November 19, 1986 Dear Mike: Thank you for providing the names of your contacts at educational associations. We have been contacting these individuals concerning our plans to produce an AIDS education video for youth. It was especially gratifying to learn that Dr. Koop's call for AIDS education in schools has been met with a great deal of support. We at the Red Cross certainly understand the need for AIDS education in schools to begin early, and to be reinforced at home. We feel that our chapters are especially suited to help both educators and parents in this regard. As I explained yesterday, we are planning to produce a 20-minute video aimed at junior high and high school youth that can be used in the schools. Also, we will be developing discussion guides and training materials to accompany the video that can be used by teachers, and materials for parents to help supplement the school-based education. We are now seeking funding for the project. Your offer to have Dr. Koop appear in our video is appreciated, and on behalf of the Red Cross I most enthusiastically accept. As we get further along in the development of the script, we can make arrangements for his participation. I will forward a detailed description of the program for your information within the next few weeks, and will continue to keep you informed of our progress. Again, thank you for your assistance and support. Sincerely yours, Carol M. Sussman Director AIDS Public Education Program