February 1986 Curriculum Vitae C. EVERETT KOOP, M.D., Sc.D. Home Address: 4 West Drive Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Present Position: Surgeon General, USPHS & Department of Health and Human Services Room 716G Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, S.wW. Washington, D.C. 20201 (202) 245-6467 (301) 443-4000 (Rockville Office) Social Security No.: Sy Date of Birth: October 14, 1916 Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York Marital Status: Married 1938 - Elizabeth Children: Allen Van Benschoten, 1944 Norman Apel, 1946 David Charles Everett, 1947-1968 Elizabeth Thompson, 1951 Education: 1937 A.B. Dartmouth College 1941 M.D. Cornell Medical School 1947 Sc.D. Graduate School of Medicine, Univ. of Pa. (Med. ) Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments: 1941-42 Intern in Medicine, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. 1942-47 Harrison Fellow in General Surgery and Research Surgery, Univ. of Pa. Sehool of Medicine 1946 Fellow in Pediatric Surgery, Children's Hospital, Boston, Mass. Faculty Appointments: 1942-44 = Assistant Instructor in Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Mezizcine 1944-47 Instructor in Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine 1946 Fellow in Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital 1947-49 Associate in Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine ®#* 1949-51 Assistant Professor of Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of-Mecicine #Also serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Director, Office of International Health ##1947-19€4 Dr. Koop also heli same ranks in the Graduate School of Medicine, Univ. of Pa. Faculty Appointments: (Continued) 1951-52 1952-59 1959-84 1976-84 1982 1984 Assistant Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine Professor of Pediatrics, Univ. of Pa. School of Medicine Professor, Department of Surgery, USUHS Professor Emeritus Hospital and Administrative Appointments: 1947 1948-81 1981 1958-63 1958-53 1963-78 1972-81 1973-74 Assistant Surgeon, Hospital of the Univ. of Pa. Surgeon-in-Chief, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Surgeon-in-Chief, Emeritus, The Caildren's Hospital of Philadelphia President, Active Staff, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia President, Executive committee of the Medical Staff, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Surgical Consultant, U.S. Naval Hospital of Philadelphia Consultant in Surgery (Pediatrics), Pennsylvania Hospital President, Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Specialty Certification: 1942 1948 1975 Licensure: Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners Diplomate, American Board of Surgery Special Competence in Pediatric Surgery, American Boar? of Surgery Pennsylvania New Jersey Awaris, Honors and Membership in Honorary Societies: 1950 197.1 1974 1975 1975 1975 Sigma Xi The Denis Brown Gold Medal presented by the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons Jacob D. Ehrenzeller Award, Ex-Residents Association of Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia The Order Duarte, Sanchez, and Mella--The Dominican Republic's Highest Award presented by Joaquin Balaguer, President Distinguished Achievement Award presented by the Golden Slipper Club of Philadelphia Presbyterian Man of the Year Award -- Presbyterian Social Jnior, Philadelphia Awards, Honors and Membership in Honorary Societies: (Continued) 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1977 1980 1981 1981 1982 1983 Medical Achievers Award presented by Wheels, Inc. of Philadelphia Super Achiever of the Year Award presented by the Philadelphi Chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Drexel University Engineering and Science Day Award, Philadelphia The Man of the Year Award presented by the Jewish Community Chaplaincy Service Ladd Gold Medal of the American Academy of Pediatrics Copernicus Medal, Surgical Society of Poland Chevalier, French Legion of Honor Gold Medal of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Medal of the City of Marseilles, France Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, London PHS Distinguished Service Medal Memberships in Professional and Seientific Societies: National-International Societies: American Medical Association American Surgical Association American College of Surgeons (Fellow) American Academy of Pediatrics (Fellow) Society of University Surgeons British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (Council 1963-79) Pan American Medical Association, Ine. (President, Section on Pediatrie Surgery 1964- ) International Society of Surgery Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Kinderchirurgie American Pediatric Surgical Association (President, 1971-72> Marseille Surgical Society College of Surgeons of the Dominican Republic Local Societies: College of Physicians of Philadelpnia (Fellow) Philadelphia Academy of Surgery Philadelphia County Medical Society Philadelphia Pediatrie Society Philadelphia Physiological Society Editorial Positions: 1961-64 1964-75 1964-91 1970-81 1982 Surgery Editor, Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Pediatric Surgery Editorial Board, Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurg:e an: Grenzgebiete Editorial Consultant, Japanese Journal of Pediatric Surgery and Medicine Chairman, Editorial Board, PHS Reports Committee and Board Memberships: International: Executive Committee, World Health Organization Executive Committee, Pan American Health Organization National: Cancer Committee; American Academy of Pediatrics Accident Prevention Committee, American Academy of Pediatrics Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons, Committee on Patient Care and Research Surgical Steering Committee, Children's Cancer Study Group Cancer Committee, American Pediatrie Surgical Association Board of Regents, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Board of Regents, National Library of Medicine Board of Governors, Armed Forces Institute of Pathologcy Board of Governors, Gorgas Memorial Laboratory President, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, 1981-82 Executive Council, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States PHS Committee, International Year of Disabled Persons tate: Arbitration Panel for Health Care, Commonwealth of Pa. Member of Board for “Health, Occupation, Career and Placement Office, Inc." Local: Committee on Medicine and Religion, Philadelphia County Medical Society U.S. Government Workshops, Symposia, and Task Forces: Surgeon General's Workshop: Children with Handicaps and Their Families December 1982, Philadelphia Liver Transplant Consensus Conference, NIH, June 1983 Organ Procurement Workshop, Project Hope, June 1983 Federal Symposium: Role of the Health Professional in Medical Readiness, Monterey, California, July 1983 DHHS Task Force: Baby Doe Regulations 1983 DHHS Task Force: Alzheimer's Disease 1983 Joint PHS/Administration on Aging Work Group Surgeon General's Workshop on Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, University of Rochester Medical Center, 1984 Surgeon General's Workshop on Violence and Public Health, Leesburg, Va. 1985 U.S.Government Lectureships: Luther Terry Honorary Lectureship - 1982 "A Philosophy of Aging" Julia M. Jones Memorial Lecture, 1984 American Lung Association Honorary Degrees: 1960 1968 1968 1978 1979 1979 1980 1983 1983 1985 1985 Eastern Baptist College, Doctor of Laws University of Liverpool, Doctor of Medicine Wheaton College, Doctor of Humane Letters Gwynedd-Mercy College, Doctor of Medical Science Washington and Jefferson College, Doctor of Science Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Doctor of Laws Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary, Doctor of Humane Letters Marquette University, Doctor of Science LaSalle College, Doctor of Laws New York Medical College, Doctor of Science Eastern Michigan University, Doctor of Science 19 11 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY C. Everett Koop, M.D., Sc.D. (Med.) Martin, H., Koop, C.E.: The Precancerous Mouth Lesions of Avitaminosis B. Amer. J. Surg. 57:195, 1942. Koop, C.E., Riegel, C., Vars, H.M., Ratcliffe, H.L., Parkins, W.M., Lockwood, J.S.: Observations on Toxicity and Elimination of Gelatin. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 205:876, 1943. Rhoads, J.E., Riegel, C., Koop, C.E., Ravdin, I.S.: The Problem of Nutrition in Patients with Gastric Lesions Requiring Surgery. Western J. Surg., Obst. and Gyn. 51:229, 1943. Parkins, W.M., Koop, C.E., Riegel, C., Vars, H.M., Lockwood, J.S.: Gelatin as a Plasma Substitute: With Particular Reference to Experimental Hemorrhage and Burn Shock. Ann. Surg. 118:193, 1943. Koop, C.E., Fletcher, A.G., Jr., Riegel, C.: Some Clinical Experience with Gelatin as a Plasma Substitute. Amer. J. Med. Sei. 207:415, 1944. Koop, C.E., Fletcher, A.G., Jr., Riegel, C., Lockwood, J.S.: Gelatin as a Plasma Substitute. A Preliminary Report of Clinical Experience. Surgery 15:839, 1944, Koop, C.E.: The Use of Specially Prepared Gelatin Solution as a Plasma Substitute. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 24:1300, 1944. Koop, C.E., Buliitt, L.: Gelatin as a Plasma Substitute. The Effect of Gelatin Infusion on the Subsequent Typing and Cross-Matching of the Blood, with a Method of Eliminating the Phenomenon of Pseudoagglutination. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 209:28, 1945. Koop, C.E.: The Management of Shock and Hemorrhage. Clinics 3:1586, 1945. Riegel, C., Rhoads, J.E., Koop, C.E., Grigger, R.P., Bullitt, L., Barrus, D.: Dietary Requirements for Nitrogen Equilibrium in the Period Immediately Following Certain Major Surgical Operations. Amer. J. Med. Sei. 210:133, 1945. Fletcher, A.G., Jr., Hardy, J.D., Riegel, C., Koop, C.E.: Gelatin as a Plasma Substitute. The Effects of Intravenous Infusion of Gelatin on Cardiac Output and Other Aspects of the Circulation of Normal Persons, of Chronically I11 Patients, and of Normal Volunteers Subjected to Large Hemorrhage. J. Clin. Invest. 24:405, 1945. Riegel, C., Koop, C.E., Grigger, R.P., Rhoads, J.E., Bullitt, L.: The Protein Requirements of Surgical Patients During the Postoperative Period. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 25:1096, 1945 Bibliography Page 2 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Riegel, C., Koop, C.E., Grigger, R.P.: Failure of Methionine to Recuce Nitrogen Loss in Postoperative Herniorrhaphy Patients on Restricted Diet. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 62:7, 1946. Koop, C.E.: The Management of Parenteral Fluids in Geriatrics. Geriatrics 1:269, 1946. Mayock, R.L., Koop, C.E., Riegel, C., Kough, N.T., Starr, I.: Convalescence from Surgical Procedures III. The Relation of Nitroger Balance and Blood Volume to Abnormalities of the Circulation. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 212:591, 1946. Koop, C.E., Drew, J.H., Riegel, C., Rhoads, J.E.: Studies on Nutrition. The Effect of Preoperative Force-Feeding on Surgical Patients. Ann. Surg. 124:1165, 1946. Drew, J.H., Koop, C.E., Grigger, R.P.: A Nutritional Study of Neurosurgical Patients. With Special Reference to Nitrogen Balance an2 Convalescence in the Postoperative Period. J. Neurosurg. 4:7, 1947. Riegel, C., Koop, C.E., Drew, J.H., Stevens, L.W., Rhoads, J.E.: The Nutritional Requirements for Nitrogen Balance in Surgical Patients During the Early Postoperative Period. J. Clin. Invest. 26:18, 1947. Koop, C.E.: Plasma Substitutes. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 213:233, 1947. Koop, C.E., Riegel, C., Grigger, R.P., Barnes, M.T.: A Study of Protein Hydrolysates, Ossein Gelatin and Glucose in Parenteral Nutrition. Dia. Med. 19:1934, 1947. Koop, C.E., Riegel, C., Grigger, R.P., Barnes, M.T.: Un Estudio de los Hidrolizados de Proteinas de Gelatina Osea Y Glucosa en la Nitricion Parenteral. Dia. Med. 19:1934, 1947. Koop, C.E., Perlingiero, J.G., Weiss, W.: Cicatrizing Enterocolitis in a Newborn Infant. Amer. J. Med. Sci. 214:27, 1947. Koop, C.E., Jordan, H.E., Horn, R.C.: Neurilemmoma of the Pharynx. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 85:641, 1947. Koop, C.E.: Gelatin Solutions as a Plasma Substitute. Mod. Hosp. 72:86, 1949. Riegel, C., Koop, C.E., Schwegman, C.W., Barnes, M.T., Grigger, R.P.: An Evaluation of Mixtures of Ossein Gelatin, Hydrolyzed Protein, an¢ Glucose in the Parenteral Nutrition of Postoperative Patients. Surgery 25:672, 1949. Bibliography Page 3 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Koop, C.E., Ratcliff, H.L., Michie, A.J.: Intravenous Administration of Gelatin and Histologic Changes in the Kidney. AMA Arch. Surg. 53:185, 1949. Koop, C.E.: The Management of Imperforate Anus. Penn. Med. J. 53:248, 1950. Howard, J.M., Rawson, A.J., Koop, C.E., Horn, R.C., Royster, H.P.: Parotid Tumors in Children. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 90:307, 1950. Michie, A.J, Koop, C.E., Walker, J.M., Ragni, M.C., Tracy, J.: Renal Hemodynamics Following Intravenous Administration of Gelatin. J. Appl. Physiol. 4:677, 1952. Kiesewetter, W.B., Koop, C.E.: The Surgeon’s Role in the Managemen: of Obstructive Jaundice in Infancy. Bull. Ayer Clin. Lab. 4:55, 1952. Koop, C.E.: Certain Aspects of Surgery of the Newborn. Delaware Mec. J. 24:152, 1952. Koop, C.E.: Undescended Testicle. Differential Diagnosis and Management. Med. Clin. N. Amer. 36:1779, 1952. Koop, C.E., Johnson, J.: Transthoracic Repair of Diaphragmatic Hernia in Infants. Ann. Surg. 136:1007m 1952. Koop, C.E.: Surgical Problems in Childhood. Symposium, Undescended Testicle: Differential Diagnosis and Management. Pediatrics 11:280, 1953. Michie, A.J., Koop, C.E., Blakemore, W.B., Ragni, M.C.: Effect of Modified Fluid Gelatin on Renal Function. J. Appl. Physiol. 5:621, 1953. Koop, C.E.: The Place of Pediatric Surgery in Surgical Training. Surgery 33:766, 1953. Koop, C.E.: Intestinal Obstruction in the Neonatal Period. Advance Pediat. 6:63, 1953. Koop, C.E., Kiesewetter, W.B.: Extra-Hepatic Atresia of the Bile Ducts. Ann. Surg. 139:506, 1954. Koop, C.E., Kiesewetter, W.B., Johnson, J.: Treatment of Altresia of the Esophagus by the Transpleural Approach. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 98:687, 1954. Bibliography Page 4 C. Everett Koop, M.D. ko. 41. 42. 43. uy, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Kiesewetter, W.B., Koop, C.E.: Annular Pancreas in Infancy. Surgery 36:146, 1954. Kiesewetter, W.B., Koop, C.E., Farquhar, J.D.: Surgical Jaundice in Infancy. Pediatrics 15:149, 1955. Kiesewetter, W.B., Nelson, P.K., Palladino, V.S., Koop, C.E.: Neonatal Torticollis. JAMA 1957:1281, 1955. Horn, R.C., Jr., Yakovac, W.C., Kaye, R., Koop, C.E.: Rhabdomyosarcoma (Sarcoma Botryoides) of the Common Bile Duct. Cancer 8:468, 1955. Koop, C.E., Kiesewetter, W.B., Horn, R.C., Jr.: Neuroblastoma in Childhood. Surgery 38:272, 1955. Rhoads, J.E., Koop, C.E.: the Surgical Management of Imperforate Anus. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 35:1251, 1955. Koop, C.E., Kiesewetter, W.B., Horn, R.C., Jr.: Neuroblastoma in Childhood. An Evaluation of Surgical Management. Pediatrics 16:652, 1955. Kiesewetter, W.B., Cancelmo, R., Koop, C.E.: Rectal Bleeding in Infants and Children. J. Pediat. 47:660, 1955. Koop, C.E.: Physiologic Considerations in the Surgery of Infants. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 35:1745, 1955. Koop, C.E., Mellish, R.W.P.: Some Aspects of Nutrition in Pediatric Surgical Patients. Amer. J. Clin. Nutr. 3:487, 1955. Horn, R.C., Jr., Koop, C.E., Kiesewetter, W.B.: Neuroblastoma in Childhood. Clinicopathologiec Study of Forty-four Cases. Lab. Invest. 5:106, 1956. Koop, C.E.: Rectal Bleeding in Infants and Children. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 3:207, 1956. Hutchingon, R.C., Koop, C.E.: Lines of Cleavage in the Skin of the Newborn Infant. Anat. Rec. 126:299, 1955. Koop, C.E.: The Management of Pectus Excavatum. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 36:1627, 1956. Bishop, H.C., Koop, C.E.: Management of Meconium Ileus: Resection, Roux-en-Y Anastomosis and Ileostomy Irrigation with Pancreatic Enzymes. Ann. surg. 145:410, 1957. Bibliography - Page 5 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 55. 56. 57. 58. 39. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. Koop, C.E.: Tumors In Children. Pennsylvania Cancer Manual. Chapter 29, 1954. Michie, A.J., Koop, C.E.: Late Results of Utero-Sigmoidostomy in Children. Surgery 42:579, 1957. Koop, C.E.: Inguinal Herniorrhaphy in Infants and Children. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 37:1675, 1957. Koop, C.E.: Observations on Undescended Testes. I. Significance of the Empty Scrotum and Indications for Orchidopexy. AMA Arch. Surg. 75:891, 1957. Koop, C.E., Minor, C.L.: Observations on Undescended Testes. II. he Technique of Surgical Management. AMA Arch. Surg. 75:898, 1957. Koop, C.E., Roddy, S.R.: Colonic Replacement of Distal Esophagus and Proximal Stomach in the Management of Bleeding Varices in Children. Ann. Surg. 147:17, 1958. Bishop, H.C., Koop, C.E.: Acquired Eventration of the Diaphragm in Infancy. Pediatrics 22:1088, 1958. Harris, J.H., Jr., O'Hara, A.E., Koop, C.E.: Operative Cholangiography in the Diagnosis of Prolonged Jaundice in Infancy. Radiology 71:805, 1958. Ash, R., Johnson, J., Koop, C.E., Friedman, S., Rashkind, W.: Cardiovascular Surgery in a Children's Hospital. I. Acyanotic Lesions. A Review of 241 Operations. J. Pediat. 54:133, 1959. Ash, R., Johnson, J., Koop, C.E., Friedman, S., Rashkind, W.: Cardiovascular Surgery in a Children's Hospital. II. Cyanotic Lesions. A Review of 193 Operations. J. Pediat. 54:348, 1959. Koop, C.E.: Emergency Surgery of the Newborn. Clin. Symposia 11:25, 1959. Hope, J.W., Koop, C.E.: Differential Diagnosis of Mediastinal Masses. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 6:379, 1959. Minor, C.L., Koop, C.E.: Experiences with the Management of Plexiform Neurofibroma. Pediatrics 24:482, 1959. Kaye, R., Koop, C.E., Wagner, B.M., Picou, D., Yakovac, W.C.:.. Needle Biopsy of the Liver. An Aid in the Differential Diagnosis of Prolonged Jaundice in Infancy. AMA J. Dis. Child. 98:699, 1959. Bibliography Page 6 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 69. : 70. 71. T2. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. Koop, C.E.: Abdominal Tumors in Infants and Children. Aret..Dis. Child. 35:1, 1960. Bishop, H.C., Hope, J.W., Koop, C.E.: Meconium Ileus: A Medical and Surgical Challenge. Postgrad. Med. 28:67, 1960. Koop, C.E.: The Successful Separation of Pygopagous Twins. Surgery 49:271, 1961. Mellish, R.W.P., Koop, C.E.: Clinical Manifestations of Duplication of the Bowel. Pediatrics 27:397, 1961. Koop, C.E., Moschakis, E.A.: Capillary Lymphangioma of the Tongue Complicated by Glossitis. Pediatrics 27:800, 1961. Koop, C.E.: Nephroblastoma and Neuroblastoma in Children. Amer. J. Surg. 101:566, 1961. Koop, C.E., Verhagen, A.D.: Early Management of Atresia of the Esophagus. Collective Review. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 113:103, 1961. Reis, R.L., Koop, C.E.: Ovarian Tumors in Infants and Children. J. Pediat. 60:96, 1962. Koop, C.E.: Diaphragmatic Hernia: An Urgent Problem in Infants. Consultant, SKF 2:30, January 1962. Hope, J.W., Koop, C.E.: Abdominal Tumors in Infants and Children. A Monograph. Med. Radiogr. Photogr. 38:2, 1962. Kasai, M., Yakovac, W.C., Koop, C.E.: Liver in Congenital Biliary Atresia and Neonatal Hepatitis. A Histopathologic Study. Arch. Path. 74:152, 1962. Koop, C.E.: Surgical Problems in Childhood. A Symposium and Panel Discussion. JAMA 181:979, 1962. Koop, C.E.: Atresia of the Esophagus: Technical Considerations in Surgical Management. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 42:1386, 1962. Hope, J.W., Borns, P.F., Koop, C.E.: Radiologic Diagnosis of Mediastinal Masses in Infants and Children. Radiol. Clin. N. Amer. 1:17, 1963. Young, R.B., Steiker, D.D., Bongiovanni, A.M., Koop, C.E., Eberlein, W.R.: Urinary Vanilmandelic Acid (VMA) Excretion in Children: Use of a Simple Semiquantitative Test. J. Pediat. 62:84, 1963. “ Bibliography Page 7 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. gu. 95. 96. 97. 98. Polgar, G., Koop, C.E.: Pulmonary Function in Pectus Excavatun. Pediatrics 32:209, 1963. Hope, J.W., Borns, P.F., Koop, C.E.: Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroblastoma and Embryoma of the Kidney. Radiol. Clin. N. Amer. 13593, 1963. Koop, C.E.: Clinical Advances in Pediatric Surgery. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 11:33, 1964. Koop, C.E.: Current Management of Nephroblastoma and Neuroblastoma. Amer. J. Surg. 107:497, 1964. Bishop, H.C., Koop, C.E.: Surgical Management of Duplications of the Alimentary Tract. Amer. J. Surg. 107, 434, 1964. Koop, C.E.: Experiences with 100 Neuroblastomas in Infancy and Childhood. Arch. Dis. Child. 39:204, 1964. Koop, C.E., Tewarson, I.P : Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Head and Neck in Children. Ann. Surg. 160:95, 1964. The Mesentery and Omentum (Chapter 84) in Bockus, H.S. (Ed.), Rhoads, J.E., Koop, C.E. Gastroenterology, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1964. Koop, C.E., Kavianian, A.: Colonic Replacement of Distal Esophagus and Proximal Stomach in the Management of Bleeding Varices in children. A Reappraisal. Surgery 57:454, 1965. Koop, C.E., Hope, J.W., Abir, &.: Management of Wilms' Tumor (Nephroblastoma) and Abdominal Neuroblastoma. Cancer 14:178, 1964. Koop, C.E., Hernandez, J.R.: Neuroblastoma - Experience with 100 Cases in Childhood. Surgery 56:726, 1964. McKusick, V.A., Bauer, R.L., Koop, C.E., Scott, R.B.: Hydrometrocoipos as a Simply Inherited Malformation. JAMA 189:813, 1964. Pyloromyotomy for Pyloric Stenosis (Chapter 127) in Cooper, H.L. (E¢.), Koop, C.E. Craft of Surgery, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1964. Koop, C.E.: Malignant Tumors in Childhood. Clin. Proc. Child. Hosp. Dist. Col. 20:149, 1965. Hamilton, J.P., Koop, C.E.: Ganglioneuromas in Children. Surg. Gynec. Obstet. 121:803, 1965. Bibliography Page 8 C. Everett Koop, M..D 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 111. Koop, C.E., Hamilton, J.P.: Atresia of the Esophagus: Increased Survival with Staged Procedures in the Poor Risk Patient. Ann. Surg. 162:389, 1965. Goulding, E.I., Koop, C.E.: The Newborn and His Response to Surgery. Amer. J. Nursing 65:84, 1965. Hamilton, J.P., Baker, L., Kaye, R., Koop, C.E.: Subtotal Pancreatectomy in the Management of Severe Persistent, Idiopathic Hypoglycemia in Children. Pediatrics 1:49-58, 1967. , Surgery for Peptic Ulcer (Section 6, Digestive Tract) in Gellis, S.S., Kagan, B.M. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Current Pediatric Therapy, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphiua, 1966. Koop, C.E.: the Choice of Surgical Procedures in Hirschsprung's Disease. J. Pediat. Surg. 1:523, 1966. Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Infants and Children (Chapter 28) in Blakemore, W.S. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Current Perspectives in Gastroenterology, Harper & Row (Hoeber Medical Division), New York, 1966. Regional Considerations in Surgical Bleeding (Chapter) in Ulin, £&.W., Gollub, S.S. (Ed.), Johnson, D.G., Djerassi, I., Koop, C.E. Surgical Bleeding, McGraw Hill (Pediatrics), New York, 1966. Koop, C.E.: The Death of a Child. Bulletin American College of Surgeons 62:4, July-Aug. 1967. Johnson, D.G., Maceira, F., Koop, C.E.: Wilms’ Tumor Treated with Actinomycin D: The Relationship of Age and Extent of Disease to Survival. J. Pediat. Surg. 2:13-21, 1967. Congenital Diseases (Chapter 6) in Davis, L. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Christopher's Textbook of Surgery (9th Ed.), W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1968. Koop, C.E., Hamilton, J.P.: Atresia of the Esophagus: Factors Affecting Survival in 249 Cases. Zeitschrift Fur Kinderchurgie Band 5 Heft 3/4 April 1968. Koop, C.E.: The Role of Surgery in Resectable, Nonresectable and Metastatic Neuroblastoma. JAMA 205:157, 1968. Johnson, D.G., Deaner, R.M., Koop, C.E.: Diaphragmatic Hernia in Infancy: Factors Affecting the Mortality Rate. Surgery 62:1082, 1957. Bibliography Page 9 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 17. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126, Parodi-Hueck, L.E., Koop, C.E.: Subhyoid Midline Ectopic Thyroid Tissue in the Absence of Normal Thyroid Gland. J. Pediat. Surg. 3:710, 1968. Koop, C.E.: The Seriously Ill or Dying Child: Supporting the Patient and the Family. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 16:555, 1969. Rosenlund, M.L., Koop, C.E.: Duodenal Ulcer in Childhood. Pediatrics 45:283, 1970. Yang, S., Koop, C.E.: Neuroblastoma: Surgery and Survival Experience in 150 Patients. J. of Surg. Society, Republic of China 3:26, 1979. Wagget, J., Koop, C.E.: Wilms' Tumor: The Place of Pre-Operative Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Management of Massive Tumors. Cancer 26:2, 1970. Wagget, J., Bishop, H.C., Koop, C.E.: Experience with Gastrografin Enema in the Treatment of Meconium Ileus. J. Pediat. Surg. 5:649, 1970. Koop, C.E.: Recent Advances in the Surgery of Oesophageal Atresia. Progress in Pediat. Surg. 2:41, 1971. Koop, C.E.: Recent Advances in Post-Operative Management of Newborn Infants. Progress in Pediat. Surg. 2:15, 1971. Pyloromyotomy for Pyloric Stenosis (Chapter 128) in Cooper, H.L. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Craft of Surgery (2nd Ed.), Little, Brown and Co., Inc., Boston, 1971. D'Angio, G.J., Evans, A.E., Koop, C.E.: A Special Pattern of Widespread Neuroblastoma with a Favorable Prognosis. The Lancet Journal 1045- 1049, 1971. Koop, C.E., Johnson, D.G.: Neuroblastoma: An Assessment of Therapy in Reference to Staging. J. Pediat. Surg. 6:595, 1971. Koop, C.E.: The Neuroblastoma. Progress in Pediat. Surg. 4:1, 1972. Karjoo, M., Koop, C.E., Cornfield, D., Holtzapple, P.G.: Pancreatic Exocrine Enzyme Deficiency Associated with Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy. Arch. Dis. Child. 48:143, 1973. The Surgeon, Physician, Child, and Family: Interpersonal Relationships (Chapter 1) in Gans, S.L. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Surgical Pediatrics, Grune and Stratton, Ine., New York, 1973. The Seriously Ill or Dying child: Supporting the Patient and the Family (Chapter 4) in Gans, S.L. (Ed.), Koop, C.E. Surgical Pediatries, Grune and Stratton, Inc., New York, 1973. Bibliography Page 10 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. ‘40. Koop, C.E.: Abdominal Masses in the Newborn. N. Eng. J. of Med. 289:569, 1973. Evans, A., Borns, P., Donaldson, M., Koop, C.E.: Cure of the Child with Cancer. Penn. Med. 53-57, 1973. Koop, C.E., Kaufmann, H.J.: The Diagnosis of Cancer in Children. Seminars in Oncology 1:5, 1974. Meadows, A.T., Lichtenfeld, J.L., Koop, C.E.: Wilms' Tumor in Three Children of a Woman with Congenital Hemihypertrophy. N. Eng. J. Med. 291:23, 1974. Koop, C.E.: Separating the Siamese Twins: The Surgeon's Story. Medical World News 11:90, 1974. Evans, A.E., Arey, J.B., Brady, L.W., Koop, C.E., Kramer, S.: Criteria for Optimal Care of Children with Cancer. Phila. Med. 70:525, 1974. Koop, C.E., Schnaufer, L., Broennle, A.M.: Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Supportive Measures that Affect Survival. Pediatrics 54:558, 1974. Koop, C.E.: Biliary Atresia and the Kasai Operation. Pediatrics 55:9, 1975. Schnaufer, L., Koop, C.E.: Silastic Abdominal Patch for Temporary Hepatomegaly in Stage IV-S Neuroblastoma. J. Pediat. Surg. 10:73, 1975. Koop, C.E., Schnaufer, L.: The Management of Abdominal Neuroblastoma. Cancer 35:905, 1975. Koop, C.E., Kaufmann, H.J.: The Diagnosis of Cancer in Children. Aggiornamenti in Oncologia Clinica 1:6, 1975. Progressive Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction of the Newborn, Koop, C.E. (Editorial) J. of Pediat. Surg. 10:169, 1975. Koop, C.E., Schnaufer, L., Thompson, G., Haecker, T., Dalrymple, D.: the Social, Psychological and Economic Problems of the Patient's Family After Successful Repair of Oesophageal Atresia. Kinderchirurgie 17:3, 1975. Evans, A.E., D'Angio, G.J., Koop, C.E.: Foreword: Symposium on Pediatrie Oncology. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 23:1, 1976. Bibliography Page 11 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 144, 142. 143. Thy, 145. 146. a7, 148, 149, 150. 151. 152. 153. 154, 155. Evans, A.E., D'Angio, Koop, C.E.: Childhood Cancer: Basic Considerations in Diagnosis and Treatment. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 23:3, 1976. Evans, A.E., D'Angio, G.J., Koop, C.E.: Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroblastoma. Pediat. Clin. N. Amer. 23:161, 1976. Laird, W.P., Friedman, S., Koop, C.E., Schwartz, G.J.: Successful Management of Hepatic Hemangiomatosis by Hepatic Artery Ligation (With Two Year Follow-Up). Amer. J. Dis. Child. New York, 130:75, 1976. The Development of Pediatric Surgery and General Approach to Surgery in Infants in Hardy, J.D. (Ed.) Rhoads Textbook of Surgery (5th Ed.) J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 5:1921, 1977. Laird, W.P., Friedman, S., Koop, C.E., Schwartz, G.J.: Successful Management of Hepatic Hemangiomatosis by Hepatic Artery Ligation (With Two Year Follow-Up). Amer. J. Dis. Child. New York, 130,657, 1976. Visible and Palpable Lesions in Children by C. E. Koop. Grune and Stratton, Inc., New York, 1976. The Right to Live, The Right to Die by C. E. Koop. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Il., 1976. Koop, C.E.: Biliary Obstruction in the Newborn. Surg. Clin. N. Amer. 56:373, 1976. Koop, C.E.: A Doctor's View. The Human Life Review 2:33, 1975. The Development of Pediatric Surgery and General Approach to Surgery in Infants in Hardy, J.D. (Ed.) Rhoads Textbook of Surgery (5th Ed.) J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 5:1921, 1977. Duckett, J.W., and Koop, C.E.: Neuroblastoma. Urol. Clin. N. Amer. 43285, 1977. Koop, C.E.: The Slide to Auschwitz. the Human Life Review. 3:101, 1977. Hoefer, R.A., Ziegler, M.M., Koop, C.E.: Surgical Manifestations of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis in the Pediatrie Patient. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 12:955, 1977. Koop, C.E.: The Sanctity of Life. J. Med. Soc. of NJ. 75:62-67, 1978. Koop, C.E.: Technique of Herniorrhaphy and Orchidopexy. Birth Defects: Original Article Series. National Foundation, 13:293-393, 1977. Bibliography Page 12 C. Everett Koop, M..D 156. 157. 158, 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164, 165. 165. 167. 168. 169. Koop, C.E.: Sur le chemin d'Auschwitz. Annales de Chirurgie Infantile, Paris, 18:159, 1977. Srouji, M.N., Chatten, J., Schulman, W.M., Ziegler, M.M., and Kocp, C.E.: Mesenchymal Hamartoma of the Liver in Infants. Cancer 42:24822, 1978. A Physician Looks at Abortion (Chapter) in Ganz, R.L. (Ed.), Koop, C.E.: Though Shalt Not Kill Arlington House Publishers, New Rochelle, New York, p. 8, 1978. Introduction of Dennis, M.B. (compiler), Koop, C.E.: Chosen Children, Good News Publishers, Westchester, Illinois, 1978. Neuroblastoma (Chapter) in Holder, T.M. and Ashcraft, K.W. (Ed.), Koop, C.E., Schnaufer, L. Surgery of Infants and Children, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, p. 944, 1980. Sometimes Mountains Move by Koop, C.E. and Koop, E. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illionis, 1979. Ziegler, M.M., Shaw, S., Goldberg, A.I., and Koop, C.E.: Sequelae of Prolonged Ventilatory Support for Pediatric Surgical Patients. J. of Pediat. Surg. 14:768, 1979. Ziegler, M.M., Vega, A. Koop, C.E.: Liver Modulation of Tumor Specifi Antigen: A Metastatic Mechanism. Surgical Forum 30:160, 1979. Whatever Happened to the Human Race? by Koop, C.E., and Schaeffer, F.A. Feleming H. Revell Company, Old Tappan, NJ, 1979. (British edition also published). The Right to Live, The Right to Die (Revised) by Koop, C.E. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1980. Ziegler, M.M., Vega, A., Koop, C.E.: Electrocoagulation Induced Immunity«-An Explanation for Regression of Neuroblastoma. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 15:34, 1980. Ziegler, M.M., Jakobowski, D., Hoelzer, D.J., Eichelberger, M.R., Koop, C.E.: Route of Pediatric Parenteral Nutrition: Proposed Criteria Revision. J. of Pediat. Surg. 15:472-476, 1980. Ziegier, M.M., Vega, A., Cooper, A., Schlessinger, H., Koop, C.£&.: the Liver and Immunoregulation of Neuroblastoma Growth. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press). Garcia, V., Eichelberger, M.R., Ziegler, M.M., Templeton, J.M., Koop, C.E.: Use of Military Anti-Shock Trousers in Children. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press). Bibliography Page 13 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174, 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 1B2. Koop, C.E.: Pediatric Surgery: The Newest Specialty for the Youngest Patient. Transactions and Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 3:195, 1981. Eichelberger, M.R., Hoelzer, D.J., Koop, C.E.: Acute Pancreatitis: Difficulty of Diagnosis and Therapy. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press) 1980. Eichelberger, M.R., Chatten, J., Bruce, D., Goldman, M., Koop, C.E.: Acute Pancreatitis and Increased Intracranial Pressure. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press) 1980. Eichelberger, M.R., Rous, P.,G., Hoelzer, D.J., Garcia, V.F., Kocp, C.E.: Percutaneous Subclavian Venous Catheters in Neonates and Children. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press) 1980. Cooper, A., Floyd, T., Jakobowski, D., Ziegler, M.M., Koop, C.E.: Nutritional Assessment, an Integral Part of the Pre-Operative Pediatric Surgical Evaluation. J. of Pediat. Surg. 16:554-561 1981. Ziegler, M.M., Vega, A., Cooper, A., Schlesinger, H., Koop, C.E.: The Liver and Immunoregulation of Neuroblastoma Growth. J. of Pediat. Surg. 16:578-582, 1981. Krasna, I.H., Vega, A., Ziegler, M.M., Koop, C.E.: Immunotherapy of ¢1300 Murine Neuroblastoma with BCG. J. of Pediat. Surg. (in press). The Infant with Multiple Congenital Anomalies (Chapter) in El Shafie, M., and Klippel, C.H., Jr. (Ed.), Koop, C.E., Associated Congenita? Anomalies, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1980. Koop, C.E.: The Handicapped Child and His Family. JLinacre quarterly. 48:23, 1981. Vega, A., Howell, C., Krasna, I., Campos, J., Heyman, S., 2ieg-er, M., Koop, C.E.: Splenic Autotransplantation: Optimal Functional Factors. J. of Pediat. Surg. 16:898-904, 1981. Gale, G., D'Angio, G.J., Uri, A., Chatten, J., Koop, C.E.: Cancer in Neonates: The experience at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Pediatrics 70:499-413, 1982. Koop, C.E.: Increasing the Supply of Solid Organs for Transplantation. Public Health Reports. 98:566-572, 1983. Koop, C.E.: Breastfeeding--The Community Norm. Report of a Workshop. Public Health Reports. 99:550-558, 1984. Bibliography Page 14 C. Everett Koop, M.D. 183. Krasna, 1., Howell, C., Vega, A., Ziegler, M., Koop, C.E.: A Mouse Model for the Study of Necrotizing Enterocolitis. J. of Pediat. Surz. 21:26-29, 1986. 184. Cooper, A., Ross, A.J., O'Neill, Jr., J.A., Koop, C.E., Bishop, H.C., Sehnaufer, L., Templeton, Jr., J.M., Ziegler, M.M. Annals of Surg. ‘in press) In addition: various editorials, prefaces, forewords, op-ed articles anja monthly Surgeon General's Column for weekly newspapers in the United States.