January 11, 1987 Dear Ed, This is really the first time I have had the opportunity to tell you what our relationship has meant and how important it has been to me. A developing physician needs a role model and a mentor; that is exactly what you have been for me. I learned to appreciate your rational, clear thinking unclouded by politics or personal bias. Your way of penetrating right to the heart of a scientific discussion was always inspiring. You are still the world's leading authority in designing a cooperative study, but it is your tremendous personal integrity as a scientist and investigator that has meant so much to me. I reflect fondly on my days in the Hypertension Research Clinic. Your magical mix of concern for patients, intellectual stimulation, and lighthearted humor create the atmosphere of warmth that pervades the clinic. How I value our friendship and the chance to sit down with you over lunch to discuss journal articles, talk about life, or even trade recipes. Thank you for your support. You have been a strength in my endeavors getting me through the difficult starting times. After all, I really learned preventive medicine from you. Sometimes I have felt that I let you down, but your were helpful even then, getting me back on track. And the inspiration - When you would come back to the clinic with the plaque from yet another prestigious award, it would make me proud, too. Congratulations on your retirement; you deserve it. May your scientific contributions continue. May your golf game give you pleasure. May you stay forever young. Fondly, Mike