The Washington Times Flying the Koop U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who got his present job at the urging of pro- life forces in and around the fledgling Rea- gan administration and who has scarcely been heard from on that issue since, had one doozy of a bomb for his old supporters last week. Taking aim at AIDS, he recommended sex education starting in third grade, with detailed information about homosexuality starting in junior high school. A more com- plete case of mental takeover by the Wash- ington establishment is probably not on re- cord. By way of introducing his new study on the subject, Dr. Koop observed that many people, especially young people, “are not re- ceiving information that is vital to their fu- ture health and well-being because of our reticence in dealing with the subjects of sex, sexual practices, and homosexuality.” Hmm. From what we have heard about what goes on in those sex-ed seminars in the public schools, “reticence” is not exactly the word that first comes to mind. To be sure, Dr. Koop’s course would not be the usual “value-free” how-to. “Couples who MONDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1986 engage in freewheeling casual sex these days are playing a dangerous game,” he warns. Perhaps he expects parents to rally behind a sex-ed program designed to frighten kids into chastity. If so, he misses the point. Chastity prevents AIDS — agreed. But fear does not produce chastity. Even as Dr. Koop was speaking, a conference sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services was taking stock of “what works” in preventing teen-age pregnancy (not the same issue as AIDS, obviously, but relevant). There was general agreement that what works is teaching kids self-esteem and resis- tance to peer pressure — not merely provid- ing information. A compelling case can be made, on the other hand, that some children are harmed psychologically when given sexual informa- tion at too tender an age. As a result of its transfer of parental roles to institutions — which would be a dubious project even if it attained its advertised objectives — the present generation may be raising its chil- dren as emotionally handicapped misfits. Physician, heal thyself.