AIDS Lecture August 3, 1987 Address by C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General of the U.S. Pubic Health Service Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented before the International Platform Association Washington, DC August 3, 1987 It was twenty three days since I last spoke publicly about AIDS. The International Platform Association is devoted to better public speaking and it was an honor to be asked to present this lecture to that audience. I began by thanking the Platform Association for the honor of speak to them and suggested that I thought the jury members pay more attention to the issue of AIDS than they did to me personally. This audience, unlike the previous audience I had spoken to on the subject of AIDS, was not a scientific body nor was it a group with a specific interest, such as state legislation, school education, Army recruits, etc. It was instead, a cross-section of the population of America probably better than average intelligence and experience, but nevertheless, not prepared for some of the intricacies of AIDS and its spread. For that reason the vocabulary is directed to a lay audience and the lecture is an attempt to cover the ground without specific reference to the burden of one group or another about the AIDS epidemic. The metaphors I used were appropriate for a general audience. I was very frank in my discussion about how AIDS is spread from one person to another and especially how it is not spread. I tried to be accurate, sufficient graphic without being offensive. Of all the preceding lectures on AIDS, this is probably the best one for an audience with no particular concern about AIDS, except to be part of the education public. I gave examples of other health problems by way of illustrating the problem or the lack of problem with AIDS that I probably would not have done with a more scientifically oriented audience. There is nothing of a factual nature that appears in this lecture that doesn't appear in the previous ones on AIDS, but I had the general impression from audience response that the message was clear and that is all that I could ask. AIDS AIDS in homosexuals Addiction to smoking Blood tests for AIDS antibodies Child abuse Concentration of AIDS virus in blood & semen Drug addiction & AIDS Estimate of the prevalence of AIDS in US Fatality of AIDS; 91% diagnosed in 1981 are dead How AIDS is not spread Immune system Infection rates in homosexual & bisexual men Measles Mystery of the AIDS virus Polio Smallpox Syphilis Teaching young people about AIDS Transmission of AIDS Use of seat belts Women as carriers of AIDS President Ronald Reagan