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American Review of Respiratory Dis- eases 89(1): 73-81, January 1964. 191 BRONCHOPULMON=RY APPENDIX TABLED TABLE A2.—Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms'—percent prevalence (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) EX = Ex-smokers. Number and type of population Other Comments 2,031 male and female insurance policy holders. NS.........10.9 SM .........18.0 Chest illnesses as repre- sented by frequent colds. 8,602 male and 2,242 female clerical workers 40-65 years of age. Chronic Bronchitis Chronie Males bronchitis NS .......15.8 (474) defined by SM .......18.4 (1,940) habitual Females cough and NS .......12.1 (619) sputum SM .......18.8 (579) production. 1,274 male factory workers without overt pulmonary disease or heart failure. SM = Smokers. NS = Nonsmokers. Breathlessness Cough Sputum production or dyspnea NS....... 1.6 (496) SM ....... 6.4(1,293) NS....... 2.0 (451) SM .......51.0 (823) 301 male and 280 female rural dwellers 25-74 years of age, Cough and sputum Males Males NS .......0. 7.1 (28) NS.......... SM .........538.9 (222) SM.......... Females Females NS......... 4.5 (176) NS.......... SM .........17.2 (98) SM.......... Chronic Bronchitig Males NS 3.6 SM ....... 9.9 Females NS 3.4 SM 8.6 Sé6L 961 TABLE A2.—Snoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary, disease symptoms'—percent prevalence (cont.) (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) SM = Smokers. NS = Nonsmokers. EX = Ex-smokers. Author, year, Number and Breathlessness country, type of Cough Sputum production or dyspnea Chest illnesses Other Comments reference population Higgins 94 males and Females Males Males Chronte bronchitis and 92 females Cough and sputum NS. 33.3 NS..... 0.0 Males Cochran, randomly chosen NS ......--- (6) SM. .....29.3 SM..... 16.0 NS ....... 0.0 1958, (members of an $ ..24.0 (75) Females Females SM ....... 6.7 England agricultural .. Bl (64) NS ..... 02... 45.3 NS ..... 10.9 Females (114). community.) . 3.0 (20) SM............20.0 SM..... 10.0 NS ....... 0.0 SM . 6.0 Edwards 1,737 male out- Chronic bronchitis etal., patients on NS .......16.6 (151) 1959, lists of Cigarettes 29.7 (T79) England general prac- 1-9 .. 23.4 (235) (74). titioners >60 10-19 - 81.2 (369) years of age. >20 - 338.7 (175) Pipe 18.5 (840) Flick 222 male NS .......10,0 (51) NS.........25.0 (49) NS..... 30.0 (47) and patients not SM .......55.0 (157) SM.........65.0 (156) SM. - 60.0(188) Paton, suffering from 1959, overt cardio- U\S.A. pulmonary (86). disease, 20-90 years of age. Higgins 776 males in Cough and sputum Chronic bronchitis et al., various SM......... 71 (85) NS............ 94 NS..... Td SM ...... 14.3 1959, occupations NS .........36.9 (575) SM.......,.....24.9 SM..... 20.2 NS 3.5 England 25-64 years (116). of age. Zé6l TaBLe A2.—Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms'—percent prevalence (cont.) (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) SM = Smokers. NS = Nonsmokers. EX = Ex-smokers. Author, year, Number and Breathlessness country, type of Cough Sputum production or dyspnea Chest illnesses Other Comments reference population Higgins, 393 males in Cough and sputum Chronic bronchitis Chronic 1959, various NS ........ 6.1 (33) NS.......... 18.2 NS.......... 3.0 NS ...... 6.0 bronchitis England occupations 1-14 g./day 9.7 (173) 1-14 ¢./day 30.1 1-14g./day 23.7 1-14 ¢./day 13.9 defined as (113). 55-64 years DIB ow... 42.3 (142) 1B... 888 DIB LL... 28.9 1B... 17.6 persistent of age. sputum and at least 1 chest illness in past 3 years. Tobacco gram equivalents are: 1 cigarette = 1lgram, leigar = 2-5 grams, 1 pipe = 10-25 grams. Liebeschuetz,147 male NS....... 0.0 (52) 1959, soldiers SM....... 18.0 (88) England 20-30 years (156). of age. Ashford 4,014 male Respiratory symptoma Respiratory etal., coal workers. NS wees 103 (677) symptoms— 1961, EX ......19.5 (123) “bronchitis England Cigarettes 21.1 (1,504) and/or {ift). Pipe only 35.1 (202) asthma’’. No Cigarettes dose rela- and pipe 37.1 (90) tionship ANISM ...21.7 (3,214) found. 86L TABLE A2.—Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms'—percent prevalence (cont.) (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) SM = Smokers. NS = Nonsmokers. EX = Ex-smokers. Author, year, Number and Breathlessness country, type of Cough Sputum production or dyspnea Chest illnesses Other Comments reference population Bower, 95 male and NS........ 4.1 (49) NS ........ 20.4 NS ...... 34.7 Chest illness— 1961, 77 female SM........27.6 (76) SM ........ 34.2 SM ...... 38.2 chest colds U.S.A. bank employees Pipe, cigar (18) Pipe, cigar 15.4 Pipe, cigar during each (Al). 40-70 years 53.9 of last 2 of age. winters. Fletcher and 363 male London NS ........ .. (80) NS voces cee 8.7 NS ....... eee ee NS...... 4.3 Tinker, transport 1-14 g./day 15.5 (156) 1-14g./day ..29.9 1-14 g./day .. 8.2 1-14 g./day 1961, employees >15 woes 27,3 (116) DIB wee. ae. 36,9 D>1B ......... 8.6 8.2 England 40-50 years >15 2... 10.7 (85). of age. Read 170 male and Males and 132 female NS........ 4.4 Selby, individuals SM ........28.1 1961, interviewed EX ........21.2 Australia in an out- Females (191). patient NS........ 49 elinic (not SM ........18,6 all patients). Balchum 1,451 male NS ........10.2 (253) NS .......... 11.0 NS... eee ee 9.8 etal. light SM ....... .23.3(1,198) SM... - 80.4 SM ........0. 14,5 1962, industry <1 pack- <1 pack- <1 pack-year .10.0 U.S.A. employees in (257) year . 12.0 1- 9 ........12.0 (24). California, (263) 1- 9 .....,.,18.0 10-19 ........11.0 0 (303) 10-19 ......0e 82.0 20-29 ........ 18.0 20-29 ..... 21.0 (236) 20-29 ++ 84,0 30-39 ........ 21.0 30-39 28.0 (144) 30-39 . . 40.0 40-49 13.0 40-49 39.0 (92) 40-49 ........ 37.0 50-59 .......- 38.0 50-59 ..... 34.0 (29) 50-59 «45.0 >60 29.0 >60 -50.0 (24) >60 .-62.0 66t TABLE A2.—Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms'—percent prevalence (cont.) (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) SM = Smokers. Author, NS = Nonsmokers. EX = Ex-smokers. year, Number and Breathlessness country, type of Cough Sputum production or dyspnea Chest illnesses Other Comments reference population Boucot 6,137 males NS wo... eee 18.0 (806) et al., 1962, enrolling SM ........31,5 (5,381) U.S.A. in pulmonary (86). neoplasm project. Ferris 90 male and Chronic Nonspecific et al, 71 female Respiratory Disease 1962, flax mill- Males Females U.S.A. workers. NS ..15,0(20) 10.0(60) (82). EX ..12.5(16) 1-20 .27.8(22) .. >20 53.1(382) 60.0 (4) Ferris 542 male and Chronic bronchitis Age-specific and 625 female Males rates. Anderson, residents of NS .......18.8 (126) 1962, New Hampshire EX ....... 11.9 (17) U.S.A. town chosen Cigarettes 40.3 (340) (81). by random 1-10 ....,29.8 sampling of 11-20 ..... 34.2 census. 21-30 .....42.3 31-40 .... 61.1 D>41 .....,75.8 Females NS ....... 94 (878) EX .......10.8 (87) Cigarettes 19.8 (208) 1-10 .....13.1 11-20 ..... 22.2 21-30 31-40 27.3 D>41 ow... 002 Tapie A2.—Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms'—percent pre valenec (cont.) (Numbers in parentheses represent total number of individuals in particular smoking group) SM = Smokers. NS = Nonsmokers. EX = Ex-smokers. Author, year, Number and Breathlessness country, type of Cough Sputum production or dyspnea Chest illnesses Other Comments reference population Goldsmith 3,381 active Respiratory etal., or retired conditions 1962, longshoremen. NS .-.. 81.4 (744) U.S.A. Moderate/ heavy (95). smokers 43.0 (1,238) Coates 1,342 male and Cough and chronic phlegm Current etal., 242 female NS. .....11.2 (747) NS ...14.7 NS ...... 4.0 smoking 1965, Detroit post 1-14 ...12.7 (266) (not sig.) 1-14 .28.2(p<0.001) 1-14 5.3(not sig.) data. U.S.A. office 15-24 ...27.6 (402) (p<{0.001) 15-24 .30.7 (p<0.001) 15-24 ....17.2(p<0.001) (53). employees. >25 . 36.4 (170) (p<0.001) >25). 34,1 (p<0.001) S25... 25.3 (p<0,001) Deane 508 tele- Persistent cough, NS includes et al., phone phlegm, dyspnea ex-smokers, 1965, company NS ....... 4.5 (200) pipe, and U.S.A. workers. Current cigarette cigar (67), smokers 15.9 (308) smokers. Huhti, 653 male and Males Chronic bronchitis Ex-smokers 1965, 823 female NS NS ........-5 15.6 Males represent Finland residents of EX. EX ..........24.8 NS wees BT those who (126). a Finnish 1-14 ........ 25.0 EX .......16.3 have communal 15-24 ........ 26.2 1-14 .....38.0 stopped region, >25 ve eee ee B18 15-24 . 41.4 smoking 40-64 years Females >25 «2... 40.0 for more of age. NS oe 29.2 Females than 1 EX .... . 388.3 NS ...... 4.5 month. 1-14 . 14.3 EX ......13.3 Dyspnea 15-24 21.0.2. 14.0 1-14 .....10.4 Grade II >25 vhs 15-25) 57.0 only. Dep gt