AIDS lecture November 11, 1987 Address “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About AIDS” by C. Everett Koop, MD, ScD. Surgeon General Of the U.S. Public Health Service Presented to the COA Auxiliary Los Vegas, Nevada November 11, 1987 I had spoken two days before to the United States Commissioned Officers in this same venue, but it had been five days since I had made a brief presentation to the Health Department Leadership in San Francisco, California, not presented in this archive, and seven days since I had spoken to the American Hebrew Congregations on AIDS in Chicago. The Commissioned Officers Association comprised of many different disciplines represented in the health professions and is the ‘non-governmental” aspect of the work of the Commissioned Officers of the Public Health Service. The auxiliary are composed of spouses and some friends of the Commissioned Officers Association membership and it was to that audience — not specifically concerned about AIDS professionally — that I addressed these remarks. Because it was a very mixed audience, and I wanted to avoid too much science I repeated a lecture that I had given in a very general nature to the medical societies of the occupied city of Berlin on the 1* of July of 1987. For that reason, I will not attempt to summarize that lecture, which has already been done and there will be no index.