[On Rockefeller Foundation letterhead] Brazzaville, Jan 1, 1933 Dear Margaret, This is the only paper I have with me, as my main supply is across the Congo in Leopoldville. So excuse the misleading formality. Happy New Year! And many more of them! Most of the town seems to have celebrated and danced until early morning. The Governor General's reception and dance, which I attended, closed respectably at midnight. This is a town of contrasts. A dinner or luncheon as guest of the Governor or one of the other officials is most elaborate and excellent, but a meal at the hotel makes one almost sick. To room at the hotel is impossible, and the Governor has given me a rest-house with one servant. About half the time I am invited out, probably partly on account of the knowledge of the conditions at the little hotel, and the other half of the time I eat at the hotel. I have luncheon and dinner engagement to-morrow and next day, and then (on the 3rd day) I go back to the A.B.C. Hotel (sounds simple, doesn't it?) in Leopoldville, "Leo" for short. (over) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] I am arranging for an invitation to Dr. Beeuwkes to survey French Equatorial Africa and sketching out a plan. It is hard to do so without any chance to talk things over with him, as I have long been without information. The water in this town is on only for an hour or so, morning and evening. Very pleasant! And the great Congo River with its limitless volume flows swiftly by. The day I arrived the Governor General and Madame Alfassa called for me in their touring car and took me for a ride down the Congo River along the upper part of the rapids. The road is high above the river and the view of the opposite shore is pleasing. A Mr. Ross, American, came to see me in Leopoldville, and invited me to dinner for next Thursday. It will be good to hear American spoken. He is Secretary of the Protestant Missions organization of the Congo. He seems very pleasant. I shall be glad to be on the water again on January 8th. It is tiring to be incessantly struggling with French, even when the victims are most helpful. Dr. Kitchen sent a wire of New Year's greetings! With much, much love, Wilbur