September 19, 1991 Dear Harold, Thank you very much for your agreement to be of help in the project of restructuring the NIH Office of Scientific Integrity (OSI), in order to try restore public confidence in the integrity of biomedical science. I am enclosing a brief description of what I have in mind. If possible, I would like to hold a one-day pre-workshop planning meeting late in October, to be devoted to a preliminary discussion of the issues, as well as to working out an agenda for the first workshop to be held sometime in November. The OSI will reimburse participants in the planning meeting for their travel expenses to Bethesda, but cannot pay any honoraria. I am leaving on a trip to Europe this weekend and will be back in Bethesda on Monday, October 7. I will contact you soon after my return. Meanwhile I remain with best wishes, Your Gunther S. Stent