September 30, 1924 Dear Margaret: This is the last day of September, and last night's mail brought me a letter from Dr. Heiser suggesting that I go from Andalusia to Montgomery, Alabama, to see the State Board of Health's work there and then come on to New York. I expect to arrive at 160th Street by the 5th of October and possibly sooner. I am sending a check for $100, which I hope will be enough to last till I arrive. It is a new month and there is more money in the checking account. I expect to leave here to-morrow or the next day, so send no more mail here. (over) [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] By parcel post I am sending a bundle containing my heavy boots, some laundry, my bathing suit, etc. The N.Y. office forwarded me a huge volume of the proceedings of the Far Eastern Association of Trop. Med. and this made it doubly necessary to send on some of the excess weight and volume of luggage. The letters from Peggy and Gertrude and Billy came yesterday and were joyously received. Give all the children my love. I shall answer the letters in due season. They were good letters. Billy draws like Abe Martin. I must stop and go to breakfast. With love. Yours Wilbur