THE IDENTIFICATION OF VITAMIN C Prioriry questions are not of primary importance to science and should be left to posteriority. If, however, such problems are discussed it is desirable that state- ments made should be correct and complete. The chronological list of events given by G. C. Cox? 1 Science, December 10, 1937, p. 540. Marcy 4, 1938 should be completed with reference to my lecture de- livered before the Hungarian Medical Association on March 18, 1932. In this lecture the identity of Vita- min C and the “hexuronic acid,” described by myself in 1928, was definitely stated and experimental evi- dence given. This lecture was reported by all journals publishing the proceedings of that society.? The text SCIENCE 215 of this lecture was published unchanged in the Deutsche Med. Wochenschrift (No. 22, 1932). This paper was followed by the note of King and Waugh in Screncr of April 1, and the two notes of Svirbely and Szent- Gyorgyi in Nature of April 16 and May 7. A. SZEnT-GYORGYI UNIVERSITY oF SZEGED