AIDS Lecture March 17, 1988 15/3 Current Issues in AIDS By C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General Of the U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Federation of American Health Systems New Orleans, Louisiana March 17,1988 It had been seven days since I had spoke in public about the AIDS epidemic. This was an audience composed of professional and lay health workers and it was an audience I was pleased to address and which could be of tremendous benefit in the government's effort to get out the word about the necessity for education in stemming the spread of the HIV infection. Because of the frequency of these speeches, this audience seemed to be the right one to hear a message already given at the opening plenary session of the 69th annual meeting of the American College of Physicians in New York on the 3rd of March, and to the top aides of Republican senators in Washington on the 17th of February. The user is directed to those speeches and because of that there is no index.