AIDS Lecture September 13, 1988 16/15 Address By C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD Surgeon General Of the U.S. Public Health Service U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Presented to Blue Cross Blue Shield Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September 13, 1988 After speaking to the National P.T.A. on the subject of smoking and AIDS on the 19" of June, 1988, I spoke on almost exactly the same subject to the annual meeting of the American Medical Association’s Auxiliary in Chicago, Illinois, on the 26" of J une, 7 days later. Unfortunately, no copy of that speech can be found, and the next occasion that I presented the subject of AIDS to a public audience was — for this period of time — a relatively long time later, on September 13, 1988, 80 days after my last public appearance on AIDS. After that long relative silence, I gave speech that really covered the subject of AIDS, as the dew covers the ground, I will not attempt to summarize it here, because it is the whole story of about AIDS, and has been discussed in great detail over the past year, in multiple lectures. I am including an index of topics covered, but suggest to the user, that this is a wonder place to be brought up to date, as of the middle of September 1988. It is not difficult to remember a lot about giving this lecture in Philadelphia. Being a Philadelphian by adoption, and having so many times enjoyed performances at the Venerable Academy of Music, it was a real thrill to speak in that venue, and look up at the audience, not only in the orchestra and the loges, but in multiple balconies above that, omately decorated for shear beauty. There is no venue that compares with this one. AIDS and Abstinence AIDS and Blood Transfusions AIDS and Children AIDS and Discrimination AIDS and Government Guidelines AIDS and the Health Workers Workforce AIDS and Monogamy AIDS and Newborn Babies AIDS and Prostitution AIDS and Responsibility; Professional, Social, and Personal AIDS and the Sexual Partners of IV Drug Abusers AIDS as a Disease of the Century “Alternative” Health Services America’s History of Charity, Tolerance, and Responsiveness Atypical Tuberculosis AZT as a Pro-longer of Life Blood Transfusions and Hemophiliacs Candidiasis of the Esophagus and Respiratory Tract Chances of Getting Contaminated Blood Transfusions Cytomegaloviral infections Disproportionate AIDS Prevalence in Black and Hispanic Populations Education of Children about Human Sexuality Elisa Test Failure to Treat HIV Positive People Fatality of the Disease Global situation of AIDS Histoplasmosis HIV and Blood Semen and Vaginal Fluid How the Virus is Not Transmitted IV Drug Abuse and AIDS Kapoi’s Sarcoma Latex Condoms Many AIDS Victims Not in Mainstream of Healthcare Opportunistic diseases Poor epidemiological reporting for many countries Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia Progressive Coccidiomyscosis Statistics on AIDS by country, state, city (especially Philadelphia) Targets of HIV in the human body Transmission of the AIDS virus Ulcerative Herpes Under-estimate of the severity of the epidemic Vaccine Testing Western Blot Test