January 18, 1983 Dear Ms. Finnegan: Thanks for your letter of January 6th. I would be delighted and flattered to have Dan Nathans present an evaluation of our work at the dinner. Mike and I will be able to present a two part lecture on the afternoon of the 14th of March; a suitable title would be "Viruses, Genes and Cancer". Our public relations office is sending photographs. I am pleased that we will be able to invite guests to the dinner. I have some friends on the Johns Hopkins faculty it would be nice to have: Dr. Tom Kelly in Dan Nathans' department (and his wife, Cindy), and two new faculty members, Drs. Don Cleveland and Karen Beemon. I would also like to extend invitations to Dr. Ira Pastan of the NIH (11710 Beall Mtn. Road, Potomac, Md.; wife, Linda), Dr. Robert Temple of the FDA (3325 Rowland Place N.W., Washington, D.C. 20016; wife, Bonnie), and my brother-in-law, Professor John Casey of the University of Virginia English Department (1326 Rugby Road, Charlottesville, Va.; wife, Rosamund). My own wife's name is Constance Casey. Many thanks for your help. Sincerely, Harold E. Varmus, M.D. Professor