From: “Varmus, Harold" To: ANDYJOHN33@¢.com Date: Wed, 28 Aug 96 17:13:00 edt Message-ID: <3224B680@SMTP2> Encoding: 34 TEXT X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0 Christopher: I thought your speech at the convention was magnificent, and beautifully delivered. Zach Hall and I, with a small contingent of NIH supporters, cheered mightily around the Varmus-Casey TV as you so movingly made the case for shared purpose, high goals, expanded opportunities, and (not least) medical research. Those of us who do research rarely have the chance to hear our work placed in such a broad context at such a public event; to have the message delivered with such elegant simplicity was a great joy. I also very much enjoyed my visit to Bedford and the chance to get acquainted. Zach and I were disappointed to learn that you wouldn't be able to get to the Spinal Cord Workshop; on the other hand, I assume this means that you will be working on the filming of the Alice Walker short story, an event that promises to be energizing for you and the source of entertainment for us. (Maybe it will finally get me to subscribe to HBO.) We'd be pleased to tell you about the outcome of the Workshop in any form you would like---letter, e-mail, videos, or another visit. I hope there will be a chance for you to come to the NIH in the coming year; let's look for an ooportunity . Tomorrow I will pick up my son Christopher, who is making a brief stop at home before returning to Wesleyan. Perhaps this year he will have some contact with your father. I neglected to mention when we met that your father was the much beloved advisor to my niece, Maud Casey, an accomplished short-story writer in NYC, when she was at Wesleyan. You are probably now glad to be home, with the convention and politics behind you. Rest assured that everyone I have talked to agrees that it was worth the trouble. No doubt, advocates for medical research will be citing your speech, rightfully so, for many years to come. ‘Thanks again. Harold