X THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 22, 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR DR. C EVERETT KOOP, SURGEON GENERAL FROM: CARL A. ANDERSON, SPE ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR PUBLIC LIAISON SUBJECT: INVITATION TO SPEAK AT WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING ON PORNOGRAPHY On Thursday, November 13, from 1500 pam. to 4:00 p.m. in room 450, the White House will be conducting a briefing for about 200 interdenominational religious leaders on Administration initiatives to implement the recommendations of the Attorney General's Commission on pornography. We plan to begin the briefing with remarks from two of the Commissioners, Dr. James Dobson and Father Bruce Ritter, explaining what porn is and the harm it causes. We will also be inviting speakers from Justice, Customs, the FBI, and the Postal Service. We would like to have you speak for about 15 minutes on the effects of pornography on children and adolescents, and respond to an additional 10 to Minutes of questions from the audience. Our audience, the Religious Alliance Against Pornography, is a broad coalition representing virtually every major denomination including Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Mormon, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Evangelical, Southern Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, the National Council of Churches, and the Synogogue Council of America. They have organized for the purpose of mobilizing the country's religious community against child pornography and materials promoting violence, abuse, and degradation of women. They will be holding a strategy conference in Washington November 13 and 14. I understand from Stephanie that the 13th is shaping up to be a busy day for you. I hope you will be able to join us. , We we Mercantil thas a 4. 3 vt Mf) 3