May 1, 1984 Dear Dr. Varmus: It gives me great pleasure to inform you that, at the Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, your colleagues in the Academy expressed their recognition of your significant contributions to science by electing you to membership. I write to invite you to accept this election and to join our fellowship. The only fixed obligation you incur in accepting our invitation is to pay our modest annual dues of fifty dollars when the dues bills are sent out. We hope however you will join fully in the work of the Academy. This is not only to honor scientists of distinction, but to address matters of importance in science itself, and also to assist the nation in addressing problems where the insights of science are of central significance. I believe you will find the Academy activities worthwhile and rewarding. After your acceptance of election an appropriate diploma, signed by the Academy officers, will be prepared and sent to you. Please let me know, in your letter of acceptance, the form in which you wish your name to appear on that diploma. I congratulate you on your election and I welcome you to membership in the Academy. Bryce Crawford, Jr. Home Secretary