Continued from Page 1 AIDS virus out of nearly 1.3 million, tested thus far. As of December, the Pentagon , said, 2,139 men and women among the 1,274,072 given the test were positive. There are 2.1 million peo- ple currently in the military. Koop, who will sponsor a corfer- ence in Philadelphia next month on pediatric AIDS, made his remarks during a question-and-answer ses- sion after a speech to the National Pregs Club. a Je Test Determines Exposure The test determines whether individuals have been exposed to the virus that causes AIDS, not whether they will contract the deadly disease. Someone who tests ; | positive, however, is presumed to [Pe infected and infectious to others. Most of the 462 children who have contracted AIDS in this coun- try were infected by their mothers during pregnancy. Of these, 29 have died. While estimates vary, many re- searchers believe that there is about a 50% chance that an infect- ed mother will transmit the virus to her fetus. Last year the Public Health Service recommended that women in high-risk groups—intravenous drug users, prostitutes and the sexual partners of men at risk— voluntarily undergo the test before becoming pregnant. But it stopped short of recommending the test for all women. Koop, a vocal opponent of abor- tion, also said that abortion should be mentioned among all the options given a pregnant woman who dis- covers she is infected with the _ virus. “It is my understanding,” ‘* Koop said, that in major obstetrical - Clinics on the East Coast, infected women who are less than 13 weeks - pregnant “are being advised to have abortions, and about 50% of those are indeed having abortions.” & Wednesday, March 25, 1987/Part! 13 AIDS: Koop Urges Test Before Pregnancy The Defénse Department said the infected military personnel ‘consisted of 1,116 of the 531,430 tested. in the Navy and Marine Corps; 797 of 569,158 examined in the Army; and 226 of 173,484 tested in the Air Force. The figures translate into rates of about 2 per 1,000 for the Navy and Marine ‘Corps, 1:4 per 1,000 for the Army and 1.3 per 1,000 for the Air Force. The infection rate among the military is slightly higher than the 1.5 per 1,000 recorded among re- cruits applying for service, the Pentagon told United Press Inter- national. AIDS, or acquired immune defi- ‘ciency syndrome, destroys the body’s immune system, eave h powerless against certain can; and otherwise rare infections. , virus can also invade the ce’ nervous system, causing severe neurological disorders. It is chit monly transmitted through gnal and vaginal sexual intercoursé, | through the sharing of unsteriliZeti! hypodermic needles and by wofith ® to fetus during pregnancy. In this country, AIDS has priti#d&'13 rily afflicted homosexual and. Bi-3s sexual men, intravenous drug u¥éfs\9 and their sexual partners. As’‘dfs ‘Monday, a total of 33,158 Amiéris cans had contracted AIDS™bf3 whom 19,192 had died. Koop Calls for AIDS Test Before Any Pregnancy By MARLENE CIMONS, Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON—Surgeon Gen- eral C. Everett. Koop, who has become the Reagan Administra- tion’s most: visible spokesman on AIDS, recommended Tuesday that any woman considering pregnancy first voluntarily undergo the AIDS antibody test. o Koop, who opposes mandatory testing of individuals, described his “great concern” for babies born to mothers who test positive for the fatal disease. “I think no woman should contemplate a pregnancy without voluntarily wanting to be tested for the AIDS virus,” he said. Meanwhile, the Pentagon an- nounced that more than 2,100 ac- tive-duty military personnel have ‘ested positive for exposure to the Please see AIDS, Page 13