AIDS lecture November 10, 1988 17/8 Working With Persons With AIDS By C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented to the National Management Conference of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Washington, DC November 10, 1988 It had been but one day since I had last spoken to a public audience on AIDS. Talking to the Management of the BATF was no different than talking to our own Public Health Service, when I last spoke on this general subject on the 20th of October 1988. The audience was different in that this one consisted of folks involved with three big industries in the United States, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms, and what I said to them would filter down to those companies and their respective employees. The speech I had given early on this same subject was limited to eighteen of my pages; this one was thirty-four. Everything I said to the Public Health Service in October I said here, but I added more to strengthen my positions and to be as complete as possible. For that reason there is an index included, which did not accompany the lecture to the Public Health Service employees on the occasion of Handicapped Awareness Week. Absence of a magic bullet AIDS & blood transfusion AIDS & the fabric of American lives AIDS as a handicapping disease Annual Smoking & Health Reports of the Surgeon General AZT Consistent & compassionate response to AIDS Current Surgeon General's Report on Addiction Drunk driving Early history of AIDS Education as our basic weapon Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Firearms as part of PHS interest in violence Global aspects of AIDS Good science & good sense as weapons against AIDS HHS initiative against alcohol, alcoholism, & alcohol abuse History of fairness in American medicine Incubation period of AIDS Methods of transmission of AIDS Morbidity & mortality Morbidity & mortality of drunk driving No PHS's policy on firearms Priorities in AIDS management Risk of national disunity Safety of the workplace Slow vaccine development Smallpox; comparison with, syphilis, typhoid & alcoholism Surgeon General's involvement with alcohol Surgeon General's warning to pregnant women, 1981 Surgeon General's Workshop on drunk driving (12/14/88) Surgeon General's Workshop on Violence & Public Health (1985) Tobacco, Alcohol, & Firearms as major industries Unsatisfactory data collecting in most countries Violation of the ethics of medicine & education Virus of AIDS Otis R. Bowen, MD (Secretary of HHS)