26 July, 1960 Dear Karl, I apologize for not having written to you long ago, and greatly enjoyed hearing from you. I suspect that any great flow of mail from me to you would be likely to interfere with the freedom you should have to run things as seems proper to you on the spot. Am sorry to hear about Blumberg. He struck me as a well-oriented and intelligent worker. If the trouble is as it seems, I suspect the solution you reached with him is in his best interests. I shall send him a note in the next few days, unless I hear from you that you would rather I did not. It seems to me I remember the boy named Breed. I think I talked to him and that there might be some notes concerning him in my handwriting, if that could be of any help. He struck me as a good candidate. Having said all this, I hope I recall the right man. Have been thinking about Stanley Cohen some more. Why don't you use this letter as my suggestion that you defer action on his appointment until my return, since his appointment apparently is so tormenting to Phil Lear? In any case, I would wish to talk it over with Dr. Karolitz first. I like your outline of the surgical services and experience for distribution to the house staff. Would be inclined to downgrade emphasis on duality of services as much as possible, even Service A and Service B. Am much interested in the developments at Jewish Hosp. Am entirely in agreement with you in your neg. reaction to Al Bakst. I know that Nemir has relocated to Phila and as of three months ago could no longer be interested, but I think Watman might be available. Comments sound as if the intern teaching program is proving effective and attractive. My compliments on the change. It is a good sign, I am sure. If you need material to fill in on the motion picture programs, the film on femoral hernia which Mel and I made is in the office and could be used, I am not proud of the photography and have not had an opportunity to listen to the sound track. This should be checked before an attempt is made to use it. Enough of the above. We have had the kids distributed the better part of a month, and there have been difficulties sufficient so I was glad to have Reynold Jensen appear to help with one of them. Elly and I have been working hard on Swedish with records, tape recorder, and tutor, and have done nothing else. Sight-seeing will have to wait. I can shop in the language and can usually manage on the phone, but I am still thrown by the radio and by most normal conversational talk. At least they don't seem to talk so fast any more. Tack for sist on our dinner with you and the Fred- [LINE MISSING ON ORIGINAL] Elly sends her love to you and Gloria. She can't seem to keep her shoes on and has thus far gotten Ake Senning and me to take ours off on occasion too. No work in the lab yet. Everyone is away on vacation most of the month of July. If the car breaks down, that is too bad. Off to another Swedish lesson! Sinc- Clarence P.S. Far jag foresla att vi lagger bort titelarna? CD