April 22, 1981 Dear Dr. Koop, It was a privilege and great pleasure to meet you last week, and to have the opportunity to share ideas about the critical needs of handicapped children and their families. It was very meaningful to me to hear you speak of your deep concern for every handicapped child, no matter how severely disabled, and your wish that each be treated with dignity, and respect for his human needs. As I said to you, we at Closer Look are dedicated to the task of providing parents with psychological support and information about a full range of services -- so that the potential of each handicapped child can be reached and helped to grow. We share your commitment to offering this kind of information to every parent who needs it -- combining the warmth of personal concern with an efficient system for collecting and disseminating appropriate materials. I look forward immensely to talking further with you about your ideas for helping families of handicapped children and youth. We will be delighted to show you our resources and explain the Closer Look operation fully, whenever you can visit. Sincerely, Barbara Scheiber Executive Director