Reprinted from the Journal of the American Medical Association August 17, 1970 Volume 213 Copyright 1970, American Medical! Association Effects of Treatment on Morbidity in Hypertension IT. Results in Patients With Diastolic Blood Pressure Averaging 90 Through 114 mm Hg Veterans Administration Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents Three hundred and eighty male hypertensive patients with diastolic blood pressures averaging 90 to 114 mm Hg were randomly assigned to either active antihypertensive agents or placebos. The estimated risk of developing a morbid event over a five-year period was reduced from 55% to 18% by treatment. Terminating morbid events occurred in 35 patients of the control group as compared to 9 patients in the treated group. Nineteen deaths related to hypertension or atherosclerosis occurred in the control group and 8 in the actively treated group. In addition to morbid events, 20 control patients developed persistent diastolic levels of 125 mm Hg or higher. Treatment was more effective in prevent- ing congestive heart failure and stroke than in preventing the complications of coronary artery disease. The degree of benefit was related to the level of prerandomization blood pressure. journal' the Veterans Admin- Study I a previous publication in this istration Cooperative For complete list of participants, see page 1152. Reprint requests to 50 Irving St NW, Washington, DC 20422 (Dr. Freis). JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 © Vol 213, No 7 Group on Antihypertensive Agents reported on the beneficial effects of antihypertensive drugs on morbidi- ty in patients with moderately severe hypertension. These were patients with initial diastolic blood pressures averaging 115 through 129 mm Hg who had been randomized into a prospective double-blind trial of active antihypertensive drugs vs placebos. Twenty-seven patients de- veloped assessable events in the control group as compared to two patients in the group receiving ac- tive antihypertensive agents. This striking result favoring treatment was in agreement. with the results of other prospective trials?? in pa- tients with hypertension of similar severity. In hypertension of lesser severity, however, there are little or no con- trolled data available on the value of antihypertensive drug therapy. Resolution of this question is of great importance not only because of the large number of patients with mild hypertension but also because the potential benefits of drug treat- ment have been questioned espe- cially in this group of hypertensive patients.* The present report pre- sents the results of a prospective, controlled trial of drug treatment on morbidity and mortality in a group of 380 patients with mild or moderate hypertension whose initial Morbidtty in Mypertension 1143 diastolic blood pressure averaged 90 through 114 mm Hg. Pian of investigation The clinical trial included 523 male veterans who, while not re- ceiving antihypertensive treatment, exhibited diastolic blood pressures averaging 90 through 129 mm Hg. Randomization of patients began int April 1964. However, in May 1967, the study was terminated in the subgroup of 143 patients whose diastolic blood pressures averaged 115 through 129 mm Hg prior to randomization. Termination of the study of this group as previously re- ported’ was necessitated by the high incidence of morbid events in the control as compared to the treated patients, demonstrating at a relatively early date a highly sig- nificant (P < 0.001) effect of treat- ment. Such a significant difference was not evident at the time, how- ever, in the patients whose diastolic blood pressures averaged below 115 mm Hg prior to randomization. These latter patients were con- tinued in the randomized trial until 1969 and are the subject of the present communication. The experimental design has been described in previous reports.'* Initially all patients were hospital- ized for diagnosis and evaluation of the severity of their hyperten- sion. Patients whose diastolic blood pressure averaged 90 through 129 mm Hg during the fourth through sixth hospital day were accepted for further follow-up. Patients whose diastolic averages fell below 90 mm Hg or rose above 129 mm Hg dur- ing this period of hospitalization were excluded. Following hospitalization the pa- tients entered a prerandomization observation period of two to four months’ duration during which time they received placebos of antihy- pertensive agents. The patients whose diastolic blood pressures dur- ing the last two clinic visits of the 1144 observation period averaged 90 through 129 mm Hg were entered into the trial, providing there were no other reasons for exclusion. Blood pressure was measured by a physician with the patient in a sitting position. Other reasons for excluding pa- tients from the trial, in addition to diastolic blood pressure, are detailed in other reports.’’> Such reasons included a history of a severe hy- pertensive complication such as a cerebral or subarachnoid hemor- rhage, hypertensive neuroretinop- athy, dissecting aneurysm, or renal failure, but did not include athero- sclerotic complications such as cor- onary artery disease or cerebrovas- cular thrombosis. Also excluded were (1) patients with surgically curable hypertension, (2) with un- related fatal diseases such as malig- nant tumors, (3) those unwilling or unable to return to clinic, and (4) poorly motivated or otherwise un- cooperative or unreliable patients. The outpatient prerandomization observation period provided a fur- ther opportunity to check on the reliability of the patients. Ribo- flavin, which produces bright yellow fluorescence of the urine, was incor- porated in the placebos. At each clinic visit a urine specimen was examined under ultraviolet light. In addition, pill counts were made at each clinic visit. No patient wa accepted into the randomized trial unless the urine exhibited fluores- cence and the pill counts were with- in a stipulated range, at each of two successive visits during the preran- domization observation period. Accepted patients were then ran- domly assigned double-blind to either active drugs or placebos. Active drugs consisted of two types of tablets, one being a combination tablet containing 50 mg hydrochlo- rothiazide and 0.1 mg_ reserpine which was given twice daily. The other was 25 mg of hydralazine hydrochloride given three times JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 © Vol 213, No 7 daily. The latter medication was raised to 50 mg three times daily if the diastolic blood pressure re- mained at 90 mm Hg or higher. Obviously, practically all of the patients in the placebo group had their “doses” raised to this level. Provision was made for reduction of doses if hypotensive reactions or other disturbing side effects oc- curred. Patients in the control group received placebos identical in taste and appearance to the active drugs. Indicated symptomatic treatment, including drugs other than antihy- pertensive agents, was permitted in all patients. Postrandomization clinic visits were at monthly intervals for the first two months and at bimonthly intervals thereafter. Annual exami- nations included taking a history and a physical examination, roent- genogram of the chest, electro- cardiogram, pertinent chemical an- alyses of the blood, and renal func- tion tests. Additional interim visits could be scheduled when indicated. Characteristics of Patients Three hundred and eighty pa- tients with diastolic blood pressures averaging 90 through 114 mm Hg were randomized into the trial. Of this number, 186 received active drugs while 194 were given place- bos. Tables 1 and 2 indicate that the two groups were comparable according to the indicated variables. The median ages were 49.2 and 48.1 years and the average ages were 52.0 and 50.5 years in the con- trol and treatment groups, respec- tively. Negro patients comprised 42%, of the control group and 41% of the treated group. Blood pressure as measured in the clinic during the posthospitalization observation period prior to randomization aver- aged 165.1/104.7 mm Hg in the control group and 162.1/103.8 mm Hg in the treated patients. There were no significant differences be- tween the control and treated pa- Morbidity in Hypertension tients with regard to findings from renal function tests, fasting blood sugar value, serum cholesterol value, uric acid level, and left ventricular enlargement as assessed by x-ray films and electrocardiography. By all factors measured the two groups were comparable. Duration of Observation Patients were entered into the trial from April 1964 to September 1968, and the study was terminated in October 1969. Thus, the earliest entrants were observed for 5.5 years and the latest entrants for a mini- mum of 1 year. The average poten- tial duration of observation, disre- garding losses and __ terminations, was 3.9 years for the control group and 3.7 years for the treated pa- tients. However, because of the losses and terminations due to ele- vated diastolic blood pressure de- scribed below, the actual duration of postrandomization observation was 3.3 years for the control group and 3.2 years for the treated pa- tients. Changes in Blood Pressure Systolic and diastolic blood pres- sure fell promptly and significantly in the treated patients and re- mained at reduced levels through- out the trial. The changes in blood pressure at the fourth month of observation in the treated and con- trol patients are depicted in Fig 1. The mean change in systolic blood pressure was an increase of 4.2 mm Hg in the control group and a fall of 27.2 mm Hg in the treated pa- tients from the levels recorded dur- ing the prerandomization observa- tion period. The mean change in diastolic blood pressure was a rise of 1.2 mm Hg in the control pa- tients and a fall of 17.4 mm Hg in the treated group during this same interval. The distribution of the changes in blood pressure as shown in Fig 1 indicates a marked shift to JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 © Vol 213, No 7 Table 1.—Background of Randomized Patients: Numeration Data Control Group Treatment Group ~ ‘ Characteristic No. % No. % Total Total randomized 194 186 380. Negro “B1 42 76 41 157 Other* ‘ 114 58 109 59 223 Heart size by roentgenogram Ungerleider enlarged 42 22 53 29 95 Electrocardiogram Left ventricular hypertrophy 32 16 30 16 62 *In addition to whites, this group includes four patients of Asiatic extraction, two in the con- trol group and two in the treated group. Table 2.—Measurement Data Prior to Randomization Control Group Treatment Group Characteristic Mean Mean Age (yr) 52.0 50.5 Age (median, yr) 49.2 48.1 Height, cm (ft, in) 175.3 (5, 9) 172.7 (5, 8) Weight, kg (Ib) 82.0 (180.9) 79.8 (176.1) Duration known hypertension (yr) 4.4 4.6 Average hospital diastolic pressure (mm Hg) 101.3 100.2 Average hospital systolic pressure (mm Hg) 157.5 154.0 Average clinic diastolic pressure (mm Hg) 104.7 103.8 Average clinic systolic pressure (mm Hg) 165.1 162.1 Total severity score* 6.7 6.8 Renal score (0-4) 0.2 0.2 Cardiac score (0-4) 0.8 0.9 CNS? score (0-4) 0.3 0.3 Serum creatinine (mg/100 cc) 1.26 1,24 BUN (mg/100 cc) 15.6 16.2 Serum potassium (mEq/liter) 44 44 PSP¢ excretion (% in 2 hr) 58.8 60.0 Fasting blood glucose (mg/100 cc) 96.5 100.4 Cholesterol (mg/100 cc) 250.1 245.0 Uric acid (mg/100 cc) 6.3 6.0 *Detailed criteria for grades 0 through 4 given in reference 6. tCNS signifies central nervous system. PSP signifies phenolsu!fonphthalein. the left into the “decrease” zone for the treated patients as compared to the control group. Also apparent is the wide variation in individual responses particularly with regard to systolic blood pressure. Losses Other Than Assessable Events Deaths Due to Unrelated Condi- tions._Four patients died of dis- orders unrelated to hypertension. Two of the patients were in the control group. One died of general- ized carcinomatosis demonstrated at autopsy and the other of uremia secondary to carcinoma of the uri- nary bladder. One patient in the treated group died of a subdural hematoma following a skull fracture and another of penicillin anaphy- laxis. Postmortem examination was carried out in both of these patients. Losses Due to Drug Toxicity.— Two patients in the treatment group developed reactions thought to be due to drug toxicity. The first pa- tient developed orbital edema with fever and malaise. Roentgenogram of the chest revealed infiltrates in the lungs. There was no dermatitis or arthritis. Lupus cells were not found in the blood although the antinuclear antibody test was pos- itive. Protocol drugs were discon- tinued because of the possibility of lupus syndrome associated with hydralazine. The second patient de- veloped purpura one month after beginning active drug treatment. Findings from examination in the hospital, including biopsy, were con- Morbidity in Hypertension 1145 x La. — I “ PLACEBOS “ PLACEBO xf z 30 DECREASE i INCREASE DECREASE Le | 2 by 2 10 r b 7 w Y Y e ~ z St Y YY _| = =< o a 0 a % oOo _ = 2 Lal ws eo oo a ~ a = 4 ACTIVE ORUGS a 4 ACTIVE DRUGS a oT 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 +16 4320 +48 -32 -16 0 +16 +32 +48 1. Changes in systolic (left) and diastolic blood pressure (right) after four months of treatment in patients given placebos (top) and. in patients treated with active drugs (bottom). Mean of changes (X). sistent with anaphylactoid purpura. The purpuric lesions cleared two weeks after protocol treatment was discontinued and reappeared within three days after administration of active drugs began again. Protocol treatment was, therefore, discon- tinued. Drop-Outs.—Fifty-six or 15% of the 380 randomized patients were classified as drop-outs during the course of the trial. Of this number 27 had been randomized to receive placebos and 29 to receive active drugs. The average period of follow- up prior to dropping out was 17.6 months with a range from less than 1 month to 49 months. Six patients moved away from the area of the clinic. Two were lost from follow-up because of closure of one participat- ing clinic. Four returned to the care of their private physicians. Fifteen 1146 complained of side effects prior to dropping out. Nine of these patients had been receiving drugs, and six were taking placebos. Five patients had psychiatric or alcoholic prob- lems of such severity as to make continued protocol treatment im- practical. In the remaining patients the reason for drop-out could not be determined. It should be noted that three of the patients taking pla- cebos sustained nonterminating morbid events prior to their drop- ping out. Assessable Morbid Events The records of the patients re- ported as having assessable morbid events were reviewed by two con- sulting physicians who had not participated in the trial. All assessa- ble events were reviewed except those related to the development of JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 ¢ Vol 213, No 7 electrocardiographic signs of left ventricular hypertrophy or of roent- genographic evidence of cardiac en- largement, which will be reported in a subsequent communication. All available data pertaining to each organic complication, except the type of protocol treatment and the level of blood pressure, were pre- sented to the reviewers and their decisions regarding the occurrence and classification of an event ac- cording to the definitions given in the protocol (see list of assessable events at the end of the communi- cation) were accepted as final. Table 3 summarizes the assessa- ble events by major categories. Such events occurred in 98 of the 380 randomized patients, 76 in the con- trol group and 22 in the treated patients. Of this number 20 control patients developed an increase in Morbidity in Hypertension diastolic blood pressure to levels exceeding 124 mm Hg on three separate clinic visits and persisting for 3 weeks or longer. Since these patients were removed from the trial only because of persistent blood pressure elevations and not for an organic complication, they will not be included in the subse- quent assessment of effectiveness of treatment in preventing morbid events, The remaining 78 patients had organic complications subdivided as follows: 56 of 194 or 28.9% of the control group and 22 of 186 or 11.8% of the treated patients. The most striking evidence of benefit of treatment was manifested in the count of class A events (hyperten- sive complications defined in the protocol which required removal of the patient from the study.' There were none among the treated pa- tients but 14 among the controls. These included five class A deaths (Table 4) plus nine other class A events (Table 5). When other car- diovascular (class B) deaths and treatment failures were added, the comparisons were still impressive, 35 of 194 patients or 18.09% amongst the controls and only 9 of 186 or 4.8% in the treated group (Table 3). The effectiveness of treatment (difference in percent incidence of complications between control and treated groups divided by the per- cent incidence in the control group) in preventing terminating organic complications was 73% (Table 3). The decision to discontinue the trial was based on this favorable evidence supplemented by the life-table an- alyses described below which sug- gested that the benefit of treatment was continuing through time and was not solely concentrated in the first year or two of treatment. Terminating Events. — DEATHS RELATED TO CARDIOVASCULAR Dis- EASE.—Twenty-seven patients died of hypertensive or atherosclerotic complications, 19 occurring in the JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 @ Vol 213, No 7 Table 3.—Summary of Assessable Events Control Group Treated Group e A—— To A. % No. % No. % Effectiveness* Terminating morbid eventst 35 18.0 9 4.8 73 Nonterminating B events 21 13 Total morbid events 56 28.9 22 11.8 a) Terminated on account of elevated blood pressure 20 0 Total assessable events 76 39.2 22 11.8 70 No. patients randomized 194 100.0 186 100.0 *See text. tincludes cardiovascular deaths, class A events, and treatment failures except those due to diastolic levels >124 mm Hg. Table 4.—Causes of Death Control Treated Cause Group Group Deaths due to class A events Cerebrovascular hemorrhage 3 Q Subarachnoid hemorrhage 1 ) Dissecting aneurysm 1 0 Deaths due to class B events Myocardial infarction 3 2 Sudden death 8 4 Cerebrovascular thrombosis 3 1 Ruptured atherosclerotic aneurysm 0 1 Total related deaths* 19 8 *Does not include four unrelated deaths, two in the control group and two in the treated group (see text). Table 5.—Terminating Morbid Events Other Than Death Type of Event Class A events Uncontrolled cardiac failure Dissecting aortic aneurysm Subarachnoid hemorrhage Fundi, striate hemorrhages Acute hypertensive encephalopathy Treated Group Control Group Subtotal Treatment failures Cerebrovascular thrombosis, severe Progressive azotemia Fundi, one striate hemorrhage and ? early papilledema Fundi, one striate hemorrhage and ? encephalopathy Hypotension Subtotal Total control group and 8 in the treated patients (Table 4). Five deaths associated with class A or hyper- tensive events (see list of assessable events at the end of the communi- cation) were cerebral hemorrhage in four and dissecting aortic an- eurysm in one, all occurring in the control group of patients. Deaths resulting from class B events were eh Ol eee eo . Ree Oo © OG e;ooo0d0 | Axor associated predominantly with cor- onary artery disease. Eleven pa- tients in the placebo group and 6 in the treated group had either a docu- mented myocardial infarction or a “sudden death.” Cerebrovascular thrombosis as opposed to hemor- rhage was the cause of death in three contro] patients and in one treated patient. The remaining Morbidity in Hypertension 1147 Table 6.—Nonterminating Class B Events Control Treated Type Group Group CVA, thrombosis or TIA* 8 4 Congestive heart failuret 6 0 Myocardial infarction 2 5 Atrial fibrillation 2 3 Heart-block 1 1 Serum creatinine, persistent, >2.0 mg/100 cc 1 0 Proteinuria, persistent, >1+ 1 0 21 13 Total *Cerebrovascular accident, either a thrombosis (clinical diagnosis) or transient ischemic at- tack with objective neurological signs. 7Controfled by administration of digitalis and short-term diuretics. Table 7.—Classification of Morbid Events by Diagnostic Categories Total Events A. Terminating Events Diagnosis Control Treated Control Treated Cerebrovascular accident 20 5 12 1 Coronary artery disease 13 11 11 6 Congestive heart failure 11 0 5 0 “Accelerated” hypertension 4 0 4 0 Renal damage 3 0 1 0 Other 5 6 2 2 Total 56 22 35 9 death in the treated group was ure.” * ur we ~ associated with caused by a rupture of an ather- cerebrovascu’: ccidents diagnosed osclerotic aneurysm of the aorta. Oruer Crass A Events.—Nine patients in the control group as opposed to none in the treated group developed nonfatal class A events (Table 5). Five of the pa- tients had congestive heart failure which could not be controlled by administration of digitalis, sodium restriction, and the intermittent ad- ministration of diuretics. In the four remaining patients there was one instance of each of the following complications: dissecting aortic an- eurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, multiple striate retinal hemorrhages, and acute hypertensive encepha- lopathy with accompanying neuro- logical signs. OTHER TERMINATING EVENTS.— Additional organic complications, which did not fulfill the criteria for class A events but which were nevertheless of sufficient severity to require terminating protocol treat- ment occurred in eight patients of which seven were in the control group. These are listed in Table 5 under the subtitle ‘‘treatment fail- 1148 clinically as tor mbosis rather than hemorrhage but which resulted in such severe inc::pacity that the pa- tients were urable to attend the clinic. Two additional control pa- tients were removed from the study because «* the appearance of a single st: ate retinal hemorrhage associated in one with symptoms suggesting acute hypertensive en- cephalopathy, and, in the other, with questionable early papillede- ma. The remaining control patient exhibited increasing azotemia. One patient in the treated group was removed from the study because of hypotension following a myocardial infarction which resulted in his in- ability to tolerate the antihyperten- sive regimen. It is neteworthy that of the 17 nonfatal terminating events (class A and others) 16 oc- curred in the control group and only one in the treated patient (Table 5). Nonterminating (Class B) Events. —Class B events include organic complications which require no or only temporary suspension of proto- JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 @ Vol 213, No 7 col treatment (see list of assessable events listed at the end of the com- munication). Objectively demon- strable atherosclerotic complications predominate as class B events, but the category also includes conges- tive heart failure responsive to rou- tine therapy other than administra- tion of antihypertensive drugs and certain less severe manifestations of renal disease. Nonfatal class B events occurred in 21 of the control patients and in 13 of the treated patients (Table 6). Six patients developed conges- tive heart failure controllable by digitalis and short-term administra- tion of diuretics. It is noteworthy that all six of these patients were in the control group. Also, the in- cidence of nonterminating cere- brovascular accidents was twice as great in the control as in the treated patients. However, nonfatal myo- cardial infarction occurred in five of the treated patients as opposed to two of the control group. The in- cidence of atrial fibrillation and conduction defects was essentially the same in the two groups. Life-Table Analysis.-The bene- fit of treatment is more precisely analyzed using life-table methods (Fig 2). This method has the fol- lowing advantages: (1) it adjusts for the fact that patients enter the study at different times and thus are observed for varying lengths of time; (2) the method adjusts for any differences in losses to observa- tion between the control and treated groups; and (3) most important, it determines whether the benefit of treatment occurs early or late or is continuing through time. The dis- tance separating the control and treatment lines is a measure of the degree of benefit. It is clear from Fig 2 that the benefit of treatment manifested it- self early and continued throughout the entire five years of follow-up. The life-table analysis of either ter- minating or all morbid events indi- Morbidity in Hypertension Table 8.—Incidence of Morbid Events With Respect to Level of Prerandomization Blood Pressure Control Group Treated Group . Patients With . Patients With Prerandomization “Morbid Event” “Morbid Event” Blood Pressure, Patients Patients ie mm Hg Randomized No. % Randomized No. % Effectiveness Systolic <165 98 15 15.3 108 10 9.3 40 Systolic 165-+- 96 41 42.7 738 12 15.4 64 Total 194 56 186 22 Diastolic 90-104 84 21 25.0 86 14 16.3 35 Diastolic 105-114 110 35 31.8 100 8 8.0 75 Total 194 56 186 22 Table 9.—Incidence of Morbid Events With Respect to Age and Race Control Group Treated Group . Patients With “ Patients With “Morbid Event” “Morbid Event” Patients Patients % Randomized No. % Randomized No. % Effectiveness Age (on admission} <50 yr 99 15 15.2 102 7 69 55 50 & over 95 41 43.2 84 15 17.9 59 Total 194 56 186 22 Race Negro 81 21 25.9 76 8 10.5 54 Other 113 35 31.0 110 14 12.7 59 Total 194 56 186 22 cates that the benefit increased with time. For example, with respect to “all morbid events” it may be seen that at three years the estimated cumulative incidence of morbidity in the control group is twice as great as in the treated patients. This suggests that treatment was about 50% effective at three years. At five years the spread between the two curves was substantially greater indicating an increasing degree of benefit with the passage of time. Specifically, at five years the cumulative incidence rate of events for the control group rises to 55%. By contrast, for the treated group the indicated incidence of events at five years is only 18%. It can be estimated, therefore, that over a five-year period treatment prevented 37% morbidity (55% minus 18%), and this represents a 67% effectiveness (37/55). The standard errors at five years were 6.3% for the control patients and 4.0% for the treated group. The significance of the difference be- tween the two rates of 55% and JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 @ Vol 213, No 7 18% yielded a t-value of 5.0 which is highly significant. A crude esti- mate gave confidence limits of 49% to 81% for the observed 67% effec- tiveness. Relationship of Treatment to Other Factors.-RELATIONSHIP TO Discnostic Catecories.—It is re- vealing to examine the incidence of morbid events as related to treat- ment when the events are classified according to diagnostic categories (Table 7). Thus, in the control vs the treated groups, the prevalence of congestive heart failure was 11:0, of renal deterioration 3:0, and of “accelerated” hypertension (hyper- tensive neuroretinopathy or enceph- alopathy) 4:0. The number of cerebrovascular complications also seemed to be considerably influ- enced by treatment since the ratio of cerebrovascular events in the control vs treated patients was 20:5, and, of the more severe or terminat- ing cerebrovascular events, it was 12:1. On the other hand, assessable events caused by coronary artery disease (myocardial infarction or sudden death) were nearly the same in the two groups, 13 in the control and 11 in the treated, al- though fatal coronary events were somewhat greater in the control group. RELATIONSHIP TO PRERANDOMIZA- TION BLoop PressurE.—The bene- ficial effect of treatment was most evident in the patients with higher initial levels of blood pressure. With respect to diastolic blood pressure the effectiveness of treatment was 75% in the patients with preran- domization diastolic blood pressure averaging 105 through 114 mm Hg as opposed to only 35% in the group averaging 90 through 104 mm Hg (Table 8). A similar although somewhat less striking trend was noted with respect to systolic blood pressure, the effectiveness of treat- ment being 64% in patients with initial systolic levels averaging 165 mm Hg and above as opposed to 40% in the group with lower initial systolic blood pressure. RELATIONSHIP TO AGE.—The ma- jority of the patients developing Morbidity in Hypertension 1149 TERMINATING MORBID EVENTS —e- — e-——e 2 5 Years of Observation ALL MORBID EVENTS AC ee Meer tt) Control group e——*-—* Treated group Control group © Treated group 2. Estimated cumulative incidence of morbidity over a five-year period as calculated by life-table method. Terminating morbid events (top) and all morbid events (bottom). morbid events were in the older age group. Of the 56 control patients developing morbid events 41 were 50 years of age or older at the time of admission to the study, while only 15 were below age 50. A sim- ilar distribution was found with respect to the treated patients. The percent effectiveness of treatment was approximately the same in the younger and older groups (Table 9). However, because of the lower number of events in the patients below age 50 the estimated effec- tiveness of treatment cannot be ac- cepted with the same degree of confidence as in the older patients. RELATIONSHIP TO RaAce.—The in- 1150 cidence of morbid events was no greater in Negro patients. In fact, in the control group the incidence of events was slightly lower in Negroes, 25.9% as opposed to 31.0% of the other patients. A similar relationship was noted in the treated patients (Table 9). The percent effectiveness of treatment was essentially the same in the two racial groups. Side Effects In the treated group of patients dosage adjustments frequently were required because of hypotensive and other symptoms. A complete analy- sis of these and other side effects JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 © Vol 213, No 7 will be made in a subsequent com- munication. The two patients lost to protocol because of drug toxicity have been described above. In addi- tion, in the present report only those side effects requiring removal of either reserpine or hydrochloro- thiazide from the treatment regimen will be considered. Administration of either reserpine or hydrochlorothiazide or their placebos was withdrawn because of side effect in 29 patients. Reserpine and hydrochlorothiazide were ad- ministered combined in a single tablet. In order to avoid losses to protocol because of side effects pre- sumably caused by one or the other of the two agents, provision was made to permit substitution of a tablet which contained either reser- pine or hydrochlorothiazide alone and omitted the offending medica- tion. These special tablets were made available on request of a participating physician. Similar- appearing placebo tablets were made available for the control pa- tients and the physician did not know whether the substitution rep- resented active drugs or placebos. In the majority of the 29 patients substitution of the special tablet was necessitated by presumed res- erpine-induced side effects. Mental depression occurred in 12 patients. However, only seven of these pa- tients had been receiving active drugs while the remaining five had been randomly selected to receive placebos. Ten patients developed peptic ulcer of which six had been taking active drugs and four place- bos. In two patients substitution was made because of impotence; one of these two had been randomly selected to receive the placebo regi- men. The remaining six patients all were receiving active treatment. Their side effects included sleep- iness, severe nasal stuffiness, gout, seizures presumably caused by hy- potension, and abnormal results from the glucose tolerance test. Morbidity in Hypertension Comment The effectiveness of treatment was clearly demonstrated in the patients with prerandomization sys- tolic blood pressures above 164 or diastolic pressure above 104 mm Hg. The difference in the incidence of morbid events between control and treated patients was less clear cut in the patients with blood pres- sures below these levels. This may be due to the fact that organic com- plications appear slowly in mild hypertension as indicated by the considerably’ lower incidence of such events in patients with blood pressures below 165/105 mm Hg. As would be expected, a greater incidence of organic complications occurred in the older than in the younger patients. Of considerable importance is the observation that treatment was found to be effective in reducing the number of such complications in these older pa- tients. Although the indicated effec- tiveness of treatment was essentially the same in patients above and below age 50 years, the results were not as convincing in the younger group because of the low incidence of morbid events in both the control and treated patients. It should be mentioned, however, that in the group of 20 control patients, not counted as having morbid events but who were removed from the study because of persistent eleva- tion of diastolic blood pressure greater than 124 mm Hg, 14 so re- moved were below 50 years of age. Treatment was most effective in preventing hypertensive complica- tions and least effective in prevent- ing atherosclerotic complications, particularly those associated with coronary artery disease. Complica- tions such as congestive heart fail- ure, renal damage, cerebrovascular hemorrhage, and accelerated hyper- tension occurred only in the control group. On the other hand, the in- cidence of complications associated JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 ® Vol 213, No 7 with coronary artery disease was essentially the same in the control and treated patients. Because of the gradual progres- sion of atherosclerosis, the negative result with regard to prevention of myocardial infarction and sudden death cannot be taken as evidence that treatment is ineffective. Con- tinuation of the present study was not justified because of the favor- able evidence with regard to pre- vention of hypertensive complica- tions. If follow-up had been longer, and if administration of antihyper- tensive drugs had been started at an earlier age, a significant difference might have been demonstrated. The average age of the patients was 51 years and hypertension could have been present for many years prior to randomization. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, therefore, may have been well established at the time of entrance into the study. Further trials are needed in a more selected population to determine whether antihypertensive treatment helps prevent coronary artery dis- ease. It is of interest to compare the results of the present series of pa- tients whose initial diastolic blood pressures averaged 90 through 114 mm Hg with the results previously reported in the patients whose dia- stolic blood pressures at the begin- ning of study averaged 115 through 129 mm Hg.’ The benefit of treat- ment was quickly manifested in the latter series. Thirty-eight percent of the control patients in that series developed assessable events over an average period of only 15.7 months of postrandomization follow-up, whereas such events occurred in only 3% of the treated patients. A considerably longer period of fol- low-up was required to demonstrate a significant benefit of treatment in the presently reported series of pa- tients with lower levels of diastolic blood pressure. The distribution as to type of events also was different in the two groups of patients divided accord- ing to level of initial diastolic blood pressure. In the control patients with initial diastolic levels of 115 through 129 mm Hg accelerated hypertension with hypertensive neuroretinopathy was the most fre- quent complication. In the present series cerebrovascular disease, con- gestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease were the most fre- quent morbid events occurring in the control group. Of the four con- trol patients who died in the pre- viously reported series of patients with high diastolic pressures, three deaths were caused by dissecting or ruptured aortic aneurysm where- as the most common causes of death in the series of patients with lower diastolic pressures were strokes, myocardial infarcts, and sudden death. It should be emphasized that the present study dealt with a selected population. Many uncooperative and unreliable patients were iden- tified and eliminated from the trial on the basis of pill counts, urine fluorescence test results, and irreg- ularity of clinic attendance during a prerandomization observation pe- riod. Treatment obviously would not have been as effective in a group of patients less carefully se- lected with regard to their desire to cooperate. The population was further limited in that it excluded female patients and patients with labile hypertension whose diastolic blood pressures averaged lower than 90 mm Hg during the fourth through the sixth day of hospitalization. Finally, the incidence of morbid events in the group below age 50 was relatively low. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effective- ness of treatment in labile hyper- tension and in the prevention of atherosclerotic complications, par- ticularly coronary artery disease. Such studies would seem to require larger numbers of younger patients Morbidity in Hypertension 1151 who can be followed up for long periods of time. Within the limits defined by this study, however, the present results leave little doubt that antihyper- tensive drug treatment is beneficial. The present results together with those previously reported in pa- tients with initial diastolic blood pressures of 115 through 129 mm Hg! indicate clearly that the higher the level of blood pressure the greater the degree of benefit of such therapy. Certain complications such as congestive heart failure, hyper- tensive neuroretinopathy,' strokes, and renal deterioration were re- duced or essentially eliminated in the treated patients. In addition, treatment prevented elevation of diastolic blood pressure to levels where the risk of developing hyper- tensive complications is greatly in- creased. The effectiveness of the treatment in preventing such pro- gression is indicated by the fact that while persistent elevation of diastolic blood pressure exceeding 124 mm Hg occurred in approxi- mately 10% of the control patients, they were completely absent in the treated group. Participants Permanent Members of the Study Group: Massimo Calabresi, MD; C. Hilmon Castle, MD; Leo Efson, MD; Edward D. Freis, MD, Chairman; Rudolph E. Fremont, MD; Michael A. Harris, MD; David Littman, MD; Eli A. Ramirez, MD: and J. R. Thomas, MD. Other Members: Luis A. Arias, MD; Mark L. Armstrong, MD; Alston W. Blount, MD; Thomas A. Bruce, MD; Ovid B. Bush, Jr., MD, deceased; Eugene C. Clark, MD; Annette Fitz, MD, R. M. Free- man, MD; Edward D. Frohlich, MD; Arthur Gear, MD; John D. Kyriacopoulos, MD; Alan F. Lyon, MD; Gloria D. Mas- saro, MD; Donald McCaughan, MD; Jean Morgan, MD; Henry W. Overbeck, MD; Eliseo C. Perez-Stable, MD; Mitchell Perry, MD; Roger Sutton, MD; and James Taguchi, MD. Participating Veterans Administration Hospitals: Allen Park, Michigan; Birming- ham, Ala; Brooklyn, NY; Dayton, Ohio; Iowa City; Jackson, Miss; Memphis; Nash- ville, Tenn; Oklahoma City; Pittsburgh; Richmond, Va; Salt Lake City; St. Louis; San Juan, PR; Washington, DC; West 1152 Haven, Conn; and West, Roxbury, Mass. Biostatisticians: Russell B. Tewksbury, ScD, and Lawrence W. Shaw. Central Office Coordinator: Harold W. Schnaper, MD. Consultants: Jacques Genest, MD; Ray W. Gifford, Jr.. MD; Walter M. Kirken- dall, MD; Louis Lasagna, MD; David W. Richardson, MD; and Robert W. Wilkins, MD. The special medications used in this in- vestigation were prepared by William E. Wagner, MD, of Ciba Pharmaceutical Co., Summit, NJ. References 1. Effects of treatment on morbidity in hypertension: Results in patients with diastolic blood pressures averaging 115 through 129 mm Hg, Veterans Administra- tion Cooperative Study Group on Anti- hyperterisive Agents. JAMA 202:1028- 1084, 1967. 2. Hamilton M: Selection of patients for antihypertensive therapy, in Gross F (ed): Antihypertensive Therapy: Principles and Practice, an International Symposium. New York, Springer-Verlag Inc, 1966, pp 196-211. 3. Wolff FW, Lindeman RD: Effects of treatment in hypertension: Results of a controlled study. J Chronic Dis 19:227-240, 1966. 4. Relman AS: Comment on who needs drugs for hypertension in Ingelfinger FJ; Relman AS; Finland M (eds): Controversy in Internal Medicine. Philadelphia, W B Saunders Co, 1966, pp 101-102. 5. Freis ED: Organization of a long- term multiclinic therapeutic trial on hyper- tension, in Gross F (ed): Antihypertensive Therapy: Principles and Practice, an Inter- national Symposium, New York, Springer- Verlag Inc, 1966, pp 345-354. 6. A double-blind control study of anti- hypertensive agents: I. Comparative effec- tiveness of reserpine and hydralazine, and three ganglionic blocking agents, Veterans Administration Cooperative Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents. Arch Intern Med 106:81-96, 1960. Assessable Events Abbreviated definitions of terminat- ing events (class A and treatment fail- ures) and nonterminating (class B) events. Class A Events 1. Striate hemorrhages in more than one retinal quadrant or cotton wool exudates or papilledema. 2. Cerebral or subarachnoid hemor- rhage. 3. Dissecting aortic aneurysm. 4. Inability to control congestive heart failure without using antihyper- tensive agents. 5. Elevation of blood urea nitrogen level (BUN) by more than 50% of pre- vious level and exceeding 59 mg/100 cc. JAMA, Aug 17, 1970 @ Vol 213, No 7 6. Acute hypertensive encephalopa- thy requiring hospitalization. Treatment Failures 1. Diastolic blood pressure exceed- ing 124 mm Hg on each of three suc- cessive visits and persisting for three weeks or longer. 2. Assessable organic complications not fulfilling criteria for class A events but of sufficient severity to require dis- continuation of protocol regimen. Class B Events Cardiac 1. Myocardial infarction document- ed by characteristic electrocardiogram or serum enzyme changes. 2. Congestive heart failure control- lable by routine therapy other than antihypertensive agents including digi- talis, restricted activity, low salt diet, and intermittent diuretics. 3. Atrial fibrillation or flutter or ven- tricular tachycardia without evidence of quinidine or digitalis intoxication. 4, Heart-block such as_ bundle- branch block, second or third degree heart-block or first degree heart-block with P-R interval of 0.28 seconds or more. 5. Left ventricular enlargement by ECG or roentgenogram. 6. Pulmonary embolism or infarc- tion. Central Nervous System 1. Cerebrovascular thrombosis or embolism. 2. Transient ischemic attacks with objective neurological changes during the attack. Aorta 1. Arteriosclerotic aneurysm. Renal 1. Doubling of BUN (but to below 60 mg/100 cc) or creatinine levels to values above normal limits not due to primary renal disease. 2. Proteinuria (2+ or more in three or more specimens) in absence of con- gestive heart failure, primary renal dis- ease, or lower urinary tract disease. 3. Persistent hematuria (> 5 cells per high power field centrifuged sedi- ment) not due to primary renal or lower urinary tract diseases. Morbidity in Hypertension Printed and Published in the United States of America