May 2, 1983 Dear Chick: I really appreciate you sending me the bound copy of the report of the Surgeon General's Workshop presented this past December. You already know of my appreciation to you for having this here at CHOP and I do think it worked out very well indeed. I just hope it produces the results you and all of us would like to see produced. I had saved one of the paper bound reports but am pleased to replace it with this more permanent version. In another light, I am not sure whether I told you that I had obtained some copies of the Journal of Pediatric Surgery Festschrift which had been published in your honor and had them bound. These were then presented to the medical libraries here and also our departmental library. I thought this was the best way to document all of the fond feeling your trainees and friends wished to express to you at that time. I value tradition in the life of an institution and wish to see that it is properly preserved. Thank you again for your thoughtfulness. Please give my love to Betty and my warmest regards to you. Sincerely yours, James A. O'Neill, Jr., M. D. Surgeon-in-Chief