AIDS lecture April 7, 1987 Address by C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health Department of Health and Human Services Presented to the University of Pennsylvania Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Philadelphia, Pennsylvania April 7, 1987 It was only one day since I had spoken in the same city at the same University when I introduced the Surgeon General's Workshop on Pediatric AIDS. The previous day's lecture had been in the auditorium of the Children's Hospital; this venue was in a classroom of the University Hospital. The audience of an AOA lecture is usually chiefly students, but because of the interest of everyone in AIDS, as well as the paucity of information available, this audience was also filled with faculty and university employees. Unlike the previous day's lecture, I did not confine myself to pediatric AIDS, but tried to cover the subject completely from start to finish and I think I succeeded. However, that means that most of the material in this lecture is repetitious of things said in the last five or six AIDS lectures and I will not repeat them in this introduction. The only new fact that I presented to this audience was the recent finding that researchers had found that cervical secretions also contain the virus and studies on transmission via that source were in progress. Although not new material, I talked about the safety of the blood supply for transfusion in a different way. I told about the discovery of the blood test for AIDS which measured the antibodies to the virus and pointed out that prior to this test the AIDS virus was turning up in something like 4 units of every 10 thousand units of blood collected. Today we estimate that the virus might be present in not more than 4 or 5 units out of every million units collected. There are very few processes in the public health arena that come anywhere near to that close to perfection. Abstinence AIDS education The mysteries of AIDS Blood test for the virus in the blood supply Cervical secretions Children born with AIDS Condoms Demography of AIDS Fundamental values of personal freedom, mutual assistance, and national unity Gonorrhea Growth of international biomedical researchers Hepatitis Heterosexual transmission History of AIDS Homosexual and bisexual men Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Incubation period Inter-generational chain of infection International system of epidemiological reporting Interpretation and misinterpretation of the facts about AIDS Inter-sexual chain of infection Intravenous drug abusers Mutually faithful monogamy relationships Nature of homosexuality & I.V. drug abuse Parents as sex educators Partition of AIDS in Blacks and Hispanics Partitions of congenital AIDS in Blacks and Hispanics Predictions through statistics for 1991 Sex education Sex education as a state and community responsibility Statistics by cities Statistics by states Syphilis Transmission of AIDS Value of education in AIDS Christian Life Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention Lee Iacocca National Coalition of Black & Lesbian Gays National Education Association National PTA State Boards of Education Surgeon General's Report on AIDS Synagogue Council of America Washington Business Group on Health