794 Jeo) ls Rabies ii Califorhia. By W. A. SAWYER, M.D.,; ‘Director of State Hygienic Laboratory, Berkeley. For a yéaY and a Half there has been prevalent among dogs in ¢értain parts of California, a diséase frequently transmitted to other warm-blooded ani- mals; incltiding cattlé ‘aiid hotses, and: also to: man. Rabies, or hydrophobia, is. -sttiking- example of those diseases which-ate ‘perpetuated among certain. -atiinals and o¢casionally are‘ trarismittéd in one way or another to man. Other familiar dxamples of such diseases are glanders in horaés and mules, anthrax in cattle,-and . bubonic: plague:in.-todents, all three of which: diseases. exist. :in: California -in. animals,. but “seldom. attack! mari: -Rabies;, while essentiallya dis- ; ease of ‘dogs,: is: very valuable: domestic animals-.and. human beings, owing :foithe excitement and. delirium. which cause many of the infected dogs to travel about and to introduce infections saliva: with their teeth through the skins of -animals.-and . persons.. While the control of anthrax and:, glanders:. offers ,.dificult and complex problems, and. while: the. safety of human beings from - plague was.accomplished in. our, state only through. the. expensive: destruction of ‘rats. and their. hiding places, rabies: can be; suppressed and ‘even. entirely etadicated in a definite circumscribed area by making -it;impossible, by: muzzling, for dogs to bite, and by preventing dogs from entering infected regions until proved: by.'a-six, months’. quarantine to be free from the diseasé.. Such methods Have freed the island of . Great Britain from -the disease, and quarantine has kept, the .malady out of. Australia? : These experi- _ettees, ahd niany others in: Earope and ‘America, have ‘shown’ that -rabies may be suppressed . with simple méasures if they are ‘thoroughly ‘enforced, and that it. is. ‘therefore. a.‘disedse. so ‘decidedly prevéntable “that‘it'is a reptoach to any’ community to have an “oatbreak “occur and “spread: in: New -England in 1768. In1908 it was prevalent: in’ the eastern half of the United States: and! occtrred in:rare-instances some- what further west?) 5) oo ocyore 2 In-a-recent article Black and Powers describe a small-outbreak of rabies:among the dogs of Los An- geles in- 189838... Fortunately, the disease was. sup- pressed. by -a.muzzling. ordinance. In the same - _ atticle are, the reports ‘of a fatal human case which was infected in 1899, froma dog in .Pasadena, and ‘of;;anz outbreak- in..1905 among. the. animals :at the ‘Soldiers’ Home ‘near .Los .Angeles,:.. With these ex-. ceptions we have no authentic record of the existence . of. abies. in, California, previous .to. the. summer of 1909; when the present epizootic first attracted atten- tion-in:. Dos Angeles. 0 08th cere le :: The. disease -may. have, been: slowly carried to. the state from the. east by dogs and wild. animals, such as’ covotes.and. skunks, or,,it may easily have been introddted through the transpottation“over the: rail- road:of,an ‘infected dog during:the incubation period of the disease. . It.is only to be wondered at that the” westward spread’ of the disease from the Atlantic-to — ‘the:.Pacifie-seaboard: requited :more::than.a céntuty. - The:spread:of ribiesithrough* railroad transporta- -fion is-well shown inthe story of a.dog: whose head was sent: from “Imperial: to. the State: Hygienic Lab- oratory, whére-;examination proved the presence of rabies. This dog was ‘thé pet: of:a schoolteacher and , accompanied her..on _a:visit. to Los Angeles, whith is ‘tieafly two, Nundred, miles fron Imperial. A few. weeks after retiirning, the. dog suddenly be- eamé frenzied and killed fifteen chickeris, but did not CALIFORNIA: STATE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE apt.to:secufe victims among § ‘ ‘and human beings. Vol. IX, No. 7 bite any humian beings or dogs. No other cases have octutred in Imperial, and it is highly ‘probable that the dog had become infected during his unwise visit to a city in which rabies was prevalent. The travel- ._ ing of doge to and from infected districts ought cer- tainly to be discouraged if not strictly prohibited ky aw. : : - The spread of the disease by wild animals is well illustrated by the first case reported in Oregon of the biting of a person by an aninial suspected of rabies. In November, 1910, a child was bitten by a coyote showing symptoms suggesting rabies. The coyote was destroyed before its head could be se- cured for examination, and the child was given the Pasteur treatment without further evidence. A few weeks later a sheep and a pig which had been bitten by the same coyote developed rabies and their brains showed Negri bodies. I am indebted to Dr. Calvin S. White, State Health Officer of Oregon, for in- formation regarding this interesting case, which shows that Oregon, as well as California, has been reached by the westward march of the disease. . The responsibility of the wild animals of Cali- fornia for the spread of rabies has not been clearly demonstrafed. Thé tales of probable infections from skunks and from a mountain lion, were all, as far as I have been able to learn, unconfirmed by latoratory evidence, It is desirable that the heads of wild animals which display paralysis or ferocity unusual for theit kind should be sent to the laboratory for examination in order that it may be definitely known whether: these animals are playing a part in the per- petuation and spread’ of rabies. . The principal object in presenting this paper is to bring together for the use in the campaign against rabies a collection of reliable statistics with clear differentiation between fact and inference. The need for the dissemination of knowledge concerning rabies is indicated by the. continued opposition to efficient treasures for the eradication of the disease, Sur- prising as it may seem, the people most affected, namely ‘the owners and lovers of dogs, through bitter opposition show a lack of appreciation of the fact that their pets are the chief sufferers from this ‘terrible disease, as well as the means of its spread and transmission to horses, mules, cattle, pigs, sheep ‘In ofder to combat successfully the usual opposi- tion to the enforced muzzling of dogs, health officers should arin themselves with facts rather than opinions. To gain proof of the presence of the dis- easé a laboratory examination of the suspected animal-is. imperative.- A prompt and decisive labora- + tory. examination becomes of greatest importance in those cases where human beings have been biiten, and where the’ patient is unwilling to spend the necessary money and time for treatment unless the need is clear. In such cases a positive report usually results in prompt and successful preventive treat- ment..-If the report is negative, the patient is freed from the haunting fear that at any time in the en- suing months he may suddenly develop. serious symptoms. Where dogs have been bitten by rabid animals, a positive laboratory report determines the advisability of having the dogs killed. It is unwise to'kéeep infected animals about as they are apt to develop symptoms unexpectedly and spread the dis- eased to othets. . The danget-of keeping under ob- ‘servation and confinement horses or cattle which . have been bitten by rabid dogs is not so great. The routine examination of heads at. the State Hygienic. Laboratory consists of the careful removal ofthe brain, the making of smears from the hippo- campus: major, staining with Williams’ modification of Mann's method,’ and careful search of from one to twenty preparations for Negri bodies. If the re- sults are negative, one or two experimental animals, usually ‘rabbits, are inoculated subdurally with an emulsion of the brain. If diagnosis is urgent, a guinea pig is inoculated, since that animal shows a very short incubation period, frequently only ten days. « In drawing: conclusions from the laboratory sta- JULY, ror | tistics presented in this paper it must be borne in mind that the great majority of rabid animals are not examined in the laboratory. The opinion has been published’ that in Los Angeles not one case in ten has been reported.to the Health: Department. In that city 174 cases were reported between Sep- tember, 1909, and April, 1911. During the same time fifty-nine positive examinations of heads from Los Angeles were made in the city laboratory. This means that approximately one-third of the reported eases received laboratory confirmation... From these statements it seems probable that the positive lab- oratory examinations represent less than one-twen- tieth of all the cases of rabies. In Stockton the pro- ortion is more striking. We have the statement of r. Charles Keane, State Veterinarian, that one hun- - dred cases have occurred in and near Stockton. Ac- cording to our records only three heads were sent to the State Hygienic Laboratory from Stockton. These instances show that the laboratory statistics represent only a small fraction. of the total number of cases. : . . In. the State Hygienic Laboratory between No- vember 2, 1909, and April 1, 1911, a period of seven- teen months, the heads of eighty-two animals were received. ‘Two of the heads could not be exam- ined owing to decomposition; thirty-six gave neg- ative results, Of the remaining. forty-four show- ing positive results, thirty-six showed Negri bodies and the other eight caused typical symptoms of ra- bies in rabbits. One of these eight heads could not be examined for Negri bodies owing to decomposi- tion, but the brain material was used for inoculation. after the activity of the putrefactive bacteria had been inhibited by emulsifying with glycerin and allowing the mixture to stand for over twenty-four hours. This substance when injected deeply in the neck caused typical symptoms of rabies to appear at the end of fourteen days. tive cases, one was a cat and another‘a ‘cow. The forty-two dogs examined were known ‘to have bitten at least twelve human beings, the majority of whom received Pasteur treatment pr iptly. Eight of the dogs were stated to have bitten other dogs, one of them biting fifteen or twenty dogs and another biting two dogs and a mule. / The laboratery of the Los Angeles Health Depart- ment presents very interesting statistics of the pres- ent epizodtic. Between September 14, 1909, and April 1, 1911, this laboratory examined 104 heads, 97 of which came from the city of Los Angeles. One of the heads could not be examined owing to putrefac- tion. The sixty-four heads giving positive results were divided among the various animals as follows: Fifty-nine dogs, three horses, one cow and one. goat. ‘The first five examinations in 1909 were made by inoculation of experimental animals. Since then the results have depended on microscopic search for Negri bodies alone. The horse and eleven of the dogs which proved to be rabid were reported to ‘have bitten human beings. . oo The laboratory of the Health Department of Long Beach examined the heads of four dogs between July 1, 1910, and August 11, 1910, and found Negri bodies ‘in each case, Two of these dogs had bitten human ‘beings who received Pasteur treatment. All four were found in Long Beach. . . In the pathological laboratory of Dr, Stanley P. Black in Los Angeles, between December 10, 1909, and April 1, 1911, the .brains of fifty-seven animals and two human beings were examined. In both the human cases Negri hodies were found, and in one of them animal inoculation was performed and resulted in confirmation of.the diagnosis of rabies. Of the fifty-seven examinations of animals’ brains fifty-two revealed Negri bodies and were therefore positive, four. were negative, and one was doubtful. In-one of the cases animal inoculation was performed and resulted in rabies, confirming the positive diagnosis based on finding Negri. bodies. Of the fifty-two animals’ brains giving positive results, forty-seven were from dogs and five from cats. Thirty-seven of these rabid dogs and all five of the cats had bitten CALIFORNIA STATE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Of the forty-four’ posi-. 295 human beings. The heads came from the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and ngs. , Summing up the evidence of the four laboratories we find that out of 247 examinations of the brains of animals for rabies, 164 gave positive results. Qne hundred and fifty-two of the positive cases were dogs and the remaining cases were distributed as follows: Six cats, three horses, two cows and one goat. At least sixty-eight huraan beings were bitter: by the animals which were proved to be rabid by laboratory investigation. If our previous estimate that not more than one out of every twenty cases of rabies in animals is examined in the laboratory, is true for the whole state, these positive cases would indicate that there had occurred a total num- ber of cases in California of over 3200. The Director of the State Hygienic Laboratory requests that, if any pathologist making examinations for rabies has been overlooked during the compila- tion of these figures, he will kindly furnish his totals to the laboratory in order that the statistics com- piled may be kept up to date. The geographical ‘distribution of the cases is graphically shown on the accompanying map. In ‘addition to the dots and circles which indicate the, locality from which.the heads of rabid animals were sent to the laboratories, and the figures indicating the number of heads from each county, small crosses may be seen. These represent, as nearly as could be ascertained, the locations at which fatal human cases of rabies became infected. The first case antedates the present outbreak. : A summary of the human cases follows: 1. On March 10, 1899, in Pasadena, a man (H. M. S.) was bitten in the face by his dog. Five weeks after the infection symptoms of rabies appeared, and five days later the man died (April 36, 18693. Inecu- lation of rabbits with the brain tissues of the patient produced rabies.7 : i The remaining cases all belong to the present out- reak. 2. On December 12, 1909, a rancher (M. E. C.) aged 30, died of rabies at Holtville, Imperial County. This man was infected through the bite of a cat. 3. About December 17, 1909, in Los Angeles, a boy (J. S.) aged 10 years, was bitten in the leg by a stray dog. Nine weeks later symptoms appeared and death came three days afterward (February 2}, 1910). Negri bodies were found in the brain of this patient.8 . : 4. On May 2, 1910, a rancher (J. B.), aged 62, died of rabies at Rivera, Los Angeles. County. He had been bitten in the face by his own dog. . . On November 15, 1910, in Los Angeles, a girl (E. L.) of 6 years was bitten through the lip and on the nose by a dog. Intensive Pasteur. treatment was instituted the next day, but symptoms of rabies appeared ‘sixteen days after infection and death oc- curred two days later (December 2, 1910). Negri bodies. were demonstrated in the child’s brain® A rabbit inoculated with some’ of the brain tissue showed the paralyses of rabies on the nineteenth ay. The last of these cases was a patient of Dr. David D. Thornton of Los Angeles, and with his consent I will present a short account derived from the full report which he sent me: . | In the morning of November 15, 1910, a little girl of six years was sent by her mother.to.a neighbor- ing grocery store. While she was in the store a small, wet and dirty dog entered and sprang upon her, biting through her upper lip and scratching her nose with his teeth, The dog then bounded through the door and ran away. Later in the day the same dog bit another child in the leg, about a mile from the store where Dr. Thornton’s patient had been attacked. The dog was examined in the Los Angeles City Laboratory and Negri bodies were demonstrated. The next morning, thirty hours after the biting, the Pasteur treatment was instituted by Dr. Stanley P. Black and was continued sys- tematically through November 30, the fifteenth day 296 CALIFORNIA STATE JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. LX, No. 7 - RABIES CALIFORNIA © Posiriva cases (6 ANUAALG EXAMINED 1M POE STATE MPOEINE LAGORATORY, Aon 11,1904 Fe apa £1981, © Pesiriva caves ty amas exaruena ut TM A Ade areas OF THE HEARTH PCPARTONNTS OF LOS ANOEAGE 42ND LOD BEACH AWD lat THE PATHOL OOH AL. LABOAATOAY OF tucren 5%. MACK OF 80s ABEL TS BArweEn wey 184, AND, APRIL 1, 14 OLA IES OF man 221 FRE AANA, NOK 10, fete Te Amma 1, 108, of the. treatment, when the litle girl was noticed. to be: peevish: and :irritable..§ On.the way -home from the doctor’s office her mother bought her some soda |: water, but: the child ‘complained’ that it tasted hot. . On setting the glass down on the counter a sudden jerking of: her: hand overturned it. and she: became - ‘alarmed and cried violently. On reaching the street, “she became ‘nauseated..and vomited, and:later she had: ‘another severe crying spell. As she seemed ill, she. was put to. bed. Food was repugnant and she ‘ate no supper.. During the. night the child. awak- ened-at intervals and talked rapidly. At midnight ’ she asked for a drink of water and the mother ob- served that her daughter -had some difficulty in swallowing. The following morning the. child arose as usual, and asked for water. Upon attempting to drink. she: experienced great ‘pain in her throat and was unable to swallow. She ‘became very irritable and extremely sensitive to noises. A window shade slipped from her mother’s hand and went up with a ‘sudden noise. This. excited the child so that it _ could: not be quieted for.a long time. In ‘the after- noon. she: rolled from side ‘to side in bed and spoke rationally althongh she had been delirious at times during. the day. . The mere suggestion of drinking seemed to ‘produce pain and there was fear’ of being ‘touched or handled in-any manner. The pupils were dilated: “Chloral and bromides were given. by rectum ' insan attempt.to quiet the child. At about two o’clock in .the-morning: she ‘began having one con- vulsion after. atiother.. The pupils were dilated, the pulse was rapid, and signs of exhaustion were ap- parent: Chloroform inhalations. gave only tem- poraryrelief. “Any slight irritation as wiping the saliva from ‘het lips’ would precipitate a convulsive seizure. The convulsions grew weaker and weaker and further apart until death ended the suffering at six o'clock in the morning. This case is a striking example of an extremely short incubation period, due in large part to the nearness of the wound in the face to the central nervous system. About two-thirds of the Pasteur treatment had been given and consequently the im- munity was far from being established. Usually the inctlbation period is between forty and seventy days, which allows sufficient time for immuniza- tion. : In order to prevent the recurrence of these hor- rible cases of rabies in man until the disease shall have been eradicated among dogs, it is necessary that the -Pasteur_ treatment should be given as promptly as possible wherever a patient has been bitten by an animal proved to have had rabies or strongly suspected of the disease. The importance of treatment is apparent to any one who considers that approximately fifteen per cent of all untreated persons who have been bitten by rabid animals de- velop the disease and die, while only-13 per cent of those treated die.!° Almost half of the failures are in‘cases like one of those reported above, where the nearness of the wound to the central nervous system and the virulence of the infection so short- ened the incubation period that there was insuffi- cient time for the Pasteur treatment to establish an immunity before the onset of symptoms. An-example of very short incubation periods in animals has come recently to the attention of the State Hygienic Laboratory. A man living in one of the suburbs of Los Angeles reported to the lab- oratory that on November 24, 1910, his pet dog had JULY, 191 been bitten in the inner corner of the eye by a’ strange dog or coyote. Fourteen days later the dog became restless and the next day it.was excessively’ playful and noisy. It refused to eat or drink, and it bit the man and his child on their hands. The dog died the following morning causing suspicion that it had been afflicted with rabies, and its head’ was sent to the State Hygienic’ Laboratory in Berkeley. Pending the arrival of the head, the Director of the Laboratory, influenced by the his- . tory of the case, telegraphed that he advised be- ginning treatment without delay. The Pasteur treat- ment. was begtn immediately. The dog's head was carefully examined but Negri bodies were not found,