Table 17. Continued Region Survey Prevalence* (%) and Country Year Sample area Number Age Sponsor Men Women Total Central America! Belize 1986 = National Drug 12,595 10-20 Pride Belize 124 Use Survey Costa Rica 1984 San José 487 15-20 Calderon et al. 17 10.013 Honduras 1986 Preuniversity 694 15-30 National University 29 4 17 students Nicaragua 1988 Highschool students 468 15-18 University of Nicaragua 40 52 46 in Managua Panama 1984 Nationwide 11,385 11-18 National Cancer Association 10 4 7° 1989 Private college 464 15-19 Department of Health 3 3 6 Mexico 1989 Secondary students 9,967 6 42 1988 First year 88,735 National University gt university students 1980 Mexico City sec- 3,408 Mexican Insitute of 474 ondary students Psychiatry Latin Caribbean** Cuba 1988 Nationwide 1,067 13-17 Consumer Institute 8 3 6 Selected Caribbean countries Bahamas 1987 Areawide 4,838 United Nations Fund 20+ 107 Out-of-school 74 for Drug Abuse 324 youths In-school youths 4,767 15+ Cayman 1985 Areawide 2,077 10-17 Drug Advisory 23+ Islands Committee French 1986 Areawide 11-13 7888 Guiana Jamaica 1987 Secondary students 11-21 National Council on 40 19 294 Drug Abuse 7 3 gl Suriname 1988 Seven cities and 36 12 rural areas Arubaand 1988 Aruba 13-21 24 12 Netherlands Antilles Trinidad and 1985 = All secondary 2,192 11-19 Trinidad and Tobago 23 12 177 Tobago students Government Drug Survey U.S. Virgin 1988 Household 12-17 US. Virgin Islands 1 Islands Behavioral] Risk Government Factor Survey "Given for current daily smokers. *Smoked during the previous year. Ever smoked. Smoked during the previous month. TExcludes El Salvador and Guatemala. “Smoked during the previous week. Excludes Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Puerto Rico. §8Occasional smoker. Prevalence and Mortality 77 Table 18. Prevalence of smoking among women of childbearing age, selected Latin American and Caribbean countries, 1979-1987 Survey Country Year Sample area Number Sponsor Prevalence (%) Argentina 1987 Nationwide 4,605 CLAP* 38° Brazil 1981 Southern Brazil cpct 25 1982 Piaui State CDC 27 1982 Amazonas State CDC 22 1987 Nationwide CLAP 36 Chile 1983 Santiago 58/269 Colombia 1987 Nationwide 1,480 CLAP 21 Costa Rica 1986 Nationwide 12 Ecuador 1987 Nationwide 2,009 CLAP 8 Guatemala 1983 Nationwide CDC 7 1987 Nationwide 4,187 CLAP 3 Mexico 1979 U.S. border CDC 19 Panama 1987 Nationwide 986 CLAP 4 Paraguay 1987 Nationwide 1,935 CLAP 7 Puerto Rico 1982 Entire territory 16 Suriname 1985 Urban areas 26 Uruguay 1987 Nationwide 5,169 CLAP 44* Venezuela 1987 Nationwide 980 CLAP 34 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1992). “Centro Latinoamericano de Perinatologia y Desarrollo Humano de la Organizacién Panamericana de Salud. tSix months before pregnancy. +Centers for Disease Control. Before pregnancy /during pregnancy. Table 19. Public knowledge and attitudes on smoking and health in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1982-1990 Country Year Sample Question Response (%) Bolivia 1983 344 daily smokers Is smoking dangerous? (yes) 83 1983 120 adolescents Is smoking harmful to health? (somewhat 96 or very) 1987 72 physicians Is smoking harmful to health? (somewhat 94 or very) Brazil 1988 Pérto Alegre Is the life expectancy of smokers 48 decreased by smoking? (yes) 1988 Porto Alegre Is environmental tobacco smoke harmful 100 to children? (yes) 78 Prevalence and Mortality Table 19. Continued Country Year Sample Question Response (%) Costa Rica 1984 Urban students Are health risks associated with smoking? 81 (adequate knowledge of such risks) Cuba 1988 Nationwide Do you approve of a ban on indoor 98 smoking? (yes) Guatemala 1989 Treasury employees Are health risks associated with smoking? 64/56 (low level of knowledge) Honduras 1986 Preuniversity students | Does smoking cause lung cancer and 50 aged 15-30 other diseases? (yes) 1987 Ministry of Health Do you favor a worksite smoking 70 employees in regulation? (yes) Tegucigalpa Are you bothered by smoking at your 77 worksite? (yes) Mexico 1988 Nationwide Is smoking harmful to health? (yes) 90 1988 Nationwide Is smoking less harmful than use of other 55 drugs? (yes) Panama 1989 Students Are you bothered when other people 60 smoke? (yes) Paraguay 1990 Physicians Is smoking undesirable? (yes) 30 Peru 1982 Adolescents Is smoking harmful? (yes) 95 1989 Adult smokers What is the most important reason to stop 66 smoking? (health) Puerto Rico 1989 San Juan Do you believe that smoking is harmful 89 to the health of smokers? (yes) Uruguay 1984 Montevideo Does smoking affect health negatively? 81 (yes) Venezuela 1984 Nationwide Is smoking harmful to health? (yes) 94 1984 Caracas Should smoking be restricted in public 83 places? (yes) 1984 Nationwide Should all forms of tobacco advertising be 72 banned? (yes) . 1986 Caracas Is smoking harmful to others? (yes) 75/81 1986 Caracas Are some cigarettes less harmful than 53 others? (yes) 1986 Caracas Should smoking be restricted in public 89 places? (yes) 1989 Caracas Should radio and television advertising of 60 tobacco be banned—including indirect advertising? (yes) Source: Pan American Health Organization (1992). : Smokers /nonsmokers. Prevalence and Mortality 79 Table 20. Modified stem-and-leaf display of prevalence of smoking (%) among adults, selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, 1980s and 1990s* Men 0-9] 6 10-19710 10 15 18 19 20-29] 20 23 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 30-39 | 32 32 32 33) (34 «(34 «635 «6035 «635 «(35 «(35 «(36 «036 «636 «(37 «237 «038 «(38 38) (3939 40-49] 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 45 45 46 48 48 48 48 49 49 50-59 51 52 52 53 56 60-69 | 66 68 Median = 37 Women 0-9} 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 8 8 9 10-19} 117 11 #11 #11 #22 «#13 ~«213~«130~«214«214 «O14 «14:«150 «16S 17:s«17's««18 «18 «18 «+18 20-29] 20 20 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 30-39 | 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 36 36 38 40-49 |} 40 40 45 49 Median = 20 *Prevalence data from Table 16 are grouped by decile (stem) and listed in ascending order (leaf). The data are from different sources and derive from various methodologies. This display provides a visual overview of the range of measured values. Table 21. Prevalence of smoking (%) among Hispanic persons in the United States, aged 20-74, by ethnic group and sex, selected years Ethnic group and sex 1982-1984 1987" Mexican origin (southwest United States) Men 43.6 31.8 Women 24.5 17.4 Cuban origin (Miami area) Men 41.8 23.3 Women 23.1 20.4 Puerto Rican origin (New York City area) Men 41.3 38.6 Women 32.6 24.1 *Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1982- 1984 (Escobedo, Remington, Anda [1989]). tSchoenborn (1989), 80 = Prevalence and Mortality Smoking-Attributable Mortality in Latin America and the Caribbean Introduction Births and deaths are the most widely collected and reported health events, and mortality is a stan- dard measure of the health status of a population. Mortality has traditionally been used as an indicator of socioeconomic status and standard of living, espe- cially in countries for which measures of economic productivity are inappropriate. Mortality is a useful measure when setting health priorities, communicating health-related infor- mation, and marshalling political support for a health initiative. It is a measure easily understood by the public, and it can affect the public’s perception of risk. For example, the following statement about the United States has a powerful simplicity: “cigarette smoking, alone, causes more premature deaths than do all the following together: acquired immunodefi- ciency syndrome, cocaine, heroin, alcohol, fire, auto- mobile accidents, homicide, and suicide” (Warner 1987, p. 2081). Yet the data that allow such a statement are difficult to assemble, and the methodologies used to determine the number of deaths attributable to smoking are complex (USDHHS 1989). Although useful, mortality data do not indicate the full effect of a disease or set of diseases on a community. They do not describe the pain, morbidity, disability, economic costs, and decreased quality of life of persons who live with an illness, nor do they describe the secondary effects on family members who lose a close relative. However, other measures of the effect of a dis- ease have limitations as well. For example, life expec- tancy, which can express the health status of a population, may be misleading. For developing coun- tries, life expectancy is strongly influenced by infant and childhood mortality and much less so by disease prevention or therapeutic advances that affect adult health. People who have died from a smoking-related disease would have lived approximately 15 years longer if they had not been smokers (Warner 1987). This powerful effect is diluted if the improvement in smokers’ life expectancy is averaged over the whole population. In the following discussion, an attempt is made to specify the number of deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean attributable to smoking, while keeping in mind the limitations of common disease measures. The result is an approximation, an early step in an iterative process for determining the health impact of tobacco use in the Americas. The methodology, which applies the concept of attributable mortality, is com- plicated by the need to estimate and adjust data to compensate for missing or insufficient data. A step- by-step description of the methodology is provided in Table 22. The effects of the empirical decisions made are discussed at the end of the chapter (see “A Com- ment on the Methodology”). Mortality Data The data in this section are from the PAHO Technical Information System, a data base that in- cludes mortality information. PAHO collects mortal- ity data (by age, sex, and cause of death) from source jurisdictions by using questionnaires, national publi- cations, and other methods. Most of the data are from civil registries, which rely on death certificates com- pleted by health personnel in the field. These mortal- ity data have several problems: the coverage of the population is incomplete, the quality of some data is questionable, and the cause-of-death groupings of the World Health Organization (WHO)/PAHO data col- lection questionnaire limit comparability with other data. Coverage PAHO has estimated that the underregistration of mortality is more than 20 percent in Brazil, Colom- bia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Hon- duras, Panama, and Peru (PAHO 1990b). The diverse reporting standards from various countries necessi- tated several country-specific decisions. In Brazil, for example, the most populous country in Latin America and the Caribbean, the estimated underregistration is approximately 25 percent. The level of underreport- ing differs between areas, although it tends to be worse in the poorer, northern part of the country. The number of reported deaths was used for the whole country, although it is an underestimate. In Paraguay, mortality information is published for only a portion of the country, and the information may not be repre- sentative of the remainder of the country. However, the areas not covered by the mortality registry are geographically defined and include about 40 percent of the population. Thus, reasonably reliable disease rates can be determined for a portion of Paraguay but not for the country as a whole. For this country, data from the well-defined reporting areas only were used; for other countries, similar decision rules were used. Prevalence and Mortality 81 Table 22. Method used for calculating smoking-attributable mortality in the Americas Estimate overall mortality For each country, evaluate vital registration and use the portion of the data that provides an accurate population-based mortality estimate. For the 10 jurisdictions without mortality data, use United Nations population schedules and apply mortality rates from countries with similar socio- demographic configurations. Do not correct for underreporting. Exclude and do not correct for ill-defined causes. (Resultant population and mortality estimates are reported in Table 25.) Estimate cause-specific mortality Identify the major smoking-associated disease groups (coronary heart disease; cerebrovascular disease; lung cancer; oral, laryngeal, and esophageal cancer; bladder cancer; and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD)]). Use cause-specific mortality data for countries for which such data are available. For the 10 jurisdictions without such data, use data from four countries representative of the de- mographic and socioeconomic spectrum of the Americas (Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, and the United States). (Resultant cause-specific mortality estimates are in Table 26.) Estimate relative risk and attributable risk Use U.S. estimates for relative risk since country- specific relative risk is generally not available. Determine the smoking-attributable fraction (SAF) for the United States by using the attributable-risk calculation. Adjust estimates by using an index related to lung cancer Use an index of the maturity of the epidemic that relates the lung cancer rate for each country to that of the United States. For each country, determine an adjusted SAF for each disease by multiplying the index by the U.S. SAF for each disease (Table 32). For each country, multiply the adjusted SAF for each disease by the number of deaths from the disease to obtain smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) (approximately 375,000). Adjust the estimate further Calculate SAM for the United States alone by using this method and compare the result with the official value reported for 1985 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1989). For each cause, calculate the difference between the result from this method and from the official method. Apply these upward adjustments to the cause-specific SAMs: increase COPD by 230%, increase cancers by 10.4% (using the difference in lung cancer esti- mates), and increase other diseases and causes by 16.4% (see footnotes to Table 33). Calculate the adjusted estimate of SAM in the Americas (526,000). Data Quality One measure of the quality of mortality information is the proportion of deaths assigned to the rubric “symp- toms, signs, and ill-defined conditions” (Manual of Inter- national Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Ninth Revision [[CD-9]). Currently, the percentage of mortality ascribed to ill-defined 82 Prevalence and Mortality causes is greater than 10 percent for 16 of the 39 jurisdictions submitting mortality information (PAHO 1990a). In this analysis, ill-defined causes were excluded from calculations of proportions or rates. Because a decedent may not have received health care or the certifying physician may not have been the physician who treated the decedent, diagnostic imprecision may occur. More serious distortion may result because the certifying physician did not have the diagnostic tools necessary for accurately determin- ing the cause of death.” Furthermore, managers of health services may not be willing or able to ensure accurate recording or conduct the diagnostic tests that would yield an accurate diagnosis, especially for the elderly. As a result, assessments of mortality levels and trends are often made by considering disease- specific rates for middle-aged rather than elderly pop- ulations (Doll and Peto 1981). Coding Since 1979, PAHO’s participating member states have classified cause of death by using the ICD-9 coding scheme. To store these data, PAHO developed a grouping of causes of death based on, but not iden- tical to, the Basic Tabulation List of the ICD~9. The PAHO grouping is also similar, but not identical, to the groupings used by WHO and CDC. The difference in grouping, which has a variable effect on disease classification, does not affect deaths categorized as due to the following conditions: Condition ICD—-9 code Coronary heart disease 410-414 Cerebrovascular disease 430-438 Lung cancer 162 Cancers of the lip, oral cavity, or pharynx 140-149 Cancer of the esophagus 150 Cancer of the larynx 161 Cancer of the bladder 188 However, PAHO grouped cancers of the pan- creas (ICD-9 157) and kidney (ICD—9 189) with other cancers. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), when coded as ICD-9 490-492 and 496, can- not be isolated in the PAHO grouping. The relevant PAHO categories are “bronchitis (chronic and unspec- ified), emphysema, and asthma” (ICD-9 490-493). Thus, unlike the grouping for COPD used in the cal- culation of smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) in the United States (CDC 1991), the PAHO grouping includes ICD-9 493 (asthma) and excludes ICD-9 496. Life Expectancy and Mortality Trends in Life Expectancy and Overall Mortality For all countries and subregions of the Americas, the overall trend is an increase in life expectancy at birth (Table 23). Over the last 35 years in Latin Amer- ica and the Caribbean, the average life expectancy at Table 23. Life expectancy” at birth for persons born during selected periods, by region and country ; Year of birth Region and country 1950-55 1970-75 1985-90 2000 Latin America 51.8 61.2 66.6 69.7 Bolivia 40.4 46.7 53.1 60.5 Haiti 37.6 48.5 54.7 59.4 Peru 43.9 55.5 61.4 67.9 Guatemala 42.1 54.0 62.0 68.1 El Salvador 45.3 58.8 62.2 68.8 Nicaragua 42.3 54.7 63.3 69.3 Honduras 42.3 54.0 64.0 68.2 Brazil 51.0 59.8 64.9 68.0 Ecuador 48.4 58.9 65.4 68.2 Dominican Republic 46.0 59.9 65.9 69.7 Paraguay 62.6 65.6 66.9 67.9 Colombia 50.6 61.6 68.2 70.7 Mexico 50.8 62.6 68.9 72.1 Venezuela 55.2 66.2 69.7. 71.3 Argentina 62.7 67.3 70.6 72.3 Chile 53.8 63.6 715 72.7 Uruguay 66.3 68.8 72.0 73.0 Costa Rica 57.3 68.1 74.7 75.8 Cuba 59.5 71.0 75.2 763 Caribbean 56.4 67.1 72.4 74.7 North America 69.1 72.2 76.1 78.1 United States 69.0 713 75.4 77.6 73.1 76.7 78.5 Canada 69.1 Source: Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia (1990); Pan American Health Organization (1990a). *Estimates through 1985 are based on actual data. After 1985, estimates are projections based on trends and on comparisons with data from similar countries. birth has increased by about 15 years—from 51.8 to 66.6 years. In North America, the increase was seven years—from 69.1 to 76.1 years, reflecting a slower increase as life expectancy at birth reaches age 75 to 80. Among Latin American and Caribbean coun- tries, the current differences in life expectancy at birth are great—ranging from 53.1 and 54.7 years in Bolivia and Haiti, respectively, to 75.2 years in Cuba. Over the last 35 years, the range has diminished somewhat. 2 Historically, the lack of appropriate diagnostic tools had a major impact on the number of deaths assigned to lung cancer. When diagnostic radiology was introduced in England in the 1920s, the rate of certified lung cancer deaths increased threefold (Peto 1986). Prevalence and Mortality 83 During 1950 to 1955, the range was 28.7 years; today it is 22.1 years, and by the year 2000, it is expected to decrease to 16.9 years. Few Latin American and Ca- ribbean countries are at the low end of the range. Cur- rently, only about 3 percent of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean lives in countries with a life expectancy at birth lower than 55 years, while 86 percent lives in countries with a life expectancy at birth of 65 years or more. All countries except Bolivia and Haiti are expected to achieve a life expectancy at birth of 65 years or more by the year 2000 (PAHO 1990a). Differences in the rate of increase are also evident among countries. For example, although life expec- tancy at birth in Chile and Uruguay is now similar, it increased three times more in Chile than in Uruguay over the last 35 years. In general, the increase in life expectancy at birth was slower in the 1970s and 1980s than in the 1950s. The current life expectancy at birth in Latin America and the Caribbean is equivalent to that in the United States around 1945 to 1950—before many major advances in chronic disease prevention and treatment occurred (PAHO 1990a). Based on the cur- rent rate of improvement, the life expectancy at birth in Latin America and the Caribbean should reach that currently found in the United States by about the first quarter of the next century (Centro Latinoamericano de Demografia 1990). The range of population and mortality parame- ters is illustrated by data for four countries (Guate- mala, Colombia, Argentina, and the United States) that represent the broad spectrum of variation within the Americas (Table 24). This variation highlights the Table 24. Mortality from defined causes,* selected countries, c. 1985 diverse potential effects of smoking on a population. For example, for all deaths in women (excluding deaths from ill-defined causes), the fraction of deaths in women aged 35 or older ranges from 34 percent in Guatemala to 95 percent in the United States. Since most SAM occurs among persons 35 years old or older, it is this group whose health is most affected by a tobacco habit. Estimates of Mortality The PAHO Technical Information System con- tains national mortality data suitable for this analysis for all but 10 jurisdictions in the Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, Bolivia, Guadaloupe, Gre- nada, Haiti, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Nicara- gua, and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. To determine the number of deaths in the Amer- icas attributable to smoking, the number of deaths for these 10 jurisdictions had to be estimated. The United Nations (1989) population estimates for these jurisdic- tions were used for this calculation. Crude population mortality rates and other major mortality parameters were applied by using data for countries in the PAHO Technical Information System believed to be similar with respect to life expectancy, geographic region, per capita gross national product, tobacco consump- tion rates, and other factors. These estimates were used along with others obtained by standard means (Table 25). These nonstandard estimates are sensitive to the choice of country used to model the mortality struc- ture. In general, these are underestimates of actual mortality because of underreporting and because Persons aged 235 years ; Total , + Percentage of Country Sex Population Mortality Mortality total mortality Guatemala M 3,914 32 11 34 F 3,826 27 9 34 Colombia M 14,103 74 45 61 F 14,007 55 39 70 Argentina M 15,049 129 110 85 F 15,283 103 89 86 United States M 116,160 1,080 987 91 F 122,571 975 930 95 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). “Excludes ill-defined causes; see text. tNumber, in thousands. 84 Prevalence and Mortality Table 25. Mortality from defined causes,* regions of the Americas, c. 1985 Persons aged 235 years + Total , + Percentage of Region Sex Population Mortality Mortality total mortality Latin America M 197,023 1,168 736 63 F 196,887 892 592 66 Andean Area M 40,177 207 109 53 F 39,705 166 95 57 Southern Cone? M 24,377 190 159 84 F 24,785 153 131 86 Brazil M 67,601 367 239 65 F 67,963 254 177 70 Central America® M 12,190 78 32 4Y F 12,002 62 26 42 Mexico M 39,744 224 134 60 F 39,631 171 112 66 Latin Caribbean M 12,934 101 63 62 F 12,801 87 52 60 Caribbean M 3,510 21 17 78 F 3,571 18 15 82 North Americal M 128,768 1,179 1,078 92 F 135,410 1,055 1,006 95 All regions of the Americas M 329,301 2,368 1,831 77 F 335,868 1,965 1,614 82 Total 665,169 4,333 3,444 80 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). “Excludes ill-defined causes; see text. tNumber, in thousands. tncludes Falkland Islands. SExcludes Belize. Includes Bermuda and St. Pierre and Miquelon. mortality from ill-defined causes has been excluded (as discussed earlier). The resultant estimates of smoking-related mortality are conservative. Total, Cause-Specific, and Age-Specific Mortality The composite of reported and estimated mor- tality indicates that approximately 4,300,000 deaths occur in the Americas each year; about half of these deaths (2,060,000) occur in Latin America (Table 25). In the Americas overall, about 80 percent of deaths occur among persons aged 35 or older; in Latin Amer- ica, the fraction is about 64 percent. The fraction of deaths occurring among persons aged 35 or older varies from a low of about 41 percent in Central America to a high of 92 to 95 percent in North America. Most of the population of Latin America lives in countries where this fraction is between 60 and 70 percent. The greatest absolute increase in life expectancy at birth is generally associated with improvements in mortality rates for children. In Latin America, a gra- dient of economic development is associated with increased life expectancy. In general, the death rate for children is lower in more highly developed coun- tries, but the death rate for older persons is similar in various economic settings. For example, in Argentina, the mortality rate per 1,000 persons under five years of age is 7.9, and for persons aged 65 or older, it is 65.8. In Guatemala, the rate for persons under five years of Prevalence and Mortality 85 age is 21.4, but for persons aged 65 or older, it is 67.5 (PAHO 1990a). The gradient of economic development is also reflected in the cause-of-death mortality structure. Among men aged 45 to 64, mortality from heart dis- ease, expressed as a percentage of total mortality, is 11 percent in Guatemala, 27 percent in Colombia, and 37 percent in the United States. But some similarities are emerging. For both the 45 to 64 and the 65 or older age groups, the three leading causes of death for each sex are the same in both Colombia and the United States. For the oldest age group, the leading cause of death— diseases of the heart—is also the same in Guatemala (PAHO 1990a). This pattern—increasing similarity of causes of death—is likely to intensify. As life expectancy im- proves, the epidemiologic profile of a country changes. Countries with a lower life expectancy tend to have a younger population, and the greatest mor- tality is in the younger age groups. In these countries, deaths are primarily due to infections (such as acute respiratory infections and diarrhea), malnutrition, and conditions originating in the perinatal period. As these diseases are controlled and life expectancy in- creases, deaths from chronic diseases—in particular, cardiovascular diseases and cancer—become the dominant health problem (PAHO 1990a). Mortality from Smoking-Related Diseases Estimates of Cause-Specific Mortality The major diseases associated with tobacco smoking include coronary heart disease, cerebrovas- cular disease, COPD, and cancers of the lung, lip, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, blad- der, and kidney. In the United States, each of these causes (considering cancers of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx as a single group) contributes at least 2,000 deaths to the total number of deaths attributable to smoking (USDHHS 1989). The four countries for which population data were assessed (Table 24) and the six smoking-related conditions (Table 26) were the focus of this analysis of the effect of smoking on countries of the Americas. Cancers of the lip, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus were grouped because of the similar smoking- attributable risk for these conditions (USDHHS 1989). Cancers of the kidney and pancreas were excluded because they cannot be specifically identified in the PAHO Technical Information System. The four countries Table 26. Deaths from six major causes as a percentage of all deaths from defined causes,* for persons aged 35 or older, selected countries, c. 1985 _ Coronary Coronary Cerebro- Cerebro- Oral, Chronic heart heart vascular vascular laryngeal, obstructive Country disease disease disease disease Lung andesopha- Bladder pulmonary All and sex? (aged 35-64) (aged 265) (aged 35-64) (aged 265) cancer gealcancer cancer disease’ categories Guatemala Men 2.2 3.6 1.2 2.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.2 11.2 Women 1.6 3.2 1.8 3.8 0.4 0.1 0.0 11 12.0 Colombia Men 6.3 10.1 3.4 6.8 2.1 1.6 0.3 1.9 32.5 Women 4.7 10.2 47 9.5 1.3 1.0 0.2 1.8 33.4 Argentina Men 4.8 8.1 3.6 7.0 5.6 2.5 0.9 1.2 33.7 Women 1.6 8.6 2.7 9.9 1.1 0.8 0.2 0.9 25.8 United States Men 7.6 21.3 1.0 5.0 8.5 1.5 0.7 1.3 46.9 Women 2.8 24.1 1.0 8.9 4.2 0.6 0.3 0.9 42.8 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). *Codes from Manual of International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Ninth Revision: coronary heart disease, 410-414; cerebrovascular disease,430—438; lung cancer, 162; cancers of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx, 140- 149; cancer of the esophagus, 150; cancer of the larynx, 161; cancer of the bladder, 188. Cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx. The denominator for each row is the total number of deaths from defined causes, by country and sex. SSee text fora description of this rubric. 86 = Prevalence and Mortality chosen represented four different points on the spec- trum of mortality rates. Guatemala was chosen, even though its lung cancer rate is low, because it reports nationwide mortality statistics and has one of the low- est levels of life expectancy in Latin America. For persons aged 35 or older, the distribution of deaths from the six major causes was expressed as a percentage of all deaths from defined causes (Table 26). Because SAM from coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular disease differs significantly between persons aged 35 to 64 and persons aged 65 or over (USDHHS 1989), estimates for both these age groups are presented. For all six smoking-related illnesses and age sub- categories taken together (Table 26, last column), the proportion of deaths caused in persons aged 35 or older differed among the countries. In Guatemala, these diseases accounted for slightly over 10 percent of adult deaths. In Argentina and Colombia, they accounted for 25 to 33 percent of deaths, while in the United States, they contributed approximately 45 per- cent of deaths. To estimate the number of deaths from smoking- related conditions for subregions of the Americas (Table 27), both the reported mortality data (Table 25) and synthetic mortality estimates for the 10 jurisdic- tions without data were used. For these jurisdictions, the mortality distribution patterns from the four se- lected countries (Table 24) were applied, as described. Substantially more deaths in North America than in Latin America and the Caribbean were attrib- uted to coronary heart disease, lung cancer, and blad- der cancer. The number of deaths was similar in North America and in Latin America and the Carib- bean for cerebrovascular disease, COPD, and oral can- cer. Using these estimates, 81 percent of lung cancer deaths in the Americas occur in North America. When accounting for underreporting, the proportion is prob- ably closer to 75 percent. (Using a different approach, other researchers have estimated that North America accounts for 77 percent of lung cancer deaths [Parkin, Laara, Muir 1988]). Because lung cancer is a strong indicator of all smoking-attributable diseases, a rough approximation suggests that the number of deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean attributable to smoking will be about one-third to one-fourth of the number in North America. Estimates of Relative Risk Due to Smoking Relative risk is defined as r = d(1)/d(0), where d(1) and d(0) are the incidence of a particular disease for exposed and unexposed cohorts, respectively. For current smokers, the relative risk for a disease estimates the increase in disease incidence associated with a history of smoking. This risk varies widely among population groups due to differences in smoking- related factors, such as person-years of smoking con- tributed by heavy smokers, age at initiation, and ciga- rette product smoked. For example, among current smokers in a population, the relative risk for lung cancer would be expected to be relatively low if a sizable proportion of the population recently began to smoke heavily. If, however, heavy smoking has been common since World War II, the risk would be rela- tively high. The main reason for this effect is that the exposure category defined by “current smokers” is based on current rather than past smoking habit, but lung cancer rates primarily depend on smoking pat- terns of 20 or more years ago. For many of the smoking-related causes of death, few country-specific estimates of relative risk are available for Latin American and Caribbean popula- tions, and most have focused on cancer. For current cigarette smokers in the United States, aged 35 or older, the estimated relative risk for lung cancer is 22.4 for men and 11.9 for women (USDHHS5 1989). In Cuba, the relative risk is 14.1 for men and 7.3 for women. Dark tobacco is the variety of tobacco most commonly smoked in Cuba and many other areas of Latin America. In Cuba, dark tobacco is associated with a higher relative risk for lung cancer than light tobacco is: for men, 14.3 and 11.3, respectively, and for women, 8.6 and 4.6, respectively (Joly, Lubin, Car- aballoso 1983). In Colombia, the relative risk for lung cancer among current smokers was 10.3 in one case- control study of 102 persons with lung cancer, 74 percent of whom were men (Restrepo et al. 1989). The study in Colombia also reported relative risk for cancer of the bladder, larynx, and oral cavity /hy- popharynx of 3.7, 37.9, and 11.2, respectively. In La Plata, Argentina, where the rate of bladder cancer is high, a relative risk of 7.2 for bladder cancer was fou nd for men who were current smokers (Iscovich et al. 1987). In a study of 232 cases of cancer in Brazil (87 percent of patients were men), the relative risk for cancer of the tongue, gum, floor of the mouth, and other parts of the oral cavity was 9.3 for current smok- ers of manufactured cigarettes (Franco et al. 1989). In a 1966 case-control study of male cigarette smokers and nonsmokers in Puerto Rico, the relative risk was 1.5 for esophageal cancer, 1.1 for cancer of the oral cavity, and 2.7 for cancer of the pharynx (Martinez 1969). In Montevideo, Uruguay, the relative risk tor laryngeal cancer was 35.4 for male smokers of dark tobacco and 14.7 for male smokers of light tobacco ( De Stefani et al. 1987). For comparison, for U.S. men who Prevalence and Mortality 87 Table 27. Deaths (in thousands) from six major causes,* for persons aged 35 or older, selected regions of the Americas, c. 1985 ; oo Coronary Coronary Cerebro- Cerebro- Oral, Chronic heart heart vascular vascular laryngeal, obstructive Region disease disease disease disease Lung andesopha- Bladder pulmonary and sex (aged 35-64) (aged 265) (aged 35-64) (aged 265) cancer gealcancer cancer diseaset Latin America Men 38.1 59.7 28.5 49.8 22.4 14.1 3.0 15.6 Women 16.7 53.2 22.6 55.5 6.8 4.0 1.0 11.3 Andean Area Men 5.5 8.7 3.2 6.1 2.1 1.3 0.3 2.0 Women 3.1 7.6 3.3 7.2 1.0 0.6 0.1 1.8 Southern Cone® Men 7.3 13.8 5.5 119 8.2 3.9 1.2 2.9 Women 2.2 12.6 3.7 14.4 1.4 1.1 0.3 1.7 Brazil Men 16.6 19.3 15.7 21.0 6.1 6.2 0.9 4.8 Women 7.2 17.5 11.5 21.7 1.9 1.4 0.3 2.7 Central Americal! Men 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.3 0.3 0.2 0.05 0.6 Women 0.5 1.6 0.6 15 0.2 0.01 0.02 0.5 Mexico Men 4.2 7.1 2.3 5.6 2.8 1.1 0.3 4.5 Women 1.9 6.3 2.2 6.8 1.3 0.4 0.1 3.8 Latin Caribbean Men 3.5 8.9 1.4 3.9 2.5 1.4 0.3 0.9 Women 1.8 7.5 1.3 3.9 0.9 0.4 0.1 0.7 Caribbean Men 0.8 1.2 0.7 1.9 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 Women 0.4 1.1 0.6 2.2 0.1 0.1 0.03 0.2 North America! Men 82.2 230.3 11.2 54.7 92.0 16.4 7.5 14.2 Women 27.8 242.2 9.6 89.8 41,7 6.1 3.4 9.2 All regions of the Americas Men 121.0 291.2 40.4 106.3 114.4 30.8 10.6 30.1 Women 44.9 296.5 32.8 147.5 48.5 10.1 4.4 20.6 Total 165.9 587.7 73.2 253.8 162.9 40.9 15.0 50.7 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). *Codes from Manual of International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death, Ninth Revision: coronary heart disease, 410-414; cerebrovascular disease, 430-438; lung cancer, 162; cancers of lip, oral cavity, and pharynx, 140-149; cancer of the esophagus, 150; cancer of the larynx, 161; cancer of the bladder, 188. Cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx. ee text for a description of this rubric. Stnchudes Falkland Islands. excludes Belize. Includes Bermuda and St. Pierre and Miquelon. 88 Prevalence and Mortality are current smokers, the relative risk for cancer of the bladder is 2.9, cancer of the esophagus 7.6, cancer of the larynx 10.5, and cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 27.5 (USDHHS 1989). Two case-control studies were conducted to in- vestigate the factors associated with esophageal can- cer in Uruguay, which has one of the highest rates of esophageal cancer in the world. In one study of 226 cases, the relative risk was 6.5 for ever smokers (82 percent were men) (Vassallo et al. 1985). In the other study of 199 cases, the relative risk was 5.7 for current male smokers (De Stefani et al. 1990). In bordering southern Brazil, which also has a high rate of esopha- geal cancer, the relative risk was 8.4 for male smokers (Victora et al. 1987). For countries for which relative risk estimates were lacking, relative risks were derived from U.S. data and used in the following computations of SAM (USDHHS 1989, 1990). Small differences in relative risk estimates are unlikely to havea large overall effect on SAM because of the structure of the formula for calculating attributable risk (see below). Smoking-Attributable Mortality Estimates of Smoking-Attributable Mortality Worldwide Interest in attempting to quantify the extent of the health hazard caused by tobacco led to develop- ment of smoking-attributable fractions (SAFs). These values estimate the proportion of cases of a specific disease in a population thatcan beattributed to smoking. __ pire) a 1+p(r-1) in which p is the proportion of the population that has ever smoked and r is the risk for ever smokers relative to never smokers. The SAF calculated for each disease of interest is multiplied by the number of deaths for that disease, and the result is the SAM for that disease. The sum of SAM values for all diseases associated with tobacco use gives the total number of deaths attributable to smoking. The SAF can be refined to account for differences in smoking status (never, current, or former smoker) and for age and sex subgroups. Smoking prevalence and relative risk can be estimated for each of these subgroups. SAFs have been calculated for 10 selected causes of death in the United States (Table 28). Recent studies have estimated the number of deaths attributable to smoking in the United States (Table 29). The estimates by Rice and colleagues, Table 28. Smoking-attributable fraction for 10 selected causes of death, United States, 1985 Men Women Cause of death (%) (%) Coronary heart disease (aged 35-64) 45 4] Coronary heart disease (aged 265) 21 12 Cerebrovascular disease (aged 35-64) 31 55 Cerebrovascular disease (aged 265) 24 6 Cancer of the lung 90 79 Cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx 92 61 Cancer of the larynx 81 87 Cancer of the esophagus 78 75 Cancer of the pancreas 29 34 Cancer of the bladder 47 37 Cancer of the kidney 48 12 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 84 79 Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1989). CDC, and USDHHS all considered smoking status, age, and sex. The estimates vary for several reasons: the diseases included, the specific methodology used, the target year, and the source of the smoking preva- lence data and the relative risk estimates. The most recent (1988) estimate for the United States (434,000 smoking-attributable deaths) is discussed in Chapter 4, “Economic Costs of the Health Effects of Smoking.” The 1985 estimate is used here to maintain consistency with data available for Latin America and the Caribbean. SAM has been estimated for many European countries (Table 30), and the current worldwide esti- mate is 3 million smoking-attributable deaths per year. The methodology described earlier for calculat- ing SAM can be used for countries for which reliable information is available on smoking prevalence and on the risk for major tobacco-associated diseases among ever smokers relative to never smokers. Un- fortunately, few countries in Latin America have such data; an alternative methodology for calculating SAM is described below. Lung Cancer Mortality as an Index of Prior Smoking in a Population Numerous attempts have been made to describe the relationship between smoking habits and mortality Prevalence and Mortality 89 Table 29. Smoking-attributable mortality in the United States Reference Year Estimate Rice et al., 1986 1980 270,000 US. Office of Technology Assessment, 1985 1982 314,000 Centers for Disease Control, 1985 320,000 1987b U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1989 1985* 390,000 "The 1985 estimate (rather than the 1988 estimate of 434,000 reported in Chapter 4, Table 1) is used here to maintain consistency with the demographic and vital data available for Latin America and the Caribbean. from lung cancer in a population. Many of these attempts have not been entirely successful, primarily due to the lack of key information. Current lung cancer mortality rates reflect smoking habits of 20 to 40 years ago. Reliable data on lung cancer incidence and mor- tality are available for many industrialized countries, but only limited information is available on previous smoking habits. Furthermore, the relationship between smoking and lung cancer is affected by many factors. Duration of smoking is the factor most strongly corre- lated with risk for lung cancer. For example, when duration of regular tobacco use is doubled from 15 to 30 years, lung cancer incidence increases about 20-fold (Peto 1986). Other factors that affect lung cancer risk include number of cigarettes smoked per day, age at initiation, tar yield of tobacco products, use of filters, blend of tobaccos, and depth of inhalation. Many of these factors vary over time, not only for a national population but for individuals within a population. Only in recent years have surveys in a few industrial- ized countries collected data on these factors in some detail. Thus, data are unavailable for building an optimal model of smoking habits and lung cancer risk. Nevertheless, tobacco consumption is highly correlated with lung cancer; the SAF has been calcu- lated at over 90 percent for countries that have popu- lations with a long history of high prevalence of heavy smokers (Table 31). This strong association suggests that lung cancer mortality can be used as a surrogate to measure the impact of smoking ona population. The following index (J) uses lung cancer mortal- ity rates for the population aged 55-64. This index, a measure of smoking maturity in a population, con- tains population risk factor information related to the 90 Prevalence and Mortality smoking habits of the population, as expressed by the risk of dying from lung cancer. rea] RO = RUSN-S) R(US) — R(US,N-S) for R(US,N-S) < R(C) < R(US) in which R/C) is the lung cancer mortality rate for a country in the Americas, R(LIS) is the lung cancer rate for the United States (Table 31), and R(US,N-S) is the lung cancer rate for never smokers in the United States (12.7 for men and 11.1 for women). When R(C) is greater than R(US), the index is arbitrarily set to 1. The index has the following properties: * It equals 0 for the few countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with a lung cancer rate below that of never smokers in the United States. * Itequals 1 for countries that have a lung cancer rate higher than that of the United States (although there were none). * It falls between 0 and 1 for countries with a lung cancer rate between the U.S. rate for never smokers and the overall U.S. rate, and the value increases as the country’s rate approaches that of the United States. This index can be used to develop estimates of SAM for countries in Latin America and the Carib- bean. For a given country, the lung cancer rate and index are calculated, and this lung cancer index is used to adjust all diseases. The index is multiplied by the disease-specific SAF for the United States to obtain an adjusted disease-specific SAF for a specific country. The number of deaths from a specific cause is then multiplied by the adjusted SAF to obtain the SAM. Thus, the index adjusts the SAF downward—to a level appropriate for the extent of lung cancer in the population. The index is nonlinear; large changes in the upper range of lung cancer rates have only a small effect on the SAF. But changes in the lower range, closer to the rate for never smokers, have a proportionately larger effect on the SAF. In Table 31, the SAF is given with and without the index adjustment. The index uniformly offers a more conservative estimate of SAF. Because of the potential for diagnosis of lung cancer to be more inadequate in some elderly popula- tions than in younger populations, and because of the need to choose a relatively stable measure of smoking habits, the lung cancer rate for persons aged 55 to 64 was used in creating the index. If older age groups are used, significant diagnostic misclassification occurs, and the relationship to smoking is more tenuous. The low rates for younger age groups render the rate estimates Table 30. Estimated number of deaths due to tobacco use in 27 countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region* Country Year Male Female Total Austria 1985 5,527 3,354 8,881 Belgium 1984 8,905 2,664 11,569 Bulgaria 1984 6,129 3,215 9,344 Czechoslovakia 1984 14,693 7,363 22,056 Denmark 1985 5,531 3,311 8,842 Finland 1984 4,094 1,900 5,994 France 1984 25,751 10,102 35,853 German Democratic Republic 1984 12,393 6,178 18,571 Germany, Federal Republic of 1985 49,572 26,433 76,005 Greece 1984 5,305 1,718 7,023 Hungary 1985 10,742 5,541 16,283 Iceland 1984 115 78 193 Ireland 1983 2,754 1,449 4,203 Israel 1984 1,416 859 2,275 Italy 1981 39,489 15,324 54,813 Luxembourg 1985 298 121 419 Malta 1985 115 54 169 Netherlands 1985 12,140. 3,892 16,032 Norway 1984 3,046 1,553 4,599 Poland 1985 23,858 7,337 31,195 Portugal 1985 3,656 1,778 5,434 Romania 1984 12,178 7,907 20,085 Spain 1980 14,492 5,738 20,230 Sweden 1985 7,104 4,339 11,443 Switzerland 1985 4,299 1,610 5,909 United Kingdom 1984 60,764 33,916 94,680 Yugoslavia 1982 9,103 3,732 12,835 Total for region 343,469 161,466 504,935 Total worldwide 1991 3,000,000 Source: WHO (1988, 1991 [for worldwide estimate]). "Represents about 60% of the regional population. Tobacco is held responsible for about 90% of all deaths from lung cancer, 75% of bronchitis /emphysema deaths, and 25% of all deaths from ischemic heart disease. The estimate for each country is based on the most current data provided to WHO by the countries themselves. unstable. Further, the use of a single, well-defined group at risk has the virtue of simplicity—data di- rectly available to a country are used, and adjustment that might be necessary for cross-country compari- sons is avoided. Estimates of Smoking-Attributable Mortality in the Americas Unadjusted Estimates Before adjustment, approximately 375,000 deaths in the Americas were attributable to smc-king around 1985 (Table 32). These were distributed by disease as follows: Disease Total SAM Coronary heart disease 144,200 Cerebrovascular disease 46,800 Lung cancer 128,600 Oral, laryngeal, and esophageal cancer 23,200 Bladder cancer 5,700 COPD 27,300 In Latin America and the Caribbean, an interme- diate estimate of 64,000 smoking-attributable deaths was obtained, and most of these deaths were from coronary heart disease (about 18,500), cerebrovascular disease (about 17,000), and lung cancer (about 13,000). The largest contribution to SAM in Latin America was made by Brazil, followed closely by the Southern Cone subregion. Prevalence and Mortality 91 Table 31. Smoking-attributable fraction (SAF) and adjusted SAF for lung cancer mortality, selected industrialized countries, 1978-1981 Difference Index of between SAF Crude lung smoking Adjusted and adjusted Country Sex cancer rate* SAF maturity SAFt SAF Canada M 142.8 90 92 85 .05 F 34.0 71 77 .60 Al England and Wales M 228.5 94 1.00 92 .02 F 63.3 80 1.00 78 02 Japan M 64.8 83 08 33 30 F 21.0 08 50 39 19 Sweden M 85.0 83 .69 63 .20 F 28.0 7 .66 ol .06 United States M 166.7 92 1.00 92 .00 F 50.0 78 1.00 78 .00 Source: Adapted from International Agency for Research on Cancer (1986). “For persons aged 35 or older. The calculation actually uses the rate for persons aged 55-64 years. ‘Calculated by multiplying the SAF for the United States by the country-specific index of smoking maturity; see text. ‘Total population. SAM was calculated as the percentage of deaths for persons aged 35 or older (last column of Table 32). For the Latin American subregions, the proportion was highest for men in the Southern Cone and lowest for men in Central America. In the Southern Cone, the difference in the rate for men and women reflects a large historical difference in the rate of tobacco con- sumption (see “Prevalence of Smoking” earlier in this chapter). The lung cancer mortality rate for women in Peru was less than that for U.S. women who were never smokers. The index was zero, and by this method, no deaths were attributable to smoking. Adjusted Estimates The estimates of SAM (Table 32) are under- estimates for several reasons: (1) COPD was un- dercounted due to differences in cause-of-death groupings; (2) cancers of the kidney and pancreas were omitted; (3) the SAF for cancers of the oral cavity, esophagus, and larynx is an underestimate (the three cancers were grouped, and the smallest SAF for the three was used); (4) other categories of disease or death were omitted, including other types of cardiovascular and respiratory disease, cervical cancer, infant deaths due to maternal smoking during pregnancy and post- natal exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, lung cancer deaths due to passive smoking, and deaths from smoking-related fires; and (5) an undercount of deaths due to both underregistration of cases and the 92. Prevalence and Mortality exclusion of deaths attributed to ill-defined causes. SAM was adjusted for the first four of these factors as follows. For the United States, the estimate of SAM was calculated and compared with that made for 1985 (USDHHS 1989). The latter estimate, which provided a benchmark, was 37.2 percent larger than the estimate computed in this analysis. The percent difference be- tween these two estimates was used to alter upward the estimates for the other countries in the Americas. The adjustments were made by cause (Table 33, see footnotes), since the degree of underestimate varied with the condition. After adjustment, an estimated 526,000 annual deaths in the Americas are attributable to tobacco use; about 100,000 of these are in Latin America and the Caribbean. About two-thirds of these deaths occur in Brazil and the Southern Cone. The estimated 36,000 deaths for Bermuda, Canada, and St. Pierre and Miquelon correspond closely with estimates derived by using several different methods and previously reported for Canada alone (Collishaw, Tostowaryk, Wigle 1988; PAHO 1992). As discussed below, the 100,000 annual deaths in Latin America and the Car- ibbean, estimated from data for the mid-1980s, is conservative. If the current U.S. SAF is applied and if Latin American and Caribbean countries follow a tra- jectory similar to that of North America, over 1 million smoking-attributable deaths per year will occur in Latin America and the Caribbean by the year 2030. A Comment on the Methodology The attribution of mortality requires an empiri- cal approach. In the method used here, which varies somewhat in detail, but not in fundamental approach, from other methods (WHO 1989), at least five basic empirical decisions were made. First, the analysis excluded mortality data for which cause of death was inadequately specified, and no attempt was made to adjust for the underreporting of deaths. Second, syn- thetic estimates of mortality structure were used for countries with little or no data. Third, a proration was used to adjust for causes of death that could not be analyzed by using PAHO data. Fourth, an empirical index was developed to adjust for the many factors that influence the risk that smoking imposes on a population, Fifth, the SAM calculation made for the United States (USDHHS 1989) was used as a bench- mark for adjusting the estimates derived in this anal- ysis. Each of these decisions influenced the final estimate; in addition, some specific features of the index and factors related to attributable risk in general also had an influence. . The net effect of the empirical decisions is diffi- cult to assess, but the first decision—no correction for underreporting and no proration for ill-defined causes—probably dominates and results in a sizable underestimate. The order of magnitude of the under- estimate can be approximated by comparing the esti- mate of total mortality in Latin America derived for this analysis (2,060,000 [Table 25]) with an estimate, derived by using regression methods, that attempted to account for underreporting (3,197,000 [Hakulinen et al. 1986]). Based on this difference in overall mor- tality of about 55 percent, the number of smoking- attributable deaths might be as high as 155,000. The more conservative estimate of 100,000 smoking- attributable deaths was deemed more appropriate be- cause it directly relates to the data with which ministries of health in Latin American and Caribbean countries actually work. In addition, the conservative method allows a simple, uniform decision rule to be used by all countries of the region in making their own computations. Finally, this approach allows for in- creasingly credible estimates of SAM to be made as better mortality data become available and the esti- mates are gradually refined. The index of smoking maturation is based on a comparison of lung cancer rates. Although accurate information is more readily available for lung cancer than for other conditions, it may not be the optimal condition for use in calculating the index. Although tar levels affect the risk for lung cancer, they appar- ently do not affect the risk for cardiovascular disease and COPD (USDHHS 1981). Further, the lag between increased consumption of tobacco and a rise in lung cancer mortality may not be representative of the lag for other diseases. In addition, use of the 55 to 64 age group for calculating the index underestimates the population’s exposure to smoking in most Latin American and Caribbean countries because peak tobacco-consumption rates have not yet been reached. Because the index is empirical, there is no clear methodologic justification for the square root transfor- mation. Many transformations are available; the square root was used because of properties appropri- ate to the analysis. Specifically, taking the square root of numbers less than one produces a nonlinear effect: it increases all numbers that are less than one, but it has a greater effect on numbers close to zero than on numbers close to one. Thus, upward revision is pro- portionately greater for countries with low rates than for countries with high rates. This choice modulates, to some extent, the conservative nature of the index. On the other hand, no deaths were attributed to smok- ing in countries with lung cancer rates less than those for U.S. never smokers. Since smoking is not uni- formly distributed in such countries, rates may be higher for some subgroups, and at least some deaths should have been attributed to smoking. Finally, this methodology is weakened by a lack of information on multiple risk factors. The SAF may be higher or lower when risks other than smoking play a significant role in disease causation. Because smok- ing is the dominant risk factor for lung cancer, this effect is probably negligible. In cardiovascular disease, however, smoking interacts with hypertension, hyper- cholesterolemia, physical inactivity, obesity, diabetes, and possibly other risk factors as well, and this effect may be considerable. Thus, the empirical choices and the specifics of the analysis may have differing effects, but the final estimate of 526,000 annual deaths attributable to smoking in the Americas is almost certainly conserva- tive. This estimate—perhaps best viewed as the first point on a continuum of such estimates—provides an order of magnitude for the number of smoking-related deaths in the Americas. If, as suggested in the first half of this chapter, the prevalence of cigarette smoking is increasing in some areas, accurate assessment of SAM is of consid- erable importance. As noted, the lack of some critical data diminishes the precision of the estimates and fosters a greater reliance on empirical decisions. As data systems develop, individual countries will be better able to apply these methods for calculating SAM for their own populations. Prevalence and Mortality 93 Table 32. Smoking-attributable mortality* for men and women in the Americas, c. 1985 Cerebro- Coronary Coronary vascular Index of heart disease heart disease disease Region and Lung cancer, smoking (aged <65) (aged 265) (aged <65) country mortality rateé maturity SAF SAM! SAF SAM SAF SAM Men Latin America — —_ — 8,426 — 6,432 — 7,090 Andean Area — — — 785 — 557 — 462 Colombia 34.1 302 136 386 .063 287 154 237 Peru 19.5 140 .063 24 .029 25 072 24 Venezuela 55.6 444 .200 354 .093 228 226 167 Southern Cone! — — — 2,583 — 2,245 — 2,151 Argentina 155.5 829 373 1,983 174 1,156 423 1,659 Chile 80.6 566 255 290 119 344 288 261 Brazil 57.8 A56 205 3,411 .096 1,844 233 3,652 Central America** — — — 71 — 89 — 36 Mexico 44,3 376 169 708 079 559 .192 435 Latin Caribbean — — — 867 — 1,138 — 355 Cuba 119.8 716 322 711 150 974 365 298 Caribbean —_ —_ — 128 — 108 — 129 North America’! = — — 36,907 — 48,251 — 5,696 Canada 209.0 975 A439 3,376 205 4,044 497 449 United States 219.0 1.000 450 33,526 210 44,204 510 5,243 All regions of the Americas —_ — — 45,460 — 54,791 —_ 12,914 Women Latin America — — — 1,848 — 1,837 — 857 Andean Area — — — 346 — 234 — 101 Colombia 16.1 267 110 198 032 126 147 59 Peru 7.8 — — — — — — — Venezuela 23.7 409 .167 149 049 108 225 42 Southern Cone — — — 236 — 403 — 223 Argentina 16.6 279 114 162 .033 259 153 149 Chile 19.5 338 139 63 041 119 .186 58 Brazil 15.0 240 098 706 029 505 132 313 Central America** — — — 20 — 28 — 10 Mexico 16.4 274 112 209 033 207 151 113 Latin Caribbean — — — 331 — 459 — 98 Cuba 42.2 632 259 299 .076 405 347 85 Caribbean — — — 30 — 27 — 29 North America” — — — 11315 — 28,854 — 5,343 Canada 75.1 901 369 768 108 1,919 496 386 United States 90.1 1.000 A410 = 10,547 120 26,934 550 4,957 All regions of the Americas — — — 13,194 — 30,718 — 6,229 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). *Mortality from defined causes for persons aged 35 or older, in thousands. *Cancer of the lip, oral cavity, and pharynx. The lung cancer rate for U.S. never smokers used per 100,000 women aged 55-64. 94 Prevalence and Mortality for the index calculation was 15.5 per 100,000 men aged 55-64 and 10.4 Cerebro- Oral, Chronic vascular laryngeal, and obstructive disease Lung esophageal Bladder pulmonary ‘earner: __ (aged 265) cancer cancer cancer disease Total tion of total SAF SAM SAF SAM SAF SAM SAF SAM __ SAF SAM SAM _ mortality —_ 5,959 — 11,549 _— 5,946 — 845 — 5,819 52,066 071 —_ 418 — 579 _— 305 — 36 _ 44] 3,584 .033 073 222 272 258 = .236 164 =—.142 17 234 212 1,784 .040 034 26 126 33 —«. 109 12 ~—-.066 2 118 38 184 009 .107 143 400 263 ~—-«.346 116.209 15 373 148 1,434 063 — 2,182 — 5,952 — 2,446 — 468 — 1,727 19,754 124 199 1,527 746 4,580 647 1,782 = 390 368 697 916 = 14,370 131 136 315 09 492-441 260.266 35 475 553 2,549 .083 109 2,302 410 2,522 356 2,197 214 191 383 1,827 17,945 075 — 56 — 75 —_ 33 — 5 — 67 431 O13 090 503 339 938 = .293 322.177 47 316 = -1,409 4,920 .037 — 498 —_— 1,483 — 645 —_— 98 — 348 5,432 086 172 399 644 1334 =.558 462 —.336 86 601 252 4,517 146 — 198 — 214 — 131 — 18 — 105 1,030 062 — 13,098 — 82,569 — 12,781 — 3,503 — 11,892 214,696 199 234 1,162 878 7,249 .761 1,254 458 367 819 «1,245 =—-19,147 211 .240 11,932 900 8675310 3.780 11,523 A70 3,135 840 10,645 195,519 198 — 19,255 — 94,331 — 18,859 — 4,366 — 17,817 267,792 146 _ 857 — 1,567 — 673 — 103 — 2,257 12,247 021 —_— 101 — 210 _— 97 — 11 — 289 1,716 .018 016 59 211 102.163 64 = .099 7 21) 151 977 025 .025 42 323 108 ~=—.249 33.151 5 323 138 739 039 _— 223 — 317 — 181 _— 30 —_ 386 2,308 018 017 149 220 220 ~—-.170 116 ~—.103 22 .220 170 1,473 .016 020 58 267 87 ~—.206 55.125 6 267 203 727 029 014 313 .190 360.147 207 ~—-«.089 30 .190 517 4,156 023 _— 10 — 16 — 10 — 1 — 35 140 .005 016 113 217 275.167 74.102 10 217 827 2,052 018 _— 98 — 389 _ 104 — 20 —_— 203 1,877 036 .038 85 A99 352.385 89.234 17 A99 167 1,671 069 — 29 — 26 — 11 — 3 _ 33 218 015 — 5,343 — 32,706 — 3,657 — 1,253 — 7,170 95,562 095 054 386 712 2,242 550 312.333 105 712 532 6,631 .088 060 4,957 790 30463 .610 3,345 370 1,148 790 6,638 88,928 096 — 6,229 — 34,299 — 4,342 — 1,359 — 9A60 108,027 067 3Smokin g-attributable fraction. lSmoking-attributable mortality. Tncludes Falkland Islands. Excludes Belize. Includes Bermuda and St. Pierre and Miquelon. Prevalence and Mortality 95 Table 33. Adjusted estimates of smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) in the Americas, c. 1985 Chronic obstructive Total Region and Total pulmonary Other diseases adjusted country SAM* disease* Cancers? and causes SAM Latin America 64,300 18,600 1,400 13,800 98,100 Andean Area 5,300 1,700 10 1,200 8,200 Southern Cone 22,100 4,900 700 4,500 32,100 Brazil 22,100 5,400 300 4,600 32,400 Central Americal 600 200 10 100 900 Mexico 7,000 5,100 100 2,000 14,200 Latin Caribbean 7,300 1,300 200 1,400 10,200 Caribbean 1,200 300 30 300 1,900 North America 310,300 43,800 12,000 60,000 426,100 United States 284,400 39,800 11,000 55,000 390,200 Other** 25,800 4,100 1,000 5,100 36,000 All regions of the Americas 375,800 62,700 13,400 74,100 526,000 Source: Pan American Health Organization (1990b). Adjustments were based on 1985 estimates for the United States; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1989). Percentages used for upward adjustment for chronic obstructive pulmo- nary disease and other diseases and causes were specific to those diagnostic rubrics. Upward adjustment for cancers was based on lung cancer. “Total for men and women from Table 32. *230% adjustment to compensate for undercounting. 410.4% increase added to adjust for omission of cancers of the kidney and pancreas and for underestimates of smoking- attributable fraction for cancers of oral cavity, esophagus, and larynx. 516.4% increase added to adjust for exclusion of cervical cancer, other types of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, deaths among newborns due to smoking by the mother, lung cancer deaths due to passive smoking, and deaths from smoking-related fires. ilIncludes Falkland Islands. TExcludes Belize. “Includes Bermuda, Canada, and St. Pierre and Miquelon. 96 Prevalence and Mortality Conclusions Certain sociodemographic phenomena—such as change in population structure, increasing urban- ization, increased availability of education, and entry of women into the labor force—have in- creased the susceptibility of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean to smoking. The lack of systematic surveillance information about the prevalence of smoking in most areas of Latin America and the Caribbean hinders com- prehensive control efforts. Available information reflects a variety of survey methods, analytic schemes, and reporting formats. Available data indicate that the median preva- lence of smoking in Latin America and the Carib- bean is 37 percent for men and 20 percent for women. Variation among countries is consider- able, however, and smoking prevalence is 50 per- cent or more in some populations but less than 10 percent in others. In general, prevalence is highest in the urban areas of the more developed coun- tries and is higher among men than among women. The initiation of smoking (as measured by the prevalence of smoking among persons 20 to 24 years of age) exceeds 30 percent in selected urban areas. Although systematic time series are not available, the data suggest that more recent co- horts (especially of women) in the urban areas of more developed countries are adopting tobacco use at a higher rate than did their predecessors. The smoking epidemic in Latin America and the Caribbean is not yet of long duration or high intensity, and the mortality burden imposed by smoking is smaller than that for North America. By 1985, an estimated minimum of 526,000 smoking- attributable deaths were occurring each year in all the countries of the Americas; 100,000 of these deaths occurred in Latin American and the Carib- bean countries. 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