Index Abortions smoking effects on, 13 Abortions, spontaneous comparison of stillbirth and neonatal death with, in smoking and nonsmok- ing mothers, 390, 405-406 Acidosis metabolic, smoking mother effects on in- fant, 407 Adenocarcinoma prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers, 250 relationship of cigarette smoking to, 246-249, 296 Adenoma papillary, induction in rats by exposure to cigarette tars, 348 pulmonary, induction in mice by ciga- rette smoke inhalation, 349 renal, relationship of smoking to, 296 Adrenal gland catecholamine release from, nicotine effects on, 36 Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health oo and conclusions of study Y> report on cigarette smoke and conden- sates effects on oral cavity of animals, 288 Age atypical nuclei in esophageal epithelium arranged by smoking and, 379-380 current cigarette smokers by sex and, 6 effects on CHD, 27, 39 AHA see American Heart Association Air pollution as cause of COPD, 152, 216-217 effect on COPD development, 175 relationship of lung neoplasms, smoking and place of residence, 252-255 role in etiology of lung cancer, 11, 276 Alcohol effect of consumption on esophageal neoplasms in smokers, 289, 293 effect of consumption on laryngeal neo- plasms among tobacco users, 280 effect of consumption on tobacco am- blyopia 435-436 effect of heavy consumption and heavy smoking on oral neoplasms, 288 ethanol, penetrability of dissolved benzo(a)pyrene in mice esophageal epi- thelium, 293 telationship of smoking and, in human tuberculosis, 172 Alcoholism patients with, smoking and ventilatory function in, 213 Ambly opia characterization of, 435 development from cyanide component of tobacco smoke, 14 incidence of, 435 American Heart Association pooling project on CHD, 23, 28, 30, 39 Aminoazo dyes activity in placenta of smoking mothers, 410 Angina pectoris cause of, 21 incidence with cigarette smoking, 24, 37 in Danish twins, smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 51 in twins, constitutional factors, 50-51 prospective studies of, CHD morbidity relation to smoking 37, 39 Animals see also specific animals e.g., cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. atherosclerotic lesion development in, smoking enhancement, 36 noms induction in, from arsenic, 57 cigarette smoke effect on pulmonary physiology and structure in, 162 development of lesions from cigarette smoke inhalation, 11 effects of nicotine on cardiovascular system of, 57, 107-112 esophageal neoplasms in, induction by nitrosamines, 292 respiratory tract of, neoplastic changes following cigarette smoke inhalation, 238-239 skin of, carcinogenicity of tobacco tars, 238, 267 tests of, with smoke carcinogens, 12 ventilatory function change from smok- ing, 10 Anti-trypsin, alpha, COPD predisposition from genetic ab- sence of, 150 determination using immunoelectro- phoresis, 151 relationship in pulmonary emphysema, 10-11 Anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxy- urinary excretion of, smoking effects on, 296 Aorta aneurysms of, cigarette smoking effect on, 9,67, 71, 75 atherosclerosis in, long term smoking effects, 52-56 Areca nut see Betel nut Aromatic compounds carcinogenic properties in cigarette 439 smoke from, 264, 265 detection in urine using chemilumi- nescence technique, 297 stimulation of placental BP-hydroxylase activity in pregnant rats by, 414 Arrhythmia formation in nicotine stimulated dam- aged myocardium, 58 Arsenic lung neoplasm mortality in smelter workers exposed to, 257 respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to, 256, 257 Arteries aneurysm in aortic, cigarette smoking ef- fects on, 9, 67, 71,75 atherosclerotic, increased by cigarette smoking, 8, 63 flow of carotid, cigarette smoking effects on, 67 hypoxemia, development from cigarette smoking, 9 occlusions of, cigarette smoking effects on, 73 walls of, mechanism of lipoprotein infil- tration, 63 walls of nicotine-induced necrosis, 63 Arteriosclerosis see also Thromboangiitis obliterans in aorta and coronary arteries, cigarette smoking effects on, 45, 52-56 cigarette smoking effects on, 8 development by increased carboxyhemo- globin formation, 9 development of, carbon monoxide ef- fects on, 63 development of, effects of nicotine on, 38 lesion development in, smoking enhance- ment, 36 peripheral, cigarette smoking effects on, 72-73 Arteriosclerotic heart disease (ASHD) see Coronary disease Asbestos workers see Occupations ASHD see Coronary disease Asia see also specific countries of Asia Central and Southeast, relationship of tobacco use and neoplasms of oral cav- ity, 366 Asthma bronchial, cigarette smoking effects on, 10,175 Atherosclerosis see Arteriosclerosis Atropine effects on bronchoconstriction in dogs, 163 Australia COPD morbidity in smokers in, 203 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 357 lung neoplasm in, retrospective studies of, 327 peptic ulcer in, methods for retrospec- tive and cross-section studies of smoking and, 426, 428 440 Bacteria effect of cigarette smoke j macrophages on, 165 On action of pneumonia, mice resistance cigarette inhalation, 173 Bank employees see Occupations Benz(e)acephenanthrylene carcinogenic properties in smoke from, 264, 265 Benz(a)anthracene coholic solution of, penetrabil mice esophageal epithelium, oY of Benz(a)anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl carcinoma induction in hamsters follow ing instillation of, 346 , skin painting with, papilloma and carci. noma induction in mice by, 341 Benzo(b)fluoranthene see Benz(e)acephenanthrylene Benzo(/)fluoroanthene carcinogenic properties in ci smoke from, 265 P *Barette Benzo(c)phenanthrene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Benzo(rst)pentaphene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 3,4-Benzopyrene see Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(a)pyrene ability of smoking mothers to hydroxy). ate, 407 alcoholic solution of, penetration of mice esophageal epithelium, 292 carcinogenicity of, in relation to asbestos in hamsters, 257 carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 264, 265 detoxification by lung aryl hydroxylase, 257 effects of instillation or implantation in animal tracheobronchial tree, 346-347 effects on animal tissue and organ cul- tures in, 343-345 effects with influenza virus on cigarette inhalation by mice, 352 sarcoma induction in rats following in- stillation of, 346 skin painting with, papilloma induction in mice by, 337-338 Benzo(a)pyrene, 1-methyl- carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Betel nut chewers of, relationship with oral cavity neoplasms, 366, 369-370 Birth weight see Neonate Blacks maternal smoking and infant weight, 397 maternal smoking and prematurity, 400-401 Bladder neoplasms frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 238, 293-295 methods of retrospective studies of smoking and, 293, 381-384 presence of tryptophan metabolites in following Cigarette urine of patients with, 296-297 relationship of cigarette smoking to, 299 uray, cigarette smoking relationship, 1 U.S. mortality in 1967, 294 Blood see also specific components of blood, e.g., cholesterol, lipids, platelets carboxyhemoglobin formation in, from smoking, 60, 75 clotting, cigarette smoking effects on, 9, Blood circulation, coronary alteration following cigarette smoke in- halation, 58 effect of variations in hemoglobin and hematocrit, 66 Blood pressure diastolic, cigarette smoking effects, 8, 23 diastolic, in smokers with CHD, 21-22, 24,42 high, risk factor in arteriosclerosis ob- literans, 72 high, risk in mortality from CVD, 67 hypertensive vs. non-hypertensive, mor- tality rates of CHD in, 42 nicotine effects on, 36 relationship of smoking and CHD, 43, 47 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41, 42, 103-104 systolic, mortality from elevated, with CHD, 42 BP-hydroxylase see under Enzymes Bradycardia / development in dogs given nicotine, 57 British Perinatal Mortality Survey results of, 390 Bronchitis, chronic cigarette smoking cause and effect rela- tionship, 3,9 definition, 139 mortality in cigarette smokers, 175 mortality rates in 1967, 139 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 195-205 Bronchogenic carcinoma see Carcinoma, bronchogenic Bronchopneumonia development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation, 271 Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic ob- structive see also Asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, respiratory diseases air pollution relationship in, 152, 216-217 characterization of, 139 cigarette smoking effects on develop- ment, 4, 9-11, 175 effect of smoking cessation on develop- ment, 10 genetic factors in pathogenesis of, 148, 150-152, 205 increased prevalence of heterozygotes in, 151-152 mortality in pipe, cigar, and cigarette smokers, 175 mortality rates from, 139-145 smoking effects on ventilation-perfusion measurements in, 163 Buerger’s disease see Thromboangiitis obliterans Burma methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy, 393 Butylamine, N-methyl-nitroso suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from, 265 Cadmium in cigarette smoke, relation to emphy- sema pathogenesis, 154 Calves see Cattle Canada COPD morbidity of smokers in, 204 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy, 409 infectious respiratory disease in, relation- ship to smoking, 228 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smok- ers in, 294 mortality rates from COPD, 139-141, 145 mortality ratios from COPD, 143 mortality ratios in smokers and non- smokers from pancreatic neoplasms, 298 thrombosis in, smoking relationship, 132 veterans of, lung neoplasm mortality ratios in smokers and nonsmokers, 241 Carbazole, 9-methyl- possible importance in tobacco carcino- genesis, 266 Carbon-14 labeled smoke particulate deposition in hamster respiratory tract, 281-282 Carbonic anhydrase see Enzymes Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke, formation of car- boxyhemoglobin, 8-9 : effects on cholesterol-fed rabbits, 65-66 effects on human physiology, 60-62 levels in cigarette smoke, 59 levels in fetal blood of smoking mothers, 407-410 Carboxyhemoglobin effects of elevated, on fetal tissues, 407 formation in blood of smokers, 60, 75 formation from CO in cigarette smoke, 8-9 Carcinogens action on oral cavity, effect of saliva, 288 listing of, in cigarette smoke, 265-266 in smoke, effect on oral cavity, 12 Carcinoid prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers, 250 Carcinoma . . formation following animal skin painting with smoke condensates, 337-342 induction in rats exposed to cigarette tars, 348 undifferential, relationship to cigarette smoking, 248-249 Carcinoma, alveolar induction in mice by cigarette smoke in- halation, 349 441 Carcinoma, anaplastic prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers, 250 Carcinoma, bronchogenic development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation, 269, 272-273 mortality from, relationships to smok- ing, air pollution and residence, 253 mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers as- bestos workers, 257 Carcinoma, epidermoid mortality from, relationship to smoking, air pollution and residence, 254 prevalence in male and female smokers and nonsmokers, 250 relationship of cigarette smoking to, ~ 246-249 Carcinoma, epithelial induction in mice by cigarette smoke in- halation, 350 Carcinoma, oat cell relationship of cigarette smoking to, 247 Carcinoma, squamous cell development in mice drinking alcoholic benzo(a)pyrene, 292 in oral cavity, relationship to tobacco use, 366-367 Carcinoma, tracheobronchial induction in hamsters by cigarette smoke instillation, 346-347 Cardiovascular diseases see also Coronary disease atherosclerotic, cigarette smoking rela- tionship, 4 Cardiovascular system nicotine and cigarette smoke effects on, 56-58, 107-118 Catecholamines adrenal gland release, effect of nicotine on, 36 effect on blood flow in coronary arte- ries, 58 release by cigarette smoking, 8 telease in animals by nicotine, 57, 119 Cats cardiovascular function in, smoking and nicotine effects on, 110, 111 ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 222-224 lungs of, cigarette smoke effect on sur- factant activity, 225 Cattle ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 221 CBF see Blood circulation coronary Central nervous system effects of carbon monoxide in smoke on, Cerebrovascular disease definition of, 66 mortality from, effects of cigarette smoking on, 9 mortality rates from, smokers vs. non- smokers, 66-70 Cessation of smoking effect on COPD development in British physicians, 142 effect on COPD morbidity in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 146 effect on development of COPD, 140 442 effect on mortality from COPD from, 175 improvements in respiratory system, 148, 149 relation to incidence and mortality from CHD, 32, 46-48, 106 CHD see Coronary disease Chemiluminescence see Luminescence Chewing see Betel nut and tobacco Chickens ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 223 embryos of, effect of cigarette smoke on, 344 embryo of, nicotine effects on CNS, 411 Chile atherosclerosis autopsy studies in, 55 atherosclerosis in, no smoking effect found, 56 Cholesterol rabbits fed, carbon monoxide effects on, 65-66 serum, cigarette smoking relationship with, 8 serum, control in coronary disease, 21-22 serum, relationship of cigarette smoking to levels of, 41, 43 serum, relationship of elevated with ciga- rette smoking in peripheral vascular disease, 72 serum, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 41, 98-102 serum, in smokers with CHD, 23-24, 43 synergistic relationship of carbon mon- oxide in coronary atheromatosis, 63 Chromium respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to, 256 Chromium compounds lung neoplasm mortality from, 257-258 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Chrysene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Chrysene, 1-methyl- carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Cigarette filters advantages in reduction of particulates, 269, 275 reduction of lung neoplasms from, 13 Cigarette smoke alteration of coronary biood flow, 58 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in dogs inhaling, 269, 270 cadmium levels in, 154 carbon monoxide levels in, 59 carcinogenicity of components to ani- mals, 12,277 a of death in dogs from inhalation, 71 ciliary movement inhibition, 267 effect on tissue and organ cultures, 267, 343-345 effect of nickel on induction of lung aryl hydroxylase, 256-257 high tar, risks in, 11 inhalation by dogs, lung neoplasm devel- opment, 268-269, 272-274 inhalation effects on animal respiratory tract, 268-269, 349-353 inhalation effects on hamster larynx, 281, 284 listing of identified or suspected tumori- genic agents, 264-267 2-naphthylamine identified in, 265 neoplastic changes in animals inhaling, 238-239 tobacco amblyopia relationship to cyan- ide metabolism in, 435-436 Cigarette smoke condensates carcinogenic effect on animal oral cav- ities, 288 carcinogenic properties on animal skin, 337-342 effects of instillation or implantation in animal tracheobronchial tree, 346-348 effects on tissue and organ cultures, 343-344 painting skin of animals with, 337-342 Cigarette smokers arterial occlusions in, 73 atherosclerosis in aortic and coronary ar teries, 52-56 atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium, 379-380 bladder neoplasms in, 293-295 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of, 280, 359-360 cessation effects on COPD morbidity, 146, 197, 199, 203-204 cessation lowers lung neoplasm rate in, 11 changes in ventilatory function and pul- monary histology, 175 CHD in AHA pooling project, 28, 30, 39 CHD risk by, 23-25 comparative risk for lung neoplasms, 237 decline in British physicians, 48 development of altered ventilatory func- tion in young, 10 development of esophageal neoplasms, 12, 293 development of laryngeal neoplasms, 12 development of oral neoplasms, 12 development of second primary oral neo- plasms in continuing, 287 effect of filters on emphysema develop- ment, 162 effects of inhalation on bronchial reacti- vity, 164 effect on cardiovascular system, 56-58, 107-118 effects on uterine activity in gravidic women, 408 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios in, 290-291 etiological cause of lung neoplasms, 239 histology and smoking relationship of lung neoplasms in 246-249 infant birth weight, 397-399 inhalation effects on human pulmonary function, 163, 166-169 kidney neoplasms in, 294-296 laryngeal neoplasm 354-357 lung neoplasm mortality in, 240, 243-244 mortality from cerebrovascular disease, 67-70 mortality rates affected by sex, 3 mortality ratios from COPD, 142-144 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in, 298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcers in, 424 peptic ulcer in, smoke effects on antacid therapy, 423 percentage of women of child-bearing age, 389 possible processes for increased mortal- ity in, 4-5 postoperative pulmonary complications in, 174, 230 pulmonary surfactant activity in, 172, 225 relationship of asbestos in lung neoplasm mortality, 257 relationship in coronary and lower limb arteriosclerosis, 72 relationship of former to lung neoplasm development, 276 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease, 172, 226-229 relationship to laryngeal neoplasm devel- opment in, 281 relationship to lip or oral cavity neo- plasms, 361-370 relationship to lung neoplasms, 275 relationship with bladder neoplasms in men, 299 relationship with dust on COPD develop- ment, 153 with peptic ulcer, 427 tisk in CHD, 8 tisk of COPD in, 140 survey by age and sex, 6 survey of U.S., 6 Cigarettes development of esophageal neoplasms by, 12, 293 tar levels of, relationship to lung neo- plasm development, 276 Cigar smokers atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium, 379 bladders neoplasms in, 293-294 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of, 280, 359-360 COPD morbidity in, 146, 197-198, 201-202, 204-205 effects of smoke on bronchial reactivity, 164 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios in, 290 kidney neoplasms in, 294-295 lack of risk in CVD, 67 laryngeal neoplasm induction in, 12, 354-357 lung neoplasm incidence in rural Switzer- land, 244 lung neoplasm mortality in, 11, 240-243 mortality ratios from COPD in, 142-143, 145 induction in, 443 my ocardial infarction in, 32, 38-39 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease, 227 relationship of laryngeal neoplasms de- velopment in, 281 relationship of neoplasms of oral cavity with, 12, 361-365, 367-371 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in, 298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in, 424 risk of CHD, 8 risk of COPD, 10 risk of lung neoplasm development, 276 Ciliary activity see Respiratory system Circulation see Blood circulation Cirrhoses see Liver Civil servants see Government employees under Occu- pations Coal miners see Occupations Congressional legislation see Laws Connecticut Cancer Registry figures on age-adjusted larynx neoplasm incidence, 277 figures on incidence of oral neoplasms, 284 Constitutional hy pothesis relationship to CHD and smoking, 48-49, 105-106 COPD see Bronchopulmonary disease, chronic obstructive Cornsilk smoking, lack of arterial epinephrine level increase, 57 Coronary blood flow seé Blood circulation, coronary Coronary disease see also Angina pectoris age- adjusted rates in smokers, 23 arteriosclerotic, mortality rates in US., atherosclerosis in, effects of smoking on, 4,63 blood pressure of smokers vs. nonsmok- ers, 43,47 carbon dioxide effects on oxygen uptake in, 62 cigarette smoking relationship, 5 death ratios of paired combinations of high risk, 25 first, mortality rates in smokers vs. non- smokers, 24, 26-29 incidence and mortality rates in former smokers, 46, 47-48 infarction in NYC pipe and cigar smok- ers, 32, 38-39 infarction relationship to physical activ- ity, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 44 in smokers with predisposing factors, 24 morbidity relationship of smoking to, 32-35, 37, 39, 93-97 mortality and morbidity retrospective studies, 40, 93-97 444 mortality from, relationship to electro- cardiographic findings, 42 mortality in obese vs. non-obese, 45 mortality rates in, hypertensives vs. non- hypertensives, 42 mortality rates in, smokers vs. non- smokers, 21-22 mortality rates in, with increased carbon monoxide, 62 mortality rates of paired combinations of high risk, 25 mortality rates of cigarette smokers from, AHA pooling project, 28, 30, 39 mortality rates of U.S. veterans, 26, 38 myocardial infarction in Danish twins, 31 nicotine effect on coronary blood flow in, 58 relation of triglycerides to, 65 telationship of blood presure and smok- ing, 45, 47 relationship of heart rate and smoking, 45,47 relationship of physical activity and smoking 41, 43, 44 relationship to constitutional makeup and smoking, 48-49, 105-106 relationship to ECG abnormalities and smoking, 45, 47 relationship to obesity and smoking, 4345 tisk factors, 23-24, 40-41 smokers age effects on development, 27, 39 smoking risk factor, 8 sudden mortality in, smoking effects on, 2 Coronary heart disease See Coronary disease Cows see Cattle Cresol suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke, 266 Cuba laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 356 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity, 364 D see Cerebrovascular disease Cyanides metabolism of, pathogenesis of tobacco amblyopia relationship to, 435-436 in tobacco amblyopia etiology, 14 Czechoslovakia jaryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 354, 357 serum lipid difference in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 101 Death rates see Mortality rates Denmark atherogenic effect of carbon monoxide and hypoxia, 64 bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and, 381, 383 carbon monoxide effects on human biood lipids in, 129 carbon monoxide effects on rabbit blood lipids in, 129 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 102 twins in, angina pectoris in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 51 Deoxyribonucleic acid content increase in smokers oral epi- thelial cells, 288 levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke, 161 Diabetes effect on CHD in smokers, 24 tisk in mortality from CVD, 67 Diabetes mellitus relationship with cigarette smoking in peripheral vascular disease, 72 Dibenz(¢,h acridine carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Dibenz(a,j)acridine carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 7H-Dibenzo(c,g)carbazole carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 Dibenzo(a,i)pyrene see Benzo(rst)pentaphene Diethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from, 265 7,12-Dimethy]-benz(a)anthracene see Benz(a)anthracene, 7,12-dimethy!- Dimethylnitrosamine suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from, 265 2,3-Diphosphogly cerate effects of carbon monoxide on, 60-61 DNA see Deoxyribonucleic acid Dogs atherogenic effects of nicotine in, 120 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl- amine, 296 bradycardia and tachycardia in, follow- ing nicotine injection, 57-58 bronchogenic carcinoma induction in, te cigarette smoke inhalation, 269, 70 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of, 268, 347 death in, causes from cigarette smoke in- halation, 271 effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in, 164, 170 fetal bronchial tubes of, effect of ciga- rette smoke on, 345 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on sur- factant activity, 172, 225 lung neoplasms following cigarette smoke inhalation, 239, 277 lung neoplasms in, types and lobes where found, 269, 272-273 myocardium of, nicotine effects on, 58 neoplasm development in smoking, per- centages of, 274 pulmonary histological changes in ciga- rette smoke inhaling, 158, 159-160 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on, 268, 352, 353 smoke induced bronchoconstriction in, atropine effects, 163 smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipids in, 127-128 smoking and nicotine effects on cardio- vascular function in, 107-112 smoking and nicotine effects on cate- cholamine levels in, 119 Donkeys effect of cigarette smoke on pulmonary clearance in, 164, 171 Ducks cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of, 346 Duodenal ulcer see Peptic ulcer Dusts COPD development from, 153, 218 Egypt relation of human pulmonary histology and smoking, 163 Electrocardiograph findings on, CHD mortality relationship to, 42 reading abnormalities, relationship to smoking and CHD, 45, 47 Electrophoresis use in determining serum levelof alpha,- antitrypsin, 151 Emphysema alpha,-antitrypsin absence type genetic factors, 150 cigarette smoking effects on, 9 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation, 271 development of, relation of cadmium in smoke to, 154 grade II or III, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 162 mechanism inalphayantitrypsin absence type of, 151 mortality from, effect of cigarette smok- ing on, 175 mortality rates from, in 1967, 139 pulmonary, definition, 139 Employment see Occupations England see United Kingdom Enzymes see also Papain activity of, effect of smoking, 165 ary! hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity in placentas at childbirth, 410 aryl hydroxylase, effect of nickel in ciga- rette smoke on induction of , 257 benzo(a)pyrene hydroxylase, activity in placentas of smoking mothers, 410 carbonic anhydrase, carbon monoxide inhibition in fetal cord blood of smok- ing mothers, 407 carbonic anhydrase, decrease in activity in fetal cord blood in smoking mothers, 409 Epidermoid carcinoma see Carcinoma, epidermoid 445 Epinephrine levels in arteries, cigarette smoking ef- fects on, 57 Epitheliomas lip, relationship of tobacco use with, 361 Epoxides : suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke, 265 Esophageal neoplasms frequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 12, 238 induction in animals by nitrosamine, 292 methods and results of retrospective studies of tobacco use, 289, 375-378 mortality rates in U.S. for 1967, 289 relationship to smoking, 293 Esophagus basal cells of epithelium of, atypical nuclei in male smokers 292, 379-380 Ethanol see Alcohol Ex-smokers see Smokers (former) Factory workers see plant workers under Occupations Fatty acids blood, effect of smoking on levels of, 65 Jevels in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 102 rise in blood serum after smoking, 36 suspected carcinogenic agents of ciga- rette smoke, 266 Fetus heart beats in, increase in smoking mothers, 408 tissues of, effects of elevated carboxy- hemoglobin on, 407 Fibrosis in lung, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 161 Fibrillation ventricular, death from, 36 Filters see Cigarette filters Finland blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 103 COPD morbidity in smokers of, 200 lung neoplasms in, restrospective smok- ing study of methods in, 325, 327 lung neoplasm mortality in, relationship to tobacco use, 245-246 peptic ulcer in, methods and results for retrospective and cross section studies of smoking and, 426, 428 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers of, 98, 99 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids in, 124 Fluoranthene alcoholic solution of, penetrability of esophageal epithelium, 292 Flax mill workers see Occupations Former smokers see Smokers (former) Formosa acute effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary function in, 169 France bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- 446 sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and, 381-383 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 94, 97 COPD mortality of smokers in, 201 cigarette smoke effects on animal lung tissue in, 343 cigarette smoke effects on chicken em- bryos in, 344 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on rat respiratory tract, 349 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with, 378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 355, 357 lung neoplasms in, retrospective smoking study of methods in, 326 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity, 363 Framingham Heart Study morbidity ratios in CHD, 24 Fungicides concentration in cigarette smoke, 265, 266 Gastric ulcer see Peptic ulcer Genetics factors of, cigarette smoking relation- ship, 5 factors of, in COPD pathogenesis, 148, 150-152, 205 twin-studies, effects of smoking, 49-52, 99 Germany a morbidity and mortality in, 95-96, cigarette smoke inhalation effects on ani- mal respiratory tract in, 350 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 355 lung neoplasms in, retrospective smoking study of methods in, 323, 325, 326 polonium-210 levels in lungs of smokers in, 336 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids, 125 Glossary of terms used in smoking and ventilatory function, 215 Glucose metabolism and insulin response, altera- tion effects on myocardial response, 66 Glycogen levels in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke, 161 Government employees see Occupations Graphite respiratory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to, 256 Great Britain see United Kingdom Guanethidine blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by, 57 Guinea pigs lung neoplasm development following chronic nickel carbonyl! or dust inhala- tion, 256 lungs of, cigarette smoke effects on sur- factant activity, 225 respiratory changes in, exposed to ciga- rette smoke, 162 Hamsters benzo(a)pyrene inhalation by, effect of asbestos dust on carcinoma induction, 257 bladder neoplasms in, fed 2-naphthyl- amine, 296 cigarette smoke instillation or implanta- tion effects on tracheobronchial tree of, 268, 346-348 laryngeal malignancies in, following smoke inhalation, 12 laryngeal neoplasms following cigarette smoke inhalation, 239 larynx of, effect of cigarette smoke in- halation on, 281, 284 lung and embryos, effects of cigarette smoke tars on, 343-344 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation, 220 respiratory tract of, C-14 labeled particu- lates deposition in, 281-282 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects on, 268, 351 Health Insurance Plan (NYC) myocardial infarction in pire and cigar smokers under, 32, 38-3 Heart see also Arrhythmia, brachycardia, myo- cardium and tachycardia cardiac thythm of, effect of nicotine on, 6 fetal, increased rate by maternal smok- ing, 408 myocardium of, nicotine effects on oxy- gen demand, 38 myocardium of, cigarette smoking effect on, 5,8 rate, relationship to smoking and CHD, Heart disease see Cardiovascular diseases and coronary disease Heights decreased, in children of smoking mothers, 407 Hematite dust respiratory tract neoplasms in hamsters exposed to, 348 Hematocrit ni smoking mother effects on, 407, 40 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow, 66 Hemoglobin see also Carboxyhemoglobin affinity for oxygen, CO effects on 2 ,3-di- phosphoglycerate control of, 60-61 variations in, effect on coronary blood flow, 66 Hens see Chickens Heterocyclic compounds carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke, 264, 265 Hexamethonium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by, 57 HIP of NYC see Health Insurance Plan (NYC) Hookahs smokers of, laryngeal neoplasm induc- tion in, 355 Hungary retrospective smoking study of methods for lung neoplasms in, 328 Hydrocarbons see Aromatic compounds heterocyclic compounds Hydrogen cyanide in cigarette smoke, effects on body oxi- dative metabolism, 62 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid see Anthranilic acid, 3-hydroxy- 3-Hydroxykynurenine excretion of, smoking effects on, 296 Hydroxyproline level in mice lung exposed to cigarette smoke, 161 Hypertension see Blood pressure Hypoxemia : arterial, carbon dioxide effects on, 61, 18 Hypoxia aortic atheromatosis development in rabbits exposed to, 64 postoperative, development in smokers, 174, 230 postural, mechanism in asymptomatic smokers vs. nonsmokers, 147 Iceland lung neoplasms in, relationship to tobac- co smoking, 244 Indeno(1 ,2 ,3,-cd)pyrene carcinogenic properties in cigarette smoke from, 265 India esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with, 378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 355, 356 relationship of smoking to tuberculosis in, 227 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity in, 362, 366 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system, 117 smoking relationship to thrombosis in, 131 Indole, 1-methyl- possible initiator in tobacco carcinogene- sis, 265 Industrial workers see plant workers under Occupations Industrial hazards effect of dust on COPD development, 175 effects on COPD development in smok- ers, 153-154, 218-219 Infant see also Neonate sudden death in, relation of smoking and nonsmoking mothers, 407 Influenza virus effect on dogs inhaling cigarette smoke, 351 447 resistance of mice following cigarette smoke inhalation, 173 Inhalation studies see under Cigarette smoke Ireland acute effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary function, 168 CHD mortality and morbidity in smok- ers and nonsmokers in, 94 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 96 lung neoplasms in, retrospective smoking study of methods in, 328 maternal smoking and infant weight, 399 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy , 394, 396 northern, mortality rates from COPD, 144 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in, 218 relationship of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution and residence in, 254 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 99 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system, 133 smoking relationship to thrombosis in, 130 Israel cigarette smoke effects on animal em- bryos in, 343 mortality rates from COPD in, increase, 140 Italy human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy, 409 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 100 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in, 263 Japan bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and, 382, 384 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 96 cigarette smoke effects on human fetal lung tissue in, 343 esophageal neoplasms in retrospective studies of tobacco use in, 378 kidney and bladder neoplasms of smok- ers in, 295 lung neoplasms in, retrospective smoking study of methods in, 326, 328 lung neoplasm mortality of smokers and nonsmokers in, 243 mortality ratios from esophageal neo- plasms in, 291 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in cigarette smokers in, 298 relationships of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in, 255 Kidney neoplasms mortality rates in U.S. for 1967, 296 relationship of tobacco use, 13, 299 in smokers and nonsmokers, 238, 294-295 Korea relation of human pulmonary histology and smoking in, 255 448 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers of, 259 Lactones suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- rette smoke, 265 Laparotomy postoperative pulmonary complications following, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 174 Laryngeal neoplasms development in hamsters following ciga- rette smoke inhalation, 239 development in smokers, 12, 281 mortality in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 237-238 mortality ratios from, 277-279 relationship to tobacco use and develop- ment of, 354-357 telative risk ratios from tobacco use, 277, 358 US. mortality in 1967, 277 Larynx epithelial changes in, classification of, 281, 283 hamster, C-14 labeled particulate deposi- tion in, 281-282 Laws PL 89-92, requirements for smoking haz- ards literature review, 7 PL 91-222, requirements for smoking hazards review, 7 Lip neoplasms relationship of tobacco use, 361, 362, 365, 367 relationship to pipe smoking, 289 Lipids blood effect of smoking on levels of, 65-66, 123-128 serum, differences in smokers vs. non- smokers, 41, 98-102 Lipoproteins infiltration in arterial walls, carbon mon- oxide effects on, 63 in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 99-102 Liver cirrhosis smokers, 5 Longshoremen see Occupations Luminescence techniques of, use in determining aro- matic hydrocarbon in urine, 297 Lung diseases see Bronchopulmonary diseases, adeno- carcinoma, carcinoma, tuberculosis Lungs fibroses in, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 161 hamster, C-14 labeled particulates depo- sition in, 281-282 human, effects of cigarette smoke on tis- sue from, 343-345 Lung neoplasms, air pollution role in etiology of, 11 cause and effect relationship of smoking, 276 cigarette smoking risks, 11 development in dogs following cigarette smoke inhalation, 239 effect of sex on development, 11 of, rates among cigarette environmental and atmospheric factors of, 252-255 groupings, 246-334 group characteristics of tobacco use in smokers and nonsmokers, 240, 244, 329-333 histology and smoking relationships, 246-249 mortality expected in U.S. in 1970, 237, 3 mortality from chromium compounds, 257-258 mortality in cigarette smokers by dura- tion, 240, 244 mortality in smelter workers exposed to arsenic, 257 mortality in smokers and nonsmokers, 240-243 mortality, in smokers in Norway and Finland, 245-246 occupational exposure effects on patho- genesis of, 12 prevalence in males and females by tumor type, 246, 250 reduction in number using filter-type cigarettes, 275 relationship of asbestos and smoking to, 57 relationship of female smoking, 246, 251 relationship of smoking to, 237 retrospective study methods for smoking relationships, 240, 323-328 smoking cause and effect relationship, 3 smoking habit study of patients with, 3 types implicated in smoking, 237 US. mortality rates for 1939 vs. 1967, Macrophages effect of cigarette smoke of action on staphylococcus, 165 Mammals see also specific mammals cells of, effect of cigarette smoke tars on, 343 Medical students see Occupations Methylbenzo(a)pyrene see Benzo(a)pyrene, 1-methyl- 9-Methyl carbazole see Carbazole, 9-methyl- Methylchrysenes see Chrysene, 1-methyl- Methyl-indole see Indole, 1-methyl- Methyl-n-butyinitrosamine e Butylamine, n-methyl-nitroso- N -Methylnicotinamide see Pyridinium compounds, 3-carba- moy)l-1-methy]- Mice bladder neoplasms in, induction by tryptophan metabolites, 296 rte lethal effects of nicotine on, 1 esophageal epithelium of, alcoholic benzo(a)pyrene penetrability of, 292 esophageal epithelium of, oil desolved benzo(a)pyrene penetrability of, 292 lungs of, effects of cigarette smoke on, 343, 344 lung neoplasm incidence in, from chrom- ium oxide dust exposure, 258 pulmonary carcinoma induction in, following asbestos dust inhalation, 257 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen oxide inhalation, 161, 220 pulmonary changes in cigarette smoke inhaling, 159 pulmonary clearance in, cigarette smoke effects on, 170 resistance to pneumonia bacteria follow- ing cigarette inhalation, 173 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effect on, 268-269, 349-353 skin painting of, smoke condensates ef- fects on, 267, 337-342 Miscarriages see Abortion, spontaneous Mollusks ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 223 Monkeys atherogenic effects of carbon monoxide and hypoxia, 64 ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 222 fetal bronchial tubes of, effects of ciga- rette smoke on, 345 Rhesus, development of bladder neo- plasms from 2-naphthylamine, 296 squirrel, nitrogen oxide effects on resis- tance to pneumococcus, 173 Morbidity ratio CHD in smokers with predisposing fac- tors, 24 CHD in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 21-22, 24, 30-35 CHD, relation to smoking, 32-35, 37, 39 CHD, retrospective studies, 40, 93-97 in Danish twins, smoking effects on, 49-51 development of COPD in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 145, 195-205 Mortality rates from bladder neoplasms in U.S. for 1967, 293 from bronchopulmonary disease, 141-145 cerebrovascular disease, smokers vs. non- smokers, 66-67, 68-70 CHD, paired combinations of high risk characteristics in, 25 CHD, retrospective studies, 40, 93-97 CHD in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 24, 26-29 CHD in USS., 21 in Danish twins, smoking effects on, 51 from esophageal neoplasms in U.S. in 1967, 289 from kidney neoplasms in U.S, for 1967, 296 from lung neoplasms for 1939 vs. 1967 inUS., from lung neoplasms expected in 1970, 237, 239 from lung neoplasms in smelter workers exposed to arsenic, 257 from oral neoplasms in 1967, 285 449 from peptic ulcer in U.S. in 1967, 423 in former smokers, relation to CHD, 46, 47-48 in Swedish twins, smokers vs. non- smokers, 51 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 3 USS. male veterans from CHD, 26, 38 Mortality ratios CHD with high risk characteristics, esti- mated, 25 from esophageal neoplasms, prospective and retrospective studies, 289-291 from laryngeal neoplasm, 277-279 from lung neoplasms in smokers in Nor- way and Finland, 246 from lung neoplasms, in males by ciga- rette smoking duration, 240, 244 from pancreatic neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers, 298-299 from peptic ulcer in smokers and non- smokers, 424 smokers vs. nonsmokers, from lung neo- plasms, 240-243 Mouth neoplasms frequency in smokers and nonsmokers, 8° smoking induced, 12 Mucopolysaccharides — as surfactants in lung tissue, 17 Mussels ciliary function in, effects of cigarette smoke on, 221, 222 Myocardium effects of hydrogen cyanide in smoke on, 62 oxygen consumption in nicotine stimu- lated, 59 oxygen requirements for, nicotine ef- fects, 58 2-Naphthylamine development of bladder carcinomas and papillomas in dogs, hamsters and mon- keys given, 296 suspected bladder carcinogen in tobacco smoke, 265 National Center for Health Statistics survey of U.S. smoking habits by, 54 survey on relationship of smoking and incidence of respiratory disease, 173 . National Clearinghouse for Smoking and Health responsibilities, 7 1970 survey of smoking, 6 National Cooperative Pooling Project mortality statistics from coronary dis- ease, 21-22 National Library of Medicine assistance in literature review on smok- ing, 7 Nawarai gas respifatory tract carcinoma in workers exposed to, 256 Negroes see Bracks Neonate see also Fetus, pregnancy, prematurity birth weight, effect of maternal smoking on, 389, 397-399 450 death, comparison of stillbirth and abor- tions in smoking and nonsmoking mothers, 395, 405-406 death, differences of birth weight and, in smoking and nonsmoking mothers, 404 death, smoking mothers effects on 415 tats, LDsg nicotine determination, 412 Neoplasms see also specific neoplasms, adenocarci- noma, carcinoma, lung neoplasms, etc. adenomatous, induction in mice by ciga- rette smoke inhalation, 350 bladder, in smokers and nonsmokers, 293-295, 381-384 bladder, methods of retrospective studies of smoking and, 293, 381-384 bladder, relationship of tobacco usage to, 299 bladder, relationship to cigarette smok- ing, 13, 299 bladder, U.S. mortality in 1967, 293 development in smoking dogs, percent- ages of, 274 esophageal, frequency in smokers and nonsmokers, 12, 238 esophageal, methods and results of retro- spective studies of tobacco use in, 289, 375-378 esophageal, mortality ratios, 289-291 esophageal, mortality rates for U.S. in 1967, 289 esophageal, relationship to smoking, 293 kidney, mortality rates in U.S. for 1967, 296 kidney, relationship to tobacco use, 13, 299 kidney, in smokers and nonsmokers, 238, 294-295 laryngeal, 12, 237-239, 281 laryngeal, relationship of tobacco use and development of , 354-357 laryngeal, relative risk ratios from tobac- co use, 277, 358 laryngeal, U.S. mortality in 1967, 277 lip, relationship to smoking, 289 lip, relationship to tobacco use, 361, 362, 365, 367 mammalian, cigarette smoke effect on, 343 oral cavity, relationship of tobacco use, 285, 361-367 oral cavity, relationship to smoking, 289 pancreas, relationship to smoking, 298-299 Netherlands cigarette smoke inhalation effects on mice respiratory tract in, 349 jung neoplasms in, retrospective smoking study of methods for, 323 serum lipid difference, in smokers vs. nonsmokers of, 101 New York City myocardial infarctions in cigar and pipe smokers in, 32, 38-39 New Zealand human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy, 408-409 Nickel compounds suspected carcinogenic agents in ciga- tette smoke, 265 Nickel workers see Occupations Nicotine atherogenic effects of 120-122 effect on blood lipids, 123-128 effect on blood pressure, 36 effects on cardiac rhythm of heart, 36 effects on cardiovascular system, 56-58, 107-118 effects on catecholamine release from adrenals, 36,119 effects on heart rate, 36 effects on myocardium oxygen demand, 38 effects on myometrial strips in gravidic women, 408 effects on peripheral vascular system, 72, 75, 133-134 effects on pregnancy, 411-414 induction of necrosis in arterial walls, 63 neurogenic effects of, 57 Nitrogen dioxide pulmonary changes in rodents chron- ically inhaling, 161, 220 Nitrogen oxide effects on resistance of squirrel monkeys to pneumococcus, 173 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide alcoholic solution of, development of papillomas in mice drinking, 292 N-Nitrosamines carcinogenicity in cigarettes smoke, 264-266 esophageal neoplasms induced in animals by, 292 Nitrosopiperidine see Piperidine, nitroso- Nitrosopyrrolidine gee Pyrrolidine, nitroso- N methylnicotinamide urinary excretion of, smoking effects on, 2 Nonsmokers see also Smokers vs. nonsmokers carboxyhemoglobin effects on oxygen uptake, 61 Norway lung neoplasms in, for pipe smokers, 244 lung neoplasm mortality in, relationship to tobacco use, 245-246 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers of, 259 Oat cell carcinoma see Carcinoma, oat cell Obesity relationship to CHD mortality, 43 relationship to smoking and CHD, 43-45 relationship with smoking in peripheral arteriosclerosis, 72 Occupations see also Industrial hazards asbestos workers, respiratory tract carci- noma, 256 asbestos workers, lung neoplasm mortal- ity in smoking, 257 bank employees, smoking and COPD, 198 coal miners, impaired pulmonary func- tion in smoking, 163 coal miners, respiratory tract carcinoma, 256 coal miners, smoking and COPD, 153, 197, 218-219 coal miners, smoking and ventilatory function, 207 flax mill workers, smoking and COPD, 199 government employees, blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 99 longshoremen, mortality from smoking- related cerebrovascular disease, 70 longshoremen, mortality rates from CHD in, 28 longshoremen, smoking and COPD, 200 longshoremen, smoking and ventilatory function, 208 medical students, serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 98 medical students, smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipid levels, 124 medical students, smoking and thrombo- sis relationships, 130 medical students, smoking and ventila- tory function, 209-210 nickel workers, lung neoplasms in, 256 physicians, bladder and kidney neo- plasms in smoking, 293, 294 physicians, cessation of smoking effect on COPD, 142 physicians, COPD mortality rates, 149 physicians, decline in cigarette smoking rates, 48 physicians, mortality from smoking- related cerebrovascular disease, 68 physicians, mortality rates from CHD, 6 physicians, mortality ratios from esopha- geal neoplasms, 290 physicians, mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in smoking and nonsmoking, 424 physicians, pulmonary function follow- ing cessation of smoking, 149 physicians, smoking and ventilatory function, 209-210, 213 plant workers, occupational exposure and smoking relationships to COPD, 153, 218, 219 plant workers, smoking and COPD, 198 plant workers, smoking and ventilatory function, 206-208 post office workers, blood pressure dif- ferences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 104 post office workers, smokers and ventila- tory function, 209 post office workers, smoking and COPD, 200, 202 prisoners, serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 100 prisoners, smoking and nicotine effects on peripheral vascular system, 133 railroad employees, coronary heart dis- ease, morbidity in smoking, 34 railroad employees, mortality and mor- bidity from CHD, 97 railroad employees, mortality rates from CHD, 28 smelter workers, lung neoplasm mortal- 451 ity from arsenic exposure, 257 soldiers, smoking and COPD, 197 steel workers, COPD development from dust exposure, 153 students, carbon monoxide effects on blood lipids, 129 students, infectious respiratory disease in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 228-229 students, mortality from smoking-related cerebrovascular disease, 68 students, mortality rates from CHD, 28 students, smoking and COPD, 201 students, smoking and nicotine effects on blood lipid level, 125 students, smoking and thrombosis rela- tionships, 130 students, smoking and ventilatory func- tion, 211 telephone company employees smoking and COPD, 200 textile workers, occupational exposure and smoking relationship to COPD, 218-219 transportation employees, smoking and COPD, 198, 202 transportation workers, air pollution re- lationship to COPD, 216 transportation workers, smoking and ventilatory function, 207, 212 utility company employees, CHD mor- bidity in smoking, 30 uranium miners, lung neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers, 256 veterans, bladder and kidney neoplasms in smoking, 294-295 veterans, COPD mortality rates, 143 veterans, CHD morbidity in smoking, 32 veterans, effects of smoking on twin, 50 veterans, lung neoplasm mortality in smoker and nonsmoker, 241-243 veterans, mortality rates from CHD, 26, 38 veterans, mortality from smoking-related cerebrovascular disease, 69 veterans, mortality ratios from esopha- geal neoplasms, 290 veterans, mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 424 Oleic acid suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke, 266 Olive oil penetrability of benzo(a)pyrene in mice esophageal epithelium, 292 Oral cavity neoplasms estimated incidence in US. for 1970, 284 mortality from in 1967, 285 relationship of tobacco use, 285, 289, 361-367 Organs cultures of, cigarette smoke effects on cell growth and reproduction, 267, 343-345 Oropharynx neoplasms frequency in smokers and nonsmokers, 238 Oxygen see also Hypoxemia myocardial consumption of, following 452 nicotine stimulation, 58, 75 transport in body, carbon monoxide effects, 60, 75 uptake in nonsmokers with specific car- boxyhemoglobin levels, 61, 75 Palate hamster, C-14 labeled smoke particulates deposition in, 281-282 Pancreatic neoplasms relationship to smoking, 13, 238 relationship of smoking to mortality from, 298-299 Papain pulmonary effects on rats exposed to cigarette smoke with, 163 Papillomas development in mice drinking alcoholic benzopyrene, 292 formation following skin painting with smoke tars, 337-339, 341 induction in hamsters exposed to ben- zo(a)pyrene, 346-347 Pentolinium blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by, 57 Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co. study of CHD, serum cholesterol and smoking relationships, 43 Peptic ulcer antacid efficacy and healing of, effects of cigarette smoking on, 423 development in smokers, 13 mortality from, in U.S. in 1967, 423 mortality ratios from, in smokers and nonsmokers, 424 retrospective and cross section study methods for smoking relationship to, 425-427 Peroxides suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke, 265 Personality characteristics relationship to CHD and smoking, 48-49, 105-106 Pesticides content in cigarette smoke, 265, 266 Phagocytosis puimonary alveolar, in smokers vs. non- smokers, 165 Pharyngeal neoplasms Trequency in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 8 relationship to tobacco use, 362-364, 66 Phenol suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke, 266 Phospholipids function as surfactants in lung tissuc, 172 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 99-100, 102 Physical activity relationship to CHD and smoking, 41, 43,44 relationship to myocardial infarction, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 44 Physicians see Occupations Piperidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from, 265 Pipe smokers atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium, 379 bladder neoplasms in, 293-294 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cords of, 280, 359-360 COPD morbidity in, 146, 197-198, 201-205 development of chronic bronchopulmo- nary disease, 10 development of esophageal neoplasms, 13, 293 development of lung cancer, 11 development of oral neoplasms, 12 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios, 0 kidney neoplasms in, 294-295 lack of risk in CVD, 67 laryngeal neoplasms induction, 12, 354-357 lung neoplasm incidence in Norway, 244 lung neoplasm incidence in rural Switzer- land, 244 lung neoplasm mortality in, 324-327 mortality rates from COPD, 142-143, 145 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms, 298 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer, 424 myocardial infarction in, 32, 38-39 peptic ulcer in, 427 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease, 227 relationship to laryngeal neoplasm devel- opment, 281 relationship to lip neoplasms, 289 relationship to oral cavity neoplasms, 361-364, 367 tisk of CHD, 8 a on lung neoplasm development, 6 Placenta ability to hydroxylate benzo(a)pyrene in smoking mothers, 407 Platelets adhesiveness of increased, from cigarette smoking, 9 aggregation of, cigarette smoking effects on, 36 blood, effect of smoking, 66, 75 Poland bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and, 382, 383 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 96 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with, 378 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 357 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity in, 364 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 100, 102 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood levels in, 124 smoking relationships to thrombosis in, 1 Pollution see Air pollution Polonium-210 suspected carcinogenic agent in cigarette smoke, 265-267, 335-336 Post office workers see Occupations Postoperative pulmonary complications see Respiratory system Potassium-40 present in tobacco leaf, 266 Pregnancy see also Abortion (spontaneous), pla- centa, stillbirth, neonate human, methods used in smoking study of , 391-396 maternal smoking during, effect on fetal growth and weight, 389, 397-399 maternal smoking during, effects on fetal growth, 13,415 nicotine effects on myometrial strips in, 408 unsuccessful, smoking effects on, 13 Prematurity maternal smoking and, 390, 400-403 Prisoners see Occupations Proteins see Lipoproteins Protozoae ciliary function in, effect of cigarette smoke on, 165, 224 Public Health Service review of medical literature on smoking hazards, 7 1967 study of, starting point for new studies, 4 Public laws see Laws Puerto Rico esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use with, 378 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity in, 367 Pulmonary system see Respiratory system Pyrrolidine, nitroso- suspected carcinogenic properties in ciga- rette smoke from, 265 Rabbits atherogenic effects of carbon monoxide and hypoxia, 64 atherogenic effects of nicotine, 120-122 blood lipids in, smoking and nicotine effects on 127 cardiovascular function in, smoking and nicotine effects, 108, 109 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke ef- fect on, 221-222 cholesterol fed, carbon monoxide effects on, 65-66 offspring of, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight, 407 offspring, smoking effects on stillbirth and mortality, 411 pregnant, tritium-labeled nicotine effects in, 413 pulmonary changes in cigarette smoking, 159 pulmonary clearance in, cigarette smoke effect on, 164, 170, 171 453 skin painting, smoke condensate effects on, 267, 338 Railroad employees see Occupations Rats atherogenic effects of nicotine in, 120, 121 blood lipids in, nicotine and smoke ef- fects, 128 ciliary function in, cigarette smoke on, 221, 222 LDs9 nicotine determination in female, 412 lung neoplasms, from intrabronchial im- planting of chromium compounds, 258 lung neoplasms, from nickel carbonyl and dust inhalation, 256 lungs, cigarette smoke effects on surfac- tant activity, 172, 225 offspring, nicotine and smoke effects on birth weight, 407 pregnant, aromatic compound stimula- tion of placental BP-hydroxylase activ- ity, 414 pregnant, fetal wastage and neonate death in nicotine and smoking, 411 pulmonary carcinoma induction follow- ing asbestos dust inhalation, 257 pulmonary changes from chronic nitro- gen dioxide inhalation, 161, 220 respiratory tract of, cigarette smoke in- halation effects, 268, 349, 353 skin painting, smoke condensates effects, 267, 340 trachea of, cigarette smoke effects, 343 tracheal ligation of, cigarette smoke and papain effects on, 163 tracheobronchial tree of, cigarette smoke effects on, 268, 346-349 Reading ability in children of smoking mothers, 407 Reserpine nicotine cardiac stimulation blockage by, 57 Respiratory system see also Bronchopulmonary disease, larynx, lungs, trachea acute effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary function, 163, 166-169 animal, cigarette smoke instillation or implantation effects on, 268, 346-348 animal, effect of cigarette smoke inhala- tion on, 268-269, 349-353 effect of cigarette and cigar smoke on bronchial reactivity, 164 effect of cigarette smoke on human cili- ary function, 165, 221-224 effect of cigarette smoke on human pul- monary clearance, 164, 170 glossary of terms used in testing, 215 histological changes in smokers, 154-157 improvements in function following smoking cessation, 148, 149 pathological changes in cigarette smokers, 175 postoperative complication in, of smok- ers vs. nonsmokers, 174-176, 230 pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 165 454 pulmonary infarction in dogs inhaling cigarette smoke, 271 surface tension of, effect of cigarette smoke on, 172, 225 surfactant activity of, in smokers vs. nonsmokers, 172, 225 surfactants in, definition, 172 tests of function of, in smokers, 146-147, 206-214 Respiratory tract diseases see also Asthma, bronchitis, broncho- pulmonary disease, emphysema, pneu- monia, tuberculosis infectious, smoking effects on, 172 226-229 infections, prevalency among smokers, 10, 176 pathological and cytological changes in, of smokers vs. nonsmokers, 258-263 ventilatory function in, smokers vs. non- smokers, 175 Rhodesia retrospective smoking study of methods for lung neoplasms in, 328 Rubidium-84 tracing capillary flow in coronary blood flow, 59 Rural populations, lung neoplasms in, suspected etiology of increased, 276 Rural residences lung neoplasm incidence in, in Switzer- land, 244 relationships of lung neoplasm to smok- ing, air pollution, and, 252-255 Russia atherogenic effects of nicotine on rabbits in, 120 atherosclerosis autopsy studies in, 54 cigarette tar effects on rat tracheobron- chial tree in, 348 Saccharides see Mucopolysaccharides Saliva interference in action of carcinogens on oral cavity, 288 Sarcoma formation following animal skin painting with smoke condensates, 338, 340 induction in rats by cigarette smoke in- jection, 346-347 Scotland see United Kingdom Sex ages of cigarette smokers by, 6 effect of, in alpha-antitrypsin deficiency emphysema, 151 effect of, on laryngeal neoplasm inci- dence development, 277 effect of, in mortality in cigarette smokers, 276 effect of, in lung neoplasms and tobacco use, 244, 329-333 lung cancer mortality by, 252 lung neoplasm development by, 11 mortality rates of cigarette smokers by, ratios of, in lung neoplasm mortality in Norway and Finland, 245-246 Sheep . pregnant, nicotine injection and smoke inhalation effects on, 414 Smelter workers see Occupations Smokers (former) . see also Cessation of smoking atypical nuclei in male esophageal epi- thelium in, 379-380 CHD mortality probability in, 46 incidence of CHD and mortality in, 46-48 lung neoplasm mortality ratios in, 241-242 lung neoplasms in, lowered rates, 11 mortality rates from COPD, 175 ie rates from ling neoplasms, Smokers vs. nonsmokers see also Nonsmokers bladder neoplasms in, 293-295, 381-384 cell rows and atypical cells in vocal cord of, 280, 359-360 CHD mortality in, 21-22 comparison of abortions, stillbirth and neonatal death in, 390. 405-406 development of COPD in, 141, 145, 195-205 differences in emphysema types in, 154, 156 effect of cigarette smoke on post-opera- tive pulmonary complications, 175 ad of sex on mortality from CHD, 28-31 esophageal epithelial cells with atypical nuclei in, 252 esophageal neoplasm mortality ratios in, 290-291 —— of tryptophan metabolites in, 7 : frequency of esophageal neoplasms in, 238 frequency of kidney neoplasms in, 238 frequency of mouth and pharyngeal neo- plasms in, 238 frequency of urinary bladder neoplasms in, 238 group characteristics in lung neoplasms and smoking in, 240, 244, 329-333 laryngeal neoplasms in, relationship to tobacco use, 354-357 lung fibrosis development in, 161 lung neoplasm mortality ratios in, 240-243 lung neoplasm mortality in uranium miners, 256 morbidity ratios from CHD, 24 mortality from cerebrovascular disease, 67-70 mortality from CHD, 24, 26-29 mortality from CHD in Swedish twins, 1 mortality from laryngeal neoplasms in, 237-238 mortality rates, 3 mortality ratios of COPD in, 142-144 mortality ratio from laryngeal neo- plasms, 278-279 mortality ratios from pancreatic neo- plasms in, 298 myocardial infarction relationships to physical activity, 44 pathological and cytological changes in respiratory tract of, 258-263 peptic ulcer in, correlated amounts of tobacco use, 427-428 postoperative hypoxemia in, 174, 230 postural hypoxemia mechanism in asymptomatic, 147 postoperative pulmonary complications in, 174-175, 230 . pulmonary alveolar phagocytosis in, 165 relation between CHD and serum choles- terol level, 43 relationship to infectious respiratory dis- ease, 172, 226-229 serum lipids in, 41, 98-102 surfactant activity in lungs of, 172, 225 type of lung neoplasms in male and fe- male, 250 - Snuff dippers of, relationship to neoplasms of oral cavity, 287, 361, 364-365 Social adjustments in children of smoking mothers, 407 Socioeconomic relationships in COPD, 152-153, 216-217 Soldiers see Occupations South Africa . esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use, 378 occupational exposure and ‘smoking rela- tionship to COPD in, 219 retrospective study of methods for lung neoplasms in, 328 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 99 Spontaneous abortions see Abortions, spontaneous Squamous cell carcinoma see Carcinoma, epidermoid Steel workers see Occupations Stearic acid suspected carcinogenic agent of cigarette smoke, 266 Stillbirths abortions and neonatal death and, in smoking and nonsmoking mothers, 390, 405-406 effects of maternal smoking, 415 Students see Occupations Sugars see Glucose, mucopolysaccharides Surface tension see Respiratory system Surfactants see Respiratory system Sweden acute effects of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary. function, 168 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 104 CHD mortality and morbidity in, 97 COPD morbidity in smokers in, 203, 205 effect of cigarette smoke on animals cili- ary function in, 221-224 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective 455 studies of tobacco use with, 378 genetic studies of twins in, smoking ef- fects on, 50,99 laryngeal neoplasms in,relationship to tobacco use, 356 relationship of tobacco use and lip neo- plasms in, 361 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity, 364 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers of, 99 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system, 115 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system, 133 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in, 263 Switzerland CHD morbidity and mortality in, smokers vs. nonsmokers, 95 cigarette smoke effects on mice lung and kidney tissue in, 344 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on mice respiratory tract, 351 lung neoplasm incidence in cigar and pipe smokers of rural, 244 retrospective smoking study of methods for lung neoplasms in, 325 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers of, 100 Tachycardia development in dogs induced by nico- tine, 57 TAO see Thromboangiitis obliterans Tars, tobacco carcinogenicity on animal skin, 238 carcinogenic properties from cigarette smoke, 11, 264, 265 content in cigarettes, relationship to lung neoplasm development, 275, 276 sarcoma induction in rats following in- stillation, 346 skin painting with, carcinoma induction from, 337-342 Telephone company employees see Occupations Teratogenesis maternal smoking implications in, 407 in mice embryos, nicotine effects on, 4il Tetraethylammonium chloride blockage of nicotine cardiac stimulation by, 57 Textile workers see Occupations Thromboangiitis obliterans definition, 73 remission of, cessation of smoking ef- fects, 74 Thrombosis smoking effects on, 66, 130-132 Tissues cultures of, cigarette smoke effects on cell growth and reproduction, 267, 343-345 hypoxia of, carbon monoxide effects on, 61 Tobacco see also ali forms, e.g. Cigarettes, etc. 456 chewing of, relationship to lip and osaj cavity neoplasms, 36 1-363, 365-366 leaves, presence of potassium 40 in 266 Tobacco amblyopia , see Amblyopia Tobacco tars see Tars, tobacco Tongue hamster, C-14 labeled particulate depo- sition in, 281-282 Toxemia preeclamptic, incidence in smoking and nonsmoking mothers, 404, 407 Trachea hamster, C-14 labeled particulate depo. sition in, 281-282 Transportation employees see Occupations Triglycerides CHD incidence relationship to, 65 smokers vs. nonsmokers, 99-100, 102 Trypsin see Anti-trypsin, alpha, Tryptophan metabolism alterations by smoking, 297 alteration in urinary tract neoplasms by smoking, 13 carcinogenicity in mice bladders, 296 relation of excretion in smokers and nonsmokers, 297 Tuberculosis relationship of smokers vs. nonsmokers to, 172, 226-228 Tumorigenic agents see Carcinogens Twins angina pectoris development in, smoking effects on, 50-51 genetic studies of smoking effects on, 49-52 smoking effects on mortality and mor- bidity in, 51 Ulcers see Peptic ulcers United Kingdom bladder neoplasms in, methods in retro- spective studies of smoking and. 382-384 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 103, 104 British Perinatal Mortality Survey of, 390, 395, 404, 415 cigarette smoke effects on human fetal lung and mice trachea, 344 cigarette smoke effects on human pul- monary function, 168, 169 cigarette smoke effects on mice respira- tory tract, 352 cigarette smoke implantation effects on rat tracheobronchial tree in, 346-347 comparison of abortions, stillbirths and neonatal deaths in smoking and non- smoking mothers, 406 COPD morbidity in smokers in, 195-197, 203, 204 effect of cigarette smoke on animal cili- ary function in, 221 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy, 408 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smokers in, 294 lung cancer mortality in males in Eng- land and Wales, 240 maternal smoking and infant weight in, 397, 399 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy, 391, 394-395 mortality from cerebrovascular disease telated to smoking in, 68 mortality rates from COPD in, lack of increase, 140 mortality ratios from esophageal neo- plasms in, 290 mortality ratios from laryngeal neo- plasms in, 278 mortality ratios from peptic ulcer in smokers and nonsmokers in, 424 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in 218-219 peptic ulcer in, methods and results of retrospective and cross section studies of smoking and, 425-428 physicians in, decline in cigarette smok- ing rates, 48 physicians in, mortality from lung neo- plasms in smokers and nonsmokers, 41 pulmonary function in, cigarette smoke effects on, 168 relationships of lung neoplasms to smok- ing, air pollution, and residence in, 253-254 relationship of smoking tuberculosis in, 226 retrospective smoking study of methods for lung neoplasms in, 324, 326 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 101, 102 smoking and nicotine effects on animal cardiovascular function in, 107 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids in, 126 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system in, 115 smoking relationships to thrombosis in, 131 United States acute effect of cigarette smoke on human pulmonary function in, 166-167, 169 atherosclerosis autopsy studies in, 53- 55 bladder neoplasms in, methods and re- sults in retrospective studies of smok- ing and, 381-384 blood pressure differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 103-104 CHD mortality and morbidity in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 30-35, 37, 93-94 comparison of abortions, stillbirth and neonatal death in smoking and non- smoking mothers, 405-406 cigarette smoke effects on animal tissues in, 343-345 cigarette smoke effects pulmonary sur- factants and surface tension, 172, 225 cigarette smoke implantation effects on animals tracheobronchial tree, 346-348 cigarette smoke inhalation effects on ani- mal respiratory tracts, 349-350, 352, 354 COPD morbidity in smokers in, 195, 196, 198-200, 201-202, 205 effects of cigarette smoke on animal cili- ary function in, 221-224 esophageal neoplasms in, retrospective studies of tobacco use, 378 esophageal neoplasm mortality in, in 1967, 289 human experimental data on smoking and pregnancy in, 408410 human pulmonary function following cessation of smoking in, 149 kidney and bladder neoplasms in smokers in, 293-295 jaryngeal neoplasm incidence in 1967, 277 laryngeal neoplasm in, relationships to tobacco use, 278-279, 354-355 lung neoplasm mortality in smokers and nonsmokers in, 240-243 maternal smoking and infant weight, 397-399 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy, 391-395 mortality from aortic aneurysm related to smoking in, 71 mortality from cerebrovascular disease related to smoking, 68-70 mortality from lung neoplasms expected in 1970, 237, 239 mortality rates for bladder neoplasms in 1967, 293 mortality rates for COPD, increase of 139-140 mortality rates for kidney neoplasms in 1967, 296 mortality rates for lung neoplasms in 1939 vs. 1967, 239 mortality ratios for COPD, 142-145 mortality ratios for esophageal neo- plasms in, 290-294 mortality ratios for laryngeal neoplasms, 278-279 mortality ratios for pancreatic neoplasms in smokers and nonsmokers in, 298 mortality ratios for peptic ulcer in smokers and nonsmokers in, 424 occupational exposure and smoking rela- tionships to COPD in, 218-219 oral neoplasm incidence in, estimated for 1970, 284 peptic ulcer mortality in 1967 in, 423 peptic ulcer in, methods and results for Tetrospective and cross section studies of smoking and, 425, 426-428 polonium-210 levels in lungs of smokers in, 335-336 populations of, COPD development in, 10 relationship of human pulmonary histol- ogy and smoking in, 155-157 relationship of tobacco use and lip neo- plasms, 361-365, 367 relationship of tobacco use and neo- plasms of oral cavity, 361-365, 367 relationship of lung neoplasm to smok- ing, ait pollution, and residence in, 253-254 457 relationship of smoking to infectious res- piratory disease in, 227-229 retrospective smoking study methods for lung neoplasms in, 323-328 serum lipid differences in smokers vs. nonsmokers in, 98, 100, 101 smoking relationship to thrombosis in, 130, 131 smoking and nicotine effects on animal cardiovascular function in, 107-112 smoking and nicotine effects on human blood lipids, 123-126 smoking or nicotine effects on human catecholamine levels, 119 smoking and nicotine effects on human cardiovascular system, 113-114, 116, 117-119 smoking and nicotine effects on human peripheral vascular system, 133-134 surveys of cigarette smoking in, 6 tracheobronchial tree changes in smokers and nonsmokers in, 259-263 Uranium miners see Occupations Urban environment contribution to lung cancer mortality, 11 relationship of lung neoplasms, smoking, air pollution to, 252-255 Urban populations lung neoplasms in, suspected etiology of increased, 276 Urinary bladder see Bladder 438 Uterus cigarette smoking effects on gravidic, 408 Utility Company employees see Occupations Vascular system see also Blood circulation, cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular system, throm- boangiitis obliterans peripheral, smoking and nicotine effect on, 9, 72-73, 75, 133-134 Venezuela maternal smoking and infant weight in, 50 methods used in smoking study and human pregnancy, 445 Ventricular fibrillation death from, nicotine effects on, 36 Ventilatory function tests see Respiratory system Veterans see Occupations Virus influenza, cigarette smoke effects on re- sistance of mice with, 173 influenza, nitrogen oxide effects on squirrel monkey resistance to, 173 Vitamin deficiency relationship to tobacco amblyopia Xenon radioactive, regional pulmonary function using, 147 wy U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1971 O0—420-719