The Health Consequences of Smoking January 1973 INDEX Pages 251-261 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service INDEX Abortion, spontaneous effect of maternal smoking, 123,124 Acenaphthylene in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 178 - Acetaldehyde as ciliatoxic agent in cigarette smoke, 31 Aerobic capacity effect of cessation of smoking, 243 effect of exercise and smoking, 243,244 Air pollution and bronchitis, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 36,37 effect on mortality rates from lung cancer, 73 as factor in lung cancer development, 72,73 ’ in Osaka, Japan, 44 prevalence of respiratory diseases and, 44 and smoking in military and civilian air- craft, 45 Alcohol consumption interaction with smoking and other risk factors in CHD, 10 and smoking, in cancer development, 7 and smoking, in esophageal cancer devel- opment, 76,200 and smoking, in laryngeal cancer etiology, 197 and smoking, in oral cancer etiology, 193 Alveolar macrophages effect of cigarette smoke, 52,53 effect of nitrogen dioxide, 54 Alveolar rupture in pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smokers and nonsmokers, 217 Angina pectoris carbon monoxide inhalation and, 17,18 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers, 215 * Anthracene in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 178 Arterioles effect of smoking, 22,23 ‘ Atteriosclerosis obliterans smoking as cause, 19,20 Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase effect of benzo(a)pyrene in pregnant rats, 119 tole in metabolism of chemical carcino- gens, 82,83 Asbestos effect on pulmonary function in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 effect on radiological findings in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 effect on respiratory symptoms in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 and smoking, effect on mortality rates from lung cancer, 73 Athletic performance running, effect of smoking, 243,244 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 243,244 swimming, effect of smoking, 244 Autopsy studies COPD and smoking, 45-48 lung cancer in U.S. veterans, 73,74 Bacterial flora in smokers vs. nonsmokers with COPD, 54 Benzo(a)pyrene carcinogenic effect in laboratory animals, 78-80 in cigar, 177,178 effect on DNA and RNA, 86,87 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 117,118 Bicarbonate in pancreatic secretions, effect of smoking, 159,160 Bicycle Ergometer performance cardiovascular parameters in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 242-244 Birth weight effect of maternal smoking, 119-122 effect of maternal smoking before and during current pregnancy by cigarette consumption, 107-109 effect of maternal smoking during pre- vious pregnancies, 112-114 effect of maternal smoking, mechanism of action, 119,120 effect of paternal smoking, 110,111 effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, or carbon monoxide in laboratory animals, 114-118 gestation duration in smokers vs. non- smokers, 103-106 and maternal smoking, epidemiological studies, 103-114 timing of influence of smoking, 120,121 Bladder cancer see also Renal cancer pipe, and cigarette smoke, 103-114, incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 77,78 smoking in etiology of, 77,78 Blood flow effect of smoking, 19,22,23 Blood lipids effect of smoking, 11,12 251 effect of smoking and relative weight, in male Parisian civil servants, 11 effect of smoking in middle-aged patients with angina pectoris, 12 effect of smoking in young Norwegian military recruits, 1! elevated, as risk factor in CHD, 11 Blood pressure effect of 242,244-246 effect of pipe and cigar smoking, 216 effect of smoking in middle-aged patients with angina pectoris, 12 Body height interaction with smoking as factor in cerebrovascular disease, 19 Body weight interaction with smoking as factor in cerebrovascular disease, 19 and smoking, as factors in CHD incidence, 44 and smoking, effect on blood lipids, 11 Bronchial epithelium histological changes at autopsy and smok- ing habit, 74 histological changes in cigar, pipe, cigar- ette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 203, 204, 209 premalignant changes in smokers, 67 Bronchiolo-alveolar cancer smoking and, 71 Bronchitis and disability, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 43 dust exposure as a factor, 44 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers, 217,219 prevalence in Duisburg, Germany, by age and cigarette consumption, 39 prevalence in ex-coal miners and non- miners by smoking habit, 42 prevalence in miners and farmers in Hun- gary, by smoking habit, 42 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 220,221 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Bordeaux, France, 36 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in mountainous or low-lying areas, 36,37 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Osaka, Japan, 44 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking yarn mill workers, 40 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy stu- dies, 45,46 smoking vs. coal mining in etiology of, 42 smoking vs. dust inhalation in etiology of, 42 Bronchitis, chronic see Bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic obstructive 252 exercise and smoking, Bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic ob- structive see also Emphysema and bronchitis autopsy studies, 45-48 as cause listed on death certificates vs, at autopsy, 47 epidemiological studies, 36-45 mortality and morbidity studies, 36-39 mortality rates in British citizens by migra- tion patterns, 36 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers, 216,217,219 summary of previous findings, 35,36 summary of recent findings, 55 Byssinosis prevalence in cotton mill employees, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 55 prevalence in men by index of severity and smoking habits, 40,41 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking cotton mill workers, 39 smoking and, 39-41 Cancer see also Specific site, e.g., Lung cancer mortality rates in alcoholics, 71 recurrent primary, incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 71,74 summary of previous findings, 67,68 summary of recent findings, 88 Capillaries effect of smoking, 22 Carbon monoxide cardiovascular effects, experimental stu- dies, 17-19 effect on birthweight and neonatal mortal- ity in animals, 133 effect on cholesterol biosynthesis, in vitro, 18 effect on cholesterol level in aorta in rabbits, 18 effect on coronary hemodynamics and ventricular function in dogs, 18 effect on exercise performance in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 246,247 effect on maximal oxygen consumption, 18 effect on platelet stickiness in rabbits, 18 effect on reflex vasoconstrictor responses, 18,23 effect on vascular resistance and reflex vasoconstriction, 22,23 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 116,117 Carboxyhemoglobin levels effect on exercise performance in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 246,247 following smoking of non-nicotine ciga- rettes, 17,18 in neonates of smoking mothers, 118,119 Carcinogenesis cell and tissue culture studies, 84-86 effect of tobacco curing methods, 212 experimental, 78-87 initiating and promoting agents in cigar- ette smoke, 68 mechanism of action, 78, 80-87 of respiratory tract in laboratory animals, 78-80 role of cigarette smoke condensate, 80-84 Carcinogens effect on cell transformations, 84-86 effect on respiratory tract in laboratory animals, 78-80 Cardiac index effect of 242-244 Cardiovascular diseases see also Coronary heart disease mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers, 215,216 smoking and, 3-23 summary of previous findings, 3 summary of prospective epidemiological studies for cigar and pipe smokers, 216 summary of recent findings, 23 Catecholamine levels effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs, 216 Cell and tissue culture studies tobacco carcinogenesis and, 84-86 Cell cultures malignant transformations induced by to- bacco tars on carcinogens, 84-86 Cells, atypical in ex-smokers, smokers, and nonsmokers at autopsy, 74 Cerebrovascular disease interaction of smoking and other risk factors, 19 mortality ratios in pipe and cigar smokers, 215,216 Cessation of smoking compared benefits in cigarette vs. pipe/ cigar smokers, 172,173 effect on absolute aerobic power, 243 effect on infant birth weight, 107-109 112-114 effect on pulmonary surfactant levels, 55 as preventive measure in occlusive disease, 21,22 CHD see Coronary heart disease Chest illness prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 220,221 Cholesterol biosynthesis, effect of carbon monoxide. in vitro, 18 exercise and smoking, Cholesterol levels effect of carbon monoxide in rabbits, 18 effect of smoking and body weight, 11 effect of smoking and clinical parameters in British business executives, 1! in pipe and cigar smokers, 215,216 Chronic obstructive bronchopulmonary di- sease see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Cigarettes definition and processing, 175 filtered, effect on respiratory symptoms, 55 modified, effect on respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity, 37,38 plain vs. filtered, effect on sputum produc- tion, 37,38 similarities with little cigars, 224,225 Cigarette smoke condensate effect on RNA, 86 N-nitrosamines in, 87,88 role in experimental carcinogenesis, 80-84 Cigarettes, non-nicotine effect on carboxyhemoglobin levels, 17,18 Cigars definition and processing, 175,176 Cigars, little chemical composition of, 224,225,228 evaluation of potential public health im- pact, 222-228 shipment for domestic 1970-1972, 222-224,227 similarity to cigarettes, 224,225 sugar and pH differences with large cigars and cigarettes, 222-224 tar and nicotine content, 224-226,228 Cigar smokers relative risk in lung cancer development, 67,68 Cigar smoking effect on mortality and morbidity com- pared to cigarette smoking, 171-173 in esophageal cancer development, 197,200-202 gastrointestinal disorders and, 222 health consequences of, 179 histological effects on bronchial epithe- lium, 203,204,209 histological effects on esophagus, 200 consumption histological effects on larynx, 197 inhalation patterns and, 184-189 in laryngeal cancer development, 197-199 in lung cancer development by amount smoked, 203-206 mortality ratios from cardiovascular di- seases and, 215,216 mortality ratios from COPD and, 217,219 253 mortality ratios from esophageal cancer and, 197,200 mortality ratios from laryngeal cancer and, 193,196,197 mortality ratios from lung cancer and 203-205 mortality ratios from oral cancer and 191,193 oral cancer development and, 193-195 overall mortality rates by amount smoked, 180-182 overall mortality rates from cancer and, 189 prevalence in Great Britain, 173,174 prevalence in United States, 173,174 pulmonary histological changes and, 217 Ciliary activity effect of pipe/cigar smoke vs. cigarette smoke in cats, 217,218 Clinical laboratory tests effect of aging and smoking, in healthy male veterans, 11 Coal dust effect on pulmonary function in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41-43 effect on respiratory symptoms in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41-43 Combustion temperature effect on tumorigenic activity of pipe and cigarette tobacco, 210,211 Congenital malformations maternal smoking and, 136,137 Coronary heart disease epidemiological studies, 4-11 experimental studies, 13-19 incidence in European vs. American men, 9 incidence in farmers vs. nonfarmers by smoking habit, 7 incidence in Hawaiian men of Japanes: ancestry, 10 incidence in male bank employees it Brussels, Belgium, 10 incidence in men in Yugoslavia, 9 incidence in miners in Sardinia, 10 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers, 215,216 incidence in white males by body weight and smoking habit, 5 incidence in whites vs. blacks in Evans County, Georgia, 4,5 in India, 11 interaction of smoking with other risk factors, 4-11 mortality rates in Japanese men and wo- men by cigarette consumption and age a initiation of habit, 7,8 mortality rates in smoking men in Finland, 9 mortality ratios in pipe and cigar smokers, 215,216 e 254 in Nepal, 11 in New Zealand, 11 4 smoking, in individuals under 40 years, 10 and smoking, in myocardial ischemic pa- tients in Italy, 10 COPD see Bronchopulmonary diseases, chronic obstructive Cough effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 effect of coal dust exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41,42 effect of filtered cigarettes, 55 effect of modified cigarettes, 38 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 220,221 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking women in Bordeaux, France, 36 Cresols in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 177 Curing methods incidence of respiratory infections in rats and, 218,219 Cyanide detoxification in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers, 119 7H-Dibenz(c,g)carbazole carcinogenic effect in laboratory animals, 79 Diet and smoking, effect on blood lipids, 12 DNA binding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to, 86,87 Dust exposure bronchitis and, 44 as occupational hazard, 43,44 smoking and, 44 Dynamic compliance in smokers vs. nonsmokers under 30, 50 Dyspnea prevalence in cigar and pipe smokers, 220,221 Electrocardiogram abnormalities, effect of smoking and other factors, 13 effect of smoking, in middle-aged Dutch men, 12 effect of smoking, in young military re- cruits in Poland, 12 Emphysema see also Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive incidence in cigar/pipe smoking coal mi- ners vs. cigarette smokers and non- smokers, 217 mortality ratios in male pipe and cigar smokers, 217,219 prevalence in males by smoking category, at autopsy, 48 prevalence in pipe/cigar and cigarette smo- kers vs, nonsmokers, autopsy studies, 45,46 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 55 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, autopsy stu- dies, 45-47 Epidemiological studies bronchopulmonary diseases and smoking, 36-45 coronary heart 4-13,23 lung cancer and smoking, 68-72 peptic ulcer and smoking, 155-157 Esophageal cancer alcohol consumption and smoking in de- velopment of, 200 inhalation patterns and, 197 mortality ratios for cigar, pipe, and ciga- tette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 197,200 mortality ratios in Japanese male smokers vs, nonsmokers, 76 relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 197,200-202 smoking and alcohol consumption in de- velopment of, 76 summary of retrospective studies, 201,202 Esophagus histological changes in cigar, pipe, ciga- rette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 200 Exercise performance on bicycle ergometer, effect of smoking, 242,243 cardiac index, effect of smoking, 242,243 effect of smoking and smoking abstinence, 241 242,246,247 influencing factors, 241,246,247 summary of findings and mechanism of action, 246,247 on treadmill, effect of smoking, 243,245 Experimental studies COPD and smoking, 48-55 coronary heart disease and smoking, 13-19 effect of carbon monoxide on pregnant animals, 132,133 pregnancy in laboratory animals, effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, carbon mono- xide, and polycyclic hydrocarbons, 114-118 Ex-smokers compared mortality rates for cigarette vs. pipe/cigar smokers, 172,173 histological changes in bronchial epithe- lium at autopsy, 74 disease and smoking, low birth weight infants of, 112-114 mortality rates from lung cancer, 71-72 prevalence of respiratory symptoms, 39 pulmonary function, 39 relative risk in lung cancer development, 71-72 survival after treatment for pharyngeal, laryngeal, or oral cancers, 75 Fatty acid levels effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs, 216 effect of smoking, 12 Fetal mortality effect of maternal smoking, 123-135 epidemiological studies in smokers vs. non- smokers, 126-132 Fibrosis in pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smokers and nonsmokers, 217 Fitness tests various, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 245 Framingham study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD, 8 ‘Gastric secretion effect of nicotine in laboratory animals, 158,159 effect of smoking in ulcer patients, 157,158 ‘Gastrointestinal disorders prevalence in cigarette and pipe/cigar smo- kers, 222 Gestation and low birth weight infants, effect of maternal smoking, 103-106 Gestational age effect on perinatal mortality rates in smo- king vs. nonsmoking mothers, 126-132 Glucose intolerance as a risk factor in CHD, 8 Grip strength effect of smoking, 241,242 Heart rate effect of 242-246 Histological studies lung cancer in US. veterans, 73 Histopathological studies in laboratory animals, 49,50 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 48,49 Honolulu Heart Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD, 8,9 exercise and smoking, 255 Hypercholesterolemia incidence in male British business execu- tives, by smoking habit and clinical parameters, 1} as risk tactor in CHD, 8,9,11 Hypertension interaction with smoking as risk factor in cerebrovascular disease, 9 as risk factor in CHD, 8,9 Hypoxia carbon monoxide induced, 18,23 Infant small-for-date, effect of maternal smoking, 106-114 Infant mortality of black vs. white smoking mothers, 129-132 causes of death by maternal smoking habit, 133 effect of genetic differences and smoking, 132 effect of maternal smoking, 123-135 effect of previous obstetrical experience and smoking, 132 effect of socioeconomic background and smoking, 131,132 epidemiological studies in smokers vs. non- smokers, 126-132 factors other than smoking, 131,132 risk of low-birth-weight infants of smoking vs. nonsmoking mothers, 126-132 Influenza prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 220,221 Inhalation patterns effect of previous 186-189 frequency-per-puff in cigar and cigarette smokers, 186,187 of pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers, 184-189 possible determining factors, 183,184 Intermittent claudication smoking and, 21 International Cooperative Study interaction of smoking and other risk factors in CHD, 9 smoking habits, Lactate metabolism effect of smoking, in patients with angina pectoris, 13 Lactation effect of maternal smoking, 138-141 effect of maternal smoking, summary of findings, 141 epidemiological studies, 138 experimental studies, 138,139 256 Laryngeal cancer inhalation patterns and, 193 mortality ratios for pipe, cigar, and ciga- rette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 193,196,197 mortality ratios in Japanese male smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76,77 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs, ex- smokers, 71,74-77 relative risk for cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 76,77,197-199 summary of retrospective studies, 198,199 - Larynx histological changes in cigar, pipe, cigar- ette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 197 Leukoplakia prevalence in tobacco chewing coal mi- ners, 75 reverse smoking and, 76 Lip cancer cigar smoking in etiology of, 190,191 cigarette smoking in etiology of, 190,191 pipe smoking in etiology of, 190,191 relative risk in pipe, cigar, and cigarette - smokers vs. nonsmokers, 190,191 summary of retrospective studies, 192 Little cigars see Cigars, little Lung cancer air pollution as a factor, 72 epidemiological studies, 68-72 race as a factor, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 70 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Jersey, Channel Isles, 70 incidence in smokers vs, nonsmokers in La Plata, Argentina, 70 incidence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Philadelphia, 70 inhalation patterns and, 203 mortality rates in asbestos workers, smo- kers vs. nonsmokers, 73 mortality rates in British physicians vs. general population in England and Wales, 70 mortality ratios for cigar, pipe, and cigar- ette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 203-205 mortality ratios in Japanese by amount smoked and age at initiation of habit, 69 occupational exposures and smoking, 67 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Czechoslovakia, 70 prospective study 68,69 relative risk in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 203,206-208 relative risk in ex-smokers vs. continuing smokers, 72 in Japanese adults, _ relative risk in pipe/cigar smokers, 67,68 smoking as cause, 67 summary of retrospective studies, 206-208 Maternal-fetal exchange polycyclic hydrocarbons and, 119 Maternal smoking see Smoking, maternal 3-Methylcholanthrene effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 117 Morbidity from chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, 36-39 Mortality compared rates for cigarette vs. pipe/cigar ex-smokers, 172,173 from chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, 36-39 from COPD, in cigar/pipe smokers vs. Cigarette smokers and nonsmokers, 216,217 overall rates for cigar smokers vs, pipe smokers, 179,180 overall rates for pipe/cigar smokers and dose—response relationships, 180-189 overall rates for pipe/cigar smokers vs, nonsmokers, 179,180 overall rates from cancer in pipe and cigar smokers, 189 ratio in pipe and cigar smokers by age and inhalation, 184,187 Mortality rates CHD in Japanese men and women by cigarette consumption and age at initia- tion of habit, 7,8 Myocardial infarct incidence in European vs. American men, 9 incidence in men in Yugoslavia, 9 incidence in miners in Sardinia, 10 incidence in pipe and cigar smokers, 215 prevalence in smoking vs. nonsmoking men in Czechoslovakia, 10 and smoking, in patients in Leningrad hospitals, 10 Nicotine in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 177 clinical effects on offspring of smoking mothers, 140,141 in duodenal ulcer 158,159 effect on cardiovascular system in dogs, 17 effect on gastric secretion in cats, 158,159 effect on gastric secretion in tats, 159 effect on heart blood flow in dogs, 17 induction in cats, effect on lactation in laboratory animals, 138,139 effect on lactation in smokers vs. non- smokers, 139,140 effect on lipid biosynthesis in aorta in dogs, 17 effect on microcirculation in atrium in cats, 17 effect on pancreatic secretions in animals, 161,162 effect on pipe/cigar smoke inhalation, 183,184 effect on rat and mouse fetus, site of action, 121 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 115,116 experimental studies, 16,17 in little cigars compared to cigarettes and cigars, 223-226,228 in milk of laboratory animals, 138,139 in milk of smoking mothers, 139 as potentiator of duodenal ulcers in ani- mals, 161-163 Nicotine levels in blood, new assay method, 15,23 Nicotine secretion effect of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke in dogs, 216 Nitrogen dioxide effect on alveolar wall cells in guinea pigs, 50 effect on bacterial retention in hamsters, 54 effect on rat lung, 49,50 Nitrosamines effect on lactating hamsters, 139 N-Nitrosamines determination in cigarette and tobacco smoke condensate, 87,88 Obesity as a risk factor for CHD, 9 Occlusive disease smoking and, 21 Occupation and smoking, as factor in CHD incidence, 5,7 Occupational diseases asbestosis, 41 byssinosis, 39-41 coal workers pneumoconiosis, 42 Occupational exposure pancreatic cancer and, 77 and smoking, bladder cancer and, 78 Occupational hazards asbestos exposure, 41,73 coal dust exposure, 41-43 cotton, flax, and hemp dust exposure, 39-41 257 dust exposure, 43,44 100% pure oxygen exposure, 43 radiation exposure in uranium miners, 72 smoking and, 39-44 smoking as additive risk for COPD, 55 Oral cancer alcohol consumption and smoking in etio- logy of, 193 inhalation patterns and, 191 mortality rates in Japanese male smokers vs. nonsmokers, 74 mortality ratios for pipe, cigar, and cigar- ette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 191-193 recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers, 71,74,75 relative risk of development in pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers vs. nonsmokers, 191,194,195 reverse smoking and, 76 smoking in etiology of, 74-76 summary of retrospective studies, 194,195 Oxygen debt effect of smoking, 246,247 exercise performance and, 246,247 Pancreatic cancer occupational exposure and, 77 smoking and, 77 Pancreatic secretions bicarbonate content, effect of smoking, 159,160 effect of nicotine in animals, 161,162 effect of smoking, 159,160 Passive smoking effect on cardiovascular function in dogs, 14 Peptic ulcer see Ulcer, peptic Perinatal mortality effect of maternal smoking, summary of findings, 134,135 Peripheral arteriosclerosis smoking and, 21 Peripheral vascular disease smoking and, 19-23 pH pipe/cigar smoke inhalation and, 183 of smoke in cigarettes, cigars, and little cigars, 223,224,228 Phagocytosis effect of cigarette smoke in laboratory animals, 53,54 Pharyngeal cancer recurrent, incidence in smokers vs. ex- smokers, 74,75 Pharyngeal fungi smokers vs. nonsmokers in South Africa, 54 258 Phenols in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 177 Phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO) protection against adverse effects of cigar- ette smoke in animals, 49,53 Physical activity as a factor in coronary heart disease, 4,5 Pipe smokers relative risk in lung cancer development, 67,68 Pipe smoking effect on mortality and morbidity com- pared to cigarette smoking, 171-173 in esophageal cancer development, 197 ,200-202 gastrointestinal disorders and, 222 health consequences of, 179 histological effects on bronchial epithe- lium, 203,204,209 histological effects on esophagus, 200 histological effects on larynx, 197 inhalation patterns and, 184-189 in laryngeal cancer development, 197-199 in lung cancer development by amount smoked, 203-206 mortality ratios from cardiovascular di- seases and, 215,216 mortality ratios from COPD and, 217,219 mortality ratios from laryngeal cancer and, 193,196 ,197,200 mortality ratios from lung cancer and, 203-205 mortality ratios from oral cancer and, 191,193 oral cancer development and, 193-195 overall mortality rates by amount smoked, 180-182 overall mortality rates from cancer and, 189 prevalence in Great Britain, 173,174 prevalence in United States, 173,174 pulmonary histological changes and, 217 Pipe tobacco definition and processing, 176 Plethysmogram abnormalities, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 22 Pneumoconiosis in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 42 Pneumothorax, spontaneous smoking and, 37 Polycyclic hydrocarbons binding to DNA and RNA, 86,87 effects during pregnancy in laboratory - animals, 117,118 maternal-fetal exchange and, 119 Post-operative complications in duodenal ulcer removal, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 157 smoking, obesity, anesthesia and, 39 Preeclampsia maternal smoking and, 142 in smoking vs. nonsmoking women, 142 Pregnancy effect of maternal smoking, 103-142 effect of maternal smoking, mechanism of action, 119,120 effect of tobacco smoke, nicotine, and carbon monoxide in laboratory animals, 114-118 and previous smoking habits, effect on infant birth weight, 112-114 timing of influence of smoking on birth weight, 120,12) Prematurity effect of smoking, 112 Pulmonary arterioles histological effects of pipe/cigar smoking vs. Cigarette smoking, 217 Pulmonary clearance effect of heavy smoking, 52,53 effect of smoking, 55 mechanical vs. bactericidal clearance in guinea pigs, 53 mechanism, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, §2,53 in monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins, 51 particle deposition in smokers vs. non- smokers, $3 Pulmonary diffusing capacity in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire, 50,51 Pulmonary emphysema see Emphysema Pulmonary function in asymptomatic young men in Romania, 39 in coal miners, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 42,43 in coal miners vs. nonminers, 42 effect of asbestos exposure and smoking, 41 effect of coal dust exposure and smoking, 4143 effect of lung hyperinflation in coal mi- ners, 42,43 effect on exercise performance in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 246,247 in ex-smokers, 39 in jet fighter pilots, smokers vs. non- smokers, 43 in pipe/cigar smokers vs. nonsmokers, 217,221 pulmonary hypertension and, 43 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 55 in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Berlin, New Hampshire, 50,51 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, under 30 years of age, 50 smoking and, 38,39 Pulmonary histology of pipe/cigar smokers vs. cigarette smokers and nonsmokers, 217 Pulmonary macrophages effect of smoking, 55 Pulmonary surfactant levels effect of smoking, 55 Pulmonary tissue histopathological differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 48,49 Pyrene in cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke, 178 Race as a factor in coronary heart disease, 4,5,23 as a factor in perinatal mortality in smok- ing vs. nonsmoking mothers, 129-132 as a factor in stillbirth rates, 124,125 Radiation exposure and smoking, as cause of respiratory can- cers, 72 Radioactive particles in tobacco leaf, tobacco smoke, and smo- kers’ lungs, 72 Renal cancer mortality ratio in Japanese men and wo- men, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 77 smoking in etiology of, 77,78 Respiratory symptoms see also Cough, Sputum production effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 prevalence in Duisburg, Germany by age and cigarette consumption, 39 prevalence in ex-smokers, 39 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 217,220,221 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 55 prevalence in smokers vs. nonsmokers in Bordeaux, France, 36 in smokers vs. nonsmokers by amount smoked, 37 Reverse smoking leukoplakia and, 76 oral cancers and, 76 RNA binding of polycyclic hydrocarbons to, 86,87 Running effect of smoking, 243, 244 Sex ratio effect of maternal smoking, 135,136 Single-breath tests smokers vs. nonsmokers, 51 259 Smoke, cigar chemical constituents in, 177-179 ciliotoxicity, 218 effect of curing methods, 218,219 effect of pH on inhalation of, 183 tumorigenic activity in laboratory animals, 210-214 Smoke, cigarette chemical constituents in, compared to pipe/cigar smoke, 177,178 effect of curing methods, 218,219 effect on bacterial retention in hamsters, 54 effect on bronchial epithelium in dogs, 49 effect on phagocytosis in laboratory ani- mals, 53,54 effect on pulmonary clearance, §1-53 effect on rat and mouse fetus, site of action, 121 effect on ventricular fibrillation threshold in dogs, 13,14 experimental studies in dogs, 13,14 reduction of adverse effects in animals by phenylmethyloxadiazole (PMO), 49,53 and sulphur dioxide, effect on glands in laboratory animals, 49 Smoke, little cigar pH of, compared to cigarette and cigar smoke, 224,228 Smoke, pipe chemical constituents in, 177,178 ciliotoxicity of, 218 effect of pH on inhalation of, 183 tumorigenic activity in laboratory animals, 210-214 Smoke, tobacco effect on air pollution in aircraft, 45 effect on nonsmokers, in aircraft, 45 effect on stillbirth rate in laboratory ani- mals, 125 effects during pregnancy in laboratory animals, 114,115 pH of, effect of leaf constituents, 224 tumorigenic activity, 210-214 Smoking effect on blood lipids, 41,12 effect on cardiac lactate metabolism, 13 effect on leg blood mean-flow capacity, 22 effect on plasma nicotine levels, 15-17 effect on precapillary sphincters, 22 health hazards of, similarities of cigarettes with little cigars, 224,225 interaction with other risk factors in CHD, 4-11 as most important cause of COPD, 35,36 prevalence in U.S. and Great Britain, 173,174 Smoking abstinence effect on exercise performance, 241,242,246,247 260 Smoking, maternal as cause of birth of small-for-dates infants 106-111 , congenital malformations and, 136,137 effect on birth weight, 103-114,119-122 effect on birth weight, summary of find- ings, 122 effect on gestation duration, 103-106 effect on Jactation, 138-141 effect on neonatal carboxyhemoglobin levels, 118,119 effect on sex ratio, 135,136 effects during pregnancy, 103-142 effects during pregnancy, mechanism of action, 119,120 indirect association with small-for-dates infants, 110-114 preeclampsia and, 142 selective action on fetus of certain women vs. others, 131 spontaneous abortions and, 123,124 stillbirths and, 124,125 timing of influence on birth weight, 120,121 Smoking, paternal effect on infant birth weight, 110,111 Sputum production effect of asbestos exposure in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41 effect of filtered cigarettes, 55 effect of modified cigarettes, 37,38 effect of plain vs. filtered cigarettes, 37,38 in males by amount smoked and type of cigarette, 37,38 prevalence in pipe and cigar smokers, 220,221 Stillbirths effect of maternal smoking, 124,125 rates in blacks vs. whites, 124,125 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 124,125 Sudden death incidence in pipe and cigar smokers, 215 Sulphur dioxide and cigarette smoke, effect on glands in laboratory animals, 49 Swimming effect of smoking, 242,244 Tar content effect on respiratory symptoms and venti- latory capacity, 38 Tars in little cigars, compared to cigarettes and cigars, 223-226 ,228 Thrombosis smoking and, 19 Tobacco flue-cured vs. air-cured, effect on respira- tory system in animals, 217,218 Tobacco chewing leukoplakia and, 75 Tobacco leaf extracts effect on cell cultures, 85,86 Tracheal cancer smoking and, 71 Treadmill performance cardiovascular parameters in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 242-245 effect of vitamin C, 245 oxygen intake in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 245 Triglyceride levels CHD and, 8 Tumorigenic activity of cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoke conden- sate in skin painting experiments in animals, 210-214 of tobacco smoke, 210-214 Ulcer, duodenal mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers, 222 nicotine induced, in cats, 158,159 post-operative complications in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 157 potentiating action of nicotine, in animals, 161-163 prevalence in smokers, mechanism of act- ion, 160 Ulcer, peptic clinical studies, 155-157 epidemiological studies, 155-157 gastric secretion in smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 157,158 increased mortality in Japanese smokers vs. nonsmokers, 155,156 mortality ratios in Japanese adults by age at initiation of smoking habit, 155,156 mortality ratios in male cigar and pipe smokers, 222 predisposing factors, 157 recurrence in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 157 and smoking, summary of previous find- ings, 155 Urinary bladder cancer see Bladder cancer Vascular disease, peripheral smoking and, 19-23 Vascular reconstruction effect of smoking, 22,23 Ventilatory function effect of exercise and smoking, 244,245 Ventricular fibrillation effect of cigarette smoke in dogs, 13,14 Ventricular hypertrophy as a risk factor in CHD, 8 Vitamin B, , in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers, 119 Vitamin C effect on treadmill performance in smo- kers vs. nonsmokers, 245 in milk of smoking mothers, 141 in pregnant smokers vs. nonsmokers, 119 Water hardness and smoking as risk factors in CHD, 9,10 261