In Support of Albert Lee Smith C. Everett Koop. M.D. Montgomery, Ala Birmingham, Ala September 27, 1984 [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] You might wonder why I have come Annual leave Govt has not paid Ethically proper that I do this Presidential appt Therefore free to speak politically Since Aug 24 Been in Wash 9D[?] Travelling domestically Travelling in Pacific Basin Travelling China No political talk in that time Therefore you know how sincere I am Speaking on behalf of Albert Lee Smith You know little about me so a word of explanation I come from a background 40 yrs in surgery In academia Yet practicing in the market place Part of organized medicine Not because I agreed with[?] it But because reform comes from within 1 [END PAGE TWO] [BEGIN PAGE THREE] Deep concern about the trend in biomedical ethics So in addition to 175 articles books chapters In surgery[?] of children I have written some in ethics Including 2 book [sic] I believe in absolutes There are some things right wrong Coming to Washington after that equipped me in special way To assess the kinds of people that make govt work I am a good investment for the tax payer Old enough Credibility Feather nest Therefore I can (and do) say what I believe If I cannot do that then I will go readily It is in that spirit that I am here 2. [END PAGE THREE] [BEGIN PAGE FOUR] As a Presidential Appt -- I can say America is Blessed with[?] R.R. R.R. is a man of integrity compassion Uncanny sensitivity to domestic issues Understanding of realities of foriegn [sic] If you wonder why he has not done so and so or why he has done so and so You have to be in Wash a while to difficult it is -- and increasingly so as time goes along in an administration -- for him to accomplish what he knows is right R.R. needs people in Congress especially in Senate To make this Govt be what it should For the country -- But more importantly for the individual states That is why I have come to support Albert Lee Smith in his bid to replace the incumbent in the Senate representing the great state of Alabama 3 [END PAGE FOUR] [BEGIN PAGE FIVE] This administration needs and seeks the support of a man like A-L-S He is very comfortable with[?] platform His opponent voted against the position of RR 52% -- '83 ALS is kind of person I believe conservative Alabama voters want -- and should want as Senator His opponent really votes with liberal expediency I have reviewed ALS's record in Congress. He voted: For jobs Against crime For traditional family values For less govt regulation For aids for senior citizens For housing For lower taxes Against waste For education 4 [END PAGE FIVE] [BEGIN PAGE SIX] Specifically while a member of House Supported keeping Christian schools tax exempt 7/81 Supported the prohibition of tax dollars for abortion 7/81 Voted against legislation promoting homosexuality 6/81 Supported voluntary school prayer -- with Pres 9/81 Opposed busing of school children 6/81 Supported a balanced budget 7/81 5 [END PAGE SIX] [BEGIN PAGE SEVEN] That record failed to give ALS passing grades with certain groups -- I am glad to say and so should you be As a matter of fact ALS has the enviable record for scoring zero With the A.CLU With -- Americans for Democratic Action With -- the Nat'l Education Assoc. 6 [END PAGE SEVEN] [BEGIN PAGE EIGHT] Let me conclude with some reflections on politics and religion which has claimed so much of the press in recent weeks It is impossible to separate the religious conviction of an individual from his political beliefs He may have to separate his religious beliefs from his political action Because there are times when the law of God and the law of the land are not synonymous And a public servant -- who has taken an oath -- must support -- temporarily -- the law of man That does not mean -- at all -- that he cannot strive -- legally and thru the political system -- to convince his colleagues who make the laws -- of the rightness of his position 7 [END PAGE EIGHT] [BEGIN PAGE NINE] A.L.S. is not the kind of man who says "Personally I am opposed to so and so -- but I can't let my personal beliefs intrude into my public life" Why not? When a man has a belief he holds because of religious persuasion, he is a man I trust -- I may not agree -- but I tend to trust him because he recognizes a higher authority to whom he is answerable For example -- in my own life -- when I argue for a given cause I can do so Ethically Morally From the standpoint of justice From the standpoint of civil rights From the standpoint of human rights Or I can argue from the standpoint of my Christian faith The point is -- I cannot argue purely ethics -- morals -- justice Civil or human rights 8 [END PAGE NINE] [BEGIN PAGE TEN] Because each of those stands is inextricably bound to my religious training and my Christian beliefs Or to say it another way my religious belief is what gives substance my morals, my ethics and so on. Albert Lee Smith is not ashamed to say these things -- and that should give you comfort and confidence that his representation of you will be neither capricious or [sic] expedient I have been concerned enough about the creeping advance of secular humanism in this country to have written 2 book [sic] and produced 5 films on the subject. Further, I travelled widely across this country with[?] the late F.S. to speak to these issues. A.L.S. stands squarely with me in this matter 9 [END PAGE TEN] [BEGIN PAGE ELEVEN] Some people follow the call to righteousness -- others dont [sic] seem to know what it means ALS whether working as a Congressman representing his district in Alabama, as a businessman, as a family man, or as a church leader has stood for righteousness. And is so doing -- he is willing to stand up and be counted I wish I could vote with you in your state I'd vote for Albert Lee Smith 10