October 17. 1986 Dear Dr. Koop: I write for no other reason than to tell you what a fine job you are doing in your current post. You have tackled successfully a number of controversial issues with requisite skill and compassion, and you have returned to the Commissioned Corps an enhanced image and esprit de corps. Most of all, you have let it be known by your presence, in and out of uniform, that the United States Public Health Service continues to provide thoughtful and dedicated services that are not always known or appreciated. Some of the deserving, unsung, health heroes of the past are the better for your good works -- as is our Nation. May you continue to enjoy good health and abundant energy with which to pursue and achieve important national health goals. Sincerely, James Lieberman, D.V.M., M.P.H. Assistant Surgeon General, USPHS (Ret.) Director of Health