Philadelphia | Indulrer Surgeons bend over the twins ‘Spectaf: to -ThejInquires ¢ ED-ECKSTEIN, Children’s Hospital dyring the separation operation The Twins Decision Baby B’s final crisis By Donald C. Drake Inquirer Medical Writer Baby Girl B, the Siamese ‘twin who had been given a chance to live be- cause of a dramatic operation, died . yesterday at Children’s Hospital des- pite desperate attempts to save her. The baby’s death came. 92 days after surgeons separated her from her sister, Baby Girl A, whom sur- geons purposely let die during the op- eration so that Baby girl B might. live. = At birth four-months ago, the two girls had shared only 1% hearts, which at best were strong endugh ta ‘support only one of them. It was not the abnormal heart that eventually killed Baby Girl B, but -liver trouble and an infection that doctors could not stop—not even with the strongest antibiotics. This is the story of the efforts to keep her alive after the operatian Oct. 11. “All along, doctors had feared that ~ the’abnormal! ‘heart could not survive surgery. The thought had been that . the heart might stop the minute they cut the second child from her sister, Or, if she survived , that. part of the : procedure, that the heart could not: continue functioning since it was so abnormal. > ~ But the heart did remarkably’ well. (See TWIN on 4A) « ‘ Philadelphia Inquirer t ROBERT L. MOONEY A saddened Dr. Louise Schnaufer describes the efforts te save the child 4-A Thursday, Jan.12,1978 Philadelphia Inquirer @ i The hospital surgical team had hundreds of tools on hand during the lengthy operation to separate the two baby girls The last crisis of Baby Girl B TWIN, From 1-A Even as recently as a week ago, Dr. Paul Weinberg, the cardiologist for Baby Girl B—all family names have been withheld to protect their privacy — had said that. everything ° looked fine. The heart, with | six instead of the - normal four chambers, was beating - : - shared a fused liver as well as a forcefully and in proper chythm. Dr. Weinberg said it was impossi- ble to say how the extra two cham- bers — from Baby Girl A — were faring. But the abnormality was not ' interfering with the functioning of the heart. But strong heart or not, Baby Girl B encountered one crisis after another. She repeatedly became in- fected because she had been made so vulnerable by her weakened condi- tion and the many insertions of tubes into her body. At one time she suffered a cardiac arrest when she breathed in, or aspi- rated, her food, but emergency mea- sures pulled her through. The clotting factors in her blood periodically dropped to low levels, threatening internal bleeding or a brain hemorrhage. The nursing care was intense. At first a nurse was assigned soiely to her, around the clock, three shifts a day. Every three hours nurses would vibrate her chest and use suction devices to clear her windpipe to keep it free of fluids. They would. also check the ventilator that was: breath- . ing for her and make sure that the intravenous lines and arterial lines and feeding tubes were clear. ““- The overhead warmer was moni- tored constantly. to make sure that her skin temperature always stayed at 36.5 degrees.centigrade ( 97.7 Fah- renheit). Drugs, ments were given to keep in propar balance the constantly changing bio- chemical levels of her body. A bad sign She seemed strong and alert, and for same time it seemed ‘that the medical team was pulling | her through. But despite everything done for her, one ominous reading re- mained dangerously high. : fluids and other supple- This was the level of bilirubin, a biochemical made from worn-out blood cells that the body normally disposes of. That she had too much bilirubin could mean only one thing: Baby Girl B’s liver was not function- “ing properly. The doctors had not expected prob- Jems with the liver. The sisters had heart, but the livers are compara- tively easy to divide in Siamese twin separations. . On two occasions after the sepa- ration, the surgeons took biopsies, or samples, of the liver to see whether Baby Girl B’s was badly diseased or damaged. The pathologists were shocked by what they saw under the microscope on both occasions. Looking at samples taken from three different parts of the liver, Dr. C. L. Witzleben, chief pathologist, could find no normal liver cells. Judging from the samples, the twin’s liver was essentially dead. And with- out a liver, the child would be dead within 24 hours. Py The surgeons later determined that they must have inadvertently taken samples from the scar site where the liver had been separated from Baby Girl A’s during the surgery. But in any event, something was decidedly wrong. Dr. Philip G. Holtzapple, a liver specialist, was summoned. Functioning _ Tests indicated that the liver was still performing the functions on which Baby Girl B’s life depended. It was still releasing glucose needed for energy, it was still making the substances that prevent internal hem- orrhages, and it was cleaning the blood of toxins such as ammonia from the intestines. But in liver disease, these functions are the last to cease. The continued high bilirubin level indicated that the liver was being destroyed more every day. By last week Dr. Holtzapple held out little hope. The destructive proc- ess had been going on too long. At best, Baby Girl B had only a few years to live. At worst, death could come suddenly. One of the questions that had been raised was whether the physicians should try to resuscitate the baby if she had another cardiac arrest. If she had no future, why subject her and her parents to the trauma of life-saving attempts that at best would put off death by only a few weeks or months? But on the basis of the biopsies, Dr. Holtzapple could not be absolutely cer- tain. He could not put a figure on the child’s chances: certainly they were less than 10 percent, probably much less. The doctors therefore felt that they could do nothing less than everything to save Baby Girl B should her heart suddenly stop. Beginning of the end The firt sign that the end was be- ginning for Baby Girl B came Mon- day when doctors and nurses noticed a swelling around her eyes. She became listless and lost inter- est in the pacifier she had been suck- ing on. The acidic level on her blood went up. The acidic levels got worse the next day, and on Tuesday the plate- lets, clotting factors in her blood, began to drop. This was strongly indicative of an infection coursing through her blood. Antibiotics were pumped by intrave- nous line directly into her blood. But they were for naught. The liver disease and the tubes into her body had left her too vulnerable, and the infection could not be stop- pe a Her heart stopped at 2 a.m. yester- lay. Emergency call The nurse on duty immediately de- tected this, and an emergency call for help was sounded. A dozen doc- tors and murses swarmed into Room 4016 — one of the six pediatric inten- sive-care isolation units. Under the direction of Dr. Colette O'Keeffe, the anesthesiologist on duty, and Dr. W. Clark Hargrove, the sur- geon, the quickly assembled team struggled to restart the heart. The drugs atropine and epinephrine were injected into her circulation to make her heart beat faster and with more force. Sodium bicarbonate was given to counteract the acid that was building up in her blood — a lethal waste product of oxygen-starved cells that were dying. Calcium was giver to help the heart. Baby Girl B’s heart rate, which should have been 110, slowly climbed from 50 to 100 as the drugs took ef- fect. But then down it went again, to 30 this time. More atropine, calcium, -epineph- rine were injected. Dr. O'Keeffe pressed down hard on the baby’s chest, squeezing the stilled heart between the bones of the chest and mechanically forcing the blood to circulate. The heart rate went up again but only to 90 this time. This process was repeated again and again. Each time the heart re- sponded less effectively. — Dr. C. Everett Koop, chief of sur- gery at Children’s and the baby’s pri- mary physician, was on vacation in Texas. But his assistant, Dr. Louise Schnaufer, related the anxious devel- opments by telephone. . His orders to her were to continue the resuscitation attempt even though 7 responses were becoming negligi- ble. ae . Finally, a little before 4, two hours after the heart had stopped, the doc- tors could get no response with any of their drugs. Baby Girl B was declared dead at 4:04 a.m. 4 )Doctors will never know why the ver failed, The:.parents, Orthodox ews, refused fo permit an autopsy. ” Rabbi M. D. Tendler, an authority on Jewish law, had advised the par- ents, who called him yesterday morn- ing, that an autopsy would be per- missible in such‘a case as this. In fact, he said, there was a reli- gious obligation since such an au- topsy would not be a “fishing trip” but something that might help pre- vent similar deaths in the future. But Baby Girl B’s grandfather, himself a rabbi, felt differently, and the family declined. Why did Baby Girl B die? Yesterday, Rabbi Tendier at- tempted an answer: “This big question of why do the tests of humility and faith — humility because we don’t have a handle to analyze it and faith that there is a master scheme for the world. “One thing we oan be certain of—it was not an act of randomness. It was mot an act of arbitrariness. There must be a scheme to this if you have any concept of God as being an om- niscient being ... . a rational being and not a fellow standing up there and playing games, amusing himself at our expense. There must be a rationals to all of this.”