Lecture Vol. 20 # 1 May 10, 1989 Address by C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented to the World Health Assembly Geneva, Switzerland May 10, 1989 On my last appearance at the World Health Assembly on this date, I was given an award by the Executive Board called the Leon Bernard Award, which I considered a great honor and took the occasion to make a few remarks in addition to thanking the gathering for the honor they did me. I spoke of the pride I had as a physician and as an American in the tireless selfless work the WHA did on behalf of the health of the human race in every comer of the world. I added to this statement of admiration my approval of its goals and programs and that I was grateful for the privilege I had of defending WHA on two occasions before the United Nations General Assembly itself. I made it clear that I knew that many in the audience often accomplished their task in the face of what seemed to be overwhelming adversities, whether natural, social, political, or economic. Before giving this brief talk, many people asked me what I would leave as my farewell to WHA, which I had enjoyed serving so much for eight years. What I wanted to leave behind was not so much a message, as it was a lesson, and it was one that I had learned in the course of my eight-year association with WHO. I expressed it this way: "The world will one day know full peace, when every nation will be able to achieve at least a minimum of economic health and stability. And the key to that achievement is the physical and mental health of all the peoples of the world." I stressed that I knew many would say it's the other way around, but I believe that the physical and mental health of the people are the keys to their nation's ability to survive and peacefully compete with all nations. That is the heart of international health. I ticked off some of the major accomplishments of WHO and followed that by the major challenges, which I saw ahead. I closed by reminding them what a privilege and honor I thought it was to have been their colleague for eight years.