: } Dr. Koop Tells of Twin’s Tragic Death—Page 48 Saxe Che Evening Bulletin THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 pi ELEPEEN CENTS Dr. Koop Explains How Alta Choked By HENRY R. DARLING Of The Bulletin Staff Dr. C. Everett Koop pointed to the second button down from the top on his shirt and said: “It was stuck just about here.” He was pointing to the relative loca- tion in his own body of the bean that caught in the throat of Altagracia Rodriguez and killed her. “It was stuck so tightly and so far down that no slap on the back, no Heimlich maneuver, nothing could have saved her. Even if it had hap- pened in the operating room we couldn’t have saved her. Her mother estiraates she was dead in 90 sec- onds.”’ Alta Rodriguez, the 3 year-c!d for- mer Siamese twin sister of Clara, choked to death last Friday in the yard of her home in Las Auyamas, a country village high in the mountains of the Dominican Repub yc Clara and Alta were separated in an historic operation at Philadelphia's Children’s Hospital on Sept. 1s, 1974, by a team of surgeons working with Dr. Koop. Dr. C. Everett Koop Now they have been separated again, by a common green bean, an ‘“habituala’ bean, not much bigger than a kidney bean, Dr. Koop said, rat Aila apparently pul in her mouth and swallowed while sneezing or laughing. In a press conference at the hospital yesterday, Dr. Koop said he left for the Dominican Republic last Sunday as soon as he learned of the tragedy. He said he was shocked, not only by Alta’s death, but also by the attitude of the newspapers in Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic. “They are blaming the twins’ mother, Mrs. Farida Rodriguez, for Alta's death,’ he said. “They say she was at fault for tak- ing the children to Las Auyamas where there is no medical care, that she wasn’t watching them carefully enough and that because they have ar- tificial organs, they needed special care. “Well, it was ry feelirpg that they would be better off in the country at- mosphere of Las Aryamas instead of the city. There has been some thought that Alta had choked on a coffee bean The yard where she w’s pla ‘ing next [9 the Rodriguez home and store is paved with cencrete ta form a drying area for coffee beans. But Dr. Koop said the drying seascn was over and the object that stuck in Alta’s throat was definitely a green bean of the type the twins’ father, Sal- vador, sells in the grocery. He de- ccribed the tragedy as ‘‘the most { eakish accident I have ever seen.” [ r Koop, who was the twins’ godfa- ther satd the funeral was held over anil his arrival Sunday. The funeral y~acession began from the Rodriguez’ new home in San Jose de Ocoa, a la-ger tuwn about 14 miles from Las A ‘aras. The home was built for the family by the Dominican Republic geverr nent after the birth of the twins As the procession passed through the town, people kept joining it in ac- cu rdance with Dominican tradition,” the physician said. ‘‘By the time we get to the church, we had picked up” 1, 0 people.”’ - ” The Rev. Louis Quinn, rector of the San Jose church, met the procession at he toor and helped carry the cas- st to tre front of the church. Dr. vo whe has a degree from the Eastern Baptist College, delivered the wserm 7