October 24, 1986 Dear Dr. Koop: We commend you for the Surgeon General's Report on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and your statements at the press conference announcing the release of the report. As you may recall we have been concerned about the lack of public response to the issue of AIDS in Black and Brown communities. While we would have preferred some elaboration of this issue in your report, we were pleased that it was included in your statement to the press, and that it was indeed picked up by the media. You are to be further commended because of your positions favoring sex education for school age children, against compulsory mass blood testing, and against quarantining persons with AIDS, ARC, or who test positive for HIV antibodies. To be quite honest the report and your statements exceeded our expectations. Please count on our support for promoting the recommendations you outlined in issuing this report. We urge you to use the prestige and influence of your office to see that the federal response to AIDS as a health concern in Black and Brown communities is adequately addressed. Respectfully yours: Gil Gerald Executive Director