August 2, 1974 Dear Dr. Dennis: It gives me a great deal of pleasure to inform you of our intention of offering you the position of Professor of Surgery. Dr. Soroff and I are delighted that you have agreed to join us, and we consider the School particularly fortunate in being able to recruit a surgeon, teacher, and investigator of your eminence. The official proffer of appointment will be sent you by Vice-President Oaks upon completion of the necessary processing of documents. It is my understanding that you will have clinical responsibilities at the Northport Veterans Administration Hospital and in the University Hospital and that you will participate in the organization of a research program in Biomedical Engineering, as it relates to assisted circulation. I am certain that Dr. Soroff has indicated his intention of assigning to you areas of responsibility in undergraduate teaching and in the coordination of recruitment efforts for the surgical residency program. This will be a term appointment for three years at a beginning salary of $50,000 per annum. I look forward to the enormous contribution I am certain you will make to our teaching, service and research efforts here at Stony Brook. With best personal regards, Marvin Kuschner, M.D. Dean, School of Medicine