To all who may be concerned: This letter is to announce my retirement from the Directorship of the Cancer Detection Center at the University of Minnesota, to occur during the present month of January, 1996. My reason for this action is threefold: 1. Due to macular degeneration, my eyesight has deteriorated to the point that I have become unable to function in an adequate measure in the operation of the Cancer Detection Center. 2. My age advances, and at eighty-six I do not have the resiliency required. 3. I have the results of five worth-while publications to the scientific literature which my present activity has prevented me from accomplishing. I feel these are important and should not be lost. As to my continuing activity, I shall be constantly available if needed by the CDC. I am delighted that both Dr. James T. Lee, Associate Professor of Surgery here, and my Associate Director in CDC Mr. Stanley Williams, M.H.A. and approved candidate for a Ph. D. in Health Administration and Policy, have volunteered to help in preparation of these reports. As to continued activity in the affairs of the CDC, I expect to be a participant in lobbying the State Legislature this spring in an effort to gain passage of a proposed plan to require all health insurers who do business in Minnesota also to cover fully the costs of screening for early and usually curable cancers. Our second effort in regard to the Legislature is concerned with continued subsidization of the CDC until such time as the insurance bill hopefully takes over. As to the Directorship of the Cancer Detection Center, I am happy to inform you that Dr. Elmer Martinson, a highly respected surgeon in Minneapolis whom I participated in training in the 1940's at Minneapolis General Hospital, will be taking my place as Director. Dr. Martinson is a dedicated graduate of Loma Linda Medical School with a fine record, a long-standing Clinical Assistant Professorship in the Department of Surgery, several years as an examiner in CDC, and a true gentleman and friend. He is administrator of the Martinson Foundation, which was set up by his surgeon father and is responsible or a program later this year with a visiting professor on the subject of health maintenance. I leave the Directorship with fond memories, immense gratitude to the Department of Surgery for unstinting support until it became utterly impossible, and very best wishes for success and growth. Clarence Dennis, M.D., Ph.D. Retiring Director Cancer Detection Center