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CHAPTER 4 ADULTS AND MENTAL HEALTH Contents Chapter Overview cece bb bbe nee e ene eeeeeee essen ee ee ene eene een erreserennrcres 225 Mental Health in Adulthood ..........- eee e erence reenter renee Lecce eee e eee ees 227 Personality Traits 62.0.6... e eee ese eee eee eter ene e ence eens terse n esses 227 Self-Esteem ..... 0c c cece eee cee tenet eee ee eens ene ner eeen nese neg ees 228 Neuroticism ....... 000 eee e eee eee e eee e eee eee ener ener eee e seen ness 229 Avoidance ........ cece bene teuceene sense e seen ene een ene eeneeeas 229 Impulsivity ........00 002s eee cee cen e eu eeeveeeeeeetetenetneeneenes 229 Sociopathy ..... 0... c cece reece eee renter ee ern enter eres rece e eres 229 Stressful Life Events ...... 0... c cece ee eee rete e eee t seen tennessee neers essere 230 Past Trauma and Child Sexual Abuse ........-- 2 eee reece ere r er cer ences 231 Domestic Violence ....... 0.0 ccc e eee cee e eee eee ene nee eens eee essere cere es 231 Interventions for Stressful Life EventS ... ccc cece ce cee eee te eee eee ee ce nenaes 232 Prevention of Mental Disorders ....... 0-0. e cece eee treet ee eet es street reese rere 233 Anxiety Disorders ........ 0.0 seer eect eee renter ener nner e reser eee ee ee eee 233 Types of Anxiety Disorders ........-0 +00 se eeer ence reer reenter este res cnse sess 233 Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder ...........- cece sree ect e eerste renee scenes 233 Agoraphobia ....... 0.00 cece cece recente reer enter eter errs sere e sees ees 234 Specific Phobias ........ 0 eee eee rere e reste eens e seers seer ener eee es 235 Social Phobia .......cc cece eee cee eee teen eee e eee nee eneategg cress cress 235 Generalized Anxiety Disorder «0.0.06... see e eee e reer e teen r etree sere esses: 235 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ....-.-.- e+e eee eee eee ree tter eres se serr sss 236 Acute and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders .......----- +++ eereeeeee rrr 237 Etiology of Anxiety Disorders «0.06.06... sees sree rece erent reese r seen ee esse 237 Acute Stress Response ....... 00sec rere reece ere eer e tne t eres nesses ees 238 New Views About the Anatomical and Biochemical Basis of Anxiety .......--0 e000 239 Neurotransmitter Alterations ........--+ssee eee rse rere ttre esse esses eee 240 Psychological Views of Anxiety .......-..+sreeeer reer ere rse rrr ss esses 240 Contents, continued Treatment of Anxiety Disorders ......... 00. cece cece eee tee eee n eens 241 Counseling and Psychotherapy ......... 0. c cece cece eee teeter eee en neaas 241 Pharmacotherapy ........ 0. see cece eee eee eee tenet e nett eee n eee nee ', 242 Benzodiazepines ........... 0.00 cece eens deen een ee eee eee eeeeee 242 Antidepressants 0.2 cece eee nee eee een n eee n eens eae. 242 Buspirone ...........000-e ee eee eens enn enn e etn e eee n anes , 243 Combinations of Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy ..........--. eee eee ee eeeees 243 Mood Disorders .............0005 aE 244 Complications and Comorbidities ... 0.2... . cece eee eens Cece e eens 244 Clinical Depression Versus Normal Sadness ...........- 0. esse eee eee renee 245 Assessment: Diagnosis and Syndrome Severity ............ cee e eee ee tee eee eee neee 245 Major Depressive Disorder... 10.0... 6. c eee nee ee ee tee tte tne nnn n ena 246 Dysthymia ...... 0... e ccc eee eee teen teen ete nett nents 246 Bipolar Disorder ......... 0... eee e renee beens ee eee sues taeeuenaeeeess 246 Cyclothymia 00.0... cee eee teen eee ee eee eens 251 Differential Diagnosis... cece cee ee eee e tee teen eens 251 Etiology of Mood Disorders ...... 0... cc cece cece tenet ete e teen nees 251 Biologic Factors in Depression ..... vce b been ee beeen essen ene t eb ene ene enees 251 Monoamine Hypothesis ........ 0... c cece ee ee tet eee eee e teen eees 252 Evolving Views of Depression ......... 6. 0c cee e eect e ee een ee n eee e tne ennes 252 Anxiety and Depression ......... 0c c cect erence teen ee ten een nees 253 Psychosocial and Genetic Factors in Depression .......-- 6.6 esse eee e eee eee eens 254 Stressful Life Events ....... 0... cece ce eee ee eee eee ene e eee ne ees 254 Cognitive Factors .... 0... ccc cee eee eee eet e eee e teen nnees 254 Temperament and Personality 2.0.0... 0. cece eee eter eeeee eee e een ene 255 Gender... ccc ee cent e ene e nee eee ene ene e eee e ee eneee 255 Genetic Factors in Depression and Bipolar Disorder ........... 0. eee eee e eee eens 256 - Treatment of Mood Disorders ........ 6.0 c eee eee tenet eet e nas 257 Stages of Therapy ........ cece cece cece eee nee teen eee t tenet eens 257 Acute Phase Therapy ........ 0... ce cece reece eee eee tenet eee e ener nnes 257 Continuation Phase Therapy .......... 5: - cece cece ee eee eee eens re 261 Maintenance Phase Therapies ........ 00. cee ec cee eee eee eee eee eee eens 261 Specific Treatments for Episodes of Depression and Mania ..........---.see eee eeeees 261 Contents, continued Treatment of Major Depressive Episodes .......--+sseserrrcrereresserrsrssess 262 Pharmacotherapies .........0.ceseee eee ee seer eee n neste ee eee seen enn n ees 262 Alternate Pharmacotherapies .........--- cece cece eee eee tenet e ee eeenes 263 Augmentation Strategies ...... 06sec eee rece e ener errs ete eees cece ees 265 Psychotherapy and Counseling .....--.-+-seerrerererrerrr ese sescs Sane 265 Bipolar Depression .........-+--> cece cece teen eee e een ene eeeneees 265 Pharmacotherapy, Psychosocial Therapy, and Multimodal Therapy .........--- 266 Preventing Relapse of Major Depressive Episodes ....... 0. eee e eee eee e ee eees 267 Treatment of Mania .........ccece eect eee e eect eee e ene teee Lecce cee e ee eeeeee 267 Acute Phase Efficacy ...... 0. es eee eee cree crete een rene en rset ec er eens es 267 Maintenance Treatment to Prevent Recurrences of Mania .....-.--+++--+eseee> 268 Service Delivery for Mood Disorders .......-.6-+ee creer errr te teseresereteses 269 Schizophrenia ......... eee erent eee nent e nen es een c eee eee e eee eees 269 OVeErvieW . 66. cece eee eee ents Lecce eee eee eee nec en ee eee een eennenes 269 Cognitive Dysfunction ......- 2. see ee creer eee nett erent tere nese e see eee 272 Functional Impairment ........ 0. - see e cere eee reenter tree trees teen cere ess 272 Cultural Variation cece eee eee eee e seer es 272 Prevalence oo... ccc EEE EEE TREE EEE EE EEE E EEE E EES 273 Prevalence of Comorbid Medical Illness ....-..-- 0s eee ere r ere ee renner scree 273 Course and Recovery ...... 0. cece cece eee cent ene ene ener nee e reer es eee eee ees 274 Gender and Age at Onset ......... 0 eee e sneer erent entre ern e seer neers es 275 Etiology of Schizophrenia .........- 6c seer eee erent erent teeter e seer nese see ss 276 Interventions ...... ccc EEE EE EEE REET EEE EERE EEE EEE ES 279 Pharmacotherapy ... 0... c cece cence eee eee erent reer e renee essere eee ees 280 Ethnopsychopharmacology ........sseeeseer eet e seer sneer sete reeset esse ees 282 Psychosocial Treatments ........ sees reese ere errr reer e sess nese cee 283 Psychotherapy ce cece eee e eter erent ee tenner ee eee eee ee eee 283 Family Interventions ........6.e cess cee e cere nett eer n nesses trees eee 283 Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Skills Development .........- seis reece eeeees 283 Coping and Self-Monitoring ......-.- sss eee eer eee sree tere en terse nesses 284 Vocational Rehabilitation 0.0... 0. cece eee eee ener erent eerste sees 285 Service Delivery ..... 0. cece eee rerereen eee e eer eee eee eee eee EET EELS 285 Case Management ........ esse eee renee eee eee eee EEE 286 Assertive Community Treatment .......- 0. cee eee reer eer e eter e nese eres e sees 286 Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services ...ccee cece cece cece eee e eee ene e ener er esses 287 Inpatient Hospitalizatioh and Community Alternatives for Crisis Care 2... eee eee eee 287 Services for Substance Abuse and Severe Mental Illness .. 0. cece eee eee teenies 288 Contents, continued Other Services And Supports... 0.0.0... cece ccc cece cece eee eneeneeneeeneeenans 289 Consumer Self-Help eee eee ee ee eee ee ee tees eee tence ee aeneneneuee 289 Consumer-Operated Programs ........0... 0c cece ceeeccceccccceuceteceneeececce. 290 Consumer Advocacy .......... 0.0. ccc eee eeeeee See eeeceente eet ete e eens 291 Family Self-Help 0. cece eee ence ene eneeenseuneenneey a 291 Family Advocacy ....... 0... ccc cc ccc cece c ce cece ene eeneeuteneeebeeeescey 292 Human Services ..................00eeeee Geee ee ve ee weer eve eeeeee verses es eeuee 292 HOusing «0... 0. cece cence nee e nee e eee neeeeeneevbnennnns 292 Income, Education, and Employment .............0. 0.00 ccccceecceccuceuceueees 293 Health Coverage 2.0.0... cic eee ccc cece eee teenseeneneeeneeeees 294 Integrating Service Systems « 00. c ccc cece cece nee ueeeeeceuteneeneees 295 Conclusions «2.6... cece cece e ence een en teatneeevebnebebnenes 296 References 2.0... ccc cece nen n cece een cent been erent eebeeenenenes 296 CHAPTER 4 ADULTS AND MENTAL HEALTH dulthood is a time for achieving productive A\ vocations and for sustaining close relationships at home and in the community. These aspirations are readily attainable for adults who are mentally healthy. And they are within reach for adults who have mental disorders, thanks to major strides in diagnosis, treatment, and service delivery. This chapter reviews the current state of knowledge about mental health in adults, along with selected mental disorders: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia. These disorders are highlighted largely because of their prevalence in the population and the burden of illness associated with each. The chapter then turns to service delivery, describing the effective organization and range of services for adults with the most severe mental disorders. It also reviews an array of other services and supports designed to provide comprehensive care beyond ‘the formal therapeutic setting. Chapter Overview Mental health in adulthood is characterized by the successful performance of mental function, enabling individuals to cope with adversity and to flourish in their education, vocation, and personal relationships. These are the areas of functioning most widely recognized by the mental health field. Yet, from the perspective of different cultures, these measures may define the concept of mental health too narrowly. As noted in Chapter 2, many groups, particularly ethnic and racial minority group members, also emphasize community, spiritual, and religious ties as necessary for mental health. The mental health profession is becoming more aware of the importance of reaching out to other cultures; an innovation termed “linguistically and culturally competent services” is 225 pertinent both to the field’ s conception of mental health and to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. An assortment of traits or personal characteristics have been viewed as contributing to mental health, including self-esteem, optimism, and resilience (Alloy & Abramson, 1988; Seligman, 1991; Institute of Medicine [IOM], 1994; Beardslee & Vaillant, 1997). These and related traits are seen as sources of personal resilience needed to weather the storms of stressful life events. Stressful life events in adulthood include the breakup of intimate romantic relationships, death of a family member or friend, economic hardship, role conflict, work overload, racism and discrimination, poor physical health, accidental injuries, and intentional assaults on physical safety (Holmes & Rahe, 1967; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Kreiger et al., 1993). Stressful life events in adulthood also may reflect past events. Severe trauma in childhood, including sexual and physical abuse, may persist as a stressor into adulthood, or may make the individual more vulnerable to ongoing stresses (Browne & Finkelhor, 1986). Although some kinds of stressful life events are encountered almost universally, certain demographic groups have greater exposure and/or vulnerability to their cumulative impact. These groups include women, younger adults, unmarried adults, African Americans, and individuals of lower socioeconomic status (Ulbrich et al., 1989; McLeod & Kessler, 1990; Turner et al., 1995; Miranda & Green, 1999). Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders in adults (Regier et al., 1990). The anxiety disorders affect twice as many women as men. A broad category, anxiety disorders include panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder,