Effect of Treatment on Morbidity in Hypertension. Veterans Administration Cooperative Study on Antihypertensive Agents Effect on the Electrocardiogram By P. F. Poprere, M.D., M. C. Kyze, M.S., H. V. Presercer, M.D., AND E. D. Freis, M.D. SUMMARY Electrocardiographic (ECG) data.are presented from the Veterans Administration Cooperative Study of 143 nontreated and 137 treated male patients with initial diastolic blood pressures averaging 90-114 mm Hg. Average follow-up was 2.9 years and longest follow-up was 5 years. Significant differences. were observed with respect to the ECG signs of left ventricular hyper- trophy (LVH)..In the patients. not meeting criteria for LVH prior to randomization, the inci- dence of abnormal QRS voltage, ST-segment depression or T wave flattening or inversion de- veloping in the treated patients was approximately one-fourth that found in the control group. In the-patients with ECG evidence of LVH prior to randomization, the reversion to normal of QRS voltage or ST-segment depression was approximately 2.5 times greater in the treated than in the control patients. Although no significant effect of treatment was observed on other ECG changes such as Q and QS patterns, A-V or ventricular conduction defects or arrhythmias, the incidence of such events was too low to make valid comparisons. However, the present results indicate that antihypertensive drug treatment markedly improved the ECG changes specifically related to hypertension. Additional Indexing Words: Systolic blood pressure Electrocardiogram REVIOUS REPORTS of serial electrocardio- grams taken during the course of antihyperten- sive drug treatment have indicated that certain electrocardiographic abnormalities associated with hypertension may revert toward normal following treatment. All of these studies, however, were Diastolic blood pressure ST segment changes and hypertension Antihypertensive treatment T wave changes and hypertension retrospective and did not include untreated con- trols. Helmcke, Schneckloth and Corcoran, in their study of 78 hypertensive patients, found that although ECG improvement was more common in those classified as blood pressure responders as compared to the nonresponders the relationship was From the Veterans Administration Hospital, Washington, D.C. Permanent members of the study group: Massimo Calabresi, M.D., C. Hilmon Castle, M.D., Leo Elson, M.D., Edward D. Freis, M.D. (Chairman), Rudolph E. Fremont, M.D., Michael A. Harris, M.D., David Littman, M.D., Eli A. Ramirez, M.D., and J. R. Thomas, M.D., Other members: Luis A. Arias, M.D., Mark L. Armstrong, M.D., Alston W. Blount, M.D., Thomas Bruce, M.D., Ovid B. Bush, Jr., M.D. (deceased), Eugene C. Clark, M.D., Annette Fitz, M.D., R.M. Freeman, M.D., Edward D. Frohlich, M.D., Arthur Gear, M.D., John D. Kyriacopoulos, M.D., Alan R. Lyon, M.D., Gloria D. Massaro, M.D., Donald McCaughan, M.D., Jean Morgan, M.D., Henry W. Overbeck, M.D., Elisea C. Perez-Stable, M.D., Mitchell H. Perry, M.D, Roger Sutton, M.D., and James Taguchi, M.D. Biostatisticians: Russel B. Tewksbury, Sc.D. (deceased), Paul D. Williams, M.S., and Circulation, Volume XLVIII, September 1973 481 Lawrence Shaw, A.M. Central Office Coordinator: Harold W. Schnaper, M.D. Participating Veterans Administration Hospitals: Allen Park, Michigan, Birmingham, Alabama, Brooklyn, New York, Dayton, Ohio, Iowa City, Iowa, Jackson, Mississippi, Memphis, Tennessee, Nashville, Ten- nessee, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Richmond, Virginia, Salt Lake City, Utah, St. Louis, Missouri, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Washington, D.C., West Haven, Connecticut and West Roxbury, Massachusetts. Supported in part by Research Grant HL 15047 from the National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service. Address for reprints: Dr. Edward D. Freis, Veterans Administration Hospital, 50 Irving Street, N.W., Washing- ton, D.C. 20422 Received February 13, publication April 18, 1973. 1973; revision accepted for 482, Table 1 Classification of Patients According to Number of Post- randomization Annual Electrocardiograms Control group Treated group No. No. No. of annual exams 1 143 137 2 116 112 3 83 81 4 47 50 5 20 20 not consistent.? Dern et al. found improvement in the electrocardiograms of 44 treated patients.‘ However, a valid estimation of benefit of antihyper- tensive drug treatment based on such studies must . be limited because of the absence of an untreated control group with which to compare results. Considerable electrocardiographic variability can occur over time in both normal individuals® and in patients with heart disease.? Without a control group it is not possible to differentiate between therapeutic effect and the effect of such sponta- neous variability. The present report describes the electrocardio- graphic changes occurring during the course of the Veterans Administration Cooperative Study on antihypertensive agents. The patients were ran- domly assigned, double blind to either active drugs or placebos. Follow-up averaged 2.9 years and in some cases was longer than 5 years. This study, therefore, permitted a quantitative assessment of the benefits of antihypertensive medications, if any, on the electrocardiographic abnormalities associat- ed with hypertension. Methods and Materials The design of the cooperative study and an analysis of morbid events which occurred other than electrocar- diographic changes have been described previously.®: 9 All patients were males who exhibited an average diastolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or higher from the fourth through the sixth day of hospitalization. Also, the average diastolic blood pressure of the last two posthospitalization clinic visits prior to randomization POBLETE, KYLE, PIPBERGER, FREIS was.in the range of 90-114 mm Hg. The patients were then randomly assigned, double-blind to either active drugs (hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg plus reserpine 0.1 mg combined in a single tablet given twice daily, and hydralazine 25 or 50 mg three times daily) or to placebos of these agents. Copies of the prerandomization and one year postrandomization 12 lead electrocardiograms were obtained in 143 of 194 patients randomized into the control or placebo treated group and in 137 of 186 treated patients. In addition, some of these patients’ electrocardiograms were obtained for 2, 3, 4 and 5 years postrandomization (table 1), the average being 2.9 years. The background characteristics of the patients are presented in tables 2 and 3. Approximately 42% of the patients were black in both the control and treated groups. Those showing cardiac enlargement by X-ray were 22% in the control patients and 28% of the treated patients (table 2). The average age at entrance in both groups of patients was approximately 51 years (table 3). Average heights and weights were not significantly different. The known duration of hypertension averaged 4.5 years in both groups of patients. The average prerandomization blood pressure in the control group was 164/104 and in the treated patients was 164/105 mm Hg. There were no significant differences in the two groups of patients with respect to serum creatinine or blood urea nitrogen levels, serum potassium concentration, fasting blood sugar or serum cholesterol values. The changes in blood pressure following randomiza- tion are shown in table 4. The average blood pressure of the control patients changed little from the prerandom- ization values except for a slight rise in systolic blood pressure. In the treated patients the average blood pressure fell from a prerandomization value of 164/105 mm Hg to a four month post-randomization average of 137/87 mm Hg and remained at essentially that level or slightly lower for the duration of the study. All of the collected electrocardiograms were read and classified by one of the authors (P.P.) without his knowledge of any other clinical features of the patients including type of therapeutic regimen or changes in blood pressure. The electrocardiographic characteristics were classified according to the Minnesota code as revised by Rose and Blackburn.'’ This classification eliminates some of the ambiguities present in the original code!1 and includes a more comprehensive set of procedural rules. Table 2 Background of Randomized Patients: Numeration Data Control group Treated group Characteristic No o No % Total Number randomized 143 137 . 280 Black 59 41 57 42 116 Other 84 59 80 58. 164 Heart size by roentgenogram Ungerleider enlarged 31 22 39 28 70 Circulation, Volume XLVIII, September 1973 EFFECT OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS ON ECG 483 Table 3 Measurement Data Prior to Randomization Control group Treated group Characteristic Mean Mean Age (yrs) 51.6 50.3 Height (in) 69.1 68.4 Weight (ib) 181.8 176.6 Duration of known hypertension 4.4 4.5 (yrs) Average clinic systolic BP 164.1 163.5 (mm Hg) Average clinic diastolic BP 103.9 104.7 (mmHg) Serum creatinine (mg/100 ml) 1.27 1.24 Blood urea nitrogen (mg/100 ml) 16.0 16.4 Serum potassium (mEq/liter) 4.5 4.4 Fasting blood sugar (mg/100 ml) 96.1 100.2 Cholesterol] (mg/100 ml) 245.5 247.6 In the analysis of Category 4 of the revised Minnesota code (ST-junction and segment depression) only items 4-1 to 4-3 were included. These items require ST-segment depressions that are horizontal or downward sloping which are considered to be more representative of “ischemia” than is item 4-4 which includes upward sloping or U-shaped ST-segments.12 Also excluded were optional code 5-4 of category 5 (T wave items) and category 9 (miscellaneous items). In addition to the above analyses the sum of the magnitudes of the S wave in V, and the largest R wave in either V; or Vg was calculated. A sum exceeding 35 mm was considered to be indicative of left ventricular hypertrophy in accordance with Sokolow and Lyon’s criteria.14 As shown in table 5 the prerandomization electrocar- diograms were similar in the control and treated groups of patients except that a higher percentage uf the treated group exhibited high amplitude R waves in the left side leads and deep S waves in V,. Evidence of Jeft ventricular hypertrophy using Sokolow’s criteria was present in 32.1% of the treated group as compared to only 18.2% of the control patients prior to randomiza- tion. The prevalence of T wave flattening or inversion, however, was not significantly different in the two groups of patients nor were there any significant differences with respect to any of the other electrocar- diographic characteristics that were analyzed. Results Incidence of Abnormalities The incidence of electrocardiographic abnormal- ities developing over an average follow-up of 2.9 years after randomization is shown in table 6 and figure 1. Marked differences in voltage, T wave and ST-segment changes were found in the control as compared to the treated patients. Thus, of the patients not meeting criteria for LVH prior to randomization, 25% of the control and only 6.6% of the treated group developed abnormal voltage. In addition, 25.5% of the control patients as compared to 7.5% of the treated group developed T wave flattening or inversion. The incidence of’ ST- segment depression was 19.3% in the placebo group and 3.8% in the treated patients. All of these differences were significant (P< .005). There were no significant differences between the two groups of patients in the incidence of Q and QS patterns, left axis deviation, A-V or ventricular conduction defects or arrhythmias. Figure 2 shows the incidence of ST-T and voltage changes by the life table method of analysis. This method adjusts for the variable length of follow-up of different patients. It also adjusts for any differences in losses to observation between the control and treated groups and it determines whether the benefit of treatment occurs early or late Table 4 Trends of Blood Pressure Control group Treated group Average Average Average Average systolic diastolic systolic diastolic blood blood blood blood Time of No. pressure pressure No. pressure pressure observation observed (mm Hg) (mm Hg) observed (mm Hg) (mm Hg) Prerandomization 143 164 104 137 164 105 Postrandomization ' 4 months 142 168 105 137 137 87 8 months 141 170 107 137 137 88 12 months 143 168 105 137 136 86 16 months 116 171 106 112 135 86 20 months 116 173 106 112 133 86 24 months 113 173 107 109 134 86 28 months 83 175 107 81 134 86 32 months 83 172 104 80 135 85 36 months 82 170 103 79 134 86 Circulation, Volume XLVIII, September 1973 484 POBLETE, KYLE, PIPBERGER, FREIS Table 5 Electrocardiographic Data Prior to Randomization Control group Treated group No. No. with No. No. with Llectrocardiographic tracings codable tracings codable item reaa* items % read items % Total randomized 143 137 Q & Q-5 patterns 143 12 8.4 136 10 7.4 Left axis deviation 137 10 7.3 133 8 6.0 High amplitude R waves (eft) 140 29 20.7 134 47 35.1 ST-segment depression 132 * 18 13.6 126 21 16.7 T wave flattening or 132 30 22.7 126 33 26.2 inversion A-V conduction defect 143 4 2.8 137 2 1.5 Ventricular conduction 148 5 3.5 137 3 2.2 defect Arrhythmias 143 10 7.0 137 6 4.4 Increased voltage 137 25 18.2 134 43 32.1 (S in Vi + R. in Vs or Ve > 35 mm) *Numbers vary because of exclusions for evaluating some of the codable items as described in Minnesota code.® or is continuous throughout the period of observa- tion. It is evident from figure 2 that a lower incidence of ST-T and voltage changes was manifested early in the treated group and that the difference in incidence of such ECG changes between the control and the treated group increased with the passage of time. Thus, for ST-segment depression the 5 year cumulative incidence rate for the control group was 29% as compared to 5% in the treated group. With respect to T wave flattening or inversion at 5 years the cumulative incidence rate was 38% for the control group and 10% for the treated patients. Finally, abnormal voltage change was 34% at 5 years in the control group as compared to 9% in the treated group. Only a small proportion of patients developed both voltage and ST-segment or T wave abnormal- ities. Such a change occurred in 10 control patients and in 2 treated patients. Four of these 10 control patients exhibited neither voltage nor ST-T abnor- malities prior to randomization while 6 showed one or the other of these abnormalities in the preran- domization period. The latter prerandomization finding also was present in the two treated patients Table 6 Patients with Normal Prerandomization Electrocardiograms Which Developed Abnormality (Codable Item) Postrandomization Contro! group Treated group randenized No. randossized No. Significance of Electrocardiographie without developing without developing difference item item abnormality % item abnormality % (P-value)* Q & Q-S patterns 131 10 7.6 126 5 4.0 NS Left axis deviation 127 3 2.4 125 1 0.8 NS High amplitude R waves (left) 1i1 32 28.8 87 5 5.7 <0.005 ST-segment depression 114 22 19.3 105 4 3.8 <0.005 T wave flattening or inversion 102 26 25.5 93 7 7.5 <0.005 A-V conduction defect 139 9 6.5 135 2 1.5 NS Ventricular conduction defect 138 4 2.9 134 3 2.2 NS Arrhythmias 133 15 11.3 131 17 13.0 N85 Increased voltage 112 28 25.0 91 6 6.6 <0.005 (Sin V; + R in V; or V5 >35 mm) *Hither the x? test or the Fisher exact probability test was used depending on sample size according to criteria given in refer- ence 15. Circulation, Volume XLVII, September 1973 EFFECT OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS ON ECG PER CENT PATIENTS 100 I 1 30 MB CONTROL P<0. 005 P<0. 005 (J TREATED P<0, 005 ° ABNORMAL QRS T-WAVE FLATTENING —S-T SEGMENT VOLTAGE OR INVERSION DEPRESSION Figure 1 Percent of patients developing either voltage or ST-T ab- normalities following randomization who did not exhibit such change prior to randomization. who developed both voltage and ST-T changes during the postrandomization period. Reversions to Normal Of the patients exhibiting voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy prior to randomization 74.4% of the treated patients as compared to 24.0% of the control group reverted to normal voltage (P <.005) (table 7, fig. 3). A favorable trend also was evident with respect to flattened or inverted T waves with 51.5% of the treated and 33.3% of the control group reverting to normal, although this difference was not statistically significant. A signifi- cant difference was observed, however, with respect to normalization of ST-segment depression. Such reversion was seen in 57.1% of the treated patients and 22.2% of the control group (P<.05). No 485 4 60 S-T SEGMENT DEPRESSION 40 20 T-WAVE FLATTENING OR INVERSION VOLTAGE 40 20 | 2 3 4 5 years of observation Control group -----. Treated group Figure 2 Estimated cumulative incidence of either ST-T or voltage abnormalities over a fwe-year period as calculated by the life-table method. significant differences were found with respect to reversion to normal of other electrocardiographic Table 7 Patients with Prerandomization Electrocardiograms Showing Abnormality (Codable Item) which Reverted to Normal Postrandomization Control group Treated group randosnized No. randsonized No. Significance of Electrocardiographic with reverting to with reverting to difference item item normal % item norinal % (P-value}* Q & Q-5 patterns 12 3 25.0 10 2 20.0 NS Left axis deviaticn 10 2 20.0 8 4 50.0 NS High amplitude R waves (left) 29 8 27.6 47 35 74.5 <0.005 ST-segment depression 18 4 22.2 21 12 57.1 0.029 T wave flattening or inversion 30 10 33.3 33 17 51.5 NS A-V conduction defect 4 3 75.0 2 0 0.0 NS Ventricular conduction defect 5 1 20.0 3 0 0.0 NS Arrhythmias 10 8 80.0 6 5 83.3 NS Increased voltage 25 6 24.0 43 32 74.4 <0.005 (Sin Vi + R in V; or V5 > 35 mm) *Same notation as in table 6. Circulation, Volume XLVIIL, September 1973 486 HM CONTROL [__] TREATED 2 0 4 ® oO T P<0. 005 ~ ° lj P<0. 05 PER CENT PATIENTS rn WwW BB Q Q oO O O09 68 6S T q I ' I 5 T ABNORMAL QRS VOLTAGE S-T SEGMENT DEPRESSION Figure 3 Percent of patients reverting from abnormal to normal ST-T or voltage change during the postrandomization period. characteristics. The prevalence of some of these characteristics was too low, however, to permit a reliable estimate (table 7). Figure 4 shows the incidence of reversions to normal of ST-T and voltage changes during the postrandomization period as indicated by the life- table method of analysis. The figure indicates a relatively high incidence of reversion to normal. in the first year of follow-up as compared to subsequent years. Few reversions occurred after the third year of follow-up. With respect to ST-segment depression the 5 year cumulative reversion rate to normal was 63% in the treated group as compared to 22% in the control group (fig. 4). The reversion rate of T wave changes for the cumulative 5 year period was 56% in the treated patients and 36% in the control patients. With respect to voltage the 5 year cumulative reversion rate was 87% of the treated group and 26% of the control group. Nine patients in the control and 15 in the treated group exhibited abnormal voltage plus T wave or ST-segment criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy prior to randomization. Disappearance of all of these evidences of left ventricular hypertrophy was noted following randomization in 9 or 60% of the treated group as compared to none of the control patients (P< 0.005). POBLETE, KYLE, PIPBERGER, FREIS S-T SEGMENT DEPRESSION a years of observation Control group eon Treated group Figure 4 Estimated cumulative incidence of either ST-T or voltage reversion from abnormal to normal over a five-year period as calculated by the life-table method. Relationship of Effectiveness of Treatment to Level of Prerandomization Blood Pressure and to Age Approximately one-fourth of the control group developed voltage criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy during the postrandomization period. However, in the treated group a smaller percentage of patients with blood pressures of 165 systolic and above or diastolic pressures of 105-114 mm Hg developed increased voltage than did those with lower blood pressures (table 8). For this reason the percent “effectiveness of treatment” (difference between percent incidences in control and treated groups divided by percent incidence in control Circulation, Volume XLVIII, September 1973 EFFECT OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS ON ECG 487 Table 8 Development of Major QRS Voltage Change with Respect to Prerandomization Blood Pressure Control! group Treated group No. showin No now Subgroup randomized change % randomized ‘change % Effectiveness* I. Normal initial voltage becoming abnormal. Prerandomization BP Systolic < 165 mm Hg 63 17 27 57 5 9 67 Systolic 165+ mm Hg 49 11 22 34 1 3 86 Total 112 28 25 91 6 7 72 Diastolic 90-104 mm Hg 51 13 25 42 4 10 60 Diastolic 105-114 mm Hg 61 15 25 49 2 4 84 Total 112 28 25 91 6 7 72 II. Abnormal initial voltage reverting to normal. Prerandomization BP Systolic <165 mm Hg 9 3 33 21 12 57 42 Systolic 165+ mm Hg 16 3 19 22 2 91 79 Total 25 6 24 43 32 74 68 Diastolic 90-104 mm Hg 10 1 10 16 14 88 89 Diastolic 105-114 mm Hg 15 5 33 27 18 67 51 Total 25 6 24 43 32 74 68 *% Effectiveness Incidence % control — % treated % control Reversion % treated — % control % treated for subgroup I for subgroup II group) was greater in the patients with the higher levels of blood pressure. The situation was reversed with respect to ST- segment depression. In the prevention of this abnormality treatment was 100% effective in the patients with systolic levels below 165 mm Hg and 69% effective in those with systolic blood pressures above this level (table 9); and was 91% effective in the patients with diastolic levels below 105 mm Hg as compared to 69% in the 105-114 diastolic subgroup. Similar differences were observed with regard to T wave flattening or inversion. However, these differences in the effectiveness of treatment at different levels of blood pressure between voltage changes on the one hand and ST-T changes on the other may have been due to chance. Nonrepresenta- tive trends can occur as a result of subdividing the patients into such small sample sizes. As would be expected, a greater percentage of patients with average blood pressures above 164 systolic or 104 diastolic exhibited abnormal voltage prior to randomization than did those with initial blood pressures below these levels (table 8). However, no consistent pattern of change with relation to blood pressure was evident in the postrandomization period. Treatment was effective Circulation, Volume XLVI, September 1973 in both groups. The same was true with respect to reversion of ST-segment depression to normal (table 9). Treatment had approximately the same effectiveness irrespective of the level of initial blood pressure. Twenty-five patients in the contro! group exhibit- ed abnormal voltage prior to randomization. Six of these patients reverted to normal during the postrandomization period (table 8). This im- provement was unrelated to changes in blood pressure. For example, at one year following randomization the average blood pressure of the six patients who reverted was 7/0 mm Hg higher than their average blood pressure prior to randomization. This was not significantly different from the blood pressure change observed in the control patients who did not revert to normal. The latter exhibited an increase of 4/3 mm Hg at one year after randomization. The reversion to normal seen in six of the control patients probably reflects sponta- neous variation that may occur over time with respect to electrocardiographic changes.** How- ever, its occurrence in the control group was considerably lower (P< .005) than the 74% rever- sion to normal observed in the treated patients (table 8). 488 POBLETE, KYLE, PIPBERGER, FREIS Table 9 Development of ST-Segment Change with Respect to Prerandomization Blood Pressure Control group Treated group No. No. No. showing No. showing % Subgroup randomized change % randomized change % Effectiveness* I. Normal base line ST-segment becoming abnormal. Prerandomization BP Systolic < 165 mm Hg 70 8 11 64 0 0 100 Systolic 165+ mm Hg 44 14 32 41 4 10 69 Total 114 22 19 105 4 4 79 Diastolic 90-104 mm Hg 53 12 23 48 1 2 91 Diastolic 105-114 mm Hg 61 10 16 57 3 5 69 Total 114 22 19 105 4 4 79 II. Abnormal base line ST- segment reverting to normal. Prerandomization BP Systolic < 165 mm Hg 5 1 20 12 5 42 52 Systolic 165+ mm Hg 13 3 23 9 7 78 71 Total 18 4 22 21 12 57 61 Diastolic 90-104 mm Hg 8 2 25 7 4 57 56 Diastolic 105-114 mm Hg 10 2 20 14 8 57 65 Total 18 4 22 21 12 57 61 *Same notations as in table 8. The relation between blood pressure and voltage changes was also examined in the treated group of patients. In the treated patients who exhibited reversion to normal voltage the average blood pressure at one year postrandomization was 31/19 mm Hg lower than during the prerandomization period. In the patients with abnormal voltage which did not revert, the one year average blood pressure was 21/16 mm Hg lower than the prerandomization blood pressure. This difference in the extent of average blood pressure reduction between the two groups was not significant. Patients aged 50 and above responded to treatment as well as or better than the patients below 50 years of age. The percent effectiveness of treatment in the prevention of abnormal QRS voltage was 68 for the patients below age 50 and 77 for the older patients (table 10). Reversion of abnormal voltage to normal also was greater in the older subjects, the percent effectiveness of treatment being 79 in the patients age 50 and above as compared to 56 for those below 50 years of age. Discussion The present data indicate that antihypertensive therapy not only protects against the development of increased QRS voltage, ST-segment depression Table 10 Development of QRS Voltage Change with Respect to Age Control group Treated group No. No. No. showing No. showing % randomized change % randomized change % Effectiveness™ I. Normal initial QRS voltage becoming abnormal Age < 50 yrs 54 15 28 47 4 9 68 Age 50 + yrs 58 13 22 44 2 5 77 Total 112 28 25 91 6 7 72 II. Abnormal initial QRS voltage reverting to normal Age < 50 yrs 15 4 27 26 16 62 56 Age 50 + yrs 10 2 20 17 16 94 79 Total 25 6 24 43 32 74 68 *Same notations as in table 8. Circulation, Volume XLVIN, September 1973 EFFECT OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS ON ECG 489 and T wave flattening or inversion in hypertensive patients but also causes a significant reversal of these abnormalities when they are present prior to treatment. These manifestations of left ventricular hypertrophy are specifically although not exclusive- ly related to hypertension and are probably the direct consequence of a chronically increased afterload. In contrast to the marked changes associated with treatment, particularly on QRS voltage and ST-segment depression, there were no statistically significant changes in Q or Q-S patterns or in conduction defects between the placebo and treatment groups. However, the low incidence of these latter events in both the control and treated groups did not permit an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of treatment. Although as shown in table 6 treatment appeared to lower the incidence of Q or Q-S patterns and of A-V conduction defects, the total incidence of these events was too low to achieve statistical significance. The various electrocardiographic changes ob- served during the study are consistent with other data from the trial relating to morbid events.* Thus, treatment greatly reduced the incidence of “hyper- tensive” complications such as hemorrhagic stroke, congestive heart failure, progressive renal damage and accelerated hypertension. However, treatment did not appear to favorably influence the athero- sclerotic complication of myocardial infarction. This negative result with respect to atherosclerosis may only mean that treatment must be initiated at an earlier stage in the hypertensive process. The mechanism of the ST-T alterations in left ventricular hypertrophy is uncertain. Traditionally, these changes are considered to reflect a severe load on the left ventricle or “left ventricular strain” causing increased myocardial oxygen demand. The ST-T changes could, therefore, reflect chronic ischemia which may be prevented or reversed by reducing the blood pressure. It has also been suggested that the ST-T changes are secondary to higher voltages in these patients. However, some studies have shown that the ST-T changes are usually greater than would be expected as a consequence of the magnitude of the QRS voltages, suggesting that ST-T changes in patients with left ventricular hypertrophy may represent a primary disturbance in the recovery process of the left ventricular myocardium. In a recent report Hamer, Shinebourne and Fleming" correlated hemodynamic findings with electrocardiographic abnormalities in 17 hyperten- Circulation, Volume XLVUI, September 1973 sive patients. On the basis of the electrocardiogram they were divided into two groups. Nine (Group 1) had either a normal tracing or only QRS voltage changes of LVH with normal T waves and ST- segments. Group 2 (8 patients) had, in addition, ST depression and/or T wave inversion in the left chest leads. The results indicated no significant difference in the two groups with respect to cardiac output, peripheral resistance, and diastolic blood pressure. However, the systolic blood pressure was signifi- cantly higher in Group 2 as compared to Group 1. The present data (table 9) also indicate that the control patients with systolic blood pressure levels of 165 mm Hg and above developed ST-segment depression three times more often than the control patients with lower systolic levels. This difference was significant at the P < .025 level. Hamer postulated that because of the higher systolic blood pressure seen in Group 2 patients the myocardium must generate a greater force. This leads to a primary change in the ST-segments and T waves by producing localized subendocardial changes which may alter the direction of repolariza- tion or interfere with the spread of the activation process. However, this author also pointed out that the ST-T changes must represent more than a mechanical effect, as they do not revert to normal immediately when the left ventricular pressure is reduced. However, as indicated in the present study, many do revert with treatment after a period of time. Thus, the pathogenesis of the ST-T changes is still not completely clarified. The present results, with respect to the effect of antihypertensive drugs on the electrocardiogram, provide further support for the value of treating patients with essential hypertension. It should be emphasized, however, that the blood pressure was reduced to or near normotensive levels in the great majority of the treated group. 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