540 SCIENCE Von. 86, No. 2241 DISCUSSION CRYSTALLIZED VITAMIN C AND HEXURONIC ACID Tue well-merited award to Albert von Szent- Gyorgyi of the 1937 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine “for his discovery of the biological processes of oxidation with special regard to vitamin C and the fumarie acid catalyses” is erroneously interpreted in many quarters solely as an award for the identification of vitamin C. Reports on crystalline vitamin C are sufficiently clear that no such interpretation should Decemserr 10, 1937 be made, but numerous careless or erroneous state- ments have appeared in scientific journals, reviews and books and in lay publications, which tend to obseure the priority of Dr. C. G. King and W. A. Waugh, of the University of Pittsburgh, in estab- lishing the identity of vitamin C with a pure crys- talline substance. In 1927 Szent-Gyérgyi! made the first statement concerning a reducing substance which he had not yet isolated in crystalline form. He designated it Cxn, an apparently fortuitous uge of the letter “C” and with no implication that it was related to vitamin C. Again in 1927 Szent-Gyérgyi stated :? To exclude any anticipation of function and chenlical structure, the substance giving this reduction was named by its protocoll number ‘‘Czn’’ being the twelfth sub- stance prepared and examined in my work on tissue oxida- tion and the function of the adrenal cortex. Having been enabled to resume this work at the Biochemical Labora- tory, Cambridge, the substance has been further investi- gated and finally isolated in crystals, which on recrystal- lization showed a constant melting point. And Preliminary experiments tend to show that the sub- stance is not devoid of biological activity. My earlier experiments, showing that Cxn is not the hormone of the adrenal cortex, seem in the light of Banting’s and Rogoff and Stewart’s recent work to be inadequate. Analysis of the biological significance and chemical constitution has been started. Zilva® on May 7, 1932, wrote: Byer since Prof. A. Szent-Gyérgyi suggested the pos- sible identity of hexuronie acid¢ with the ‘‘reducing principle’’ present in all active antiscorbutic solutions ... The paper‘ to which Zilva refers contains the follow- ing sole reference to vitamin C: The reducing properties of plant juice have repeatedly attracted attention, especially from students of vitamin C. Bezssonoff has applied Folin’s phosphomolybdic acid reagent. The reducing substances of lemon juice have been made the object of a thorough study by Zilva, who established interesting relations between vitamin C and the reducing properties of the plant juice. The main reagent employed by Zilva was phenolindophenol. Indo- phenol blue is readily reduced by the hexuronic acid, so that it is probable that it was this substance which has been studied by Zilva. The title of Zilva’s paper’ (received for publication on August 25, 1932), “The Non-Speeificity of the 1 Biochem. Zeits., 181: 433, 1927. 2 Nature, 119: 782, 1927. ® Nature, 129: 690, 1932. + Biochem. Jour., 22: 1387, 1928. 5 Biochem. Jour., 26: 1625, 1932. SCIENCE ’ © but a substance associated with it. 541 Phenolindophenol Reducing Capacity of Lemon Juice and Its Fractions as a Measure of Their Antiscorbutic Activity,” succinetly reveals that Zilva did not believe that the reducing substance with which he had dealt in a series of investigations was identical with vitamin Since Szent- Gyérgyi, as quoted above, believed “that it is probable that it was this substance which was studied by Zilva,” then hexuronic acid was identified by Szent-Gyérgyi in 1928 with a substance associated with vitamin C but not vitamin C itself. ; Tillmans, Hirsch and Hirsch® in January, 1932, stated (in a note added at proofreading) in regard to Szent-Gyérgyi’s 1928 paper: Die Frage der etwaigen tibereinstimmung dieser Sub- stanz [hexuronic acid] mit dem vitamin C wird von Szent-Gyérgyi nicht aufgeworfen. Er ist vielmehr der Ansicht, dasz dieser Stoff in der Oxidationsmechanismus des Peroxydase-Systems eingeschaltet ist. This note expresses an independent opinion that Szent-Gyérgyi did not consider hexuronic acid to be vitamin C. McKinnis and King’ in 1930 established the acidic nature of vitamin C, and in discussing the acidity said: , It is also of interest in relation to the close association of vitamin C with the actively reducing uronic acid iso- lated by Szent-Gyorgyi.4 That the idea was current among King’s students that vitamin C was a uronic acid is further evidenced by the statement in 1931 by Smith and King® In view of the fact that the active preparations were always characterized by a high content of strongly redue- ing substances and acidic material analogous to the ‘‘hexuronie acid’’ isolated by Szent-Gydrgyi, it was thought desirable to find out whether the use of a strongly reducing, weak acid, such as formic, would prove advan- tageous in protecting the concentrates. In a review of the work on vitamin C during 1932, Harris® contributes a parenthetical statement of sig- nificance : Early in 1932 Szent-Gydrgyi, in collaboration with Svirbely (who, it may be recalled, had lately been asso- ciated with King in work on vitamin © concentration at the University of Pittsburgh), announced . . . On April 1, 1932, as the culmination of a series of studies concerned directly with vitamin C, King and Waugh? announced the isolation of vitamin C in crystalline form. They said: 8 Zeits. Untersuch. Lebensm., 63: 1, 1932. ? Jour. Biol. Chem., 87: 615, 1930. . 8 Jour. Biol. Chem., 94: 491, 1931. 9 Ann. Rev. of Biochem., 2: 264, 1933. - 10 ScrencE, 75: 357, 1932. 542 The recrystallized substance corresponds in chemical and physical properties to a hexuronie acid, and is appar- ently identical with the hexuronic acid described by Szent- Gyérgyi and reported as a reducing factor in adrenal cortex, cabbage and other sources. Feeding approxi- mately 0.5 mg. daily protects growing guinea pigs from scurvy and permits normal vitality in the animals when on a vitamin C free diet. A detailed account of the experimental work will be published in the near future, but this involves only a few steps beyond the work pre- viously published. On April 16, 1932, Svirbely and Szent-Gyérgyi2! announced that they had, by means of 1 mg of hex- uronic acid daily, protected guinea pigs from seurvy in an experiment lasting 56 days. Because of the unavailability of milk powder for making the basal diet this test was unfortunately marred by loss of weight of all animals. A current experiment with a satisfactory diet was in progress, and three animals which had received 1 mg of hexuronie acid for 55 days were found to be free of scurvy. However, it was not until May 7, 1932, that Svirbely and Szent- Gyoérgyi’? stated that hexuronic acid is vitamin C. They said: This allows us to conclude that vitamin C is a single substance and identical with hexuronic acid. Simultaneously with our previous note, C. G. King and W. A. Waugh! reported that they have obtained, from lemon juice, crystals which showed antiscorbutic activity and were apparently similar in chemical and physical properties to hexuronic acid. The duration of the test period was not stated, and apparently no chemical analysis was made. Until this is done, the nature of their product remains in doubt. The results of Waugh and King™ and those of Svirbely and Szent-Gyérgyi'* were published in full in 1932. Subsequent studies by others have shown that vitamin C had indeed been identified. The following facts in chronological order are evi- dent from the above analysis of the statements appear- ing in the literature: (1) Szent-Gyorgyi first isolated ‘“hexuronic acid’’ but viewed it only as a reducing substance associated with vitamin © (1928). (2) McKinnis and King first published a positive sug- gestion that hexuronic acid is vitamin C (1930). (3) King and his students carried out a sustained study of vitamin C resulting in the isolation of the active sub- stance in the crystalline form and first stated that the erystalline substance was apparently identical with Szent- Gyérgyi’s hexuronic acid (April 1, 1932). 11 Nature, 129: 576, 1932. 12 Nature, 129: 690, 1932. 18 Jour. Biol, Chem., 97: 325, 1932. 14 Biochem. Jour,, 26: 865, 1932. SCIENCE Vou. 86, No. 2241 (4) Fifteen days after King and Waugh published, Svirbely and Szent-Gyérgyi gave their first evidence that hexuronie acid has anti-scorbutie properties, but it was not until May 7, 1932, that they stated that ‘‘ Vitamin C is a single substance and identical with hexuronic acid.’ ’12 GeraLp J. Cox Nutrition FELLOWSHIP OF THE Buu. Founparion, MELLON INSTITUTE