December 4, 1981 Dear Dr. Koop: Our grass-root groups here in Maryland have come across material we consider dangerous to the mental and physical well-being our the children in this country. We have gathered much material regarding the subject of "Dungeons and Dragons". I personally have spent the last 4 weeks researching this for myself. I called the Mel Gablers in Texas and asked them to forward their materials to you also. We are constantly being sent more of the same material from other groups around the country. Yesterday, I spent 3 hours interviewing a store manager in the downtown Baltimore area. Some of the highlights of the interview were statements like, a. The Dungeon Master is like God! He controls people and their circumstances. b. The Dungeon Master Manual is "The Bible". c. It allows people to escape from reality, and lets them do anything their imagination will allow. You can kill, rape, steal, anything you want, because you can't get caught. They play these games hours on end. One man who came into the store said he works for the city highways dept. and they play Dungeon and Dragons on their lunch hour. He played one game that lasted 20 hours straight. d. While fantasy role-playing you can do anything. What a release from life! We are working on a booklet to be released within the month I hope. We would very much like for you to make a judgment on these techniques. I have enclosed a list of questions that might give you a more detailed description of what is needed. For the record I want you to understand that we are all Christians and we feel this occult activity is what is destroying our country from within. We need some help, if we are to turn it around. Please help us. Our Lord said "You have not because you ask not" I'm asking, Please. The following are our questions: 1. Do the techniques used in D and D put the players at a psychological risk? 2. Could the players experience psychological damage from the techniques advocated in this game. (Fantasy role-playing) 3. Characters within the D and D games are demonic and do not offer the players an alternative, therefore keeping evil in their minds while their under the influence of these psychological techniques? 4. Could this create a mental health problem for the players? 5. If the players become so overwhelmed by the game and it's techniques is their then the possibility of assuming that role and not returning to reality? The next part we think will be helpful for you, to understand the thought processes behind these games. This man is a lifelong science fiction fan and fantasy fan, he edited the basic rule book for TSR Hobbies Inc. of Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. He also has authored other fantasy role-playing games. His name is John Eric Holmes. John Eric Holmes: He's a staff member physician at Los Angeles County Hospital and associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Southern California School of Medicine. He teaches Neurology science, clinical neurology, introduction to medicine, and Sex Education. (in the book of the Gablers see "Confessions of a Dungeon Master") One last question we have is Should our tax money (examples: schools) be used to promote and use these programs and games that utilize these techniques? We are thrilled at your appointment and trust that your impact an things of this magnitude will bring changes in thought processes that come down from the government. We KNOW what our President is doing is right. (Perfect choice of words) We pray God's richest blessings on you and our President, may He keep you safe in this troubled time. Pray for us too! This job is not an easy one. The Humanist's seem to flourish while the Christian get beaten down, But, what they don't realize is, Our God Reigns. If there are any further question, or things you need please feel free to call. In His service, Mrs. Penny Bowen, Pres. HERO "Blessed Is The Nation Who's God Is The Lord!"