Lecture Vol 10 Tab B (Pst. SG yrs) cover Remarks By C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD, Former Surgeon General To the Sub Committee on Health and the Environment On the AIDS Epidemic and Medicaid (HR 4080) Washington, DC February 27, 1990 This hearing was intended to be the opening of attempts to improve AIDS Health Care Services. Although bills had been introduced by the time this hearing his held, the hearing was not limited to specific provisions, although some may have been discussed. Instead, it was hoped to remind members and the press that the epidemic was not over and that problems of health care were going to get a lot worse. There were four panels, consisting of one to three people. I was the sole participant on Panel I. It was my intent to address the ongoing seriousness of the epidemic and stressed particularly the need for legislation to get prophylactic and early intervention drugs to people in an attempt to forestall the development of disease, as well as the later need for hospital and institutional care.