Dec. 17, 1971 Dear Charlie: I have been slow in following up the conversation and correspondence which we had last summer because of some uncertainties with regard to future plans. As a result of several discussions with the people in the Heart and Lung Institute, arrangements have been made that I shall take the position of Chief in the Medical Devices Applications Branch effective March 1, 1972. Under these circumstances it is not possible for me to keep the grant which I discussed with you, and an effort will be made to have it transferred to one of the other men here at Downstate so that that work can continue here. This change renders the possible affiliation at Georgetown a far different matter from what had been anticipated at the time of our discussions. I have been made to feel cordially welcome working with Glenn Morrow provided there is sufficient time to my schedule to permit this. I am hopeful that it might be possible, nevertheless, to work out some pattern by which I might keep some sort of academic activity and have an opportunity once in a awhile to care for a surgical patient. There are so many factors involved that it seems to me wise to defer trying to embark upon these matters until after I arrive in Bethesda. The matter of licensure in Washington, malpractice insurance, time available within the schedule, may be regarded as only a portion of the considerations involved. If I may therefore, I would like to communicate with you a little later with regard to possibilities. Let me express my very real appreciation to you for your cordiality and consideration. I shall be in touch presently. Very sincerely yours, Clarence Dennis, M.D. Professor & Chairman Department of Surgery