 67:26, 60 Carotid body 64:69, 318 Catecholamine levels effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs 73:216 effect of nicotine, in rats 74:13 Catecholamines 64:70, 318 effect of nicotine on release of 67:60; 71:36, 57, 119 effect of smoking on release of 69:60; 71:8 effect on blood circulation 67:60 effect on blood circulation in coronary arteries 71:58 effect on blood pressure 67:60 effect on cardiovascular system 67:60 effect on heart rate 67:60 effect on myocardium 67:60 and thrombogenesis 68:32 see also Catecholamine levels Catholics smoking prevalence in 64:364 140 Cats cardiovascular function in, smoking and nicotine effects on 71:110, 111 ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:222-224 lungs of, cigarette smoke effect on sur- factant activity 71:225 mucus secretion in 64:268 mucus secretion in, nicotine-induced effects 64:318 Cattle ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:221 Causality definition of 64:20, 21 epidemiological methods in determining 64:20 statistical methods in determining temporal factors in 64:185 Cell cultures malignant transformations induced by tobacco tars on carcinogens 73 :84-86 tobacco carcinogenesis and 73:84-86 Cells atypical, in ex-smokers, smokers, and nonsmokers at autopsy 73:74 pathology of, in smokers 64:26, 27, 167-173 respiration of, cyanide effect on 64:266 stimulation of, by nicotine 64:349 Cellulose pyrolysis of 64:60 Cembrene 64:49 Central nervous system effect of carbon monoxide in smoke on 71:60 nicotine effects on 64:69, 70, 317, 318 Cerebrovascular diseases 64:103 definition of 71:66 epidemiological studies 74:16, 17; 75:29, 30 incidence in longshoremen 74:17 incidence in men, Framingham study 74:17 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:16, 17 interaction of smoking and other risk factors 73:19 mortality rates 64:325 mortality rates by age, sex and smoking classification 67:66; 75:31 mortality rates, effects of cigarette smoking 71:9 mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:66-70; 72:2 mortality ratios by age, sex and smoking classification 67:66 mortality ratios in pipe and cigar smok- ers 73:215, 216 oral contraceptives and smoking in etiol- ogy of 74:16, 17 smoking and 67:27-28, 66, 68; 72:24, 25 thrombosis, smoking and 67:27, 68 see also Arteriosclerosis Cerium neoplasm induction by 64:166 Cervix carcinoma in situ of 64:172 Cesium 64:137 tobacco plant uptake of 64:146 Cessation of smoking 64:31, 37, 87, 188, 374, 375, 376 in adults 64:375 body weight increase following 64:326 compared benefits in cigarette vs. pipe/cigar smokers 73:172, 173 death rate reduction following 64:29, 92 decreased clinical symptoms following 64:271, 301 effect on absolute aerobic power 73:243 effect on bladder neoplasm mortality rate 67:155 effect on bronchitis mortality rate 67:29, 94, 96 effect on COPD development 71:140 effect on COPD development in British physicians 72:142 effect on COPD morbidity and mortality 71:175; 72:41, 42 effect on COPD morbidity in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:146 effect on coronary disease mortality rate 67:25, 28, 50; 71:32, 46-48, 106 effect on emphysema mortality rate 67:29, 94 effect on esophageal neoplasms 67:147 effect on infant birth weight 73:107-109, 112-114 effect on laryngeal neoplasm mortality rate 67:149 effect on lung neoplasm mortality rate 64:163, 187, 188; 67:24, 33, 137-140 effect on lung neoplasm mortality rate in men 67:134, 136 effect on morbidity 67:24 effect on mortality rates 67:4, 7, 15-16, 24, 139 effect on mortality ratios 64:29, 163 effect on mouth neoplasm mortality rate 67:147 effect on pharyngeal neoplasm mortality trate 67:147 effect on pulmonary surfactant levels 73:55 effect on respiratory symptoms 72:41, 42 effect on respiratory tract neoplasm mortality rate 67:147 effect on risk of lung neoplasms 69:55, 57 effect on stomach neoplasm mortality rate 67:158 effect on tryptophan metabolism dis- orders 67:89-90 emotional disturbances following 64:350 gastric ulcer recovery following 64:337 genetic factors in 64:191 group psychotherapy in 64:354 health improvement following 64:187, 188, 271, 294 illness as a reason for 64:92 improvements in respiratory system 71:148, 149 lung neoplasm development and 72:62 methods for 64:354 myocardial infarct and 72:17, 18 as preventive measure in CHD 72:17, 18 as preventive measure in occlusive dis- ease 73:21, 22 14] psychosocial aspects of 64:374, 375, 376 reduction of risk following 64:37, 163, 187, 188 reinforcing factors in 64:34 relation to incidence of CHD 71:32, 46-48, 106 stomatitis nicotina resolution following 64:271; 69:87 as therapy for peptic ulcer 67:182 as therapy in arterial diseases 72:26 thromboangiitis obliterans treatment by 64:326 Channe! blacks 64:147 Chemicals exposure to, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 Chemoreflex nicotine induction of 64:318 Chest illnesses prevalence of 64:287, 288, 301 prevalence of, in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 prevalence of, in smokers 64:27, 297, 298 in women 64:288 ‘Chewing tobacco see Tobacco chewing Chickens : ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:223 Ciliastasis in 64:268 effect of cigarette smoke on embryos 71:344 effect of nicotine on embryos CNS 71:411 Children effect of parental smoking 64:369; 72:129 epithelial tissues in 64:170, 173 passive smoking and 72:129 respiratory illness and 72:129 of smokers, incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis 75:105, 106 of smokers, prevalence of respiratory symptoms 75:102, 103 smoking patterns in 64:368, 369 Chile . atherosclerosis autopsy studies in 71:55, 56 Chimney sweeps scrotal cancer in 64:147 142 skin cancer in 64:147 China ginseng root consumption in 64:355 Chiordane 64:62, 145 Chlorinated hydrocarbons pesticide use of 64:62, 145 Chlorogenic acid 64:54 Chlorpromazine 64:70 Cholesterol 64:326, 385 biosynthesis, effect of carbon monoxide, in vitro 73:18 rabbits fed, carbon monoxide effects on 71:65-66 synergistic relationship of carbon mon- oxide in coronary atheromatosis 71:63 in tobacco 72:24 in tobacco smoke 72:24 see also Blood cholesterol levels Chromaffin tissue 64:69, 318 Chromium carcinogenesis by 64:167 lung neoplasm induction by 64:189, 193, 194 lung neoplasm mortality from 71:257-258 in mainstream smoke 64:55 neoplasm prevalence in workers exposed to 64:193, 194, 232 respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to 71:256 Chronic diseases smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:22 Chrysene ” carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke 71:265,; 72:66 in tobacco. smoke 67:127 Cigar and pipe smokers see Smokers, cigar and pipe Cigarette ash nickel in 64:167 Cigarette butts lengths 64:177 Cigarette filters see Filters — Cigarette paper increase of cigarette burning rate 68:91 Cigarettes definition and processing 73:175 and development of esophageal neo- plasms 71:12, 293 flavor, terpenoids as source of 64:52 low nicotine, and respiratory symptoms 64:289 low nicotine, ciliastatic effect of 64:268 modified, effect on respiratory symp- toms and ventilatory capacity 73:37, 38 portion smoked, dosage score as func- tion of 67:15 similarities with little cigars 73:224, 225 tar and nicotine content 72:142, 143 tar levels of, relationship to lung neo- plasm development 71:275, 276 taxation 69:4,57 see also Cigarettes, filter; Cigarettes, low- Nicotine; Cigarettes, non-nicotine; Cigarettes, non-tobacco Cigarettes, daily consumption aortic aneurysm mortality by 69:16 and atypical nuclei in larynx 69:59 average, dosage score as function of 67:15 bladder neoplasms mortality rates by 67:155 bronchitis mortality ratios by 67:90 coronary disease incidence rates 67:58; 69:15; 21-24 coronary disease mortality rates by 67:51; 69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios by 67:49 coronary disease mortality ratios for male smokers by 67:48 digestive tract neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 effect on lung neoplasm mortality in Poland 72:61, 62 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:150 increase in, by women 64:363 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 liver cirrhosis mortality rates by 67:184 liver cirrhosis mortality ratios by 67:184 lung neoplasm morbidity rates by 67:33-34 lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:135-137 lung neoplasm mortality ratios 67:34, 135-140 mouth neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 mouth neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:146 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates in men by 67:159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality ratios in men by 67:159 peptic ulcer mortality rates in male smokers by 67:182 per capita 64:26, 45, 46, 185 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:146 prevalence of 64:361-374 respiratory tract neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 stomach neoplasm mortality rates by 67:157 stomach neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:157 tracheal neoplasm mortality rates by 67:147 in tuberculars 64:277 urogenital neoplasm mortality ratios for male smokers by 67:154 Cigarettes, filter decrease in tar yields 68:91 effect on respiratory symptoms 73:55 increase in 64:46 and polonium-210 content in tobacco smoke 68:92 production of, in U.S., by year 64:46 and risk of lung neoplasms 69:57; 73:44 summary of previous findings 75:4 vs. nonfilter, and risk of tung neoplasms 74:40, 41 vs. nonfilter, comparison of safety 69:57 vs. nonfilter, effect on sputum produc- tion 73:37, 38 Cigarettes, low-nicotine respiratory symptoms trom 64:268 Cigarette smoke see Smoke, cigarette Cigarette smokers see Smokers, cigarette Cigarette smoking see Smoking Cigarettes, non-nicotine effect on apexcardiogram 72:21 effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels 73:17, 18 Cigarettes, non-tobacco 64:59 Cigars definition and processing 73:175, 176 per capita consumption 64:26, 45 Cigars, little chemical composition of 73:224, 225, 228 evaluation of potential public health impact 73:222-228 shipment for domestic consumption (1970-1972) 73:222-224, 227 similarity to cigarettes 73:224, 225 sugar and pH differences with large cigar and cigarettes 73:222-224 tar and nicotine content 73:224-226, 228 Cigar smoke see Smoke, cigar Cigar smokers see Smokers, cigar; Smokers, cigar and pipe Ciliary activity 64:61 clearance mechanism by 64:267, 268 effect of cigarette smoke in animals 68:71, 72 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats 74:103 effect of pipe/cigar smoke vs. cigarette smoke in cats 73:217, 218 effect of smoke on 64:27, 34, 35, 61, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 267; 67:107-108; 69:42 effect of smoking on 74:101, 102 loss of, in smokers 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 173 morphological changes in cilia 64:267, 268, 271 transport 64:61, 267, 268 Ciliary depressants 64:27, 33, 34, 61, 267, 268 acrolein as 64:267, 268 ammonia as 64:268 144 cigarette smoke as 64:33, 35, 370 formaldehyde gas as 64:268 gas phase as 64:34 hydrogen cyanide as 64:268 nicotine as 64:268 nitrogen dioxide as 64:268 ozone as 64:268 sulfur dioxide as 64:268, 295 Ciliatoxic agents acetic acid 67:108 acrolein 67:107 in cigarette smoke 67:107 crotonaldehyde 67:108 cyanides 67:107 effect on adenosine triphosphatase 67:108 effect on oxidative enzymes 67:108 formaldehyde 67:107 formic acid 67:108 phenols 67:108 propionic acid 67:108 Circulatory diseases 64:113 Circumcision 64:224 Clofibrate and reduction in risk of sudden death in cigarette smokers 75:32 Closing volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease, in smokers vs, nonsmokers 74:84-87; 75:71, 72 Coal dust effect on pulmonary function in smokers vs. nonsmoker 73:4143 effect on respiratory symptoms in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers : 73:4143 Coal gas workers 64:232 lung neoplasms in 64:193 Coal miners pneumoconiosis and 72:42-44 respiratory function tests in 64:289, 293, 294 respiratory symptoms in 64:298, 299 Coal tar benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:148 neoplasm induction by 64:33, 147, 167, 229 Cocaine | 64:349 Coca leaves 64:349 Cocarcinogens 64:33, 58, 142, 144, 145 benz(a)anthracene as 64:58 carboxylic acids as 67:131 croton oil as 64:58 fatty acids as 64:58, 59 nickel carbonyl] as 69:62 phenols as 64:54, 58, 59; 67:31 in tobacco smoke - 64:33; 69:61 in tobacco tars 67:131 Cocoa 64:349 Coffee drinking - 64:349 angina pectoris, smoking, and 74:8 myocardial infarction, smoking and, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:8; 75:19, 20 Cognition and smoking habit 67:189-191 Cologne, autopsy records in 64:150 Colonic polyposis 64:191 Combustion temperature effect on tumorigenic activity of pipe and cigarette tobacco 73:210, 211 Common colds 64:276 Compensatory behavior, smoking as 64:372 Congenital malformations maternal smoking and 72:87; 73:136, 137 Congestive heart failure 64:320 Connecticut Cancer Registry 64:127, 128 data from 64:135 figures on age-adjusted larynx neoplasm incidence 71:277 figures on incidence of oral neopiasms 71:284 Constitutional hypothesis 64:190, 191, 192, 193 refutation of 64:192 relationship to CHD and smoking 71:48-49, 105-106 Contraceptives, oral incidence of stroke and, in women smok- érs vs. nonsmokers | 74:16, 17 smoking and 72:26 thrombophlebitis and 72:26 Control populations bias in selection of 64:181, 217, 231 Copenhagen neoplasm study in 64:220, 222, 224 Tuberculosis Station 64:141 Copper 64:193 nitrate 64:60 sulfate 64:354 Coppersmiths 64:134 Cornfield method 64:155, 159, 160 Cornsilk smoking, lack of arterial epinephrine level increase 71:57 Coronary circulation 64:318; 68:41-43 Coronary diseases 64:8, 29, 36, 38 103, 106, 108, 317, 320-327, 384, 385 age-adjusted rates in smokers 71:23 by amount smoked 69:12-13, 18 arteriosclerotic, mortality rates in U.S. 74:21 associated risk factors and smoking 74:17 atherosclerosis 64:320 atherosclerosis, effects of smoking on 71:4, 63 autopsy studies 72:19, 20; 74:4 and behavior 67:57 blood pressure of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:43, 47 carbon dioxide effects on oxygen uptake in 71:62 carbon monoxide and 74:4 145 carboxyhemoglobin levels and 72:27 cross-sectional study in Bergen, Norway 72:16 death ratios of paired combinations of high risk 71:25 effect of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking 75:20 effect of norepinephrine levels 68:38 effect of smoking on blood circulation in 67:26, 61-62 effect on blood circulation 67:62-63 effect on blood pressure 67:54 epidemiological studies 64:320, 321, 322; 69:25; 72:14-16; 73:4-11; 75:14, 15 etiology of 64:320, 321, 322 excess deaths in 64:113 experimental studies 73:13-19 heredity as a factor 72:18 high blood pressure in 64:38 high serum cholestero} in 64:38 incidence and education level 68:24 incidence and mortality rates in former smokers 71:46, 4748 incidence in European vs. American men 73:9 incidence in farmers vs. nonfarmers by smoking habit 73:7 incidence in Hawaiian men of Japanese ancestry 73:10 incidence in Japanese male smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:17 incidence in lawyers 68:25 incidence in male bank employees in Brussels, Belgium 73:10 incidence in males by smoking habits or physical activity 68:20, 25 incidence in male smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 68:17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 37 incidence in men in Yugoslavia 73:9 incidence in men under 60, in New South Wales 74:6 incidence in men with and without ventricular premature beats 74:44 146 incidence in middle-aged men from var- ious countries 74:6 incidence in miners in Sardinia 73:10 incidence in Minnesota men by age and smoking habit 72:14-16 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215, 216 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, Peoples Gas Co. Study 74:6,7 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, Stockholm Prospective Study 74:6 incidence in tribal population area, New Guinea 74:9 incidence in twins 68:29 incidence in white males by body weight and smoking habit 73:5 incidence in whites vs. blacks in Evans County, Georgia 73:4,5 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:9,10 incidence of, relation to angina pectoris 67:53 incidence of, relation to blood cholester- ol levels 67:58 incidence of, relation to blood pressure 67:58 incidence of, relation to body weight 67:58 incidence of, relation to electrocardio- graphic abnormalities 67:58 incidence of, relation to hemoglobin levels 67:58 incidence of, relation to myocardial in- farct 67:53 incidence of, relation to socioenviron- mental stress 67:56 incidence rates, by age 67:54, 57-58; 68:21; 69:21-22, 24 incidence rates, by amount smoked 67:54, 57-58 incidence rates, by behavior type 69:20, 24 incidence rates, by smoking and other risk factors 69:23 incidence rates, by smoking history 69:21-24 incidence rates in men 67:65; 69:21-22 incidence rates in twins, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:59 incidence rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:18, 20-22 in India 73:11 infarction in NYC pipe and cigar smok- ers 71:32, 38-39 infarction, relationship to physical act- ivity, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:44 interaction of smoking and other risk factors 72:16-18; 73:4-11 in Irish smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:18 morbidity ratios 67:59; 69:19 morbidity ratios, and blood pressure 67:55 morbidity ratios, and Jung function 67:56 morbidity ratios, by age 67:54 morbidity ratios, by blood cholesterol levels 67:55 morbidity ratios, by personality charac- teristics 67:57 morbidity ratios, by sociocultural mobil- ity status 67:57 morbidity ratios, in New Delhi, India 72:16 morbidity, relationship of smoking to 71:32-35, 37, 39, 93-97 mortality and morbidity retrospective studies 71:40, 93-97 mortality rates 64:25, 29, 32, 38, 39, 184, 320, 321, 324; 67:8, 25-26 mortality rates among former college students 69:16, 18 mortality rates and per capita cigarette consumption in several countries 72:16 mortality rates, by age 67:25, 28, 47, 49-51; 69:13-14 mortality rates by blood pressure 69:14 mortality rates by relative weight 69:14 mortality rates, by sex 67:25, 27, 28, 47, 49-50; 69:13-14 mortality rates, by smoking 67:25, 28, 49-51; 69:13-14 mortality rates, effect of associated dis- eases on 67:51-52 mortality rates, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:25, 27-28, 50 mortality rates, ex-smokers by smoking history 67:51 mortality rates in heavy smokers 64:322 mortality rates in hypertensives vs. non- hypertensives 71:42 mortality rates in industrial workers 64:323 mortality rates in Japanese men and women by cigarette consumption and age started smoking 73:7, 8 mortality rates in longshoremen 72:14 mortality rates in obese vs, nonobese 71:45 mortality rates in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71::21-22, 24, 26-29 mortality rates in smoking men in Fin- land 73:9 mortality rates in United States 67:47, 68:16 mortality rates in, with increased carbon monoxide 71:62 mortality rates of cigarette smokers from, AHA pooling project 71:28, 30, 39 mortality rates of paired combinations of high risk 71:25 mortality rates of U.S. veterans 71:26, 38 mortality rates, relationship to electro- cardiographic findings 71:42 mortality ratios, by age 67:25, 26, 28, 49-50, 52; 69:13 mortality ratios, by age and blood pres- sure 67:53 mortality ratios, by age and smoking history 67:51-52 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:48-49; 69:13 mortality ratios, by sex 67:25, 28; 69:13-14 mortality ratios, by smoking history 67:25, 28 mortality ratios, effect of associated diseases 67:51-52 mortality ratios in pipe and cigar smok- ers 73:215, 216 and multiple risk factors 68:28-30 in Nepal 73:11 in New Zealand 73311 nicotine and 74:13 nicotine effect on coronary blood flow in 71:58 147 obesity in 64:38 occlusion in 64:320 occupational risks in 64:321, 322 pathophysiology of, effect of carbon monoxide exposure 74:10 and personality characteristics 64:321, 326; 67:57 predisposing characteristics 67:58 prevalence of 64:320, 321 relationship of blood pressure and smok- ing 71:45, 47 relationship of heart rate and smoking 71:45, 47 relationship of physical activity and smoking 71:41, 43, 44 relationship of triglycerides to 71:65 relationship to constitutional makeup and smoking 71:48-49, 105-106 relationship to ECG abnormalities and smoking 71:45, 47 relationship to obesity and smoking 71:43-45 retrospective studies in Goteborg, Swe- den 72:16 retrospective studies in Prague, Czech- oslovakia 72:16 risk factors 71:23-24, 4041 risk factors and personal characteristics 68:26 role of glucose metabolism 68:40, 41 in Seventh Day Adventists 64:322 smokers’ age effects on development 71:27, 39 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:26, 42, 43 in smokers with predisposing factors 71:24 smoking and 67:26, 54, 64-65; 69:3-5, 11, 20; 71:5 smoking and, in individuals under 40 years 73:10 smoking and, in myocardial ischemic patients in Italy 73:10 smoking as cause of death 67:25-27 smoking as etiologic agent in 67:26, 54, 62, 65, 66; 69:11; 72:1, 2,13, 14 148 smoking in thrombus formation 67:26, 64-65 smoking risk factor 71:8 sudden death, and smoking 67:53; 71:52 summary of previous findings 68:16; 75:4, 7 summary of relationship to smoking 74:3,4,19 symptoms of 64:320 twin studies 72:18 in women 64:321 see also Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular diseases Coronary Drug Project Research Group epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:46 Coronary heart disease see Coronary diseases Coronary vessels effect of cigarette smoking on 67:65 Coronene 64:147 Cor pulmonale and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- ease 74:76 Cotinine 64:71 desmethyl- 64:72 effect on rats and mice 69:61-62 in experimental induction of bladder adenomas 69:64 methonium ion, structure of 64:72 Cough 64:280, 281, 282, 283 chronic 64:27, 280, 281, 282, 283, 299, 302 chronic, and cigarette smoking in males 68:69 chronic, in women 64:282, 285 effect of air pollution and smoking 64:297; 74:90, 91 effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 effect of coal dust exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41, 42 effect of filtered cigarettes 73:55 effect of modified cigarettes 73:38 epidemiology of 67:97 ex-smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:98 of parental smokers, and respiratory symptoms in children 75:103, 105 prevalence in cement and rubber indus- try workers, smokers vs, nonsmokers 74:95, 96 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking women in Bordeaux, France 73:36 prevalence of 64:38, 280, 283, 284, 289, 291, 301, 302 prevalence of among smokers 67:103 prevalence of, in smoking-discordant twin pairs 67:103 respiratory function in presence of 64:291, 292 in school-age smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:62 smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:29; 72:40 and smoking 64:297; 67:97 and smoking, by sex 67:98 and sputum 64:283-286 traumatic injury from 64:279 Coumarin 64:145 Creosote oil carcinogenic activity of 64:147 Cresols in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:177 as probable contributors to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 . suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke 71:266 Crotonaldehyde ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Croton oil 64:58 Crotononitrile as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Cuba laryngeal neoplasms in 64:205, 207 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:356 oral neoplasms in, by type of smoking 64:200, 201 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use 71:364 Current Population Survey of 1955 64:177, 180, 186 Curschmann’s spirals in sputum of smokers 69:39-40 Customs and Excise Act of 1952, Great Britain 64:62 Cyanides detoxification, in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:119 in tobacco amblyopia etiology 67:40; 71:14, 435-436; 72:6 in tobacco smoke 67:40 in tobacco smoke, and optic atrophy 67:183 toxicity, potentiation by vitamin B12 in tobacco amblyopia 67:183 and vitamin B deficiency in tobacco amblyopia 67:40 Cysteine inhibition of smoke cytotoxic action on macrophages 69:42 Cystitis 64:224 Cytochrome oxidase 64:266 Cytologic studies exfoliative, and lung neoplasm diagnosis 75:47 macrophage function and smoking 74:104, 105 Czechoslovakia 64:205 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:354, 357 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective study of 64:206 serum lipid difference in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:101 Danish Cancer Registry 64:141, 186, 220 Danish Morbidity Study 64:224 Data collection methods in retrospective studies 64:206, 214, 215, 226 DDT 64:145 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:65, 145 Death certification limitations of, in health statistics 64:101, 127 neoplasm diagnosis in 64:128 149 Death Registration Act 64:127 Deaths, accidental 64:39, 344, 345 Deaths, sudden from cardiovascular disease 68:36, 42 incidence in men with and without ventricular premature beats 74:5 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215 incidence in women, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:9, 19 rate by smoking, cholesterol, and blood pressure, 69:17 reduction of risk of, in cigarette smok- ers, using clofibrate 75:32 smoking as a risk factor 74:4-6, 19 Defense mechanisms 64:264 Demographic factors in smoking 64:361-365 enmark advertising curtailment in 64:8 atherogenic effect of carbon monoxide and hypoxia 71:64 bladder neoplasms in 64:219, 220, 221 bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and 71:381, 383 carbon monoxide effects on human blood lipids in 71:129 carbon monoxide effects on rabbit blood lipids in 71:129 coronary mortality in 64:320 cough prevalence in 64:281 Danish Cancer Registry 64:141, 186, 220 Danish Morbidity Study 64:224 lung neoplasm mortality in 64:176 respiratory function tests in 64:291 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:102 . twins in, angina pectoris in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:51 Deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA Dermatitis among tobacco workers 72:111 150 Dermatologists coronary disease incidence in 64:322 Dextroamphetamine 64:352 Diabetes mellitus 64:326 effect on CHD in smokers 71:24 relationship with cigarette smoking in peripheral vascular disease 71:72 risk in mortality from CVD 71:67 Diarrhea smoking and 64:71 Dibenz(a,h)acridine 64:56 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 structural formula of 64:59 Dibenz(a,j)acridine carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from 71:265 pyrolytic formation of 64:59 structural formula of 64:56 in tobacco smoke 67:127 Dibenzanthracene tumor induction by 64:143, 167 Dibenz(a,c)anthracene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke 72:66 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinoma induction by 64:229 structural formula of 64:56 7H-Dibenzo(c,g) carbazole carcinogenic effect in laboratory animals 73:79 carcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in hamsters 72:66, 67 carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- trette smoke 67:127; 71:265; 72:66, 67 structural formula of 64:56 Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene 64:33, 57 carcinogenicity 67:127 structural formula of 64:26 Dicarbony! compounds 64:53 Dieldrin 64:62 Diet influence of, in coronary disease 64:322 intervention and cholestero! levels in postinfarction patients 68:23 and peptic ulcer 67:182 and smoking 67:66 and smoking, effect on blood lipids 73:12 as test constant 64:224 tobacco amblyopia 72:6 Diethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Digestive tract neoplasms mortality, and smoking 67:10, 147 Digital blood flow effect of smoking 64:318 Digital temperatures effect of smoking 64:318 Dihydric alcohols 64:52 Dimethylamine as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 9-10-Dimethyl-1, 2-benzanthracene 64:203 7, 12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene effect on oral mucosa in hamsters 72:70 Dimethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Dipalmityl ketone 64:53 Dipentene 64:52 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate effects of carbon monoxide on 71:60-61 Disability of emphysema patients 68:66 higher rates of smokers 68:7 DNA alteration, and oral neoplasm carcino- genesis 68:101 binding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to 73:86, 87 effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on 69:61 effect of cigarette smoke on synthesis 69:62-63 increases in smokers’ oral epithelial cells 71:288 levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Dogs atherogenic effects of nicotine in 71:120 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl amine 71:296 bradycardia and tachycardia in, follow- ing nicotine injection 71:57-58 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in, from cigarette smoke inhalation 71:269, 270 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:268, 347 death in, causes from cigarette smoke inhalation 71:271 effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in 71:164, 170 epinephrine release in 64:318, 319 experimental neoplasm induction in 64:146, 165, 189 fetal bronchial tubes of, effect of ciga- rette smoke on 71:345 lung neoplasms following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:239, 277 lung neoplasms in, types and lobes where found 71:269, 272-273 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on surfactant activity 71:172, 225 myocardium, nicotine effects on 71:58 neoplasm development in smoking, per- centages of 71:274 nicotine effect on 64:71, 318, 319 ozone effect on 64:295, 296 pulmonary histological changes in ciga- tette smoke inhaling 71:158, 159-160 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on 71:268, 352, 353 smoke deposition in 64:265 smoke-induced bronchoconstriction in, atropine effects 71:163 151 smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipids in 71:127-128 smoking and nicotine effects on cardio- vascular function in 71:107-112 smoking and nicotine effects on cate- cholamine levels in TL:119 Doll & Hill study 64:324 Donkeys effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in 71:164, 171 Dorn study 64:324 Dosage measure of, in light and heavy smokers 67:14-15 measure of, in men and women 67:14-15 and mortality among women smokers 67:25 nicotine and tar content of cigarette smoke as measurement of 67:15 score, for smoking 67:14-15 smoking exposure 67:25 Driving habits and coronary disease 64:322 Drug addiction 64:350, 351, 352 definition of 64:351 distinction from drug habituation 64:351 psychology of 64:353 Dry mouth 64:354 Dublin lung neoplasm mortality in 64:195 Ducks cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:346 clearance products in 64:269 Duodenal ulcers 64:8, 337, 340 mortality rates in 64:37 mortality ratios in 64:103, 337 mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers 73:222 nicotine induced, in cats 73:158, 159 post-operative complications in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73157 152 potentiating action of nicotine, in ani- mal 73:161-163 prevalence in smokers, mechanism of action 73:160 smoking and 72:6, 97, 98 Dust exposure 64:298, 299 bronchitis and 73:44 COPD development from 71:153, 218 as occupational hazard 73:43, 44 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 smoking and 73:44 smoking and, as risk factors in bronchitis development 74:93, 94 smoking and, as risk factors in byssinosis development 74:94-96; 75:68 Dysphoria 64:350 Dyspnea 64:286 prevalence in cigar and pipe smokers 73:220, 221 Ear neoplasm 64:147 Edentulism smoking and 69:87; 72:6 Educational level 64:100, 101 and incidence of CHD, in males 68:24 smoking prevalence by 64:363 Egypt relationship of human pulmonary his- tology and smoking in 74:163 Electrocardiograms abnormalities, and CHD 67:58; 68:29; 71:42, 45, 47 effect of smoking 64:319; 74:45, 47; 73:13 effect of smoking, in middle-aged Dutch men 73:12 effect of smoking, in young military recruits in Poland 73:12 Electroencephalograms nicotine effect on 64:70 placebo effect on 64:70 smoking effect on 64:70 Electrophoresis use in determining serum level of alpha- l-antitrypsin 73:151 Emotional stress 64:373, 374 Emphysema 64:35, 38, 277-294, 302 air pollution in 64:297 alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency and 71:150, 151; 72:44; 74:87-90 alveolar destruction in 64:294 asthmatic form of 64:294 autopsy studies, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:74-16 bronchitic form of 64:294 and bronchitis mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67:93 and bronchitis mortality ratios, by age, amount smoked, and sex 67:94 and bronchitis mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67:93 bronchitis relation to 64:278, 279, 280 cadmium exposure in etiology of, in animals 74:104 cigarette smoking effects on 71:9 definition of 64:278; 67:89; 71:139 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:271 . development of, relation of cadmium in smoke to 71:154 diagnosis of 64:278, 279, 280; 67:90 disability payments in U.S. 68:66 dyspneic form of 64:297 epidemiology of 64:280-294 excess mortality from 64:25, 277 experimentally induced in smoking dogs 72:46 grade II or III, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:162 in horses 69:40 hypersensitivity in development of 67:111 incidence in cigar/pipe smoking coal miners vs. cigarette smokers and non- smokers 73:217 morbidity, and cigar smoking 67:99 morbidity, and pipe smoking 67:99 morbidity, and smoking 67:3, 22, 29-30, 96-98 morbidity, body constitution as a factor in :30 morbidity, heredity as a factor in 67:30 mortality, and cigar smoking 67:30 mortality, and pipe smoking 67:30 mortality, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:29 mortality, effect of cigarette smoking on 71:175 mortality rates 64:25, 29, 301; 67:29, 90-93; 68:66; 71:139 mortality ratios 64:103, 293; 67:8, 90 mortality ratios, and smoking 67:3, 91 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:90-93 mortality ratios, by sex in United States 67:91 mortality ratios, in cigar smokers 67:94 mortality ratios, in male pipe and cigar smokers 73:217, 219 mortality ratios, in pipe smokers 67:94 nonsmoker prevalence of 64:297 occupational exposure in 64:298, 299, 300, 302 pathogenesis of 69:38-40 phases of 64:294 pigment deposition in 64:272, 273 premature development and smoking, autopsy studies 74:97 prevalence in males by smoking cate- gory, at autopsy 73:48 prevalence in pipe/cigar and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies 73:45, 46 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:55 prevalence rates in U.S. 74:75 prospective studies on 64:293 pulmonary function studies and 74:80 respiratory symptoms, body constitution as a factor in 67:30, 102-103, 108-109 153 respiratory symptoms, by smoking classi- fication 67:99 Tespiratory symptoms, heredity as a fac- tor in 67:30, 102-103, 108, 111 respiratory symptoms, in pipe smokers 67:99 respiratory symptoms, in smokers 64:27; 67:99; 68:74 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy studies 73:45-47 smoking and etiology of 64:38, 294, 303; 67:30-31, 96, 104-107, 110-111; 69:37-38; 72:37; 74 :87-90 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 74:75-78; 75:5, 7, 61, 62 Emphysema Registry 64:294 Endrin 64:145 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Enzymes activity, effect of smoking 71:165 adenosine triphosphatase, effect of cilia- toxic agents on 47:108 aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in placentas at childbirth 71:410 aryl hydroxylase, effect of nickel in cigarette smoke on induction 71:257 benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase, activity in placentas of smoking mothers 71:410 carbonic anhydrase, carbon monoxide inhibition in fetal cord blood of smoking mothers 71:407 carbonic anhydrase, decrease in activity in fetal cord blood in smoking moth- ers 71:409 effect of cigarette smoke, in rabbit lungs 74:104, 105 and macrophage function, in rabbit lungs, . 74:104, 105 oxidative enzymes, effect of ciliatoxic agents on 67:108 Epidemiological studies bladder neoplasms and smoking 72:72-74 bronchopulmonary diseases and smoking 72:38-41; 73:36-45 cerebrovascular disease and smoking 75:29, 30 COPD and smoking 74:78-80 154 coronary diseases and smoking 69:12-25; 72:14-16; 73:4-13, 23; 75:14, 15 esophageal neoplasms and smoking 72:70, 71 laryngeal neoplasms and smoking 69:58-60; 72:68 lung neoplasms and smoking 69:55-56; 72:60-65; 73:68-72; 74:37; 75:44 lung neoplasms, by age and sex 68:94-99 lung neoplasms, in Iceland 68:94, 95 lung neoplasms, in Japan 68:95, 96 lung neoplasms, in Switzerland 68:95 maternal smoking and outcome of preg- nancy 69:77-80; 72:83-87 oral neoplasms and smoking 69:58; 72:68-70; 74:53 pancreatic neoplasms and smoking 69:60-61; 72:74; 74:57 peptic ulcer and smoking 73:155-157 urinary tract neoplasms and smoking 69:60 Epiglottis laryngeal neoplasms 64:212 Epinephrine 64:318 effect in thrombus formation 67:64-65 effect of nicotine 75:29 levels in arteries, cigarette smoking ef- fects on 71:57 Epithelial lesions in smokers 64:168, 170, 172, 173, 213 Epithelial tissues age effects on 64:34 changes in female smokers 64:34 changes in male smokers 64:34 cigarette smoking and 64:34, 165, 167-173, 189, 213, 263-275 ciliary loss in 64:34 in ex-smokers 64:34 histopathologic changes in 64:167-173, 231, 263-275 hyperplasia in 64:34, 203 hypertrophy caused by nitrogen dioxide 69:41 in nonsmokers 64:189 pipe and cigar effects on 64:34 premalignant lesions in 64:34; 75:44 see also Bronchial epithelium; Esopha- geal epithelium Epithelial tumors classification of 64:174 in man 64:146 Epitheliomas of lip, relationship of tobacco use with 71:361 Epoxides suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke 71:265 Ergonovine effect on blood circulation in laboratory animals with coronary disease 67:62 Esophageal balloon technique 64:292 Esophageal epithelium atypical nuclei in basal cells, male smok- ers 71:292, 379-380 effect of smoking on 67:36, 150-153 pathological changes by age and smoking history 67:150-162 pathological changes by amount smoked 67:152 pathological changes by smoking classi- fication 67:150-151 pathological changes for male smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:150-153 Esophageal neoplasms 64:37, 212-218, 234 alcohol consumption and smoking in 67:152-153; 72:4, 5, 71; 73:76, 200 frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:12, 238 geographical factors in 64:133 incidence of, by tobacco use 64:216 incidence of, in Jewish women 64:135 incidence of, in U.S. 64:127 income class gradients in 64:134 induction in animals by nitrosamine 71:292 inhalation patterns and 64:218; 73:197 methods and results of retrospective studies of tobacco use in 71:289, 375-378 mortality rates 64:37, 133; 71:289 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:147, 150 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147, 150 mortality rates in females 64:131, 132 mortality rates in Japanese males by smoking and drinking characteristics 72:71 mortality rates in males 64:130, 132 mortality rates in migrants 64:134 mortality rates in pipe/cigar and ciga- rette smokers 68:102 mortality ratios, by age 67:150 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:150 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:150 mortality ratios for cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:197, 200 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149, 217; 71:289-291 mortality ratios in cigarette smokers 64:149 mortality ratios in Japanese male smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:76 mortality ratios in nonwhites 64:218 prospective studies of 64:217 relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:197, 200-202 retrospective studies of 64:212-217 risk gradients in, by amount smoked 64:217, 218 tisk ratios in 64:213 smoking in etiology of 64:37, 188; 67:33, 150, 151; 71:293; 72:4, 70, 71 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 74:55 summary of retrospective studies 73:201, 202 tobacco tars in 64:218 tobacco use and 64:32, 217, 218 trend in mortality 64:137 urban-rural differences in 64:133 Esophagus effect of benzo(a)pyrene in laboratory animals 67:152-153 histological changes in cigar, pipe, ciga- rette sinokers vs. nonsmokers 73:200 Esters in cigarette smoke 64:52 155 Ethane 64:60 Ethnic groups neoplasm risks in 64:134, 135 neoplasm sites by 64:134, 135 Ethy! alcohol carcinogenic promoter activity of 64:217 Ethylene 64:60 glycol 64:52 Euphoria 64:350 Executive Office of the President 64:15 Exercise on bicycle ergometer, effect of smoking 73:242, 243 cardiac index, effect of smoking 73:242, 243 effect of carbon monoxide exposure 74:11, 12 effect of smoking and smoking absti- nence 73:241, 242, 246, 247 effects of CO exposure and increased carbo xyhemoglobin levels 75:95, 97 influencing factors 73:241, 246, 247 and pulmonary function, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:99 relationship to mortality rates 64:101 summary of findings and mechanism of action 73:246, 247 on treadmill, effect of smoking 73:243, 245 Ex-smokers atypical nuclei in esophageal epithelium, in male 71:379-380 chronic cough 67:98 decrease of lung neoplasm risk 69:57; 75:43 effects of cessation on body weight, blood pressure and hypertension de- velopment 75:16-19 effects of cessation on closing volume abnormalities 75:71 effects of cessation on pathologic changes 75:74 histological changes in bronchial epi- thelium at autopsy 73:74 low birth weight infants of 73:112-114 lung neoplasms in, lowered rates Wh 156 lung neoplasms in, prevalence 64:192, 193 mortality rates in 64:36; 64:105 mortality rates in, by smoking history 67:8-11 mortality rates in, COPD TL:175 mortality rates in, coronary disease 64:322, 323, 325; 71:46-48 mortality rates in, coronary disease, by smoking history 67:51 mortality rates in, coronary disease, ciga- rette vs. pipe/cigar smokers 73:172, 173 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men by amount smoked 69:15 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men, by years stopped smoking 69:15 mortality rates in, coronary disease, for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 mortality rates in, gastric ulcer 64:104 mortality rates in, laryngeal neoplasms 64:104 mortality rates in, lung neoplasms 64:104; 71:276; 72:5; 73:71-72 mortality rates in, oral neoplasms 64:104 mortality rates in, stroke, for men, com- pared to nonsmokers 69:15 mortality ratios in 64:36, 92,93, 103, 104, 105 mortality ratios in, circulatory disease 64:104 mortality ratios in, ex-cigar smokers 64:94 . mortality ratios in, lung neoplasms 71::241-242 mortality ratios in, respiratory disease 64:104 pneumoconiosis incidence in, in miners 64:298 prevalence of respiratory symptoms 73:39 psychosomatic disorders in 64:367 pulmonary fibrosis in 64:274 pulmonary function in 73:39 relative risk in lung neoplasms develop- ment 73:71-72 risk ratios in, from neoplasms 64:155, 158, 188 summary of previous findings on health consequences of cessation 75:6 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to COPD 75:61 survival after treatment for pharyngeal, laryngeal, or oral neoplasms 73:75 thickness of vocal cords in 69:60 Extroversion 64:365, 366 Eye irritation effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers 75:99, 100 Face skin neoplasms of 64:147 Factory workers, mean expiratory flow rates in :290 False vocal cords epithelial hyperplasia in 64:271 hyperkeratosis in 64:271 Farmers coronary disease incidence in 64:321 decreased smoking by 64 :323 myocardial infarction in 64:323 smoking incidence in 64:187 Fats, saturated 64:322 Fatty acid levels effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs 73:216 effect of smoking 73:12 rise in, after smoking 71:36, 65 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:102 see also Fatty acids; Free fatty acids Fatty acids 64:53 Suspected carcinogenic agents of Ciga- Tette smoke 71:266 see also Fatty acid levels; Free fatty acids Federal insecticide regulations 64:61 Federal Trade Commission 64:8, 15 Fertility and smoking 69:79-80 Fetal death effect of maternal smoking 64:39, 343; 67:185; 69:77-78; 73:123-135 epidemiological studies, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:126-132 Fetus effect of maternal smoking 64:39, 343;72:5, 83-89 heart beats in, increase in smoking moth- ers 71:408 morbidity, effect of maternal smoking on 67:186 tissues of, effects of elevated carboxy- hemoglobin on 71:407 Fibrosis see Pulmonary fibrosis Filters advantages in reduction of particulates 71:269, 275 cellulose acetate 64:59 charcoal, and effect of cigarette smoke on cell cultures 69:62 as a factor in reducing tung neoplasm risk 74:40-41 reduction of lung neoplasms from, blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:103 COPD morbidity in smokers in 71:200 coronary death rate in 64:320 lung neoplasm mortality in, relationship to tobacco use 64:176; 71:245-246 lung neoplasms in, retrospective study of, methods 71:325, 327 peptic ulcer in, methods and results for retrospective and cross section stud- ies of smoking 71:426, 428 risk ratio in 64:127 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:98, 99 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids 71:124 Fires smoking as cause of 64:344, 345; 67:187-188 Fitness tests smokers vs. nonsmokers antismoking measures using 64:354 Flax mill workers chronic respiratory diseases in 64:289, 299 Fluoranthene alcoholic solution of, penetrability of esophageal epithelium 71:292 157 in caffeine solution, effect on esophageal tissue in laboratory animals 67:152-153 in carbon black 64:147 in ethanol, effect on esophageal tissue in laboratory animals 67:152-153 Forced expiratory flow rates 64:288-293 Forced expiratory volume 64:288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 298 decline in smokers, by race 75:72 Formaldehyde 64:60, 61, 268 ciliastatic action of 64:61, 268 ciliatoxic agent 67:107 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 in tobacco smoke 67:107 toxic action of 64:295 tracheobronchial irritation from 64:266 Formic acid ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Formosa acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function in 71:169 Framingham Study 64:291, 323 angina pectoris in 64:325 duration of smoking habit and incidence of CHD 68:17 effect of coffee drinking on mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:20 epidemiologic study of CHD, CDV, in- termittent claudication, and smoking 74:14-16 interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:8 morbidity ratios for CHD, by smoking habit 68:18; 71:24 mortality rates in 64:324 France bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing 71::381-383 bladder neoplasms in, retrospective studies 64:219, 220, 221 158 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:94, 97 cigarette smoke effects on animal tissue in 71:343, 344, 349 COPD mortality of smokers in 71:201 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use 64:214; 71:378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 64:205, 207; 71:355, 357 lung neoplasms in, methods of retro- spective study of smoking in 71:326 oral neoplasms in, by type of smoking 64:199, 201 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use and 71:363 Free fatty acids 64:52 plasma, effect of nicotine, in rats 74:13 plasma, effect of smoking on 69:27 see also Fatty acid levels; Fatty acids Fried foods 64:100 Fume exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 Fungi carcinogenic contamination of tobacco 68:92, 93 Fungicides concentration in cigarette smoke 71:265, 266 Furfural as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Ganglia, parasympathetic 64:69, 71, 317, 318 Ganglion cells nicotine effect on 64:69, 70 paralysis of 64:69, 70 Gas adsorbents carbon granules as 64:61 Gas phase, cigarette smoke 69:63 effect on mucus flow rates in cats 72:47 harmful constituents in 72:143 Gas phase, tobacco smoke 64:60 acetaldehyde in 64:60 acetone in 64:60 acetylene in 64:60 acrolein in 64:60 ammonia in 64:60 argon in 64:60 butane in 64:60 carbon dioxide in 64:60 carbon monoxide in 64:60 ethane in 64:60 ethylene in 64:60 formaldehyde in 64:60 hydrogen cyanide in 64:60 hydrogen in 64:60 hydrogen sulfide in 64:60 methane in 64:60 methanol in 64:60 methy! chloride in 64:60 methyl ethyl ketone in 64:60 methyl nitrate in 64:60 nitric oxide in 64:266 nitrogen dioxide in 64:60 nitrogen in 64:60 oxygen in 64:60 phenol in 64:267 propane in 64:60 propylene in 64:60 Gastric acidity effect of smoking on 67:182 Gastric motility 64:340 Gastric neoplasms 64:37, 38, 225-229, 235 decline in mortality from 64:133 geographic factors in 64:133 income class gradients in 64:134 migrant mortality in 64:134 mortality rates in 64:130, 133 mortality rates in, in smokers 64:149 mortality rates in, Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:56, 57 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149, 228 prospective studies of 64:227 retrospective studies of 64:225, 226, 227, 228 retrospective studies of, by smoking pat- tern 64:226, 227 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:90; 74:55 tea drinking and smoking in etiology of 74:56, 57 tobacco tars in 64:228 trends in prevalence of 64:135 U.S. incidence of 64:127 Gastric secretion effect of nicotine 72:97 effect of nicotine in laboratory animals 73:158, 159 effect of smoking 64:340 effect of smoking in ulcer patients 73:157, 158 Gastric ulcers 64:8, 37, 337, 340 healing of, after cessation of smoking 64:337 mortality ratios in 64:37, 113, 337 Gastrointestinal disorders prevalence in cigarette and pipe/cigar smokers 73:222 smoking and 72:5, 6, 97, 98 General practitioners coronary disease incidence in 64:321, 322 Genetic factors 64:321, 385 alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency 72:44 alpha-l-antitrypsin deficiency and smok- ing in COPD development 74 :87-90; 75:72-74 in bronchitis development 67: 102-104, 108-109 cessation of smoking and 64:191 COPD pathogenesis and 71:148, 150-152, 205 coronary disease and 72:18 in cough development 67:102, 111 159 in emphysema development 67:30, 102-103, 108-109, 111 and heart disease 67:53-54, 57 lung neoplasms and 64:167, 232 in respiratory tract disease development 67:30, 108 short run changes in, in humans 64:191 smoking and 64:190, 319; 71:5; 72:18, 44 smoking and, in lung neoplasm develop- ment 74:37 susceptibility in neoplasm epidemiology 64:190, 191, 192, 193 twin studies, effects of smoking 71:49-52, 99 Genitourinary diseases see Urogenital diseases Genitourinary neoplasms see Urogenital neoplasms Geographic factors neoplasm incidence by 64:133 neoplasm mortality by 64:133 Germany CHD morbidity and mortality in 71:95-96, 97 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on animal respiratory tract in 71:350 laryngeal neoplasms in 64:205 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:355 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective study of 64:206 lung neoplasms in, methods of retro- spective study of smoking in 71:323, 325, 326 polonium-210 levels in tungs of smokers in 71:336 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids 71:125 Gestational age effect on perinatal mortality rates in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:126-132 and low-birth-weight infants, effect of maternal smoking 73:103-106 Gingival neoplasms 64:197, 202 cigar smoking in 64:202 pipe smoking in 64:202 retrospective study of, by type of smok- ing 64:201 160 tobacco chewing in 64:202 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Gingivitis incidence among Danish Royal Marines 69:86 incidence among Dutch Navy recruits 69:86 incidence among U.S. Naval trainees 69:86 smoking and 69:85-86; 72:6 Gingivitis, Vincent’s relationship to smoking 69:86 Ginseng root 64:355 Glossary terms used in smoking and ventilatory function 71:215 Glucose intolerance as a risk factor in CHD 73:8 Glucose metabolism cardiovascular effects of 68:40, 41 and insulin response, alteration effects on myocardial response 71:66 Glutamic acid 64:54 Glutamine 64:54 Glutathione inhibition of smoke cytotoxic action on macrophages 69:42 Glycerol 64:52, 62 Glycogen levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Glyoxal 64:53 Goblet cells morphological changes in 64:35, 268, 271 Graphite respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to 71:256 Grief, drug use in 64:353 Grip strength effect of smoking 73:241, 242 Group psychotherapy cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 Growth inhibitors and carcinogenesis 68:92 Guanethidine blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 Guinea pigs 64:296 induced pulmonary damage in 64:266 lung neoplasm development following chronic nickel carbonyl or dust in- halation 71:256 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on surfactant activity 71:255 respiratory changes in, exposed to ciga- rette smoke 71:162 sulfur dioxide effect on 64:266 Habituation 64:350, 352, 354 definition of 64:351 Hamsters benzo(a)pyrene inhalation by, effect of asbestos dust on carcinoma induction 71:162 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl- amine 71:296 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of 71:268, 346-348 induced carcinogenesis in 64:166 induced oral neoplasms in 64:202, 203, 204, 232 laryngeal neoplasms following smoke in- halation 71:12 larynx of, effect of cigarette smoke inhalation on 71:281, 284 lung and embryos, effects of cigarette smoke tars on 71:343-344 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation 71:220 respiratory tract of, C-14 labeled particu- lates deposition in 71:281-282 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on 71:268, 351 Harvard College alumni study 64:385, 386 student study 64:383 Health Insurance Plan 68:19, 20 myocardial infarction in pipe and cigar smokers under 71:32, 38-39 Heart effect of CO exposure 74:10-12 effect of nicotine 64:318; 67:60; 71:36; 74:13 effect of smoking 64:318; 67:60-62 see also Myocardium Heart disease 64:320 description of 64:320 U.S. mortality rate from 64:25, 317, 320 see also Coronary diseases Heart rate 64:318, 326 effect of catecholamines on, 67:60 effect of CO exposure 74:11, 12 effect of exercise and smoking 73:242-246 effect of nicotine on 67:60; 74:13 effect of smoking and -coronary disease 67:61; 71:45, 47 effect of smoking on 67:60 fetal, effect of maternal smoking 71:408 Hematite 64:193 dust, respiratory tract neoplasms in ham- sters exposed to 71:348 Hematocrit 64:319 infant, smoking mother effects on 71:407, 409 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow 71:66 Hemoglobin 64:319 affinity for oxygen, CO effects on 2,3-di- phosphoglycerate control of 71:60-41 effect of smoking on oxygen affinity 69:29 levels, relation to incidence of coronary disease 67:58 tisk factor in CHD 68:29 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow 71:66 Hepatomas 64:145, 321 Heptachlor 64:62, 145 Heredity see Genetic factors 161 Heterocyclic compounds 64:54 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke 71:264, 265 Heterocyclic nitrogen compounds carcinogenicity 67:127 in tobacco smoke 67:127 Hexamethonium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 High school students smoking in 64:370 Hippocampus nicotine effect on 64:71 Histiocytes 64:269 Histological studies in laboratory animals 73:49, 50 lung neoplasms and smoking 74:38; 75:4446 lung neoplasms in U.S. veterans 73:73 macrophage function and 74:104, 105 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:8, 49 Holland lung neoplasm mortality rate in 64:176 smoking habits in 64:177 Honolulu Heart Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:8,9 Hookahs smokers of, laryngeal neoplasm induc- tion in 71:355 Humectants 64:52 Humidity and pathologic effects of exposure to cigarette smoke 75:99 Hungary methods used for retrospective studies of lung neoplasms in 71:328 Hunger 64:355 Hydrocyanic acid as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 Hydrogen in gas phase, cigarette smoke 64:60 Hydrogen cyanide 64:60 162 in cigarette smoke, effects on body oxidative metabolism 71:62 ciliastatic action of 64:61, 268 as respiratory enzyme poison 64:60 toxicity of 64:265, 266 Hydrogen sulfide 64:60 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Hydrolases reduction of in smokers’ alveolar macro- phages 69:42-43 Hydroperoxides 64:52, 72 Hydroquinone 64:54 bladder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid biadder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 urinary excretion, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 67:156 Hydroxy-cotinine structure of 64:72 Hydro y-coumarin 64:145 3-Hydroxyk ynurenine bladder neoplasm induction in labora- tory animals 67:156 excretion of, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:156 excretion of, smoking effects on 71:296 Hydroxy proline level in mice lang exposed to cigarette smoke 71:161 Hypercapnia and chronic obstructive bronchopul- monary disease 68:75, 76 Hy percholesterolemia and hypoxia, in arteriosclerosis 69:26 incidence in Belgian military men 74:17, 18 incidence in male British business execu- tives, by smoking habit and clinical parameters 73:11 as a risk factor for coronary heart disease 72:16, 17; 73:8, 9, Lh Hyperchromatic nuclei in epithelial cells of smokers 64:168, 173 Hyperinsulinemia during oral glucose tolerance tests after smoking 68:41 Hyperplasia 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 203, 231 basal cell 64:168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 231 basal cell, and smoking 67:36 betel nut chewing and 64:203 bronchial mucosa, by smoking history in men 67:105 nonspecificity of 64:172 precancerous aspects of 64:166 reversibility of 64:172 Hy perpnea from nicotine 64:70 Hypersensitivity effect in emphysema development 67:111 Hypertension incidence in male Israeli civil servants 74:18 interaction with smoking as risk factor in cerebrovascular disease 73:9 pulmonary, and chronic obstructive pul- monary disease 68:74-76 as arisk factor for coronary heart disease 64:32, 321; 72:16, 17; 73:8, 9 risk of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:22, 44 smoker mortality rates in 64:325 smoking effects in 64:325; 75:15-19 summary of recent findings 75:33 in women smokers with CHD 68:22 Hypnotism cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 Hypothalamus nicotine stimulation 64:71 Hypoxemia carbon dioxide effects on 71:61, 75 and chronic obstructive bronchopul- monary disease 68:75, 76 smoking and 72:22 Hypo xia aortic atheromatosis development in rab- bits exposed to 71:64 and arteriosclerosis 69:26 carbon monoxide-induced 73:18, 23 effect of nicotine 72:21 experimentally induced in rats 72:21 postoperative, in smokers 71:174, 230 postural, mechanism in asymptomatic smokers vs. nonsmokers 71147 tissue, carbon monoxide effects on 71:61 Iceland lung neoplasm mortality rate in 64:176 lung neoplasms in, relationship to to- bacco smoking 74:244 Immune system response to benzo(a)pyrene-induced lung neoplasms 74:48, 49 suppression of immunoglobulin _ re- sponse, by nicotine or water soluble fraction of cigarettes 75:77 Income class lung neoplasm mortality by 64:133, 134 smoking prevalence by 64:362 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenic properties in smoke 67:127; 71:265 India 64:205 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:214, 215; 71:378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:355, 356 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of 64:205 oral neoplasms in, relationship of tobac- co use 71:362, 366 oral neoplasms in, retrospective studies of, by type of smoking 64:199, 201 relationship of smoking to thrombosis in 71:131 relationship of smoking to tuberculosis in 74:227 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system T1117 163 Indole, 1-methyl- possible initiator in tobacco carcino- genesis 71:265 Industrial carcinogens 64:166 Industrial hazards effect of dust on COPD development 71:175 effect on COPD development in smokers 71:153, 154, 218, 219 Industrial pollution in etiology of bronchitis 67:108 110 in etiology of emphysema 67:108,110 Infant mortality black vs. white smoking mothers 73:129, 132 comparison of stillbirth and abortions in smoking and nonsmoking mothers 71:395, 405,406 differences of birth weight and, in smok- ing and nonsmoking mothers 71:404 effect of genetic differences and smoking 73:132 effect of maternal smoking 67:185; 69:77,78; 71:415; 72:83, 87; 73:123,135 effect of previous obstetrical experience and smoking 73:132 effect of socioeconomic background and smoking 73:131, 132 epidemiological studies in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:126, 132 factors other than smoking 73:131, 132 low birth weight and 72:86 risk of low-birth-weight infants of smok- ing vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:126, 132 sudden death, relation of smoking and nonsmoking mothers 71:407 Infants development of bronchitis and pneu- monia, and maternal smoking 75:103 growth rate, effect of maternal smoking on 69:78 Infectious diseases 64:38, 276, 277, 302 Influenza 64:195, 277, 302 incidence from antibody deficit in smok- ing 72:109 mortality ratios in 64:276 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 164 Influenza viruses effect of cigarette smoke on, in mice 68:70, 71 effect on dogs inhaling cigarette smoke 71:351 enhancing effect in vitro on oxidized nicotine 69:42 lung neoplasm induction by 64:172 neoplasm induction by 64: 166 resistance of mice following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:173 Inhalation 64:91, 187, 188 amount smoked and 64:163 bladder neoplasm prevalence and 64:219, 223, 225 carbon monoxide, effect on blood circu- lation in coronary disease patients 67:63 as carcinogen application method 64:166 cigarette smoke, and chronic cough 67:97 cigarette smoke, and coronary disease 67:54 cigarette smoke, and mortality 67:7,9 cigarette smoke, effect on blood pressure 67:54 coronary mortality and 64:324 effect of previous smoking habits on patterns of 73:186, 189 effect on blood circulation in dogs 67:63 esophageal neoplasms and 64:213, 218 frequency-per-puff in cigar and cigarette smokers 73:186, 189 laryngeal neoplasms and 64:209, 212 and lung neoplasms in animals 68:93 lung neoplasms prevalence by 64:159, 230 by male smokers, and mortality rate 67:11 as measures of exposure to cigarette smoke 67:15 mortality rate from 64:36, 91, 92, 99, 111 mortality rate, inhalers vs. noninhalers 67:7; 68:5 mortality ratios 64:91, 111 particulate retention in 64:264, 350; 69:62 personality factors in 64:367 pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers 73:184, 189 possible determining factors in patterns of . 73:183, 184 of radon 64:145 risk in, in lung neoplasms 64:188 stimulatory effect from 64:350 of thoron 64:145 . tobacco smoke, and bronchogenic carci- noma 67:129 tobacco smoke, and epidermoid carci- noma 67:129 tobacco smoke, and papilloma formation 67:129 summary of previous findings on 75:4 Inorganic compounds 64:141 Insecticides 64:61, 145 aldrin as 64:62 arsenic as 64:61 chlordane as 64:62, 145 DDT as 64:62, 145 Diazinon as 64:62 dieldrin as 64:62 Dylox as 64:62 Endosulfan as 64:62 endrin as 64:62 Guthion as 64:62 heptachlor as 64:62, 145 lead arsenate as 64:61 malathion as 64:62, 145 parathion as 64:62, 145 paris green as 64:61 Sevin as 64:62 TDE as 64:62, 145 Insoluble particles clearance mechanisms 64:267 Insufflation application of carcinogens by 64:166 Insurance policyholders breathlessness in 64:287 Intelligence quotient 64:370 Intermittent claudication decrease in exercise time after exposure to CO 75:28 effects of coffee drinking and cigarette smoking 75:20 smokers vs. nonsmokers ~ 72:22, 26 ~ smoking and 73:21 smoking as a major risk factor 74:14-16 International Cooperative Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD 73:9 . International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death 64:10) Intestinal neoplasms 64:103 Intestinal tone, tobacco effect on 64:355 Intratracheal injections application of carcinogens by 64:166 Involuntary smoking see Passive smoking Ionized radiation neoplasm induction by 64:142, 143 threshold levels in 64:143. Ireland acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function in 74:168 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:96 CHD mortality and morbidity in, smok- ers and nonsmokers in 71:94 lung neoplasms in, methods of retrospec- tive study of smoking in 71:328 maternal smoking and infant weight in 71:399 . methods used in study of smoking and human pregnancy 71:394, 396 Northern, mortality rates from COPD 71:144 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in 71:218 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution and residence in 71:218 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:99 165 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system 71:133 smoking relationship to thrombosis in 71:130 Iron oxide 64:166 Irritants tissue tolerance to 64:353 Ischemia 64:319 Ischemic heart disease see Coronary disease Isomethy!nicotinium ion structure of 64:72 Isoparaffins 64:51 Isoprene 64:52 Isoprenoids 64:49, 51 structural formula of 64:49 Isopropyl oil lung neoplasm risk from 64:193 Israel cigarette smoke effects on animal em- bryos in 71:343 mortality rates from COPD in 71:140 Isuprel aerosol 64:292, 293 italy human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy 71:409 prohibition of advertising in 64:8 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:100 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:263 Japan bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing 71:382, 384 CHD mortality 64:320 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:96 cigarette smoke effects on human fetal lung tissue in 71:343 esophageal neoplasms in retrospective studies of tobacco use in 71:378 166 kidney and bladder neoplasms of smok- ers in 71:295 lung neoplasms, mortality of smokers and nonsmokers in 71:243 lung neoplasms, retrospective smoking study, methods of 71:326, 328 mortality ratios, esophageal neoplasms in 71:291 mortality ratios, kidney neoplasms, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:77 mortality ratios, pancreatic neoplasms in cigarette smokers 71:298 neoplasm risk in 64:127 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in 71:255 “Tokyo-Yokohama asthma” 64:276 Jena autopsy records in 64:150 Jews esophageal neoplasms in, in women 64:135 gastric neoplasms in 64:135 increased smoking among, in women 64:363 Job changing smoker prevelance of 64:363 Johns Hopkins student study 64:384 Joint Tuberculosis Society of Great Britain 64:6 Keratin oversecretion of, in stomatitis nicotina 64:271 Keratosis, senile 64:203 Keto-acids 64:53 Ketoamide structure of 64:72 Ketones 64:52 Khat 64:349 Kidney neoplasms epidermoid, associated with cigarette smoking 69:60 mortality rates in U.S. 71:296 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149 mortality ratios, Japanese men and wo- men, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:77 mortality trends in 64:137, 149 relationship of tobacco use and 71:13, 299 in smokers and nonsmokers 71:238, 294-295 smoking and 69:60, 64; 73:77, 78 see also Urogenital neoplasms Korea relation of human pulmonary histology and smoking in 71:255 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers of 71:259 Kreyberg classification comparison with World Health Oxganiza- tion classification 64:174 in lang neoplasms 64:35, 159, 173 Kreyberg study lung neoplasms and smoking 69:55-56 Labeling of tobacco products 64:8 Laboratory techniques for induction of experimental neoplasms 69:63-64 Laborers coronary incidence in 64:321 Lactate metabolism effect of smoking, in patients with an- gina pectoris 73:13 Lactation effect of maternal smoking 73:138-141 effect of maternal smoking, summary of findings 73:141 epidemiological studies 73:138 experimental studies 73:138, 139 Lactones carcinogenicity of 64:145 suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke 71:265 Laparotomy postoperative pulmonary complications following, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:174 Laryngeal neoplasms 64:37, 205-212, 233, 234; 71:12, 237-239, 281 alcohol consumption in 64:210 development in hamsters following ciga- rette smoke inhalation 71:239 development in smokers 71:12, 281 dose effect in 64:210, 234 effect of cessation of smoking on 67:149 epidemiological studies 72:68 extrinsic origin of 64:211, 212 incidence in males and females, by age 68:101, 102 incidence of secondary primary, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:50 income class gradients in 64:134 inhalation effects in 64:209 inhalation patterns and, 73:193 intrinsic origin of 64:211, 212 mortality rates 64:37, 133, 135, 210; 71:277 mortality rates, by age 67:149 mortality rates, by age for men 67:148 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:149 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147, 149 mortality rates, for women 64:134; 67:153 mortality rates, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:237-238 mortality rates, in United States by age 67:148 mortality rates, in United States by sex 67:148 mortality ratios 64:113, 148, 149; 71:277-279 mortality ratios, and smoking 67:33-35, 148-149 mortality ratios, by age 67:149 mortality ratios, by age for men 67:148 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:149 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:149 mortality ratios, cigar smokers vs. non- smokers 67:35 mortality ratios for pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:193, 196, 197 mortality ratios in, in females 64:132 167 mortality ratios in, in males 64:130, 132 mortality ratios in, in smokers 64:149 mortality ratios in, Japanese male smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:76, 77 mortality ratios, pipe smokers vs. non- smokers 67:35 mortality trends in 64:137 in nonwhites 64:209 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers 73:71, 74-77 relationship of tobacco use and develop- ment of 71:354-357 relative risk for cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers 72:67; 73:76, 77, 197-199 relative risk ratios from tobacco use 71:277, 358 tetrospective studies of 64:205-209 tisk ratios in 64:209 in Seventh Day Adventists 64:209 smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:58-59 smoking in etiology of 64:32, 188, 189; 72:4, 67, 68 summary of previous findings on rela tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 74:57 summary of retrospective studies 73:198, 199 susceptibility to 64:189 in Sweden, retrospective study of 64:205, 207 vitamin deficiency in 64:212 in women 64:234 Laryngitis reversibility of 64:275 Larynx atypical nuclei in cells of smokers 69:58-59 effect of cessation of smoking on 69:59 epithelial changes in, classification of 71:281, 283 epithelial changes in, smoke induced 64:275 hamster, C-14 labeled particulate deposi- tion in 71:281-282 histological changes in cigar, pipe, ciga- tette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:197 premalignant changes in, and smoking 69:5, 55 168 see also Vocal cords Laws PL 89-92, requirements for smoking hazards literature review 71:7 PL 91-222, requirements for smoking hazards literature review 71:7 Lead arsenate 64:61 Leaf constituents hydroxy-coumarin as 64:145 Leather workers bladder neoplasm prevalence in 64:222, 224 Leukemia and cigarette smoke 67:148 and tobacco tars 67:148 Leukocytes effects of cigarette smoke on, in guinea pigs 75:77, 78 Leukoplakia 64:233 experimentally induced, in rabbits 64:203 oral neoplasm development in smokers and 72:68, 69 as precancerous lesion, 64:142 prevalence in tobacco chewing coal miners 73:75 reverse smoking and, 73:76 smoking and betel nut chewing 69:58 smoking in etiology of 72:68, 69 _ see also Stomatitis nicotina Licorice 64:62 Life expectancy U.S.males, by cigarette consumption 68:9, 10 Lip neoplasms chewing tobacco in 64:202 cigarette smoking in etiology of 73:190, 191 cigar smoking in etiology of 73:190, 191 mortality rates in United States 67:145 pipe smoking in etiology of 64:32, 37, 188, 197, 204; 67:35, 145; 71:289; 72:4; 73:190, 191 relative risk in pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:190, 191 retrospective studies of, by type of smoking 64:201 snuff in 64:202 summary of retrospective studies 73:192 tobacco use relation to 64:233; 71:361, 362, 365, 367 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Lipoproteins infiltration in arterial walls, carbon mon- oxide effects on 71:63 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:99-102 Liquid paraffins 64:51 Liver nicotine effects on 64:342 Liver cirrhosis 64:103, 342 and alcoho! consumption 67:40 mortality rates, and smoking 67:39, 184-185 mortality rates, by age 67:184 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:184 mortality rates, by sex 67:184 mortality ratios, by age 67:184 mortality ratios, by daily amount smok- ed 67:184 mortality ratios, by sex 67:184 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion for men 67:184 rates among cigarette smokers 71:5 and smoking 67:39, 184-185 Lobeline as antitobacco agent 64:70, 354 Local anesthetics 64:354 London mortality from smog 64:295 London Transport Executive cough and smoking among male em- ployees of 64:281, 286 Longevity 64:99 constitutional differences in 64:112 Longshoremen coronary death rates in 64:323 pulmonary function in 64:292 Tespiratory conditions in 64:289 Los Angeles County General Hospital Study 64:173 Luminescence techniques of, use in determining aro- matic hydrocarbons in urine 71:297 Lung diseases infections, and smoking, role in tung neoplasm development 74:47, 48 in rabbits, similar to emphysema 69:41 in women 64:289 see also Bronchitis; Bronchitis, chronic; Emphysema; Respiratory symptoms; Respiratory tract diseases Lung function see Pulmonary function; Respiratory function tests Lung neoplasms 64:143, 144, 167 air pollution in etiology of 67:140; 68:98, 99; 71:11; 73:72 amount smoked in 64:105, 155, 175 anaplastic 64:159, 160 in animals 68:93 asbestos exposure and smoking as risk factors 74:41-43; 75:49 in asbestos workers, by smoking habit 67:143 benzo(a)pyrene induction of 64:147 and blood cholesterol levels in male smokers 69:57 causality 64:30, 31, 37 cigarette smoking in 64:31, 149, 175-196, 231; 71:11 and cigar smoking 67:34, 138-140 classification of, in smokers vs. non- smokers 67:140-141 classification systems compared 64:174 decrease in risk of for ex-smokers 69:57; 75:43 detection of by sputum analysis of smokers 69:58 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation 71:239 and development of chronic bronchitis 75:49 early smoking factor in 64:158 effect of air pollution and smoking 75:44, 47 effect of cessation of smoking on 67:15-17, 34, 139-140 effect of sex on development 711 environmental and atmospheric factors 71:252-255 169 epidemiological methods 64:175-189 epidemiological studies 69:55-58; 72:60-65; 73:68-72; 74:37, 38; 75:44 epidermoid, in male smokers 69:57 epithelial change in 64:168, 170, 172 etiology of 64:8; 72:59, 60 excessive smoking in 64:7 experimental 67:35, 144-145; 74:43-52 experimental induction by cigarette smoke 67:144 experimental induction by radioactive substances 67:128 experimental induction by tobacco smoke constituents 67:145 ex-smoker risk in 64:158 filtering of tobacco 68:97 foreign-born mortality rate in 64:134 genetic factors and 64:167, 190, 191, 192, 193 genetic factors and smoking as risk fac- tors 74:37 oo . group characteristics of tobacco use in smokers and nonsmokers 71:240, 244, 329-333 groupings 71::246-334 in heavy smokers 64:151, 196, 230, 232 histology of 64:159, 160, 167-173 ; 67:140-144 histology of, and smoking 71:246-249; 74:38, 39, 44-46 in human beings and laboratory animals 67:145 immunologic response to benzo(a)pyr- ene-induced tumor, in animals 74:48, 49 incidence by smoking classification 67:34 incidence in British males by amount smoked 72:62 : incidence in cigar and/or pipe smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:39, 40 incidence in cigar smokers 68:95, 96 incidence in Czechoslovakian males by amount smoked 72:61 incidence in Jewish vs. non-Jewish wom- en 72:63, 64 incidence in male smokers 69:4 170 incidence in Norway 69:55-56 incidence in pipe smokers 68:95 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in India 74:37, 38 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Jersey, Channel Isles 73:70 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in LaPlata, Argentina 73:70 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Philadelphia 73:70 incidence in uranium miners 72:64, 65 incidence in women 68:97; 69:4, 57 incidence in women smokers vs. non- smokers 74:39, 40 income class gradients in 64:134 increased mortality from 64:25, 26, 128, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 185, 220, 231, 232 increase in mortality of female smokers 75:47 inhalation patterns and 73:203 Kreyberg classification of 64:35, 159, 173, 174 Kreyberg study 69:55-56 in men, smoking as cause 67:33, 131 microscopic determination of 64:140 mortality from chromium compounds 71:257-258 mortality rates 64:36, 105, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 176; 67:8, 34, 140; 68:68; 69:57 | mortality rates, age-specific 64:36 mortality rates, by age 67:132-137; 68:94-99 mortality rates, by amount smoked 64:105, 175; 67:134-140 mortality rates by cigarette consump- tion, by country 64:176 . . mortality rates, by degree of inhalation 67:134-136 mortality rates, by sex 67:134, 140; 68:94-99 mortality rates, by smoking charac- teristics 67:131-140 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:34, 138-140 mortality rates, by smoking history 67:134-137 mortality rates, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:4, 15, 34, 139 mortality rates expected in U.S. in 1970 74:237, 239 mortality rates, for men 64:132, 175, 176; 67:132, 134-135, 137, 139-140; 74:43 mortality rates, for women 64:132, 135, 175; 67:34:35, 133-134, 136, 153 mortality rates in asbestos workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:73 mortality rates in Britain 64:195 mortality rates in British physicians vs. general population 67:16-17; 73:70 mortality rates in, errors in measurement of 64:140 mortality rates in, occupational differ- ences in 64:95 mortality rates in, sex differences in 64:177, 178, 179 mortality rates in smelter workers ex- posed to arsenic 71:257 mortality rates in smokers 64:29, 162 mortality rates in smokers and nonsmok- ers 71:240-243 mortality rates in smokers in Norway and Finland 71:245-246 mortality rates in Sweden 64:176 mortality rates in United States 67:34; 71:239 mortality rates, smoking and 67:3, 10, 34 mortality rates, smoking duration and 64:36, 175; 71:240, 244 mortality ratios 64:103, 113, 148, 149, 162, 175 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:134-140 mortality ratios, by degree of inhalation 67:134-136 mortality ratios, by sex 67:134, 140 mortality ratios, by smoking charac- teristics 64:164; 67:134-136 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:138-140 mortality ratios, by smoking history 67:134-137 mortality ratios for cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:203-205 mortality ratios for women 67:34-35, 136, 153 mortality ratios in Japanese by amount smoked and age started smoking 73:69 mortality ratios in Japanese males by amount smoked 72:61 mortality ratios in Japanese women 72:63 mortality ratios in, variables affecting 64:163 mortality studies of, limitations of 64:163 multiple primary, autopsy findings 67:141-142 multiple primary, in smokers 67:35 mustard gas in 64:195, 196 nonrespondent rates, in surveys of 64:151 oat-cell, in male smokers 69:57 observed mortality in 64:118 occupational exposures 64:193, 194; 71:12 occupational exposures and smoking 73:67 particle deposition in bronchi and site of 74:44, 45 Philadelphia Pulmonary Neoplasm Re- search Project histopathologic study 74:38 pipe and cigar smoking in 64:31, 37, 192, 196, 233 pipe smoking 67:34, 138-140 and polonium 67:128 prevalence in females 64:37 prevalence in males 64:35, 37 prevalence in males and females by tumor type 71:246, 250 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Czechoslovakia 73:70 prevalence of, age factors in 64:177, 178, 179 prevalence of, in smokers 64:151 prevalence ratios in 64:182, 184, 185 previous respiratory history in 64:195, 196 prospective study in Czechoslovakian males 72:61 prospective study in Japanese adults 72:4, 60, 61; 73:68, 69 race as a factor, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:70 radioactive induction of 64:172 reduction in number using filter-type cigarettes 71:275 relationship of asbestos and smoking to 71:257 17] relationship of chronic bronchitis and smoking to 72:62 relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:203, 206-208 relative risk in ex-smokers by length of cessation and previous duration of habit 72:62-64 relative risk in ex-smokers vs. continuing smokers 73:72 relative risk in pipe/cigar smokers 73:67, 68 retrospective studies of 64:150-165, 230, 231 retrospective study methods for smoking relationships 71:240, 323-328 risk ratios in 64:160, 183, 184, 185, 187, 188 risk reduction with filter vs. nonfilter cigarettes 74:40, 41 role of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity and polyaromatic hydro- carbons in 74:49-52 role of pulmonary infections and smok- ing in etiology of 74:47, 48 and selenium in cigarettes 67:128 in Seventh Day Adventists 64:322 sex ratios in 64:133 sex ratio statistic 74:40 smoke inhalation in, urban-rural differ- ences in 64:133, 186, 194, 195 and smokers 69:4-5 of smokers, in Rhodesia 69:57 smoking in etiology of 67:32-34, 141-144; 71:3, 237, 276; 72:4, 5,59, 60; 73:67 and smoking in men 67:34 and smoking in women 67:10, 34; 71:246, 251 summary of previous findings 75:3, 5-8 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 74:35-37 summary of recent findings 75:43 summary of retrospective studies 73:206-208 types implicated in smoking 71:237 typing of 64:35, 159, 173, 174, 175 172 and ulcers, relation to smoking 69:57 in uranium miners by smoking habit 67:143 World Health Organization classification of 64:173, 174 Xenon-133 washout technique for detec- tion of 74:43, 44 see also Respiratory tract neoplasms; and specific histological types Lungs alveolar tissue, effect of smoking on 64:274, 275; 67:30 arterioles, effect of pipe/cigar smoking vs. Cigarette smoking on 73:217 bactericidal activity, effect of nitrogen dioxide on, in mice 74:103 compliance 64:292 effect of cigarette smoke in laboratory animals 67:106 effect of cigarette smoke on tissue 64:274; 71:343-345 effect of nitrogen dioxide 64:266; 69:41 hamster, C-14 labeled particulates depo- sition in 71:281-282 histology of pipe/cigar smokers vs. ciga- rette smokers 73:217 histopathological differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:48, 49 hygiene 64:267, 268 injury 64:270 lesions 64:73, 295 parenchyma 64:27, 35, 167, 263, 264, 272, 301 parenchyma, effect of smoking on 67:144 pathological changes in emphysema pa- tients by smoking history and sex 67:105 pathological effects of smoking on 64:165-172; 69:5 physiology, new animal model for test- ing of 74:102 polonium-210 levels, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:128 scars and susceptibility to carcinogens 69:64 see also Respiratory system Lymphosarcoma and cigarette smoke 67:148 and tobacco tars 67:148 Lysozyme secretion by rabbit pulmonary alveolar macrophages 69:42 Macrophages, alveolar decrease in pinocytosis, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:76 effect of cigarette smoke on 67:110; 69:42; 71:165; 73:52, 53: 74:50 effect of nitrogen dioxide 73:54 effect of tobacco smoke 72:47, 48 lysozyme secretion in rabbits 69:42 and pathogenesis of chronic bronchopul- monary disease 64:43 reduction of enzymes in smokers 69:42-43 Tesponse to migration inhibition factor or antigens, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:76, 77 in sputum specimens of smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:48 Macrophages, peritoneal effect of nicotine on, in mice 74:105 Macrophages, pulmonary effect of cigarette smoke extract, in sheep lungs 74:105 effect of cigarette smoke, in guinea pigs 75:77, 78 effect of cigarette smoke, in rabbits 74:104, 105 effect of smoking 72:3, 4, 47-48:73:55 morphologic differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:4, 47-48 summary of recent findings 75:78 Mainstream smoke see Smoke streams Malathion 64:62, 145 Malaya betel nut-tobacco chewing in 64:203 Mammals effect of cigarette smoke tars on cells 71:343 nicotine metabolism in 64:71, 72,73, 74 Marihuana 64:349 Marital status bladder neoplasms and 64:224 smoking prevalence by 64:364 Masculinity 64:383, 384, 385 smoking behavior association with 64:372, 373 Massachusetts General Hospital 64:141, 174 Mass spectrometry 64:51 Maternal-fetal exchange effect of nicotine 72:88 polycyclic hydrocarbons and 73:119 see also Smoking, maternal Maternal smoking see Smoking, maternal Maximum breathing capacity 64:290 Mayo Clinic 64:322 Mean expiratory flow rate 64:290 Measurement errors in smoking studies 64:97, 111 Men arteriosclerosis obliterans in 64:326 bladder neoplasms in 64:219, 222, 224, 255 breathlessness in 64:286, 287 bronchitis prevalence in 64:289 chest illness in 64:288 chronic cough in 64:281, 282, 285 college students, smoking patterns in 64:369 coronary diseases in 64:321, 322, 327 cough and sputum prevalence in 64:284 epithelial change in 64:170, 173 forced expiratory volume in 64:290, 291 increased lung neoplasm prevalence in 64:192 irreversible obstructive lung disease in 64:288, 289 laryngeal neoplasms 64:212 lung neoplasms in 64:183, 186 lung neoplasms in, by amount smoked 64:155 lung neoplasms in. cigarette smoking in relation to 64:31, 37 lung neoplasms in, early smoking in 64:158 lung neoplasms in, prevalence of 64:231 lung neoplasms in, prevalence of, in Seventh Day Adventists 64:363 mortality rates in 64:28, 85 mortality ratios in 64:28 mortality trends in 64:133, 135, 192 neoplasm mortality in, by site 64:132 neoplasm mortality rates in 64:135, 137, 175, 176 neoplasm mortality ratios in 64:130, 132, 175 nonsmokers, U.S. incidence of, by age 64:178 oral neoplasms 64:202, 204 risk ratios in 64:161 risk ratios in, in bladder neoplasms 64:222 single, mortality trends in 64:101 smokers, U.S. incidence of, by age 64:178 smoking and respiratory symptoms in 64:286 smoking habits of 64:231 smoking patterns in 64:177, 178, 179 smoking prevalence in 64:363 sputum production in 64:283 Menopause and cardiovascular disease, in women smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:10, 19 coronary death rates following 64:321 1,8-p-Menthadiene 64:51 Menthol 64:62 Mesenchymal tumors classification of 64:174 Mesotheliomas classification of 64:174 Metal mine workers pulmonary function in 64:299 Metals as carcinogens 64:166, 167, 189, 193, 194, 230, 232 Metal-working trades neoplasm risks in 64:134 Metaplasia 64:170 anaplasia, lung neoplasms and 64:172 as precancerous change 64: 166 squamous, experimentally induced in lungs by cigarette smoke 67:144 174 squamous, in stomatitis nicotina 64271 squamous, nickel carbonyl in 64:166 Methacrolein as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 Methane in tobacco smoke 64:60 Methanol 64:60 Methoxy-coumarin 64:145 Methyl! alcohol as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:145 6-Methylanthranthrene carcinogenicity, as component of ciga- rette smoke 72:66 Methy] chloride 64:60 3-Methylcholanthrene 64:166 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals 73:117 20-Methy Icholanthrene 64:203-228 Methyl ethyl ketone " 64:52, 60 Methylglycerol 64:62 N-methyinicotinamide urinary excretion, effect of smoking 67:156, 71:297 Methy1 nitrite 64:60 Methyl protoanemonin carcinogenicity of 64:145 Metrazol treatment of depression with 64:352 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 64:344 Mice bladder neoplasms in, induction by tryptophan metabolites 71:296 . embryo, lethal effects of nicotine on 71:411 esophageal epithelium of, alcoholic ben- zo(a)pyrene penetrability of 71:292 esophageal epithelium of, oil-dissolved benzo(a)pyrene penetrability of 71:292 genetic variation in 64:167 induction of bladder neoplasms in 64:219, 223 induction of bronchitis in 64:272 induction of epidermoid neoplasms in 64:166 induction of hepatomas in 64:145 induction of oral neoplasms in 64:202 induction of neoplasms in 64:143, 144, 146 induction of pulmonary adenomas in 64:143, 144 induction of skin neoplasms in 64:143 induction of squamous cell carcinoma in 64:228 inhibition of phagocytic clearance in 64:269 irritation in, by formaldehyde 64:260 lung neoplasm incidence in, from chro- mium oxide dust exposure 71:258 lungs of, effects of cigarette smoke on 64:165; 71:159, 343, 344 pulmonary carcinoma induction in, fol- lowing asbestos dust inhalation “71:257 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen oxide inhaltion 71:161, 220 pulmonary clearance in, cigarette smoke effects on 71:170 resistance to pneumonia bacteria follow- ing cigarette inhalation 7L:173 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effect on 71:268-269, 349-353 skin painting of, smoke condensates ef- fects on 71:267, 337-342 spontaneous neoplasms in 64:165 Spontaneous pulmonary adenomas in 64:165 Migrants lung neoplasm rates in 64:194 Migration lung neoplasm risks in 64:195 Migration inhibition factor effects on alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:76, 77 Mill workers breathlessness in 64:286 chronic cough in 64:280 chronic respiratory disease in 64:289, 299 Mineral oil carcinogenicity of 64:147, 148, 229 Miners forced expiratory flow rates in 64:290 forced expiratory volume in 64:293, 294 impairment of pulmonary function in 64:299 mucous gland hyperplasia in 64:271 respiratory symptoms in 64:298, 299 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inven- tory 64:366 Mitochondria effect of tobacco smoke on, in rat liver 74:104 Molders neoplasm risk in 64:134 Mollusks ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:223 Monkeys atherogenic effects of carbon monoxide and hypoxia 71:64 ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:222 fetal bronchial tubes of, effects of ciga- rette smoke on 71:345 thesus, development of bladder neo- plasms from 2-naphthylamine 71:296 squirrel, nitrogen oxide effects on resist- ance to pneumococcus 71:173 Monoamine 0 xidase inhibitors effect on rabbits receiving nicotine 69:27 Monohydric alcohols 64:52 Morbidity bladder neoplasms, and smoking 67:155 bronchitis, and smoking 67:3, 30, 96-99 bronchitis, in smoking discordant twin pairs 67:102-103 chronic bronchopulmonary diseases 72:39-41; 73:36-39 coronary diseases, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:53-54 emphysema, and cigar smoking 67:97 emphysema, and pipe smoking 67:97 emphysema, and smoking 67:3, 30, 96-99 lung neoplasms, and smoking 67:3 peptic ukers, and smoking 67:40 respiratory diseases, smokers vs. non- smokers among college students 67:98 respiratory symptoms 75:62, 63 175 and smoking 67:6, 19 and smoking in college students 67:98 and smoking in 45-64 age group 67:24 studies of 64:127, 133, 293, 294 Morbidity rates bronchitis, by age and smoking history 67 :96-98 bronchitis, by sex and smoking history 67:96-98 coronary disease, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers by age 67:54 emphysema, by age and smoking history 67:96-98 emphysema, by sex and smoking history 67:96-98 smokers vs. ex-smokers 67:15 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by age 67:19-24 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by amount smoked 67:19-24 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by sex 67:19-24 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by smoking history 67:19-24 Morbidity ratios angina pectoris, by smoking habit in males 68:20 angina pectoris, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 67:59 coronary diseases 69:19 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 67:59; 71:21-22, 24, 30-35 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers and lung function 67:56 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers by age 67:54 coronary diseases, smokers vs. non- smokers by blood cholesterol jevels 67:55 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers by blood pressure values 67:55 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers by personality characteristics 67:57 coronary diseases, smokers with predis- posing factors 71:24 coronary diseases, smoking and 71:32-35, 37, 39 coronary diseases, smoking habit in males 68:17, 18 coronary diseases, retrospective studies 71:40, 93-97 176 in Danish twins, smoking effects on 71:49-51 development of COPD in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:145, 195-205 myocardial infarction, by risk factors in males 68:23 myocardial infarction, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:59 myocardial infarction, smokers vs. non- smokers by physical activity 67:56 Mortality rates 64:25, 27, 30, 35, 36, 37, 84, 101, 162. 301 by age 67:9-10, 12-13, 23 by age, and smoking history 67:10; 68:6 by age, for men 67:9, 10 by age, for women 67:23 age started smoking and 64:29, 111 alcoholism, relation to smoking 67:10 amount smoked and 64:111; 67:9, 23 aortic aneurysm, for men by amount smoked 69:16 arteriosclerosis 64:25, 321; 67:28 bladder neoplasms, by amount smoked. 67:155 bladder neoplasms, by sex 67:154 bladder neoplasms, by smoking classifi- - cation 67:155 bladder neoplasms, effect of cessation of _ smoking on 67:155 bladder neoplasms, for men by age 67:154 bladder neoplasms, in United States 67:154 from bladder neoplasms in U.S. for 1967 71:293 bronchitis 64:25, 297; 67:8, 90-91; 68:66-68 bronchitis, and smoking 67:3, 90-96 bronchitis, effect of cessation of smok- ing on 67:94, 96 from bronchopulmonary disease 74:141-145 cardiovascular diseases 69:17 cerebrovascular diseases, and athletic ac- tivity 67:68 cerebrovascular diseases, and coronary. disease history 67:68 cerebrovascular diseases, and parental death history 67:68 cerebrovascular diseases, and smoking 67:68 cerebrovascular diseases, by age 67:66; 75:31 cerebrovascular diseases, by sex 67:66; 75:31 cerebrovascular diseases, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:66-67, 68-70 cerebrovascular diseases, smoking classi- fication 67:66; 75:31 in chronic bronchopulmonary disease 64:301; 72:38, 39; 73:36-39 in chronic bronchopulmonary disease, cigar/pipe smokers vs. cigarette smok- ers and nonsmokers 73:216, 217 cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:3 in cigar smoking 64:30; 67:7 compared rates for cigarette vs. pipe/ci- gar ex-smokers 73:172, 173 Connecticut data on 64:132 coronary diseases 64:25, 320, 321; 67:8, 25-28, 47; 71:21; 75:14 coronary diseases, among physicians 68:17 coronary diseases, and age 67:47, 50-51; 69:13-14; 74:6; 75:14 coronary diseases, by amount smoked 67:51; 69:12-13, 17 coronary diseases, by blood cholesterol 69:17 coronary diseases, by blood pressure 69:14, 17 coronary diseases, by relative weight 69:14 coronary diseases, by sex 67:47, 50; 69:13-14 coronary diseases, by smoking habit 67:51; 69:14 coronary diseases, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:25, 28, 47-49, 50 coronary diseases in Japanese men and women by cigarette consumption and age started smoking 73:7,8 coronary diseases in middle-aged men in seven countries 74:6 coronary diseases in survivors of myo- cardial infarction, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:46 coronary diseases, male smokers vs. ex- smokers by age 67:49 coronary diseases, paired combinations of high risk characteristics in coronary diseases, retrospective studies 71-40 93.97 coronary diseases, smokers vs. ex- smokers 67:9; 69:15 coronary diseases, smokers vs. ex-smok- ers by amount smoked 67:49 coronary diseases, smokers vs. ex-smok- ers by smoking history 67:51 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 69:12-13, 15-17; 74:24, 26-29; 74:3-4 coronary diseases, smoking and 67:10, 27, 65-66 in Danish twins, smoking effects on 71:51 differences in rates, defined 68:7 digestive tract neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:147 digestive tract neoplasms, by smoking classification 67:147 duration of smoking in 64:29, 36 early smoking and, excess in, in smokers 64:29, 30, 35, 36, 84, 111, 162, 301 emphysema 64:25; 67:34, 8, 90-91; 68:66-68 emphysema, effect of cessation of smok- ing on 67:7, 24, 29 esophageal neoplasms 67:150, 153; 68:102; 71:289 esophageal neoplasms, by age 67:150 esophageal neoplasms, by amount smok- ed 67:150 esophageal neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:150 esophageal neoplasms, for men by age 67:150 | esophageal neoplasms, for women 67:153 esophageal neoplasms in Japanese males by smoking and drinking characteris- tics 72:71 in former smokers, relation to CHD 71:46, 4748 in heavy smokers 64:36, 107, 111, 163 -nhalation patterns and 64:111; 68:5 from kidney neoplasms in U.S. for 1967 71:296 in laryngeal neoplasms 64:205; 67 :153;68:101, 102 laryngeal neoplasms, by age 67:148-149 laryngeal neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:149 177 laryngeal neoplasms, by sex 67:148 laryngeal neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:149 laryngeal neoplasms, for women 67:148 from laryngeal neoplasms, in Japanese smokers vs, nonsmokers 68:102 lip neoplasms, in United States 67:145 liver cirrhosis, and smoking 67:40, 184 liver cirrhosis, by age 67:184 liver cirrhosis, by amount smoked 67:184 liver cirrhosis, by sex 67:184 liver cirrhosis, for men 67:184 lung neoplasms 64:25, 29; 67:8, 153; 68:68, 94-99, 69:57 lung neoplasms, and smoking 67:3 lung neoplasms, by age 67:34, 134-137, 140 lung neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:137, 140 lung neoplasms, by birth cohorts 67:131-133 lung neoplasms, by sex 67:134, 137, 140 lung neoplasms, by smoking characteris- tics 67:134-136, 140 lung neoplasms, by smoking classifica- tion 67:136, 140 lung neoplasms, by smoking exposure 67:34 lung neoplasms, by smoking habit 67:136, 140) lung neoplasms, by smoking history 67:134-137 lung neoplasms, cigar smokers 67:34, 140 lung neoplasms, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:34, 140 lung neoplasms, effect of reduction of smoking on 67:4 from lung neoplasms expected in 1970 71:237, 239 lung neoplasms, ex-smokers 67:140 Jung neoplasms, for men 67:34, 131, 133-137, 139-140 from lung neoplasms for 1939 vs. 1967 in U.S, 71:239 lung neoplasms, for women 67:132-133, 136, 153; 75:47 lung neoplasms in Japanese women 72:63 178 from lung neoplasms in smelter workers exposed to arsenic 71.257 lung neoplasms, pipe smokers 67:140 lung neoplasms, reduction in, British physicians 67:15 male-female ratios in 64:133 mouth neoplasms, by age and amount smoked 67:146 mouth neoplasms, by smoking classifica- tion 67:146 mouth neoplasms, for women 67:153 mouth neoplasms, in United States 67:145-146 from myocardial infarction 75:14 neoplasms 64:128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 136, 137, 138, 139 neoplasms, by site, in women 64:132 neoplasms, increase in 64:127, 136 neoplasms, in Japanese smokers vs. non- smokers 68:17 in nonwhites 64:218 occupations 64:134; 67:11 from oral neoplasms in 1967 71:285 overall rates for cigar smokers vs. pipe smokers 73:179, 180 overall rates for pipe/cigar smokers and dose-response relationships 73:180-189 overall rates for pipe/cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:179, 180 overall rates from cancer in pipe and cigar smokers 73:189 pancreatic neoplasms 68:103; 72:74 pancreatic neoplasms by age 67:158-159 pancreatic neoplasms, by amount smok- e 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms, by sex 67:153, 158, 159 pancreatic neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:159 paralysis agitans 67:8 peptic ulcer 67:40, 181-182; 71:423 peptic ulcer, by age 67:18] peptic ulcer, for men 67:181-182 peptic ulcer, smokers vs. ex-smokers 7:181 pharyngeal neoplasms 67:153 pharyngeal neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication , 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasms, for women 67:153 in pipe smokers 64:30; 68:6 Pipe smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:10 Poisson distribution of 64:117, 118 reduction in, effect of cessation of smok- ing 67:16 from renal neoplasms in males, by age, type and smoking habit 68:105, 106 respiratory tract neoplasms, and smoking 67:5-7, 9-10, 147 rural vs. urban 64:133;67:11 in selected diseases 64:26 by sex 67:12-13 of smokers, non- and ex-smokers 68:5-8, 69 smokers vs. ex-smokers 67:9, 15 smokers vs. ex-smokers, by smoking his- tory 67:9 smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:8-9, 19; 71:3 and smoking 67:5-9; 69:3 by smoking history 67:9-10, 23 stomach neoplasms, by age 67:157-158 stomach neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:157-158 stomach neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:157-158 stomach neoplasms, effect of cessation of smoking 67:157-158 stroke 69:17 stroke, by age 67:67; 69:12-13 stroke, by amount smoked 67:67; 69:12-13 stroke, by sex 69:12-13 stroke, smokers vs. ex-smokers 69:15 stroke, smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:12-13, 15 in Swedish twins, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:51 studies of 64.100 study of Chicago Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. employees 69:16-17 summary of previous findings 75:3-8, 13 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:5-10 trends 64:135, 140 urinary tract neoplasms, by age 67:154 urinary tract neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:154 urinary tract neoplasms, by smoking classification 67:154 urogenital neoplasms, by age 67:154 U.S. male veterans from CHD 71:26, 38 in veterans 64:88, 293 in women 64:133 in women smokers 67:7,9;68:6, 8,9 Mortality ratios 64:36, 84, 99, 101, 118, 119; 69:12-13 18 after cessation of smoking 64:29, 111 age etfects on 64:36, 87 alcohol consumption and 64:112 by amount smoked 67:150, 153 aortic aneurysm, for men by amount smoked 69:16 behavioral factors in 64:101 bladder neoplasms 67:36, 154 bronchitis 64:28, 29, 293; 67:90, 94 cerebrovascular diseases, by age 67:66 cerebrovascular diseases, by sex 67:66 cerebrovascular diseases, by smoking classification 67:66 in cigarette smokers 64:28, 29, 35 in coronary diseases 64:29, 184 coronary diseases, associated with other complicating diseases 67:52 , coronary diseases, by age 67:25-26, 49, 51-52; 69:12-13, 18 coronary diseases, by amount smoked 67:49 coronary diseases, by blood pressure status 67:52 179 coronary diseases, by sex 67:49; 69:12-13 coronary diseases, by smoking habit 67:51-52 coronary diseases, by smoking history 67:25-26 coronary diseases, by sociocultural mo- bility status 67:57 coronary diseases, for men by age 67:48 coronary diseases, for men by amount smoked 67:48 coronary diseases, smokers vs. ex-smok- ers 69:15 coronary diseases, smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:12-13, 15 coronary diseases, with high risk charac- teristics, estimated 74:25 daily cigarette consumption and 64:89 definition of 64:28, 117; 67:11; 68:6 duration of smoking in 64:111 educational level factors in 64:112 in emphysema 64:28, 29 esophageal neoplasms, by age 67:150 esophageal neoplasms, prospective and retrospective studies 71:289-291 in ex-smokers 64:104 genetic factors in 64:36, 112,113 in influenza, in smokers 64:276 inhalation effects on 64:36, 91,92 interna! consistency of 64:130 laryngeal neoplasms 67:353 71:277-279 laryngeal neoplasms, by age 67:149 laryngeal neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:149 laryngeal neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:149 laryngeal neoplasms, cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers . 67:35 laryngeal neoplasms, for men by age 67:148-149 laryngeal neoplasms, for women 67:153 laryngeal neoplasms, pipe smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:35 liver cirrhosis 64:342;67:184 180 liver cirrhosis, by age 67:184 liver cirrhosis, by sex 67:184 liver cirrhosis, by smoking classification 67:184 liver cirrhosis, for men 67:184 liver cirrhosis, for men by amount smok- ed 67:184 longevity and 64:99, 100 lung neoplasms and 64:28, 29, 133, 163, 164, 175-189 lung neoplasms, by age 67:134-140 lung neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:135, 137-140 lung neoplasms, by sex 67:135, 137-140 lung neoplasms, by smoking characteris- tics 67:134-136 lung neoplasms, by smoking classifica- tion 67:139-149 lung neoplasms, cigar smokers 67:140 lung neoplasms, for men 67:34, 134-135, 137-139 lung neoplasms, for women 67:34, 153 lung neoplasms, in Japanese males by amount smoked 72:61 lung neoplasms, in males by cigarette smoking duration 71:240, 244 lung neoplasms in smokers in Norway and Finland , 71:246 lung neoplasms, pipe smokers 67:140 measurement limitations of 64:98 mouth neoplasms 67:35 . mouth neoplasms, by age and amount smoked 67:146 mouth neoplasms, by smoking classifica- tion 67:146 mouth neoplasms, cigar smokers vs. non- smokers 67:35, 146 mouth neoplasms, for women 67:153 mouth neoplasms, pipe smokers vs. non- smokers 67:35, 146 neoplasms. by site 64:149 © in occasional smokers 64:163 occupational exposure and 64:112 pancreatic neoplasms, by sex 67:158 pancreatic neoplasms, for men by age 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms, for men by amount smoked 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms, for men by smok- ing classification 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms, for women 67:153 from pancreatic neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers 71:289-299 peptic ulcer, for men by age 67:181 from peptic ulcer in smokers and non- smokers 71:424 peptic ulcer, smokers vs, ex-smokers by age 67:181 pharyngeal neoplasms 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasms, by age and amount smoked 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasms, by smoking class- ification 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasms, cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasms, for women 67:153 pharyngeal neoplasms, pipe smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasms, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:3 in pipe and cigar smokers by age and inhalation 73:184, 187 previous respiratory history and 64:112 psychological factors in 64:101 sampling in 64:95, 98,99 smokers vs. nonsmokers, from lung neo- plasms 71:240-243 stability of 64:117 stomach neoplasms, by age 67:157 stomach neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:157 stomach neoplasms, by smoking classi- fication 67:157 stroke, by age 69:12-13 stroke, by amount smoked 69:12-13 stroke, by sex 69:12-13 stroke, for men 67:67 stroke, for men by amount smoked 67:67 stroke, smokers vs. ex-smokers 69:15 stroke, , smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:12-13, 15 thrombosis, by age 67:36 thrombosis, by smoking history 67:26 underestimation of 64:111 urban-rural differences in 64:99 urinary tract neoplasms, by age 67:154 urinary tract neoplasms, by smoking classification 67:154 urogenital neoplasms, by amount smoked 67:154 in white population 64:132 Motor vehicle exhaust hydrocarbons as 64:296 Mouth retention of tar in 64:264 Mouth epithelium histopathological change in 64:271 keratinization of 64:203 smoking effect on 64:275 Mouth neoplasms and cigar smoking by age 67:146 and cigar smoking in men 67:146 experimental induction by pipe tobacco smoke 67:147-148 frequency in smokers and nonsmokers 74:238 mottality rates, by age 67:146 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:146 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:146-147 mortality rates, for women 67:153 mortality rates in United States 67:145 mortality ratios 67:35 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:35, 146 mortality ratios, cigar smokers, men, by age 67:146 181 mortality ratios, for men by age 67:146 mortality ratios, for pipe smokers 67:35, 146 and smoking 67:35, 145-147 smoking induced 71:12 and tobacco use 67:145 in women, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:153 see also Gingival neoplasms; Lip neo- plasms; Oral neoplasms; Palatal neo- plasms; Salivary gland neoplasms; Tongue neoplasms Mucociliary transport effect of smoking 74:101, 102 Mucopolysaccharides function as surfactants in lung tissue 71:172 Mucous celis hyperplasia in 64:272 hypertrophy of 64:271 increase in number of 64:269 Mucous glands abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 74:97 morphological changes in 64:35, 268, 271 Mucous membranes effect of cigarette smoke on 67:140 effect of smoking on 67:144 irritation of 64:73 smoking and neoplasms of 69:58 Mucus alterations in 64:268 reduction of, by smoke 64:270 secretion 64:268, 269, 270 Muscles, skeletal curariform action of nicotine in 64:69 Mussels ciliary function in, effects of cigarette smoke on 71:221, 222 Mustard gas 64:195, 196 Mutation rate hypothesized variation in 64:192 Myocardial infarct 64-320, 323 acute, and smoking effects on blood circulation in coronary disease pa- tients 67:62 182 cholesterol levels and relapse rate 68:23 coffee drinking, smoking and 74:8- 75:19, 20 coronary thrombosis and 64:321 damage to rabbits after exposure to carbon monoxide 75:29 in Danish twins 71:51 epidemiological study in Goteborg, Swe- den 72:14, 15, 16 etiology of 69:27-28 etiology of, smoking as 64:325 fatal, incidence of, and smoking 67:59 in German, Japanese, and Norwegian smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:18, 19 incidence in European vs. American men 73:9 incidence in male smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 68:18, 19, 23 incidence in men in Yugoslavia 73:9 incidence in men with and without ventricular premature beats 74:10 incidence in miners in Sardinia 73:10 incidence in Minnesota men by age and smoking habit 72:14, 15 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:215 and incidence of coronary disease 67:53 incidence rates and smoking 69:21-22; 72:15 morbidity ratios, for smokers vs. non- smokers 67:56, 59 mortality, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:14 nonfatal, morbidity ratios, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:59 prevalence in current vs. ex-smokers 74:8 prevalence in farmers 64:323 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking men in Czechoslovakia 73:10 recurrence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, in Buenos Aires 74:9 and smoking 69:4, 18; 73:19 and smoking in India 74:8 summary of previous findings 75:4, 13 in Swedish women smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:14 see also Coronary diseases Myocardium arteriole wall, effects of filtered cigar- ettes in dogs 72:20 arteriole wall thickness in smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:2,19 arteriole wall thickness in smoking and nonsmoking dogs 72:2, 20 effect of catecholamines on 67:60 effect of cigarette smoking on 67:60; 69:11; 71:5, 8 effect of nicotine on 67:60 effect of nicotine on catecholamine re- lease from 67:60 effect of nicotine on, clinical and exper- “imental studies 67:26 effects of hydrogen cyanide in smoke on 71:62 oxygen consumption in nicotine stimu- lated 71:59 oxygen demand of, nicotine effects 71:38 see also Heart Myosmine structural formula of 64:49 2-Naphthy lamine development of bladder carcinomas and papillomas in dogs, hamsters, and monkeys 71:296, suspected bladder carcinogen in tobacco smoke 71:265 Naphtols 64:54 Nas (tobacco and ashes) and oral neoplasms in the USSR 69:58 Nasopharyngeal neoplasms in smokers vs. nonsmokers, in Taiwan 75:50 National Cancer Institute 64:7 Biometry Branch 64:137, 138, 139 National Center for Health Statistics 64:13 survey of U.S. smoking habits by 71:5-6 survey on relationship of smoking and incidence of respiratory disease 71:173 National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health responsibilities 71:7 survey of smoking, 1970 71:6 National Cooperative Pooling Project mortality statistics from coronary dis- ease 71:21-22 National Heart Institute 64:7 National Institutes of Health 64:13 National Library of Medicine 64:13, 14 assistance in literature review on smok- ing 71:7 National Safety Council 64:344 National Tuberculosis Association 64:8 National Vital Statistics Division 64:134 Natural gas respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to 71:256 Neonates effect of maternal smoking on 67:39, 185-187 tats, LD 50, nicotine determination 71:412 see also Birth weight; Infant mortality; Smoking, maternal Neoplasms adenomatous, induction in mice by ciga- tette smoke inhalation 71:350 age-adjusted incidence of 64:183 benign, in mice 64:165 classification of, by World Health Or- ganization 64:173 death statistics in, validation of 64:101 development in smoking dogs, per- centages of 71:274 experimental, bronchogenic carcinoma 69:63-64 experimental, epidermoid carcinoma 69:64 experimental, induction by tobacco smoke 67:35 female mortality trends in 64:129, 131, 132, 133, 135, 137 induction of 64:33, 143, 146, 147, 148, 166 mammalian, cigarette smoke effect on 71:343 mortality rates in alcoholics 73:71 183 mortality rates in, international statistics of 64:129, 130, 131 mortality rates in Japan 68:17 mortality ratios in, by site 64:137, 148, 149 mortality trends in 64:135, 137 occupational factors in 64:147 prevalence of, smokers vs. nonsmokers 69:56 recurrent primary, incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:71, 74 by sex 69:56 sex ratios in, in mortality 64:132, 133 by site 64:127, 133, 134, 148, 149, 188, 189, 191, 197, 211 smoke constituents in, as promoters 64:26, 229 smoking and 72:4, 5, 59-75 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 73:67, 68; 75:3-8 summary of recent findings on relation- ship to smoking 73:88; 74:58, 59; 75:43, 54 by type of tumor and smoking history 69:56 typing of 64:35 virus induction of 64:142, 166 see also Cancer registries; and specific neoplasm terms, e.g., Lung neoplasms Nephritis 64:103 Netherlands cigarette smoke inhalation effects on mice respiratory tract in 71:349 lung neoplasms, methods of retro- spective study of smoking in 71:323 serum lipid difference, in smokers vs. nonsmokers of 71:101 Neuroticism 64:365, 366, 367 New Haven Study 64:186 Newton, Massachusetts study 64:368, 369, 370 New York City myocardial infarctions in cigar and pipe smokers in 71:32, 38-39 New York State cancer registry in 64:127, 129 neoplasm statistics in 64:135 184 New Zealand coronary death rate in 64:320 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy 71:408-409 Nickel anaplastic changes from 64:166 carbonyl, as a cocarcinogen 69:62 chloride 64:55 cigarette content of, in ash and smoke 64:55, 167 compounds, suspected carcinogenic agents in cigarette smoke 72:265; 72:145 metaplasia and 64:166 Nickel workers 64:193, 194, 232 Nicotine 64:49, 69-75 absorption of 64:73, 74, 349 acceleration of alpha rhythm by 64:70 administration of 64:349 antigenic properties 72:104 atherogenic effects of 71:120-122 carcinogenic effect of 64:144 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:177 clinical effects on offspring of smoking mothers 73:140, 141 coronary heart disease and 74:13, 19 degradation of 64:74 dosage of 64:74, 352 in duodenal ulcer induction in cats 73:158, 159 effect as antidiuretic 64:69 effect as cerebral anoxia 64:70 effect as chronic toxicity 64:32, 73, 74 effect as convulsant 64:70 effect as curariform action 64:69 effect as depressor action 64:74 effect as digestive disturbance 64:74 effect as discharge pattern 64:70 effect as emetic 64:70 effect as nausea 64:71, 74 effect as paralysis of ganglia 64:317 effect as stimulation 64:69 effect as stimulation of ganglia 64:317 effect as tranquilization 64:350 effect as vasomotor activity 64:70, 74 effect during pregnancy 67:186-187 effect during pregnancy in laboratory animais 72:88; 73:115, 116 effect in “arousal” action 64:70, 350 effect on adipose tissue, in rats 74:13 effect on apexcardiogram 72:21 effect on autonomic nervous system 67:60 effect on birth weight in rats 72:88 effect on blood circulation 60:61 effect on blood circulation in coronary disease patients 67:61 effect on blood lipids 71:123-128 effect on blood pressure 64:70; 67:60; 71:36 effect on blood vessels 67:62 effect on bronchoconstrictor response in laboratory animals 72:46 effect on cardiac rhythm of heart 71:36 effect on cardiovascular system 67:60; 71:56-58, 107-118 effect on gardiovascular system in dogs 73:17 effect on catecholamine release 67:60; 71:36, 119; 75:29 effect on cats 64:70 effect on chemoreceptor activity 64:69 effect on chemoreflex induction 64:318 effect on chlorpromazine inhibition 64:70 effect on ciliary activity 64:268 effect on colon 64:71 effect on dogs 64:70 effect on fetus in laboratory animals 72:88 effect on gastric secretion 72:97 effect on gastric secretion in cats 73:158, 159 effect on gastric secretion in rats 733159 effect on gastrointestinal secretion in dogs 72:6 effect on habituation 64:349-354 effect on heart blood flow in dogs 73:17 effect on heart function 67:60 effect on heart rate 67:60; 71:36 effect on hypercholesterolemic rabbits 69:27 effect on immune response in man 72:109 effect on lactation in laboratory animals 73:138, 139 effect on lactation in smokers vs. non- smokers 73:139, 140 effect on lipid biosynthesis in aorta in dogs 73:17 effect on lipid metabolism in rabbits 72:21 effect on liver 64:342 effect on microcirculation in atrium in cats 73:17 effect on monkeys 64:70 effect on mucus secretion 64:268, 269 effect on myocardium 67:26, 60 effect on myocardium oxygen demand 71:38 effect on myometrial strips in gravidic women 71:408 effect on nicotine-sensitive cells 64:69 effect on novice smoker 64:70 effect on pancreatic secretions in animals 73:161, 162 effect on peripheral vascular system 71:72, 75, 133-134; 72:25, 26 effect on peritoneal macrophages, in mice 74:105 effect on pinocytosis, in mouse perito- neal macrophages 74:105 effect on pipe/cigar smoke inhalation 73:183, 184 effect on pregnancy 71:411-414 effect on pregnant laboratory animals 67:187-188 effect on pregnant rats 69:80 185 effect on rabbits 64:70 effect on rat and mouse fetus, site of action 73:121 effect on respiration, clinical experi- mental studies 67:26 effect on respiratory system 64:70 effect on respiratory tract in rats 74:104 effect on supraopticohypophyseal sys- tem 64:69 effect on sympathetic ganglia cells 64:69 effect on systolic pressure rise 64:74 effect on vascular resistance in dogs 67:60 effect, tolerance to 64:353, 354 effect, toxicity from 64:74 effect, tremors from 64:70 effect, unpredictability of 64:69 excretion, by passive smokers 75:97 experimental studies 72:21; 73:16, 17 hypoxia and 72:21 induction of necrosis in arterial] walls 71:63 as most likely contributor to health hazards of smoking 72:8, 143 neurogenic effects of 74:57 N-oxides, presence in tobacco smoke 69:62 oxidized, in vitro ciliostatic effects 69:42 as potentiator of duodenal ulcers in animals 73:161-163 pyrolysis of 64:59 secretion, effect of cigar, pipe and ciga- rette smoke in dogs 73:216 structural formula of 64:49 substitutes for 64:34, 354 suppression of immunoglobulin — re- sponse, in cell cultures 75:77 systemic toxicity of 64:71, 73 tissue storage of 64:71 toleration of 64:352, 353, 354 186 toxicity of 64:32, 71, 73, 74, 352, 353, 354 see also Nicotine content; Nicotine me- tabolism; Nicotine pharmacology Nicotine content in blood, new assay methods 73:15, 23 and cigarette smoke 72:21 and cigarette smoke and tumorigenicity 67:34 effects of room size, amount of tobacco burned and ventilation 75:91-94, 97 in little cigars compared to cigarettes and cigars 73:223-226, 228 in milk of laboratory animals 73:138, 139 in milk of smoking mothers 73:139 smoker awareness of 64:349 and tar content, and tumorigenicity of cigarette smoke 67:15 and tar content, of cigarette smoke as measurement of dosage Nicotine metabolism 64:31, 71,72 metabolites 69:61-62 metabolites, excretion of 64:71, 72 pathways of, in mammals 64:72 see also Cotinine Nicotine pharmacology 64:32, 69, 70, 71, 72, 317, 318, 319, 320, 349 effect of acetylcholine on 67:60 effect of adrenalectomy on 67:60 effect of tetraethylammonium chloride on 67:60 Nine-State Study expected deaths in 64:109 mortality ratios in 64:109, 149 observed deaths in 64:109 Nitrates in tobacco smoke 67:128 Nitric oxide exposure to 64:266 as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 Nitrogen gas phase. cigarette smoke 64:60 Nitrogen bases 64:54 Nitrogen dioxide 64:60, 266 ciliastatic effect of 64:268 effect on AHH activity 74:52 effect on alveolar wall cells in guinea pigs 73:50 effect on bacterial retention in hamsters 73:54 effect on bactericidal activity in mouse lung 74:103 effect on pulmonary physiology, in ani- mals 74:102-103 effect on pulmonary physiology, in mon- keys 74:103 effects on rats’ lungs 69:41; 72:46, 47; 73:49, 50 in emphysema etiology 72:46 obliterative fibrosis from 64:266 as probable contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 pulmonary changes in rodents chroni- cally inhaling 71:161, 220 pulmonary edema from 64:266 toxic action of 64 :295 Nitrogen oxides 64:296, 297 as air pollutants in cigarette smoke 74:124, 125 in cigarette smoke 64:296, 297 effects on resistance of squirrel monkeys to pneumococcus 71:173 pharmacology of 64:266 smoke content of 64:266 Nitroglycerine effect on blood circulation in coronary disease patients 67:61-62 effect on blood circulation in normal individuals 67:61-62 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide alcoholic solution of, development of papillomas in mice drinking 71:292 Nitrosamines effect on lactating hamsters 73:139 role in respiratory tract carcinogenesis, in animals 74:47 N-nitrosamines 69:62 carcinogenicity 67:127 carcinogenicity in cigarette smoke 71:264-266 determination in cigarette and tobacco smoke condenstate 73:87, 88 esophageal neoplasms induced in animals by 71:292 in tobacco smoke 67:127 N-nitrosoanabasine 69:62 N-Nitrosoheptamethyleneimine incidence of lung neoplasms, in rats 75:49 N-nitrosonornicotine in tobacco 69:62; 75748, 49 Nonrespondents age adjusted death rates in 64:114 magnitude of, in surveys 64:97 mortality ratios in 64:116 proportion of smokers in 64:114 Nonresponse bias 64:96, 104, 115 Nonsmokers age-adjusted mortality in 64:100 by age and sex, U.S. 64:178 airway resistance in 64:292, 293 allergic and irritative reactions to ciga- rette smoke 72:128, 129 allergic skin reactions in 64:319 allergic symptoms in, from tobacco smoke exposure 72:110,111 bladder neoplasm risk in 64:222 bladder neoplasms in 64:223 body weight of 64:384, 385 carboxyhemoglobin effects on oxygen uptake 71:61 carboxyhemoglobin levels in 72:125 chronic cough prevalence in 64:299, 302 coronary diseases rate in 64:322, 323 emphysema in 64:297 epithelial changes in 64:170, 173, 189 epithelial changes in, females 64:170 187 extroversion in 64 :366 forced expiratory volume in 64:290, 291 hemoglobin concentration in 64:319 1.Q. measurement of 64:370 liver cirrhosis in 64:342 lung neoplasms in 64:118, 184, 191, 193, 230, 232 morphology of 64:385, 386 mortality rates in 64:100, 102,117,118 mortality ratios in 64:163, 202, 301 occupational factors in 64:187 oral neoplasms 64:202 passive smoking and 72:121-125 as percent of population 64:114 pneumoconiosis in 64:298 psychosomatic disorders in 64:367 respiratory conditions in 64:289 tisk ratios in 64:222, 223, 230, 232 urban-rural mortality in 64:186, 194 US., by age 64:178 see also Smokers vs. nonsmokers Norepinephrine 64:318 effects of nicotine 75:29 Nornicotine 69:62 structural formula 64:49 North Dakota studies 64:323 Norway coronary death rates in 64:320 incidence rates of lung neoplasms 69:55-56 tung neoplasms in, for pipe smokers 71:244 lung neoplasms mortality in, relationship to tobacco use 64.176; 71:245-—246 neoplasm risk in 64:127 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers of 71:259 Nose effect of smoking 64:275 Nose neoplasms 64:193 188 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:147 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147 Noxious gases exposure magnitude of 64:296, 297 in respiratory diseases 64:279 Nutritional deficiency 64:341 Oat cell carcinoma see Carcinoma, oat cell Obesity 64:38, 321, 355 coronary diseases mortality and 64:321; 71:43 relationship to smoking and CHD 71:43-45 relationship to smoking in peripheral arteriosclerosis 71:72 as risk factor for CHD 72:16; 73:9 Occupational diseases asbestosis 73:41 asbestosis, in asbestos workers, in Singa- pore 74:95 bronchitis 72:42 bronchitis and respiratory tract irrita- tion, in rubber industry workers 74:96 bronchitis, in cement and rubber in- dustry workers 74:95, 96 bronchitis, in wool and cotton textile workers 74:93, 94 byssinosis 73:39, 41 byssinosis, in cotton and wool textile workers 74:93, 94 byssinosis in cotton millworkers 75:68 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 72:3, 42-44 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in autoworkers 74:80 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in firemen 75:68 coal workers’ pneumoconiosis 73:42 lung neoplasms in uranium miners 75:47 pneumoconiosis 72:42-44 pulmonary fibrosis 72:44 and risk of neoplasms 75:43 smoking and 72:3, 4244 ;74:93-96; 75 :68-70 see also Occupational factors; Occupa- tional hazards; Occupations Occupational factors 64:224 chronic bronchitis and 64:298, 299, 300, 302 coronary disease and 64:321, 322; 73:5,7 lung neoplasms and 64:95, 187,193, 194, 232 mortality and 64:112, 134 smoking prevalence and 64:362, 363 see also Occupational diseases; Occupa- tional hazards; Occupations Occupational hazards 64:100, 101, 232 air pollution exposure in Boston police- men 74:82, 83 asbestos exposure 67:35; 73:41 asbestos exposure and smoking as factors in tung neoplasm development 74:41-43; 75:49 in bladder neoplasms 64:222 bladder neoplasms, and smoking 73:78 carboxyhemoglobin levels in workers ex- posed to exhaust gases 75:21 coal dust exposure 73:4143 from coal tar 64:147 cotton, flax, and hemp dust exposure 73:39-41 dust exposure 73:43, 44 exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays and dusts, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by Tace and sex 75:69, 70 exposure to 100% pure oxygen 73:43 higher reporting of exposure to, by smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:68 in lung neoplasms 64:232 myocardial infarction as 64 :323 nitrogen dioxide in 64:266 pancreatic neoplasms and 73:77 pulmonary disease from 64:266, 298, 299, 300, 302 radiation exposure in uranium miners 73:72 risk ratios in 64:31, 134 rubber industry fumes and smoking 74:96 smoking and 72:3, 4, 42-44; 73:39-44 smoking as additive risk for COPD 73:55 textile dust exposure and smoking 74:93-96 uranium exposure 67:35 see also Occupational diseases; Occupa- tional factors; Occupations Occupations asbestos workers, lung neoplasm morbid- ity 67:143 asbestos workers, lung neoplasm mortal- ity and smoking 71:257 asbestos workers, respiratory tract car- cinoma 71:256 bank employees, smoking and COPD 71:198 coal miners, impaired pulmonary func- tion in smoking 71:163 coal miners, respiratory tract carcinoma 71:256 coal miners, smoking and COPD 71:153, 197, 218-219 coal miners, smoking and ventilatory function 71:207 flax mill workers, smoking and COPD 71:199 government employees, blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 71:99 longshoremen, mortality from smoking- related cerebrovascular disease 71:70 longshoremen, mortality rates from CHD in 71:28 longshoremen, smoking and COPD 71:28 longshoremen, smoking and ventilatory function 71:208 medical students, serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:98 medical students, smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipid levels 71:124 medical students, smoking and thrombo- sis relationships 71:130 medical students, smoking and ventila- tory function 71:209-210 mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers by 67:11 nickel workers, lung neoplasms in 71:256 189 physicians, bladder and kidney neo- plasms in smoking 71:293, 294 physicians, cessation of smoking effect on COPD 71:142 physicians, COPD mortality rates 71:149 physicians, decline in cigarette smoking rates 71:48 physicians, mortality from smoking- telated cerebrovascular disease 71:68 physicians, mortality rates from CHD 71:26 physicians, mortality ratios from esoph- ageal neoplasms 71:290 physicians, mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in smoking and nonsmoking 71:424 physicians, pulmonary function foliow- ing cessation of smoking 71:149 physicians, smoking and ventilatory function 71:209-210, 213 plant workers, occupational exposure and smoking relationships to COPD 71:153, 218, 219 plant workers, smoking and COPD 71:198 plant workers, smoking and ventilatory function 71:206-208 post office workers, blood pressure dif- ferences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:104 post office workers, smokers and ventila- tory function 71:209 post office workers, smoking and coPpD 71:200, 202 prisoners, serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:100 prisoners, smoking and nicotine effects on peripheral vascular system 71:133 railroad employees, mortality and mor- bidity, CHD and smoking 71:28, 34,97 and respiratory symptoms by smoking habit 67:97 smelter workers, Jung neoplasm mortal- ity from arsenic exposure 71:257 smoking habit for 67:143 soldiers, smoking and COPD 71197 steel workers, COPD development from dust exposure 71:153 students, carbon monoxide effects on blood lipids 71.129 190 students, infectious respiratory disease in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:228-229 students, mortality from smoking-related cerebrovascular disease 71:68 students, mortality rates from CHD 71:28 students, smoking and COPD 71:201 students, smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipid level 71:125 students, smoking and thrombosis rela- tionships 71:130 students, smoking and ventilatory func- tion 74:211 telephone company employees, smoking and COPD 71:200 textile workers, occupational exposure and smoking relationship to COPD 71:218-219 transportation workers, air pollution re- lationship to COPD 71:198, 202 transportation workers, smoking and COPD 71:198, 202 transportation workers, smoking and ventilatory function 71:207, 212 uranium miners, tung neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers 71:256 uranium miners, lung neoplasms morbid- ity by smoking habit for 67:143 utility company employees, CHD mor- bidity in smoking 71:30 veterans, bladder and kidney neoplasms in smoking 71:294-295 see also Occupational diseases; Occupa- tional factors; Occupational hazards Office of Science and Technology 64:8 Oleic acid suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke 742266 Olive oil penetrability of benzo(a)pyrene in mice esophageal epithelium 71:292 Opium 64:349 _ Optic nerve atrophy, and cyanide in tobacco smoke 67:183 sensitivity, amblyopia from 64:341 Oral diseases, non-neoplastic smoking and 69:5-6, 85-87; 72:6 Oral hygiene relationship to smoking and noncancer- ous oral disease 69:85-86 smoking and 72:6 Oral mucosa 64:203 effect of carcinogens in laboratory ani- mals 72:70 effect of cigarette smoke 72:6, 69 effect of reverse smoking 72:69 effect of tobacco/bidi smoking and chewing 72:69 Oral neoplasms 64:37, 196-204, 233 alcohol consumption and smoking in etiology of 73:193; 74-53-55 amount smoked in 64:233 cigar smoking in 64:189 epidemiologic studies 64:196-202; 74:53-55 estimated incidence in U.S. for 1970 71:284 experimental induction of 64:233 incidence of secondary primary, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:50 income gradients in 64:134 inhalation patterns and 73:191 mortality rates in 64:37, 133; 71:285 mortality rates in, in females 64:131, 132 mortality rates in, in foreign born 64:134 mortality rates in, in Irish 64:135 mortality rates in, in males, 64:130, 132 mortality rates in Japanese male smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:74 mortality ratios for pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:191-193 mortality ratios in 64:113, 202 mortality ratios in, in cigarette smokers 64:149 mortality trends in 64:137 neoplasm site by tobacco use in 64:197 pipe smoking in 64:37, 150, 189; 72:67 prevalence of, decline in 64:204 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers 73:71, 74-75 relationship of tobacco use 71:285, 289, 361-367 relative risk in tobacco smokers and chewers 72:70 relative risk of development in pipe, Cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. non- smokers 73-191, 194, 195 retrospective studies of 64:198, 199, 200, 201 reverse smoking in 64:203, 204; 73:76 risk gradients in, by amount smoked 64:233 tisk ratios in, in females 64:134 smoking induced increase in 64:197 smoking in etiology of 64:204; 69:58; 71:289; 72:4, 67-70; 73:74-76 snuff in 64-233 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 74:52, 53 summary of retrospective studies 73:194, 195 and tobacco chewing 69:58 urban-rural factors in 64:133 in waiters 64:134 see also Gingival neoplasms; Mouth neo- plasms; Oropharyngeal neoplasms Oral ulceration reverse smoking in 64:203 Organ cultures cigarette smoke effects on cell growth and reproduction in 71:267, 343-345 Oropharyngeal neoplasms 64:201 frequency in smokers and nonsmokers 71:238 Oxidoreductases reduction of, in smokers’ alveolar macro- phages 69:42-43 Oxygen in cardiac function 64:318 debt, effect of smoking 73:246, 247 debt, exercise performance and 73:246, 247 myocardial consumption of, following nicotine stimulation 71:58, 75 in smoke 64:60 191 tension, smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:22 transport in body, carbon monoxide effects 71:60, 75 uptake in nonsmokers with specific carboxyhemoglobin levels 71:61, 75 Ozone ciliastasis from 64:268 irritation action of 64:295 Ozonized gasoline 64:166 Pachyderma oralis 64:203 Palatal mucosa 64:275 Palatal neoplasms 64:204 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Palate hamster, C-14 labeled smoke particulates deposition in 71:281-282 smoking and stomatitis nicotina 69:87 Pancreatic neoplasms incidence in cigar/pipe and cigarette smokers vs, nonsmokers 74:55, 56 mortality rates, by age 67:158-159 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:159 mortality rates, by sex 67:158 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:159 , mortality rates, for women 67:153 mortality rates in United States 72:74 mortality ratios, by age 67:158-159 mortality ratios, by age and amount smoked 67:159 mortality ratios, by sex 67:158 mortality ratios, for men by smoking classification 67:159 mortality ratios, for women 67:153 mortality ratios in Japanese male and female smokers 72:74 occupational exposure and 73:77 relationship of smoking to mortality from 71:298-299 192 relative risk in men by number of ciga- rettes smoked 74:55 smoking and, 67:36, 158-159; 69:60-61; 71:13, 238, 298-299; 72:5, 68, 74; 73:77 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to smoking 74:55 Pancreatic secretions bicarbonate content, effect of smoking 73:159, 160 effect of nicotine in animals 73:161, 162 Papain pulmonary effects on rats exposed to cigarette smoke with 71:163 Paper chromatography 64:51, 57 Papillomas 64:142, 165 development in mice drinking alcoholic benzopyrene 71:292 formation following skin painting with smoke tars 71:337-339, 341 induction in hamsters exposed to ben- zo(a)pyrene 71:346-347 induction of 64:142, 143, 144, 203, 223 transformation of 64:144 Papillomas, benign 64:142 origin of, 64:165 tar induced, in mice 64:223 Paraffin 64:147 Paralysis of ganglionic nerve celis 64:69 Paralysis agitans mortality rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:8 Parasorbic acid lactone 64:145 Parathion 62:145 Parents incidence of penumonia and bronchitis in children of smokers 75:105, 106 influence 64:369, 370 prevalence of respiratory symptoms in children of smokers 75:102, 103 smokers cough and phlegm production, and respiratory symptoms in children 75:103 see also Smoking, parental Paris green 64:61 Particulate matter and lung neoplasm development 74:44, 45 pollution levels in four U.S. locations 75:65, 66 Particulate phase, cigarette smoke 64:51-60, 263, 264, 265 carcinogenic accelerators in 72:5, 65 effect on pulmonary and cardiac struc- ture and function 727:78 harmful constituents in 72:143 Particulate phase, tobacco smoke composition of 64:51 deposition sites of 64:264, 265 gravitational settling of 64:264 measurement of 64:263 removal of 64:264 respiratory damage from 64:279 retention of 64:264, 300 water content of 64:51 Passive smokers pathologic studies 75:99 summary of previous findings 75:87, 88 summary of recent findings 75:107, 108 Passive smoking CO, nicotine, benzo(a)pyrene, acrolein and acetaldehyde levels 75 :90-95 effect on cardiovascular function in dogs 73:14 effect on children 72:129, effect on respiratory tract in laboratory animals 72:129, 130 effects of carboxyhemoglobin levels, in persons with angina pectoris 75:95,97 effects of carboxyhemogiobin levels on CO absorption 75:95, 96 effects of CO in tobacco smoke on psychomotor performance 75:99-101 effects of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers 75:99 effects of tobacco smoke constituents 75 88-98 effects on bus and plane passengers 75:102 excretion of nicotine 75:97 exposure to cigarette smoke, and devel- opment of eye and throat irritations 75:99, 100 incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children of parental smokers 75:105, 106 maternal smoking, and development of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants 75:103, 104 in neoplasm induction in laboratory ani- mals 72:130 parental cough and phlegm production, and respiratory symptoms in children 75:103 Pathophysiologica! studies alveolar macrophages and smoking 75:76, 77 effects of cigarette smoke on leukocytes, in guinea pigs 75:77, 78 effects of cigarette smoke on pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs 75:77, 78 effects of smoking on tracheal mucus velocity, in dogs 75:78 suppression of immunoglobulin response by nicotine or water soluble fraction of cigarette 75:77 Patulin 64:145 Peak Flow Meter 64:290 Pearl’s hypothesis 64:105 Peer group status 64:372, 373 Penicillic acid 64:145 Penis skin neoplasms of 64:147 Pentacy clic compounds 64:54 Pentolinium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 Peoples Gas Company Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:6,7 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. study of CHD, serum cholesterol and smoking relationships 71:43 Peptic ulcer 64:337-340 antacid efficacy and healing of, effects of cigarette smoking on 71:423 cessation of smoking as therapy for 67:182 cigarette smoking in 64:39 193 clinical studies 73:155-157 development in smokers 71:43 and diet 67:182 duodenal, and smoking 67:39 epidemiological studies 73:155-157 gastric, morbidity, and smoking 67:40, 182 gastric, mortality, and smoking 67:40, 181-182 gastric secretion in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:157, 158 incidence rates, smokers vs. nonsmokers, by sex 67:182 increased mortality in Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:155, 156 increased prevalence in male smokers 72:97 and lung neoplasms, relation to smoking 69:57 morbidity, and smoking 67:40, 181 mortality rates 67:40; 71:423 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:182 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:182 mortality rates, smokers vs. ex-smokers 67:181 mortality ratios, for men by age 67:181 mortality ratios from 64:339, 340 mortality ratios from, in smokers and nonsmokers 71:424 mortality ratios from, smokers vs. ex- smokers by age 67:181 mortality ratios in Japanese adults by age started smoking 73:155, 156 mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers 73:222 predisposing factors 73:157 recurrence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73.157 retrospective and cross section study methods for smoking relationship to 71:425427 smoking and 67:22, 39-40, 181-182; 72:5, 6, 97, 98, 73:155 smoking as cause in dogs 72:26 Perception of health hazards, and smoking behavior 67.191 194 1,8,9 -Perinaphthoxanthene 64:54 Perinatal studies effect of materna! smoking on mortality, summary of findings 73:134, 135 maternal smoking and 72:83-88 Periodontal diseases smoking and 69:85-86; 72:6 smoking and, in Ceylon 69-85-86 smoking and, in Norwegian Army re- cruits 69:85 Peristalsis 64:71 Peroxides suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke 71:265 Personality characteristics 64:365-368 and coronary disease 64:321;67:57 coronary disease morbidity ratios, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers by 67:57 drug use and 64-353 relationship to CHD and smoking 71:48-49, 105-106 in smokers 64:326, 365-368 and smoking habit 67:57, 188-192 and smoking habit in college students 67:189 Pesticides 64:61, 62, 145 content in cigarette smoke 74:265, 266 pH pipe/cigar smoke inhalation and 73:183 of smoke in cigarettes, cigars, and little cigars 73:223, 224, 228 Phagocytosis 64:35, 267, 269, 270, 300 effect of cigarette smoke in laboratory animals 73:53, 54 effect of cigarette smoke in rabbits 72:109 effect of tobacco smoke 72:47-48 pulmonary alveolar, in smokers vs. non- smokers 71:165 Pharyngeal fungi smokers vs. nonsmokers in South Africa 73:54 Pharyngeal neoplasms 64:201, 202 frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:238 incidence of secondary primary, smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:50 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:35, 146-147 mortality rates, cigar smokers vs. non- smokers 67:146 mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67:147 mortality rates, for women 67:153 mortality rates, pipe smokers vs. non- smokers 67:146 mortality ratios 67:35 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:146 mortality ratios, for cigar smokers 67:35 mortality ratios, for cigar smokers by age 67:146 mortality ratios, for men by age 67:146 mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67:146-147 mortality ratios, for pipe smokers 67:35 mortality ratios, for pipe smokers by age 67:146 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers 73:74, 75 relationship to tobacco use 71:362-364, 366 retrospective studies of, by type of smoking 64:200, 201 smoking in etiology of 67:35, 145,147 Phenols 64:49, 54, 58, 59, 61, 62, 145, 267 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:177 ciliatoxic agents 67:108 cocarcinogens 67:131 as probable contributors to health haz- ards of smoking 72:144 suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke 71:266 in tobacco smoke 67:129 tumor promoting agents 67:129 Phenotypes partially deficient heterozygote, in COPD etiology 75:73, 74 Phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO) protection against adverse effects of ciga- rette smoke in animals 73:49, 53 Philadelphia Pulmonary Neoplasm Research Project jung neoplasm histopathologic studies and 74:38 Phlebitis 64:103 Phiegm production by occupation and smoking habit 67:97 by parental smokers, and development of respiratory symptoms in children 75:103 by parental smokers, and incidence of pneumonia and bronchitis in children 75:105, 106 by smoking habit and sex 67:98 Phospholipids function as surfactants in lung tissue 712172 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:99-100, 102 Physical activity 64:322 as a factor in coronary heart disease 73:4,5 myocardial infarct morbidity ratios, for smokers vs. nonsmokers by level of 67:56 occupational, and smoking habit 67:56 relationship to myocardial infarction, smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:44 and risk of cerebrovascular accident 67:68 smoking and, relationship to CHD 71:41, 43, 44 Physique smokers 64:383-387 Phy tadiene 64:51 Phytol structural formula of 64:52 Picoline 64:59 Pigmentation induction of 64:146 Pigments 64:272 in lungs of emphysematous patients 64:273 Pinocytosis decrease in alveolar macrophages, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:76 effect of nicotine, in mouse peritoneal macrophages 74:105 195 Piperidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Pipe smoke see Smoke, pipe Pipe smokers see Smokers, cigar and pipe; Smokers, pipe Pipe smoking see Smoking, pipe Pipe tobacco see Tobacco, pipe Pitch 64.147, 229 skin neoplasms from 64:33 Placebos ginseng root as 64:355 nicotine-free cigarettes as 64:70 Placenta ability to hydroxylate benzo(a)pyrene in smoking mothers 71:407 morphology 64:343 Platelets see Blood platelets Plethysmogram abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:22 Pleura! neoplasms mesothetiomas, classification of 64:174 Plumbers neoplasm risks in 64:134 Pneumoconiosis 64:269, 290, 298 in coal miners 72:42-44 in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:42 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:42-44 Pneumonia 64:277, 294, 302 epithelial changes in 64:170 incidence in children of smokers 75:105, 106 maternal smoking, and development in infants 75.103 mortality ratios in 64:276 neoplastic-like pathology in 64:195 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings 75 :108 phenol induction of 64:267 Pneumothorax, spontaneous smoking and 73:37 196 Poisson distribution in mortality rates 64:117, 118, 119 Poland bladder neoplasms, in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and 71:382, 383 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 71:96 esophageal neoplasms in Polish-born 64:135 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:214; 71:378 gastric neoplasms in Polish-born 64:135 laryngeal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:205, 208; 71:357 lung neoplasms, in males 64:135 oral neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 64:200, 201; 71:364 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:100, 102 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood levels in 71:124 smoking relationship to thrombosis in 71:131 Polonium 210 64:145 carcinogenicity 67:128 in cigarette smoke 67:128 levels in lung tissue, smokers vs. non- smokers 67:128 and lung neoplasms 67:128 suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke 71:265-267, 335-336 in tobacco leaf 67:128 as tumor initiator 67:128 Polyoma virus 64:166 Polyphenols 64:54 Population studies British physicians, mortality and smok- ing (Doll and Hill Study) 67:5, 17, 52, 93, 139, 155, 182-186 bronchitis and smoking 69:37 Canadian pensioners smoking and health study 67:5, 48, 93, 138, 154, 159 U.S. population, mortality and smoking (Hammond) 67:5, 13, 49-54, 66, 69, 94, 135-137, 146-158, 181-189 U.S. veterans, mortality and smoking (Dorn) 67:5, 13, 48-49, 67-69, 92, 137-139, 146-159, 181-184 Portland student study 64 368 Postal employees breathlessness in 64 :286 chronic cough in 64:281 Post-operative complications in duodenal ulcer removal, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:157 incidence in bronchitic and nonbron- chitic smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:92 pulmonary, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:174-175; 72:38 smoking, obesity, anesthesia and 73:39 Potassium 64:55 Potassium-40 64:145 present in tobacco leaf 71:266 Preeclampsia maternal smoking and 69:79; 72:84; 73:142 in smoking vs. nonsmoking women 71:404, 407; 73:142 Pregnancy carboxyhemoblobin levels in fetuses 75:26, 27 carboxyhemoglobin levels of smokers in 69:80 effect of blood pressure and smoking habits on 69:77-78 effect of nicotine on, in rats 69:80 effect of smoking during 64:343; 67:185-187; 69:4-5, 77-81; 71:4, 13, 82-87, 389, 397-399, 415; 73:103-142 effect of smoking during, and develop- ment of bronchitis and pneumonia in infants 7§:103, 104 effect of smoking during, in Hungary 69:79 effect of smoking during, in Ireland 69:79 effect of smoking during, in Scotland 69:79 effect of smoking during, in Venezuela 69:79 effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, and carbon monoxide in laboratory ani- mals 73:114-118 effects of nicotine on uterus during 67:187 human, methods used in smoking study of 71:391-396 nicotine effects on myometrial strips in 71:408 and previous smoking habits, effect on infant birth weight 73:112-114 summary of previous findings 75:5,6 timing of influence of smoking on birth weight 73:120,121 unsuccessful, smoking effects on 74:13 see also Maternal fetal exchange; Smoking, maternal Premalignant lesions in bronchi 64:27 in epithelial tissue 64:231 in oral cavity 64:142 Prematurity and maternal smoking 64:343; 67:185-186; 69:77, 79; 71:390, 400-403; 72:5, 83-87; 73:112 and maternal smoking, among Negroes 69:78 Presbyterian Hospital Study 64:141, 174 Pressure-volume work loops 64:292 Prevalence studies 64:301 in bronchopulmonary disease 64 :280-293 pulmonary function tests in 64:280 sputum production in 64:383 Printing ink 64:193 Professional workers smoking incidence of 64:187 Promoting agents 64:26, 142, 146, 229 ethyl alcohol as 64:217 urethan as 64:142 Propane 64:60 beta-Propiolactone 64:145 Propionaldehyde 64:52 Propionic acid ciliatoxic agent 67:108 in tobacco smoke 67:108 Propylene 64:60 Prospective mortaity studies age adjustments in 64:84 197 alcohol in 64:99, 101 by American Cancer Society 64:81, 96, 101 by Best, Josie, and Walker 64:81 British doctors study as 64:97, 102,109 California occupational study as 64:95, 106 Canadian study as 64:91, 92, 94 cause of death in 64:109 certification validity in 64:109, 110 city population size in 64:99 comparison of 64:83 by Dorn 64:81 by Dunn, Buell, and Breslow 64:81 by Dunn, Linden, and Breslow 64:81 educational level in 64:100, 101 exercise in 64:101 in ex-smokers 64:93 fried foods in 64 :100 genetic longevity in 64:99 by Hammond 64:81 by Hammond and Horn 64:81 infectious diseases in 64:276 inhalation practices in 64:99 limitations in 64:94.95, 96, 111, 163 mate death rates in 64:28 maternal smoking in 64:343 mortality ratios in 64:84, 118 nonresponse bias in 64:96, 97, 104 occupational exposure in 64:100, 101 previous disease in 64:100, 101 religious factors in 64:99, 101 smoking data in 64:82 socioeconomic factors in 64:96 tranquilizers in 64.100 twenty five-state study as 64:103, 104 198 type of smokers in 64:82 usable responses in 64:96 USS. veterans study as 64:91, 94, 96, 97, 103 variables affecting 64:84 weaknesses of 64:96 Prospective studies 64:27, 28, 30, 81-116, 293, 294, 322, 323 64:36 by Doll and Hill 64:81 esophageal neoplasms 64:217 excess deaths in 64:28 in gastric neoplasms 64:227 methodology of 64:81 methodology of, in peptic ulcer 64.338, 339 morphology correlations in 64:385, 386 neoplasms 64:231 neoplasms by site 64:149 reliability of 64:180 Prostatic neoplasms 64:135, 136 mortality rates in 64:131 mortality ratios in 64:148, 149 Protestants smoking prevalence in 64.364 Protozoa ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:165, 224 Pseudoephedrine 64:349 Psychoanalytic theory 64:367 Psychomotor performance effects of CO in tobacco smoke 75:99-101 in passive smokers, summary of recent findings 75.108 Psychosocial factors in cardiovascular disease 64:327 smoking habit 67:39, 188-192 Psychosomatic disorders in heavy smokers 64:367 Psychotherapy cure of tobacco habit by 64:354 Public Health Service 64:6, 13, 127, 342 1967 study of, starting point for new studies 71:4 review of medical literature on smoking hazards 71:7 Public transportation effects of passive smoking on bus and plane passengers 75:102 Puerto Rico esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with 71:378 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity in 71:367 Puffmeter ratios 64:291, 292 Pulmonary alveoli changes in rates after exposure to nitro- ~ gen dioxide 69:41 effect of smoking on 64:274, 275; 67:30, 107 epithelium 64:165 epithelium, experimentally induced changes in 64:272 fluid lining, smoking effects on 64:269, 270 tupture, in pipe/cigar smokers vs. ciga- rette smokers and nonsmokers 73:217 septa, rupture of 64:35, 274, 275, 301 septa, thickening of 64:275 stability, cigarette smoke in 64:35, 300 Pulmonary clearance effect of heavy smoking 73:52,53 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in rats 74:103 effect of smoking 72:3,47; 73:55; 74:101, 102 effect of sulfur dioxide on 64:295 mechanical vs. bactericidal clearance in guinea pigs 73:53 mechanism, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:52, 53 in monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins 73:51 particle deposition in smokers vs. non- smokers 73:53 in smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers with and without pulmonary disease 74:100, 101 see also Pulmonary function Pulmonary diseases see Lung diseases Pulmonary edema nitrogen dioxide in 64:266 Pulmonary embolism 64:103 Pulmonary emphysema See Emphysema Pulmonary fibrosis 64:35, 301 in asbestos textile workers 72:44 autopsy studies, smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:74-76 chronic 64 277-294 in heavy smokers 64:274 in moderate smokers 64:274 obliterating 64:266 in pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smok- ers and nonsmokers 73:217 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:161 smoking and 67:107; 72:44 Pulmonary function 64:35 abnormalities, and rheumatoid arthritis in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:92, 93 abnormalities, during viral illness, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:63 in asymptomatic young men in Romania 73:39 before and after smoking one non-filter cigarette 74:99 of Boston policemen, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:82, 83 closing volume abnormalities as indicator of small airways disease 75:71, 72 in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:42, 43 in coal miners vs. nonminers 73:42 decline in forced expiratory volume, in smokers by race 75:72 diffusing capacity, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers in Berlin, New Hampshire 73:50, 51 effect of asbestos exposure and smoking 73:41 effect of cigarette smoke, in monkeys 74:102 effect of coal dust exposure and smoking 73:41-43 effect of dust exposure and smoking 74:95 effect of exercise performance and smoking 74:99 199 effect of isoproterenol in smokers, non- smokers and bronchitics 74:99, 100 effect of lung hyperinflation in coal miners 73:42, 43 effect of nitrogen dioxide, in animals 74:102, 103 effect of smoking 69:5, 42; 72:37, 38; 74:80 effect on exercise performance in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73.246, 247 in ex-smokers 73:39 of insurance company employees, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 74:80, 81 in jet fighter pilots, smokers vs. non- smokers 73:43 of male and female smokers, in New Guinea 74:81, 82 of male executives, smokers vs. non- smokers 74:81 in males from industrial town in Eng- land, smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:69 of pipe and cigarette smokers, ex-smok- ers, and nonsmokers 74:99 in pipe/cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:217, 221 prevalence of deficient heterozygote phenotypes, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 75:74 pulmonary hypertension and 73:43 respiratory flow resistance 64:266 small airways disease, smoking, and 74-84-87; 75:71, 72 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 67:99-101; 72:40; 73:55; 74:80-82 in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire 73:50, 51 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, under 30 years of age 73:50 smoking and 73:38, 39 summary of recent findings 75:78 tests 64:278, 292 volume tests 64:292 in young smokers 67:110-111 see also Pulmonary clearance; Respira- tory function tests Pulmonary heart disease COPD and 72:24 200 smoking as cause 72:24, 27 Pulmonary surfactant effect of smoke 67:110; 72:48 effect of smoking 69:42; 73:55 Pyelitis 64:224 Pyrene 64:59, 147 in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke 73:178 Pyridine 64:54, 59 as suspected contributor to health haz- ards of smoking 72.145 3-Pyridylacetic acid 64:72 gamma- (3-Pyridyl)-gamma-methylamino butyric acid 64:71, 72 gamma- (3-Pyridyt)-gamma-oxo-butyric acid 64:72 Pyrolysis 64:50, 53, 59, 62 Pyrrolidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from 71:265 Pyruvic acid 64:53 Quassia 64:354 Quinine 64:354 Quinoline 64:54 Rabbits atherogenic effects of carbon monoxide and hypoxia 71:64 atherogenic effects of nicotine 71:120-122 blood lipids in, smoking and nicotine effects on 71:127 cardiovascular function in, smoking and nicotine effects 71:108, 109 cholesterol fed, carbon monoxide effects on 71:65-66 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke ef- fect on 71:221-222 ciliastasis in 64:268 coronary blood flow in 64:318 leukoplakia in 64:233 neoplasm induction in 64:143, 146, 202, 203 offspring, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight 71:407 offspring, smoking effects on stillbirth and mortality 71:411 pregnant, tritium-labeled nicotine effects in 71:413 pulmonary changes in cigarette smoking 71:159 pulmonary clearance in, cigarette smoke effect on 71:164, 170, 171 pulmonary damage in 64:266 skin painting, smoke condensate effects on 71:267, 338 smoke deposition in 64:265 Race 64:224, 363, 364 asa factor in coronary heart disease 73:4, 5,23 as a factor in perinatal mortality in smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers 73:129-132 asa factor in stillbirth rates 73:124, 125 Radiation exposure smoking and, as cause of respiratory cancers 73:72 smoking and, in uranium miners 72:64, 65 Radioactive carbon 64:166 Radioactive cerium 64:166 Radioactive particles in tobacco leaf, tobacco smoke, and smokers” lungs 73:72 Radioactive substances epidermoid neoplasms from blood lipids in, nicotine and smoke effects 71:128 carcinoma induction in 64165 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke on 71:221, 222 clearance mechanisms in 64:269 epidermoid lung neoplasm induction in 64:66 hepatoma induction in 64:145 LDsg nicotine determination in female 4-412 lung neoplasms, from intrabronchial im- planting of chromium compounds 71:258 lung neoplasms, from nickel carbonyl and dust inhalation 71:256 lungs, cigarette smoke effects on sur- factant activity 71:172, 225 mucous cell increase in 64:269 neoplasm induction in 64:143 offspring, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight 71:407 pregnant, aromatic compound stimula- tion of placental BP-hydroxylase ac- tivity 71:414 pregnant, fetal wastage and neonatal death in nicotine and smoking 71:411 pulmonary carcinoma induction follow- ing asbestos dust inhalation 71:257 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation 71:161, 220 pulmonary damage in 64:269 respiratory tract, cigarette smoke inhala- tion effects 71:268, 349, 353 sarcoma induction in 64:166, 230 64:266 as tracers skin painting, smoke condensates effect 64:265 71:267, 340 Radioactivity tobacco allergy in 64:145, 166, 193, 230 64:319 Radionuclides trachea, cigarette smoke effects on 64:193 71:343 Radium tracheal ligation, cigarette smoke and 64.145 papain effects on Radon 71:163 inhalation tracheobronchial tree, cigarette smoke 64:145 effects on Rats Readi 71 oes. 346-349 . : eading ability alveolar lining changes in in children of smoking mothers 64:269, 270 71:407 atherosclerosis in, nicotine induced Rectal neoplasms 64:319; 74:120, 121 64:103 Registrar General of England and Wales 64:134 Relative risk ratios amount smoked in 64:161 Cornfield method in 64:160 measure of 64:183 Religion 64:244 cure of tobacco habit 64:354 in prospective studies 64:99, 101 and smoking habit 67:54, 97 smoking prevalence by 64:364 Reserpine nicotine cardiac stimulation blockage by 71:57 Residues 64:145 Resorcinol 64:54 Respiration effect of nicotine, clinical and experi- mental studies 67:26 trate 64:266 Respiratory function tests 64:289-293, 297 body height effect on 64:290 effect of smoking 72:45 in ex-smokers 67:100 smokers 71:146-147, 206-214 smokers vs. nonsmokers by sex 67:99 smokers vs. nonsmokers, twins 67:103 of smokers with mild bronchitis 69:39 by smoking history 67:100 using radioactive xenon 69:39 and young smokers 67:100-101 see also Pulmonary function, Respira- tory system Respiratory symptoms 68:69, 70.71 effect of air pollution and smoking 74:90, 91 effect of air pollution exposure levels in telephone workers 75:67 effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:4) effect of cigarette smoke 68:73, 74 202 pipe/cigar smokers and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers * 72:3, 40 prevalence in cement and rubber indus- try workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:95, 96 prevalence in children of parental smok- ers 75:102, 103 prevalence in Duisburg, Germany, by age and cigarette consumption 73:39 prevalence in ex-smokers 73:39 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:217, 220, 221 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:55 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Bordeaux, France 73:36 in school children 67:69, 70, 71 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:66, 67, 71; 75:62, 63 in smokers vs. nonsmokers by amount smoked 73:37 summary of previous findings 75:5 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to passive smoking 75:88 summary of recent findings 75:78 in women 64:286 Respiratory system acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function 71:163, 166-169 animal, cigarette smoke instillation or implantation effects on 71:268, 346-348 animal, effect of cigarette smoke inhala- tion on 71:268-269, 349-353 defense mechanisms in 64:267, 268 effect of cigarette and cigar smoke on bronchial reactivity 7£:164 effect of cigarette smoke on human ciliary function 71:165, 221-224 effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary clearance 71:164, 170 effect of smoking on 67:14] glossary of terms used in testing 71:215 histological changes in smokers 64:270-274; 71:154-157 improvements in function following smoking cessation 74:148, 149 irritation, prevalence in rubber industry workers, smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:96 pathological changes in cigarette smokers FLATS postoperative complication in, of smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 71:174-176, 230 pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:165 pulmonary infarction in dogs inhaling cigarette smoke 71:271 surface tension of, effect of cigarette smoke on 71:172, 225 surfactant activity of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:172, 225 surfactants in, definition 71:172 see also Bronchi; Lungs Respiratory tract diseases 64: 263-302 by amount smoked 67:97 chronic, definition 64:288 chronic, epidemiology 64:297, 298 cigarette smoking and 64:276 clinical evidence of 64:294 definition of 64:289 epidemiology of 64:297, 298 etiology of 64:302 infections, in emphysema development 67:111 infections, prevalence in smokers 71:10, 176 infections, smoking and 67:29; 71:172, 226-229; 72:3, 38 non-influenzal, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 72:48 pathological and cytological changes in, of smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:258-263 role of constitutional factors in 67:102-104 tole of heredity factors in 67:102-104 tural vs. urban dwellers 67:97 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by age 67:100 smokers vs. nonsmokers, by occupation 67:97 by smoking characteristics 67:97-98 by smoking classification 67:97-98 in smoking-discordant twin pairs 67:102-104 twin studies 67:102-104 ventilatory function in, smokers vs. non- smokers 71:175 see also Lung diseases Respiratory tract neoplasms carcinogenesis induction in animals 74:46, 47 by country, in females 64:131 experimental induction of 69:63-64 mortality rates 67:147 mortality trends in 64:136 and smoking 67:10 and smoking classification 67.147 see also Lung neoplasms Respondents age-adjusted death rates in 64:114 mortality ratios in 64:116 Restricted activity days by age, sex, and smoking history 67:19-21 definition of 67:19 Reticulosarcoma and cigarette smoke 67:148 and tobacco tars 67:148 Retinal sensitivity to tobacco 64:341 Retinoblastoma 64:191 Retrospective studies 64:27, 28-31, 150-157, 160, 161, 198, 199 association of diseases in 64:160, 161 control groups in 64:181 definition of 64:27 inhalation patterns in 64:159 laryngeal neoplasms 64:233, 234 lung neoplasms, and smoking, methods 71:323-328 lung neoplasms, duration of smoking in 64:158 maternal smoking 64:343 methods 64:152, 153, 154, 198, 199, 200 mortality studies 64:150 203 peptic ulcer 64:337 reliability of 64:180 risk ratios in 64.160, 161 smoking characteristics in 64:156 Reverse smoking 64:203, 204 effect on oral mucosa 72:6, 69, 70 heat effects in 64:204 leukoplakia and 73:76 nicotine stomatitis and 72:6. 69, 70 oral neoplasms and 73:76 Rhesus monkeys 64:166 Rheumatic heart disease mortality from 64:103, 325 Rhinitis 64:275 Rhodesia methods used in retrospective studies of smoking in relation to lung neo- plasms 71.328 Risk factors in coronary heart disease 72:16-18 Risk ratios calculation of 64:183, 230 on cessation of smoking, in lung neo- plasms 64:187, 188 consistency of 64:182, 183 by lifetime cigarette consumption 64:161 in lung neoplasms 64:187, 188 RNA binding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to 73:86, 87 synthesis, effect of cigarette smoke on 69:62, 63 Rodents carcinogenesis tests in 64:142 ozone effect on 64:142 Roswell Park Memorial Institute 64:174, 219 Rubber carcinogenic activity of 64:147 Rubidium-84 tracing capillary flow in coronary blood flow 71:59 Rum 64:62 204 Running effect of smoking 73:243, 244 Rural areas 64:99 lung neoplasm incidence in, in Switzer land 71:244 relationships of lung neoplasm to smok. ing, air pollution, and 714:252-255 smokers in 64:99, 364 Rural populations lung neoplasms in, suspected etiology o; increased . 71:276 Rural vs. urban populations bladder neoplasm prevalence 64:225 mortality rates 67:11 smoking and 67:97 Russia atherogenic effects of nicotine on rabbits in 71:120 atherosclerosis autopsy studies in 71:54 cigarette tar effects on rat tracheo- bronchial tree in 71:348 gastric neoplasms, in Russian-born 64:135 gastric neoplasms in Russian Jews 64:135 Rutin structural formula of 64:54 Saliva 64:203 interference in action of carcinogens on oral cavity 74:288 Salivary gland neoplasms 64:134 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Salivary glands 64:271 Sample selection bias resulting from 64:180, 181 Sarcomas anaplastic, tar induction of 64:223 classification of 64:174 formation following animal skin painting with smoke condensates 71:338, 340 induction in rats by cigarette smoke injection 71:346-347 induction of 64:144, 176 subcutaneous 64:143 Saslow Psychosomatic Screening Inventory 64:367 Saturated fats 64:322 Scholastic achievement 64:370, 372 School children smoking and respiratory systems in 68:69, 70, 71 School grade level smoking prevalence by 64:361, 362 Scotland Tespiratory symptoms in miners of 64:288, 298 Scotoma 64:341 Scottish Home and Health Department Standing Medical Advisory Committee 64:304 Scrotal neoplasms 64:147 Secondary infections 64:272 Sedation smoking effect as 64:350 Sedatives withdrawal treatment with 64:352 Selection bias in health studies 64:180, 181 Selenium carcinogenicity 67:128 in cigarette smoke 67:128 potential respiratory carcinogenesis 68:92 Senile keratosis 64:203 ’ Sensory drives 64:354 Seven Countries Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:6 Seventh Day Adventists coronary disease incidence in 64:322 laryngeal neoplasm prevalence in 64:209 lung neoplasm prevalence in 64:155 Sex acute diseases in smokers and non- smokers by 67:22 ages of cigarette smokers by 71:6 bed days by, and smoking history 67:20-21 bladder neoplasm mortality rates in United States by 67:154 bronchitis, prevalence rates by 67:96 cerebrovascular disease mortality rates, by age and 67:66 cerebrovascular disease mortality rates, by smoking classification and 67:66 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios, by age and 67:66 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios, by smoking classification and 67:66 chronic diseases in smokers and non- smokers by 67:22 coronary disease incidence rates and smoking history by 69:21-22, 24 coronary disease mortality rates, by 67:25, 47, 50, 56; 69:13, 17 coronary disease mortality ratios, by 67:49; 69:13 cough and smoking habit by 67:98 effect of, in alpha-l-antitrypsin defi- ciency emphysema 71:151 effect of, in lung neoplasms and tobacco use 71:244, 329-333 effect of, in mortality in cigarette smok- ers 71:276 sffect of, on laryngeal neoplasm inci- dence development 71:277 emphysema mortality rates 67:91 esophageal neoplasm mortality rates 67:150 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates 67:148 liver cirrhosis mortality rates, by 67:184 liver cisrhosis mortality ratios, by 67:184 lung neoplasm development by Fhe1l lung neoplasm mortality rates by 67:34, 134, 140; 71:252 lung neoplasm mortality ratios by 67:33, 134, 140 mortality by, and smoking history 67:23 mortality rates of cigarette smokers by 71:3 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by 67:158 pancreatic neoplasm mortality ratios, by 67:158 peptic ulcer morbidity rates, by 67:182 205 ratio, effect of maternal smoking on 73:135, 136 ratio, in lung neoplasm mortality 74:40, 46 ratio, in lung neoplasm mortality in Norway and Finland 71:245-246 restricted activity days by, and smoking history 67:20-21 and smoking habit 67:4 stroke mortality rates by 69:13, 17 stroke mortality ratios by 69:13 tumor prevalence among smokers by 69:56 Sex differentials 64:133 in jung cancer 64:185, 186 in smoking prevalence 64:363 Sheep pregnant, nicotine injection and smoke inhalation effects on 71:444 Sheet metal workers neoplasm risks in 64:134 Sheidon somatotyping method 64:383 Shoe repairers bladder neoplasms in 64:222, 224 Side stream smoke see Smoke streams Silica 64:271 Silver nitrate 64:354 Single-breath tests smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:5) Sinusitis 64:275 in smokers and nonsmokers 67:22 Sitosterols 64:52 Skin benzo(a)pyrene effect on 64:146 effect of tobacco extracts 72:105-107 reactions of, tobacco induced 64:319 tests of 64:143 tobacco antigens and 72:7, 104. 105 Skin neoplasms 64:143, 144 carcinogenic induction of 64:229 carcinoma in situ 64.172 206 experimentally induced by cigarette smoke 67:144 mineral oil induction of 64:229 ultraviolet radiation induction of 64:144 Skin testing for reactions to tobacco 72:105-107 Smog 64:295 Smoke, cigar benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:58 chemical constituents in 73:177-179 cilioto xicity 73:218 effect of curing methods 73:218, 219 effect of pH on inhalation of 73.183 little, pH, compared to cigarette and cigar smoke 73:224, 228 tumorigenic activity in laboratory ani- mals 73:210-214 see also Smoke, tobacco Smoke, cigarette 64:50-62 alteration of coronary blood flow 71:58 aromatic hydrocarbons in 67 127-128 benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:58 and bronchoconstriction in animals 68:72 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in dogs inhaling 71:269, 270 butylmethylnitrosamine in 67:128 cadmium levels in FA:1S4 carbon monoxide levels in 71:59 carcinogenic content of 75:48 carcinogenicity 67:15, 34, 144; 72:65, 66 carcinogenicity of components to ani- mals 71:12, 277 cause of death in dogs from inhalation 74:271 chemical constituents in, compared to pipe/cigar smoke 73:177, 178 ciliary activity 67:107-108, 140; 68:71, 72; 69:42 ciliary depression by 64:61, 265, 267, 268, 270 ciliary inhibition 71:267 ciliatoxic effect, mechanism of action 67:107 cocarcinogenic effect on respiratory tract in rabbits 72:67 cocarcinogens in 64:144 composition of 64:50-60 and decrease in pulmonary macrophages, in guinea pigs 75:77, 78 deposition patterns of 64:265 effect of curing methods 73:218, 219 effect of nickel on induction of lung aryl hydroxylase 71:256-257 effect on adenosine triphosphatase 67:108 effect on alveolar macrophages 69:42 effect on apexcardiogram 72:21 effect on bacterial retention in hamsters 73:54 effect on breathing in guinea pigs 72:46 effect on bronchial epithelium 67:107, 144-145 effect on bronchial epithelium in dogs 69:40; 73:49 effect on bronchial mucosa 67:30, 104-107, 144-145 effect on DNA and RNA synthesis 69:62-63 effect on Dunaliella bioculata 69:42 effect on influenza virus in mice 68:70, 71 effect on lung AHH-activity 74:50, 51 effect on lungs 67:106 effect on lung surface tension in dogs 72:48 effect on nasociliary mucosa in donkeys 72:47 effect on oxidative enzymes 67:108 effect on phagocytosis in laboratory animals 73:53, 54 effect on phagocytosis in rabbits 72:109 effect on pulmonary clearance * 73:51-53 effect on pulmonary macrophage func- tion, in rabbits ’ 74:104 effect on pulmonary physiology, in ani- mals 74:102 effect on pulmonary surfactant 67:110; 69:42 effect on rat and mouse fetus, site of action 73:121 effect on respiratory tract, in rats 74:104 effect on tissue cultures 69:42; 71:267, 343-345 effect on tracheobronchial clearance, in donkeys 75:78 effect on vascular resistance 67:61 effect on ventricular fibrillation thresh- old in dogs 73:13, 14 endrin in 64:62 epidermoid neoplasms from 64:144 experimental induction of bronchial neo- plasms 67:144-145 experimental induction of lung neo- plasms by 67:144-145 experimental induction of tracheal neo- plasms by 67:144-145 experimental studies in dogs 73:13, 14 experimental studies in laboratory ani- mals 72:21 exposure magnitude to 64:296, 297, 298 extract, effect on pulmonary macro- phages, in sheep lungs 74:105 formaldehyde gas in 64:266 gaseous deposition of 64:265 harmful constituents of 72:8, 141-146 heterocyclic nitrogen compounds in 67:127 high tar, risks in 71:11 inhalation by dogs, lung neoplasm de- velopment 71:268-269, 272-274 inhalation effects on animal respiratory tract 71:268-269, 349, 353 inhalation effects on hamster larynx 71:281, 284 inhalation methods 69:62 inhalation of, and coronary disease 67:54 inhalation of, effect on blood pressure 67:54 and leukemia 67:148 listing of identified or suspected tumori- genic agents 71:264-267 and lymphosarcoma 67:148 metallic constituents of 64:55 207 naphthylamine content, and bladder carcinogenesis 68:105 2-naphthy lamine identified in 71:265 negative ions in 64:268 neoplastic changes in animals inhaling 71:238-239 nickel carbonyl in 69:62 nickel in 64:167 nicotine content in 67:34 nitrosamines in 67:127-128 nonvolatile condensates of 64:50 phenols in 64:54, 267; 67:127-128 polonium-210 in 67:128 positive ions in 64:268 pyrolysis reactions in 64:50 radioactivity of 64:145 reduction of adverse effects in animals by phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO) 73:49, 53 and reticulosarcoma 67:148 selenium in 67:128 skin neoplasm induction by 67:144 and sulphur dioxide, effect on glands in laboratory animals 73:49 suppression of immunoglobulin re- sponse, in cell cultures 75:77 TDE content of 64:62 tobacco amblyopia relationship to cyanide metabolism in 71:435-436 see also Smoke, tobacco Smoke condensates see Tars, cigarettes; Tars, tobacco Smoke, pipe benzo(a)pyrene in 64:58 carcinogenicity 67:147-148 chemical constituents in 73:177, 178 ciliotoxicity of 73:218 effect of pH on inhalation of 73:183 mouth neoplasms experimentally in- duced by 67:147-148 208 tumorigenic activity in laboratory anj- mals 73:210-214 see also Smoke, tobacco Smokers airway resistance in 64:292, 293 alcoho! consumption by 64:385 allergic reactions in 64:319 angina pectoris in 64:325 arteriosclerosis in 69:26 behavioral variables in 64:112 bladder neoplasms in 64:131, 132, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225 body weight of 64:326, 384, 385 breathlessness in 64:27, 286, 287 bronchitis prevalence in 64:289 cholesterol levels in 64:326, 385 chronic cough in 64:27, 280, 281, 282, 283, 299, 302 ciliary effects in 64:27, 34, 35, 61, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 267 constitutional differences in 64:112, 326 coronary disease in 64:322-325 current, mortality rates in 64:95 current, mortality ratios in 64:93 current, neoplasm risk in 64:158 current, pulmonary fibrosis in 64:274 epithelial changes in 64:165, 167-173, 189, 263-275 forced expiratory flow rate in 64:290, 291 heavy, risk ratios in 64:161, 213, 232 heavy, urban-rural mortality in 64:186, 194 hemoglobin levels in 64:319 hereditary factors in 64:385 1.Q. measurements in 64:370 laryngeal neoplasms in 64.131, 132, 133, 209, 211 lung function in 64:27 lung neoplasms in 64.118, 131, 132, 133, 149-196, 232 morphologic constitution of 64:383-387 mortality rates in, from gastric neo- plasms 64:132 mortality rates in 64:99, 117, 118, 162, 209, 322, 323 mortality rates in, from laryngeal neo- plasms 64:211 nonrespondents among 64:114 occupational asbestos exposure and car- cinogenesis 67:35 occupational uranium exposure and car- cinogenesis 67:35 oral neoplasnis in 64:131, 132, 133, 202, 204 as percentage of population 64:114 personality 64:39, 326, 365, 368 physical characteristics of 64:326 population of 64:45 psychological factors in 64:112 reduction of life expectancy 69:3 respiratory conditions in 64:289 risk ratios in 64:160, 161, 222, 223, 232 risk ratios in, in bladder neoplasms 64:222 risk ratios in, in lung neoplasms 64:161 serum cholesterol in 64:326 smoking patterns in 64:177, 178, 179 somatotype classification of 64 :383, 385 sputum analysis of 6939-40, 57-58 sputum production in 64:27, 283-286 urban-rural differences in 64:99, 101 U.S. incidence of 64:178, 179 see also Passive smokers; Smokers, cigar; Smokers, cigar and pipe; Smokers, cigarette; Smokers, pipe Smokers, cigar amblyopia in 64:341, 342 atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium 71:379 bladder neoplasm mortality in 64:219, 222, 223, 224, 235 bladder neoplasms in 71::293-294 body weight of 64:384 carboxyhemoglobin levels in 72:21-23 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 71:280, 359-360 coal miners as 64:299 COPD morbidity in 71:146, 197-198, 201-202, 204-205 coronary deaths in 64:323 i. decreased neoplasm risk in 64:37 duodenal ulcers in 64:37 duration of smoking in 64:36 effects of smoke on bronchial reactivity 71:164 epithelial lesions in 64:170, 173, 189 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios in 71:290 esophageal neoplasms in 64.213, 217, 218, 234 fibrosis in 64:291 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 gastric ulcers in 64:37 gingival neoplasms in 64:202 inhalation practices in 64:36, 92, 188 kidney neoplasms in 71:294-295 lack of risk in CVD 71:67 laryngeal neoplasm induction in 71:12, 354-357 laryngeal neoplasms in 64:37, 192, 205, 209, 211, 212; 71:281 lip neoplasms in 64:197, 202, 230, 240 lung neoplasms in 64:37, 150, 155, 159, 163, 170, 173, 175, 188, 1 lung neoplasms, incidence in rural Swit- zerland 71:244 lung neoplasms, mortality in 71:11, 240-243 morphological constitution of 64:385, 386 mortality rates in 64:30, 36 mortality ratios from COPD in 74:142-143, 145 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in 71:298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in 71:424 mortality ratios in 64:86, 87, 107, 112, 163 myocardial arteriole wall thickness in 72:19 myocardial infarction in 71:32, 38-39 209 oral neoplasms in 64:37, 189, 192, 202 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64:202 : relationship of neoplasms of oral cavity with 71:12, 361-365. 367-371 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- eases 71:227 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm de- velopment 72:68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm de- velopment 72:67 relative risk in tung neoplasms develop- ment 71:276; 73:67, 68 respiratory diseases in 64:274, 289 risk of CHD risk of COPD 71:10 risk ratios in 64:31, 37, 231, 233 tongue neoplasms in 64:189, 202 U:S. trends in number of 64:26, 45 see also Smokers, cigar and pipe Smokers, cigar and pipe causes of death in 64:107 expected death rate in 64:107 gastric neoplasm mortality in 64:288 gastric ulcer in 64:113 incidence of atypical nuclei in larynx 69:59 incidence of coronary heart disease 69:21, 24 incidence of gingivitis 69:86 incidence of stomatitis nicotina 69:87 liver cirrhosis in 64:113 lung neoplasms in 64:113 mortality ratios in 64:107 observed deaths in 64:107 oral neoplasms in 64:113 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 see also Smokers, cigar; Smokers, pipe Smokers, cigarette air pollution effects on 64:194, 195, 276, 295-298, 301, 302 arterial occlusions in 71:73 atherosclerosis in aortic and coronary arteries 71:52-56 210 atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium 71:379-380 bladder neoplasms in 71:293-295 bladder neoplasms mortality in 64:32, 37, 219, 234 bronchitis in 64:102, 103, 301 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords ° 71:280, 359-360 cessation of smoking, effects on COPD morbidity 74:146, 197, 199, 203-204 cessation of smoking, lowers lung neo- plasm rate in Till changes in ventilatory function and pul monary histology T1:175 comparative risk for lung neoplasms 71:237 coronary diseases in 64:322 coronary diseases in, AHA pooling pro- ject 71:28, 30, 39 coronary diseases risk by 71:8, 23-25 coronary mortality in 64:324 decline in, British physicians 71:48 development of altered ventilatory func- tion in young 71:10 development of esophageal neoplasms 71:12, 293 development of laryngeal neoplasms 71:12 development of oral neoplasms 71:12 development of second primary oral neoplasms in continuing 71:287 effect of filters on emphysema develop- ment 71:162 effect on cardiovascular system 71:56-58, 107-118 effects of inhalation on bronchial reac- tivity 74:164 effects on uterine activity in gravidic women 71:408 emphysema in 64:277-294 emphysema mortality in 64:102, 103 epithelial changes in 64:170, 173, 189 esophageal neoplasms in 64:102, 103, 188, 212, 213 esophageal neoplasms, mortality ratios in 71:290-29 1 excess mortality in 64:108 expected mortality in 64:108 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 histology and smoking relationship of tung neoplasms in 71:246-249 hypertension in 64:325 infant birth weight 71:397-399 inhalation effects on human pulmonary function 71:163, 166-169 inhalation patterns in 64:159 kidney neoplasms in 64:102; 71:294-196 laryngeal neoplasm induction in 71:354-357 laryngeal neoplasm mortality in 64:32, 188, 205, 212, 234 lung neoplasms, etiology 71:239 lung neoplasms in 64:31, 37, 149-196, 229-233 lung neoplasms, mortality in 71:240-243-244 mortality from cerebrovascular disease 71:67-70 mortality from neoplasms, by site 64:149 mortality rates affected by sex 71:3 mortality rates in 64:35, 102, 106, 108, 109, 110, 115, 162, 194, 3 mortality ratios 64:90, 93, 102, 103 mortality ratios from COPD 71:142-144 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in 71:298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcers in 71:424 nonrespondents, mortality in 64:115 oral neoplasms, mortality in 64:102, 103, 131, 132, 196-205, 233 otolaryngological symptoms in 64:275 peptic ulcer 71:427 Peptic ulcer in, smoke effects on antacid therapy 71:423 percent of population as 64:26 percent of women of childbearing age 71:389 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64:103, 202 possible processes for increased mor- tality in 71:4-5 postoperative pulmonary complications in 71:174, 230 pulmonary surfactant activity in 71:172, 225 relationship in coronary and lower limb arteriosclerosis 71:72 relationship of asbestos in lung neoplasm mortality 71:257 Telationship to infectious Tespiratory dis- eases 71:172, 226-229 relationship to laryngeal neoplasm devel- opment in 71:281 relationship to lip or oral cavity neo- plasms 71:361-370 relationship to lung neoplasms 71:275, 276 relationship with bladder neoplasms in men 71:299 relationship with dust on COPD develop- ment 74:153 tisk gradients in, from bladder neoplasms 64:223 risk gradients in, from esophageal neo- plasms 64:234 risk gradients in, from laryngeal neo- plasms 64:37, 211, 234 risk gradients in, from lung neoplasms 6431, 37, 184, 185, 230 risk of COPD in 71:140 stomach ulcers in 64:103 survey by age and sex 71:6 survey of U.S. 7TL:6 see also Smokers Smokers, pipe amblyopia in 64:39, 341, 342 amount smoked, in mortality ratios 64:86, 87 atypical muclei in male esophageal epi- thelium 71:379 bladder neoplasms in 64:219, 222, 223, 235; 71:293-294 body weight in 64:384 carboxyhemoglobin levels in 72:21 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 71:280, 359-360 COPD morbidity in 71:146, 197-198, 201-205 coronary mortality in 64:323 211 development of chronic bronchopul- monary disease 71:10 development of esophageal neoplasms 71:13, 293 development of lung neoplasms 7WsAl development of oral neoplasms 71:12 duodenal ulcers in 64:37 epithelial changes in 64:170, 173, 189 esophageal neoplasms in 64:37, 212, 217, 218, 234 esophageal neoplasms, mortality ratios 71:290 extroversion in 64:366 fibrosis in 64:274 forced expiratory volume in 64:291 gastric ulcers in 64:37, 337 gingival neoplasms in 64:202 inhalation by 64:92, 188 kidney neoplasms in 71:294-295 lack of risk in CVD 71:67 lar yngeal neoplasms in 64:37, 192, 209, 211, 212 laryngeal neoplasms, induction 71:12, 354-357 lip neoplasms in 64:32, 37, 188, 197, 204 lung neoplasms in 64:31, 37, 196, 233 lung neoplasms, incidence in Norway 74:244 lung neoplasms, incidence in rural Swit- -zerland 71:244 lung neoplasms, mortality in 71:324-327 morphology of 64:385, 386 mortality rates 64:30, 36, 74, 194, 202, 222, 223 mortality rates from COPD 71:142-143, 145 mortality ratios 64:90, 91, 162 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms 74.298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer 71:424 myocardial arteriole wall thickness in 72:19 myocardial infarction in 71:32, 38-39 neoplasm location in 64:197 212 oral changes in 64:302 oral neoplasms and 64:37, 150, 189, 192, 202; 72:67 peptic ulcer in 71:427 pharyngeal neoplasms in 64:202 psychosomatic disorders in 64:367 relationship to infectious respiratory dis. eases 71:227 relationship to laryngeal neoplasm devel. opment 74:281 relationship to lip neoplasms 71:289 relationship to oral cavity neoplasms 71:361-364, 367 relative risk in esophageal neoplasm de- velopment 72:68 relative risk in laryngeal neoplasm devel. opment 71:67 relative risk in lung neoplasm devetop- ment 71:276; 73:67, 68 respiratory diseases in 64:289, 299 risk of CHD 71:8 risk ratios in, from neoplasms 64:31, 37, 196, 209, 211, 231, 233, 235 tongue neoplasms 64:188, 189, 202 see also Smokers, cigar and pipe Smokers vs. ex-smokers atypical nuclei in larynx 69:59 coronary disease mortality rates, for men by age 67:49 coronary disease mortality rates, for men, by years stopped smoking 67:49; 69:15 coronary disease mortality rates, for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 coronary disease mortality rates for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:34, 137, 139 morbidity rates 67:15 mortality rates 67:9, 15 peptic ulcer mortality rates by age 67:181 peptic ulcer mortality ratios by age 67:181 stroke mortality for men, compared to nonsmokers 69:15 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 Smokers vs. nonsmokers abortions, still births, and neonatal death 71:390, 405-406 acute diseases in 67:22 o-aminophenols in urine of 69:64 angina pectoris morbidity ratios 67:59 aortic aneurysm mortality 69:16 arteriosclerosis 67:22; 72:19 arteriosclerosis, mortality rates 67:26 attitudes 67:190-191 atypical nuclei in larynx 69:59 bladder neoplasms in 71:293-295, 381-384 bladder neoplasms, mortality rates, by age 67:154, 155 blood cholesterol levels, twin studies 67:55 blood factors of mothers and infants 69:80 body constitution 67:99 breathlessness in 67:29, 286 bronchitis mortality rates 67:8, 29, 90-92 carboxyhemoglobin levels 67-100; 72;21-23 cardiopulmonary function, in young male 67:100 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of 71:280, 359-360 cerebrovascular diseases 72:25 cerebrovascular diseases mortality rates 67:66; 71:67-70 cerebrovascular diseases mortality ratios 67:66 chronic diseases in 67:22 coronary disease incidence 69:18, 20-22 coronary disease incidence and behavior type 69:24 coronary disease incidence rates, by age 67:54, 65 coronary disease morbidity ratios 67:59; 71:24 coronary disease morbidity ratios, and blood pressure status 67:55 coronary disease morbidity ratios, and lung function 67:56 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by age 67:54 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by blood cholesterol levels 67:55 coronary disease morbidity ratios, by personality characteristics 67:57 coronary disease morbidity tatios, by sociocultural mobility status 67:57 coronary disease mortality 67:47; 71:21-22, 24, 26-29 coronary disease mortality, by age 67:50; 69:13 coronary disease mortality, by amount smoked 67:51; 69:13 coronary disease mortality, by sex 67:50; 69:13; 71:28-31 coronary disease mortality, by smoking history 67:51 coronary disease mortality, for men 67:27 coronary disease mortality, for women 67:28 coronary disease mortality, in Swedish twins TL:S1 coronary disease mortality ratios 67:8 coronary disease mortality ratios, by age 67:49, 52; 69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios, by amount smoked 67:47-49; 69:13 coronary disease mortality ratios, by blood pressure status 67:52 coronary disease mortality ratios, by sex 67:49; 69:13 cough in 67:29 Curschmann’s spirals in sputum of 69:39-40 development of COPD in 71:141, 145, 195-205 differences in emphysema types in 71.154, 156 digestive tract neoplasm mortality rates 67:147 emphysema mortality rates 67:8 emphysema mortality ratios 67:90-92 esophageal epithelial cells with atypical nuclei in 71:292 esophageal neoplasm mortality rates, for men by age 67:150 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35, 150-151; 71:290-291 excretion of trytophan metabolites in 71:297 ; frequency of esophageal neoplasms in 71:238 213 frequency of kidney neoplasms in 71:238 frequency of mouth and pharyngeal neo- plasms in 71:238 frequency of urinary bladder neoplasms in 71:238 group characteristics in lung neoplasms and smoking in 71:240, 244, 329-333 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid urinary excre- tion in 67:156 3-hydroxykynurenine urinary excretion in 67:156 incidence of edentulism 69:87 incidence of gingivitis 69:86 incidence of periodontal disease 69-85-86 incidence of preeclampsia among preg- nant women 69:79 laryngeal neoplasm mortality rates 67:148; 71:237-238 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35; 71:278-279 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use 71:354-357 lung fibrosis development in 71:161 lung neoplasm mortality in uranium miners 71:256 lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:8, 34, 47 lung neoplasm mortality rates, by age 67:132-138, 140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, by sex 67.136, 140 jung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by age 67:131-132, 134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by amount smoked 67 :134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by smoking characteristics 67:134-135, 139 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by smoking history 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for wom- en 7:1:240-243 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, by age 67:134-140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, by sex 67:136, 140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, by smok- ing classification 67:139 214 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by age 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by amount smoked 67:134-135, 137-140 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by smoking characteristics 67:134-135 jung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by smoking history 67:134-135, 137, 139 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for wom- en 67:34, 136 lung neoplasm occurrence in asbestos workers 67:143 lung neoplasm occurrence in uranium workers 67:143 N-methylnicotinamide urinary excretion 67:156 morbidity rates, in United States 67:3,5 mortality rates 71:3 mortality rates, by age 67:79-10 mortality rates, by occupation 67:11 mortality rates, for Canadian pensioners 67:10 mortality rates, for men by age 67:12-13 mortality rates, for U.S. veterans by age 67:12-13 mortality rates, for women by age 67:12-13, 21 mortality ratios, by age and sex 67:12-13 mortality ratios, for U.S. veterans by age 67:12-13 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in 71:298 mortality ratios, in United States 67:8 mortality ratios of COPD in 71:142-144 mouth neoplasm mortality rates 67:146 mouth neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35, 146 mucous gland abnormalities in 74:97 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios 67:59 myocardial infarction morbidity ratios, by physical activity levels 67:56 myocardial infarction relationships to physical activity 71:44 oral diseases and 72:6 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by age 67:158-159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by sex 67:158-159 pancreatic neoplasm mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:159 paralysis agitans mortality rates 67:8 pathological and cytological changes in respiratory tract of 71:258-263 peptic ulcer in, comelated amounts of tobacco use 71:427-428 peptic ulcer morbidity rates, by sex 67:182 peptic ulcer mortality rates, for men, by age 67:181 peptic ulcer mortality ratios, for men, by age 67:181 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality rates 67:146 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35, 146 postoperative hypoxemia in 71:174-230 postoperative pulmonary complications in 71:174-175, 230 postural hypoxemia mechanism in symptomatic 71:147 prevalence of neoplasms, by type of tumor, sex and 69:56 pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in 71:165 relation between CHD and serum choles- terol level 71:43 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease 71:172, 226-229 respiratory symptoms 72:40 respiratory symptoms by age 67:29, 100 respiratory symptoms by occupation 67:97 respiratory tract neoplasm mortality tates 67:147 serum lipids in 71:41, 98-102 small airways abnormalities in 74:97, 98 stomach neoplasm mortality rates 67:157-158 stroke mortality, by age 69:13 stroke mortality, by amount smoked 69:13 stroke mortality, by sex 69:13 stroke mortality, compared to ex- smokers 69:15 stroke mortality ratios, by age 69:13 stroke mortality ratios, by amount smoked 69:13 stroke mortality ratios, by sex 69:13 surfactant activity in lungs of 71:172, 225 thickness of myocardial arteriole walls 72:19 thickness of vocal cords 69:60 tracheal neoplasm mortality rates 67.147 type of tung neoplasms in male and female 71:250 urinary excretion of tryptophan metab- olites 69:64 urinary tract neoplasm mortality rates, by age 67:154 see also Smokers vs. nonsmokers, cigar; Smokers vs. nonsmokers, pipe Smokers vs. nonsmokers, cigar esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35-36 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 mortality rates 67:8 and mouth neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 and pharyngeal neoplasm mortality tatios 67:35 Smokers vs. nonsmokers, pipe esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 laryngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35, 149 mortality rates 67:8 mortality rates for Canadian pensioners 67:10 mouth neoplasm mortality rates 67:35 pharyngeal neoplasm mortality ratios 67:35 Smoke streams aluminum in 64:55. 61. 62 arsenic in 64:55 benzo(a) pyrene content 72:123 beryllium in 64:55 chromium in 64:55 CO levels in mainstream cigar smoke 75:90 constituents of tobacco smoke 75:88-98 definition of 64:50 effect on nonsmokers 72:122, 123 Guthion in 64:62 nickel in 64:55 potassium in 64:55 Sevin in 64:62 sodium in 64:55 summary of previous findings 75:87, 88 tar and nicotine content 72:123 Smoke, tobacco 64:26, 33, 34, 5062, 69-75, 142-146, 167, 168, 263-267 acenapthene in 64:55 air cured and tumorigenicity 68:91 as air pollutant 72:7, 121, 122 alkylbenzene in 64:55 allergic and irritative components, effect on nonsmokers 72:2, 128, 129 antigenic properties 72:104 aromatic hydrocarbons in 64:55; 67:127; 69:61 arsenic in 64:55. 61 benz(a)anthracene in 67:127 benzene in 64:55 benzo(b)fluoranthene in 67:127 benzo(j)fluoranthene in 67:127 benzo(k)fluoranthene in 67:127 benzo(a)pyrene in 67:127 benzo(e)pyrene in 67:127 beryllium in 64:55 bladder carcinogens in 69:64 and bronchogenic carcinoma 67:129-130 carcinogenic heterocyclics in 64:54 carcinogenic hydrocarbons in 64:55 carcinogenicity 64:143, 145; 68:90. 91; 69:62 216 chromium as 64:55 chronic toxicity of 64:73 chrysene in 67:127 clearance mechanism for 64:267, 269 cocarcinogens in 69:61 composition of 64:50-62, 263, 264 constituents of 64:51 constituents of, and bladder neoplasm carcinogenesis 67:156 constituents of, effect on bronchial mu- cosa 67:144-145 constituents of, lung neoplasms induced by 67:144 cyanide in, and vitamin B-12 deficiency, in tobacco amblyopia , 67:40 deposition of 64:263-267 dibenz(a,j)acridine in 67:127 effect during pregnancy in laboratory animals 73:114, 115 effect of constituents on passive smokers 75 :88-98 effect on air pollution in aircraft 73:45 effect on bronchial epithelium 67:129 effect on macrophages 72:47 effect on mitochondrial function, in rat liver 74:104 effect on nonsmokers, in aircraft 73:45 effect on stillbirth rate in laboratory animals 73:125 and epidermoid carcinoma 67:129-130 exposure 64:272 filtration of, effect on bronchoconstric- tor response in smokers 72:45 heterocyclic nitrogen compounds in 67:127 indeno(1,2,3-c,d) pyrene in 67:127 irritants in 72:109, 110 leukoplakia from 64:233 liver effect of 64:342 and lung neoplasms in animals 68:93 nicotine content of 68:91 nicotine-N-oxides in 69:62 Nitrates in 67:128 N-nitrosamines in 67:127 organ toxicity of 64:73 papilloma formation in tracheobronchial mucosa 67:129-130 pH of, effect of leaf constituents 73:224 polonium-210 content, and carcino- genesis 68:92 polycyclic aromatic compounds 64:26, 144 potassium 64:55 potential source of N-nitrosamines 68:91 pyrolytic temperature effect in 64:50 retention of 64263-267 summary of previous findings on rela- tionship to passive smoking 75:87, 88 summary of recent findings 75:108 systemic toxicity of 64:73 tar content of 68:91 in tobacco amblyopia etiology 67:40 toluene 64:55 toxicity of 64:73 tumorigenic activity 68:90, 91; 73:210-214 tumor-promoting agents in, and neo- plasm pathogenesis 67:35 and vitamin B deficiency in tobacco amblyopia 67:40 see also Smoke, cigar; Smoke, cigarette; Smoke, pipe Smoking and absenteeism 67:19 and adenocarcinoma 67:140-143 and air pollution 64:295-298 and air pollution, effect on pulmonary function and COPD prevalence 74:82, 83 and alcohol consumption, in esophageal neoplasm formation 67:152 and alveolar bone loss 69:85-87 and alveolar cell carcinoma 67:142 and angina pectoris 69:18 and anoxia 67:183 and aortic aneurysm 67:183 and arrhythmia 69:4 and arteriosclerosis 67:28; 69:4, 5 and asbestos exposure, as factors in lung neoplasm development 74:41 43 association with other risk factors in CHD 68:21; 74:6, 7,17 and asthma 67:29 and atherogenesis 67:66 and basal cell hyperplasia 67:30 and bed days 67: 20-22 and behavior type 69:20, 24 and bladder neoplasms 67:33, 36; 69:60; 72:68, 72-74 and bladder neoplasms in men 67:153 and bronchitis 69:4; 74:79 and bronchitis morbidity 67:6, 94,99 and bronchitis mortality 67:3, 29, 90-92 in bronchitis pathogenesis 67:29-31, 96, 108; 69:37-40 and carboxyhemoglobin levels in smok- ers 67:183 and cardiovascular diseases 67:3, 25-28, 47-69; 69:3-5 as cause of fires 67:187-188 as cause of traffic accidents 67:187-188 and cerebrovascular diseases 67:27, 66 and cerebrovascular diseases by age 67:68 and cerebrovascular thrombosis 67:27, 68 cigarette sales and CHD mortality rate 68:16 and coffee drinking, in myocardial in- farction etiology 74:8 and COPD etiology 73:35, 36 and coronary disease 69:3-5, 20 and coronary disease, age as factor 74:6 in coronary disease etiology 67:26, 54 217 and coronary disease incidence rates 67:54; 68:27 and coronary disease, in women 74:9,10 and coronary disease mortality 67:10. 26-67 in coronary disease patients 67:26, 28 in coronary disease patients, effect on blood pressure 67:61 in coronary disease patients, effect on heart function 67:61 in coronary disease patients, etfect on heart rate 67:61 and coronary thrombosis mortality for men 67:26 and diet 67:66 and digestive tract neoplasms mortality 67:30 duration of, 64:29, 31,37, 187, 188 duration of. and lung neoplasm increase 64:31, 37, 158, 161, 163, 170, 187, 188 duration of habit and incidence of CHD 68:17 effect of abstinence in excercise per- formance 73:241, 242, 246, 247 effect on bladder neoplasm morbidity 67:155 effect on blood cholesteroi levels 67:55, 56 effect on blood circulation 67:26, 60-61; 69:11 effect on blood circulation, and arterio- sclerosis pathogenesis 67:61-62 effect on blood circulation, and coro- nary disease pathogenesis 67:62 effect on blood coagulation 67:64 effect on blood lipids 68:31.73:11, 12 effect on blood platelets 67:64; 69:27-28; 74:18, 19 effect on blood pressure 67:54, 60 effect on blood vessels 67-111 effect on bronchial epithelium 67:104-106, 144 effect on cardiac lactate metabolism 73:13 effect on cardiovascular system 67:26, 60; 72:6, 13.14 effect on coronary vessels 67:65 effect on esophageal sphincter 72:97, 98 effect on esophageal tissue 67:30, 150-153 218 effect on free fatty acids 69:27 effect on gastric acidity 67:182 effect on gastrointestinal secretions in dogs 72:6 effect on heart function 67:60 effect on heart rate 67:60 effect on hemoglobin oxygen affinity 69:29 effect on larynx and true vocal cords 69:59-60 effect on leg blood mean-flow capacity 73:22 effect on Jeukocytes in guinea pigs 72:46 effect on lung function 67:29, 55;69:5 effect on lungs 67:104, 140-143 effect on lungs in dogs 72:46 effect on mortality rates from eso- phageal neoplasms in Japanese males 72:71 effect on mucous membranes 67:144 effect on myocardium 67:60 effect on neoplasm recurrence at site of primary 72:69 effect on oxygen tension in arteriat blood 72:45 effect on pentagastrin-stimulated gastric secretion 72:97 effect on peripheral circulatory system 72:25, 26 effect on plasma nicotine levels 73:15-17 effect on precapillary sphincters 73:22 effect on pulmonary clearance 72:47 effect on respiratory tract 67:141 effect on thrombus formation 69:27-28 effect on thrombus formation in coro- nary disease patients 67:26 effect on tryptophan metabolism 67:36, 156 effect on vascular resistance 67:60 effect on ventilation/perfusion relation- ships of lung 69:39 etfect on vision 67:183 electrocardiogram patterns from 64:319 and emphysema morbidity 67:3, 6, 94, 99 and emphysema mortality 67:3, 29, 90-92 in emphysema pathogenesis 67:29-31, 96, 104, 106; 69:37-38 and epidermoid carcinoma 67:35, 140-143 and esophageal neoplasms 67:33, 149, 150-151 and fertility history 69:79-80 genetic factors in 64:190, 385 and gingivitis 69:85-86 health hazards of. similarities of ciga- rettes with little cigars 73:224, 225 heartburn and 72:97, 98 histopathologic changes from 64:300 inhalation of cigarette smoke as measure of exposure to 67:15 interaction with other risk factors in CHD 73:4-11 and intermittent claudication 74:14-16 and kidney neoplasms 69:60 in laryngeal neoplasm etiology 67:3, 148;69:55 in laryngeal neoplasm etiology in men 67:33 and liver cirrhosis morbidity 67:39 and liver cirrhosis mortality 67:10, 36 and lung neoplasms 64:175-196; 69:4, 55-58 and lung neoplasms ctiology 67:33-34, 140-144 and lung neoplasms incidence 68:94-99 and lung neoplasms, in men 69:57 and lung neoplasms, in women 67:10; 69:67 and lung neoplasms morbidity 67:3, 142 and lung neoplasms mortality 67:3, 10, 34 and lung neoplasms, retrospective studies of, by smoking characteristics 64:156 aS a major risk factor in peripheral vascular disease 74:14-16 and morbidity by age 67:24 and morbidity in United States 67:6,19 and mortality 69:3 and mortality, British men 67:10 and mortality, British physicians 67:5 mortality, follow-up study 67:8 mortality from esophageal neoplasms 68:102 and mortality in United States 67:5 and mortality rates by sex 67:7 and mortality, U.S. veterans 67:5 and mouth neoplasms 67:145 and myocardial infarction 69:4, 18 and myocardial infarction incidence rates 67:57 and noncancerous oral diseases 69:5-6, 85-87 and oat cell carcinoma 67:140-141 and obesity 67:66 and oral neoplasms 69:58 and oral neoplasms incidence 68:99, 100 and pancreatic neoplasms 67:36, 159: 69:60-61 patterns 64: 368, 369 and peptic ulcer 67:39; 72:6, 97, 98 and peptic ulcer morbidity 67:39-40, 181-182 and peptic ulcer mortality 67:39-40, 180-182 pleasure 64:350 population studies 67:8-11 and premalignant changes in larynx 69:5 prevalence of 64:363, 364 prevalence of, in nonwhites 64:363, 364 . prevalence of in U.S. and Great Britain 73:173, 174 psychoanalytic explanation of 64:367 and pulmonary fibrosis 67:107; 72:44 rate 64:98 reduction of among British physicians, and reduced mortality 67:15 reduction of, effect on lung neoplasm mortality 67:4 relation to blood cholestero! and lung neoplasms 69:57 relation to lung neoplasms and stomach ulcers 69:57 and respiratory tract infections 67:10 and restricted activity 67:19 status, errors of measurement in 64:111 and stomach neoplasms 67:29, 36, 158 and stroke 67:27 and thrombosis 67:111 tobacco amblyopia and 72:6 trends for U.S. men, for years 1955, 1966, and 1970 74:40 and tryptophan metabolites in urine 67:36 type, esophageal neoplasms and 64:32, 33 type, mortality ratios by 64:90 type, neoplasm sites by 64:188 type, oral neoplasm sites by 64:197 type, retrospective neoplasm studies 64:201 typology 67:189-191 and undifferentiated carcinoma 67:140-143 vasoconstrictive effects in normal sub- jects 74:16 wish- for-adult-status as reason for 64:371 withdrawal methods and 64:352 in young people, effect on lung function 67:110 in young people, effect on respiratory tract 67:31 See also Reverse smoking; Passive smok- ing; Smoking, bidi; Smoking, cigar; Smoking, pipe Smoking, bid 64:211 esophageal neoplasms from 64:213 in neoplasm etiology in Bombay, India 72:69 Smoking characteristics bronchitis prevalence rates in men and 74:79 COPD prevalence rates in Yugoslavia and 74:79 dosage score and 67:14-15 and incidence rates of lung neoplasms for men 69:56 we i) Q and incidence rates of hung neoplasms for women 69:56 and lung neoplasm mortality rates 69:57 lung neoplasm mortality rates, for men by 67:134-135, 139 lung neoplasm mortality rates, women by 67:136 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for men by 67:139 lung neoplasm mortality ratios, for women by 67:136 patients with lung or bladder neoplasms 68:104 tor Smoking, cigar autopsy studies, in smokers with emphy- sema, fibrosis, or thickening of arte- rioles or arteries 75:75 and bronchitis morbidity 67:94, 99 and bronchitis mortality 67:30, 94 CO levels in mainstream smoke 75:90 effect on blood lipids 68:31 effect on mortality and morbidity com- pared to cigarette smoking 73:171-173 and emphysema morbidity 67:94 and emphysema mortality 67:30, 94 in esophageal neoplasm development 73:197, 200-202 gastrointestinal disorders and 73:222 health consequences of 73:179 histological effects on bronchial epithe- lium 73:203, 204, 209 histological effects on esophagus 73:200 histological effects on larynx 73:197 histological effects on lungs 73:217 incidence of CHD 68:27 incidence of lung neoplasms in Switzer- land 68:95, 96 inhalation patterns and 73:184-189 in laryngeal neoplasm development 73:197-199 in lung neoplasm development 73:203-206; 74:39, 40 and lung neoplasm mortality 67:34, 138-140 and lung neoplasm mortality ratios 67:138-140; 73:203-205 and mortality 67:7 mortality from esophageal neoplasms 68:102 mortality, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:5 mortality ratios from cardiovascular dis- eases and 73:215, 216 mortality ratios from COPD and 73:217, 219 mortality ratios from esophageal neo- plasms and 73:197, 200 mortality ratios from laryngeal neo- plasms and 73,193, 196, 197 mortality ratios from oral neoplasms and 73:191, 193 oral neoplasm development and 73:193-195 overall mortality rates by amount smoked 73 :180-182 overall mortality rates from neoplasms 73:189 prevalence in Great Britain 73:173, 174 prevalence in United States 73:173, 174 relationship to neoplasms 75:43, 44 summary of previous findings on effects 75:4, 13 and tobacco amblyopia 67:39 see also Smoking Smoking classification bladder neoplasms mortality rates by 67:155 bronchitis mortality by 67:30 bronchitis respiratory symptoms by 67:98 cerebrovascular disease mortality rates by age and sex 67:66 cerebrovascular disease mortality ratios by age and sex 67:66 cough by 67:97 digestive tract mortality rates by 67:147 emphysema mortality by 67:30 esophageal neoplasms mortality rates by 67:50 esophageal neoplasms mortality ratios by 67:150 laryngeal neoplasms mortality rates by 67:147-149 laryngeal neoplasms mortality ratios by 67:149 liver cirrhosis mortality rates in men 67:184 liver cirrhosis mortality ratios for men 67:184 lung neoplasms morbidity by 67:33, 143 lung neoplasms mortality rates by 67:34, 137, 139-140, 143 lung neoplasms mortality ratios by 67:137, 139-140 mortality rates by 67:8 mouth neoplasm morbidity by 67:32 mouth neoplasm mortality by 67:35, 146 pancreatic neoplasms mortality rates for men by 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms mortality rates for US. veterans by 67:159 pancreatic neoplasms mortality ratios for men by 67:159 peptic ulcer mortality rates for men by 67:182 pharyngeal neoplasms mortality by 67:35, 146 respiratory tract neoplasms mortality rates by 67:147 stomach neoplasms mortality rates by 67:157-158 stomach neoplasms mortality ratios by 67:157 tracheal neoplasms mortality rates by 67:147 urinary tract neoplasms mortality rates by 67:154 urinary tract neoplasms mortality ratios by 67:154 Smoking habit 64:366 appetitite reduction by 64:71, 355 behavioral research 67188:192 beneficial effects of 64:32, 355 and body constitution 67:54 British physicians 67:9-10 and cognition 67:189-191 compulsive nature of 64:352 and cultural characteristics 67:54 demographic factors in 64:361-365 and heredity 67:53-54 intelligence factors in 64:370 measurement of 64:98 221 modification of 64:375, 376 mortality rates associated with 64:27 nausea from 64:71 neuroticism and 64:367 and occupational physical activity 67:56 oral hypothesis of 64:367, 363 and perception 67:189-191 and personality characteristics 67:57 psychological determinants in 64:40, 350 psychosocial aspects of 67:39, 188-192 reasons for 67:189 and religion 67:54 social determinants in 64:361-374 and socioeconomics 67:54 see also Tobacco habit Smoking history aortic aneurysm mortality rates by 69:16 aortic aneurysm mortality ratios by 69:16 and bronchitis prevalence rates 67:96 and chronic diseases 67:22 and coronary disease incidence rates 69:21-24 and coronary disease mortality rates 67:25-26; 69:13-14, 17 and coronary disease mortality rates, for ex-smokers 67:51 coronary disease mortality ratios 69:13, 15,18 incidence of atypical nuclei in larynx by 69:59 and laryngeal neoplasms 67:35 and lung neoplasm morbidity 67:33 and lung neoplasm mortality rates 67:34, 135-137, 139-140 and lung neoplasm mortality rates for ex-smokers 67:137, 139 and mortality 67:7-9 and respiratory disease morbidity 67:98 and respiratory function tests 67:100 and stroke 67:68 and stroke mortality rates 69:13, 17 222 and stroke mortality ratios 69:13,15 Smoking machines 64:45 Smoking, maternal and abortion 69:77-79, 7E:13; 72:5, 84, 85; 73:123, 124 carboxyhemoglobin levels . 69:80 carcinogenic effects on fetus 72:88 congenital malformations and 73:136, 137 and development of bronchitis and pneu- monia in infants 75:103, 104 effect during pregnancy 67:185-186; 72:5, 83-87. 73:103-142 effect on birth weight 67:39-40, 185; 69:5, 77-78, 80: 72:5, 83-87; 73:103-114, 119-122 effect on body height of children 72:88 effect on fetal growth rate 72:5, 83-87 effect on fetal morbidity 67:186 effect on fetal mortality 67:185; 69:77-78; 73:124, 125 effect on gestation duration 73:103-106 effect on infant mortality 67:185; 69:77-78; 72:84-87 effect on infants growth rate 69:78 effect on lactation 73:138-141 effect on neonatal carboxyhemoglobin levels 73:118, 119 effect on neonate 67:39-40, 185 effect on neoplasm development in off- spring 72:87, 88 effect on placental ability to hydrox- ylate benzo(a)pyrene 69:80 . . effect on placental metabolizing activity 72:89 effect on pregnancy 69:4-5, 77-81 effect on pregnancy, in Ireland 69:79 effect on pregnancy, in Scotland 69:79 effect on pregnancy, in Venezuela 9:79 effect on sex ratio 73:135, 136 epidemiological studies of effects 69:77-80 preeclampsia and 69:79; 72:84; 73:142 pregnancy toxemias and 69:79 and prematurity 67:185; 69:77, 79 and prematurity, among Negroes 69:78 selective action on fetus of certain wom- en vs. others 73:131 teratogenic effects IADR timing of influence on birth weight 73:120, 121 unwanted pregnancy and 72:84 see also Infant mortality; Neonates Smoking, parental effect on children 72:129 Smoking, paternal effect on infant birth weight 73:110, 111 Smoking, pipe and adenocarcinoma 67:143 autopsy studies, in smokers with emphy- sema, fibrosis, or thickening of arte- rioles or arteries 75:75 and bronchitis morbidity 67:94, 99 and bronchitis mortality 67:94, 99 effect on mortality and morbidity com- pared to cigarette smoking 73:171-173 and emphysema morbidity 67:94 and emphysema mortality 67:34 and epidermoid carcinoma 67:143 in esophageal neoplasm development 73:197, 200-202 gastrointestinal disorders and 73:222 health consequences of 73:179 histological effects on bronchial epithel- jum 73:203, 204, 209 histological effects on esophagus 73:200 histological effects on larynx 73:197 inhalation patterns and 73:184-189 in laryngeal neoplasm development 73:197-199 and lip neoplasms 67:35, 145 in lung neoplasm etiology 67:143; 74:39, 40 in lung neoplasm etiology by amount smoked 73:203-206 and lung neoplasm mortality 67:34, 139-140 and hing neoplasm mortality ratios 67:139-140; 73 :203-205 and mortality 67:7 and mortality ratios 64:86, 87 mortality ratios from cardiovascular di- seases and 73:215, 216 mortality ratios from COPD and 73:217, 219 mortality ratios from laryngeal neo- plasms and 73:193, 196, 197, 200 mortality ratios from oral neoplasms 73:191, 193 and mouth neoplasms 67:33 oral neoplasms development and 73:193-195 overall mortality rates by amount smok- ed 73:180-182 overall mortality rates from neoplasms and 73:189 prevalence in Great Britain 73:173, 174 prevalence in United States 73:173, 174 pulmonary histological changes and 73:217 relationship to cancer 75:43, 44 sedation from 64:350 stomatitis nicotina from 64:271; 69:87 summary of previous findings on effects on smokers 75:4, 13 and tobacco amblyopia 67:39 see also Smoking Snuff 64:73, 349 effect on oral mucosa in hamsters 72:70 lip neoplasms from 64:202 oral lesions from 64:203 oral neoplasms 64:202, 233; 71:287, 361, 364-365 per capita consumption of, in U.S. 64:45 Social adjustments in children of smoking mothers 71:407 Social stimulation 64:32 Socioeconomic level smoking prevalence by 64:362 Socioeconomics ir. COPD 71:152-153, 216-217 and smoking habit 67:54 Sodium in main stream smoke 64:55 N tr Gd Solanesol 64:52 pyrolysis of 64:53 structural formula of 64:53 Somatotypes 64:372, 383, 384, 385, 386 Soot benzo(a)pyrene content of 64:148 neoplasm induction by 64:33, 147, 229 South Africa coronary death rate in 64:320 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use 71:378 health surveys in 64:186 methods of retrospective studies of lung neoplasms in 71:328 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionship to COPD in 72:219 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:99 Specificity as measure of statistical association 64:182-185, 204, 210, 225 Spirometric test 64:292 Sports smokers’ participation in 64:372, 373 Spray exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, by race and sex 75:69, 70 Sputum 64:38, 282, 283-287, 301 effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:41 effect of filtered cigarettes 73:55 effect of modified cigarettes 73:37, 38 effect of plain vs. filtered cigarettes 73:37, 38 in males by amount smoked and type of cigarette 73:37, 38 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers 73:220, 221 in women 64:231 Squalene 64:51 Status striving smoking and 64.372, 373 Stearic acid suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke 71:266 224 Steel workers 64:285, 299 Sterols 64:52 Stigmasterol 64:52 pyrolysis of 64:59 Stillbirths abortions, and neonatal death and, in smoking and non-smoking mothers 71:390, 405-406 effects of maternal smoking 71:415; 73:124, 125 rates in blacks vs. whites 73:124, 125 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:124, 125 see also Fetal death; Smoking, maternal Stimulants 64:354 nicotine as 64:38, 69, 70, 71, 317-320, 349-350 Stockholm Prospective Study epidemiologic study of smoking and CHD 74:6 Stomach neoplasms mortality rates 67:158 mortality rates, by age and amount smoked 67:157-158 mortality rates, by age and daily tobacco consumption 67:158 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:157-158 mortality rates, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:158 mortality ratios, by age and amount smoked 67157-3158 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:157 and smoking 67:36 and tobacco use 67:33 Stomatitis nicotina 64:275, 302 and pipe smoking 64:271; 69:87 reverse smoking and 72:6, 69, 70 symptoms of 64:271 see also Leukoptakia Stramonium 64:354 Stress 64:373, 374 socioenvironmental, and coronary dis- ease incidence 67:56 Stroke mortality rates, by age 69:13 mortality rates, by age and sex 67:67 mortality rates, by amount smoked 69:13 mortality rates, by sex 69:13 mortality ratios, by amount smoked 69:13 mortality ratios, by sex 69:13 and smoking 67:27, 28; 72:24, 25 see also Cerebrovascular diseases Strontium 90 64:146 Students, college smoking patterns in 64:369 Students, high school effect of smoking 72:40, 41 pulmonary function of smokers vs. non- smokers 72:3 respiratory symptoms 72:40, 41 Study populations representativeness of 64:94 Subcutaneous neoplasms 64:143, 144 Subglottis 64:271 Suburbs coronary diseases in 64:322 Sugar 64:62 Sulfonamides 64:224 Sulfur dioxide air pollution from 64:295 and cigarette smoke, effect on glands in laboratory animals 73:49 ciliastatic effect of 64:268 mucus alteration of 64:268 pollution levels in four U.S. locations 75:65, 66 toxicity of 64:295 Sulfuric acid carcinogen extraction by 64:147 Surfactant see Pulmonary surfactant Surgery complications following, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:92 Survey of Tobacco Smoking Patterns in the United States 64:187 Sweden acute effects of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary function 71:168 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:104 CHD mortality and morbidity in 71:97 COPD morbidity in smokers in 71:203, 205 coronary mortality rates in 64:320 effect of cigarette smoke on animals ciliary function in 71:221-224 genetic studies of twins in, smoking effects on 71:50, 99 laryngeal neoplasms in relationship to tobacco use 71:356 lung neoplasm mortality rates in 64:176 relationship of tobacco use and lip neo- plasms in 71:361 relationship of tobacco use and oral cavity neoplasms 71:364 Tetrospective studies of esophageal neo- plasms, by tobacco use 64:214; 71:378 retrospective studies, of oral neoplasms, by type of smoking 64:198, 200, 201 retrospective study, of laryngeal neo- plasms 64:205, 206 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers of 71:99 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system 71:115 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system 71:133 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:263 Swimming effect of smoking 73:242, 244 Switzerland CHD morbidity and mortality in, smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 71:95 cigarette smoke effects on mice lung and kidney tissue in 71:344 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on mice respiratory tract 71:351 lung neoplasm incidence in cigar and pipe smokers of rural 71:244 225 jung neoplasm mortality rate in 64:176 lung neoplasms, methods of retrospec- tive study of smoking in 71:325 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers of 71:100 Tachycardia development in dogs induced by nicotine 71:57 Tars, cigarette carcinogenic effect on animal oral cav- ities 71:288 carcinogenicity 67:34; 69:61; 71:11, 264, 265 carcinogenic properties on animal skin 71:337-342; 73:210-214 as cause of bladder neoplasms, in rats 74:58 content 64:50; 67:34; 68:91 effect of instillation or implantation in animal tracheobronchial tree 71:346-348 effect on RNA 73:86 effect on tissue and organ cultures 71:343-344 as harmful component of cigarette smoke 72:142, 143 and nicotine content of cigarette smoke, and tumorigenicity 67:15, 34 and nicotine content of cigarette smoke, as measurement of dosage 67:15 N-nitrosamines in 73:87, 88 reduction of 69:61 retention in mouth 69:62 role in experimental carcinogenesis 73:80-84 role in respiratory tract carcinogenesis, in animals 74:47 summary of previous findings on effects bladder neoplasms and 64:219, 223 buccal retention of 64:264 carcinogenicity 64:33, 143, 146, 147, 165, 192: 67:128; 69:61; 72:65, 66 clearance of 64:269 cocarcinogens in 67:131 condensation temperature of 64:50 definition 72:143 dosage score as function of 67:15 effect on respiratory symptoms and ven- tilatory capacity 73:38 esophageal neoplasms and 64:212, 213, 218 fatty acids in 64:53 gastric neoplasms induced by 64:228 and leukemia 67:148 in little cigars, compared to cigarettes and cigars 73:223-226, 228 and lymphosarcoma 67:148 mouth neoplasm experimentally induced by 67:147-148 nonvolatile fraction of 64:50 pulmonary adenoma from 64:165 retention of, in mouth 64:264 and reticulosarcoma 67:148 sarcoma induction in rats following in- stillation 71::346 skin neoplasm induction by 67:131; 71:238, 337-342: 73:210-214 sterol fraction of 64:52 see also Tars, cigarette Taste bud reflexes 64:71 on smokers Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale 75:5 64:367 see also Tars, tobacco TDE Tars, tobacco 64:145 64:50 Tea alkaloid content of 64:349 64:54 Tecumseh Study anticarcinogens in 64:284 64:143, 144 incidence of CHD in cigarette smokers application of, in carcinogenesis 68:19 64:165 jung function differences in smokers and and bladder neoplasm carcinogenesis nonsmokers 67:156 74:81 226 Temperature effect 64:50 Ten-city mortality surveys 64:135 Tension 64:353 Teratogenesis maternal smoking implications in 71:407 in mice embryos, nicotine effects on 71:411 Terpenes 64:51 Terpenoids 64:51, 52 as flavoring agents in cigarettes 64:52 from pyrolysis of solanesol 64:52 Tetraethylammonium chloride blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by 71:57 effect on nicotine pharmacology 67:60 Theobromine 64:352 Thiocyanate 64:266 Thorium 64:145 Thoron 64:145 Throat effect of exposure to cigarette smoke, in passive smokers 75:99 effect of smoking 64:275 Thromboangiitis obliterans allergic skin reactions in 64:319 cessation of smoking, and remission 71:74 cessation of smoking in 64:326 definition 71:73 tobacco allergy and 7A treatment of 64:326 Thrombogenesis effects of smoking 68:32-43 Thrombophlebitis oral contraceptives and 72:26 smoking and 72:26 Thrombosis coronary 64:321 effect of epinephrine on 67:64 and emphysema 67:111 plasma and 69:27-28 smoking and 67:26, 64, 65, 111; 69:27-28; 71:66, 130-132; 72:23; 73:19; 74:18, 19 Thrombus formation and smoking 68:32-43; 69:27-28; 75:32 Thumbsucking 64:367, 368 Tidal volume acrolein effects on 64:266, 267 Tissue cultures effect of cigarette smoke on 69:62-63; 71:267, 343-345 Tobacco advertising, prohibition of 64:8 allergic reaction to 64:302 “angina” 64:319 antigenic properties of 64:319;72:104 antigens, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:107 anti-obesity effect of 64:355 arsenic content of 64:61, 62 arsenic spraying of 64:61 beneficial effects of 64:255, 355, 356 carcinogenicity of 64:143 chemical composition of 64:49, 50-60 cholesterol content 72:24 controversy over 64:5, 6,7 curing methods, and incidence of respira- tory infections in rats 73:218, 219 denicotinized 64:34, 349 effect on immune responses 72:6, 107-109 flavoring in 64:52, 62 flue-cured vs. air-cured, effect on respira- tory system in animals 73:217, 218 form used and relation to gingivitis 69:86 history of 64:5 humectants in 64:62 irritants 64:353 modification of taste of 64:354 and mouth neoplasms 67:145 in oral neoplasms 64:198, 199, 200, 201 227 and oral submucous fibrosis 69:58 pharmacologic, irritative, and allergic ef- fects 72:7, 109-111 role in carcinogenesis 69:62 and stomach neoplasms 67:33, 158 see also Tobacco additives; Tobacco ex- tracts; Tobacco leaf components; To- bacco, pipe Tobacco Act of 1842 64:62 Tobacco additives 64:62, 145 flavorings as 64:62 humectants as 64:62 prohibition of 64:62 see also Tobacco Tobacco alkaloids see Alkaloids, tobacco Tobacco ambylopia see Ambylopia, tobacco Tobacco chewing 64:45, 211, 213, 349 decrease of 64:45, 211 gingival neoplasms from 64:202 laryngeal neoplasms from 64:212 leukoplakia and 73:75 lip neoplasms from 64:202; 71 :361-363, 365-366 oral neoplasms from 64:233; 69:58; 71:361-363, 365-366; 72:69 per capita consumption of chewing to- bacco, U.S. 64:45 Tobacco consumption 64:5, 26, 29, 30, 35, 36, 45, 46, 85, 86, 87, 89, 155, 187, 188 bladder neoplasms, mortality rates by 67:155 bladder neoplasms, prevalence by 64:223 coronary diseases and 64:106, 323 coronary diseases, mortality rates by 64:324 cough and sputum prevalence by 64:289 epithelial cell changes by 64:231 errors of measurement of 64:111 esophageal neoplasm risk ratio by 64:213, 217 factors determining 64:163 forced expiratory volume by 64:289 228 gastric neoplasms mortality rate by 64:228; 67:158 laryngeal neoplasms risk ratios by 64:209 lung neoplasms mortality rates by 64:137, 186 lung neoplasms risk by 64:37, 196, 232 mortality rates by 64:29, 105, 106, 111, 139, 180, 324 mortality ratios by 64:85, 86, 105, 106 oral neoplasms gradients by 64:202, 233 per capita, U.S. 64:45 . in pneumoconiosis 64:291, 298 relative risk ratios by 64:183 respiratory symptoms by 64:289 stress factors in 44:32, 373, 374 Tobacco extracts 64:143, 144 antigenic properties 72:104, 105 carcinogenesis from 64:143, 144, 165 effect on cell cultures 73:85, 86 effect on skin 72:105-107 irritants in 72:104, 105 thromboangiitis obliterans and 72:111 see also Tobacco Tobacco habit 64:349-354 cure of 64:354 dependence on 64:350 nicotine in 64:32, 349 psychological drives in 64:32, 350, 351 see also Smoking habit Tobacco Industry Research Committee 64:6 Tobacco Institute, Inc. 64:8 Tobacco leaf components antigenic properties 72:104, 105 polonium-210 in 67:128 presence of potassium 71:266 see also Tobacco Tobacco, pipe definition and processing 73:176 decrease in consumption 64:45 per capita consumption, U.S. 64:45 see also Tobacco Tobacco workers coronary diseases in 64:322 health studies in 64:182 laryngeal neoplasms in tobacconists 64:205 Tokyo-Yokohama asthma 64:276 Toluene 64:55, 59 Tongue hamster, C-14 labeled particulate deposi- tion in 71:281-282 Tongue neoplasms cigar smoking in 64:189, 202 pipe and cigar smoking in 64:202 pipe smoking in 64:188, 189 retrospective studies in, by type of smoking 64:201 risk gradients in 64:233 see also Mouth neoplasms; Oral neo- plasms Tooth extraction effect of smoking on healing of socket 69:87 Toxicity birth rate reduction from 64:343 from nicotine 64:73 from sulfur dioxide 64:295 threshold levels in 64:295 Trachea changes in, in smokers 64:167-172 hamster, C-14 labeled particulate deposi- tion in 71:281-282 histopathology of 64:167-172, 271 mucus secretion in 64:268 mucus velocity, effects of smoking, in dogs 75:78 Tracheal neoplasms experimentally induced by cigarette smoke 67:144 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:147 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:147 smoking and 73:71 Tracheobronchial tree clearance, effects of cigarette smoke in donkeys 75:78 epithelial changes in 64:167-172 function 64:35 histopathologic changes in 64:167-173, 270-274 passim secondary infection in 64:272 Traffic effect on air pollution in Boston 74:82, 83 Traffic accidents 64:39, 344, 345 Tranquilizers 64:100, 101, 354 nicotine as 64:350 Transit workers breathlessness in 64:286 chronic cough in 64:281 Treadmill performance cardiovascular parameters in smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:243-245 effect of vitamin C 73:245 oxygen intake in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 73:245 Tricaprylin 64:143 Triglycerides coronary disease relationship to 71:65; 73:8 smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:99-100, 102 Trout hepatoma induction in 64:145 Tryptophan metabolism alteration in urinary tract neoplasms by smoking 71:13 alterations by smoking 71:297 carcinogenicity in mice bladders 71:296 disorders, and bladder neoplasms 67:36, 106 disorders, effect of cessation of smoking on 67:156 effect of smoking on 67:36, 156 effect of smoking on, and bladder neo- plasms 67:36 relation of excretion in smokers and nonsmokers 71:297 bo nw Oo Tryptophan metabolites carcinogenic, and smoking 67:36 carcinogenic, in urine, and bladder neo- plasms 67:36 excretion of, by smokers 69:64 intermediate, and bladder neoplasms 67:156 Tuberculosis 64:276, 302 alcoho! consumption in 64:277 cigarette consumption in 64:277 in smokers vs. nonsmokers 71:172, 226-228 smoking and 72:41 Tumors see Neoplasms; and specific neoplasm terms Twenty-five State Study expected deaths, in 64:110 lung neoplasm mortality in 64:118 mortality ratios in 64:110, 118, 149 observed deaths in 64:110 Twins air pollution exposure levels and respira- tory symptoms 75:67 air pollution vs. smoking in bronchitis development in 67:109 air pollution vs. smoking in emphysema development using 67:109 angina pectoris development in, smoking effects on 71:50-51 blood cholesterol levels by smoking habit in 67:55 constitutional factors in bronchitis devel- opment in 67:109 constitutional factors in emphysema de- velopment in 67:109 coronary disease incidence rates in, with discordant smoking habits 67:103 cough incidence rates, smokers vs. non- smokers by age and sex in 67:102 dizygotic, bronchitis morbidity prev- alence rates for, with discordant smoking habits 67:103 dizygotic, chronic cough in, with dis- cordant smoking habits 67:103 230 genetic and environmental factors in angina pectoris in 69:25 genetic studies of smoking effects on 71:49-52 monozygotic, angina pectoris incidence rates in, by smoking habit 67:59 monozygotic, bronchitis morbidity prev- alence rates for, with discordant smoking habits 67:113 monozygotic, chronic cough in, with discordant smoking habits 67:103, 113 monozygotic, respiratory symptoms in, with discordant smoking habits 67:103, 113 morbidity rates by smoking habit in 67:103 mortality from CHD, in smokers vs, nonsmokers 75:14, 15 neoplasm incidence in 64:190 predisposition to smoking in 64:326 role of heredity factors in respiratory diseases in 67:102 role of respiratory tract diseases 67:20 smoking and coronary heart disease in 72:18 smoking effects on mortality and mor- bidity in 7h:51 smoking habits of 64:190 Ultraviolet rays absorption determination of 64:51 neoplasm induction by 64:144 Underachievement 64:372, 373 Unemployed smoking in, 64:363 United Kingdom bladder neoplasms in, methods in retro- spective studies of smoking and 71:382-384 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:103, 104 British Perinatal Mortality Survey 71:390, 395, 404, 415 cigarette smoke effects on animal ciliary function in 71:221 cigarette smoke effects on human fetal lung and mice trachea 71:344 cigarette smoke effects on human pul- monary function 71:168, 169 cigarette smoke effects on mice respira- tory tract 71:352 cigarette smoke implantation effects on rat tracheobronchial tree in 71:346-347 comparison of abortions, stillbirths and neonatal deaths in smoking and non- smoking mothers 71:406 COPD morbidity in smokers in 71:195-197, 203, 204 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy in 71:408 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smok- ers in 71:294 tung neoplasms mortality in males in England and Wales 71:240 maternal smoking and infant weight in 71:397, 399 methods of retrospective study of lung neoplasms and smoking in 71:324, 326 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy 71:391, 394-395 mortality from cerebrovascular disease related to smoking in 71:68 mortality rates from COPD in, lack of increase 71:140 mortality ratios from esophageal neo- plasms in 71:290 mortality ratios from laryngeal neo- plasms in 71:278 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:424 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in 71:218-219 peptic ulcer in, methods and results of retrospective and cross section studies of smoking and 71:425-428 physicians in, decline in cigarette smok- ing rates 71:48 physicians in, mortality from lung neo- plasms in smokers and nonsmokers 71:241 pulmonary function in, cigarette smoke effects on 71:168 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in 71:253-254 relationship of smoking and tuberculosis in 71:226 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:101, 102 smoking and nicotine effects on anima! cardiovascular function in 71:107 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids in 71:126 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system in TEAIS smoking relationships to thrombosis in 71:131 United States acute effect of cigarette smoke on hu- man pulmonary function in 71:166-167, 169 arteriosclerosis mortality in 64:321 atherosclerosis autopsy studies in 71:53-55 bladder neoplasms in, methods and results in retrospective studies of smoking and 71:381-384 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71::103-104 Bureau of the Census 64:177 CHD mortality and morbidity in smok- ers vs, nonsmokers in 71:30-35, 37, 93-94 chewing tobacco consumption, decrease in 64:45 chronic bronchitis studies in 64:271 cigarette consumption increase in 64:26, 45, 46, 185 cigarette smoke effects on animal ciliary function in 74:221-224 cigarette smoke effects on animal tissues in 71:343-345 cigarette smoke effects on pulmonary surfactants and surface tension 71:172, 225 cigarette smoke implantation effects on animal tracheobronchial tree 71:346-348 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on animal respiratory tracts 71:349-350, 352, 354 comparison of abortions, stillbirth, and neonatal death in smoking and non- smoking mothers 71 :405-406 COPD development in 71:10 COPD morbidity in smokers 71:195, 196, 198-200, 201-202, 205 Department of Agriculture 64:15 Department of Commerce 64:15 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use 71:378 esophageal neoplasms mortality in, in 1967 71:289 Food and Drug Administration 64:8, 13, 15 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy in 71:391-395, 408-410 human pulmonary function following cessation of smoking in 71:149 inhalation practices in, in smokers 64:177 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smok- ers in 71:293-295 laryngeal neoplasms incidence in 1967 71:277 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationships to tobacco use 71:278-279, 354-355 lung neoplasms mortality rates 64:176 lung neoplasms mortality rates in, smok- ers and nonsmokers in 71:240-243 maternal smoking and infant weight 71:397-399 methods of retrospective study of lung neoplasms and smoking in, 71:323-328 mortality from aortic aneurysm related to smoking in W171 mortality from cerebrovascular disease related to smoking 71:68-70 mortality rates for bladder neoplasms in 1967 71:293 mortality rates for COPD 71:139-140 mortality rates for kidney neoplasms in 1967 71:296 mortality rates for lung neoplasms ex- pected in 1970 71:237, 239 mortality rates for lung neoplasms in 1939 vs. 1967 71:239 mortality ratios for COPD 71:142-145 mortality ratios for esophageal neo- plasms in 71:290-294 mortality ratios for laryngeal neoplasms 71:278-279 mortality ratios for pancreatic neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:298 232 mortality ratios for peptic ulcer in smok- ers and nonsmokers in 71:424 neoplasm mortality increase in 64:229 nonsmokers in, by age and sex 64:178 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in 71:218-219 Office of Science and Technology 64:8 oral neoplasms incidence in, estimated for 1970 71:284 peptic ulcer in, methods and results for retrospective and cross section stud- ies of smoking and 71:425, 426-428 peptic ulcer mortality in 1967 in 71:423 polonium-210 levels in lungs of smokers in 71:335-336 Public Health Service 64:6, 13, 127, 343 relationship of human pulmonary his- tology and smoking in 71:155-157 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in 71:253-254 relationship of smoking to infectious respiratory diseases in 71:227-229 relationship of tobacco use and lip neo- plasms 71:36 1-365, 367 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity 71:361-365, 367 retrospective studies in, neoplasms 64:150-165, 197-202, 205-209 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in 71:98, 100, 101 smokers in, by age 64:177 smoking and nicotine effects on animal cardiovascular function in 71:107-112 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids 71:123-126 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system 71:113-114, 116, 117-119 smoking and nicotine effects on human catecholamine levels 71119 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system 71:133-134 smoking relationship to thombosis in 71:130, 131 surveys of cigarette smoking in 71:6 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in 71:259-263 white males in, mortality rates in 64:95 white population in, mortality tatios in 64:132 United States veterans 64:109, 174 chronic cough in 64:281, 282, 285 expected deaths in 64:109 mortality rates in 64:88, 293 mortality ratios in 64:109, 149, 174 nonresponse rate in 64:113 observed deaths in 64:109 respiratory performance in 64:297 smoker mortality rates in 64:115 University of Minnesota Hospital 64:140 Unsaturated fats 64:322 Unsaturated fatty acids 64:53 Uranium miners lung neoplasms in 64:193; 67:143; 71:256 Urban areas contribution to lung neoplasm mortality TAL coronary disease incidence in 64:322 hung neoplasm rates in 64:186, 194, 195; 71:276 relationship of lung neoplasms, smoking, air pollution to 71::252-255 smoking prevalence in 64:99, 101, 364 Urbanization 64:186, 232 Urban populations lung neoplasms in, suspected etiology of increased 71:276 Urban vs. rural populations bladder neoplasm prevalence 64:225 mortality rates 67:11 smoking and 67:97 Urethan neoplasm promotion by 64:142 neoplasms from 64:143, 144 pulmonary adenomas from 64:144 Urinary tract diseases see Urogenital diseases Urinary tract neoplasms see Urogenital neoplasms Urogenital diseases 64:224 Urogenital neoplasms cigarette smoke condensate as cause, in animals 74:58 excretion of tryptophan in smokers vs. nonsmokers with 74:58 incidence in males and females by age 68:104 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers 74:58 mortality and smoking factors in bladder neoplasms 68:104, 105 mortality rates, by age 67:154 mortality rates, by amount smoked 67:154 mortality rates, by smoking classification 67:154 mortality ratios, by age 67:154 mortality ratios, by amount smoked - 67:154 mortality ratios, by smoking classifica- tion 67:154 smoking and 69:60, 64; 75:50 summary of previous findings on tela- tionship to smoking 68:89, 90; 74:57 see also Bladder neoplasms; Kidney neo- plasms Uterus cigarette smoking effects on, in preg- nancy 71:408 Vanillin 64:62 Vascular diseases, occlusive 64:319 smoking and 73:21 Vascular diseases, periphera! carboxyhemoglobin levels and 72:26 epidemiologic studies 74:14-16 experimental studies 74:16 nicotine and 72:25 smokers vs. nonsmokers 72:26 smoking as a risk factor 72:2, 25, 26, 56; 73:19-23; 74:14-16 Vascular reconstruction effect of smoking 73:22, 23 233 Vascular resistance effect of cigarette smoke on 67:61 effect of histamine on 67:61 effect of nicotine on 67:60 effect of smoking on 67:60 Vascular system peripheral, smoking and nicotine effect on 71:9, 72-73, 75, 133-134 Vasoconstriction fetal weight reduction by 64:343 nicotine induction of 64:318 pulmonary, effects of cigarette smoking 68:75, 76 Vegetable fibers 64:59 Venezuela maternal smoking and infant weight in 71:450 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy 71:445 Ventilation effects on constitutents of tobacco smoke 7§:90-95 Ventilatory function 64:35, 292, 300, 302 effect of exercise and smoking 73:244, 245 Ventricular fibrillation 64:321 death from, nicotine effects on 71:36 effect of cigarette smoke in dogs 73:13, 14 Ventricular hypertrophy as a risk factor in CHD 73:8 Ventricular premature beats effect of cigarette smoking 75:20 Veterans see Canadian veterans study; United States veterans Viruses as etiologic agent in cancer 64:166, 230 influenza, cigarette smoke effects on resistance of mice with FA:173 influenza, nitrogen oxide effects on squirrel monkey resistance to 71:173 neoplasm induction by 64:142 Vision carboxyhemoglobin etfect on 64:344 effect of carbon monoxide 72:126 effect of smoking on 67:183 Vitamin B complex deficiency, and tobacco ambylopia 67:40, 183 Vitamin B 12 deficiency, 64:212 deficiency, potentiation of cyanide in tobacco ambylopia 67:40, 183 in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:119 Vitamin C effect on treadmill performance in smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 73:245 in milk of smoking mothers 73:141 in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers 73:119 Vitamin D and nicotine, effect on hypercholes- terolemic rabbits 69:27 Vocal cords effect of smoking on thickness 69:59-60 hyperkeratosis in 64:271 see also Larynx Waiters esophageal neoplasms in 64:134 oral neoplasms in 64:134 Washington University study 64:174 Water hardness, and smoking as risk factors in CHD 73:9, 10 soluble fraction of cigarettes, suppres- sion of immunoglobulin response 78:77 Welsh miners 64:293, 294 Western Collaborative Group Study CHD risk factors, in smokers vs. non- smokers 68:25, 26 incidence of myocardial infarction in younger male smokers 68:21 White House Conference on Narcotics and Drug Abuse 64:355 White Pekin duck nature of phagocytized clearance prod- ucts in 64:269 Whites canter mortality in 64:135 esophageal neoplasms in 64:218 laryngeal neoplasm prevalence in 64:209 mortality rates 64:133 mortality ratios by sex 64:133 smoking patterns in 64:363, 364 Wire implantation 64:166 Withdrawal clinics 67:191 methods 64:354 symptoms 64:352, 354 see also Cessation of smoking Women autopsy studies, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers with emphysema, fibrosis, or thickening of arterioles or arteries 75:75 blood pressure and smoking habits dur- ing pregnancy 69:77-78 CHD incidence in 74:9, 10 exposure to chemicals, fumes, sprays and dusts, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 75:69, 70 hypertension, in cigarette smokers with CHD 68:22 incidence of lung neoplasms 68:97; 74:39, 40; 75:43 incidence of lung neoplasms and smok- ing 69:4, 57 increase in mortality from lung neo- plasms 75:47 mortality from lung neoplasms 68:97 mortality, in smokers vs. nonsmokers 68:6, 8,9 mortality rates from lung neoplasms and asbestos exposure 74:42, 43 mortality rates from lung neoplasms, statistical sex ratio 74:40, 45 mortality rates, in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers 74:9, 10 myocardial infarction in pre- vs. post- menopausal 74:10 myocardial infarction, in Swedish smok- ers vs. nonsmokers 75:14 secular trends of lung neoplasm develop- ment in 74:40 sudden death rates in 74:9, 10 summary of previous findings on effects of smoking 75:5-7 trends in neoplasm incidence rates for selected sites in 74:41, 42 Working classes 64:362 Work-loss days definition 67:19 and smoking 67:20-21 World Health Organization 64:350, 354 classification of lung neoplasms 64:173, 174 Xenon radioactive, regional pulmonary function using — 74:147 washout technique for detection of lung neoplasms 74:43, 44 +? 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