May 4, 1982 Dear Friends: Forgive the poor salutation on this letter and the address on the envelope. I'm writing in an airplane and have no access to your first names. Audrey Evans dropped me a note to tell me that Peter had died and although I share with you his loss and extend to you my sympathy I am certain that there is a sense of relief and release that you feel and I know that the release for Peter has been total and beyond our wildest dreams. In this crazy mixed up world that has gone so awry in reference to its morality and its ethics, families like the McGrades stand out as remarkable lighthouses in a dark world and boys like Peter stand out as a source of encouragement to those whose courage and sense of challenge falters. That's the way you people have been to me and to know your whole family has been one of the strengthening factors in my resolve to speak out for the things I did in reference to biomedical ethics. I can't remember whether I ever gave you folks a copy of the book that Betty and I wrote when David was killed but whether or not I'm sending you one under separate cover for whatever comfort it might be. If I can ever be of help to you do not hesitate to call. We now live in Bethesda, Maryland the address is 4 West Drive, Bethesda 20814. My love to you all. Sincerely, C. Everett Koop, M.D. Surgeon General